TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#895: biubiubiu

Previously with process that in Doomsday Raid fought, Feng Bujue had detected that the opposite party had some differences. At present again through this awkward( in any case Jue Bro not awkward) the probe, Jue Bro has basically been possible to confirm these two Team One Corpse Blade members who...... at least he runs into, in stops medicine condition under to conduct the game. 此前与末日强袭交手的过程中,封不觉就已经察觉到了对方有些许异样。眼下再通过这番令人尴尬(反正觉哥自己不尴尬)的试探,觉哥基本已可确认……至少他所遇到的这两名尸刀一番队成员,都是在“停药状态”下进行游戏的。 Although Jue Bro does not know why this is not clear this whether visits Jiang Daode the incident to be related with him tonight, but...... he is very clear, this to Hell Front, without doubt is an enormous advantage. 虽然觉哥并不知道这是为什么、也不清楚这是否与他今晚去拜访“蒋道德”一事有关,但……他很清楚,这对地狱前线来说,无疑是一个极大的优势。 „...... In the conventional performance with these competition video recording compared the words...... the making a move effort obviously to exceed the mean value, the angle and time of attack...... also had the deviation of certain extent.” Feng Bujue looks indifferently towards oneself flies Also First for King that raids to come, in the heart discussed that understood at a glance has not adapted in the condition that the medicine expires plays...... the slight control to body simply is in a complete mess, actually also knows nothing about......” “呵……与那些比赛录像中的常规表现作比较的话……出手力度明显超过了平均值,攻击的角度、时机……也都有一定程度的偏差。”封不觉冷眼看着朝自己飞袭而来的先也为王,心中念道,“一看就知道还没适应在药物失效的状态下游戏……对身体的细微控制简直是一塌糊涂,却还浑然不知……” When he thinks, blade edge of opposite party already. 当他思索之际,对方的刀锋已至。 I said that...... first also team leader......” Jue Bro continues to chitchat with the opposite party with the relaxed tone, while organizes in the top crosswise, took advantage of opportunity to flash through the blade to cut, „before you get online today, what matter forgot?” “我说……先也队长……”觉哥一边用轻松的语气继续和对方攀谈,一边在墙头上横向腾挪,顺势闪过了刀斩,“你今天上线前是不是忘记什么事了?” What matter do you refer to?” When Also First for King on words, has stood firm in the top, although his first blade not, but he broadsword side in the hand spins a semicircle immediately, very joined after smoothly, move. “你指什么事?”先也为王应话之时,已然在墙头站定,虽然他的第一刀未中,但他立刻就将手中大刀侧旋出一个半圆,十分流畅地接上了后招。 Ping ping ping- 乒乒乒- Feng Bujue sees that treads horizontally half step, the single arm shoulders Military Shovel, probably plays the fencing common side to the opponent, flexibly utilizes Military Shovel to go to the standard to keep off killing of opposite party, retreats fighting. 封不觉见状,横踏半步,单臂挑起军铲,像是玩击剑一般侧对着对手,灵活地运用军铲去格挡对方的砍杀,且战且退。 Oh? is it possible that you......” Jue Bro, met to say immediately with a smile, until the present had not realized...... at this moment and were different in the past?” 哦?莫非你……”觉哥顿了顿,随即笑着接道,“直至现在还没有意识到……此刻的自己和往常有所不同吗?” Such remarks, the Also First for King facial expression changes: Oh~ you were said that...... Active Skill might restricted matter was right?” It seems like he misunderstood, did not need you to remind...... me also to notice.” He is saying, how many velocity components the broadsword on hand added that „, if I have not guessed Doomsday Raid that wrong...... died in battle some time ago was killed by you in this place?...... He is because cannot detect this promptly, by your planning.” 此言一出,先也为王神情微变:“哦~你是说……主动技能威力受限的事对吧?”看来他是误会了,“不用你提醒……我也早就注意到了。”他说着,手上的大刀又加了几分速度,“假如我没猜错……不久前阵亡的末日强袭正是在此地被你干掉的吧?