TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#892: Tempts the enemy

In a twinkling. 说时迟,那时快。 But sees a Jue Bro figure show/unfolds, adjusted the stance with a standard turning around, lets the body to the direction that the sound of gunfire resounded. 但见觉哥身形一展,用一个标准的鹞子翻身调整了姿态,让身体正对向了枪声响起的方向。 That flickers, in his eye the black glow fluctuates, the innumerable precise immediate deductions in have then been completed in an instant. His body, the most appropriate scope...... exhibited an extremely strange movement on the by quickest speed theoretically, evaded bullet that these fly. 那一瞬,他的眼中黑芒浮动,无数精密的即时推演在刹那间便已完成。紧接着,他的身体就以理论上最快的速度、最合适的幅度……摆出了一个极为怪异的动作,堪堪避过了那些飞来的子弹。 Un...... altogether fired 12 spears/guns, each round is the special ammunition ; From accurate and might should be heavy weapon, but this rate of fire and ball capacity showed that this passed certainly through some demon to change......” between short two seconds the spear/gun, these thoughts have flashed through the Feng Bujue's mind ; After completing avoidance movement, he has not forgotten instead to kick toward the path that the bullet flies Rankyaku. “嗯……总共开了十二枪,每一发都是特种弹药;从精准度和威力来看应该是重武器,但这射速和弹容量说明这把枪一定经过了某种魔改……”短短的两秒之间,这些念头就已闪过了封不觉的脑海;在完成躲避动作后,他还不忘朝着子弹飞来的轨迹反踢出了一记【岚脚】。 But...... he has not thought, oneself this kicks out, raised fresh breeze unexpectedly......, moreover this wind flew less than ten meters distance to weaken and dissipate. 可是……他万万没想到,自己这一脚踢出去,竟只是扬起了一道劲风……而且这股风才飞了十米不到的距离就减弱并消散了。 Obviously, this cannot say that is Rankyaku, perhaps its might including post foot to be inferior...... 很显然,这根本称不上是“岚脚”,其威力没准连“岗脚”都不如…… What's the matter?” Feng Bujue swept Game Menu fast, but had not discovered that Skill bar has any unusuality. “怎么回事?”封不觉快速扫了眼游戏菜单,但没有发现技能栏有任何的异常。 Pit-a-pat pit-a-pat- 突突突突- His doubts have not been explained that the distant place resounded the second wave of gunshot. 他的疑惑还未得到解答,远处又响起了第二波枪响。 Why was the Rankyaku effect weakened...... this sharply is?” Jue Bro avoids with various unthinkable limit movements, while is still pondering calmly, first, I surely do not have any to define that skill might the style...... this can confirm through the data angle of view ; Next, this is not system definition creates, because the system must give the words that the player defines...... certainly to have the voice prompt directly ; Then at present the most likely conclusion is......” 岚脚的效果被大幅削弱了啊……这是为什么呢?”觉哥一边用各种匪夷所思的极限动作进行躲避,一边还在冷静地思考着,“首先,我肯定没有中任何可以限定技能威力的招式……这点通过数据视角是可以确认的;其次,这也不是‘系统限定’造成的,因为系统要直接给予玩家限定的话……一定会有语音提示;那么眼前最有可能的结论就是……” When read and here, he spun the body and under foot to tread suddenly, the direct impact approached the residents of street. 念及此处时,他猛然旋身、脚下一踏,直冲向了街边的一所民宅。 The time of this advance grasps well,...... that sneak attacks his ringer just fired off the second round 12 spears/guns in the distant place at this moment, is changing the bullet. 这个突进的时机把握得非常好,这一刻……那名在远处偷袭他的枪手刚好打完了第二轮的“十二枪”,正在换子弹。 Naturally, this is not a coincidence, but during computation......, when Jue Bro in pondering the above that matter, he has not forgotten to keep one eye on calculates number of times that the opposite party opens fire. 当然了,这也并不是巧合,而是在计算之中的……当觉哥在思考着上述的那件事时,他也没忘了一心二用地去算对方开枪的次数。 