TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#898: Tags along, ambush, butcher

On the other hand, six with the Sishan hanger-on. 另一方面,六和寺山门下。 Team...... team leader?” When Last Raid Sees Also First for King Time, he a little cannot believe oneself eye simply. “队……队长?”当【最终强袭】看到【先也为王】的时候,他简直有点不敢相信自己的眼睛。 Because he had never seen Also First for King exhibits the present condition...... 因为他从未看到过先也为王呈现出眼前的这种状态…… At this time, Team One Corpse Blade the team leader, seeming like looks deathly pale, look to be absent-minded unexpectedly ; The stance of walk is also limps, pants. But in him behind beyond more than hundred meters, but also with indistinctly one big piece floating line ghost. 此时,尸刀一番队的这位队长,看上去竟是脸色惨白、眼神恍惚;其行走的姿态也是步履蹒跚、气喘吁吁。而在他身后百余米之外,还跟着影影绰绰一大片正在“飘行”的鬼影。 ............ anything not to ask that good...... quick...... first helped my stop the bleeding with the First Aid Healing skill, must stop thoroughly!” When Also First for King arrives around the team member, is panting for breath distressedly, while set this request. “呼……行了……什么也别问了……快……先用医疗技能帮我止血,要彻底止住!”先也为王来到队员跟前时,一边狼狈地喘息着,一边提出了这个要求。 Oh............” Last Raid, although some doubts, but acted accordingly accordingly. 呃……哦……”最终强袭虽有些疑惑,但还是应声照办了。 Then, Last Raid can also be one to have the player of characteristics firmly very much...... his all Specialization Level, is completely Level B. 说起来,最终强袭确也算得上是一个很有特点的玩家……他的所有专精等级,全部都是B级 In other words...... he is that extremely rare equicohesive pattern player. In the team anything can look for him...... anus he not empty, to play long-distance him also to be able with come out directly 0.2, Spirit Art Skill to be able with the Summon lifeform he also to have such several spear/gun, to save the sick and wounded is must have his form...... 也就是说……他属于那种极为稀有的均衡型玩家。队伍里什么事儿都可以找他……肛正面他不虚、玩远程他也能拿把枪出来点两下、灵术技能和召唤生物他也有那么几个、救死扶伤更是少不了他的身影…… Which aspect although he is at is not prominent, but each aspect also assembles. The Corpse Blade Optical Brain system comes out the average ability principal series of this goods, the result is among the best, he entered one team thereupon...... 虽然他在哪方面都不突出,但他每个方面都还凑合。尸刀光脑系统把这货的平均能力值列出来,结果是名列前茅的,于是乎他就进了一队…… But in this crucial point, teammate also Last Raid that Also First for King most wants to meet, this versatile helper can apply in all circumstances. 而在这个节骨眼儿上,先也为王最想遇到的队友也正是最终强袭,这种全能型的帮手在任何情况下都是可以派上用场的。 Ok, all stopped.” After all is the First Aid Healing Specialization Level B man...... with the aid of First Aid Healing is item and skill, the needless moment, Last Raid on all bleeding points Also First for King handles all, the guarantee will be a drop of blood will not flow again. “好了,全都止住了。”毕竟是医疗专精B级的男人……借助医疗道具和技能,不消片刻,最终强袭就把先也为王身上所有的出血点尽数搞定,保证是一滴血都不会再流出来了。 But...... 但…… Un......” Also First for King hesitates, then looks, discovered that...... the movement of distant place that group of ghosts has not stopped, hateful...... already late......” “嗯……”先也为王沉吟一声,回头望去,发现……远处那帮鬼魂的动作并未停止,“可恶……已经晚了吗……” How? Team leader.” Last Raid doubts saying that what evening?” “到底怎么了?队长。”