TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#900: Did this bowl

After emitting the vampire bat, Xiao Ling and Xiao Tan then hid in a shadow of building together, calmly is observing that side the kitchen sound. 放出吸血蝙蝠后,小灵小叹便一同躲到了一处建筑物的阴影中,静静地观察着厨房那边的动静。 Less than one minute, the door of kitchen was then opened by person, finally went out of a husky fellow of pig person. 才一分钟不到,厨房的门便被“人”打开了,结果从中走出了一位猪头人身的彪形大汉。 While two players prepare to discuss how on the quiet when should deal with this condition, suddenly...... 正当两名玩家准备悄悄地讨论一下该如何应对这状况时,突然…… Two......” in the wink of an eye, Ainke then appeared in Xiao Tan and Xiao Ling front, opened the mouth to ask calm, how chats to the kitchen in me?” “二位……”瞬息之间,奥因克便出现在了小叹小灵的面前,淡定地开口问道,“跟我到厨房里来聊聊如何?” The accident that this sudden, is unexpected, making Terror Value of two players rise dramatically suddenly ; How Ainke discovers their, how also to move to them in front of...... they do not think completely clearly, only at this moment they can believe firmly is...... this NPC is much stronger. 这突如其来、始料未及的变故,让两名玩家的惊吓值陡然飙升;奥因克是如何发现他们的,又是如何移动到他们面前的……他俩完全想不明白,此刻他们唯一能确信的就是……这个NPC强得离谱。 If we don't want to go?” Xiao Ling has not rejected the opposite party clearly, but probed was asking one. “如果我们不想去呢?”小灵没有明确地拒绝对方,而是试探着问了一句。 Snort......” Ainke sneers, meets saying that „, although I the content of those words seemed like inquiring a moment ago, but I and Bujue must you have the choice.” He, naturally, if you are determined to reject me, I will suggest that you first consider to be able, rather than thinks.” “哼……”奥因克冷笑一声,接道,“虽然我刚才那句话的内容好像是在提问,但我并不觉得你们有选择的余地。”他顿了顿,“当然了,如果你们执意要拒绝我的话,我会建议你们先考虑一下‘能不能’,而不是‘想不想’。” Oh...... that......”, regardless of the skill and imposing manner of opposite party, or in the language, Xiao Tan felt that intensely...... here must instigate, I looked......” he lowered the sound to say to Xiao Ling, we went......” 呃……那个……”无论从对方的身手、气势、或是语言上,小叹都强烈地感觉到了……此处得怂一怂,“我看……”他压低了声音对小灵道,“咱们还是去吧……” Ok ~ ok ~ Xiao Ling elongated the tonality, shakes the head to sigh. She also clear, if not illuminate this NPC to do, will then likely also welcome one time the dead event, but this time...... perhaps is nothing recalling leeway. “行~行~”小灵拉长了音调,摇头叹道。她心里也清楚,假如不照这个NPC的话做,接下来很可能又会迎来一次即死事件,而这次……恐怕是没有什么挽回余地的了。 Thereupon, they quite followed Ainke to move toward the kitchen reluctantly. 于是乎,他们二人颇为无奈地跟着奥因克走向了香积厨。 Dozens meters distance, lifts the foot...... 几十米的距离,抬脚就到…… Entered the kitchen front door, Xiao Tan and Xiao Ling saw Unvoiced as King that squatted in the corner, after three people of line of sight connection, in the respective heart added several points of doubt. 一进厨房大门,小叹小灵就看到了蹲在墙角的非口为王,三人的视线交汇后,各自心中都添了几分狐疑。 