Although the distance's first gunshot resounds at present also for short several seconds, but Feng Bujue has been relying on the sense of hearing and does mental arithmetic...... grasped 70-80% the weapon performance of opposite party. Only if the enemy side concealed some type of trap...... for example to intend to slow down the rate of fire in the attack from the beginning and to retain the ball to allow to trade ball andto slow down ahead of time intentionally trades ball speedthis kind of action......, otherwise, he used same weapon is impossible to hit Jue Bro. 虽然眼下距离第一声枪响响起也不过短短数秒而已,但封不觉已然凭借着听觉和心算……将对方的武器性能掌握了七八成。除非敌方从一开始就在攻击中暗藏了某种陷阱……比如“有意放慢射速”、“保留弹容提前换弹”、“故意减缓换弹速度”这类举动……否则,他用相同的武器是不可能打得中觉哥了。 If I speculate right, the might of skill changes small most likely is in this town/subdues ties...... Feng Bujue that creates to jump to leap, a brace in the fence, then turned into an institute of residents single-handed, in his brain is analyzing not to stop, at present I only use round of Rankyaku, this skill was Fighting Proficiency , Level C and half energy attack...... in other words, this knot at least to Level C below, the style of Hand-to-Hand combat department, manifest type was influential.” “假如我推测得没错,技能的威力变小八成就是这个镇上的‘结界’造成的……”封不觉纵身一跃,单手在围墙上一撑,便翻入了一间民宅的院内,其脑中则是一刻不停地分析着,“目前我只用了一发岚脚,这个技能是格斗专精C级、半能量攻击……也就是说,这结界至少对C级以下的、格斗系的、外放式的招式有影响。” Thinks of here, he attempted to flicker The Art Of The Soul Connects With The Body- changes, And toward crosswise empty trod Moon Steps, Immediately standing firm figure. 想到这儿,他又尝试着瞬开了【灵识聚身术-改】,并朝横向虚踏了一记【月步】,随即才站定身形。 Un...... Spirit Art Specialization and self- BUFF and continued the technique and displacement technique...... also to be weakened sharply.” He according to released the experience of that two skill a moment ago, made the contrast when with usually releases the body feeling, and rapid constructed a screening table in the brain, a series of adapted to fill in this, „...... the work of this kind of statistics also was really troublesome......” he voiced a complaint in a low voice, immediately kneed down, with Finger of Consonance Under held put one's foot down the muddy land. “嗯……灵术专精、自我BUFF型、持续技、位移技……也都被大幅削弱了。”他根据刚才释放那两个技能的体验,与平时释放时的体感做了对比,并迅速在脑中构建了一张筛选表,把这一系列适应项填了进去,“啊……这类统计学的活儿还真是麻烦呢……”他低声发了句牢骚,随即就单膝跪地,用【灵犀一指】捅了一下脚下的泥地。 At that time regarding his action, is really cannot understand in the audience who...... watched the live broadcast. 对于他的这个举动,在当时来说……观看直播的观众确是没一个能看懂的。 However afterward, some people when watching the competition video recording understood, then still said one at the forum......, therefore everyone also understood. 但是事后,有人在看比赛录像时看懂了,然后还在论坛上说了一下……于是大家也都懂了。 Briefly...... Feng Bujue this is at experiment, he uses the extremely short time and extremely low cost( some consumptions is few, and does not have the skill of cooling time)...... tested periphery bore the concrete effect. 简单地说……封不觉这是在“实验”,他利用极短的时间和极低的成本(一些消耗较少、且没有冷却时间的技能)……去测试了周围“结界”的具体效果。 This matter...... also has nothing at first sight probably greatly, but thin pondered over...... a person just to start in Scenario less than one minute of situation to be attacked by others, he can also convenient handle...... this to need the crazed psychological quality and thought rapidly in the escaping process this matter unexpectedly can realize...... 