TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#897: In fog ghosts and demons

Astonished, emerges is actually not flurried. 惊愕过后,涌现的却并非是慌乱。 Some people will collapse under the extreme pressure, but some people...... will awaken. 有些人在极端的压力下会崩溃,但有些人……则会觉醒。 When Xiao Ling was seized to cross the threshold that moment, Wang Tanzhi has not given way, on the contrary, his Terror Value drops rapidly, the thought also revolved rapidly. 小灵被攫入门中的那一刻,王叹之就没有垮掉,相反,他的惊吓值急速下降,思维也飞速运转了起来。 After one second, he went forward two steps, before holding the copper in effort, pushes. 一秒后,他又上前了两步,抓住门上的铜把用力前推。 But that front door...... is entirely still. 但那大门……纹丝不动。 „Not right......” Xiao Tan opens instantly Hawkeye field of vision Observes. This does not open important, opens him to discover that...... incessantly is this Buddhist monastery, the entire temple was been difficult to see the dense ghost who air/Qi by a naked eye to cover. Thus it can be seen......, even if he chooses to circumvent now, same cannot go. “不对劲儿……”小叹即刻开启【鹰眼视界】进行观察。这不开不打紧,一开他就发现……不止是这寺门,整座寺院都被一种肉眼难见的氤氲鬼气所笼罩着。由此可见……就算他现在选择翻墙,一样也是进不去的。 so that's how it is......” Xiao Tan discussed, properly speaking this is not able to shove open, small Spiritual Energy shoves open it, is thing in gate intentionally for it, to put it bluntly...... is the trap.” 原来如此……”小叹念道,“按理说这门是推不开的,小灵能推开它,想必是‘门里的东西’故意为之,说白了……就是陷阱。” Read and here, his mind moved, less than a half second, its Spiritual Energy Armament Sighed Already in hand. 念及此处,他心神一动,半秒不到,其灵能武器【叹】已然在手。 Then, Wang Tanzhi without delay, wields the arm to cut continually. Depends upon weapon Special Effect flame to bite, he obstinately on that front door cuts a rectangle entry. 接着,王叹之二话不说,挥臂连斩。依靠着武器特效“炎噬”,他愣是在那大门上又切出了一个长方形的“门洞”来。 As that by cutting , the massive shutter drops down, a rich blood also welled up from the gate smelly. 随着那块被切割下的、厚实的门板倒下,一股浓郁的血臭也从门内涌了出来。 But Xiao Tan at this moment does not care about these, his spirit all centralized how , to retrieve at Xiao Ling this matter, in this sense of smell level ill can definitely disregard depending on the willpower. 但此刻的小叹根本不在意这些,他的精神全都集中在如何去救回小灵这件事上,这种嗅觉层面上的不适完全可以凭意志力无视掉。 Where certainly has not run............ Xiao Tan( also to call Shanmendian across three palaces farwithout hesitation, namely the front door of Buddhism temple. Usually is three exists side by side, therefore acquires fame. Another saying, three houses referred to empty gate, no gate, no hoping gate, namely three extrication gates.), In the mouth also mumbled. “一定还没跑远……在哪儿呢……”小叹毫不犹豫地穿过三门殿(亦称“山门殿”,即佛教寺院的大门。通常都是三门并立,故而得名。另有一说,三门寓指“空门、无相门、无愿门”,即“三解脱门”。),口中还念念有词。 He is staying the Hawkeye condition, after the line of sight sweeps high-speed gets married the yard. Quick...... he discovered just now that group of blood fog. 他保持着鹰眼状态,视线高速扫过门后的大院。很快……他就发现了方才的那团血雾。 Because was pinched Xiao Ling in fog always to struggle furiously, causing the movement of that group of fog to come under very tremendous impact ; Therefore, during that Xiao Tan bursts, that blood fog moved by the incense burner before palace. 