TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#903: In tower strange shadow

Snort......” Miao Xuzi looks fiercely, cold -ly snorted and said, met this stick, let success go to the head there?” “哼……”妙胥子面露狰狞,冷哼道,“只是接了本座一杖,就在那里得意忘形了是吗?” What's wrong? Is that insufficient?” Feng Bujue sighed, oh...... looked like with saying you will not understand.” “怎么?那还不够吗?”封不觉叹了口气,“唉……看来用说的你是不会明白了。” What don't I understand?” Miao Xuzi is probing asking. “我不明白什么?”妙胥子试探着问道。 You not clear before is......” , when half a word words exit|to speak, Feng Bujue is still away from the Miao Xuzi several meters away place, „...... tied has vanished to our influences.” But after this , when half a word words spread to the Miao Xuzi ear, Feng Bujue has killed his body side, and put forth the shameless masterstroke/divine skill Little Devil Low Whip Leg...... “你不明白的就是……”前半句话出口时,封不觉还在距离妙胥子数米远的地方,“……结界对我们的影响已经消失了。”而这后半句话传入妙胥子耳中时,封不觉已经杀到了他的身侧,并使出了无耻神技【熊孩子的下鞭腿】…… „--” With that familiar, the pitiful yell sound of inexplicable happy feeling, Miao Xuzi dropped down...... “啊-呀-”伴随着那熟悉的、莫名喜感的惨叫声,妙胥子倒下了…… Until dying, he has not thought through...... to stand obviously well organized on the flat land, why in the hand also holds the root monk's staff...... to be tripped? 直到死,他也没想通……自己明明在平地上站得四平八稳,手上还扶着根禅杖……为什么会被绊倒呢? Is good has not puzzled him is too long because of...... this issue, because his life was given the end by a kitchen knife quickly. 好在……这个问题也没有困扰他太久,因为他的生命很快就被一把菜刀给终结了。 When the Miao Xuzi corpse falls down, changes into the bloody pus gradually, Ruoyu asked Feng Bujue one: „Did your skill limit relieve?” 妙胥子的尸体倒在地上,渐渐化为脓血之时,若雨才开口问了封不觉一句:“你的技能限制解除了?” Right, our limits all relieved.” Jue Bro had not replied, Xiao Ling then passes through said back and forth. “对,我们仨的限制全都解除了。”觉哥还没回答,小灵便走过来回道。 Is only......” Xiao Tan shows a face depressed look in side, paid certain price...... exactly saying that...... ate some disgusting thing.” “只是……”小叹在旁露出一脸郁闷的神色,“付出了一定的代价……确切地说……是吃了一些很恶心的东西。” I did not ask that you ate anything specifically.” Ruoyu should say indifferently. “我就不问你们具体吃了什么了。”若雨淡然应道。 We continue to act.” Feng Bujue continued Ruoyu, about us the information obtained in the kitchen, a while I walks while told you.” When he spoke this saying, takes advantage of opportunity the squatting down body from Miao Xuzi in the bloody water culled one with the toothbrush almost big stone key, so far, all during my expectation and plan.” He stands up, shrugs saying that „, although does not know Corpse Blade that fellows what's the matter, but can determine that...... they all in condition ’, cannot pose any threat to us today ‚.” He has turned the head, toward distant place hinted with the pagoda of look, we fan out in two groups, you, I and Xiao Ling search final BOSS in this Scenario together and investigate the treasure.” He looked at the eye toward Wang Tanzhi, Xiao Tan, you are responsible for tracing Also First for King and Last Raid.” “那咱们就继续行动吧。”封不觉接过了若雨的话头,“关于我们在香积厨里得到的信息,一会儿我边走边告诉你。”他说这话时,顺势蹲下身子从妙胥子所化的血水中拣出了一把和牙刷差不多大的石钥匙,“目前为止,一切都在我的预料和计划之中。”他站起身来,耸肩道,“虽然不知道尸刀那帮家伙是怎么回事,但可以确定……他们今天全都‘不在状态’,对我们构不成任何威胁。”他转过头,用眼神朝远处的宝塔示意了一下,“我们就兵分两路,你、我和小灵一起去探探这个剧本里的最终BOSS和究极宝物。”他又朝王叹之看了眼,“小叹,你负责去追踪先也为王最终强袭。” „Does Eh? make me go?” Xiao Tan points at own nose to ask, „a pair two will not turn delivers the head/number of people......” 诶?让我一个人去啊?”