这事儿……乍看之下好像也没什么了不起的,但细一琢磨……一个人在剧本刚开始不到一分钟的情况下就遭到别人突袭,他竟然还能在逃跑过程中顺手把这事儿办了……这需要何等丧心病狂的心理素质和急速的思维才能实现…… Un...... basically can determine, most Active Skill received the suppression in this knot.” After poking, Jue Bro took back the hand, the heart said, used the good words, this perhaps was an opportunity......” “嗯……基本可以确定,大部分的‘主动技能’在这结界里都受到了压制。”在杵完了地以后,觉哥收回了手,心道,“利用好的话,这或许是个机会……” When thinks of here, he has taken out from Traveling Bag YiDa, And picked the stone of ground conveniently. 想到这儿时,他已从行囊中取出了【燚龘】,并随手捡了块地上的石头。 Film title CG just finished soon me being sneak attacked...... this to explain two points- its one, my luck is not quite good, Scenario from the beginning, I appeared in Team One Corpse Blade the line of sight of some eyesight excellent team member ; Second, open fire to hit my person, because launched the sneak attack immediately decisively, therefore had not likely noticed that ties this matter.” Feng Bujue is thinking, while had jumped onto the roof of residents. “片头CG刚结束不久我就被偷袭了……这可以说明两点-其一,我的运气不太好,剧本才一开始,我就出现在了尸刀一番队的某个目力极好的队员的视线中;其二,开枪打我的那个人,由于在第一时间就果断展开了偷袭,所以很可能还没有留意到‘结界’这件事。”封不觉一边想着,一边已重新跃上了民宅的屋顶。 As expected, his foot just stepped on the roof the tile, that continuous sound of gunfire resounded. 不出所料的,他的脚刚踩上屋顶的瓦片,那连绵的枪声又响起了来。 Moreover...... judged from the sound of gunfire, the position that marksmanship places has compared was nearer before. 而且……从枪声判断,射击者身处的方位已经比之前近了许多。 Can discover me in this dark and gusty night environment, person who and immediately launches the long-distance attack...... in Team One Corpse Blade, only then......” Feng Bujue is turning a somersault on the inclined roof continuously, seems sideshow to dodge the bullet generally, but its thought does not stand still, disclosed the information that comes to see according to the competition video recording...... till previous semi-finals, that named Doomsday Raid The fellow has not definitely practiced Level S Shooting Specialization, his Investigation Specialization has just arrived at Level S...... to depend upon Legend Level firearms weapon, when he indeed was quite difficult to deal with...... fortunately, he from in acted a moment ago among us the distance was very far, but the accurate ambush of ultra long-distance range was not his strong point, person who in addition he met my type to have Zero Time Error Calculus, a spear/gun has not been not the matter of means......” “能在这月黑风高的环境中发现我,并立即展开远程攻击的人……尸刀一番队里只有一个……”封不觉在倾斜的屋顶上连续地翻着跟斗,好似杂耍一般躲闪着子弹,而其思维也毫不停歇,“根据比赛录像所透露的信息来看……截止到上一场复赛为止,那个叫【末日强袭】的家伙肯定还没把射击专精练到S级,只不过他的侦查专精已经到S级了……依靠着一把传说级的枪械武器,他在中距离上的确相当难对付……还好,刚才他出手时我们之间的距离还很远,而超远距离的精准狙击并非他的强项,再加上他遇到了我这种有零时差演算的人,一枪未中也是没办法的事……” Feng Bujue when ponders these, Doomsday Raid has fired off the third chest ammunition, this time, the latter has not changed the bullet again, but changed directly the spear/gun......, because at this time distance between he and Jue Bro has reduced in hundred meters from the initial more than 300 meters, this distance, had entered the Doomsday Raid that Legend Level weapon firing distance...... 