TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#893: Blood bait

Also somehow, in the chest of Doomsday Raid welled up a courage vigor obstinately, he has almost not considered, jumped to leap, jumped up the top of that residents. 也不知怎的,末日强袭的胸中愣是涌上了一股血气,他几乎没怎么斟酌,就纵身一跃,跳上了那间民宅的墙头。 This time he does not know, before oneself get online , the medicine that injects has started to expire...... 此时的他并不知道,自己上线前所注射的药物已开始失效了…… When these constrained sense of fear and mood fluctuate rises again gradually, the litigant will inevitably require some time to realize that contrast feeling, but in this time point, he had made a slightly careless decision under the influence of mood. 当那些被压抑的恐惧感和情绪波动渐渐回升出来的时候,当事人势必需要一定的时间才能体会到那种反差感,而就是在这个时间点上,他已在情绪的影响下做出了一个略显草率的决定。 „Do you also dare to develop the ideal point again?” When Doomsday Raid has leapt the top, has not forgotten to shout loudly, must feign death to install the lifelike point...... the good and evil to make the bullet rub your one again...... a blood to install!” “你还敢演得再假点吗?”末日强袭跃过墙头之时,还不忘大声喝道,“要装死就装得逼真一点……好歹让子弹蹭你一下……出点血再装吧!” In the process of these words exit|to speak, the Jue Bro form had entered the line of sight of Doomsday Raid, the latter has not waited for own both feet to moisten, flings the spear/gun aiming, prepared marksmanship. 在这句话出口的过程中,觉哥的身影已经进入了末日强袭的视线,后者还没等自己的双脚沾地,就甩枪瞄准,准备射击了。 But another side, Feng Bujue has also been ready, falls movement not to complete false, he has taken out from Traveling Bag Move as fast as lightning, Prepares to act to deal according to the next walk of enemy side. 而另一边,封不觉也是早已做好了准备,“假摔”动作还没做完,他就已经从行囊里取出了【动如雷霆】,准备根据敌方的下一步行动作出应对。 Finally, Doomsday Raid chose pursued in hospital, continued to open fire...... looks like in Jue Bro, this was really good to develop. 结果,末日强袭选择了追入院中,继续开火……在觉哥看来,这真是再好不过的发展了。 - 啪- Scolding- 叱- The bullet is quick, but Feng Bujue is quicker. 子弹很快,但封不觉更快。 Even if the skill was restricted, but the Item effect has not fallen short. Taking advantage of precious pearl of thunder Special Effect, Feng Bujue successfully before the Doomsday Raid unprepared time...... killed the body of opposite party. 纵然技能受到了限制,可物品效果没有打折扣。借着雷之宝珠的特效,封不觉成功地在末日强袭立足未稳的时刻……杀到了对方的身前。 Delivers you to start off......” Jue Bro to pull out the kitchen knife, wants the hand to have the blade to fall. “送你上路吧……”觉哥掏出菜刀,欲手起刀落。 However...... 然…… Snort......” Doomsday Raid has not revealed slightly flurriedly, is only cold snort/hum one, and exhibited one father to guess correctly will have such a” expression. “哼……”末日强袭丝毫没有露出慌乱,只是冷哼一声,并摆出了一副“老子早就猜到会有这么一出”的表情。 His calm, naturally has the reason...... 他的这份淡定,自然是有原因的…… Before two seconds, when Doomsday Raid jumps from the courtyard wall instantly, he will guess Jue Bro to attack itself with similar method, therefore, he started Investigation that ahead of time might be called the masterstroke/divine skill will be the skill...... 两秒前,当末日强袭从院墙另一边跃起的刹那,他就揣测着觉哥会用类似的手段来突袭自己,因此,他提前发动了一个堪称神技的侦查系技能…… Name: My slippery skater shoes 名称:我的滑板鞋】 Skill Card Attribute: Active Skill, Permanent 技能卡属性:主动技能,永久掌握 Skill Category: Investigation 技能类别:侦查 Effect: After starting, the next close combat injury that you receive will reduce 90%, and all Special Effect that in this/should attack supplements will not be triggered ; In instance that the attack finished, you will move to the back of attacker automatically, and obtains to continue four seconds of double attack speed additions( cooling time 30 minutes, after starting , to continue for five seconds, if in five seconds had not been injured, skill same will enter