It seems like we were not the first batch were invited......” Xiao Ling look at Unvoiced as King to talk over one, immediately shot a look at soup caldron on the stove, asked that „should your teammates...... not be given to boil by him?” “看来我们不是第一批被请进来的啊……”小灵看着非口为王念叨了一句,随即又瞥了眼灶上的汤锅,问道,“你的队友们……该不会都被他给煮了吧?” He boils...... is mini Boss that I killed a moment ago......” Unvoiced as King is staring the Hell Front two opponents, exhibits a robust stand to return forcefully said that snort/hum...... my beforehand and that mini Boss dogfight for a long time, is insufficient to be given to catch by him......” “他煮的……是我刚才打死的小BOSS……”非口为王瞪着地狱前线的两名对手,强行摆出一副强硬的态度回道,“哼……要不是我之前和那小BOSS缠斗了许久,也不至于被他给擒住……” His these words just said, Xiao Tan then asked: Eh? I thought that what your action hasn't received to limit probably?” His raise hand referred to Ainke, two fellow apprentices just ran grasps our times, don't you why run?” 他这句话刚说完,小叹就接着问道:“诶?我看你的行动好像也没有受到什么限制啊?”他抬手指了指奥因克,“二师兄刚刚跑出来抓我们的时候,你干嘛不跑啊?” „Can idle talk...... run I to be able not to run?” Unvoiced as King cold -ly snorted and said, „the speed of that fellow is fast instantaneously with moves is the same, I how......” “废话……跑得掉我会不跑么?”非口为王冷哼道,“那家伙的速度快得跟瞬间移动一样,我怎么……” I said that...... both of you......” at this time, Ainke a little could not listen, spoke to hit to block the way, two fellow apprentices and that fellow...... didn't have the politeness?” His a half second, added that my name was Ainke...... remembers to me.” “我说……你们俩……”这时,奥因克有点儿听不下去了,出言打断道,“一口一个‘二师兄’、‘那家伙’的……太没有礼貌了吧?”他微顿半秒,补充道,“我的名字是‘奥因克’……给我记住了。” Oh? hears here, Xiao Ling is suddenly enlighted, originally you are Ainke.” 哦?”听到这里,小灵恍然大悟,“原来你就是奥因克啊。” About this pig elder brother's matter, before Feng Bujue and Li Ruoyu are very long, has mentioned with the teammates( at the beginning of game, everyone quite will often discuss in some Scenario in detail character or event, to share the Level cleared experience). Afterward, after Jue Bro experienced deodar cedar county hospital Scenario of monster kingdom, he then knew Ainke is the matter of unique data, therefore he raised one time with the teammates. 关于这位猪头哥的事情,封不觉黎若雨很久以前就跟队友们提起过(在游戏初期,大伙儿经常会比较详细地讨论一些剧本中遇到的人物或事件、以分享通关经验)。后来,在觉哥经历了怪物王国的雪松郡医院剧本后,他便得知了奥因克是唯一性的数据的事情,因此他又跟队友们提了一次。 The Xiao Ling memory is good, even if she does not have personally to see this NPC, but after hearing its name, she remembers oneself had once heard, various descriptions of related Ainke immediately. 小灵的记忆力非常不错,纵然她没有亲眼见过这个NPC,但听到其名字以后,她立刻就想起了自己曾听到过的、有关奥因克的各种描述。 Un...... this name is a little familiar-sounding......” another side, Xiao Tan also remembered anything, talked over one in a soft voice. “嗯……这名字是有点儿耳熟呢……”另一边,小叹也想起了什么,轻声念叨了一句。 Listens to my given name also uselessly......” Ainke actually to think otherwise, he then said, „...... to here, must illuminate my custom to come.” “听过我的名号也没用……”奥因克对此却是不以为然,他接着道,“……到了这儿,就得照我的规矩来。” What custom?” Xiao Ling takes advantage of opportunity to ask, what meaning ‚is here? Refers to six and temple? Refers to Tsukimori? What did here exactly have?” “什么规矩?”小灵顺势问道,“‘这儿’又是什么意思?是指六和寺吗?还是指荷月镇?这里到底发生了什么?” Hehe......” Ainke smiled, „your issues......” he took a fast look around Unvoiced as King one, „...... that boy had previously all asked.” He shakes the head to shrug, I first said that the custom......” he turns on the soup caldron, stirred several in inside with a big bucket, wants to make me reply that your issues, must first eat my soup to be good.” “呵呵……”奥因克笑了,“你的这些问题……”他扫视了非口为王一眼,“……那个小子先前全都问过了。”