TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#902: Blustering

On the other hand, out in monk's cell institute...... 另一方面,方丈室门外的院中…… At this time, a fierce struggle has launched in this. But both sides that enter the war, naturally is that „the Heavenly Dao ominous Spirit Miao Xuzi, as well as Team One Corpse Blade final two Members Also First for King and Last Raid. 此时,一场激斗已在此展开。而参战的双方,自然就是那“天道”之凶灵-妙胥子,以及尸刀一番队最后的两名队员-先也为王最终强袭 The great strength of Miao Xuzi, is without a doubt. First, his body technique is very outstanding, regardless of the strength and speed are not under Also First for King ; Next, he can oneself monster qi manifest, start various intermediate-range energy attacks ; Third, he is proficiently grasping various incantations that controls the field pattern, is it may be said that virtually impossible to guard against ; Moreover...... he also has most powerful BOSS to have three big basic integrity that- against high, in blood thick and fight will return to the blood. 妙胥子的强大,是毋庸置疑的。首先,他的体术很优秀,无论力量和速度都不在先也为王之下;其次,他可以将自身妖气外放,发动各种中远程的能量攻击;其三,他熟练地掌握着各种控场型的咒语,可谓防不胜防;另外……他还具备着绝大多数强力BOSS都有的三大基本操守-防高、血厚、战斗中会回血。 Trades to do usually, Also First for King and Last Raid also not necessarily fear this fellow. They after all are the professional players, to them, in two pairs of situations, BOSS of this strength also on above-average difficulty. But...... „the Blood Fiend of skill of player in this Scenario because of ties existence weakens sharply,...... Miao Xuzi under such premise may not have is so good to cope. 换作平时,先也为王最终强袭倒也未必怕这家伙。他们毕竟是职业玩家,对他们来说,在二对一的情况下,这种实力的BOSS也就中等偏上的难度而已。但在这个剧本里……玩家的技能因“血煞结界”的存在而大幅削弱,在这样的前提下……妙胥子可就没那么好对付了。 Soon, what Team One Corpse Blade these two both hang out colored streamers...... to be lucky in the fight, they had not been injured to arrive at the strategic point, the loss of Health is not serious ; But unfortunately, how regardless of the result of this fight, two people of smell of blood to make them the target that the ghosts pursue inevitably. 不多时,尸刀一番队这两位就在战斗中双双挂彩……幸运的是,他们没有被伤到要害,生存值的损失并不严重;但不幸的是,无论这场战斗的结果如何,两人身上的血腥味势必会让他们成为鬼魂们追击的目标。 Far not to mention, says at present...... when they must be loath to part from each other with Miao Xuzi games, rear that crowd gradually fluttered the ghost that the line came already imminently to ten meters. As the matter stands, the activity spaces of two players become also beset with problems...... 远的且不说,就说眼前……在他们与妙胥子得难舍难分之际,后方那群缓缓飘行而来的鬼魂已经迫近到了十米之内。这样一来,两名玩家的活动空间也变得更加捉襟见肘…… Team leader, this way...... we will die here after......” once again was made monster qi abrades together, Last Raid finally could not bear, put forward this proposal. “队长,这样下去……我们都会死在这里的……”又一次被妖气打出一道擦伤后,最终强袭终于是忍不住了,提出了这个建议。 I know that......” Also First for King lives in the Miao Xuzi monk's staff with the broadsword standard, should say excessively, „...... I am also trying to find the solution.” “我知道……”先也为王用大刀格住妙胥子的禅杖,偏过头应道,“……我也正在想办法呢。” Team leader...... the non- mouth had also hung a moment ago, if both of us die here, our team may probably be eliminated.” Last Raid rushes goes, covers for the team leader, the joining-up said, in my opinion...... by the current circumstance, we give up the key, temporary retreats......” “队长……刚才非口也已经挂了,要是我俩死在这儿,那咱们队可就要被淘汰了。”最终强袭冲上前去,为队长打了个掩护,并接道,“依我看……以目前的情势而言,我们还是放弃钥匙,暂行撤退吧……” Also First for King hears word, silent several seconds. 先也为王闻言,沉默了数秒。 