TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#896: In gate blood fog

In Dutch western Tsukimori, has a hill, this mountain occupying land area not big, appearance of the mountain is low, resembles mountain Feishan, to resemble the slope non- slope, since the ancient times is place Wuming Shan. 在荷月镇的西面,有座小山,此山占地不大、山势较低,似山非山、似坡非坡,自古以来便是座无名山。 However, is situated in the temple on that mountain has the name- six and temple. 不过,坐落在那座山上的寺庙还是有名字的-六和寺。 This time, this temple constructs the years unable to research specifically, but millenniums this view, should be quite credible. Record, Confucian classics ancient scroll who in the temple preserves, can support the long history of this temple. 今时今日,这座寺庙的具体兴建年月已经无从考证,但“千年”这一说法,应该还是比较靠谱的。无论是外界的记录,还是寺庙中自行留存的经书古卷,都可以佐证这座寺庙的悠长历史。 Had had in 1000 as one above, the construction that and still uses in the manner, six and temple underwent many reconditioning without doubt. Usually in the Buddhist priests spontaneous minor repair slightly made up is countless, said only the overhaul...... recorded had 19 times. But a recent time...... 40 years ago. 作为一栋已存在了一千年以上、且还在为人所使用的建筑,六和寺无疑是经过了很多次翻修的。平日里僧人们自发的小修小补早已不计其数,单说大修……有记载的就有十九次。而最近的一次……是在四十年前。 At that time, when Tsukimori was most stable the rich and populous period. After dozens years of development and accumulation, the third-generation descendants of these refugees caught up with an excellent year's harvest initially. Although cannot say that the town high and low poor person does not have, but sleeps outside the person who the street, suffers from hunger and cold...... that truly unable to look. 那个时候,正值荷月镇最为安定富庶的时期。经过了数十年的发展和积累,当初那些难民的第三代子孙们赶上了一段大好的年景。虽不能说全镇上下一个穷人都没有,但露宿街头、挨饿受冻的人……那确实是找不出来的。 ...... The granary solid knows the formality, the food and clothing foot knows the honor or disgrace. Since the townspeoples in Tsukimori could have passed in the material civilization, they naturally also had the leisurely mood to carry out a promotion of cultural and ethical progress. 正所谓……仓廪实而知礼节,衣食足而知荣辱。既然荷月镇的镇民们在物质文明上已经过得去了,那他们自然也就有了闲心去搞点精神文明建设。 In those years( the situation in this/should Scenario world basically was equivalent to the ancient China feudal society) common people, was impossible to summarize eight glory eight shames to come out, besides the traditional sense of propriety, they also spoke a religion to blindly believe. 那年头(该剧本世界的情况基本相当于中国古代封建社会)的老百姓,也不可能概括个八荣八耻出来,除了传统的礼义廉耻之外,他们也就讲个宗教迷信了。 Considering that six and temple ancestor in Buddhist priest's to the townspeoples have the graciousness, in addition these years in town/subdues basic good crop weather......, therefore, the townspeoples planned that makes anything for the temple ; first, in the repayment temple the benevolence of clergy, two have been to also thank gods for many years blessing. 考虑到六和寺的僧人对镇民们的先祖有恩,再加上这些年来镇中基本风调雨顺……因此,镇民们就打算为寺庙做点什么,一是报答寺中僧侣的恩情,二也是感谢神明多年来的庇佑。 Therefore, 40 years ago, in then Tsukimori mayor and six and under the temple abbot's consultation, the townspeople raised an offering, prepares to overhaul with this sum of money the temple thoroughly, and remoulds the golden body for many images of Buddha in temple. 于是,四十年前,在当时的荷月镇镇长和六和寺方丈的协商下,镇民筹了一笔善款,准备用这笔钱将寺庙彻底翻修一遍,并为庙中的诸多佛像重塑金身。 This is a good deed, but the result of matter, actually came as a surprise to everyone...... 这本是一件好事,但事情的结局,却出乎了所有人的意料…… ............ ………… Renovates six and temple that big temple, is a time-consuming very long big project, needs lots of artisans and labors. In the manpower depending on Tsukimori, is obviously insufficient. Is good is quite extra because of...... the construction industry, the foreman who therefore, is responsible for the project collected many manpower from the Tsukimori peripheral villages. 