他摇头耸肩,“我就先说规矩吧……”他打开汤锅,用一个大勺在里面搅拌了几下,“想让我回答你们的问题,首先要喝过我的汤才行。” Ha?” Xiao Tan gawked, empty focuses saying that this custom...... probably also very polite......” “哈?”小叹愣了一下,虚着眼道,“这规矩……好像还挺客气的嘛……” Snort...... you, if saw that mini Boss appearance...... not to say.” Unvoiced as King complied with one with the quite strange tone in side. “哼……你要是见过那个小BOSS的样子……就不会这么说了。”非口为王用颇为怪异的语气在旁应了一句。 ............ ………… Words weight head...... 话分两头…… At the same time, before six and temple monk's cell gate . 同一时刻,六和寺方丈室门前。 ...... pays attention to...... me to push the door......” Also First for King to stand before the gate the deep breath one time, then and reminded a teammate. “呼……注意了……我要推门了……”先也为王站在门前深呼吸了一次,并回头提醒了一下队友。 Relax, I shield you.” Stands the Last Raid response of not far away said in the team leader behind. “放心,我掩护你。”站在队长身后不远处的最终强袭回应道。 When Corpse Blade these two after all are also the professional player, the exploration approach is very explicit. After they enter the temple,...... directly soars six without delay and temple center stone institute pagoda ; Because Xiao Tan has made a connection with the entrance of temple, and cleans up to defend in three bringing up the rear scarlets is female, therefore Also First for King and Last Raid basically not hindered to arrive in the destination. 尸刀这两位毕竟也是职业玩家,探索时的思路还是很明确的。他们进寺之后,二话不说……直奔六和寺中心的石院宝塔;由于小叹已经打通了寺庙的入口、并清理掉了守在三门殿后的红衣女怪,所以先也为王最终强袭基本是毫无阻滞地抵达了目的地。 However, after stone institute, they discovered that the front door of stone institute entrance is seals up, need stone Yuan key Can open. According to first also the team leader speculates...... the key of this place 99% in the abbot hand, therefore, two people touched the monk's cell...... 但是,到了石院以后,他们就发现石院入口处的大门是封住的,需要【石院的钥匙】才能打开。据先也队长推测……这种地方的钥匙90%九在方丈手上,于是,两人就一路摸到了方丈室来…… Good, after pushing the door , if there is situation, you......” Also First for King is saying, while has built the hand in the gate. “好,推门后假如有情况,你就……”先也为王一边说着,一边已将手搭在了门上。 Has not thought...... 没想到…… „--” “啊-呃-” Suddenly, the chanting in a low voice sound that one urgently presses intermittently transmits from their behind darkness, in this stench, dim, in the temple of static posthumous name...... this sound appears incomparably grips the ear. 忽然,一阵阵催命的低吟声从他们身后的黑暗中传来,在这腥臭的、昏暗的、静谥的庙宇中……这声音显得无比扎耳。 Cut...... really to pursue.” Also First for King this little while a little fears the extremely fresh angry the meaning, the expression on tone and face of speech appears the comparison to clash. But his behavior...... also came under the influence of this psychology without doubt, becomes somewhat crude. “切……果然追上来了。”先也为王这会儿有点惧极生怒的意思,讲话的语气和脸上的表情都显得比较冲。而他的行为……无疑也受到了这种心理的影响,变得有些鲁莽。 Did not have the means that you looked for the key advanced, I was responsible for leading away this crowd of monsters.” Also First for King is saying, shoved open the wooden door of monk's cell. “没办法了,你先进去找钥匙,我负责把这群怪物引开。”先也为王说着,就推开了方丈室的木门。 After the gate, is the deep darkness. 门后,是深沉的黑暗。 And...... 