小叹指着自己的鼻子问道,“一对二不会变成送人头吧……” How possibly?” Feng Bujue chuckle, gathers near the Xiao Tan ear to say quietly, in this Scenario, you had the inherent advantage, 【The shadow of death knell Fixed Special Effect lets your Hand-to-Hand combat and Investigation skill has not come under to tie the influence ; You can Instant kill fall Human Dao ominously spirit...... are this reason.” He, „, but now, you obtained Ainke that bowl of meat stew BUFF, not only disregards bears the negative effect thoroughly, replies 1% Health extra additions every five seconds. Hits two already the fellow who is injured and cannot put forth the skill, has more than enough to spare completely.” “怎么可能?”封不觉轻笑一声,凑到小叹耳边悄声说道,“在这个剧本里,你本来就有先天优势,【丧钟之影】的固定特效让你的格斗侦查技能没有受到结界的影响;你能秒杀掉‘人道’凶灵……就是这个原因。”他顿了顿,“而现在,你得到了奥因克那碗肉汤的BUFF,不但彻底无视结界的负面效果,还有每五秒回复1%生存值的额外加成。打两个已经受伤、使不出技能的家伙,完全是绰绰有余。” Un...... so that's how it is......” Xiao Tan will always believe Jue Bro unconditionally, a latter such saying, he felt relieved. “嗯……原来如此……”小叹总是会无条件相信觉哥的,后者这么一说,他就放心多了。 Feng Bujue restored the normal speech volume at this time, then said: „The ghost in town/subdues in the direction of Corpse Blade two will move in any case, you have the Hawkeye field of vision, tracing them is easy. After finding them, you follow by far, do not worry to begin, when us handled, will give you signal.” 封不觉这时恢复了正常的说话音量,接着道:“反正镇里的鬼魂都会朝着尸刀那两人的方向移动,你又有鹰眼视界,追踪他们是轻而易举的。等找到他们以后,你就远远跟着,别着急动手,等我们这边搞定了,会给你信号。” „Is signal?” Xiao Tan asked. “信号是?”小叹问道。 tomoe was started, is the signal.” Feng Bujue returns instantly said. “‘勾玉’被发动,就是信号。”封不觉即刻回道。 In his mouth tomoe, referred to without doubt is Blood Corpse God Tomoe ; Hell Front each team member has Blood Corpse God Tomoe together, when anybody starts Summon Special Effect, tomoe of others will enter cooling, looked that Item condition in the Traveling Bag column can know. 他口中的“勾玉”,指的无疑就是【血尸神的勾玉】;地狱前线的每一名队员都有一块血尸神的勾玉,任何人发动召唤特效时,其他人的勾玉都会进入冷却,看一下行囊栏里的物品状态就能知道了。 You pay attention slightly.” Feng Bujue said that „after and other tomoe started, then crosses for 15 minutes, you can begin.” He stopped for two seconds , added that „...... naturally, if you encountered the danger...... the opposite party to discover for example your whereabouts, went all out anything with you, no matter you signal, took guaranteeing own life as most first, us automatically move might also as well ahead of time.” “你稍微留意一下。”封不觉道,“等勾玉发动后,再过十五分钟,你就可以动手了。”他停顿了两秒,又补充道,“哦……当然啦,如果你遇到了危险……比如说对方发现了你的行踪,跟你拼命什么的,那你不管信号也可以,以保证自己的性命为最优先,我们这边提前传送也无妨。” Good, I knew.” Xiao Tan nods, that my, has not run while them is too far, quite good with.” “好,我知道了。”小叹点点头,“那我这就出发吧,趁他们没跑太远,比较好跟。” Goes to go.” Xiao Ling walked to tap his head at this time, on road careful.” “去吧去吧。”小灵这时走过去拍了拍他的脑袋,“路上小心点。” Un un.” Xiao Tan shows the gentle smile, nods to the girlfriend. “嗯嗯。”小叹露出温柔的笑容,向女友点了点头。 But their not high-profile, short exchange, the single dog that also watches the live broadcast caused certain real damage...... 而他们这番并不怎么张扬的、短暂的交流,又给许多观看直播的单身狗造成了一定的真实伤害…… ............ ………… After five minutes, stone institute pagoda. 五分钟后,石院宝塔。 At this time, Feng Bujue has used the key of stone institute( consumables) to open the entrance door, stood with two teammates under the tower together. 此时,封不觉已用石院的钥匙(消耗品)打开了入口的门,与两名队友一同站在了塔下。 This tower six heavy, the iron checks stands tall and erect, on narrow under extends, the eave has the star anise, hands over the window to the household, grey column vegetarian wall. Besides the window in tower, even the tower entrance is also the square shape, appearing the entire tower edges and corners is distinct, shows a staunch feeling. 