由于被挟在雾中的小灵始终在奋力挣扎,导致那团雾的移动受到了很大的影响;因此,在小叹破门而入的当口,那血雾堪堪挪到了殿前的香炉旁。 Scolding- 叱- The illness/quick resounds, the form leaves. 疾响起,身影出。 The Wang Tanzhi arrow step treads, if the potential the electric light, is glaring has then circled to the blood fog front. 王叹之箭步一踏,势若电光,晃眼间便已绕到血雾前方。 Halts.” The look that the cold as ice and frost spoken language, withers firmly, makes that hold under duress the Xiao Ling monster not to dare unexpectedly to move for a while. “站住。”冷若冰霜的言语,坚定肃杀的眼神,竟让那挟持着小灵的怪物一时不敢动弹。 After short confrontation, blood fog dispersion. 短暂的对峙后,血雾消散。 Actually sees...... in the fog, presented a female of extremely beautiful appearance. 却见……在雾中,出现了一名极其美貌的女子。 This female, living is the skin, if cream, surface peach blossom ; White teeth bright eyes, pill lip like cherry. On his chilly white face shows light blushing, the facial features are finer make one unable to pick up any slight defect. 此女子,生得是肤若凝脂,面似桃花;皓齿明眸,丹唇如樱。其凄白的脸上透出淡淡的红晕,五官更是精致得让人挑不出任何瑕疵。 She wears a red clothes, just like bride of getting married. Vertical is that clothes does not reveal the figure, her physique same appears the nong fine to result in heart, trims and shortens properly. 她穿着一身红衣,宛如待嫁的新娘。纵是那衣裳不怎么显身段,她那身姿一样显得襛纤得衷,修短合度。 Yo ~ where this is comes little brother ~ also lives is really good-looking ~ after” that female visualization, to seize the neck of Xiao Ling single-handed, is sideways, gave to size up with a pair of beautiful eye Xiao Tan, what matter did you look for the slave...... behavior?” “呦~这是哪里来得小哥呀~生得还真是俊俏呢~”那女子“显形”后,以单手掐住小灵的脖子,侧过身来,用一双美目将小叹上上下下给打量了个遍,“你找奴家……所为何事啊?” Wang Tanzhi coldly is looking at the opposite party, silent several seconds...... 王叹之冷冷望着对方,沉默了数秒…… Through the Hawkeye field of vision, Xiao Tan discovered impressively this is a very strong monster( because 【The shadow of death knell Special Effect, Hawkeye field of vision The effect was promoted for Level S)...... at least is also the mini Boss rank, therefore, in these seconds, he has completed the combat readiness whole-heartedly. 通过鹰眼视界,小叹赫然发现这是一个很强的怪物(因【丧钟之影】的特效,【鹰眼视界】的效果被提升为了S级)……至少也是小BOSS级别,所以,在这几秒间,他已经做好了全力以赴的战斗准备。 After several seconds, he responded to two characters: Releases people.” 数秒后,他回应了两个字:“放人。” „......” That woman smiles gentle, how...... this is young girl is it possible that little brother your sweetheart?” “呵……”那女人柔媚地一笑,“怎么……这丫头莫非是小哥你的情人么?” Yes.” Xiao Tan gave a brief and to the point response. “是。”小叹又给出了一个言简意赅的回应。 The single dog that this second, is watching the live broadcast received massive real injuries...... 这一秒,所有正在观看直播的单身狗都受到了大量的真实伤害…… This......” that woman is slightly excessive, looked at Xiao Ling one pretentiously, takes a look at...... this young girl carefully is also very juicy,...... hehe...... her smiles with you are a match Yin sadly, actually does not know......, if she did not have this facial skin...... you whether will also be deeply in love in her?” “这样啊……”那女人微微偏过头,装模作样地看了小灵一眼,“仔细瞧瞧……这丫头也是挺水灵的,跟你蛮般配的嘛……呵呵……”她阴恻恻地一笑,“却不知……若是她没了这张脸皮……你是否还会钟情于她呢?” Finishes barely the words, the mutation lives steep! 