TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#899: Inside and outside kitchen

woof ~ tearful ~ 汪~汪汪~ High-pitched and fine and frequent, and cheerful yelp......, in the atmosphere constrains in the fearsome temple to resound, had a not being able to say being out of sorts feeling. 一声声尖细、频繁、且欢快的狗叫声……在气氛压抑可怖的寺庙中响起,产生了一种说不出的违和感。 This chihuahua( variety that although Summon has each time is random, but will present this subminiature dog, most likely are skill is restricted to be the result) naturally not to brave baseless, but is Xiao Tan uses Summon technique- puppy Summons. 这只吉娃娃(虽然每次召唤出的品种都是随机的,但会出现这种超小型犬,八成是“技能受限”所致)自然不是凭空冒出来的,而是小叹用【召唤术-小狗】召出来的。 As Summon of ten points foundation is the skill, the Summon thing that it creates definitely does not have the too high intelligence or the battle efficiency. However, in this type probably meets opens the door to kill in Scenario momentarily, making the puppy go to step on thunder without doubt is the quite wise strategy. 作为一个十分基础的召唤系技能,它所创造出的召唤物肯定不具备太高的智能或战斗力。不过,在这种随时可能遇到“开门杀”的剧本中,让小狗去“踩雷”无疑是颇为高明的策略。 At present, Xiao Tan and Xiao Ling fast Tianwangdian six and temple, the Lohan hall and west side hall searched on use this chihuahua. They have not conducted very careful search, but determined these three places do have the dead event or the monster exist. 眼下,小叹小灵就利用这只吉娃娃快速地将六和寺的天王殿、罗汉堂和西侧配殿都探了一遍。他们没有进行非常细致的搜索,只是确定了这三个地方有没有即死事件或是怪物存在。 Their plans were...... before the duration of Summon lifeform( 8 minutes) conclusion, searched several places as far as possible, after waiting for the puppy to vanish, then went to investigate again carefully. 他们的计划是……在召唤生物的持续时间(八分钟)结束以前,尽可能多探几个地方,等小狗消失以后,再回头去仔细勘查一遍。 What a pity, because Scenario undermined the Active Skill effect, the duration of puppy had not arrived for eight minutes to vanish......, even if two people have raced against time, still only searched three regions. 可惜,由于剧本削弱了主动技能的效果,小狗的持续时间还没到八分钟就消失了……纵然二人已经争分夺秒,仍是只探了三个区域而已。 Before that chihuahua disappears, Xiao Tan and Xiao Ling just arrived at the nearby of kitchen...... 而在那只吉娃娃消失之前,小叹小灵刚好来到了香积厨的附近…… Eh? did you smell?” The Xiao Tan sense of smell is quite sharp, in smelled the smell that spreads from the room from a kitchen dozens meters place. 诶?你闻到了没有?”小叹的嗅觉颇为灵敏,在距离厨房几十米的地方就闻到了从屋里传出的气味。 Comes...... Xiao Ling to return compared with the smell said, and raise hand referred to the high place, „the smoke that in chimney braves is easier to be detected “比起气味来……”小灵回道,并抬手指了指高处,“烟囱里冒出来的烟更容易被察觉吧” Un...... in this case, the leisurely and carefree mood lights a fire to prepare food...... Wang Tanzhi in the kitchen to talk over unexpectedly self-effacingly, is it possible that...... is Jue Bro?” “嗯……在这种情况下,居然还有闲情逸致在厨房里生火做饭……”王叹之摇头晃脑地念叨,“莫非……是觉哥?” You thought......” Xiao Ling complains at the right moment, besides Captain, this matter others could not do......” saying that she took out one bottle of red wines from Traveling Bag , in any event...... I put only the bat to go in search apparent.” “你是觉得……”小灵适时地吐了个槽,“除了团长之外,这种事其他人干不出来是吧……”说着,她就从行囊里取出了一瓶红酒,“无论如何……我放只蝙蝠进去一探便知。” Finishes barely the words, she also started oneself only Summoning Skill...... 