TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#894: Has not taken a drug

Jue Bro these words just exported, Doomsday Raid then changed into the white light to leave Scenario. 觉哥这句话刚出口,末日强袭便化为白光离开了剧本 ...... Person, although died, but he when the ground struggles a lot of blood that flow also, but bullies near these from the darkness thing, is to this blood. 只是……人虽然死了,但他在地上挣扎时流淌出来的大量鲜血还在,而从黑暗中欺近的那些“东西”,正是冲着这血来的。 „-” Soon, the sound of rustling sound, had gradually turned into clear chanting in a low voice. “啊-”不多时,悉悉索索的响动,已逐渐变成了清晰的低吟。 Approaches with these sounds...... is that together comes skinny, hunchbacked strange shadow. 与那些声音一同逼近而来的……是一条条干瘦的、伛偻的怪影。 Un...... ghost......” Feng Bujue stands in calm same place, is looking indifferently these translucent person shadow, in the mouth discussed, inferred from the clothes and quantity...... should be the townspeoples in this Tsukimori has not run.” “嗯……‘鬼’是吧……”封不觉淡定地站在原地,冷眼望着那些半透明的“人”影,口中念道,“从衣着打扮和数量来推断……应该是这荷月镇的镇民没跑儿了。” During the Jue Bro speeches, the ghosts of these townspeoples have put on the wall, from surrounded him in all directions. 觉哥说话之间,那些镇民的鬼魂已纷纷穿墙而过,从四面八方包围了他。 If as expected, by the fresh smell of blood brings in......” Feng Bujue talked over, while the half step moved, for the time being will have a look at them to do well what......” saying that he trod furiously, crossed the top of the heads of these ghosts, on the flying the top. “不出意外的话,是被新鲜的血腥味引来的吧……”封不觉一边念叨,一边快步移动起来,“姑且看看他们会做什么好了……”说着,他就奋力一踏,越过了那些鬼魂的头顶,飞身上了墙头。 „--” Separates Jue Bro quite near ghost when he has flown the top of the head made responded, but after he has flown fast, they also cried out several, the meaning without pursued. “啊-啊-”一部分离觉哥比较近的鬼魂在他飞过头顶时做出了一些反应,但在他快速飞过之后,他们也只是叫唤了几声,并没追上去的意思。 After the moment,...... all ghosts centralized to the surroundings of ground that beach blood, probably the animal kneels to bend down generally, starts to lick to lick ground that dark red liquids crazily. 片刻后……所有的鬼魂都集中到了地上那滩鲜血的周围,像是动物一般跪伏下来,开始疯狂舔舐地上那片殷红的液体。 However, Jue Bro discovers immediately...... the tongues of these ghosts cannot contact the entity, no matter the soil of ground plunges the blood of within the earth...... they not to lick gradually. Moreover, among these ghosts will not touch mutually, kneels the ghosts near bloodstain has crossing over each other body, probably projections overlap in the same place. 但是,觉哥立刻就发现……这些鬼魂的舌头根本接触不到实体,不管是地上的泥土还是渐渐浸入土中的血……他们都是舔不到的。而且,那些鬼魂之间也不会相互触碰,跪在血迹边的鬼魂们有很多都“穿越”了彼此的身体,像是一个个投影般重叠在一起。 This blamed......” Feng Bujue to hesitate saying that „, since this crowd is unable to touch the surrounding entity material, unable strangely to interfere with own similar, how they were stand in the surface......” “这就怪了……”封不觉沉吟道,“既然这群怪无法触碰到周围的实体物质、也无法干涉到自己的同类,那他们是怎么‘站’在地表的呢……” In he thinks, at present then has the mutation. 就在他思索之际,眼前便发生了异变。 But sees that beach blood that...... Doomsday Raid leaves behind, unexpectedly in ghosts licked to lick under...... gradually turned into the dark-red, and...... started to send out the odor. 但见……末日强袭留下的那滩血,竟在鬼魂们的“舔舐”下……渐渐变成了暗红色,并且……开始散发出恶臭。 Although this beach liquid had not been touched by these ghosts from the physical level, but this type change happened in these ghosts without a doubt. 虽然这滩液体从物理层面上来说并没有被那些鬼魂触碰到,但这种“变化”毫无疑问是在那些鬼魂靠近后才发生的。 