以及…… Amitabha......” the person's shadow, is reading aloud Buddha together lightly, slowly line from gate. “阿弥陀佛……”一道人影,轻诵着佛号,从门中缓缓行出。 Corpse Blade that two responses are also not slow, no matter 3721, first will jump in the future greatly one step, adopted the stance of alert. 尸刀那二位反应也是不慢,甭管三七二十一,先往后大跳一步,摆出了戒备的姿态。 After two seconds, a whole body black frock, is binding the purple surface Buddhist priest of scarlet cassock from the monk's cell. 两秒后,一个全身黑色僧袍,裹着猩红色袈裟的紫面僧人从方丈室中走了出来。 Does not raise regardless the skin color, looks at the appearance, this monk is really young . Moreover the appearance is delicate and pretty, how to see is about 30 years old high and low, not seeming like can become the age of abbot / abbess abbot. But in his hand takes the monk's staff and wears the style of cassock, display its status is not a common Buddhist priest. 撇开肤色不提,看面相,这和尚甚是年轻,而且容貌俊美,怎么看都不过三十岁上下,不像是能当上住持方丈的年纪。但他手中拿着的禅杖和身披袈裟的样式,都显示其身份并非一般僧人。 „After two donors......” purple surface Buddhist priest treads the front door, the faint smile looked to the Corpse Blade two people, this was the Buddhism quiet place......” his line of sight looks to two player hands already in grasping weapon, two held the ominous soldier in this hand, intended what for?” “二位施主……”紫面僧人踏出屋门后,似笑非笑地看向了尸刀的二人,“此乃佛门清静之地……”他的视线看向了两名玩家手中已然在握的武器,“二位在此手执凶兵,意欲何为啊?” These words that this NPC spoke, obviously is hiding some unusual bad risk FLAG......, if replied not well, finally it can be imagined. 这名NPC所说的这句话,显然藏着某种非常凶险的FLAG……假如回答得不好,结果可想而知。 This......” Also First for King is also Corpse Blade one team of teams leader, is not the foolhardy generation, even without the medicine assistance, he were still insufficient to plant on that obvious trap. Therefore, he after short ponder, at once exchanges a genial look, holds the fist in the other hand( blade to grasp submissively in hand, does not dare to receive) saying that this Grandmaster, I with this brothers...... do not know why encountered the malicious ghost to chase down, bumps into just now goes into the temple. If there is the place of offending...... also to look to be broad-minded.” “这……”先也为王到底也是尸刀的一队队长,绝非有勇无谋之辈,即使没了药物辅佐,他也不至于栽在那么明显的陷阱上。因此,他经过了短暂的思考后,旋即换上一副和善的神色,抱拳拱手(刀还是握在手里的,没敢收起来)道,“这位大师,我和这位兄弟……不知为何遭到了恶鬼追杀,误打误撞方才闯入寺中。如有得罪之处……还望海涵。” Oh? malicious ghost?” That purple surface Buddhist priest hears these two characters, the happy expression on face was thicker, under the dim ray, shadow fluctuation twinkle on his face, appears its look to measure strangely not, „does donor refer to...... your behind these?” 哦?恶鬼?”那紫面僧人听到这两个字,脸上的笑意更浓了,在昏暗的光线下,他脸上的阴影浮动闪烁,显得其神色诡异莫测,“施主是指……你们身后的那些吗?” It finishes barely the words, several ghosts have put on the wall firmly, appeared in the courtyard outside monk's cell. When Also First for King they then look, fluttered also only has more than ten meters the frontline several monster distances. 其话音未落,确已有数个鬼魂穿墙而过,出现在了方丈室外的院子里。当先也为王他们回头看时,飘在最前方的几个怪物距离这边也只有十几米而已了。 „Is......” Also First for King hurries to say, does not know whether the Grandmaster can help us drive to draw back these ghosts?” “是是……”先也为王赶紧应道,“不知大师能否助我们驱退那些鬼怪?” Hehe......” purple surface Buddhist priest rippled smiled, donor chatted, the Buddhist leniency, since two had arrived here, how the monk will sit by and do nothing?” “呵呵呵……”紫面僧人荡漾地笑了,“施主说笑了,出家人慈悲为怀,既然二位已来到了这里,小僧又岂会坐视不理呢?” Such remarks, two players exchange a meaningful glance immediately, and relaxes. Seemed like...... the negotiation of Also First for King and this NPC is successful. 此言一出,两名玩家立刻交换了一下眼色,并松了口气。看起来……先也为王与这NPC的交涉算是成功了。 But they have not thought that...... the words of opposite party have not said. 可他们万万没想到……对方的话还没说完。 Monk this helps two......” next second, the smile quenching of purple surface Buddhist priest, „...... ascends the West to be extremely happy early, is exempt from the pain of this purgatory!” “小僧这就助二位……”下一秒,紫面僧人的笑容骤冷,“……早登西方极乐,免受这炼狱之苦!” ............ ………… The line of sight returns to the kitchen. 视线回到香积厨中。 At this moment, three players have sat before a wooden table of rectangle abreast in row, from left to right respectively is Gu Xiaoling, Wang Tanzhi and Unvoiced as King. 此刻,三名玩家已在一张长方形的木桌前并排而坐,从左至右分别是古小灵王叹之非口为王 But that Ainke...... near the stove, is ladling out soup toward three large bowls. 而那奥因克……正在灶边,往三个大碗里盛汤。 But saw that pig elder brother to have three bowls of quantity multi- material full meat stew on hold very deftly, put on a wooden block plate, and with held single-handed. 但见那猪头哥十分麻利地就盛出了三碗量多料足的肉汤,放到了一个木托盘上,并用单手托了过来。 He put the front of three players three large bowls respectively, then stands firm same place, both hands intersect in the chest front, is looking at three Human Dao with the condescending look: Three...... have tasted my craftsmanship, we discussed again.” 他把三个大碗分别放到了三名玩家的面前,然后就原地站定,双手交叉在胸前,用居高临下的眼神望着三人道:“三位……尝过了我的手艺,咱们再谈。” Oh......, although I do not want to speak too transparent the words, but......” a Xiao Tan face looks at front soup bowl awkwardly, whispered half a word. 呃……虽然我不想把话说得太明了,但是……”小叹一脸为难地看着面前的汤碗,嘀咕了半句。 This bowl of soup looks or hearing was suspicious......” Xiao Ling to speak the latter half a word words of teammate. “这碗汤无论是看着还是闻着都非常可疑啊……”小灵把队友的后半句话说了出来。 Naturally, their views are quite tactful, Unvoiced as King said directly: What suspicious...... was nausea ’...... the light is placed in front of me obviouslylike this is about to spit.” 当然了,他俩的说法还比较委婉,非口为王则是直接言道:“什么‘可疑’……明明是‘恶心’……光是这样摆在我面前都快吐了。” The appraisal of Unvoiced as King...... is quite critical. The bowl of soup that Ainke makes, the luster black salt is greasy, the smell is also hard to describe ill-smellingly, said that is the dark ingredients has calculated polite the words that...... must analogy, are boil pot pure body waste to come out, perhaps the disgusting degree is also mediocre. 非口为王的这个评价……还是比较中肯的。奥因克煮的这碗汤,色泽黑灰油腻,气味也是难以形容得难闻,说是黑暗料理已经算客气的了……非要类比的话,就是去煮一锅纯正的屎尿出来,恐怕恶心程度也不过如此。 Snort......” Ainke thinks little to their responses, he smiles is meeting saying that dislikes the nausea, you can not drink.” “哼……”奥因克对他们的反应不以为意,他微笑着接道,“嫌恶心,你们可以不喝。” Real?” Naive Xiao Tan two shine immediately asks. “真的吗?”天真的小叹立即两眼放光地问道。 Really.” The reply of Ainke is neat, „, but, did not eat the soup...... not to represent you to leave.” “真的。”