话音未落,她也发动了自己唯一的召唤技能…… Name: Summon technique- vampire bat 名称:召唤术-吸血蝙蝠】 Skill Card Attribute: Active Skill, Permanent 技能卡属性:主动技能,永久掌握 Skill Category: Summon 技能类别:召唤 Effect: A Summon vampire bat for you battles( cooling time 20 minutes, have time 5 minutes, at the same time have 1 vampire bat most)】 【效果:召唤一只吸血蝙蝠为你作战(冷却时间20分钟,存在时间五分钟,同一时间最多存在一只吸血蝙蝠)】 Consumption: Spirit Power 2, at least 50 milliliters red wine 【消耗:灵力值二,至少50毫升的红酒】 Learning Prerequisite: Level 10, after the learn/study, will open Summon Specialization 学习条件:等级十,学习后将开启召唤专精 Note: Its attack will perhaps not cause the too serious damage, but also leaves behind the wound on the goal sufficiently ; The inborn ultrasonic wave ability makes it have the considerable splendid dodging ability, regardless of flight item or the long jab are not easy to hit it ; What needs to pay attention is......, if it left your field of vision, and temporarily not been clear instruction, then it initiative striking distance recent warm-blooded animal.】 【备注:它的攻击或许不会造成太严重的损伤,但也足以在目标身上留下伤口;天生的超声波能力让它拥有相当出色的闪避能力,无论飞行道具还是直击都不易命中它;需要注意的是……如果它离开了你的视野,且暂时没有得到明确的指令,那么它会主动去攻击距离自己最近的恒温动物。】 Just like Xiao Tan, Xiao Ling the skill also to open Summon Specialization , brushes Specialization skilled to go to study while convenient. However......, although with for the foundation Summon technique, but the Summon lifeform of Xiao Ling compared with Xiao Tan, because this skill is to use Red wine This type of quite expensive consumables can start, but does not buy one like Xiao Tan Dog sentry post To summon good many time. 小叹一样,小灵的这个技能也是为了开启召唤专精、顺带刷刷专精的熟练度才去学的。不过……虽然同为基础召唤技,但小灵召唤生物要比小叹的更强一些,因为她这个技能是要用到【红酒】这种颇为昂贵的消耗品才能发动的,而不像小叹那样买一个【狗哨】想召多少次都行。 But...... you make the bat fly from the window to nip randomly, we do not know who the outcome in room is?” Xiao Tan asked. “可是……你让蝙蝠从窗户飞进去乱咬,我们还是不知道屋里的究竟是谁啊?”小叹问道。 Stupid ~ Xiao Ling knocked a head of Xiao Tan, „doesn't bat recognize the person, the person has not recognized the bat?” “笨啊~”小灵敲了一下小叹的头,“蝙蝠认不出人,人还认不出蝙蝠吗?” Oh! to Ah! after an opposite party reminder, Xiao Tan then realized, Jue Bro recognizes your Summon lifeform, what if in room is he, he naturally can respond to us.” He, but, if in room perhaps was others...... this bat can lure the snake from its hole.” 哦!啊!”经对方一提醒,小叹便意识到了,“觉哥是认得你的召唤生物的,如果屋里的是他,那他自然会回应我们。”他顿了顿,“而假如屋里的是别人……这只蝙蝠没准就能引蛇出洞了。” Right.” Xiao Ling should say, „, therefore......” she discussed that while directed that drab big bat to fly to the window of kitchen. “没错。”小灵应道,“所以嘛……”她一边念道,一边就指挥着那只土褐色的大蝙蝠飞向了厨房的窗户。 At this time, that window is opening without doubt condition. After all in this type of historic building is impossible to be loaded with the ventilating fan or the kitchen fan and so on gadget, even if there is a chimney, pass/test window prepares food is still very easy deceased person. 此时,那扇窗无疑是开着的状态。毕竟这种古建筑里也不可能装有排风扇或者抽油烟机之类的玩意儿,就算有个烟囱在,关窗做饭也是很容易死人的。 fu fu fu...... 