整修六和寺那么大的寺院,是一个耗时很长的大工程,需要大量的工匠和劳工。光凭荷月镇上的人力,显然是不够的。好在……工程款还比较富余,因此,负责工程的工头就从荷月镇周边的乡镇募集了不少人手来。 That year, repairs in the worker in temple, there is a middle-aged mason from other place. This person of surnamed Zhang, a single-character personal name respectfully character. Although the parents gave a very steady name to him, but Zhang Ke character probably and name polarity. He not only not respectfully cautious, but also specially rash frivolously, many minded others' business. 那一年,来修葺寺院的工人中,有一名来自外乡的中年石匠。此人姓张,单名一个恪字。虽然爹娘给他取了个挺稳重的名字,但张恪的性格好像和名字正相反。他非但不怎么恪慎,还特别得毛躁轻浮,好多管闲事。 40 years ago some evening, distillery of Zhang Ke in the town/subdues drank several cups, taking advantage of the liquor vigor, he sprouts up the fantasy unexpectedly, wants toward that six and temple in stone institute pagoda searches...... 四十年前的某一晚,张恪在镇中酒坊多喝了几杯,借着酒劲儿,他竟是突发奇想,欲往那六和寺中的“石院宝塔”中一探…… Mentioned that stone institute pagoda, was really quite mysterious was. Six and in temple since the ancient times then iron rule- except for abbot, anybody can not enter in the temple stone Yuan, cannot step into in stone Yuan pagoda half step. 说起那石院宝塔,确是个相当神秘的所在。六和寺中自古以来便有一条铁律-除了方丈本人,任何人不得进入寺中石院,更不能踏入石院中的宝塔半步。 Before the temple overhauls, the abbot had once urged the mayor over and over, should never make anybody approach that stone Yuan. But the mayor...... also conveyed the words of abbot to all the workers of participation restoration work earnestly. 在寺庙翻修前,方丈就曾再三叮嘱过镇长,切勿让任何人靠近那石院。而镇长……也切实地将方丈的话转达给了所有参与修缮工作的工人。 Said that a truth...... this matter looks like in the workers, actually has nothing at the worst. If the Buddhist convent...... you said that restricted area anything, interest that others perhaps also a little spy on ; But the restricted area in this monk temple...... does not enter does not enter, you also counted on that touches to pick to cultivate true virtue the Buddhist musical instrument or the peerless rare book? 说句实话……这事儿在工人们看来,其实没什么大不了的。若是尼姑庵的话……你说有个禁地什么的,人家兴许还有点儿窥探的兴趣;但这和尚庙里的禁地……不进就不进了呗,难道你还指望摸进去能捡到修真法器或者绝世秘籍么? But has that individual, the curiosity is very heavy...... that is Zhang Ke. 但偏偏就是有那么个人,好奇心特别重……那就是张恪 This goods are the typical Chuunibyou long treatment have not transferred the life-long incurable illness . Moreover the individuality is that type of two bowls of yellow wines to get into the stomach on IQ offline and beastly audacity type. You more do not let the place that he goes , after he was bent on having...... to go, comes back to boast carelessly, sufficient pretended to be a hero in front of the peers is also excellent. 这货是典型的中二病久治未愈转终生绝症,而且个性属于那种两碗黄汤下肚就智商下线、狗胆包天的类型。你越是不让他去的地方,他偏要去……去了以后回来胡乱吹嘘一番,在同行们面前充一充好汉也是极好的。 But we know, the true heroes...... that somewhat is some fortes, has strength. 但我们都知道,真正的英雄好汉……那多多少少都是有些过人之处的,是有“实力”的。 After some people fill several jin (0.5 kg) old wine fiercely, but can also take the mountain road groping, and bare-handed gets rid of a fierce first-grade State protection animal ; But after some people fill several jin (0.5 kg) old wine fiercely, can the liquor take the mountain road groping, but one fell finally slippery on the foot in the ravine. 有些人猛灌几斤老酒之后,还可以摸黑走山路,并徒手干掉一只凶恶的国家一级保护动物;而有些人猛灌几斤老酒后,也可以酒摸黑走山路,但最后就脚一滑跌死在了山沟沟里。 The performance in that dozens years of life by Zhang Ke came to see...... him to belong to the latter in the past certainly. 张恪过去那几十年人生中的表现来看……他铁定属于后者。 Therefore his goes...... then to live does not see the person, to refuse stubbornly to see the corpse. 