TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#901: Six ominous spirit

Feng Bujue said these words time, the look shot a look at unintentionally to Xiao Ling. The latter comprehended hint of team leader immediately, nods toward it. Then, Xiao Ling used the elbow to bump to sit in own Xiao Tan gently. 封不觉说这句话的时候,眼神有意无意地瞥向了小灵。后者当即就领会了队长的示意,朝其点了点头。接着,小灵就用手肘轻轻碰了碰坐在自己身旁的小叹 When Xiao Tan turns the head to look at her, Xiao Ling front bowl carrying, put the mouth...... 小叹转头看她时,小灵已将自己面前的碗给端了起来,放到了嘴边…… I decided!” Xiao Ling is staring at that bowl of nausea incomparable meat stew, clenches teeth to stamp the feet, said that drinks on Hah! “我决定了!”小灵盯着那碗恶心无比的肉汤,一咬牙一跺脚,道了一声,“喝就喝! Finishes barely the words, she opens mouth and holds one's nose...... starts toward oneself throat but in actually the soup. 话音未落,她就张开嘴、捏着鼻子……开始往自己喉咙里倒汤。 Xiao Tan sees that naturally also understands Xiao Ling touched own intention a moment ago lightly, therefore he also clenches teeth to stamp the feet, held oneself front soup bowl with both hands, suppressed the physiology and psychological disgusting feeling, pouched in the soup the abdomen obstinately. 小叹见状,自然也明白了小灵刚才轻触自己的用意,所以他也一咬牙一跺脚,用双手捧起了自己面前的汤碗,强忍住生理和心理上的恶心感,愣是把汤吞进了腹中。 Thereupon, after Feng Bujue arrives for one minute, three bowls of meat stew that Ainke hold comes out were given the elimination to be clean by the Hell Front three people. Moreover, when Xiao Ling drinks up, studied the Jue Bro appearance falling the bowl ; As soon as she falls, Xiao Tan also with falls together. 于是乎,在封不觉登场后的一分钟之内,奥因克盛出来的三碗肉汤就被地狱前线的三人给消灭干净了。而且,小灵喝完时,也学着觉哥的样子把碗给摔了;她一摔,小叹也就跟着一起摔。 When that crash-bang the falling bowl sound subsides, sat just now lags behind in nearby Unvoiced as King realized anything...... 待那哗啦啦的摔碗声平息时,坐在一旁的非口为王方才后知后觉地意识到了什么…… „It is not right......” looks at place the soup dregs and tiles, in the Unvoiced as King heart ponders to say secretly, as the matter stands...... I do want to drink have not resulted in drink?” Read and here, he catches the eye to stare immediately to Feng Bujue, the sinking sound shouted, surnamed Feng...... you planned me!” “不对啊……”看着一地的汤渣和瓷片,非口为王心中暗忖道,“这样一来……我岂不是想喝都没得喝了?”念及此处,他立刻就抬眼瞪向了封不觉,沉声喝道,“姓封的……你算计我!” Hahahaha Ha.....” Feng Bujue face upwards and laugh, right ~ I plan you ~ he uses an inexpensive air/Qi threatening manner to return said that how can you I?” “哈哈哈哈哈……”封不觉仰天长笑,“对啊~我就是算计你~”他用一种贱气逼人的神态回道,“你又能把我怎么样呢?” Unvoiced as King was not the fuel-efficient lamp, the Jue Bro latter half a word words has not said, he has then abhorred to flee, plunged the top...... 非口为王也不是省油的灯,觉哥的后半句话还没说完,他便已疾窜而出,扑向了灶台…… However...... 然而…… Bang! 砰! The next second, a depressed pig's feet strikes the sound of body to get up. 下一秒,一记沉闷的猪蹄击体之声响起。 Ainke appeared near the top instantaneously, a fist is wanting to put out a hand to raise Unvoiced as King that the soup caldron covered hitting to lie on the ground. 奥因克瞬间出现在了灶台边上,一拳就把正欲伸手去掀汤锅盖的非口为王给打趴在了地上。 -, but......” Unvoiced as King wants to scold one hatefully, but his words have not arrived at the mouth, discovered the below one breath in own chest cannot raise....... A Ainke this seemingly simple fist, imagines him obviously is fiercer. “唔-可……”非口为王本想骂一声“可恶”,但他的话还没到嘴边,就发现自己胸中的下一口气没能提上来。