最终强袭疑道,“什么晚了?” Oh...... do not walk said......” Also First for King is saying, signals with the eyes in the direction of entrance, hints the teammate to follow itself, immediately slightly runs is meeting saying that end he hung, have this you known?” “唉……别走边说吧……”先也为王说着,朝山门的方向使了个眼色,示意队友跟上自己,随即就小跑着接道,“末日他挂了,这你已经知道了吧?” Yes...... Scenario starts less than five minutes, I saw in the team column to be short of a living person......” Last Raid to return said. “是啊……剧本开始不到五分钟,我就看到团队栏里少了个活人……”最终强袭回道。 Also First for King heaves a deep sigh, then said: End...... was killed by Feng Bujue......” 先也为王摇头叹息,接着说道:“末日……是被疯不觉干掉的……” „......” Last Raid hears word, reveals one immediately so that's how it is the expression, as if Feng Bujue these three characters appear in the sentence, many unreasonable things can become logical, moreover does not need the explanation. “哦……”最终强袭闻言,立刻露出了一副“原来如此”的表情,就仿佛“疯不觉”这三个字一出现在句子里,很多不合情理的事情就可以变得顺理成章了,而且连解释都不需要。 Also First for King saw the teammate to accept this setting instantaneously, then continued saying: surnamed Feng( the present Feng Bujue's realistic status is not secret, many people know that he is novelist, knows after his name and game almost) massacred the end, crawled to the high place sang «Mountain road 18 Curved»......” 先也为王见队友瞬间就接受了这个设定,便继续讲了下去:“姓封的(如今封不觉的现实身份已经不是什么秘密,很多人都知道他是小说家,也知道他的姓名和游戏里差不多)杀掉了末日之后,就爬到高处唱了首《山路十八弯》……” Ha?” Last Raid has turned away, is crooked the mouth saying that real false?” “哈?”最终强袭转过脸来,歪着嘴道,“真的假的?” You thought that I currently have the mood to joke...... Also First for King empty to focus with you to ask. “你觉得我现在有心情跟你开玩笑么……”先也为王虚着眼反问道。 Un......” Last Raid was silent. “嗯……”最终强袭默然了。 Also First for King also looks the color of egg hurting: Actually...... before hearing singing sound, I first heard the sound of gunfire, listened to that is weapon of end, before Feng Bujue sang on me toward there movement. What a pity, I rush the end has hung, therefore...... I fight with Feng Bujue.” 先也为王也是面露蛋疼之色:“其实呢……在听到歌声以前,我就先听到了枪声,也听出了那是末日的武器,所以在疯不觉唱歌之前就我就在往那里移动了。可惜,我赶到的时候末日已经挂了,于是……我就和封不觉交了手。” You actually also live......” Last Raid these words, to blurt out in the brain obviously. “你竟然还活着……”最终强袭这句话显然是没过脑子、脱口而出。 Hey! Also First for King shouted, what words? Saw him dead, we admitted defeat to consider as finished!” 喂!先也为王喝道,“什么话啊?见了他就死,那我们认输算了!” „...... I am not that meaning......” Last Raid somewhat return awkwardly said that that anything...... always feels a little strangely today......” “不……我不是那个意思……”最终强袭有些尴尬地回道,“那啥……总感觉今天有点怪怪的……” Also First for King listened to this saying, the facial expression changes, then, he near the gathering opposite party ear said sentence anything immediately in a low voice. 先也为王听了这话,神情微变,接着,他立即凑到对方耳边低声说了句什么。 Oh! after Ah! is such Ah! the Last Raid hear the words of team leader is suddenly enlighted saying that I said where is not right...... is......” 哦!啊!原来是这样啊!最终强袭听完队长的话后恍然大悟道,“我就说有哪里不对呢……原来是……” Is anything is!” Also First for King saw that goods must medicine and so on phrase said that hurries to hit to block the way, has spoken the brain!” “是什么是!”