所以他这一去……便是活不见人、死不见尸。 ............ ………… Actually that night to have anything, only then extremely few several people know, after the bystander only knew...... that was late, no one has seen the Zhang Ke trace. 那天晚上究竟发生了什么,只有极少的几个人知道,外人只知……那晚以后,再也没人见过张恪的踪影。 After several days, after the mayor gave a view...... the Zhang Ke alcoholic intoxication, astrays the mountain forest, was eaten, skeleton not to save by the wild animal. 数日后,镇长给出了一个说法……张恪醉酒后误入山林,被野兽所食、尸骨无存。 But this view...... naturally cannot make the Zhang Ke family members satisfy, they made the government authorities quickly. 而这个说法……自然是不能让张恪的家人们满意的,他们很快就闹到了官府。 The Tsukimori's first official executive official, in constructing the 15 th year and envoy who is sent by the royal government after town/subdues appoints ; But that appointed person was the incumbent mayor at that time. Clearly, regarding this leaning corner small town's management, the royal government does not attach great importance to very much, nothing but walks the form. The main purpose is to let this town belongs to the state organization officially, facilitates to collect taxes. 荷月镇第一任的正式行政官员,是在建镇后的第十五年、由朝廷派来的使者所任命的;而那个被任命的人就是当时在任的镇长。很明显,对于这种偏隅小镇的管理,朝廷不是很重视,无非就是走走形式罢了。主要目的是为了让这个镇子正式归入国家编制,方便收税。 Again in the future, in the town/subdues had the quite official yamen, the law also from originally that type well-established village law was replaced the statute book that the royal government promulgated. However on the whole, this town/subdues is one type autonomous the condition, most officials are the natives. 再往后,镇上就有了比较正式的衙门,法律也从原本那种约定俗成的“村法”被替换成了朝廷颁布的法典。不过大体上,此镇还是一种“自治”的状态,绝大多数官员都是本地人。 After a Zhang Ke case happens, his family member stupidly will certainly not arrive at the Tsukimori local area to complain......, therefore, they looked for a more upper yamen directly. 张恪一案案发后,其家属当然不会傻到来荷月镇本地告状……因此,他们直接就去找了更上一级的衙门。 But the government authorities that side...... truly also sent people to investigate. 而官府那边……确实也派人来调查了。 The process of this case reconnaissance, is it can be said that utterly bewildered in bystander opinion. Although in many work places the hearsay flows out, but the content is to actually have wide divided opinions, truth is difficult to distinguish. 此案勘察的过程,在外人看来可说是五里雾中。虽有许多坊间传闻流出,但内容却是众说纷纭、真伪难辨。 Only what can determine, that handling a case official attitude three waves to a single stroke- from the beginning oath must uphold justice, eye does not accommodate sand the stance, cools to attitude, when the anxiety layer on layer/heavily, again to the later period...... he discussed the case is one type was equivocal quiet,” the condition. 唯一可以确定的是,那位办案的官员态度一波三折-从一开始一副“誓要伸张正义、目不容沙”的姿态,到“态度冷却,疑虑重重”、再到后期……他谈论案情时已经是一种“闪烁其词、少言寡语”的状态了。 Meanwhile, bailiffs who these handle a case, said some appalling weird opinions...... to say unintentionally to the outside probably, in that stone institute pagoda, the town/subdues some unclean thing, Zhang Ke this boy is bringing about own destruction, only feared that has been frightened out of one's wits.” 与此同时,那些办案的捕快们,也在有意无意间对外道出了一些令人毛骨悚然的怪诞言论……大概是说,“那石院宝塔里,镇着些‘不干净的东西’,张恪这厮自寻死路,只怕已是魂飞魄散了。” In brief, lasted Month(s), this case settles finally. But the final result is...... mediates by the official, lets the temple to a Zhang Ke family member sum of money, said that is the compensation is also well good, the seal fee/spent also...... this matter to stop in any case. The Zhang Ke family member chooses to draw cash either, and was eaten, skeleton not saves the view to take everything by the wild animal ; Either...... money does not have, the view does not have. 