TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#974: Gambling (Last Part)

On November 15, late, 9:20. 十一月15日,晚,九点20。 S City somewhere, in some facing the street store...... S市某处,某临街商铺中…… The roll-up door of shop has put down at this time, the light in room is actually very bright. 铺子的卷帘门此时已经放下,屋内的灯光却还是很明亮的。 At this time, a figure slightly some men of being balding are sitting in front of a notebook fat and slightly with total concentration, is examining many monitoring pictures and mobile information on screen. 此时,一个身形微胖、略微有些谢顶的男人正聚精会神地坐在一台笔记本电脑前,查看着屏幕上的诸多监控画面和流动的信息。 On his front table, suspended ten cell phones scattered, and shop is dispersing many strange self-made equipment ; On his left ear wore pocket-sized Bluetooth ear wheat, his both hands are dancing in the air on the keyboard unceasingly fast...... 在他面前的桌子上,零零散散地摆了十余部手机,并铺散着许多稀奇古怪的自制设备;他的左耳上佩戴了一个袖珍的蓝牙耳麦,其双手则不断地在键盘上快速飞舞着…… This person...... named Dong Feng, east east, wind direction wind. 这个人……名叫东风,东边的东,风向的风。 Dong Feng naturally is not his parents to the name that he gives, but he before is very long no longer used own given name. But these with the person who he contacts, is not interested...... they only to recognize Dong Feng in his given name. 东风”自然不是他父母给他取的名字,只不过他从很久以前就已不再使用自己的本名了。而那些与他接触的人,对他的本名也不感兴趣……他们只认“东风”。 The Dong Feng given name has the imposing manner very much, but his look actually can only with bad describe that...... looks like at least in the aesthetic standard of common custom, he should set off on one clown character...... 东风的名号很有气势,但他的相貌却只能用糟糕来形容……至少在世俗的审美观看来,他应该衬得上一个“丑”字…… He does not result in fat lovably, leads not obviously, only has 35 years old age obviously, but most people to his first impression are in 40 lunar new year's days. 他胖得不可爱,帅得不明显,明明只有三十五岁年纪,但大部分人对他的第一印象都是四十岁朝上。 Retreat obvious hairline, the greasy skin and grave dark pouche, as well as may be called putting on clothes of rare and beautiful flowers savor...... make this IQ extremely high obstinately, the property over hundred million men to be regarded the silly poor file year to year. 后退明显的发际线、油腻的皮肤、深重的黑眼圈、以及堪称奇葩的穿衣品味……愣是让这个智商极高、财产过亿的男人常年被当成傻穷锉。 Perhaps...... this is the character makes it so, possibly...... this is his one camouflage. 或许……这是性格使然,也可能……这是他的一种伪装。 In brief, this seems like including oneself handles not the good man, is actually engaged in a preparation work that endures compared with the exact sciences- crime plan. 总之,这个看上去连自己都打理不好的男人,却从事着一项堪比精密科学的筹划工作-犯罪策划。 The Dong Feng vocational level is very high, he grasps set very huge intelligence network...... in this standing net the carrying/sustaining countless people not to think known secret, but person who these have the secret, when necessary, may become Dong Feng board game piece. 东风的业务水平很高,他掌握着一整套非常庞大的情报网……这张网中承载着无数人不想为人所知的“秘密”,而这些“有秘密的人”,在必要的时候,都有可能成为东风的“棋子”。 By words that event of this day gives an example...... Zheng Xian, is one of his board game pieces. 以这天的事件来举例的话……郑宪,就是他的棋子之一。 Naturally, now that is a exposed abandoned child...... 当然了,如今那已是一枚被揭露的弃子了…… However in the police officer, the person who disclosed secret information to exist to him...... before two minutes, that person through the message to him is also feeding back the investigation real-time information. 不过在警员之中,还有一个给他通风报信的人存在……直到两分钟前,那个人还通过短信向他反馈着调查现场的实时情报。 Snort...... is only a blustering extremely arrogant generation.” Dong Feng looked at the time on computer, swept a cell phone, 15 minutes morning passed, the message has not come...... the result, the guts color that this boy even/including Xiameng address sends does not have......” “哼……原来只是个虚张声势的狂妄之辈。”东风看了看电脑上的时间,又扫了眼手机,“十五分钟早过了,短信也没来……结果,这小子连瞎蒙一个地址发过来的胆色都没有……” In he whispered, suddenly...... 就在他嘀咕之际,忽然…… Ka pang- 咔乓- The sound that the metal thing was skidded clearly transmits. 一记清晰地、金属物件被撬断的响动传来。 That flickers, Dong Feng facial expression changing suddenly, because he only used for a half second to respond that...... pried open thing, was he behind the lock of that leaf of roll-up door. 那一瞬,东风神情陡变,因为他只用了半秒就反应过来……被撬开的东西,正是他身后那扇卷帘门的锁。 Scolds- 叱啦啦啦- When Dong Feng has turned the head suddenly, that roll-up door was also raised exactly. 东风猛然转过头时,那卷帘门也恰好被提了起来。 Several dazzling rays shine from street, along with a disorderly palate sound, as well as continuously police! Cannot move!”, The Dong Feng mood from...... has been sunk with amazement the valley. 