TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#889: Gambling

I, related to your complete secret that uses me to know, as well as can show that these secrets the evidence, bet......” Feng Bujue to stop for a half second, „...... the status of your present.” “我用我所知的、有关你的全部秘密,以及可以证明这些秘密的证据,来赌……”封不觉停顿了半秒,“……你现在的这个身份。” The Jiang Daode facial expression changes, slightly considers, asked: ‚Does my status what...... specifically refer to?” 蒋道德神情微变,略一斟酌后问道:“‘我的身份’……具体是指什么?” „It is not dials the meaning in surface ~ Feng Bujue licked the lip, returns with the tone of showing neither approval nor disapproval said that to put it bluntly...... you won initially...... Jiang Daode life.” “不就是指字面上的意思嘛~”封不觉舔了舔嘴唇,用不置可否的语气回道,“说白了……就是当初你赢到的……‘蒋道德的人生’。” hears word, the face of Jiang Daode obviously twitched: I do not understand that what significance...... this gambling house does have to you? Even if you won my present status, was difficult to be inadequate you to think that did work as Jiang Daode?” 闻言,蒋道德的脸明显地抽搐了一下:“我不明白……这种赌局对你来说有什么意义?就算你把我现在的身份赢走了,难不成你想自己去当‘蒋道德’吗?” That naturally is impossible, how can I want to go to replacement you?” Feng Bujue chuckle, meets saying that age and...... you want to replace me by appearance also almost ; Your these woman and your social position...... I am not rare ; As for money......” he, „, if I ask for money, that did gamble directly well with you not?” “那当然是不可能的,我怎么会想去‘取代’你呢?”封不觉轻笑一声,接道,“论年纪、论长相……你想取代我还差不多;你的那些女人和你的社会地位……我也不稀罕;至于钱嘛……”他顿了一下,“如果我要钱,那直接跟你赌钱就好了不是吗?” Therefore......” Jiang Daode sinking sound asked that actually did you propose such gambling stake...... the goal where?” “所以说……”蒋道德沉声问道,“你提出这样的赌注……目的究竟何在?” To play.” Feng Bujue replied was also very simple, he laughed happily is returning said, your Bujue...... looks a person did dance in the desperate edge crazily interesting...... very?” “为了玩儿啊。”封不觉回答的也很干脆,他戏笑着回道,“难道你不觉得……看着一个人在绝望的边缘疯狂起舞……十分的有趣吗?” Perhaps absurd......” Jiang Daode is unable to guess the Jue Bro thought forever, I, if rejects the gambling house, how you can?” “荒谬……”蒋道德恐怕永远也无法去揣测觉哥的思想,“我要是拒绝赌局,你又能如何?” I can make you by myself original , the true status...... goes to be firm the latter half of life.” When Feng Bujue returns to this saying tone is quite lazy, but the content is actually the murderous intention reveals completely, „, if you do not believe, you can ask actually the nine gentlemen of your side...... I do have this ability.” “我可以让你以自己原来的、真正的身份……去牢里过完下半辈子。”封不觉回这话时的语气颇为慵懒,但内容却是杀机毕露,“如果你不相信,你可以问一下你身边的九条先生……我究竟有没有这种能力。” Jiang Daode turned the head to look immediately to prison betting nine, anxiously is waiting for opposite party's answer. 蒋道德立即转头看向了监赌者九条,急切地等待着对方的答复。 Yes, Mr. Feng...... can definitely achieve the matter that he said.” Nine are maintaining the calm attitude, said to Jiang Daode, today he relates our times, had proven this to us.” “是的,封先生……完全可以做到他所说的事情。”九条还是保持着冷静的态度,对蒋道德说道,“今天他联系我们的时候,已经向我们证明了这点。” Jiang Daode one hear of this saying, the heart has the feeling of stopping suddenly, the tremendous pressure makes the muscle on his face twist, some traces of tidying up also appear on that face gradually. 蒋道德一听这话,心脏顿有骤停之感,巨大的压力让他脸上的肌肉扭曲起来,一些整容的痕迹也在那张脸上渐渐显现。 Briefly...... you choose the words that does not bet, finally possibly the ratio lost...... Feng Bujue to meet to say bad, „, but you, if dares to bet one...... to have 50% opportunities to win.” “简单地说……你选择不赌的话,结果可能比赌输了更加糟糕……”封不觉接道,“但你要是敢赌一把……就有50%的机会能赢。” Jue Bro these two words, have basically helped Jiang Daode reckoning up the tent/account, the latter seems to have had no alternative. 觉哥这两句话,基本已经帮蒋道德把帐给算清楚了,后者似乎已别无选择。 