cooling and has consumption)】 【效果:发动后,你所受的下一次近战伤害将减少90%,且该次攻击中附带的所有特效将不会被触发;在攻击结束的瞬间,你将自动位移至攻击者的背后,并获得持续四秒的双倍攻击速度加成(冷却时间三十分钟,发动后持续五秒,五秒内若未受到伤害,技能一样会进入冷却并产生消耗)】 Consumption: Stamina 1200 【消耗:体能值1200】 Learning Prerequisite: Investigation Specialization S, Fighting Proficiency D 学习条件:侦查专精S,格斗专精D】 Note: Under the moonlight, I see my form, is sometimes very far, is sometimes very near, felt that a strength urges my footsteps. Had the slippery skater shoes, darkness Fearless , one two steps, one two steps, resemble the lackey step by step, resembles the step of devil, friction ~ friction, friction ~ friction!】 【备注:月光下,我看到自己的身影,有时很远,有时很近,感到一种力量驱使我的脚步。有了滑板鞋,天黑都不怕,一步两步,一步两步,一步一步似爪牙,似魔鬼的步伐,摩擦~摩擦,摩擦~摩擦!】 The Doomsday Raid good and evil is also Corpse Blade one team of team members, its strength comes...... to go beyond compared with two teams of shooter Water Show Raid without doubt. 末日强袭好歹也是尸刀一队的队员,其实力比起二队的射手水示强袭来……无疑是有过之而无不及的。 Compares...... Water Show Raid with their two Specialization , although has Level S shooting ability, but other Specialization universal Fairly Weak ; But Doomsday Raid was different, although his Shooting Specialization is only Level A( common amateur player when Max Level, usually can also one to two main force Specialization practice A), but he also has the Investigation Specialization approaching body of Level S. 就拿他们俩的专精来比较……水示强袭虽有S级射击能力,但其他专精都普遍较弱;而末日强袭就不同了,他的射击专精虽然只是A级(一般的非职业玩家在满级时,通常也能把一到两个主力专精练到A),但他还有S级侦查专精傍身。 Mentioned this Investigation the skill of department...... truly not to lose face in the early period of the game, the survival that but...... this Specialization can provide to the mid and late part, snuck, eruption wait/etc advantages, has the tactical ability, frequently can play the reversal war the effect. 说起这“侦查”系的技能……在游戏前期确实不怎么出彩,不过到了中后期……这个专精所能提供的生存、潜行、爆发等等优势,都是具备战术性的能力,经常可以起到逆转战局的效果。 At present, when Feng Bujue's Must Break The Blade Cuts instantly, Doomsday Raid then knows...... this move works as the body technique( Hand-to-Hand combat game terminology, after pulling strings, will not directly create attack determination, but received style that attack will then counter-attack automatically to be triggered within certain amount of time). 眼下,当封不觉的必须破防之刃】砍过来的刹那,末日强袭便知道……自己这招当身技(格斗游戏用语,指使出后不会直接造成攻击判定、但在一定时间内受到打击便会自动反击的招式)就要被触发了。 Then, Doomsday Raid only needs to shoulder the opposite party hardly superficially that strikes( because reduced 90% injuries), will then wait for the skill effect on deliver to the Jue Bro back. Then, he then can the making a move speed( 200% attack speeds)...... a spear/gun explode the back of the head of Jue Bro with oneself that has strengthened. 接下来,末日强袭只需要硬扛对方那不痛不痒的一击(因为减了90%伤害),然后等着技能效果将自己送到觉哥的背后去。接着,他便可以用自己那加强过的出手速度(200%的攻击速度)……一枪爆了觉哥的后脑勺。 Properly speaking...... is this...... 按理说……是这样的…… The issue is...... Doomsday Raid meeting My slippery skater shoes This matter, Feng Bujue, but is clear. No matter through a moment ago the observed data, through the video recording of competition...... can know that Doomsday Raid meets this skill. 问题是……末日强袭会【我的滑板鞋】这件事,封不觉可是一清二楚。不管是通过刚才观察到的数据,还是通过比赛的录像……都可以得知末日强袭会这个技能。 By Jue Bro planned...... will make the opposite party achieve wishes? 觉哥的算计……又怎么会让对方如愿以偿? Snort...... Feng Bujue......”, when the kitchen knife cuts to the neck of Doomsday Raid, he also thought that there is no big obstructing ; According to him the experience...... that type subtracted 90% injuries, not to have the close combat attack of any Special Effect in the past, hit...... most is equivalent in feeling is used the hand blade to knock gently, let alone was a kitchen knife, was cuts the saber he to endure, proper broken guards, so far, hadn't you been killed in the regulation game?...... Today makes me end your unbeaten record!” “哼……疯不觉……”当菜刀砍向末日强袭的脖子时,他还觉得这没什么大碍;根据他以往的经验……那种减去90%伤害、不带任何特效的近战攻击,打在身上的感觉……最多相当于被人用手刀轻轻敲了一下,别说是菜刀了,就是斩马刀他都挨过,妥妥儿地不破防,“目前为止,你还从来没在正式比赛中被人杀死过吧?