话音未落,异变陡生! But sees, the cherry small mouth notch of woman opened and open wide an unthinkable size unexpectedly in one second. But her face, in this flickers because of the mouth section of expansion becomes the ugly fearsome and inadequate human form. 但见,那女人的一张樱桃小口竟在一秒间豁开、张大到了一个令人匪夷所思的尺寸。而她的脸,也在这一瞬因扩张的嘴部而变得丑陋可怖、不成人形。 Sips-” she opened the big mouth, bit toward the face of Xiao Ling. “呷-”她张开了血盆大口,一口就朝小灵的面部咬了过去。 But Xiao Ling at this moment, is unable to make the effective resistance to this attack...... , when Xiao Ling was involved in the blood fog, condition column already display in her DEBUFF ; Only if the opposite party is willing to let loose her on own initiative, otherwise...... she one cannot take thing from Traveling Bag , two cannot open the skill. 而此刻的小灵,根本无法对这次攻击做出有效的抵抗……因为当小灵被卷入血雾时,状态栏就已显示她中了一个DEBUFF;除非对方肯主动放开她,否则……她一不能从行囊里取东西,二不能开技能。 Furthermore, the Xiao Ling close combat body technique was bad, by the opponent of brute force not this BOSS Level monster. Therefore...... this little while she also can only shoulder this to gnaw the face attack hardly. 再者,小灵的近战体术本就较差,论蛮力绝不是这BOSS级怪物的对手。因此……这会儿她也只能硬扛这啃脸攻击了。 However...... Wang Tanzhi will not make this matter happen. 不过……王叹之是不会让这事儿发生的。 Although the attack of that monster suddenly, speed is also very quick, but the response and movement of Xiao Tan plan quickly. 虽然那怪物的攻击很突然、速度也很快,但小叹的反应和动作都更快一筹。 Name: The soul of wolf- speed 名称:狼之魂-速度】 Type: Other 【类型:其他】 Quality: Perfect 【品质:完美】 Special Effect: When this demon leads in your Traveling Bag , you may obtain the special capability of soul of wolf.】 特效:当这件魔导器在你的行囊中时,你可获得狼之魂的一项特殊能力。】 Note: This Item may start every ten minutes one time, consumes 300 Stamina each time. In the three seconds after launch, can make the speed of user promote for original three times.】 【备注:该物品每十分钟可发动一次,每次消耗300体能值。在发动后的三秒内,可以让使用者的速度提升为原本的三倍。】 This demon leads, is Xiao Tan second that attains from the buried treasure of black beard treasure. This was equal to making him obtain an extra skill, moreover this skill did not occupy Skill bar, and 100% can start successfully. 这个魔导器,是小叹从黑胡子的宝藏中拿到的第二件“宝物”。这等于是让他得到了一个额外的技能,而且这个技能是不占技能栏、且百分之百可以发动成功的。 Naturally, because is the Item effect, therefore this skill does not belong to any Specialization , will not enjoy 【The shadow of death knell Effect addition. 当然了,由于是物品效果,所以这个技能不归于任何专精,也不会享受【丧钟之影】的效果加成。 - 呼- In a twinkling, the fresh breeze starts, seeing only the Wang Tanzhi figure is suddenly fuzzy, changes to together phantom, plundered to the monster was. 霎时间,劲风乍起,只见王叹之身形骤然模糊,化作一道虚影,掠向了怪物的所在。 Sighed the front mistake, black flame one vertical. 叹锋过处,黑炎一纵。 In the wink of an eye, the head of that monster was divided into two from the middle directly, above lip lines and under two parts completely separated. 瞬息之间,那怪物的头颅直接就从中间被一分为二,唇线上方和下方的两部分被完全分开。 Saw that her most flew away, that was naturally impossible again shutting the mouth...... 