很显然……奥因克这貌似朴实的一拳,远比他想象中要厉害。 Really is dissolute......” Ainke looks to lie on the ground, diligently asthma even Unvoiced as King, coldly discussed, who allowed you to go to the soup caldron? Can't understand the custom in kitchen?” “真是放肆……”奥因克看着趴在地上、正努力将气喘匀实的非口为王,冷冷念道,“谁允许你去动汤锅了?懂不懂厨房里的规矩?” Said well ~ Feng Bujue spoke one's mind to interrupt, and stood by Ainke, the single-handed fork waist, pointed at Unvoiced as King to say put on a high and mighty act, „your, not ten years on eight years of thinking of stove?” “说得好~”封不觉自说自话地插了句嘴,并站到奥因克旁边、单手叉腰,趾高气昂地指着非口为王道,“就你这样儿的,没个十年八年的想上灶?” You shut up!” But Ainke turned head to drink to scold one toward Jue Bro. “你闭嘴!”但奥因克扭头就朝觉哥喝骂了一声。 hey hey...... I am helping you speak.” Feng Bujue innocent looks at the opposite party to return said that „, moreover I have not spoken incorrectly......” he to break off the finger to start to count immediately, cleans one year of restroom, to wash one year of tray, to wash new year's dish, to cut new year's dish, to match new year's dish again......” 喂喂……我是在帮你说话诶。”封不觉一脸无辜地望着对方回道,“而且我没说错啊……”他立即就掰着手指头开始数,“洗一年厕所、洗一年盘子、洗一年菜、再切一年菜、配一年菜……” Urged to go faster......” Ainke to push Jue Bro, broke the verboseness of this shameless one, who made you back up to me?” He is saying, while takes up the kitchen knife on cutting board, raises in Jue Bro at present, I told you, this is also puts now......, if traded for 500 years ago, my violent temper, dares to interrupt...... my blade to hold you!” “去去去……”奥因克推了觉哥一把,打断了这无耻之徒的絮叨,“谁让你给我帮腔了?”他一边说着,一边抄起案板上的菜刀,在觉哥眼前扬了扬,“我告诉你,这也就是搁现在……要是换了五百年前,就我那暴脾气,敢插嘴……我一刀捅死你!” Feng Bujue hears word, instant looks to doubt the color: 500 years ago...... isn't your little while uses a toothed rake?” 封不觉闻言,瞬时面露疑色:“五百年前啊……您那会儿用的不是钉耙么?” Ding- 叮叮叮叮叮叮- Jue Bro make complaints just exported, the kitchen knife in Ainke hand took advantage of opportunity to cut toward him, if its blade quickly the gust of wind and potential such as rushed to the thunder......, but, Jue Bro was also prepared early, saw only him to spin the body to draw back and return safe and sound continually, making cutting of Ainke strike chops entirely on the top, sent out the clear metal to strike the sound of stone. 觉哥吐槽刚出口,奥因克手中的菜刀顺势就朝他砍了过去,其出刀快若疾风、势如奔雷……不过,觉哥也是早有准备,只见他旋身连退、毫发无伤,使得奥因克的砍击统统剁在了灶台上,发出了清脆的金属击石之声。 „A period of time does not see, your boy skill grows perceptibly......” after a Ainke round of attack, does not have to incur again afterward, but stopped the hand to come to Jue Bro to say one. “一段时日不见,你小子身手见长啊……”奥因克一轮攻击过后,也没有再续后招,只是停下手来对觉哥说了一句。 Overpraised ~ Feng Bujue returned hypocritically said, must say the skill, was Ao the brother you even better.” “过奖过奖~”封不觉假惺惺地回道,“要说身手,还是奥兄你更胜一筹。” Snort...... do not cotton up to me.” Ainke is saying, turns around, chops toward a Unvoiced as King blade that has not set out. “哼……别跟我套近乎。”奥因克说着,就转过身去,朝着尚未起身的非口为王一刀劈下。 This Corpse Blade nova has not stood from the ground, was divided the nape by the neat blade strength. Shortly after the head/number of people tumbles, he also changed into the white light to dissipate...... 这位尸刀的新星还没从地上站起来,就被干净利落的刀力劈断了后颈。