During these several seconds, he deals with the attack of Miao Xuzi, while is doing accounts at heart: He also says makes sense...... this purple surface monk to be much fiercer at present, let alone decided the victory and defeat within the short time, can win is an issue...... the plan snatched before the Hell Front team enters the pagoda, depended on solves the Scenario secret to change the disadvantage, has not thought this Scenario difficulty was so high......” reads and here, he swept Game Menu subconsciously, oh...... Unvoiced as King that boy does not know where hung, did us not to have the escape route......” 这数秒之间,他一边应对妙胥子的攻击,一边在心里算着帐:“他说得也有道理……眼前这个紫面和尚厉害得紧,别说是在短时间之内分出胜负了,能不能胜都还是个问题……本打算抢在地狱前线队之前进入宝塔,靠着解开剧本秘密来扭转劣势,可没想到这个剧本的难度那么高……”念及此处,他又下意识地扫了一眼游戏菜单,“唉……非口为王那小子也不知在哪儿挂掉了,搞得我们毫无退路……” Thinks it over, really does not have a better method, Also First for King also to have before the disadvantage further expands, makes a helpless choice...... 想来想去,实在是没有更好的法子,先也为王也只好在劣势进一步扩大之前,做出一个无奈的选择…… Good, we first remove.” He turns the head to the team rules of friendship, at this moment change strategy, since can not, we take your time quickly...... leaves the temple simply, finds a place to hide, first said smell of blood processing cleanly again.” “好吧,我们先撤。”他转头对队友道,“事到如今得改变战略了,既然快不得,我们就慢慢来……干脆离开寺院,找个地方躲起来,先把身上的血腥味处理干净再说。” During the speeches, he then beckons with the hand horizontally the broadsword, puts forth one move Rises to challenges. 说话间,他便横摆手中大刀,使出一招【披荆斩棘】。 Although this skill was weakened, but the good and evil is also a little effect, that blade air/Qi one, successfully drove back several points Miao Xuzi. 这技能虽是受到了削弱,但好歹也是有点效果的,那刀气一出,成功地将妙胥子逼退了几分。 Walks!” He drank one toward the teammate, the under foot trod, flying. “走!”紧接着,他就朝队友喝了一声,脚下一踏,飞身而起。 The Last Raid speed and movement are not bad, he follows close on the team leader to prance, crossed already in the close ghosts, starts to escape. 最终强袭的速度和身法也不差,他紧跟队长腾跃起来,越过了已在咫尺之遥的鬼魂们,开始逃跑。 Suddenly, two people have rushed to about more than ten meters, and turns toward the front door of temple to run. 眨眼间,两人已冲到十几米开外,并向着寺庙的大门跑去。 Snort...... wants to run?” Miao Xuzi sneers to make noise, body brings the smell of blood, where can run up to goes?” “哼……想跑?”妙胥子冷笑出声,“身上带着血腥味,能跑到哪儿去?” Then, he then patted dust, in the monk's staff pestle place the hand, the starting to walk step pursues at a moderate pace forward. 说罢,他便拍了拍身上的灰尘,将手中禅杖杵地,不紧不慢地迈开步子向前追去。 Can ask you to help......” in the meantime, an indifferent sound resounds from the darkness of institute corner suddenly, „...... temporarily do not pursue them.” “能请你帮个忙吗……”就在此时,一个冷漠的声音忽从院角的黑暗中响起,“……暂时不要去追他们。” Oh? Miao Xuzi line of sight transverse shift, the complexion changes, original...... the hidden place is also hiding one......” 哦?妙胥子视线横移,面色微变,“原来……暗处还躲着一个吗……” When he turns the head to look, Ruoyu already from darkness. 他转头望去时,若雨已从黑暗中走了出来。 This donor.” Miao Xuzi swept Ruoyu one, the line of sight stayed on the opposite party waist side saber directly, looked like you to rescue a moment ago that two?” “这位施主。”妙胥子扫了若雨一眼,视线直接就停留在了对方腰侧的佩剑上,“看来你是想救刚才那二位啊?” I do not have that meaning.” Ruoyu returns said that „, if I must help them, when you fight I can come, why to wait till the present?” “我没有那个意思。”若雨回道,“如果我要帮他们,在你们打斗时我就可以现身了,何必等到现在?” Un...... reasonable.” Miao Xuzi should say looking pensive, why that you do want to stop me?” “嗯……有道理。”妙胥子若有所思地应道,“那你为何又要阻拦我呢?” Some people hope that their two do not die immediately.” Ruoyu said that „, but I...... help him realize the plan as far as possible.” “有人希望他们两个‘不要立刻就死’。”若雨道,“而我……只是尽可能地帮他实现计划。” „...... Doesn't want immediately dead?” Miao Xuzi smiles, in other words...... must die eventually.” “呵……不要‘立刻’就死?”