数道刺目的光线从门外的街上照射进来,伴随着一阵凌乱的上膛声,以及此起彼伏的“警察!不许动!”,东风的心情由骇然……一直沉到了谷底。 ............ ………… After ten minutes, wears Dong Feng of handcuff to be detained a police vehicle. 十分钟后,戴着手铐的东风被押上了一辆警车。 But sits the person with him abreast in row...... Feng Bujue on back seat. 而与他并排坐在后座上的人……正是封不觉 When the car(riage) starts, the Dong Feng surface such as the dying embers opened the mouth: Why you know that is I?” 当车发动时,东风面如死灰地开口了:“为什么你会知道是我?” Naturally knows through the analysis.” Feng Bujue returns easely said. “当然是通过分析知道的。”封不觉悠然回道。 Dong Feng said: I have sold one month of breakfast here, the shop also rented through the regular channel, moreover these days never displays any exceptionally, how do you see through?” 东风道:“我已经在这里卖了一个多月的早点,铺子也是通过正规渠道租的,而且这段时间内从未表现出任何异常,你是怎么识破的?” Here explained that the place that Dong Feng was arrested, from Order Studio the section only had two street distances...... a breakfast shop. 此处说明一下,东风被捕的地方,正是距离秩序工作室的本部仅有两条街距离的……一间早点铺。 Also was Daring Devil that Month(s) came to buy the place that the breakfast ate in the past every morning...... 也就是鬼骁过去那一个月来每天早上买早饭吃的地方…… Road section that this shop is, from order the road which must be taken of office building to underground stations. This place is actually not far from the Daring Devil kidnapped place, takes the subway also on the distances of three stand roads ; But after Daring Devil was kidnapped, brings the arriving place...... is not far from kidnapping, because the anaesthesia effect of aether has the time limit, if toward too far place belt/bring, he may wake in the car(riage). 这个店铺所在的路段,是从秩序的办公楼到地铁站之间的必经之路。此地距离鬼骁被绑架的地点其实并不远,乘地铁也就三站路的距离嘛;而鬼骁被绑架后所带到的地点……离绑架地也不远,因为乙醚的麻醉效果是有时限的,若是把人往太远的地方带,那他可能会在车里就醒过来。 Therefore, less than 20 minutes, Feng Bujue and police officers had then rushed to here from the hostage location...... 因此,二十分钟不到,封不觉和警员们便已从人质所在地赶到了这里…… Initial questionable point is......, even if I inspect the video recording repeatedly, but still could not find the kidnapper in when and where and lets under the Daring Devil clothing/taking in what method the laxative.” Feng Bujue said, you should also very be in clear...... the monitoring present S City urban district to cover very comprehensively, the street in a business area and underground station and in subway...... can say, except for the restroom, most public spaces can move to take the monitoring picture ; Therefore, leaves the office building of order from Daring Devil, displays abdominal pain these days before symptom to him on the subway, entire process almost under monitoring......, although cannot look very carefully, but does he eats to drink anything, or have to be gripped one and so on...... can determine.” “最初的疑点是……纵然我反复检查录像,但仍然找不到绑架者是在‘何时’、‘何地’、‘以何种方法’让鬼骁服下泻药的。”封不觉道,“你应该也很清楚……现在S市市区内的监控覆盖非常全面,街面、地铁站、地铁内……可以说,除了厕所,大部分公共空间都可以调取到监控画面;因此,从鬼骁离开秩序的办公楼,一直到他在地铁上表现出腹痛的症状前的这段时间,全过程几乎都在监控之下……虽然并不能看得非常细致,但他吃过喝过点什么、或者有没有被人扎上一针之类的……还是可以确定的。” Because this...... you do suspect me?” Dong Feng asked. “就因为这样……你就怀疑我?”东风问道。 „After removing all impossible conclusions, suspected you are also natural.” Feng Bujue said that except for outside that breakfast that in your here buys, Daring Devil anything has not eaten this morning, even the water has not drunk one. But from monitoring video recording, before he eats that earlier completely, with food has contacted person only then you and his two people......” he, that breakfast shop only then your one person are operating, can precisely under the laxative arrives in food of specific person...... also only then you.” “排除所有的不可能结论后,怀疑你也是理所当然的吧。”封不觉道,“除了在你这里买的那份早点以外,鬼骁今天早上什么都没吃,连水都没喝过一口。而从监控录像来看,在他把那份早点完整地吃下去之前,与食物接触过的人就只有你和他两人……”他顿了顿,“那家早点铺只有你一个人在运作,能够精确地将泻药下到特定的人的食物中的……也只有你了。” „Can't he eat badly the belly purely?” Dong Feng also said. “难道他就不能是单纯地吃坏了肚子吗?”东风又道。 „...... This, if in other what day, he eats possibly is the accident/surprise.” Feng Bujue said that „, but...... 100% has the medicine today.” “呵……这要是在别的什么日子里,他吃死都可能是意外。”封不觉道,“但在今天……百分之百是有药。” He interlocks both hands in the chest front, tells: „ This morning, your three executors wear the prepared cleaners clothing in the coat, tracked on Daring Devil the subway. Afterward the Daring Devil abdominal pain, got out and enter the restroom...... that three people with the past, took off the coat, looked for in a restroom person quite few during, hangs up the service clean sign in the entrance, and defends the entrance. This...... not long, in this restroom only had Daring Devil one person. 