封不觉在思考这些的时候,末日强袭已经打完了第三匣弹药,这次,后者没有再去换子弹,而是直接换了把枪……因为此时他和觉哥之间的距离已经从最初的三百多米缩短到了百米之内,这个距离,已然进入了末日强袭那把传说级武器的射程…… Name: The knocking hunting rifle in legend 名称:传说中的爆击猎枪】 Type: weapon 【类型:武器 Quality: Legend 【品质:传说】 Attack Power:???】 攻击力:???】 Attribute: Does not have 【属性:无】 Special Effect: This weapon Attack Power will rise with player Level ; Promotes 14% biggest Health and 32% long-distance attack knocking probabilities ; In the spear/gun the auto-building lead ball, will not need the manual filling ; This spear/gun maximum rate of fire is every 2.6 seconds a spear/gun.】 特效:该武器攻击力会随着玩家等级上升;提升14%最大生存值及32%远程攻击爆击概率;枪内会自动生成铅弹、无需手动装填;此枪最高射速为每2.6秒一枪。】 Equipment condition: Has Traveling Bag then( after collecting, binding).】 装备条件:拥有行囊即可(拾取后绑定)。】 Note: In the Azeroth world, heart the places of named melt fire. Some day, one group of greedy adventurers entered there, as usual plunders monsters wealth and Equipment. Also on that day, the Saint knight, walked one should assign to the hunter knocking hunting rifle black, henceforth, a legend started......】 【备注:在艾泽拉斯世界,有一个叫熔火之心的地方。某天,一群贪婪的冒险者进入了那里,和往常一样去掠夺怪物们身上的钱财和装备。也就在那天,有一名圣骑士,黑走了一把本该分配给猎人的“爆击猎枪”,从此,一段传说开始了……】 Looks from the Item explanation, this weapon as if not bright eye like other Legend Level Equipment, but the actual utility of this gadget is actually very terrifying...... 物品说明上看,这把武器似乎并不像其他传说级装备那样亮眼,但这玩意儿的实际效用却是非常恐怖的…… Said that „the Equipment condition...... this spear/gun is equal to without Equipment condition essentially ; How having Traveling Bag then these six characters see are some spoof of game designer. To put it bluntly...... this is a anybody can Equipment, moreover can from first-level use Max Level growth weapon. 就说“装备条件”吧……这枪本质上等于就是没有装备条件;“拥有行囊即可”这六个字怎么看都是游戏设计师的某种恶搞。说白了……这就是一把任何人都可以装备、而且可以从一级用到满级的成长型武器 That 14% biggest Health as well as 32% knock rating additions, are extremely outstanding Special Effect...... in Thriller Paradise this type the game of character attribute fuzzy processing, Equipment of this kind of passive additional upper limit is actually very rare. Reason for this...... is because such addition will take to the player the quite remarkable advantage. 那14%的最大生存值以及32%的爆击率加成,都是极其优秀的特效……在惊悚乐园这种把人物属性模糊化处理的游戏里,这类被动加上限的装备其实是很难得的。究其原因……就是因为这样的加成会带给玩家相当显著的优势。 Puts to the actual combat, this By knocking hunting rifle that walks black So long as can the hit torso...... basically be able Instant kill player of the same class. Even if projects on the four limbs, can make the opposite party fall more than 50% Health. 搁到实战中,这把【被黑走的爆击猎枪】只要能命中躯干……基本上就可以“秒杀”同级别的玩家了。哪怕只是打到四肢,也能让对方掉个50%以上的生存值 This is so-called hard injury...... you use Legend Level either against installs to contend with it, either prayed oneself should not be hit......, otherwise, the knee comes a spear/gun to want your life( or makes your battle efficiency turn into the level of some RPG in-game defense soldier). 这就是所谓的“硬伤害”……要么你用传说级的防装去与其抗衡,要么就祈祷自己别中枪……否则,膝盖来一枪都能要你的命(或者让你的战斗力变成某RPG游戏中守城士兵的水准)。 