啪呋啪呋啪呋…… Do not look is the low Level Summon thing, the flying speed of that vampire bat is very fast, the sound when the sound of its flight is a little slightly big and fans wing makes be quite obvious. 别看是低等级召唤物,那吸血蝙蝠的飞行速度还挺快,只是其飞行的动静略有点大、扇动翅膀时发出的声音比较明显。 Approximately passed for 78 seconds, this only Summon lifeform then flew into the kitchen. 大约过去了七八秒,这只召唤生物便飞入了香积厨中。 Then, it has not come out again...... 然后,它就再也没出来…… ............ ………… At the same time, kitchen. 同一时刻,厨房内部。 Snort...... I said how to have the ingredient that this type delivers automatically......” Ainke to look was changed into the white light by the bat of own crumb in hand rapidly, then sneers was discussing, originally is the Summon lifeform......” “哼……我就说怎么会有这种自动送上门来的配料呢……”奥因克看着被自己捏碎在手中的蝙蝠迅速化为了白光,便冷笑着念道,“原来是召唤生物吗……” Hears „the Summon lifeform these four word-time, squats in the corner Unvoiced as King Two one bright, by him who frightened and surrounds desperately, seemed and ignited a ray of hope. 听到“召唤生物”这四个字时,蹲在角落里的【非口为王】两眼一亮,被恐惧和绝望所包围的他,好似又燃起了一丝希望。 Said...... this once in the S2 preliminary contest successfully and Drunk and Lying Down Feeling Makes into schoolmate who perishes together, was elite in Corpse Blade young generation, said that he was Corpse Blade edition Heaven Swallowing Daring Devil is not overrated, he but who...... in this Scenario, stopped the medicine could be said as distressed to the extreme. 说起来……这位曾在S2预赛中成功地与【醉卧怅然】打成同归于尽的同学,也算是尸刀年轻一辈中的精英了,说他是尸刀版本的吞天鬼骁也不为过,但是……在这个剧本里,停药的他可说是狼狈到了极点。 Scenario from the beginning, Unvoiced as King becomes only one directly by player of automatically move to six and temple. This circumstances...... processed are the advantage, processing not well, then will be quite bad. But the Unvoiced as King situation, clearly belongs to the latter very much...... less than one minute, he did not trigger BOSS Level fight carefully. 剧本一开始,非口为王就成为了唯一一名直接被传送到六和寺内部的玩家。这种境遇……处理好了是优势,处理不好则会相当糟糕。而非口为王的情况,很明显属于后者……才一分钟不到,他就不小心触发了一次BOSS级的战斗事件。 With red clothes female who” Xiao Tan they encounter compared with, that mini Boss that Unvoiced as King meets can with be hard to look straight ahead simply described...... 小叹他们遭遇的“红衣女子”相比,非口为王遇到的那个小BOSS简直能用“难以直视”来形容…… Appearance, he is going against one not long and not the straight black uncombed hair, the appearance that the withered wax yellow complexion and is concerned about country and people...... makes one glance unforgettablily. 容貌方面,他顶着一头不长、也不直的黑色乱发,枯槁蜡黄的脸色和忧国忧民的长相……让人过目难忘。 Stature, he has the torso of grown human size, and four limbs of Huobite person specification ; If humpbacked is he is the modest performance, then swallowed such as the needle and mouth big such as the torch and abdomen drum such as mountain these three characteristics...... to represent his attitude towards life thin without doubt. 身材方面,他有着成年人类尺寸的躯干、和霍比特人规格的四肢;如果说驼背是他为人谦虚的表现,那么咽细如针、口大如炬、腹鼓如山这三种特征……无疑代表了他的人生态度。 On the upper body and smooth foot that clothing, his is barebacked stained the blood stain, soil and excrement( probably), this type is unable to duplicate, the action art adorns the way...... brief, is not simple, high-end, is not high-profile. Waist leave of grass bark Fujioka small shorts, show the uninhibited individuality and wild nature aura that is hard to conceal, one type wants to kneel before him not the courage with the constriction that raised the head to open eyes. 