I...... do not understand......” the Jiang Daode imposing manner has removed, when speech has one to be incapable with dispirited, why I and you do not have the enmity without the injustice...... you......” “我……还是不明白……”蒋道德的气势已然褪去,讲话时带有一份无力和颓丧,“我和你无冤无仇……你为什么……” ~ Feng Bujue broke the opposite party, this you cannot blame me, if not for your Corpse Blade threatens me and my edition in first, today's matter will not happen......” “诶~”封不觉打断了对方,“这你可不能怪我,若不是你们尸刀威胁我和我的编辑在先,今天的事情也不会发生……” Jiang Daode clenches teeth to meet saying: „The people of ministry of law will exert pressure on...... that to you are because you slandered in a public setting our......” 蒋道德咬牙接道:“法务部的人会给你们施压……那是因为你在公共场合诋毁我们的……” I urged you to flip the dictionary, had a look to slander that’ these two characters were what meaning use again. Moreover, three matters I need to stress that......” Jue Bro has not made the opposite party say the words, he stretches out three fingers, according to the number of times said that its one, I said that these words related to your Corpse Blade...... is the facts ; Second, I do not like being threatened ; The three...... I do not hope that my person was threatened by others because of me.” His a half second, in summary...... I said in public several truth, caused me and friend of mine was harassed your threat.” He shakes the head, un...... such matter was really unpleasant...... even were the straight social convention the goal, I must make you pay some prices to be good.” “我劝你还是翻翻字典,看看‘诋毁’这两个字到底是什么意思再去用。另外,有三件事我需要强调一下……”觉哥又没让对方把话说完,他伸出三根手指,依次数道,“其一,我所说的、有关你们尸刀的那些话……都是事实;其二,我不喜欢被人威胁;其三……我更不希望我身边的人因为我而受到别人威胁。”他微顿半秒,“综上所述……我只是在公开场合说了几句实话,就导致我和我的朋友受到了你们的恐吓和骚扰。”他摇了摇头,“嗯……这样的事情实在是太令人不愉快了……即使是出于端正社会风气的目的,我必须得让你们付出一些代价才行。” Ouyang Jian that hehe......” for a long time has not opened the mouth had sat on nearby sofa at this time, after hearing Jue Bro this, his opening the mouth added that Mr. Jiang, this matter also was really your luck not good...... actually we to play a counter- blackmail purely, making your company shed a blood, to draw a lesson. Has not thought that...... in investigation process, our Great Writer Feng discovered your secrets accidentally/surprisingly......, therefore he then got up played the heart.” “呵呵……”许久未开口的欧阳笕这时已坐到了一旁的沙发上,听到觉哥这句后,他开口补充道,“蒋先生,这件事还真是你运气不好……其实我们本来只是想单纯地玩一次反敲诈,让你们公司出点血、吸取一点教训。不曾想……在调查过程中,咱们的封大文豪意外地发现了你的那些秘密……于是他便起了玩儿心。” „...... Did not have the leeway that other discussed......” Jiang Daode to probe was asking one. “难道……就没有其他商量的余地了吗……”蒋道德又试探着问了一句。 How possibly also to have what leeway?” Feng Bujue said with a smile, your I am very clear...... even my present cancel gambling house, and ensure will not reveal your status...... you to sleep on pins and needles as before.” He is looking straight ahead the eyes of Jiang Daode, only has through betting the gambling house of sovereign room host, making me losinggive you information that knew ‚, you can truly relieved.” “怎么可能还有什么余地呢?”封不觉笑道,“你我心里都很清楚……就算我现在取消赌局,并保证不去揭穿你的身份……你依旧会寝食难安。”他直视着蒋道德的双眼,“唯有通过赌皇斋主持的赌局,让我把所知的信息都‘输’给了你,你才能真正地安心。” You......” Jiang Daode think two seconds, „...... said right.” Gave the answer, „, when you said my secret, this matter did not remain any leeway.” When spoke this saying, he returned to normal, it seems like has set firm resolve, to guarantee you are unable to reveal my status forever, even if will make me buy the murder person...... I still to take risk to try.” “你……”蒋道德想了两秒,“……说得对。”给出了答复,“当你说出我的秘密时,这件事就不剩任何余地了。”说这话时,他又恢复了平静,看来是已经下定了决心,“为了确保你们两个永远无法将我的身份揭穿,就算让我去买凶杀人……我也会冒险一试的。” Jiang Daode is saying, took a cigar from the cigar box on table, this chapter of this should be the genuine article, because he quickly its scissors, and put the mouth to draw up. 蒋道德说着,又从桌上的雪茄盒里取了一支雪茄,这回这根应该是真货了,因为他很快就将其剪了一下,并搁进嘴里抽上了。 Good...... I to accept this gambling house.” Jiang Daode meets saying that you won, I lose Jiang Daode status, but I won, you must ruin...... all the secret that about my status you know entirely.” He caught the eye to look at nine, nine gentlemen, bet the sovereign buddhist assembly to guarantee he fulfilled the commitment right?” “好……我就接受这个赌局。”