此塔共六重,铁刹高耸,上窄下宽,檐出八角,对户交窗,灰柱素壁。除了塔上的小窗之外,连塔门也是方形的,显得整座塔棱角分明,透出一种刚烈之感。 Only is the stand can feel that here not a wonderful aura......” Feng Bujue raises head to look at tower, talked over one worn out. “光是站在这里就能感觉到一种不妙的气息呢……”封不觉仰头望着高塔,有气无力地念叨了一句。 Ruoyu and Xiao Ling can understand, his these words were actually expressing vaguely- I have detected in the tower to be very dangerous through the data angle of view. 若雨小灵都能听懂,他这句话其实就是在隐晦地表示-“我已通过数据视角察觉了塔内很危险”。 It does not matter.” The Ruoyu cold cold joint said, is you leads the way in front in any case, some situations you shouted, we will act according to circumstances.” 无所谓。”若雨冷冷接道,“反正是你在前面开路,有情况你就喊,我们会见机行事。” Right, by you, Team leader.” Xiao Ling also laughs happily is meeting to say. “没错,靠你了,队长。”小灵也戏笑着接道。 hey hey...... you also know that I am a team leader?” Feng Bujue cannot bear then make complaints say, gave the decision the following program of action arbitrarily?” 喂喂……你们还知道我是队长啊?”封不觉忍不住回头吐槽道,“擅自就把接下来的行动方针给决定了啊?” „The inside the tower terrain is narrow, is disadvantageous to Xiao Ling, I have not drunk meat stew, the skill was still the restricted condition.” Ruoyu said immediately, „, only then you, the ability is comprehensive, the condition is just good.” “塔里地形狭窄,对小灵不利,我没喝肉汤,技能仍是受限状态。”若雨随即就说道,“只有你,能力全面,状态正佳。” Her words are well-founded, Jue Bro had nothing to say in reply. 她的话有理有据,觉哥无言以对。 Cuts......” Feng Bujue to spread out both hands to shake the head, then went forward to promote the wooden tower entrance. “切……”封不觉摊开双手摇了摇头,然后就上前推动了木制的塔门。 The front door of this pagoda sinks very much, in does not get married has not added the bolt, therefore Jue Bro made an effort also to shove open. 这宝塔的大门很沉,不过门内并没有加闩,所以觉哥使把劲儿也就推开了。 If six and strong several times of blood stink in temple in compared with Tsukimori, the blood stink in that this pagoda in other places compared with six and temple also wants strong several times. This smell...... without doubt already in the limit of challenge human sense of smell system, this not with the degree that the willpower can overcome, but physiological damage in the true sense. 如果说六和寺中的血臭味比荷月镇上浓烈数倍,那这座宝塔里的血臭味就比六和寺中的其他地方还要浓烈数倍。这种气味……无疑已经在挑战人类嗅觉系统的极限了,这可不是用意志力就能克服的程度,而是真正意义上的生理损伤。 Sure enough, after tower entrance opening, more than ten seconds, Ruoyu had discovered a matter......, she withdrew 56 meters rapidly. 果不其然,塔门开启后过了十几秒,若雨就发现了一件事……紧接着,她就迅速地后撤了五六米。 It seems like I must stay here you.” After Ruoyu stands firm, said. “看来我得留在这儿等你们了。”若雨站定后说道。 Eh? how?” The Xiao Ling doubts said. She knows that the cousin definitely because of not being afraid to back down, therefore this has certainly what reason. 诶?怎么了?”小灵疑惑道。她知道表姐肯定不是因为害怕而打退堂鼓的,所以这一定有什么原因。 inside the tower's smell will make my Health continually reduce.” Ruoyu returns said, probably is every five seconds 1% frequencies......” “塔里的气味会使我的生存值持续减少。”若雨回道,“大概是每五秒1%的频率吧……” No wonder......” Feng Bujue one hear of this saying understood anything, Ainke that meat stew extra BUFF should here.” “难怪呢……”封不觉一听这话就明白了什么,“奥因克肉汤的额外BUFF原来应在此处啊。” One had only known, I should trace with Xiao Tan.” Ruoyu said that „, or...... do I pursue to try now?” “早知如此,我应该和小叹一起去追踪的。”若雨道,“要不……我现在追上去试试?” Does not need.” Feng Bujue said that you here our.” He shows the smile that an intent has referred, „...... I estimated that...... most ten minutes, you can help.” “不必了吧。”封不觉道,“你就在这儿等我们一下好了。”