想必……他就是因为没能及时察觉到这点,才遭了你的算计。” It finishes barely the words, Feng Bujue had been compelled the wall end, nowhere has stopped over shortly, Jue Bro shakes the wrist/skill simply, the application of force is fierce a shovel, drove back several points the opponent, strove for half step distance for oneself. 其话音未落,封不觉已被逼到了墙垣尽头,眼看身后已无处落脚,觉哥干脆一抖手腕,施力猛出一铲,将对手逼退了几分,为自己争取到了半步的距离。 Feng Bujue twists a spin, fell in the open area outside institute. 紧接着,封不觉就拧身一旋,落到了院外的空地上。 „The cause of death about your teammate, you truly guesses right, but after...... I refer to another matter......” Feng Bujue falls to the ground, slightly pondered over, then took out a pistol from Traveling Bag . “关于你那位队友的死因,你猜得确实没错,不过……我指的是另一件事……”封不觉落地后,略一思忖,便从行囊里取出了一把手枪。 Name: Star cooling artillery( blames)】 名称:恒星冷却炮(才怪)】 Type: weapon 【类型:武器 Quality: Excellent 【品质:精良】 Attack Power: Does not have 攻击力:无】 Attribute: Does not have 【属性:无】 Special Effect: Let your goal calm point( contains one gallon ammunition, after exhausting, will fill at slow speed automatically, from vacuum space imitates to all approximately takes two hours completely)】 特效:让你的目标冷静一点(内含一加仑的“弹药”,用尽后将以缓慢的速度自动填充,从空膛充至全满大约需要两个小时)】 Equipment condition: Shooting Specialization D, Mechanic Specialization D 装备条件:射击专精D,器械专精D】 Note: Regardless of the outward appearance or the function, this is one seems like very inexpensive water gun. Although its tender filling hole is the condition of blocking, but considering its characteristics of self- filling, that seems not the major problem. 【备注:无论从外观还是功能上来说,这都是一把看上去很廉价的玩具水枪。虽然它的注水口是封死的状态,但考虑到它自我装填的特性,那似乎也不是什么大问题。 After the chemistry examination, from this ammunition that in the spear/gun projects is only the ordinary water, but why does not know, will become the slow-moving by its lifeform of hit within certain amount of time, the slow fast specific duration and effect are decided by the volume of goal. 经化学检验,从这把枪里射出的弹药只是普通的水而已,但不知为何,被其击中的生物都会在一定时间内变得行动缓慢,缓速的具体持续时间和效果由目标的体积而定。 PS: We have dismissed programmer who designs this Item, Item that because he always designs to himself with exaggerating Name. 】 PS:我们已经开除了设计这件物品的程序员,因为他总是给自己设计的物品冠以言过其实的名称。】 This contour is close to the pistol of toy in, is Feng Bujue in the reward that the preliminary contest stage attains( random Superior Grade Equipment * 2, Perfect Level Equipment * 1) one ; He had naturally also once tested this actual result of spear/gun, generally speaking...... is not very strong. 这把外形上十分接近儿童玩具的手枪,是封不觉在预赛阶段拿到的奖励(随机精良级装备,完美级装备)之一;他自然也曾实验过这把枪的实际效果,总体来说……不算很强。 Jue Bro has not thrown into the grinder this gadget . Moreover the belt/bring in...... is mainly because he settled on this spear/gun produces water function. He thought that in certain Scenario, may use this very much spear/gun produces one gallon clear water every two hours the characteristics. 觉哥之所以没有把这玩意儿扔进粉碎机,而且还带在了身上……主要是因为他看中了这枪的“产水”功能。他觉得在某些剧本中,很有可能会用到这把枪“每两小时自产一加仑清水”的特性。 But at present, in this everyone does not depend on the skill in the hand-to-hand fighting, this gadget as if can also have a big use. 而眼下,在这种大家都不靠技能的肉搏战中,这玩意儿似乎也能派上不小的用场。 „......, since you have not noticed, I spoke frankly.” After taking out the spear/gun, the Feng Bujue then previous words saying, first also the team leader...... felt own today's expression and did the mood fluctuate change rich?” “……既然你还没注意到,那我就直说了。”