人头滚落后不久,他也就化为白光消散了…… Therefore...... here custom is......” Feng Bujue looks at present one calm, „’ has not drunk...... to die soup that youdo carry?” “所以……这里的‘规矩’就是……”封不觉淡定地看着眼前的一幕,“没把你‘端出来的汤’喝下去……就得死是吧?” That is uncertain.” Ainke takes the kitchen knife that is stained with the blood, arrives at cleans vegetables with near the stone pond the careful washout, couldn't be victorious I dead...... not?” He, naturally, the little darling ate the soup, did not need to hit with me.” “那不一定。”奥因克拿着沾血的菜刀,走到洗菜用的石池边仔细冲刷,“‘打不过我’才会死……不是吗?”他顿了顿,“当然了,乖乖喝汤,也就不用跟我打了。” Their these words saying, basically explained here various events and FLAG clearly. 他们这几句话一说,基本上就把这里的各种事件和FLAG都解释清楚了。 Therefore, the Feng Bujue's show off time arrived: Look ~ when I with enough time.” He looks to two teammates, I know that Ao brother's ingredients definitely are good thing.” 于是,封不觉的嘚瑟时间又到了:“瞧~我来得及时吧。”他看向两名队友,“我就知道奥兄的料理肯定是好东西啊。” Cutting...... is not looked comes out......” Xiao Ling empty focuses, complied with one in a low voice. However she did not have to say anything again, so as to avoid exposed the information of team leader. “切……不就是‘看’出来的嘛……”小灵虚着眼,低声应了一句。不过她也没有再多说什么,免得暴露队长的情报。 Actually, by the Xiao Ling strategy, she to the Feng Bujue's understanding degree, she has naturally inferred a moment ago the long and short of the story of these matters in addition...... 其实,以小灵的智谋,加上她对封不觉的了解程度,她自然已经推理出了刚才那些事的来龙去脉…… First, when Feng Bujue enters that moment of kitchen, he has used the method of data observation to be direct to look at the functions of these soup. 首先,当封不觉走进香积厨的那一刻,他就已经用数据观察的手段直接‘看’出那些汤的作用了。 Afterward, he drew up the strategy rapidly, has not recovered while everyone...... then first ate up the Unvoiced as King soup, raised up Death FLAG to the opposite party forcefully...... 随后,他就迅速拟定了战略,趁大家都还没回过神来……便抢先喝掉了非口为王的汤,强行给对方竖起了死亡FLAG…… Then, eats up the soup Jue Bro to give resourceful Xiao Ling to signal with the eyes immediately, making her hurry to draw Xiao Tan to drink up the soup. 接着,喝完汤的觉哥就在第一时间给机敏的小灵使了眼色,让她赶紧拉着小叹把汤喝掉。 As the matter stands...... Ainke hold comes out three bowls of soup all did not have. 这样一来……“奥因克盛出来的”三碗汤就全都没有了。 That falls bowl movement, was Feng Bujue calculated well...... he has thought that if after their three people drank up, in the table was still putting the bowl, perhaps that Unvoiced as King can also through eating the residual in bowl avoids triggered has not eaten soup Death FLAG ; But Feng Bujue and teammates such a fall the bowl, the Unvoiced as King means of livelihood then also completely cut off...... 就连那个“摔碗”的动作,也是封不觉计算好的……他早已想到,如果他们三人喝完以后桌上仍放着碗,那非口为王没准还能通过吃掉碗里的残渣来避免触发“没有喝汤”的死亡FLAG;但封不觉和队友们把碗这么一摔,非口为王的活路便也彻底断绝…… Although little non- schoolmate after seeing Hell Front these three people of behaviors also realized must eat the soup to be good, but oneself go to the soup caldron obviously not Akechi action...... here, the player only then accepts Ainke abundantly to be good to your soup, took that is a different matter, therefore died similarly...... 虽然小非同学在看到地狱前线这三人的行为后也意识到了必须喝汤才行,但自己去动汤锅显然是不明智的举动……在这里,玩家只有接受“奥因克盛给你的汤”才行,自行去取那就是另一回事了,所以同样是死…… Ok, should not be wordy.” Ainke broke them, I rush to time, have hurrying that anything must ask to ask.” “行了,别啰嗦了。”