so that's how it is......, if makes these monsters maintain near body, the blood putrefication will deteriorate ’......” to witness Jue Bro of this process likewith own eyes, the thought also revolved rapidly, „the open style flesh wound...... the smell of blood...... attracted nearby monster...... the blood mutation in within the body......” a series of keywords to flash through from it at present, twists an inference chains, in other words...... in this competition, once were wounded to bleed, must process thoroughly cleanly, will otherwise be entangled...... him to hang eye of that group of malicious ghosts who by the ghosts looked at to the under foot, „, although these. The strange traveling speed and senior citizen take a walk almost, but they can disregard the obstacle, even to disregard each other collision volume...... by a straight line toward the goal vanguard. Quite is good to deal with because of the open place, but if encounters in the quite narrow or dim indoor environment their chases down...... that quite is not wonderful.” 原来如此……若是让那些怪物保持近身的话,血液就会像这样‘腐化变质’是吧……”亲眼见证了这一过程的觉哥,思维也飞速运转起来,“开放式的外伤……血腥味……吸引附近怪物……体内的血液异变……”一连串关键词从其眼前闪过,拧成了一条推理锁链,“也就是说……在这场比赛中,一旦负伤流血,就必须非常彻底地处理干净,否则就会被鬼魂们缠上……”他垂目看向了脚下的那群恶鬼,“虽说这些怪的移动速度和老年人遛弯儿差不多,但他们都是可以无视障碍物、甚至无视彼此的碰撞体积……以一直线朝着目标前行的。在开阔的地方还比较好应付,但要是在比较狭窄或昏暗的室内环境里遭到他们的追杀……那就相当不妙了。” When Jue Bro analyzes, the blood of ground had turned completely dark-red smelly blood, at the same time, these ghosts as if also lost the interest in these liquids. 就在觉哥进行分析的时候,地上的鲜血已完全变成了暗红色的“臭血”,与此同时,那些鬼魂似乎也对这些液体失去了兴趣。 After several seconds, these ghosts raised the head...... look to Jue Bro of top. 数秒后,那些鬼就纷纷抬头……看向了墙头的觉哥 Un? Is this must do?” Facing this made one that one was afraid, Feng Bujue be without turning a hair, the whisper said that you......” “嗯?这是要干嘛?”面对这令人不寒而栗的一幕,封不觉面不改色,嘀咕道,“难道你们……” Matter that his „” refers , the next second happened...... saw only these ghosts to hold up the both arms with the movement of distortion, fluttered one after another...... 他这个“难道”所指的事情,下一秒就发生了……只见那些鬼魂们用扭曲的动作举起了双臂,陆续飘了起来…… Very good......” Jue Bro to say this good , because the present condition happen to explained that he previously thought of how ghosts are stand on the ground question. “很好……”觉哥之所以道这句“好”,是因为眼前的状况正好解释了他此前想到的那个“鬼魂们是如何‘站’在地上”的疑问。 Originally you pasted the tread a moment ago in fluttering......” Feng Bujue talked over, while the hand that moistening the kitchen knife and thunder precious pearl of blood took back Traveling Bag in together, that makes me take a look at...... you not to have the wound living creature again to have the response to the body......” “原来你们刚才只是贴着地面在‘飘’而已啊……”封不觉一边念叨,一边已将手中那把沾血的菜刀和雷之宝珠一同收回了行囊,“那再让我瞧瞧……你们对身上没有伤口的活物会有反应吗……” Obviously, Jue Bro is doing the experiment. 很显然,觉哥又在做实验了。 Under the dim moonlight, in the bloody yard, a group of gloomy ghost sends out appalling chanting in a low voice, but also surrounds...... this type toward you slowly like the horror film general scene, making the audience who watched the live broadcast raise up the fine hair. 昏暗的月色下,血腥的小院中,一大群阴森的鬼魂发出让人毛骨悚然的低吟,还朝着你缓缓包围过来……这种如同恐怖片一般的场面,让很多正在观看直播的观众都竖起了汗毛。 But Feng Bujue...... is actually staring the dead fish eye, is probing in this Scenario calmly, opportunistically various hypotheses bottom lines. 封不觉……却只是瞪着死鱼眼,若无其事地、见缝插针地试探着这个剧本中各种设定的底线。 „- ......” “呃-唔……” After Jue Bro receives the kitchen knife, these ghosts have not stopped acting immediately, the chanting in a low voice sound is also still continuing. 觉哥收起菜刀后,那些鬼魂并没有立刻停止行动,低吟声也还在持续。 But crossed for several seconds, in the air the residual smell of blood diverges the speed that...... the ghosts flutter obviously slowed down ; Moreover, their types are full of sense of hunger chanting in a low voice also stopped. 但过了几秒,当空气中残留的血腥味散去时……鬼魂们飘飞的速度就明显减缓了;另外,他们那种饱含着“饥饿感”的低吟也停了下来。 Also crossed for several seconds, the movement of ghosts almost stagnates, they seemed lose the goal to be common, is spinning same place. 又过了数秒,鬼魂们的动作几乎完全停滞,他们好似是失去了目标一般,在原地打转。 About after 30 seconds, these monsters fell the ground...... to flutter as if by prior agreement or with the ground impartial altitude, then started toward shadow move in that some moonlight could not illuminate...... 