取出枪后,封不觉接着先前的话道,“先也队长……有没有觉得自己今天的表情和情绪波动都变丰富了呢?” He brought to light this situation the words, the opposite party was suddenly enlighted finally. 他把话挑明到了这个地步,对方总算是恍然大悟。 „......” Arrived this time, this Corpse Blade team leader lagged behind the startled say/way in the heart, I said that to Ah! where not right...... the medicine expired Ah! to read and here probably, he looked suddenly to Jue Bro, pondered to say secretly, „and so on...... this fellow did see?” “难道……”到了这时,这位尸刀的队长才后知后觉地在心中惊道,“对啊!我就说有哪里不对劲儿……药物好像失效了啊!”念及此处,他不禁猛然看向了觉哥,暗忖道,“等等……这家伙是怎么看出来的?” After several seconds of ponder, Also First for King thought of the reason: Un...... I understood...... medicine that since I and team members use together, that expires definitely also to expire together ; Doomsday Raid that thus it may be known...... previously and Feng Bujue has fought most likely also with my same condition....... Feng Bujue saw the traces from the body of Doomsday Raid, then the behavior me tests through that sang folk song a moment ago, thus confirmed my drug efficacy has also lost......” 经过数秒的思考,先也为王想到了原因:“嗯……我明白了……既然我和队员们是一起用的药,那失效起来肯定也是一起失效;由此可知……此前和疯不觉交过手的末日强袭八成也是和我一样的状态。想必……疯不觉是从末日强袭的身上看出了蛛丝马迹,然后通过刚才那番‘唱山歌’的行为对我进行试探,从而确认了我身上的药效也已丧失……” In thinking deeply about the processes of these matters, Also First for King has pursued from the top, taking advantage of the potential of diagonal falling, his broadsword once again broken wind. 在思索这些事的过程中,先也为王已从墙头追下,借着斜向下坠之势,他的大刀又一次破风而来。 Snort...... insane team leader.” Also First for King does not forget to meet to say when the attack, why, although I will not know like this......, but will give the devil his due, won't this be just right?” “哼……疯队长。”先也为王在攻击之余也不忘接道,“虽然我也不知道为什么会这样……但平心而论,这不正好吗?” During the speeches, his figure illness/quick moves, is one round attacks by surprise quickly. 说话间,他身形疾动,又是一轮快攻袭来。 The blade vigor raises the wind, blade is swift and fierce exceptionally. Suddenly, Also First for King covered the opponent in thin-bladed knife glow. 刀劲掀风而起,刀式凌厉异常。一时间,先也为王又将对手笼罩在了一片刀芒之中。 After Corpse Blade is King withdraws, although Corpse Blade Studio has not determined the new trump card, the words that but arranges by the strength...... that person should be Also First for King. No matter there is a medicine no medicine, his hard strength is placed there, the pure theory body technique, Also First for King is also the top level. 尸刀为王退出以后,尸刀工作室虽然还没有确定新的王牌,但以实力来排的话……那个人应该就是先也为王了。不管有药没药,他的硬实力还是摆在那里的,单纯论体术,先也为王也是顶尖水准。 How did Oh? this words say?” Feng Bujue left Tuyou flashes, successively retreat, but answered when the tone was still self-poise. 哦?此话怎讲?”封不觉左突右闪,节节后退,不过回话时的语气仍是镇定自若。 As the matter stands......” Also First for King sneers is meeting saying that „, even if were defeated by me, you were still speechless?” “这样一来……”先也为王冷笑着接道,“就算被我打败,你也无话可说了吧?” Ha! Hahahaha Ha.....” Feng Bujue hears word, laughs wildly to make noise dissolutely, immediately restrains the smile suddenly, the sinking sound said, you want.” “哈!哈哈哈哈哈……”封不觉闻言,放肆地狂笑出声,随即又忽然收敛笑容,沉声道,“你想多了。” The next second, then hears biu ~ biu ~ biu( right, Star cooling artillery( blames)】 When marksmanship is such sound) a vigorous sound, Jue Bro opens fire( boiling water?). 下一秒,便听得biu~biu~biu(没错,【恒星冷却炮(才怪)】射击时就是这样的声音)一阵疾响,觉哥开火(开水?)了。 Also First for King is not without the protection, when he saw the opposite party takes the spear/gun thinks how to dodge, but...... he has not thought that in that spear/gun projects can be the water. 