先也为王眼瞅着那货就要把“药”之类的字眼说出口了,赶紧打断道,“说话过过脑子!” After his such a roared a reminder, Last Raid also realized own negligence. Thinks oneself nearly in open competition the Studio behind-the-scenes plotting shaking, is really a little lingering fear...... 经他这么一吼一提醒,最终强袭也意识到了自己的疏忽。一想到自己差点儿就在公开比赛里把工作室的黑幕给抖了出来,真是有点后怕…… Oh...... was sorry that......” he hurries to apologize for the matter that oneself nearly made an indiscreet remark. 呃……抱歉……”他赶紧为自己险些失言的事情道了个歉。 Considers as finished...... the next time ten million/countless limelight.” Also First for King does not blame him, because also team leader are also very first clear, without doubt this type does not pass through the ponder to hold outward the word situation...... is medicine expiration causes. “算了算了……下回千万注意点。”先也为王也不怪他,因为先也队长自己也很清楚,这种不经思考往外捅词儿的情况……无疑是“药物失效”所导致的。 The long-term use has the medicine of intervention function to the mood and nerve, definitely will have this side effect. Because their brains have been accustomed to under the drugs suppress the game condition, therefore caused to suppress the function also to have the corresponding change his......, once stopped the medicine, the brain must spend some time to readjust this mechanism inevitably. Before the adjustment is completed, the language and expression of Corpse Blade members...... basically were acting emotionally. 长期使用对情绪和神经有干预作用的药物,肯定是会有这种副作用的。由于他们的大脑已经习惯于在药品抑制下的游戏状态,故使其自身的抑制机能也产生了相应的变化……一旦停药,大脑势必得花一定的时间去重新调整这种机制。而在调整完成前,尸刀成员们的语言和表情……基本就是“跟着感觉走”了。 In brief......” Also First for King entrained the topic quickly, meets to say following the previous content, and after Feng Bujue fights, I received certain wound, then...... he escaped.” “总而言之……”先也为王很快就把话题拽了回来,顺着先前的内容接道,“和封不觉交手后,我受了一定的伤,然后……他就逃跑了。” Ok team leader!” Last Raid takes for granted meets saying that unexpectedly can give to expel him, he affirmed that the wound is heavier than you?” “可以啊队长!”最终强袭想当然地接道,“居然能把他给打跑了,那他肯定伤得比你还重吧?” Oh......” Also First for King looks the awkward color, not......” 呃……”先也为王面露尴尬之色,“并没有……” Why can he run?” Last Raid also asked. “那他干嘛要跑啊?”最终强袭又问道。 At first I could not think through this, but I understand after a while......” Also First for King returns with the depressed tone said that this fellow...... wants to make me act as live bait...... to attract monster of these ambushes in shadow.” “起先我也想不通这点,但过了一会儿我就明白了……”先也为王用郁闷的语气回道,“这家伙……想让我充当‘活饵’……去吸引那些潜伏在阴影里的怪物。” Is that crowd follows by far your monster?” Last Raid is saying, but also then looked at one. “就是那群远远跟着你的怪物?”最终强袭说着,还回头望了一眼。 Right.” Also First for King returns said, from the beginning I think these strange is very good to cope, but I soon discovered that...... they are almost invincible.” He, „the attack in physics did not have the function, the energy attack also has little effect......, only then Spirit Art Skill can be effective to them, but this Scenario limited the might of skill...... I to use the strongest Spirit Art Skill energy , can only drive back them.” “没错。”先也为王回道,“一开始我以为这些怪很好对付,但我很快就发现……他们几乎是无敌的。”