大约三十秒后,这些怪物不约而同地落回了地面……或者说,飘到了与地面持平的高度,然后开始朝一些月光照不到的阴影中移动…… Feng Bujue was observing their action in the top at first silently, scatters in all directions when until the ghosts is fluttering more than ten meters distance, he suddenly shouts at the top of one's voice, starts to sing: Yo...... the descendants of mountain yo...... love Sun ~ solar that is loving ~ the person in mountain yo......” 封不觉起先只是在墙头默默观察着他们的行动,直到鬼魂们四散着飘出十几米距离时,他忽然扯开嗓子,嗷一声就开始唱道:“哟……大山的子孙哟……爱太阳喽~太阳那个爱着哟~山里的人哟……” His startled for the first time action, is first having a scare all the audience who watch the competition, then...... people transfer be startled to dull, after staying for several seconds, laughter makes noise unrestrainedly. 他这一惊一乍的举动,先是把所有所有正在观看比赛的观众们吓了一跳,然后……人们转惊为呆,呆了几秒后又情不自禁地爆笑出声。 ............ ………… hey hey...... this goods certainly bi-】 Is the mental illness......” 喂喂……这货绝【哔-】是个神经病吧……” What ha haha Ha..... amn't I good...... this with what?” “哈哈哈哈……我不行了……这什么跟什么呀?” Haha Ha..... opens the throat to frighten me to jump...... why, but this must......” “哈哈哈……一开嗓子吓我一跳……但这到底是要干嘛……” Jue Bro! Did not sing can also be the friend!” 觉哥!不唱歌还能做朋友!” ............ ………… Naturally, Jue Bro does not know that now audience's response, he does not care about the audience to have anything to respond. He shoots these throats, nothing but to test ghosts response pattern. 当然了,觉哥现在并不知道观众们的反应,他也不在乎观众们会有什么反应。他亮这几嗓子,无非还是为了测试一下鬼魂们的“反应模式”。 The result...... the ghosts were not convinced very much disregarded him. 结果……鬼魂们很不买账地无视了他。 When Feng Bujue sang here folk song row to the platoon, when this of here folk song string to string, gathered a moment ago, in the ghosts of this place the total has vanished in his line of sight. From data angle of view...... these monsters, once walks into the shadow that the ray cannot illuminate, will enter similar phase space the place, vanishes temporarily. 封不觉唱到“这里的山歌排对排,这里的山歌串对串”这句时,刚才聚在此地的鬼魂们已然全数消失在了他的视线中。从数据视角来看……这些怪物一旦走入光线照不到的阴影之中,就会进入一种类似“相位空间”的地方,暂时消失。 ......” hence, Jue Bro also shouted the tone finally, stopped his singing, un...... looks like these fellows only to follow sense of smell action, has not responded to the sound and picture......” “呼……”至此,觉哥也终于呼了口气,停止了他的演唱,“嗯……看来这些家伙只会遵循‘嗅觉’行动,对声音和画面都没反应啊……” Read and here, Feng Bujue shrugged: „...... The good and evil knew the action rule of monsters.” Saying, him is turning around, the preparation leaves here. 念及此处,封不觉耸了耸肩:“也罢……好歹是掌握了怪物们的行动规律。”说着,他就转过身去,准备离开这里。 However...... 然…… In this flickers, the next 45 degrees corner/horn of fresh breeze from Jue Bro caresses the face to raid together. 就在这一瞬,一道劲风从觉哥正前方偏下四十五度角扑面袭来。 Feng Bujue's responded that seriously is amazingly quick, in this electric light flint instantly, he unexpectedly after the instinct the supine body, evaded with a stance of limit the attack...... made that chopped wave paste own tip of the nose to fly. 封不觉的反应当真是神速,在这电光火石的刹那,他竟是凭着本能后仰身体,以一个极限的姿态堪堪避过了攻击……让那道斩波贴着自己的鼻尖飞了过去。 I bi-】 Then, Jue Bro drinks to scold one, took advantage of opportunity to meet a rear that irritated Newton turned, shifted one meter on the wall, again the standing firm figure, and shouted to the front, future who?” “我【哔-】”接着,觉哥就喝骂一声,顺势接了一个气死牛顿的侧后翻,在墙上横移了一米,重新立稳身形,并对前方喝道,“来者何人?” Really needs me to identify one's role when first coming on stage?” At this time, Team One Corpse Blade team leader Also First for King, Has stood on the stone slab road outside courtyard wall. He grasps an ominous severe broadsword, looks at Jue Bro of high place to return said, according to my estimation...... the insane team leader your affirmation has studied the competition of our team to record before the game?” “真的需要我自报家门吗?”此时,尸刀一番队的队长【先也为王】,已然站在了院墙外的石板路上。