先也为王也并非没有防备,当他看到对方取枪的时候就想好了如何去闪躲,只是……他没有想到,那枪里射出的会是水。 Different...... the trajectory of water gun is to continue to exist with the linear trajectory that bullet that is fleeting, moreover can drag the show/unfolds downward, wanting one drop not to moisten instead hiding the bullet is more difficult. 和子弹那稍纵即逝的线形弹道不同……水枪的弹道是持续存在的,而且会向下拖展,想要一滴不沾反而比躲子弹还难。 Bad!” Instantly, Also First for King that the water column hits also flustered, because his instinct thinks that is the corrosive liquid, but after two seconds,...... he discovered that does not have the aching feeling to transmit, Health not to reduce probably, „? Is this?” However, he also soon discovered the effects of these liquids are anything, cuts...... slow fast......” “糟了!”被水柱击中的刹那,先也为王还慌了一下,因为他本能地以为那是腐蚀性液体,但两秒后……他发现身上并没有疼痛感传来、生存值好像也没有减少,“嗯?这是?”不过,他也很快发现了这些液体的效果是什么,“切……‘缓速’是吗……” Right, is slow fast.” A Feng Bujue holding a spear/gun ripple fire, copied out Military Shovel to launch the counter-attack, must level you...... this to be enough.” “没错,就是缓速。”封不觉一手持枪连射,一手抄着军铲就展开了反击,“要摆平你……这样就足够了。” Absurd......” Also First for King sees the opposite party to counter-attack, is unhurried, immediately raises the air/Qi to receive the blade, suppresses one move- 【A blade swings mountain. “荒谬……”先也为王见对方反攻过来,却也不慌,当即提气收刀,憋出一招-【一刀荡岳】。 Although the might of skill was reduced, but the Also First for King blade type incurs the move overbearingly, and might is astonishing, even if weakens the version, could still be as good as a Level C skill sufficiently. 虽然技能的威力被削减了许多,但先也为王的刀式招招霸道、且威力惊人,即使是削弱版,也足以抵得上一个C级技能了。 Absurd?” When Jue Bro spoke these words, has flashed through the style of opposite party, and appeared in Also First for King behind. “荒谬吗?”觉哥说这句话时,已然闪过对方的招式,并出现在了先也为王的身后。 Wha......” at this moment, Also First for King felt the fear, his pupil contraction and heartbeat the feeling that accelerated...... that whole body blood to be cool, he very long has not realized in in-game. “什……”这一刻,先也为王感受到了恐惧,他的瞳孔收缩、心跳加速……那种全身血液都凉下来的感觉,他已经很久没在游戏中体会到了。 You have not made clear your condition probably.” Feng Bujue said, you think after stopping medicine, were oneself like being all right person?” During the speeches, his Military Shovel has wielded to the back of opponent. “你好像还没搞清楚自己的状况啊。”封不觉说道,“你以为在停药之后,自己就跟没事儿人一样了吗?”说话间,他的军铲已挥向了对手的后背。 Only heard giving a tongue-lashing a sound...... conducting the back of Also First for King to add a long and narrow opening. 只听得“呲”一声响……先也为王的背上就添了一道狭长的豁口。 Even if takes the pain-killer regularly, the person will produce the dependence and aftereffect......” the Jue Bro words is still continuing, his attack has not stopped, in the hand Military Shovel sweeps unceasingly to his opponent, but does not aim at the strategic point, just saw your time from me, I start to observe your action...... to be very obvious, you to the feeling of speed and time had the deviation ; When the control of coordination and explosive force of body, strives the discretion wait/etc, these all are...... in 1-2 Scenario that requires the time to adapt cannot adjust.” “就算是定期服用止痛药,人都会产生依赖性和后遗症呢……”觉哥的话还在继续着,他的攻击也没有停,手中军铲不断地扫向他的对手,但就是不瞄准要害,“从我刚见你的时候,我就开始观察你的行动……很明显,你对速度和时间的感觉都产生了偏差;还有身体的协调性、爆发力的掌控、出力时的分寸等等,这些全都是需要时间去适应的……1-2剧本之内根本调整不过来。” Hateful......” Also First for King is resisting difficultly, but he deeply felt a powerless feeling, own movement is not too quickly is too slow, moreover angle difficult refinement that acts, guarded against for quite a while, everywhere flaw. “可恶……”先也为王艰难地招架着,但他深深地感到了一种无力感,自己的动作不是太快就是太慢,而且出手的角度难求精准,以至于防了半天,处处破绽。 