他顿了顿,“物理上的打击毫无作用,能量攻击也收效甚微……只有灵术技能对他们有效,但这个剧本又限制了技能的威力……我用出自己最强的灵术技能,也只能将他们逼退一下而已。” That...... do you try to throw off them?” Last Raid also asked. “那……你试过甩掉他们么?”最终强袭又问道。 Naturally tried......” Also First for King to return said that „when the words that can say I have thrown off them......” he said this saying, in the eye obviously flashed through color of the fear, „, although these ghosts fluttered line of speeds of is not quick, but regardless of the distance drew much far, they can not move to me along the shortest straight line uninterruptedly, moreover they can also pass through the obstacle......” “当然试了……”先也为王回道,“能甩的话我早就把他们甩掉了……”他说这话时,眼中明显闪过了一丝恐惧之色,“虽然那些鬼魂飘行的速度并不算快,但无论距离拉得多远,他们都会不不间断地沿着最短的直线向我移动,而且他们还能穿越障碍物……” „But why can they pursue you?” Last Raid doubts to say. “可他们为什么偏偏要来追你呢?”最终强袭疑道。 Also First for King returns said: According to my observations...... they should seek on me the fresh smell of blood to come with the speculation. This is also why...... Feng Bujue must make so many non- fatal flesh wounds on me.” 先也为王回道:“据我的观察和推测……他们应该是寻着我身上的新鲜血腥味过来的。这也是为什么……疯不觉要在我身上制造那么多非致命的外伤。” „......” Last Raid nods, may you not bleed now, they why also in......” “哦……”最终强袭点点头,“可现在你已经不流血了,他们为什么还在……” Also First for King broke the teammate once again: Naturally is because the clothes of my whole body had been soaked...... him to sigh one by the blood painstakingly, oh......, therefore I will say already late.” 先也为王又一次打断了队友:“自然是因为我全身的衣服都已经被血浸透了啊……”他苦叹一声,“唉……所以我才会说‘已经晚了’。” What to do should that...... then?” Last Raid meets to say. “那……接下来该怎么办?”最终强袭接道。 „The rhythm that what to do can also...... have to speed up to act, strives in a place stay should not be too long and that's the end.” Also First for King returns said. “还能怎么办……只好加快行动的节奏、争取不要在一个地方逗留太久就是了。”先也为王回道。 their two people spoke, already from foot good before six and Buddhist monastery in temple. 他们二人说话之间,已然从山脚一路行到了六和寺的寺门前。 Cut...... acts swiftly to get there first......” looks at the gap in gate, Also First for King did not talk over one quickly. “切……被人捷足先登了吗……”看着门上的缺口,先也为王不快地念叨了一句。 Has the trace that the possibility right and wrong mouth he stays behind?” Last Raid meets to say. “有没有可能是非口他留下的痕迹?”最终强袭接道。 Un......” Also First for King thinks, also possibly had......” saying that he looked one, that flickering ghost that approached slowly at the foot of the hill with the uneasy vision, „...... judged from film title CG in any case, this Scenario critical information very obviously on conceals in six and pagoda in temple. Therefore...... regardless of the enemy and ourselves, everyone is possibly catching up toward there.” His thread of conversation revolution, some people lead the way in front, not necessarily is a misdemeanor......” “嗯……”先也为王想了想,“也不是没有可能……”说着,他又用惴惴不安的目光回望了一眼从山脚下慢慢逼近过来的、那憧憧的鬼影,“反正……从片头CG判断,这剧本的关键信息很明显就藏在六和寺中的宝塔内。所以……不论敌我,所有人可能都在往那里赶。”他话锋一转,“有人在前面开路,也未必是件坏事……” Then, he signals with the eyes toward the teammate, then oneself took the lead to stride in the entry ; Last Raid hesitated for a half second, with. 说罢,他就朝队友使了个眼色,然后自己率先跨入了门洞中;最终强袭迟疑了半秒,也就跟了进去。 ............ ………… At the same time, beyond several hundred meters, behind ghost group. 