他手持一把凶厉的大刀,望着高处的觉哥回道,“据我估计……疯队长你赛前肯定已经研究过我们队的比赛录像了吧?” Oh~ Feng Bujue recognized the opposite party rapidly, I said that is who ~ originally first also the team leader......” he elongated the voice pretentiously, met saying that was the Team One Corpse Blade team leader...... suddenly found me worthily quickly.” 哦~封不觉迅速认出了对方,“我道是谁~原来是先也队长……”他装模做样地拉长了嗓门儿,接道,“不愧是尸刀一番队的队长啊……竟然这么快就找到了我。” You......” the corners of the mouth of Also First for King are hard self-made to twitch, the tone also showed the feeling of deep egg hurting, „...... greater part of the night...... stood in the top...... sang 2/3 «Mountain roads 18 Curved»......” at this point, he stopped for two seconds, organized a language, I said......, so long as person within one kilometer in this surrounding area...... even if has not heard previously these gunshots, should still definitely catch up to have a look......” “你……”先也为王的嘴角难以自制地抽动着,语气也透出了深深的蛋疼之感,“……大半夜的……站在墙头……唱了三分之二首《山路十八弯》……”说到这里,他停顿了两秒,组织了一下语言,“我这么说吧……只要是在这方圆一公里以内的人……就算没听到此前那些枪响,也肯定会赶过来看看的……” Hou ~ Feng Bujue answered, while had taken out own Military Shovel from Traveling Bag calmly, has not thought that first also the team leader you can also send out " Mountain road 18 Curved » song name, the present young people know this may not be many...... looks like your my personal status to the music to be in harmony very much.” “嚯~”封不觉一边回话,一边已不动声色地从行囊里取出了自己的军铲,“没想到先也队长你也能报出《山路十八弯》的歌名啊,现在的年轻人知道这个的可已经不多了……看来你我对音乐的品位很是合拍啊。” I......” Also First for King empty focus, the alert looks at Jue Bro saying that does not want and you chats on this topic......” “我……”先也为王虚着眼,戒备地看着觉哥道,“不想就这个话题和你聊下去……” Jue Bro pays no attention to others, meets saying: That anything...... the ancient poetry has the cloud...... meeting on the way friend going to be difficult to remain, the song hot dance presents as a gift Monarch don't......” 觉哥理都不理人家,自顾自地接道:“那什么……古诗有云……路遇知己去难留,劲歌热舞赠君别……” „Is this you Indian ancient poetry that listens to from which different dimension?” Also First for King is really from the heart, has to speak out. “这是你从哪个异次元听来的印度古诗?”先也为王着实是槽从心头起,不吐不快。 I looked that...... might as well hit at a later date day.” Feng Bujue then said, was inferior...... your I first come «to Folk song», sang to hit again.” “我看……择日不如撞日。”封不觉接着说道,“不如……你我先来一曲《对山歌》,唱完再打。” I reject......” decisiveness of very Also First for King reply. “我拒绝……”先也为王回答的很果断。 But...... 可是…… Hey ~...... the primal chaos time makes the steamed bun ~ heaven shaking moved......” Jue Bro to take advantage of opportunity to sing. “嘿~诶……太极功夫做馒头嘞~惊天动地……”觉哥顺势就唱上了。 I said that...... you determined this is...... rather than «Shaolin Soccer» the insertion song...... Also First for King the expression «to Folk song» seems is the constipation is the same, in the extreme is awkward. “我说……你确定这是《对山歌》……而不是《少林足球》的插入歌么……”先也为王的表情好似是便秘一样,尴尬得无以复加。 „...... The insertion song of Shaolin soccer should not be......” Feng Bujue shakes the head, changes tune to sing, „the Shaolin Martial Arts awake ~ well! Shaolin Martial Arts vigor ~ is the vigor......” “不不不……少林足球的插入歌应该是……”封不觉摇了摇头,改调唱道,“少林功夫醒~好好嘢!少林功夫劲~系好劲……” You...... give me......” this to flicker, Also First for King is driven beyond the limits of forbearance finally, „...... knows when to stop Ah! “你……给我……”这一瞬,先也为王终于忍无可忍,“……适可而止啊! He drank to make noise crazily, raises the blade to stick out suddenly, flew the top. 他狂喝出声,提刀暴起,飞上了墙头。 Also First for King at this moment...... was really one second cannot wait, because he felt that pulled again with Jue Bro, oneself also insanely. 此刻的先也为王……真的是一秒也等不了了,因为他感觉再跟觉哥扯下去,自己也得疯。 Hehe......” Feng Bujue saw the opposite party to kill, sneered, the heart said, really right...... today's Corpse Blade team members and obviously are usually different...... seem like...... this not to take a drug......” “呵呵……”封不觉见对方杀了上来,冷笑一声,心道,“果然没错……今天的尸刀队员们和平时明显不一样……看起来……这是没吃药啊……”
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