简而言之,历时一个月,此案终于了结。而最终的结果是……由官方出面调停,让寺院给张恪的家属一笔钱,说是赔偿也好、封口费也好……反正此事到此为止。张恪的家属要么选择拿钱,并把“被野兽所食、尸骨无存”的说法照单全收;要么……钱也没有,说法也没有。 As the matter stands, the litigant family member also can only choose to settle a quarrel and make peace with the parties involved, this matter also comes to the end. 这样一来,当事人家属也只能选择息事宁人,这事也就告一段落。 However...... then people have not definitely thought that...... this case, is a 40 years later total destruction laid down the introduction. 然……当时的人们肯定没有想到……这个案子,已为四十年后的一场灭顶之灾埋下了引子。 ............ ………… „When un...... is quite really gloomy......” arrives at six and Buddhist monastery in temple, Wang Tanzhi raises head to look to that big copper gate, in the mouth discussed in a soft voice. “嗯……果然好阴森啊……”来到六和寺的寺门前时,王叹之仰头看向那高大的铜门,口中轻声念道。 The sound that he spoke was very light, was not worried that what person by distant place was discovered, because felt weak at heart, therefore the instinct lowered the voice. 他说话的声音很轻,并不是担心被远处的什么人发现,只是由于心里发虚,所以本能地压低了嗓门儿。 This thinks that the smelly blood in town/subdues are many enough, but with here one compared with...... feels dwarfed simply.” Stood is covers up the nose to whisper in Xiao Tan Xiao Ling. “本以为镇里的臭血已经够多了,但和这里一比……简直是小巫见大巫。”站在小叹身旁的小灵则是掩住鼻子嘀咕了一句。 At this time, started approximately to cross for a half hour from Scenario. Xiao Tan and Xiao Ling two people in the journey that in goes forward to six and temple meets, till arriving here, two people had not discovered that surrounding has other signs of player activity. 此时,距离剧本开始大约过了半个小时。小叹小灵二人是在向六和寺前进的路途中相遇的,直到抵达这里为止,两人都没有发现周围有其他玩家活动的迹象。 By their two Investigation Specialization , by the possibility of person in secret track is extremely low ; If some people arrived in this place before them, most likely will also be caught the trace by them. Therefore...... basically can conclude, they arrive at six most quickly and two players in temple. 以他们俩的侦查专精而言,被人暗中跟踪的可能性是极低的;而假如有人在他们之前就抵达了此地,八成也会被他们捕捉到痕迹。因此……基本可以断定,他们是最快来到六和寺的两名玩家。 Naturally...... cannot remove some people to enter Scenario to be placed in the temple possibility...... 当然了……也不能排除有人一进剧本就被安置在了寺庙内部的可能…… How do we...... go in?” Xiao Tan thinks before the front door how many seconds, then turn the head to ask, are knock a door to try, burst in directly?...... Upturns directly from the wall?” “咱们……怎么进去啊?”小叹在大门前想了几秒,便转头问道,“是敲个门试试,还是直接破门而入?或者……直接从墙上翻进去?” Xiao Ling hears word, thinks several seconds, then go forward silently two steps, grabbed a copper hand on front door. 小灵闻言,想了几秒,然后默不作声地上前两步,抓住了大门上的铜把手。 - 吱呀- She makes an effort slightly, that gigantic door was shoved open. 她稍一用力,那硕大的门扉就被推开了。 Eh? Xiao Tan gawked, asked that how you know that pushed can shove open?” 诶?小叹愣了一下,问道,“你怎么知道一推就能推开啊?” I do not know.” Xiao Ling shrugs saying that I try, but......” “我不知道啊。”小灵耸肩道,“我只是试试而……” Her these words cannot say, because before finally that already character exits, then one group of blood fog from the gate impressively curl, binds, to tow rapidly toward the gate in the Xiao Ling whole person...... 她这句话没能说完,因为在最后那个“已”字出口之前,便有一团血雾从门中赫然卷出,将小灵整个人迅速裹住、往门里拖去…… After one second, the Xiao Tan instinct rushes goes, wants to hold on the hand of Xiao Ling, but...... that group of blood fog have entrained the latter at this moment completely pass through the gate. 一秒后,小叹本能地冲上前去,想要拉住小灵的手,但此刻……那团血雾已经把后者完全拽进了门里。 Bang- 嘭- When the astonished expression appears on the face of Xiao Tan, the present front door............ has closed suddenly. 当惊愕的表情浮现在小叹的脸上时,其眼前的大门……已经猛然地……重新关上了。
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