他将双手交错在胸前,娓娓道来:“今天早上,你那三名执行人把事先准备好的清洁人员服装穿在外衣里面,一路跟踪鬼骁上了地铁。随后鬼骁腹痛、下车、进了厕所……那三人就一路跟了过去,脱掉了外衣,找了个厕所里人比较少的当口,在门口挂上维修清洁的牌子,并守住门口。这样……不用多久,这个厕所里就只剩下鬼骁一人了。 Because in the underground station has two restrooms generally, moreover in the morning everyone is hurried. Many people will choose to endure in the unit solve. Therefore...... they temporarily to seal/confer drop one restroom 20 minutes, will not have the too tremendous impact. 因为地铁站内一般都有两个厕所,而且早晨所有人都匆匆忙忙。很多人会选择忍一忍去单位里解决。所以……他们暂时封掉一个厕所二十分钟,也不会造成太大的影响。 After this...... about 20 minutes, they then took down from compartmented Daring Devil, put up him to have the station rapidly...... on a prepared van. ” 就这样……大约二十分钟后,他们便放倒了从隔间中出来的鬼骁,架着他出了车站……迅速上了一辆事先准备好的面包车。” The Feng Bujue one breath spoke of here, stopped, said again: This seemingly simple plan...... has two difficulties, its one, Daring Devil after all is a young fellow, is very difficult to determine that in taking down in his process will have anything, the place that therefore begins must be does not have the others private place on the scene monitoring and ; Second, after successfully the goal takes down, must at the maximum speed lead to the vehicle on, otherwise...... is detained in a public setting too for a long time, will arouse suspicion.” 封不觉一口气说到这儿,停顿了一下,再道:“这个看似简单的计划……有两个难点,其一,鬼骁毕竟是个小伙子,很难确定在放倒他的过程中会发生什么,所以动手的地方必须是一个没有监控和旁人在场的私密场所;其二,成功将目标放倒后,必须以最快的速度将人带到车上,否则……在公共场合滞留太久,就会引起怀疑。” Dong Feng hears here, has understood the Jue Bro these words true main point, talked over: so that's how it is......” 东风听到这里,已明白了觉哥这段话真正的要点,不禁念叨:“原来如此……” It seems like you also think......” Feng Bujue view its manner apparent its psychology changes, subsequently meets saying that right, only then the person of next laxative, can solve these two matters.” He looks at Dong Feng saying that through controlling the drugs type and amount used, can speculate which several stations Daring Devil will get out probably, this can prepare the van outside that several stations beforehand ; Moreover, can guarantee that he will certainly go to the restroom, and will certainly be finishing attending the restroom hind leg soft foot soft......” “看来你也想到了……”封不觉观其神态便知其心理变化,继而接道,“没错,只有下泻药的人,才能解决这两件事。”他看着东风说道,“通过控制药品的种类和用量,便可推测出鬼骁大概会在哪几个站下车,这样才能事先在那几个车站外准备好面包车;另外,也能确保他一定会去厕所、且一定会在上完厕所后腿软脚软……” Even this...... I am still very possible am only bribed ordinary merchant......” Dong Feng also said, your urgent matter should be rescues the hostage to...... to look people like me, after event solution, processes is not late?” He doubts saying that why may you be able......” “就算是这样……我也很可能只是一个‘被买通的普通商户’而已……”东风又道,“你的当务之急应该是救出人质才对……而像我这样的人,等到事件解决以后再来处理也不迟吧?”他疑道,“可你为什么会……” Indeed, I also think that from the beginning you are only one by ‚’ the person who engineer bribes.” Feng Bujue said that „when I have the inference hobby, the investigation likes also finding out...... in any case the clues of some minor details the resources in Police Department I to use casually, therefore checked your breakfast shop while convenient. Finally I discovered the time that...... your shop starts doing business just in time was on October 11 , after was the Struggle For Power to Summit S2 preliminary contest first 36 play days finished that day.” “的确,我一开始也以为你只是一个被‘策划者’买通的人而已。”封不觉道,“不过我这个人有推理癖,查案时喜欢把一些细枝末节的线索也摸清楚……反正警局里的资源我可以随便用,所以就顺便查了一下你的这个早点铺。结果我发现……你这个铺子开业的时间正巧是十月11日,也就是巅峰争霸S2预赛前三十六个比赛日结束后的那一天。” Feng Bujue stops for two seconds, then said: This time in point coincidence, making me detect faintly anything...... I then checked downward, really discovered many exceptionally.” He used the look to hint toward the glass outside, here was the commercial district, the office building was in the majority, opened, in this nearby shop or took the high-end brand route, either is large-scale Shopping Center. Your shop before was rented by you are has been closing spatially, the reason was the shop front is too small, rent is too high...... the bulk bargain unable to do, the small business transaction did did business at a loss certainly.” 封不觉停顿两秒,接着道:“这个时间点上的‘巧合’,让我隐隐察觉到了什么……我接着往下查,果然发现了诸多异常。”他用眼神朝车窗外示意了一下,“这里是商务区,办公楼居多,开在这附近的店要么走中高端品牌路线、要么就是大型商城。