奥因克打断了他们,“我赶时间,有什么要问的赶紧问。” hears word, Feng Bujue and two teammates exchanged a meaningful glance slightly, then reached the agreement. 闻言,封不觉和两名队友只是稍微交换了一下眼色,便达成了共识。 How will town turn into this?” Jue Bro obviously with the only candidate who NPC negotiated, therefore he asked not responsibly. “镇子是怎么会变成这样的?”觉哥显然是与NPC交涉的不二人选,所以他当仁不让地发问了。 At night the day before yesterday, three people entered the temple to rob the treasure.” Ainke did not speak the idle talk, opens the mouth is the subject, they kill the abbot, seizes the key, invades in stone Yuan the pagoda, including breaking 9981 Zen curfew seal, causing six whole mirrors broken to seal.” “前天夜里,有三个人进寺盗宝。”奥因克也不说废话,一开口就是正题,“他们杀死方丈,夺走钥匙,侵入石院的宝塔中,连破九九八十一道禅门禁印,导致‘六阖镜’破封而出。” Six and mirror?” Feng Bujue repeated these three characters with the tone of question( because pronunciation is the same, at this time Jue Bro thinks what Ainke said is and). “六和镜?”封不觉用疑问的口气将这三个字重复了一遍(因为发音相同,此时觉哥以为奥因克说的是“和”)。 „More than 1000 years ago, there is a Daoist wizard......” Ainke then to answer, this person of magic arts superior, and mean evil and cruel...... he used unexpectedly for dozens years, collected over ten thousand people of blood, the sacrifice refining up a greatly ominously greatly wicked magic weapon......” his a half second, „...... that was six whole mirrors.” “一千多年前,有个妖道……”奥因克接着解释道,“此人法术高强、且阴狠歹毒……他竟用了数十年的时间,收集上万人的鲜血,祭炼出了一件大凶大恶的法宝……”他微顿半秒,“……那就是‘六阖镜’。” The words to here, Ainke have cleaned the kitchen knife on hand, gradually arrived at the stove, depends on the top to stand firm: So-called six whole, is the world life, six samsara. Now this six and temple six and, are the later generation misregistration is the result.” 话至此处,奥因克已洗净了手上的菜刀,缓步走到了灶边,靠着灶台站定:“所谓‘六阖’,即是天地生灵,六道轮回。如今这‘六和寺’的‘六和’,是后人误读所致。” That this six whole mirrors( this little while Jue Bro has known that was which character)......” Feng Bujue met saying that how...... to be sealed into six and in the temple?” “那这‘六阖镜’(这会儿觉哥已知道是哪个字了)……”封不觉接道,“……又是如何被封入六和寺中的呢?” Briefly...... has the obtaining enlightenment eminent monk to abandon oneself salvation, perished together with that Daoist wizard.” Ainke returns said, afterward, the disciples of that eminent monk the magic weapon that it used Jiaye pinnacle The placement in this, enters in six whole mirror towns with the numerous seals the tower, and constructs the temple around the pagoda, so that the later generation successors can the generation guard this thing.” “简单地说……有个得道高僧舍己救世,和那个妖道同归于尽了。”奥因克回道,“后来,那个高僧的弟子们将其生前所用的法宝【迦叶石塔】安置于此,用重重封印将六阖镜镇入塔中,并且在宝塔周围建寺,以便后世传人可以世代看守此物。” Understands......” Feng Bujue nods, then asked that un...... said again that three robber treasure, what background were they? Now where?” “明白了……”封不觉点点头,转而问道,“嗯……再说说那三个盗宝者吧,他们都是什么来头?现在何处?” Ainke thinks slightly for several seconds, returns said: Strict, that three are not the person...... that leads, was in the past the disciple grandson of that Daoist wizard, said number Miao Xuzi. This boy half -and-a-half people of monsters, usually like the incarnation for the appearance of young monk ; He is not only skilled in the Taoist skill and sorcery, but also studied many methods of Zen.” 奥因克略微思索几秒,回道:“严格来说,那三个也不都是人……其中领头的那个,是当年那名妖道的徒孙,道号‘妙胥子’。