Was right...... Feng Bujue also to use the vision to determine to...... this at this time the Doomsday Raid position, and saw the opposite party to trade weapon clearly, continued to keep the marksmanship frequency, to seize the rhythm, do not make me have respite......” “对……这就对了……”封不觉这时也已经用视觉确定了末日强袭的位置,并清楚地看到对方换了件武器,“继续保持射击的频率、抢占节奏,不要让我有喘息的余地……” Jue Bro will reappear in the field of vision range of opposite party, naturally has the goal. His is intends to pretend carelessness, quite makes the opposite party then use the firearms attack, thus has no time to have scruples other things...... as the matter stands, skill had been weakened this setting...... then to be possible by Doomsday Raid neglecting very much. 觉哥会重新出现在对方的视野范围内,自然是有目的的。他这是有意卖个破绽,好让对方接着使用枪械攻击,从而无暇去顾忌其他事情……这样一来,“技能已被削弱”这个设定……便很有可能会被末日强袭给忽略掉。 But at this moment, Doomsday Raid dozens meters away...... also such as Jue Bro anticipated that firmly, had not discovered ties existence. 而此刻,数十米外的末日强袭……也确如觉哥所预期的,仍未发现结界的存在。 Mentioning also is really skillful, before two minutes, Doomsday Raid entered Scenario to be assigned a topography high place on the luck very well ; He just obtained the ability to act, toward looked at one...... to depend on the Level S Investigation Specialization eyesight and space that not bright moonlight everywhere, he discovered obstinately beyond more than 300 meters had a person's shadow...... 说来也真是巧,两分钟前,末日强袭一进剧本就运气很好地被分配到了一个地势较高的地方;他刚获得行动能力,就朝四处望了一圈……靠着S级侦查专精的目力和天上那并不怎么明亮的月光,他愣是发现了三百多米外有个人影…… Then, Doomsday Raid pulled out a oneself firing distance farthest spear/gun without delay, observed one...... to look through the telescopic sights, I went to...... Feng Bujue! 接着,末日强袭二话不说就掏出了自己射程最远的一把枪,通过瞄准镜观察了一下……一看,我去……疯不觉 At that moment, his innermost feelings are very stimulated. Because he very clear...... at present, is the golden sneak attack opportunity! When a player just entered Scenario, often is still tasting plot CG that was seeing some time ago, or was pondering how then should make...... this time, he is almost impossible to react to the sudden sneak attack. 那一刻,他的内心无比亢奋。因为他很清楚……眼下,正是个绝佳的偷袭机会!当一个玩家刚进入剧本时,往往还在回味着不久前看到的剧情CG,或是思考着接下来该怎么做……这种时刻,他几乎不可能对突如其来的偷袭做出反应。 Therefore, Doomsday Raid opened fire at that time decisively...... 于是,末日强袭当时就果断地开火了…… But he has not expected, Feng Bujue this rare and beautiful flowers can make the evasion under that condition unexpectedly immediately, moreover is reduced to is clean, even clothes not skinning...... 可他没料到,封不觉这个奇葩居然能在那种状况下立刻做出闪避动作,而且闪得是一干二净,连衣服都没给蹭破…… However, since the attack has started, that Doomsday Raid must work it. This can be said as marksmanship is the inherent ideological mode and general knowledge of player-, once opens fire, till must project on opposite died, if by the opposite party escaped from the vision, who that position has exposed...... instead will fall into passively extremely. 不过,既然攻击已经开始,那末日强袭就必须将其进行下去。这可以说是一种射击系玩家的固有思维模式和常识-一旦开火,就必须打到对面死掉为止,要是被对方逃出了视线范围,那位置已然暴露的自己……反而会陷入极度的被动中。 Therefore, matter evolved the current aspect. 因此,事情就演变成了当下的这种局面。 In these less than two minutes of ultra high rhythm contests, Doomsday Raid truly also had no opportunity to start what Active Skill...... at least in a moment ago that in distance that did not have the full assurance to hit, he has not gone to use...... 在这两分钟不到的超高节奏较量中,末日强袭确实还没有什么机会去发动什么主动技能……至少在刚才那种没有十足把握能命中的距离上,他没有去用…… Doomsday Raid? Does well!” Saw the opposite party gradually to approach less than 70 meters place, Feng Bujue then shouted loudly, ate my one move big meteorite technique!” 