他露出一个意有所指的笑容,“呵……我估计……最多十分钟,你就可以帮上忙了。” Right......” Ruoyu returns said, that good, I wait here.” “是吗……”若雨回道,“那好吧,我就等在这儿。” Un.” Feng Bujue complied with one, then turns the head to say to Xiao Ling, we walk.” Then, he has put out Complex Type Anti Gravity Launch Device, Turns on front searching lamp, walked into the tower. “嗯。”封不觉应了一声,然后转头对小灵道,“我们走吧。”说罢,他已拿出了【复合式反重力弹射器】,打开前端的探灯,步入了塔内。 hears word, Xiao Ling also put out rapidly own Continues forever flashlight, Follows quickly. 闻言,小灵也迅速拿出了自己的【永续手电筒】,快步跟上。 Under Feng Bujue's leads, two people fast vanguard, is upward. And Two and three...... they almost not hindered to arrive at fourth of pagoda. Naturally, this does not represent in first three really no to hinder, but these triggering -type traps and negative events all went round by Jue Bro directly. 封不觉的带领下,两人快速前行,一路向上。一层、二层、三层……他们几乎毫无阻滞地就来到了宝塔的第四层。当然了,这并不代表前三层里真的没有什么阻滞,只是那些触发式的陷阱和负面事件全都被觉哥直接绕开了。 However, to fourth, the situation was different. 然而,到了第四层,情况就不同了。 Vertical is in the team some people can the observed data be also useless, because starts from here, all events are surely triggering, only if do not come, came to make to deal. 纵是队伍里有人能观察数据也没用,因为从这里开始,所有事件都是必定触发型的,除非你别来,来了就得做出应对。 Squeak yi- squeak yi- 吱咿-吱咿- Treads the wooden steps that under foot creak is making noise, Feng Bujue was on the pagoda four levels. 踏着脚下吱嘎作响的木制阶梯,封不觉登上了宝塔四层的层间。 First maps its view, is together the person's shadow...... 首先映入其眼帘的,便是一道人影…… Unlike under that three, in this does not have the partition wall, column, screen and furniture, briefly...... is empty. The ascending-descending steps of both sides in levels, remaining...... also only then in the middle of being situated in that person. 与底下那三层不同,这一层里没有隔墙、立柱、屏风、家具,简单地说……空无一物。除了层间两端的上下行阶梯之外,剩下的……也只有立于正当中的那个“人”了。 What positive result?” After two seconds, Xiao Ling also followed the steps to walk. She faced forward to sweep one, then lowered the sound to ask. “什么名堂?”两秒后,小灵也顺着阶梯走了上来。她朝前扫了一眼,便压低了声音问道。 NPC and BOSS......” Feng Bujue also lowered the sound, returns excessively said that should be able not to hit...... allows me to negotiate has a look.” “NPC兼BOSS……”封不觉也压低了声音,偏过头回道,“应该可以不打的……容我去交涉看看。” Finishes barely the words, he has taken a step, moved toward that shadow. 话音未落,他已迈步而出,走向了那个影子。 Approaches looks, can see that this person long must have the nose to be perforated, the issue is the quantity of his nose and eye not right...... 凑近一瞧,便可看出这“人”长得还是有鼻子有眼的,问题是他那鼻子和眼睛的数量不对…… This goods...... grew the winter melon head of oval-shape, the head withstood/top hairstyle that soars to the heavens the straight whip, like root lightning rod ; Around his head grew one high and low- six eyes and eight ears ; In him face one side of that but also quite grew three noses compact, nose below has two big mouth. 这货……长了个椭圆形的冬瓜头,头上顶了个冲天直鞭的发型,像根避雷针似的;他的脑袋周围高高低低地长了一圈-共六个眼睛、八个耳朵;在他“脸”的那一侧,还比较紧凑地长了三个鼻子,鼻子下面有两张大嘴。 Besides the head, other parts of this NPC are normal, generally speaking is the wear black circle gets the robe( similar man (Han) takes design) the adult male, the height in one meter about seven, the build is thin. 除了头部以外,这个NPC的其他部分还算正常,总体来看是个穿着黑色圆领袍(类似汉服款式)的成年男子,身高在一米七左右,体型偏瘦。 This you......” Feng Bujue arrive in front of him, fast said in the quite slow language, does not know......” “这位兄台……”封不觉走到他面前,用比较慢的语速说道,“不知……” His saying has not exported completely, left that NPC that mouth hits to block the way fast: Knows it to know it.” 他这话还没完全出口,那NPC左边的那张嘴就快速打断道:“知之为知之。”
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