眼瞅着她那大半个头都飞离了出去,那自然也就不可能再把嘴给闭上了…… At the same time, Xiao Ling suddenly feels pressure one light, this without doubt is DEBUFF the relieved indication, she twisted the body to push immediately, got rid of the immobilization of monster. 同一时刻,小灵顿觉身上的压力一轻,这无疑是DEBUFF已经被解除的征兆,她当即拧身一推,摆脱了怪物的钳制。 The body of that monster on taking advantage of opportunity falls to the ground...... this is also the expected matter, because before its has not dropped down, the soul does not have. 紧接着,那怪物的身子就顺势栽倒在地……这也是意料之中的事情,因为在其身未倒下之前,魂就已经没了。 All right?” Xiao Tan receives to recall the head, asked Xiao Ling one kindly. “没事吧?”小叹收招回头,关切地问了小灵一句。 „...... Xiao Ling complied with one fortunately, then somewhat meets to say depressed, „...... is really rude, a mistake...... nearly died in the strange hand.” “还好啦……”小灵应了一声,接着便有些郁闷地接道,“不过……真是失态啊,一个失误……差点儿就死在了怪的手里。” This is not your issue......” Xiao Tan meets saying that weighs in the Survival Mode standard, this Scenario difficulty should be the team nightmare level, will therefore present this type almost not to have opening the door of indication the dead event.” He, swept the eye toward ground that monster, do not visit me to massacre she probably very relaxed appearance, actually she very strong......” “这不是你的问题吧……”小叹接道,“以生存模式的标准来衡量,这个剧本的难度应该已是团队噩梦级了,所以才会出现这种几乎没有征兆的开门即死事件。”他顿了顿,朝地上那怪物扫了眼,“别看我杀掉她好像挺轻松的样子,其实她非常强……” While he said this saying, that monster corpse is changing into the bloody water slowly, and permeated in the stone slab slit of ground...... 在他说这话的同时,那怪物的“尸体”正在缓慢地化为血水、并渗入了地面的石板缝隙中…… I know.” Xiao Ling meets to say quickly, „, regardless of the strength and speed, or the ability...... this fellow has caught up with big BOSS in general Scenario.” She is saying, seemed thought of anything, whispered, „, but...... the character from her only several lines and performance was also bad enough.” “我知道。”小灵很快接道,“无论力量、速度、或是能力……这家伙都已经赶上一般剧本里的大BOSS了。”她说着,好似想到了什么,又嘀咕了一句,“而从她仅有的几句台词以及表现来看……性格也有够恶劣的。” Un...... in brief, then we must a more careful point.” This time Xiao Tan, already, in does not know that in Bujue restored ordinary that modest courteous dull to sprout/moe the condition, that wild and cool makings also vanished into thin air. “嗯……总之,接下来咱们得更加小心一点了。”这时的小叹,已在不知不觉中恢复了平常那温和有礼的呆萌状态,那一身狂霸酷拽的气质随之烟消云散。 Snort...... saved me one to be in a moment rampant slightly ~ Xiao Ling makes faces to Xiao Tan, spits the tongue, immediately met saying that that this you walked front.” “哼……稍微救了我一回说话就嚣张起来了啊~”小灵小叹做了个鬼脸,吐了吐舌头,随即接道,“那这回你走前面。” Xiao Tan swallowed a saliva, not mince appeared the frightened expression on the face: Oh......, but...... I fear the ghost......” 小叹吞了口唾沫,毫不掩饰地在脸上显出了恐惧的表情:“呃……但是……我怕鬼诶……” Hehe.” The Xiao Ling hollow laugh two, that you said that whom makes guide?” “呵呵。”小灵干笑了两声,“那你说让谁带路咧?” This is not an issue, but Xiao Tan really pondered, moreover he also really thought of an idea: ~ had!” Then, his two eyes shone put out from Traveling Bag Dog sentry post, And held in the mouth...... 这本来不是个问题,但小叹真的去思考了,而且他还真就想到了一个主意:“诶~有了!”说罢,他就两眼放光地从行囊里拿出了【狗哨】,并衔在了嘴里……
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