末日强袭是吧?干得不错嘛!”见对方逐渐逼近到了七十米不到的地方,封不觉便高声喝道,“吃我一招‘大陨石术’!” , he opens the crossbow, the stone on hand shooting. 喝罢,他就拉开弹弓,把手上的石块给射了出去。 Big meteorite technique this word is Jue Bro runs off at the mouth obviously, but YiDa Special Effect has not disappointed him firmly...... a small stone, after this Legend Level crossbow springs, in the midair gradually turned into bombs and its volume that are sparkling the orange ray also increased several times rapidly, looks at also really a little meaning of meteorite fragment...... “大陨石术”这个词儿显然是觉哥信口胡诌的,不过【燚龘】的特效确也没让他失望……小小的一块石头,被这传说级弹弓弹出后,就在半空中逐渐变成了一块闪耀着橙色光芒的爆弹、其体积也迅速增大了好几倍,看着还真有点儿陨石碎片的意思…… Snort...... such insignificant ability.” Doomsday Raid cold snort/hum, lifts gun then hits. His Shooting Specialization good and evil also Level A, hitting this speed was ordinary, the distance near mobile target...... was also a cinch. “哼……雕虫小技。”末日强袭冷哼一声,举枪便打。他的射击专精好歹也A级了,打这种速度一般、距离较近的移动目标……也是不在话下。 After the gunshot, Jue Bro big meteorite technique in half air burst opened and dissipates. 枪响后,觉哥的“大陨石术”就在半空爆开并消散了。 Feng Bujue...... Shooting Specialization is really your weak area!” After Doomsday Raid broke the attack of Jue Bro, happily should say, „the long-distance skill of your crude person, might might as well I fire a spear/gun normally!” 疯不觉……射击专精果然是你的短板!”末日强袭破了觉哥的攻击后,得意地应道,“你这种半吊子的远程技能,威力还不如我正常开上一枪呢!” He said the time of these words, incessantly 2.6 seconds ; When he spoke the words, he and distance between Jue Bro only remains more than 30 meters, but he has also completed the movement that lifts gun the aiming, locked stood Jue Bro on roof. 他说这句话的时间,就不止2.6秒了;当他把话说完的时候,他和觉哥间的距离只剩三十余米,而他也已经完成了举枪瞄准的动作,锁定了站在屋顶上的觉哥 - 啪- Doomsday Raid opened fire self-confidently...... 紧接着,末日强袭就自信满满地开火了…… The spear/gun cry of that knocking hunting rifle sounds quite clear, probably popular name air gun, but that might is unambiguous, compared with also has more than enough to spare with cannon. 那爆击猎枪的枪鸣听上去比较清脆,像是俗称的“鸟枪”,但那威力可不含糊,和“大炮”比也是绰绰有余。 With the gunshot, a lead ball flew at the extremely high speed to the Feng Bujue's torso, but Jue Bro also knew...... this/should action! 伴随着枪响,一枚铅弹以极高的速度飞向了封不觉的躯干,而觉哥也知道……该行动了! „-” Next second, a Feng Bujue pitiful yell, in in the air came the exaggerating incomparable swivel 720 degrees, drops from the roof under. “啊-”下一秒,封不觉一声惨叫,在空中来了个夸张无比的转体七百二十度,从屋顶上跌落而下。 His performing skill quite empty boasting, many audience saw that this was disguised...... Doomsday Raid is one sees through Jue Bro simply is not hit, but scratched the ball but, has fallen intentionally false. 他的演技颇为浮夸,就连不少观众都看出这是假装的了……末日强袭更是一眼就识破了觉哥根本没中枪,只是擦弹而过、故意假摔。 What schemes and tricks cut...... this bastard to go for......” this to flicker, Doomsday Raid at present appears some not too happy recollection, „when perhaps I jumped in the courtyard...... on the foothold two hand grenade are waiting for me......”, but he changed mind thinks, „, but...... I have no reason...... because the opponent is Feng Bujue...... I crossing a wall does not dare?” “切……这混蛋又在搞什么阴谋诡计了吧……”这一瞬,末日强袭的眼前浮现了一些不太愉快的回忆,“说不定我跳进院子时……落脚点上就有两枚手榴弹在等着我……”但他转念一想,“可是……我也没有理由不进去啊……难道就因为对手是疯不觉……我连越过一堵墙都不敢了吗?”
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