妙胥子笑了笑,“也就是说……终究还是要死的。” Yes.” Ruoyu returns said that „that when I said he thinks that they can die, even if you do not begin, we can still.” “是的。”若雨回道,“等到我所说的那个‘他’认为他们俩可以去死了,即使你不动手,我们也会。” In process that they talked, the ghosts in institute have followed Corpse Blade that two players to depart. In the big institute, was only left over their two person's shadows. 在他们交谈的过程中,院中的鬼魂们已追随着尸刀那两位玩家离去了。偌大的院中,只剩下了他们两道人影。 Hehe...... this is but actually interesting.” Miao Xuzi chuckle two, the step goes forward, „, although I do not know in your mouth that he where am sacred......, but he makes you intervene my action, is acts recklessly...... he to approach Ruoyu seriously step by step, you think that who you are? In this Blood Fiend ties, they are also good, you...... must die, how as to die and when die...... these to be beyond control you!” “呵呵……这倒有趣。”妙胥子轻笑两声,移步上前,“虽然我不知道你口中那个‘他’是何方神圣……但他让你来干预我的行动,当真是不知死活啊……”他一步步逼近若雨,“你们以为自己是谁?在这血煞结界内,他们也好,你们也罢……全都得死,至于怎么死、什么时候死……这些可由不得你们!” The tonality that he spoke gradually enhanced, finally turned into resounding shouting angrily, his figure also moved with the shouting angrily sound. 他说话的音调逐渐提高,最后变成了高亢的怒喝,他的身形也随着怒喝声动了起来。 The next second, twines the monster qi monk's staff then to pound down toward Ruoyu face loudly. 下一秒,缠绕着妖气的禅杖便朝着若雨面门轰然砸下。 The hand of Ruoyu has also gripped her sword, prepared to accept a job offer directly. 若雨的手也早已握住了她的剑,准备好了正面应招。 However! 然! In this flickers, the scarlet shadow illness/quick flashes together, but, killed among two people. 就在这一瞬,一道赤影疾闪而至,杀到了两人之间。 Who Ruoyu in recognized the future in an instant is, therefore she received the hand promptly, kept in the sword the sheath. 若雨在刹那间就辨识出了来者是谁,所以她及时收手,把剑留在了鞘中。 But the Miao Xuzi monk's staff...... also stopped. However this is not he himself must stop, because the part of stick stick was used two fingers to grip, again difficult little advance. 妙胥子的禅杖……也停住了。不过这不是他自己要停下的,而是由于杖棍的部分被人用两根手指夹住,再难寸进。 „After being beyond control we......” blocked the attack of opposite party, Feng Bujue evilly is then smiling, observed closely the face of Miao Xuzi with a malicious look, „...... also by you?” “由不得我们……”阻住了对方的攻击后,封不觉便邪笑着,用一种不怀好意的眼神盯住了妙胥子的脸,“……难道还由得你吗?” At this moment, Miao Xuzi facial expression changing suddenly, he wants to pull out the stick to withdraw immediately. But that monk's staff was used by Feng Bujue Finger of Consonance Clamps stubbornly, no matter how he makes an effort to entrain is entirely still. 这一刻,妙胥子神情陡变,他当即就想抽杖后撤。可那禅杖被封不觉用【灵犀一指】夹得死死的,不管他怎么用力去拽都纹丝不动。 Does? Do you want?” The evil aura in Feng Bujue smile quickly turned into the inexpensive air/Qi, after two seconds, he meets saying that the words that you want you said that you did not say how I know you do want? Although you have the sincerity to visit me very much, but you must me tell that you want, do you really want? That takes away......” speaking of here, he separated the finger suddenly, Miao Xuzi is unexpected, staggers backward, nearly tumbles, but Jue Bro is still saying, „don't you really want? Do you really want?” “干嘛?你想要回去啊?”封不觉笑容中的邪气很快就变成了贱气,两秒后,他接道,“你想要的话你就说嘛,你不说我怎么知道你想要呢?虽然你很有诚意地看着我,可是你还是要跟我说你想要的,你真想要吗?那就拿去吧……”说到这儿,他突然把手指分开了,妙胥子始料未及,向后一个踉跄,差点儿跌倒,而觉哥还在说着,“你不是真的想要吧?难道你真的想要吗?” „After you...... you......” Miao Xuzi standing firm figure, the startled anger happened simultaneously looks at Feng Bujue, the air/Qi is resulting in the words not to say agily, „...... dissolute!” After adjusting breathes, he calls out one, „who are you? Dares to play tricks on this!” “你……你……”妙胥子站定身形后,惊怒交加地望着封不觉,气得话都说不利索,“……放肆!”