穿戴方面,他那赤膊的上身和光溜溜的脚丫上沾满了血污、泥土和屎(大概),这种无法复制的、行为艺术般的妆点方式……简约,却不简单,高端,却不高调。腰间一条草叶树皮藤织小短裤,彰显出难以掩盖的不羁个性和野性气息,给人一种想跪在他面前都没有用勇气抬头睁眼的压迫感。 In summary...... this goods basically are the abnormal primitive man of Demonization version. 综上所述……这货基本就是个魔化版的畸形原始人。 But we understand that a truth- judges people solely on appearance( strangely) is incorrect. In recent years, more and more research display...... the battle efficiency and appearance actually and had no direct connection, not only led ( US ) and strong these fellows nothing but compared with race talents of others many innate taunt. 但我们都明白一个道理-以貌取人(怪)是不对的。近年来,越来越多的研究显示……战斗力和长相其实并没有什么直接的关联,既帅(美)又强的那些家伙无非是比别人多一个先天嘲讽的种族天赋而已。 Unvoiced as King has not despised this seeks novelty the meaning, from the beginning put out came full power to the war. However...... skill is restricted is a very major problem, in addition the opposite party truly is an able hand, is not extremely good to cope......, therefore, this person blamed in six and in Main Hall in temple fought for a long time. Until before more than ten minutes, Unvoiced as King wins narrowly. 非口为王也没有小看这个猎奇物的意思,一开始就拿出了全力来对战。但是……“技能受限”是个很大的问题,再加上对方确实是个硬手,极其不好对付……于是,这一人一怪在六和寺的大雄宝殿里斗了许久。直到十多分钟前,非口为王才堪堪险胜。 While he is separated from the fight, prepares sits down to gasp for breath, two fellow apprentices............ are not Ainke...... suddenly appear. 而正当他从战斗中脱离出来,准备坐下喘口气的时候,二师兄……哦不……是奥因克……就突然出现了。 The later matter, two words can summarize Clearly Ainke trigged Unvoiced as King easily, brought back to the kitchen...... the preparation to make him taste meat stew him. 之后的事情,两句话就能概括清楚-奥因克轻而易举就制住了非口为王,把他带回了厨房……准备让他尝尝“肉汤”。 What's wrong?” At present, Ainke just posted in his ingredients the soup caldron. Do not look that he is turning away from the player, every action and every movement of opposite party he is clear very much, knew that nearby has other outsider, you thought that what favorable turn the aspect will have?” “怎么了?”眼下,奥因克刚把他的料理置入汤锅中。别看他是背对着玩家的,对方的一举一动他可是清楚得很,“得知附近有其他异界旅客在,你就觉得局面会有什么转机吗?” I......” Unvoiced as King hears word, hesitated for two seconds, immediately adopts the calm stance forcefully, responded neither arrogant nor servile, „...... I could not understand you to say anything.” “我……”非口为王闻言,迟疑了两秒,随即强行摆出镇定的姿态,不卑不亢地回应道,“……我听不懂你在说什么。” Ha!” Ainke hollow laugh one, I am return hear some people to lie with the so stiff tone.” “哈!”奥因克干笑一声,“我还是头回听到有人用如此生硬的语气说谎。” After these words exit|to speak, Unvoiced as King has not further responded. 这句话出口后,非口为王没有进一步回应。 Ainke sees him not to answer, then said: „......, since you thought that depends upon others to change the situation, that good......” he to be saying, put down the wooden spoon in hand, and covered the pot cover, „my goes to come in the opposite party.” 奥因克见他不回话,便接着说道:“也罢……既然你觉得依靠他人能扭转形势,那好……”他说着,放下了手中的木勺,并盖上了锅盖,“我这就去把对方请进来。”
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