你那间铺子在被你租下以前一直是空关着的,原因就是店面太小、租金太高……大买卖做不了,小买卖做了铁定赔本。” Snort...... this you may speak incorrectly......” Dong Feng cold -ly snorted and said, „my month does, in fact also slightly gained.” “哼……这你可说错了……”东风冷哼道,“我这一个多月做下来,事实上还小赚了一些。” I really must congratulate you.” Feng Bujue said with a smile, „, but that was not the key point, the key point was...... in summary, your shop, had you...... to be all suspicious. Again after thorough investigation, I then noticed your status radically am forge......” “那我真得恭喜你了。”封不觉笑道,“但那不是重点,重点是……综上所述,你这家店、还有你这个人……全都非常可疑。再深入调查后,我便注意到了你的身份根本就是伪造的……” This...... is I most is incomprehensible.” Dong Feng stares at the face of Jue Bro saying that my also Fearless told you, when I just entered the line in the past, studied makes the false status ; Any country of all identification papers that I currently use in the world are extremely difficult to be screened.” His thread of conversation revolution, look ice, „, but...... you can actually see are fake......” “这点……是我最不能理解的。”东风盯着觉哥的脸道,“我也不怕告诉你,我当年刚入行时,专攻的就是制造假身份;我目前所使用的所有身份文件在世界上任何一个国家都极难被甄别出来。”他话锋一转,眼神一凌,“但……你却可以看出是假的……” Right, I read your electronic archive, read junior middle school that part to look.” Feng Bujue said. “对啊,我看了一下你的电子档案,读到初中那部分就看出来了。”封不觉道。 Is impossible!” Dong Feng said categorically, various status file details that I compile are very proper, even the result and rewards and punishment record in school......” “不可能!”东风斩钉截铁地言道,“我编写的身份档案各种细节都很到位,连学校里的成绩和奖惩记录都……” Is because was too careful, exposes weaknesses.” Feng Bujue hits to block the way. “就是因为太细致了,才露出了破绽。”封不觉打断道。 What?” Dong Feng happened simultaneously surprisedly, the look flashes continually. “什么?”东风惊疑交加,眼神连闪。 In file writes, you had taken in 2035 the third prize of city junior high pupil essay contest.” Jue Bro meets to say. “档案里写,你曾经拿过2035年全市初中生作文比赛的三等奖。”觉哥接道。 What's the big deal?” Dong Feng asked. “那又怎么样?”东风问道。 Yes, that cannot explain anything...... in the forge status documents, various detail records to increase this status third dimension ; Like this type several years later, and not too big nor too small award item basically checks no textual criticism thing. 是啊,那并不能说明什么……在伪造的身份文档中,各种细节记录都只是为了增添这个身份的真实感;像这种时隔多年、且不大不小的奖项基本都是查无考据的东西 That year, in the city junior high pupil essay contest won the third prize three people, all was a female student, raised while convenient, was a squadron commander.” Feng Bujue returns said, you always not necessarily is a transgender?” “那一年,全市初中生作文比赛里拿到三等奖的共三人,全是女生,顺带一提,都是中队长。”封不觉回道,“你总不见得是变性人吧?” Ha?” Dong Feng gawked, how do you know?” “哈?”东风都愣了,“你怎么知道?” At this time, Dong Feng is thinking: Your boy 2035 time also puts on the diaper? To fool me? 此时,东风心想着:你小子2035年的时候还穿着尿布吧?想唬我啊? I know that you will ask.” Feng Bujue is saying, put out own cell phone, selected a homepage, put the Dong Feng front, looked.” “我就知道你会这么问。”封不觉说着,拿出了自己的手机,点开了一个网页,放到了东风的面前,“自己看。” Dong Feng fixes the eyes on looks, on the cell phone display an electronic Shopping Center commodity purchase page, the above commodity is being an entity book, the book title called «City Elementary and middle schools Essay contest Award Total make complaints». 东风定睛一瞧,手机上显示着一个电子商城的商品购买页面,上面的商品是一本实体书,书名叫《全市中小学作文比赛获奖作品总吐槽》。 In this world actually has this type of publication......” Dong Feng unable to believe own eye simply. “这个世界上竟然存在着这种出版物……”东风简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。 Right, this type of publication is I writes.” Feng Bujue returns said. “对,这种出版物就是我写的。”封不觉回道。 Dong Feng listened to this, has not nearly fainted: Said that...... I nearly forgot...... you am novelist.” 东风听了这句,差点儿没背过气去:“说起来……我差点儿忘了……你还是个小说家。” Dong Feng naturally also recognizes Jue Bro, has the understood person as one to Thriller Paradise, must know that this goods...... just when telephoning, Dong Feng has not thought what opposite of telephone is Feng Bujue, was arrested until him a moment ago he realizes this. 东风自然也是认得觉哥的,作为一个对惊悚乐园有所了解的人,不可能不认识这货……只不过在通电话时,东风并没有想到电话对面的是封不觉,直到他刚才被捕的时候他才意识到这点。 Right, this Great Writer found Month(s) time several years ago, read since that competition has had all award-winning theses, and conducted the comprehensive postil and make complaints...... and obtained initially the family background and award-winning of behind-the-scenes plotting all winners from me in educational department running dog there. Finally compiled that realist satire masterpiece.” Feng Bujue this entire segment words are disclosing the extremely shameless aura and huge dark information content, „, therefore, I can 100% place determinations, in the prize winner not have people of your sort.” “对,本大文豪在几年前抽了一个月的时间,阅读了自从那个比赛存在以来的所有获奖作文,并进行了全面批注、吐槽……并从我在教育部门中的走狗那里得到了当初所有获奖人的家庭背景以及获奖黑幕。