TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#904: Acute hearing tomorrow

After Feng Bujue hears these five characters, is almost blurted out that should say: Does not know that...... for doesn't know?” 封不觉听到这五个字后,几乎是脱口而出地应道:“不知……为不知?” His such a meets, soars to the heavens right pigtail that mouth to meet saying: Is the knowledge.” 他这么一接,冲天辫右边的那张嘴又接道:“是知也。” Un......” Feng Bujue does not understand why the opposite party pulls Analects with him, but he must think the means to continue the dialogue, this you...... is your?” “嗯……”封不觉不明白对方干嘛和他扯论语,不过他还是得想办法把对话继续下去,“这位兄台……您这是?” I, look, you, good, like , read , several, year, book , type, child......” “我,看,你,好,像,也,读,过,几,年,书,的,样,子……” From these words, that soared to the heavens the pigtail no longer to speak well, each few words that then he spoke, with controlling two opened mouth to take turn is enunciating. 从这句话开始,那个冲天辫就不再好好说话了,接下来他说的每一句话,都是用左右两张嘴交替着吐字的。 In order to avoid collecting the suspicion of character, hereinafter, the comma application like above that will be abbreviated, asking everyone brain to make up. 为避免凑字之嫌,下文中,像上面那句一样的逗号运用方式将被省略,请各位自行脑补。 „...... I have three issues to test you.” Soars to the heavens the pigtail then to say with its unique speech way, does not know you do dare to answer?” “……我有三个问题想要考考你。”冲天辫用其独特的说话方式接着道,“不知你敢不敢答?” Dares to dare...... Feng Bujue to select the eyebrow actually, „, but you how, if tests not me...... to work as?” “敢倒是敢……”封不觉一挑眉毛,“但你要是考不倒我……又当如何?” You and can your companion not come up?” That NPC said, you answered obtain my issue, I made you come up.” Also without and other Jue Bro then asked, he added that „, if cannot answer...... or does not answer, you must turn into my hair.” “你和你的同伴要上去不是吗?”那NPC道,“你答得出我的问题,我就让你们上去。”还没等觉哥接着问,他就自行补充道,“如果答不出来……或者不答,你们就得变成我的头发。” Such remarks, Jue Bro all carried over the top of the head of opposite party the line of sight with its rear Xiao Ling, observed closely that to soar to the heavens the pigtail. 此言一出,觉哥与其后方的小灵皆是将视线移向了对方的头顶,盯住了那根冲天辫。 Is it possible that...... your excellency top of the head bunch of creative black lengths straight......” Feng Bujue takes advantage of opportunity make complaints saying that each is the person changes?” “莫非……阁下头顶这一捆标新立异的黑长直……”封不觉顺势吐槽道,“每一根都是人变的?” Yes.” The opposite party return frankly said. “是啊。”对方直言不讳地回道。 „......” Feng Bujue meets saying that I by the way...... some time ago, how Miao Xuzi, the red hawk and Lu Bufu these three did pass here?” “哦……”封不觉接道,“我顺便问一句啊……不久前,妙胥子、红莺和鲁不服这三位是怎么通过这里的?” „The Miao Xuzi creativeness is resourceful, the literary talent is good, and is skilled in the Zen principle. It can be said that...... reply like class/flow.” Soars to the heavens the pigtail to return said. 妙胥子才思机敏,文采不俗,且精通禅理。可说是……答辩如流。”冲天辫回道。 Cuts...... that goods to answer?” Jue Bro said, that you asked.” Speaking of here, what he seemed and thought , added that , how hasn't yes consulted you to call?” “切……那货都能答出来啊?”觉哥道,“那你问吧。”说到这儿,他好似又想到了什么,补充道,“哦,对了,还未请教兄台如何称呼?” I call the acute hearing tomorrow.” The acute hearing will return tomorrow said, acute hearing was the intelligent acute hearing, clear(ly) is intelligent clear(ly).” “我叫聪明儿。”