奥因克的回答干脆利落,“不过,不喝汤……不代表你们就可以离开了。” Is individual can listen, here has a plot branch...... to drink this bowl of disgusting thing, to a great extent will decide the following development. 是个人就能听出来,这里有一个剧情分支……喝不喝这碗恶心的东西,在很大程度上将决定接下来的发展。 Carries on during that considers in the players, suddenly...... 就在玩家们对此进行斟酌的当口,忽然…… Squeak- 吱- With the sound that a wooden axis rolls, the gate of kitchen from outside is opened unexpectedly. Then, the person's shadow then appeared in the entrance together. 伴随着一声木轴滚动的响动,厨房的门竟从外面被打开了。接着,一道人影便出现在了门口。 WTF?” 卧槽?” This swearing, does not stem from the mouth of any player obviously, when they use this interjection will be by the system mask. 这句粗口,显然不是出自任何一名玩家的口中,因为他们使用这种感叹词时是会被系统屏蔽的。 Therefore, says...... is Ainke that these two characters come. 所以,说出这两个字来的……是奥因克 Oh ~ for a long time does not see.” Feng Bujue smiles is looking to a pig elder brother, and is stepping the lively step, moves toward that table that other three people of institutes were. “唷~好久不见啊。”封不觉微笑着看向猪头哥,并迈着轻快的步伐,走向了其余三人所在的那张桌子。 Your boy how here?” Ainke was obviously different to the tone that Jue Bro spoke, in brief was a very ripe appearance...... “你小子怎么在这儿?”奥因克觉哥讲话的语气明显就不同了,总之就是一副很熟的样子…… This...... hehe......” Feng Bujue is saying, has arrived at the table, was a long story......” words not saying that he carried in front of Unvoiced as King that bowl of soup conveniently, made me drink water tells you slowly.” “这个嘛……呵呵……”封不觉说着,已走到了桌边,“一言难尽啊……”话还没说完,他就随手端起了非口为王面前的那碗汤,“让我喝口水慢慢跟你讲。” WTF?” This, was Unvoiced as King is startled such a in the heart. 卧槽?”这一回,是非口为王在心中惊出了这么一句。 Although small the words and deeds of this character to Feng Bujue is not known as hearing, but when Jue Bro really appears in its front, and when carried one bowl of nauseas to shock toward the mouth delivered...... Unvoiced as King to extreme meat stew calmly. 虽然小非对“疯不觉”这号人物的言行也是素有耳闻,但当觉哥真的出现在其面前,并且若无其事地端起一碗恶心到极点的肉汤就往嘴里送时……非口为王还是震惊了。 Gurgle...... gurgle...... gurgle...... 咕嘟……咕嘟……咕嘟…… Feng Bujue is supine the neck, is shaking the Adam's apple, reads without thinking will put in order bowl of meat stew to toss down generally. Let alone was the soup...... inside meat, bone and ingredient...... is all swallowed down by him continually. 封不觉仰着脖子,抖着喉结,囫囵吞枣一般将整碗肉汤一饮而尽。别说是汤了……连里面的肉、骨头、配料……全都被他吞了下去。 This, incessantly is Unvoiced as King, Xiao Tan and Xiao Ling were frightened to stare by him. 这一下,不止是非口为王,就连小叹小灵都被他吓愣了。 But this, has not calculated...... 而这,还不算完…… Crash-bang- 哗啦啦- After Jue Bro drinks thing in soup bowl a drop does not remain, but also flings the arm, falls toward the ground the bowl, just like when is forest outlaws drinks to swear brotherhood the liquor style. 觉哥将汤碗里的东西喝得一滴不剩之后,还一甩胳膊,把碗朝地上一摔,俨然是一副绿林好汉喝结拜酒时的风范。 Sound of residual sounds that bowl of breaking to pieces have not disappeared, Feng Bujue uses the sleeve cuff to wipe the mouth, looks at Ainke saying: Un, the flavor is good, is a little hot.” 那碗碎之声余音未消,封不觉就用袖口一抹嘴巴,看着奥因克道:“嗯,味道还不错,就是有点烫。”
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