最终编写出了那本现实主义讽刺巨作。”封不觉这整段话都透露着极为无耻的气息和庞大的黑暗信息量,“所以,我可以百分之百地确定,得奖者里没你这号人物。” Not to mention your fellow can remember that in unexpectedly that type of book the name and award-winning year of each winner......” Dong Feng also said that „an only such mistake judged my entire status is false also was too rather arbitrary...... perhaps this is only I, for was been more attractive a point to scrawl by own personal history?” “且不说你这家伙竟能记得那种书里每一个获奖人的名字和获奖年份……”东风又道,“单凭这样一处错误就判断我的整个身份都是假的未免也太武断了吧……也许这只是我为了让自己的履历更好看一点瞎写上去的呢?” Your false status graduates the record after the high school is the professional person, even the practice record does not have. I asked...... your occupation sells earlier after the personal history polishes, prepares to whom looks?” Feng Bujue said, said again...... this award item really can let the personal history attractively? Arranges the movement class or science subjects the honor is more credible not?” “你那个假身份从高中毕业后的记录一直就是自由职业者,连实习记录都没有。我这么问吧……你一个职业卖早点的给履历润色之后是准备给谁看呢?”封不觉道,“再说……这种奖项真能让履历好看一点么?编个运动类或理科的荣誉还更靠谱一点不是吗?” Has not really thought that......” the expression of Dong Feng this little while is very depressed, he is a talented person, but Feng Bujue made him have the egg in psychological frustration and physiology hurts. At this time, Dong Feng starts to recall...... in other false status to have similar flaw. “真没想到……”东风这会儿的表情很郁闷,他是一个能力很强的人,但封不觉却让他产生了心理上的挫败感和生理上的蛋疼。此时,东风不禁开始回忆……自己其他的假身份里有没有类似的破绽。 Ok, the profit and loss of shop, the exposition of status...... intertwined these also to have no significance at this moment again.” But Feng Bujue, brought back to the right track the topic, you do not rush in any case from the beginning are making money to come earlier, even if in your Month(s) compensates 180,000, to attach that several hours of labor force...... that not to might as well again every morning?” He licked the lip, meets saying that this shop true value is...... to be able in a distance order section very near place, provides to a you nearly perfect foothold. Besides every morning that several hours, in a day in other time you can move in at will......” “好了,店铺的盈亏,身份的暴露……事到如今再纠结这些也没什么意义了。”而封不觉,则把话题带回了正轨,“反正你从一开始就不是奔着挣早点钱才来的,就算你这一个月里赔进去十万八万、再附加每天早上那几个小时的劳动力……那也无妨不是吗?”他舔了舔嘴唇,接道,“这间铺子真正的价值在于……可以在一个距离秩序本部非常近的地方,提供给你一个近乎完美的据点。除了每天早上那几个小时外,一天中其余的时间里你都可以在里面随意活动……” „......” Jue Bro speaking of here, chuckle, to your person who has the expertise and perfect technology, in the line box through shop and invades all network users in certain region in the physical method is not the difficult matter?” “呵……”觉哥说到这儿,轻笑一声,“对您这种具备专业知识和过硬技术的人而言,通过店内的线路盒、以物理方法去入侵一定区域内的所有网络用户也并不是什么难事吧?” Snort......” Dong Feng also snort/hum, did not have you to say immediately that simply and that's the end......” “哼……”东风当即又哼了一声,“也没有你说得那么简单就是了……” His tacitly approved even. 他这就算是默认了。 Order that office building, without doubt is your main objective.” Feng Bujue then said, your very clear Struggle For Power to Summit S2 this society attention extremely high competition bets the value in circle in the surrounding, therefore you here layout, prepare to go very much long time ago at any time to control the result of some competition.” He stretches out a finger, „, so long as has a list business to come...... for example today's this...... to benefit you huge.” He spreads out both hands, smiles, draws back 10,000 steps saying that even during this, you have not received any related request, startles the networks of neighbor these big companies, to do a material is also good while convenient ; Business secret and personal privacy...... these thing to your hand , not only can change into money, but can also change into strength.” “秩序那栋办公楼,无疑是你的主要目标。”封不觉接着说道,“你很清楚巅峰争霸S2这种社会关注度极高的比赛在外围赌圈里的价值,所以你很早就在这儿布局,随时准备着要去左右某一场比赛的胜负。”他伸出一根手指,“只要有一单买卖上门……比如今天这笔……就能让你得到巨大的利益。”他摊开双手,笑了笑,“退一万步讲,哪怕这期间你没有接到任何相关的委托,顺便骇一下附近那些大公司的网络、搞点资料也是好的;商业机密、个人隐私……这些东西到了你的手中,不但可以化为金钱,还可以化为‘力量’。” Feng Bujue is saying, then pulled out a cell phone from the bosom. This is not the Zheng Xian cell phone, but another person. 封不觉说着,便从怀里掏出了一部手机。这可不是郑宪的手机,而是另一个人的。 