调整好呼吸后,他暴喝一声,“你是什么人?竟敢戏弄本座!” When he speaking of „who you are” these five characters, Wang Tanzhi and Gu Xiaoling also walked from the institute. This second, Ruoyu, Xiao Tan and Xiao Ling almost spoke half a word words with one voice: Don't......” 当他说到“你是什么人”这五个字的时候,王叹之古小灵也从院外走了进来。这一秒钟,若雨小叹小灵几乎是异口同声地说了半句话:“别……” What a pity...... late. 可惜……晚了。 Miao Xuzi has asked the question, thereupon...... 妙胥子已经把问题问出去了,于是乎…… Ha! Ha haha Ha.....” Feng Bujue laughs five, a both hands back, proudly however vertical, doesn't know this Sir? Good! I make you know today! Listened......” “哈!哈哈哈哈……”封不觉大笑五声,双手一背,傲然而立,“不认识本大爷是吧?好!那我今天就让你认识认识!听好了……” God......” “上帝……” Allah......” “真主……” Oh......” “唉……” Hell Front another three people all lower the head ashamed, holds the volume single-handed. 地狱前线的另外三人全都羞耻地低下了头,单手扶额。 As the saying goes ~ then, Feng Bujue exhibits the manner of storytelling mister, the clear and resonant voice said, on tongue the drum wind and thunder, in the chest trades the star. Generous to become Suni, howls zha to have the cool breeze......” “有道是~”接着,封不觉就摆出说书先生的派头,朗声言道,“舌上鼓风雷,胸中换星斗。慷慨成素霓,啸吒起清风……” Following abbreviates 250 crosses...... comprised of the poems and songs, the folk proverb and Feng Bujue self-created content recites without seeming to pause for breath...... 以下省略二百五十字的……由诗词歌赋、民间俗语及封不觉自创的内容所组成的贯口…… „...... Smiles to look at the sea thousand army to break, the plan decides the universe to calculate the causes and effects, not thinks that fearless commits suicide dead, non- ghost non- being an excellent likeness insanity.” Finally, Feng Bujue by the poem number finished this long, the extreme narcissism, was disclosing shameless aura and huge malicious self introduction, above...... said is my Feng Bujue.” “……笑望沧溟千军破,策定乾坤算因果,无觉无惧轻生死,非鬼非神似疯魔。”终于,封不觉以诗号结束了这段冗长的、极度自恋的、透露着无耻气息和巨大恶意的自我介绍,“以上……说得就是我疯不觉了。” The Miao Xuzi hear...... was startled at that time stupidly , gawked...... he really not to know that what expression should responds to at present this goods and the language. 妙胥子听罢……当时就惊了、傻了、愣了……他真的不知道该以什么样的表情和语言去回应眼前这货。 The audience who are watching the competition also fall into the condition that the thought short-circuited in abundance...... how, no matter saying that the Jue Bro vocabulary and language indication ability, and shameless degree has made most normal people praise to the heavens. 正在观看比赛的观众们也都纷纷陷入了思维短路的状态……甭管怎么说,觉哥的词汇量、语言表述能力、以及无耻程度已让绝大多数正常人叹为观止。 Hehe......” Feng Bujue complete segment words, the atmosphere does not breathe heavily, then smiles to point at the face of Miao Xuzi saying that how? Frightened the face purple?” “呵呵呵……”封不觉道完整段话,大气都不喘一下,便笑指着妙胥子的脸道,“怎么?吓得脸都紫了是吧?” Miao Xuzi wants to return to his one my face is purple, but he always felt that said this was swindled......, therefore, he adjusted an expression, the ice however returned said: Snort...... lunatic, blustered......” 妙胥子很想回他一句“我的脸本来就是紫的”,但他总感觉把这句说出口就上当了……于是,他调整了一下表情,凌然回道:“哼……疯子一个,口出狂言……” Ha!” Feng Bujue snorts contemptuously to the response of Miao Xuzi, was the boastful talk......” is saying, he bullied near several steps toward Miao Xuzi, „...... must look the person who said realized this saying ability.” “哈!”封不觉妙胥子的回应嗤之以鼻,“是不是狂言……”说着,他就朝妙胥子欺近了几步,“……得看说的人有没有实现这话的能力。” Miao Xuzi sees that immediately the side moves to pace, socializes calmly with Jue Bro. 妙胥子见状,立刻侧移踱步,不动声色地与觉哥周旋起来。 From this angle......” Feng Bujue meets saying that you blustered, of overreaching oneself......” “从这个角度来看……”封不觉接道,“你才是口出狂言,不自量力的那个……”
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