聪明儿回道,“聪是聪明的聪,明是聪明的明。” Understanding.” Feng Bujue meets saying that „...... the son...... has you who anything does not understand to ask.” “了解。”封不觉接道,“那么……儿啊……有什么不懂的你就问吧。” How to speak?” The acute hearing will be angry tomorrow hits to block the way, occupies me to be cheap?” “怎么说话呢?”聪明儿微嗔地打断道,“占我便宜?” All various professions ~ Jue Bro is pointing at left the opposite party that mouth, called you small acute hearing?” “行行~”觉哥指着对方左边那张嘴,“叫你小聪可以吧?” At this time, the acute hearing right that mouth will speak a few words tomorrow alone: Your next is to give a name to me is called the tofu?” 这时,聪明儿右边那张嘴单独讲了一句话:“你下一句是不是要给我起名儿叫豆腐?” Hehe......” Feng Bujue said with a smile, intelligent brother was really worthy of the reputation.” “呵呵……”封不觉笑道,“聪明兄果然名副其实啊。” Snort......” acute hearing will sneer tomorrow, „is your aware this very charming?” “哼……”聪明儿冷笑一声,“你自觉这样很风趣吗?” Fortunately.” Jue Bro said, I felt in any case is very happy.” “还好啊。”觉哥道,“反正我感觉挺欢乐的。” But I listen is not quite happy.” The acute hearing will say tomorrow. “但我听着可不太高兴。”聪明儿道。 The Feng Bujue happy expression is more abundant: This is also one of my happy reasons.” 封不觉笑意更盛:“这也是我欢乐的原因之一啊。” You......” acute hearing seems will want to shout abuse in public tomorrow, but suppressed the words, immediately says with a smile, hehe...... considers as finished, I do not haggle over with you.” “你……”聪明儿好似想要骂街,但还是把话憋了回去,随即笑道,“呵呵……算了,我不跟你计较。” Very when obviously, key FLAG with this NPC dialogue had been seen through by Jue Bro ; first, must return to that not to know that for does not know, its two are explicitly expressed oneself want to answer. So long as pinched on these two key points, then cannot easily fight the player to the convenience. 很显然,与这个NPC对话时的关键FLAG都已经被觉哥看穿了,其一是得回出那句“不知为不知”,其二就是得明确表示自己想要答题。只要在这两个关键点上掐准了,那么对方便不会轻易跟玩家动手。 Listened, after the first issue......” several seconds, the acute hearing will start to read the issue tomorrow directly, one Yin one Yang, one short was long, one daytime one night, about was one pair. This is......” “听好了,第一个问题……”数秒后,聪明儿直接开始念问题,“一阴一阳,一短一长,一昼一夜,合为一双。这是……” clear(ly).” Feng Bujue has not waited for the opposite party to ask completely the issue, answer reporting. “‘明’。”封不觉还没等对方把问题完整地问出来,就把答案给报出来了。 Un......” acute hearing tomorrow look( although does not have eyebrow, but can see that some changes) change, „...... truly has real skill.” “嗯……”聪明儿神色(虽然没有眉毛,但还是能看出一些变化)微变,“……确实有两下子啊。” Snort...... this rubbish.” Jue Bro is an impartial appearance, said the second issue quickly.” “哼……这不废话么。”觉哥则是一副不置可否的样子,“快说第二个问题吧。” Good, I give you to have a first scroll, you looked right......” acute hearing will clear throat tomorrow, takes turn with the double mouth was discussing, mountains and rivers high and low everywhere obviously show.” “好,我给你出个上联,你对对看……”聪明儿清了清嗓子,用双嘴交替着念道,“山山水水高高低低处处明明秀秀。” Ha! Hahahaha Ha.....” Feng Bujue laughs, smiles not to speak. “哈!哈哈哈哈哈……”封不觉大笑一阵,笑而不语。 What smiles?” The acute hearing will ask tomorrow, „, with smiling to conceal afraid?” “笑什么?”