同一时刻,数百米外,鬼影群后方。 Very good...... was enters the temple finally.” Feng Bujue both hands insert the bag, the step follows easely behind that a group of ghost, is moving to the temple slowly. “很好……终于是进寺了呢。”封不觉双手插袋,步履悠然地跟在那大群的鬼魂后方,缓缓向寺庙移动着。 Naturally, he purposely maintained certain distance with the front monsters, to avoid receiving that fellows to bring blood that corrodes Aura the influence. 当然了,他还是有意识地跟前面的怪物们保持了一定的距离,以避免受到那帮家伙自带的“血液腐蚀光环”的影响。 When did you learn to control the monster in Scenario?” At this time, the familiar sounds resounded from Jue Bro suddenly behind. “你什么时候学会操控剧本中的怪物了?”这时,忽有一个熟悉的声音从觉哥身后响起。 Feng Bujue does not need then also to know that who that person is, its one, he can hear the Ruoyu voice ; Second, can so arrive at it behind person peacefully rapidly, in the entire game is also not many. 封不觉不用回头也知道那人是谁,其一,他听得出若雨的嗓音;其二,能如此安静迅速地来到其身后的人,在整个游戏里也是不多的。 I may have no way to control them.” The next second, Feng Bujue then does not return should say, I knew their action rule, and uses.” “我可没法儿操控他们。”下一秒,封不觉便头也不回地应道,“我只是掌握了他们的行动规律,并加以利用而已。” Sounding...... these ghosts in your eyes and animal is similar.” Ruoyu is saying, sped up the footsteps, goes forward to walk side-by-side with Jue Bro. “听起来……这些鬼魂在你眼里和动物差不多。”若雨说着,加快了脚步,上前与觉哥并肩而行。 Feng Bujue has not responded to these words, he smiled was looking at Ruoyu one, met saying: Words said...... you rush just in time, has ambushed in this nearby for a long time?” 封不觉没有回应这句话,他只是微笑着看了若雨一眼,接道:“话说……你是正巧赶到的呢,还是已经在这附近埋伏许久了?” My automatically move Coordinate here.” Ruoyu returns said. “我的传送坐标就在这儿。”若雨回道。 Therefore ambushed was very long?” Jue Bro meets to say. “所以就是埋伏了很久咯?”觉哥接道。 Ruoyu returns said: Yes...... waited for quite a while, what waits is Xiao Tan and Xiao Ling.” 若雨回道:“是啊……不过等了半天,等来的是小叹小灵。” Oh? Feng Bujue raised two issues, when matter? Haven't you contacted with them?” 哦?封不觉紧接着抛出了两个问题,“什么时候的事?你没有跟他们接触吗?” They climb mountains before 67 minutes probably.” Ruoyu returns said, I and others have not made noise in the hidden place, wants to have a look at them whether was tracked.” “他们大概是在六七分钟之前上山的吧。”若雨回道,“我等在暗处没有出声,想看看他们是否被跟踪了。” Result......” Jue Bro hinted her to say. “结果……”觉哥示意她说下去。 Finally I waited for Corpse Blade that two.” Ruoyu meets to say. “结果我就等来了尸刀那两位。”若雨接道。 Why hasn't that is operated with them?” Feng Bujue asked. “那又是为什么没拿他们开刀呢?”封不觉问道。 Because I saw quickly a troop to the monster that they move, as well as mixes in......” Ruoyu turned the head to look to Jue Bro, the sinking sound met saying that „...... you.” “因为我很快又看到了一大群正在向他们移动的怪物,以及混在其中的……”若雨转头看向了觉哥,沉声接道,“……你。” She speaking of here, stopped for two seconds, said again: Since you tag along, have not begun after that has certainly anything to plan that...... is thinking like this, I also along with them.” 她说到这儿,停顿了两秒,再道:“既然你尾随其后、没有动手,那一定就是有什么打算……这样想着,我也就随他们去了。” Hehe...... very intelligent.” Feng Bujue said with a smile, right...... I keep that first also the team leader, mainly wants him, when the white mouse used. In the 20 minutes, he animal had made very comprehensive test for me to front these, and listens to me to explain with you slowly......” “呵呵……挺聪明的嘛。”