Therefore I said......” Feng Bujue, when truncates the person with Melee Weapon, another water gun marksmanship, must also level you...... this to be enough opportunistically.” “所以我才说……”封不觉在用冷兵器削人的时候,另一手的水枪也在见缝插针地射击着,“要摆平你……这样就足够了。” Sufficed!” Also First for King calls out one suddenly, stopped the resistance, wants to shame me in the competition? Must kill kills!” “够了!”先也为王忽然暴喝一声,停止了抵抗,“想在比赛中羞辱我吗?要杀就杀!” At this moment, he has also looked, actually Feng Bujue has been able to get rid of his, but the opposite party has not hit toward the fatal place intentionally. 事到如今,他也已经看出来了,其实封不觉早就可以干掉他的,只是对方故意没往致命的地方打而已。 Shames you?” Feng Bujue empty focused, smiled two, hehe...... I think that you misunderstood, I did not have that plan, two that interests...... I have not kept you not dead, have my reason......” “羞辱你?”封不觉虚着眼,笑了两声,“呵呵……我想你误会了,我一没有那个打算,二没有那个兴趣……我留你不死,自有我的理由……” The words to here, Jue Bro also stopped the attack unexpectedly, he cut and bruised Also First for King will size up up and down, immediately said with a smile: Good...... so many wounds to be similar, then......” he suddenly and holds up the pistol, biubiu all spurted in surplus water on the body of Also First for King, immediately received two weapon, turned around to run, ran also left behind one, „...... you put best into it!” 话至此处,觉哥竟也停止了攻击,他将遍体鳞伤的先也为王上下打量了一番,随即笑道:“好了……这么多伤口应该差不多了,那么……”他忽地又举起手枪,biubiu地将里面剩余的水全都喷在了先也为王的身上,随即收起两件武器,转身就跑,边跑还边留下一句,“……你好自为之吧!” Looks the back that Jue Bro goes far away, Also First for King is shocked completely: This...... what situation?” He thinks that does not understand why the opponent must run, but he at this moment does not have the ability to pursue to ascertain the matter, considers as finished......, no matter in his bottle gourd sells is what medicine, so long as I have not died, has the opportunity...... Feng Bujue, I will make you regret......” 看着觉哥远去的背影,先也为王完全愣住了:“这……什么情况?”他想不明白对手为什么要跑,但此刻的他也没有能力追上去把事情问清楚,“算了……不管他葫芦里卖的是什么药,只要我还没死,就还有机会……疯不觉,我会让你后悔的……” Also First for King read several aggressive statements in the heart secretly, immediately sits down same place, took out Health supplements and stop the bleeding bandage from Traveling Bag . 先也为王在心中暗暗念了几句狠话,随即就原地坐下,从行囊里取出了生存值补充剂止血绷带。 Regarding being used to it him who under the taking medicine condition played, at present this not too exaggerating aching feeling, will become serious...... him because of the reason of contrast almost the processing wound in the situation of shaking all over, hurts seriously. 对于习惯了在服药状态下游戏的他来说,眼下这种并不算太夸张的疼痛感,也会因反差的原因而变得非常严重……他几乎是在全身发抖的情况下处理伤口的,当真是疼出了一身冷汗。 However turns over to hurt sorely, his hands and feet is deft, less than one minute processed the most bleeding point, was only...... 不过疼归疼,他的手脚还算麻利,不到一分钟就把大半的出血点都处理掉了,只是…… „--” At at this moment, the chanting in a low voice sound continuously, made a sound from the surrounding darkness, and gradually imminent. “呃-啊-”就在此刻,此起彼伏的低吟声,自周围的黑暗中响了起来,并渐渐迫近。 What gadget? The monster......” Also First for King stands immediately, looks vigilantly to all around, at the same time, frightened...... also spreads in his mind quietly. “什么玩意儿?怪物吗……”先也为王立刻站了起来,警惕地望向四周,与此同时,恐惧……也在他的心中悄然蔓延。
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