聪明儿问道,“对不出来,用笑来掩饰心虚么?” I to? Ha!” Feng Bujue paces around the opposite party, my big ~ literary giant, to this association?” His cold snort/hum, I thought your association is much simpler.” “我对不出来?哈!”封不觉绕着对方踱步起来,“我一个大~文豪,会对不出这种联?”他冷哼一声,“我只是觉得你这联简单得可笑罢了。” You acute hearing will shout to clear the way to Ah! actually tomorrow. “那你倒是对啊!”聪明儿喝道。 To the right, this degree of my opens the mouth comes ~ Feng Bujue also is really the opens the mouth comes, he turns around then to discuss, excrement excrement urinates to stick every large or small frequently smelly.” “对就对,这种程度的我张口就来啊~”封不觉还真是张口就来,他一转身便念道,“屎屎尿尿大大小小常常臭臭黏黏。” At this moment...... entire world, shock. 这一刻……全世界,震惊了。 The acute hearing as NPC will shock tomorrow, was Gu Xiaoling of teammate shocked, was observing and Jue Bro edition Eldest Miss An shocked, the audience who is watching this competition was also shocked...... 身为NPC的聪明儿震惊了,身为队友的古小灵震惊了,身为观战者兼觉哥编辑的安大小姐震惊了,所有正在观看这场比赛的观众也都震惊了…… This......” acute hearing will gawk tomorrow the half of the day, does not know that should say anything. “这……”聪明儿愣了半天,也不知该说什么。 What kind of? The antithesis is so neat, the ideal condition long second line, are you entire life only see?” Feng Bujue sees that also happily made up one. “怎么样?如此对仗工整,意境悠长之下联,想必你是生平仅见吧?”封不觉见状,又得意地补了一句。 Un...... this antithesis...... is really neat......” acute hearing to mutter tomorrow discussed that „when entire life only sees but actually also right......” him speaking of here, the tone has started to disclose a breeding egg sore feeling, as for that ideal condition......” “嗯……这对仗……还真工整……”聪明儿喃喃念道,“生平仅见倒也没错……”他说到这儿时,语气已开始透露出一种蛋疼的感觉,“至于那意境……” I measure you unable to appreciate.” Feng Bujue has not made the opposite party say the words, then snatches saying that your excellency cultural education and personal status differ with me too far, goes to read several years of book to come to discuss the ideal condition with me again.” He said this shameless, immediately changed topic, present......, and said that third asked.” “我量你也欣赏不来。”封不觉没让对方把话说完,便抢道,“阁下的文化修养和品位与我相差太远,还是去多读几年书再来跟我探讨意境吧。”他恬不知耻地说完这句,就立刻转移了话题,“现在……且说那第三问。” Good......” acute hearing does not want to discuss anything on that couplet tomorrow again, this second asked in any case, so long as to pass through even. Therefore, he put in order the expression on face, then asked that listened, please reply that I...... what was the hell? What is the heaven?” “好吧……”聪明儿也不想就那个对联再谈什么了,反正这第二问只要对得出来就算过关。于是,他整了整脸上的表情,接着问道,“听好了,请回答我……何为地狱?何又为天堂?” This third issue, obviously is the issue in Zen. 这第三个问题,显然是个禅学方面的问题。 The acute hearing will just now describe that tomorrow Miao Xuzi creativeness is resourceful, the literary talent is good, is skilled in Zen principle, was actually suggesting that player- the following three issues are to guess a riddle respectively, couplet and Zen principle. 方才聪明儿形容妙胥子“才思机敏,文采不俗,精通禅理”,其实就是在暗示玩家-接下来的三个问题分别是猜谜、对联和禅理。 But such obvious prompt, nature by Feng Bujue seeing through...... 而这么明显的提示,自然早已被封不觉给看穿了…… - 啪- After a half second, the acute hearing will finish barely the words tomorrow, Jue Bro enjoyed his wickedly. 半秒后,聪明儿话音未落,觉哥就恶狠狠地赏了他一记耳光。 