This type strength can urge many people to go for you to handle matters......” Jue Bro to say with a smile, for example, the owner of this cell phone......” during speeches, he put out another cell phone, this, is Zheng Xian, also had...... the owner of this cell phone......” “这种‘力量’可以驱使很多人去为你办事……”觉哥笑道,“比方说,这部手机的主人……”说话间,他又拿出了另一部手机,这次这部,就是郑宪的了,“还有……这部手机的主人……” so that's how it is......” at this moment, in the Dong Feng mind the train of thought flashes continually, his sinking sound discussed, you know from the beginning, besides Zheng Xian, I also has other inside connection in that Police Department......” 原来如此……”这一刻,东风脑海中思绪连闪,他沉声念道,“你从一开始就知道,除了郑宪以外,我在那个警局里还有别的内线……” Right.” Feng Bujue said that „, when I knew that Deputy Bureau Chief Zheng was meeting to instantly, has inferred this point that the telephone acted.” “没错。”封不觉道,“当我得知那位郑副局长是‘接’到电话才行动的刹那,就已经推理出了这一点。” Therefore...... previously you and my telephone conversation...... was the trap...... some Dong Feng regret discussed radically, cut...... me to think early, after anything found the target, led the person to burst in directly, before I issued any instruction without enough time used round of tear gas hold to be occupied by the audience, this idle talk was the typical induction......” “所以……先前你和我的那次通话……根本就是陷阱……”东风有些懊悔地念道,“切……我早该想到的,什么‘找到目标以后直接率人破门而入,在我来不及下达任何指示前就用一发催泪瓦斯hold住全场’,这种废话是典型的诱导……” Response is very quick.” Feng Bujue said with a smile, compared to me to come...... hehe...... partly to fear eventually slowly.” “反应挺快。”封不觉笑道,“不过比起我来……呵呵……终究还是慢了半怕啊。” You uncovered Zheng Xian, but is unable to determine that who another spy is......” Dong Feng thinking said that „, therefore feigned ignorance, and many set out the police forces as far as possible, conducted surrounding to the community that the hostage was. You know that......, my inside connection following large unit will definitely send out in that case, and finds the opportunity to transmit the information to me.” “你揪出了郑宪,但无法确定另一个卧底是谁……”东风边思索边说道,“于是就假装不知,并尽可能多地出动警力,对人质所在的小区进行了包围。你知道……在那种情况下,我的内线肯定会跟着大部队出动,并找机会给我传递情报。” I cater to your layout.” Feng Bujue said that „, when you knew when the police have established the news of special case team, first can speculate......, once the police launch comprehensive Investigation, can only lock the hostage through the street in a business area monitoring finally to that community.” He feels the chin, meets saying that „the place that naturally, you chose was very good, that was the estate that has not fully developed, inside had the vacant room that has not sold, the community monitoring has not carried out, therefore, the police are unable to know in a short time hostage was at accurately.” “我只是迎合一下你的布局罢了。”封不觉道,“当你得知警方已成立专案组的消息时,第一时间就能推测到……一旦警方展开全面侦查,仅通过街面监控就能锁定人质最终是到了那个小区里的。”他摸着下巴,接道,“当然了,你选的地方很好,那是个尚未完全开发完毕的楼盘,里面有很多尚未售出的空房,小区内部的监控也没有全部落实,因此,警方在短时间内还是无法知道人质的确切所在。” Speaking of here, Jue Bro shook the Zheng Xian cell phone: Therefore, you used Deputy Bureau Chief Zheng this board game piece immediately.” His crooked this saying with a smile, has not thought...... soon, your another inside connection sends in the news, said that Zheng Xian was buckled by two detectives from unidentified department.” 说到这儿,觉哥晃了晃郑宪的手机:“于是,你立即动用了郑副局长这枚棋子。”他歪这头笑道,“可没想到……不久之后,你的另一名内线就发来消息,说郑宪被两个来自不明部门的探员扣起来了。” Detaining Zheng Xian...... is also you do intentionally to me looks?” Dong Feng said. “扣押郑宪……也是你故意做给我看的吗?”东风道。 Right.” Feng Bujue said, I know your another inside connection will tell you this situation, but this...... gave among us that time telephone conversation to set the foreshadowing.” “对。”封不觉道,“我知道你的另一个内线会把这一情况告诉你,而这……就给我们之间的那次‘通话’埋下了伏笔。” How you know that I will certainly hit that to telephone?” Dong Feng asked. “你怎么知道我一定会打那通电话?”东风问道。 I do not know.” Feng Bujue with teasing the tone returns said that „, therefore I led to surround the community, looked that you can calm down.” “我不知道啊。”封不觉用戏谑的口吻回道,“所以我带队包围了小区,看你能不能沉住气咯。” Hateful......” Dong Feng is unable to make the rebuttal to this taunt. “可恶……”东风无法对这嘲讽做出反驳。 Telephone comes time I felt relieved.” Feng Bujue meets saying that your patience I have not anticipated that well.” He smiles, you did intentionally were saying calmly anything played one game, wants to probe and induces my action...... three board game piecesmake to flee the opportunity in that region for your actually ‚.” “电话来的时候我就放心了。”封不觉接道,“你的耐心并没有我预期得那么好。”