封不觉笑道,“没错……我留着那位先也队长,主要是想把他当小白鼠用。在刚才的二十分钟里,他已经替我对前面那些‘动物’做了很全面的测试,且听我慢慢跟你说明……” Is slow......” Ruoyu to hit to block the way, before saying these technical information, first settles the matter in strategy.” Her vision moves, the joining-up said that besides a moment ago the coming up two, Corpse Blade also two team members, if you plan to climb mountains, I thought that...... I should continue to keep the ambush.” “慢着……”若雨打断道,“在说这些技术性的信息之前,还是先把策略方面的事情说定吧。”她目光微移,并接道,“除了刚才上去那两人,尸刀还有两名队员,如果你打算上山的话,那我觉得……我应该继续留下来埋伏。” Does not need.” Feng Bujue denied the proposition of Ruoyu, and answered, Scenario I got rid of that named Doomsday Raid from the beginning, therefore...... except just now the two, they was only left over a team member.” His a half second, said again, other, through the CG bird's-eye shot picture, I have roughly estimated the area of this Tsukimori, the information that the recombination you supply, I speculate...... remaining that named Unvoiced as King my dear friend, most likely by direct automatically move to six and interior of temple.” “不必了。”封不觉否定了若雨的提议,并解释道,“剧本一开始我就干掉了那个叫末日强袭的,因此……除去方才那两人,他们就只剩下一名队员而已了。”他微顿半秒,再道,“另外,通过CG的俯拍画面,我已大致估算出了这个荷月镇的面积,再结合你提供的信息,我推测……剩下那位叫‘非口为王’的仁兄,十有八九是被直接传送到了六和寺的内部。” That also has ten 12 is......” Ruoyu takes advantage of opportunity to ask. “那还有‘十之一二’是……”若雨顺势问道。 For example......” Jue Bro enumerates with a smile said, „...... he was assigned by the system outside in the open land from the temple extremely far town/subdues ; He alone when the map took a stroll somewhere inexplicable Death ; He in having the obvious tracer( all open-air places in Tsukimori can see that mountain that six and temple is at) under the premise became lost ; He thought that goes to six and temple is not a great idea, therefore went to other place wait/etc.” He said these, said with a smile, so forth supposed that’ added...... its possibility to account for ten entirely 12.” “比方说……”觉哥笑着列举道,“……他被系统分配到了距离寺院极远的镇外荒地里;他一个人在地图某处溜达时莫名死亡了;他在有着明显标示物(在荷月镇中所有的露天地点都能望见六和寺所在的那座山)的前提下迷路了;他觉得前往六和寺不是个好主意,所以去了别的地方等等。”他一口气说完这些,笑道,“诸如此类的‘假设’统统加起来……其可能性占了十之一二吧。” Ruoyu listen to the deductions that this was well-founded, should say with the tone of showing neither approval nor disapproval ; Good, I climb mountains with you.” Then, she caught the eye to look at the front ghosts, you then said their action rules......” 若雨听了这有理有据的推论,用不置可否的语气应道;“好吧,我跟你上山。”说罢,她又抬眼看了看前方的鬼魂们,“你接着说他们的行动规律吧……” ............ ………… On the other hand, six and temple, kitchen( the kitchen in temple with certain scale). 另一方面,六和寺,香积厨(具有一定规模的寺庙的厨房)中。 At this time, Team One Corpse Blade last member- Unvoiced as King, Is squatting in a corner, trembles looks at present the terrifying scene. 此时,尸刀一番队的最后一名成员-【非口为王】,正蹲在一个墙角里,瑟瑟发抖地看着眼前恐怖的景象。 But sees...... a monster of pig person, is lighting a fire to boil the food on the top. 但见……一个猪头人身的怪物,正在灶台上生火烹食。 But thing that he boils...... is a pot needed materials are unique meat stew. 而他煮的东西……是一锅“用料独特”的肉汤
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