This sudden action, will give the dozen to be ignorant the acute hearing obstinately tomorrow. But short after startled, following is flies into a rage...... in a twinkling, if will have the vicious tendencies of essence within the body to split tomorrow from the acute hearing, saw that he must begin. 这突如其来的举动,愣是把聪明儿给打懵了。但短暂的惊楞后,随之而来的就是勃然大怒……霎时间,一股如有实质的戾气从聪明儿体内绽出,眼瞅着他就要动手。 However, the next second, Feng Bujue uses very calm tone to discuss: This...... is the hell.” 然,下一秒,封不觉就用非常淡定的语气念道:“这……就是地狱。” His these words exit|to speak, the acute hearing will then tarry tomorrow. 他的这句话一出口,聪明儿便呆住了。 Jue Bro goes forward one step, took advantage of opportunity draws out from the waist Bear daily knife, On the one hand grasps the acute hearing tomorrow the soaring to the heavens pigtail of top of the head, another shears with the blade, very easily that pinch of hair cutting off. 紧接着,觉哥就上前一步,顺势从腰间拔出了【贝尔的日常小刀】,一手抓住聪明儿头顶的冲天辫,另一手用刀一割,很轻易地就把那撮头发给割断下来。 Also somehow, regarding the Feng Bujue's action, the acute hearing will not have revolted tomorrow slightly. He stands in same place, looks at Feng Bujue to cut own hair helplessly, then throws conveniently flies. 也不知怎的,对于封不觉的行动,聪明儿丝毫没有反抗。他只是站在原地,眼睁睁看着封不觉割下了自己的头发,然后随手抛飞。 Sees only black these, stretches the straight sending silk after leaving the palm of Jue Bro, dissipated in the air, changed into continuously black smoke. When the smog scatters, in this fourth levels in seemed also reverberates faintly sound of the noisy sobbing cry. 只见那些黑色的、绷直的发丝在离开觉哥的手掌后,就自行消散在了空气中,化为了一缕缕黑烟。烟雾飘散之际,这第四层的层间里好似还隐隐回荡起了一阵嘈杂的泣鸣之声。 Meanwhile, the acute hearing vicious tendencies will also vanish with these black smokes tomorrow together do not see, his appearance also quickly regained the condition of ordinary human. Besides the number and position of facial features return to normal, looks in its top of the head...... that to soar to the heavens the pigtail root camouflage again the place, but also revealed six abstention fragrant scar. 与此同时,聪明儿身上的戾气亦随着那些黑烟一起消失不见,他的样貌也迅速恢复成了普通人类的状态。除了五官的数量和位置恢复正常之外,再看其头顶上……那本来被冲天辫根遮蔽的地方,还露出了六个戒点香疤。 Amitabha......” acute hearing will hold their palms together tomorrow, recites Buddha, deeply salutes to Feng Bujue. “阿弥陀佛……”聪明儿双手合十,口诵佛号,对封不觉深深施了一礼。 But Jue Bro that lazy optional appearance, returned to one: This...... is a heaven.” 觉哥还是那副慵懒随意的模样,回了一句:“这……就是天堂。” The acute hearing will nod to meet to say tomorrow: Donor wisdom are general, the boundary ultra dust, the monk full of admiration......” he said these words time, its figure has become fuzzy, many thanks the donor helps......” 聪明儿点头接道:“施主智慧广大,境界超尘,小僧五体投地……”他说这句话的时候,其身形已变得模糊起来,“多谢施主成全……” Said ~ Feng Bujue held the fist in the other hand said submissively, „, will be indefinite.” “好说~”封不觉抱拳拱手道,“后会无期。” The say/way ends this, he then signals with the eyes with Xiao Ling, hints the latter to follow. 道完这句,他就回头跟小灵使了个眼色,示意后者跟上。 When two people step to the fifth stair, Xiao Ling then looked at one, actually the discovery behind is the nobody left...... 待两人踏上通往第五层的台阶时,小灵不禁回头看了一眼,却发现身后已是空无一人……
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