这厮半人半妖,平时喜欢化身为年轻和尚的样子;他不但精通道术和妖法,还研究了许多禅宗的法门。” „...... That 81 ban seal not to block him...... to hear here no wonder, nearby Xiao Tan met one self-effacingly. “哦……难怪那八十一道禁印也没拦住他……”听到这里,一旁的小叹摇头晃脑地接了一句。 „That second person......” Ainke also said immediately, „...... is a woman, is the Jiang Hu person red hawk thief. This is a very strange fellow, from the angle of your human, she without doubt is a beautiful woman, moreover her martial arts is very high, does not lack the wealth...... but, she likes being a thief......” “那第二人……”奥因克随即又道,“……是个女人,是江湖人称‘红莺’的大盗。这是个非常古怪的家伙,以你们人类的角度来看,她无疑是个美女,而且她武功很高,也不缺钱财……但是,她偏偏喜欢做贼……” kleptomania.” Xiao Ling meets to say. 偷窃癖吧。”小灵接道。 If likes stealing, possibly is kleptomania......” Ainke meets saying that „, but...... she likes being a thief incessantly, but also likes being the prostitute.” He shrugs, waves to buy the person in entire brothel, actually isn't the driving committee body in the most inferior brothel, this kleptomania?” “如果只是喜欢偷的话,可能是偷窃癖……”奥因克接道,“可是……她不止喜欢做贼,还喜欢做娼。”他耸了耸肩,“一个挥挥手就买下整座妓院的人,却主动委身于最下等的娼寮,这不是偷窃癖吧?” That is bi-】.” Feng Bujue blurted out that should say, was only his words by the system mask, no one knows that he said any strange noun. “那就是【哔-】咯。”封不觉脱口而出地应道,只是他的话被系统屏蔽了,没人知道他说出了什么奇怪的名词。 Was what also It does not matter, she had also been massacred by that side boy in any case.” Ainke is saying, turned the head to look at Wang Tanzhi. “是什么也无所谓了,反正她也已经被那边的小子杀掉了。”奥因克说着,转头看了看王叹之 Ha?” Xiao Tan gawked, after two seconds, responded, Oh~ was that was big mouth that wore the red clothes strange?” His flexure scratched the head, Oh...... you determined that was a person?” “哈?”小叹愣了一下,两秒后反应道,“哦~就是那个穿红衣服的大嘴怪啊?”他挠了挠头,“呃……你确定那是人?” „When she robs the treasure person.” Ainke returns said, „...... six whole mirrors broken won the title she not.” “她来盗宝时还是人。”奥因克回道,“不过……六阖镜破封后她就不是了。” This said later again.” Feng Bujue had the topic, first then spoke that third person.” “这个待会儿再说吧。”封不觉将话题带了回去,“先接着讲那第三个人。” „The third person...... called Lu Bufu, was ’...... Ainke sneers one bydelicious well-known pirate, on the soup caldron toward stove looked at one, ironically...... he himself turns into pot meat stew now but actually.” “第三个人……叫鲁不服,是个以‘好吃’闻名的江洋大盗……”奥因克冷笑一声,朝灶上的汤锅看了一眼,“讽刺的是……现在他自己倒变成一锅肉汤了。” His words seem invisible emetic, let the stomach of Xiao Tan and Xiao Ling felt an indescribable illness. 他的话就好似一针无形的催吐剂,让小叹小灵的胃部感到了一阵难以言喻的不适。 Naturally, the person was not I kills, was that massacred for the boy of king named anything a moment ago.” Ainke said, I do not want to waste the material.” “当然了,人不是我杀的,是刚才那个叫什么什么为王的小子杀掉的。”奥因克道,“我只是不想浪费了素材而已。” How that matter good......” seems like, Feng Bujue to eating the matter that refuses to accept the brother does not care at all, he then asked that what I cared when was they robs the treasure had anything.” “那种事怎样都好……”看起来,封不觉对吃了不服兄的事情毫不在意,他接着问道,“我关心的是他们盗宝时发生了什么。” Snort...... several can mixed fish that does not clarify the condition, what good matter put in order to come?” Ainke shakes the head, returns with the helpless tone said that „when seal eradicates, six whole Mirror Demon can the present world, entire Tsukimori cover, in Blood Fiend tied, and called six ominous spirits ; Then, the people in entire small town are tying under the influence on die rapidly, moreover after they die , was still suffering suffering of Blood Fiend incantation, is unable to be reincarnated ; As for that three unlucky egg......, because they know nothing about the ability of that mirror, causing them to be absorbed the soul by the mirror immediately, turned into ominous spirit host body.” “哼……几个搞不清状况的杂鱼,能整出什么好事儿来么?”