呵……今天就让我来终结你这不败纪录!” Doomsday Raid is sneering, in the heart has been conducting to celebrate for own magnificent feat, he is waiting for neck that slight ache now in the past, then automatic teleport that moment. 末日强袭冷笑着,心中已在为自己的壮举进行庆祝了,他现在就是等着颈部那轻微的疼痛过去,然后自动瞬移的那一刻。 But...... will never approach at that moment. 但……那一刻永远不会来临了。 - hiss hissing- 噗-嘶嘶嘶- The next second, the blunt knife enters the meat, along with even resounded the sound of blood splattering. 下一秒,钝刀入肉,随即便响起了血液喷溅之声。 After blade, the neck of Doomsday Raid was chopped most probably, his head can only droop on the surplus necks. His vocal cord and trachea received the heavy damage, the eyes the violent protrude the eye socket shocking. 中刀后,末日强袭的脖子被剁开了大半,其头颅只能耷拉在剩余颈上。他的声带和气管都受到了严重破坏,双眼则是震惊地暴凸出眼眶。 Because Doomsday Raid is when the both feet decline place was also cut, the strength of that blade promoted several points it backward, making him be sideways to hit on the wall surface, later fell falls falls to the ground horizontally. 由于末日强袭是在双脚还没落地的时候被砍的,那一刀的力量将其向后推出了几分,使他侧身撞在了墙面上,随后才摔落横倒在地。 „Does this launch...... and you imagines difference a little?” Feng Bujue is looking at the opponent of suffocation with the condescending look, said with smile on the face, I think...... until now, you should not detect that all Active Skill were all weakened......” “这展开……和你想象中的有点区别是吧?”封不觉用居高临下的眼神望着奄奄一息的对手,面带微笑地说道,“我想……直到现在,你应该都还没有察觉到所有主动技全都被削弱了吧……” When he speaking of here, Doomsday Raid also wants to put out a hand in Traveling Bag to take thing, but Feng Bujue brutally went forward to kick aside the hand of opposite party. 他说到这儿时,末日强袭还想伸手去行囊里取东西,但封不觉十分无情地上前一脚踢开了对方的手。 According to my observations...... in this Scenario, the actual result of skill possibly original 1/10 ; In other words, your , when the duration of body technique had ended.” Feng Bujue is saying, while under treads furiously, steps on another arm of Doomsday Raid, even had not finished, the skill after attenuation still likely caused you unable to shoulder my blade.” “据我观察呢……在这个剧本里,技能的实际效果可能连原本的十分之一都不到;也就是说,你那个当身技的持续时间早就结束了。”封不觉一边说着,一边奋力下踏,将末日强袭的另一条胳膊踩断,“即使没结束,弱化后的技能也很可能导致你扛不了我这一刀。” Matter develops this situation, Doomsday Raid despairs, moreover he lags behind realizes...... at this moment, oneself were realizing for a long time has not experienced severe pain and sense of fear. 事情发展到这个地步,末日强袭已绝望了,而且他后知后觉地意识到……此刻,自己正在体会着许久未曾体验过的剧痛和恐惧感。 „...... I do not make your bullet rub me, is not because I do not think, or cannot performance clearly, but......” Feng Bujue puts aside from the arm of opponent the foot, the joining-up said, „...... bleeding in this Scenario ‚’ is a very dangerous matter, must avoid as far as possible.” “还有……我之所以不让你的子弹蹭到我,并不是因为我不想、或不能‘表演’得更逼真一点,只是……”封不觉把脚从对手的手臂上移开,并接道,“在这个剧本里……‘流血’是一件很危险的事,要尽可能地去避免。” In he finishes barely the words, suddenly...... in the surrounding darkness, transmitted an abnormal noise of rustling sound faintly. 就在他话音未落之际,忽然……周围的黑暗中,隐隐传来了一阵悉悉索索的异响。 You look at......” Jue Bro to hear that to make the strange sound that one is afraid, actually showed the smile, „...... your blood...... some unclean thing bringing.” “你瞧……”觉哥听到那令人不寒而栗的怪声,却是露出了笑容,“……你的血……把一些‘不干净的东西’给引来了。”
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