他笑了笑,“你故作镇定地说着什么‘玩儿一局’,实则是想试探并诱导我的行动……借此为你那‘三枚棋子’制造出逃离那个区域的机会。” Therefore...... you used this in turn, conducted the counter- induction to me......” Dong Feng sinking sound said, you 15 minutesin...... simply have not gone to look for hostage location in that ‚’, but is looking for that inside connection.” “于是……你反过来利用了这点,对我进行了反诱导……”东风沉声道,“你在那‘十五分钟’里……根本没去找‘人质所在地’,而是在找那个‘内线’。” Very good, responded.” Feng Bujue hit a sound to refer, should say, the content that that telephoned was how good, did you propose that 15 minutes of condition was good ; Even if you said five minutes and three minutes, all without relations......, so long as I me want to say that’ transmitted...... me to conclude, you after hanging up the telephone will do three matters.” Jue Bro stretches out the middle finger, said with a smile, its one, idea good following countermeasure ; Second, call that three performers, informs their several action patterns briefly ; Third, contact your inside connection, to let his concerted action through the message or the telephone.” “很好,答对了。”封不觉打了个响指,应道,“那通电话的内容怎样都好,你提不提出十五分钟的条件都行;就算你说五分钟、三分钟,全都没关系……只要我把‘我想说的话’传达到了……我就能断定,你在挂断电话之后会做三件事。”觉哥伸出三指,笑道,“其一,构思好接下来的应对之策;其二,打个电话给那三名执行者、简短地告知他们数种行动模式;其三,通过短信或电话联络你的内线、让他配合行动。” However you......” Dong Feng meet saying that after hanging up telephone, the cell phone of police officers will control immediately got up......” “而你……”东风接道,“在挂断电话后,就立即将警员们的手机都控制了起来……” Feng Bujue shrugs , silent responded to this issue with an inexpensive strength full manner, later meets saying: „After that the action of police slid out of your line of sight thoroughly, why was casual I......” he to take up the cell phone of that inside connection happily to show off several, „...... only needed one normally all the message, can make you be kept in the dark and sit waiting for death.” 封不觉耸了耸肩,用一个贱力十足的神态、无声地回应了这个问题,随后接道:“那之后,警方的行动就彻底脱离了你的视线,随便我干什么……”他又拿起那个内线的手机得意地显摆了几下,“……只需一条‘一切正常’的短信,就能让你蒙在鼓里、坐以待毙。” „After being separated from my surveillance,...... on full speed catches up to arrest me......” Dong Feng to discuss, you have not thought...... by some chance I not in in the shop, what to do do you come up empty-handed should?” “脱离了我的监视后……就全速赶过来逮捕我么……”东风念道,“你就没想过……万一我不在铺子里,你扑了个空该怎么办?” I naturally am find the person to look at a today's all day monitoring...... to determine that you have not left( this work that the shop came before two people talked over the telephone Jue Bro has arranged).” Feng Bujue said, natural...... I did not remove you dug the strip urgent exit route in in the shop and so on situation.” He curls the lip impartially, „, therefore...... while I catch your, the hostage that side...... I also acted according to the oral confession of your inside connection to prepare several counter measures, that several escaping plans that you planned......, even if they implemented, finally still walked into a trap.” “我自然是找人看了今天一整天的监控……确定你没有离开铺子才来的(这项工作在两人通话前觉哥就已安排好了)。”封不觉道,“当然了……我也不排除你在铺子里挖了条紧急逃生通道之类的情况。”他不置可否地撇撇嘴,“所以……在我来逮你的同时,人质那边……我也根据你那位内线的口供准备好了几种应对措施,你所策划的那几种逃跑方案……即使他们实施了,结果也是自投罗网。” Feng Bujue turns upwards one leg on the other, meets saying: Not to mention...... you, and all your equipment, have fallen in our hands now. Contacted with voice change and board game pieces in view of your fellow each time, pretends to be you to give the performers to issue the order becomes does not have the difficulty. Whom a while makes pretend to be you to telephone casually, making them release people are.” 封不觉翘起二郎腿,接道:“更不用说……你、和你所有的设备,现在已经落在了我们手上。有鉴于你这家伙每次都用变声器和棋子们联络,冒充你给执行者们下达命令就变得毫无难度了。一会儿随便让谁冒充你打个电话过去,让他们放人就是。” Good......” Dong Feng tone, seemed like felt relaxed, was good to plan...... to enter and change, draws back the leeway......” he to shake the head, was sincerely convinced below.” “好……”东风的语气,似乎是释然了,“好算计……进及变化、退有余地……”他摇了摇头,“在下心服口服。” Thanks for the compliment ~ Feng Bujue holds the fist in the other hand to cup one hand in the other across the chest, your excellency is not bad.” “好说好说~”封不觉抱拳拱手,“阁下也不差。” But......” Dong Feng said, you should also understand...... likely people like me, even if loses one today, in the firmness treats too for a long time...... me cannot quickly the retrieval freedom.” At this time, he showed the smile unexpectedly, must talk about the reason......, because I...... had that you said strength.” “但……”东风道,“你应该也明白……像我这样的人,就算今天输了一阵,也不会在牢里待太久的……我很快就能重获自由。”这时,他竟是露出了微笑,“要说原因嘛……因为我……有你所说的那种‘力量’。” What's wrong? Is this is threatening me?” Feng Bujue should say indifferently. “怎么?这是在恐吓我吗?”封不觉淡然应道。 „Did you say?” Dong Feng asked with a smile, has not waited for Jue Bro to respond, he also said, Feng Bujue,...... I admired your ability to be honest very much, but in the final analysis...... you were also only ordinary people, I was at that world, was you are incomprehensible. If I want to retaliate you easy as pie...... it can be said that.” He looks at Jue Bro self-confidently, the defeat on face is nothing left, be honest with you...... today's matter, making me lose greatly......, if you were I, how you can?” “你说呢?”东风笑着反问道,还没等觉哥回应,他又道,“封不觉,说实话……我很佩服你的才能,但说到底……你也只是一个普通老百姓,我所在的‘那个世界’,是你根本不能理解的。我若想要报复你……可说是易如反掌。”他自信满满地看着觉哥,脸上的败相已荡然无存,“不瞒你说……今天的这件事,让我损失巨大……如果你是我,你会如何呢?” The Dong Feng itself/Ben thinks, own these words, will make Feng Bujue be afraid and even admit defeat immediately. 东风本以为,自己的这段话,会让封不觉害怕、甚至是当即服软。 Unexpectedly...... 不料…… Hehe...... haha Ha.....” On the Feng Bujue's face, reveals a command Dong Feng absolutely terrified evil smile rapidly, „, if I am you,...... I especially will be careful facing person a like Feng Bujue. I will not easily say like a moment ago the words, if I made him feel even if a threat, he will make the crazed action that I want unable to think.” “呵呵……哈哈哈……”封不觉的脸上,迅速显露出一种令东风毛骨悚然的邪恶笑容,“如果我是你,面对一个像封不觉这样的人……我会格外小心。我绝不会轻易说出像刚才那样的话,因为如果我让他感觉到了哪怕一丝威胁,他就会做出我想都想不到的丧心病狂之举。” Jue Bro is saying, referred to outside the glass: Said that...... does not know you noticed, the place that you go to now...... was not Police Department.” 觉哥说着,指了指车窗外:“说起来……不知道你注意到了没有,你现在去的地方……并不是警局。” Such remarks, the Dong Feng facial expression is startled changes. 此言一出,东风神情惊变。 Driving that two...... is not police.” Feng Bujue referred to nine branch detectives and Bao Qing on the driver seat and copilot place respectively. “开车那两位……也不是警察。”封不觉又分别指了指驾驶座和副驾驶座上的九科探员和包青 This little while, Dong Feng has also discovered, both people of driving is a black clothes appearance, has not worn the police uniform. 这会儿,东风也已发现了,开车的两个人都是一袭黑衣打扮,并没有穿警察制服。 You...... you are......” during several seconds, Dong Feng became the person of that fear on the contrary. “你……你们到底是……”数秒之间,东风反倒成了那个害怕的人。 As for that world that you said ‚’, I also had understand......” the Feng Bujue's words have not ended, „, when your inside connection told I...... people on the called you Dong Feng, I think...... has not guessed wrong words, you had worked as before bet the sovereign room prison betting?” “至于你所说的‘那个世界’,我也是有所了解的……”封不觉的话还没完,“当你的那位内线告诉我……道儿上的人都叫你‘东风’时,我就想到了……没猜错的话,你以前当过赌皇斋的‘监赌者’是吧?” Dong Feng is stunned: You also know that bets the sovereign room......” 东风愕然:“你还知道赌皇斋……” I know imagines you are much more.” Feng Bujue said that for example, after boarding, is less than one minute, you have untied the handcuff, but ships out by the appearance that the handcuffs live.” “我知道的比你想象中多得多。”封不觉道,“比方说,上车后不到一分钟,你就已经解开了手铐,只不过装出被铐住的样子。” Dong Feng is listening to this saying, is even more nervous, the cold sweat rolls down. 东风听着这话,神情越发紧张,冷汗滚滚而下。 Has worked as prison betting, explained that you should have real skill.” Sits Bao Qing on copilot seat, at this moment finally says, „, but I urged you do not move the violent resistance the thought that I can tell you clearly......, even if independent combat, the three people on this vehicle, no will still lose to you.” “当过‘监赌者’,说明你应该有两下子。”坐在副驾驶席上的包青,此刻终于开口说道,“但我劝你不要动暴力反抗的念头,我可以明确地告诉你……即使是单打独斗,这辆车上的三个人,也没有一个会输给你。” You......” Dong Feng starts to tremble, because of frightened and cannot help but shivers, „...... you are...... nine branches right?” “你们……”东风开始发抖,因恐惧而不由自主地颤抖,“……你们是……‘九科’对吗?” Originally you also know.” Feng Bujue meets saying that that omitted my many argument.” “原来你也知道啊。”封不觉接道,“那倒省去了我不少口舌。” Has not thought that......” Dong Feng turned the head to look to Jue Bro, „your novelist unexpectedly was also nine branch people......” “没想到……”东风又转头看向了觉哥,“你这个小说家居然也是九科的人……” Hehe...... I said that the section chief is my grandfather you do believe?” Feng Bujue spoke thoughtlessly to say. “呵呵……我说科长是我姥爷你信不信?”封不觉随口回道。 Dong Feng hears word, the corners of the mouth twitched several, sat down exhausted on the seat. 东风闻言,嘴角抽动了几下,瘫坐在了座椅上。 After two seconds, Dong Feng is excessive, looks unfamiliar not to be possible the love to look at out of the window: „After this time must not die...... me, changes professions to sell the breakfast......” 两秒后,东风偏过头去,一脸生无可恋地望着窗外:“这次要是不死……我以后还是改行卖早点吧……”
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