奥因克摇了摇头,用无奈的口吻回道,“封印破除之际,六阖镜魔能现世,将整个荷月镇都笼罩在了‘血煞结界’之中,并召来了‘六道凶灵’;接着,整个小镇的人都在结界影响下迅速死去,而且他们死后仍在遭受血煞咒的折磨,无法超生;至于那三个倒霉蛋儿嘛……由于他们对那镜子的能力一无所知,导致他们在第一时间就被镜子摄住了魂魄,变成了凶灵的宿体。” so that's how it is......” the Xiao Tan nod said, in other words they six ominous spiritswere taken possession by that what ‚?” 原来如此……”小叹点头道,“也就是说他们仨都被那什么‘六道凶灵’附身了?” No, does not take possession.” Ainke should say, so-called six ominous spirits, what referred to is not six specific individuals, but was......” he thinks slightly several seconds, said again, with the words that you can understand...... are six quite extreme consciousness symbols. These six can exist in this universe entity somewhere, can not have thing in physical potential surface......” he, „the words that must analogy...... like say/way that’ your human often said. The say/way can be a person, a book and a few words, or an idea.” “不,并不是附身。”奥因克应道,“所谓‘六道凶灵’,指的并不是六个特定的个体,而是……”他略微想了几秒,再道,“用你们能理解的话来说……就是六种比较极端的意识象征。这六者可以是存在于这个宇宙某处的实体,也可以是不存在于物理位面中的东西……”他顿了顿,“要比喻的话……就像你们人类常说的‘道’一样。道可以是一个人、一本书、一段话、或是一种理念。” Then at present in this Blood Fiend does tie six ominously spirit respectively is?” Xiao Ling is probing asking. “那么眼下在这血煞结界中的六道凶灵分别是?”小灵试探着问道。 Lu Bufu is Hungry Ghost Dao, the red hawk is Human Dao, these two had been eliminated.” Ainke returns said. 鲁不服是‘饿鬼道’,红莺是‘人道’,这两个都已经被消灭了。”奥因克回道。 Not only eliminates, but also is digesting.” Feng Bujue complains opportunistically. “岂止是消灭,还在消化呢。”封不觉见缝插针地吐了个槽。 However Miao Xuzi is ‚the Heavenly Dao, this little while...... should move that side the monk's cell.” Ainke has not managed Jue Bro, then said, other...... also 40 years ago by the mirror gives swallowing the pitiful creature, named Zhang Ke, he is Hell Dao, at present he and mirror also in that pagoda.” “而妙胥子是‘天道’,这会儿……应该在方丈室那边活动。”奥因克没理觉哥,接着说道,“另外……还有一个在四十年前就被镜子给‘吞噬’了的可怜虫,名叫张恪,他是‘地狱道’,目前他和镜子都还在那宝塔之中。” Speaking of here, Ainke stopped for several seconds, meets to say again: Above four, by mirror photo ominous spirit host body, they are basically also retaining the original character and remember, but essentially is another lifeform.” Saying, his raise hand referred to itself, remaining two...... one of them, is I.” 说到这儿,奥因克停顿了几秒,再接道:“以上四个,都是被镜子‘照’出的凶灵宿体,他们基本还保留着原本的性格和记忆,但本质上已经是另一种生物了。”说着,他抬手指了指自己,“剩下的两道嘛……其中之一,就是我。” „...... Beast Dao?” Feng Bujue meets to say. “哦……‘畜生道’是吧?”封不觉接道。 Right.” Ainke returns said, I was regarded some type representativeto come to Summon by six whole mirrors ‚, only if Blood Fiend tied absorbed enough life or is broken, otherwise I could not really have gotten away.” “没错。”奥因克回道,“我是被六阖镜当成了某种‘代表’给召唤过来的,除非血煞结界吸取了足够的生灵或者被破掉,否则我还真走不了。” Then......” conversation hence, the Feng Bujue facial expression changes, the sinking sound asked that final...... Asura Dao?” “那么……”交谈至此,封不觉神情微变,沉声问道,“最后的……‘阿修罗道’呢?”
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