蒋道德接道,“你赢了,我就失去‘蒋道德’的身份,而我赢了,你就得将你所知的……所有关于我身份的秘密统统毁掉。”他抬眼看了看九条,“九条先生,赌皇斋会保证他履行承诺的没错吧?” Bets the sovereign room......” nine to return indifferently said, „...... will guarantee both sides conscientiously fulfill the commitment.” He looked at the suitcase inside screen, „, if Mr. Feng lost, we will guarantee that he is unable to threaten you with your status secret again ; Relative, if were Mr. Jiang you loses......” him to look that to Jiang Daode that sat in desk that head, we will also be responsible for...... making you change Mr. Feng.” “赌皇斋……”九条淡然回道,“……会保证双方都切实地履行承诺。”他看了看手提箱内侧的屏幕,“假如封先生输了,我们会确保他再也无法用你的身份秘密来威胁你;相对的,假如是蒋先生你输了……”他又看向了坐在办公桌那头的蒋道德,“我们也会负责……让你变回‘冯先生’。” Heard Mr. Feng these three word-time, the Adam's apple of Jiang Daode obviously high and low fluctuated one time, the intense sentiment was obvious. 听到冯先生这三个字时,蒋道德的喉结明显地上下起伏了一次,紧张之情昭然若揭。 Ok, the idle talk stopped...... then to say by me content that this time must bet.” Feng Bujue also said. “好了,废话到此为止吧……接下来就由我说说这次要赌的内容吧。”封不觉又道。 Slow!” Jiang Daode snatches to say immediately, why the content of gambling house is decided by you? The one who proposed must bet was you, was the content also you decides...... this to be not quite fair?” “慢!”蒋道德立刻抢道,“凭什么赌局的内容由你来定?提出要赌的是你,内容也是你定……这不太公平吧?” Facing this interrogation, Feng Bujue actually returns at a moderate pace said: Is fair...... you said does not calculate, how we do ask nine gentlemen?” 面对这质问,封不觉却是不紧不慢地回道:“公不公平的……你说了不算,咱们来问问九条先生如何?” Snort......” nine cold snort/hum, looks to Jiang Daode, said, Mr. Jiang, supervises to bet the angle of person by me, this is very exactly fair.” “哼……”九条冷哼一声,看向蒋道德,说道,“蒋先生,以我监赌人的角度来看,这恰恰很公平。” What did you...... you say?” Jiang Daode this time started to change to stare nine. “你……你说什么?”蒋道德这次开始改瞪九条了。 Nine and do not care about this, he releases to say on and on: Just like Feng Bujue previously said that whether in conducts at gambling house matter...... he to have the absolute leading power....... He can definitely not bet in the final analysis, but Mr. Jiang you...... actually has to bet.” He stopped for one second, supposition...... at present this gambling house because of negotiation failure, but is untenable, then...... Mr. Jiang you will fall into absolute passive immediately. Even if you want to buy the murder person, perhaps is still without enough time. Because according to betting the estimate of sovereign room, Mr. Feng can make your personal freedom be limited in a half hour completely, a telephone could not hit.” 九条并不在意这个,他娓娓释道:“正如封不觉先前所言,在是否进行赌局这件事上……他是有绝对的主导权的。说到底……他完全可以不赌,而蒋先生你……却是不得不赌。”他停顿了一秒,“假设……眼前这个赌局因交涉失败而不成立,那么……蒋先生你就将立即陷入绝对的被动之中。即使你想买凶杀人,恐怕也是来不及的。因为据赌皇斋的估算,封先生可以在半个小时内就让你的人身自由受到完全的限制,连个电话都打不了。” Jiang Daode listened to this saying, is really air/Qi and startled, he is shivering asking: Nine gentlemen...... I also think that you stand me......” 蒋道德听了这话,真是又气又惊,他颤抖着问道:“九条先生……我还以为你是站在我这边……” I do not stand that side anybody.” Nine have not waited for him saying that hits to block the way, prison bets the person maintains the neutrality, our objectives are absolutely fair. Naturally, I am also very clear, perhaps besides the founder him, no one can achieve these four characters perfectly. However......, since I as betting the prison of sovereign room bet the person, that indicated that I have been close to this principle.” He at the back of both hands, turns around, Mr. Jiang, if you thought that I said to your disadvantageous fact am unfair, I can only express very regrettably. You can refuse this gambling house...... my to walk greatly.” “我不站在任何人那边。”九条还没等他说完就打断道,“监赌人是保持中立的,我们的宗旨是‘绝对公平’。当然了,我也很清楚,除了祖师爷他老人家之外,恐怕没人能完美地做到这四个字。但是……既然我身为赌皇斋的监赌人,那就表明我已十分接近这个原则了。”他背着双手,转了个身,“蒋先生,如果你觉得我说出了对你不利的事实就是有失公平,那我只能表示很遗憾。你大可以拒绝这个赌局……我这就走。” No! Please hold your steps! Nine gentlemen.” An opposite party such saying, Jiang Daode was also anxious, I am not that meaning......” “不!请留步!九条先生。”对方这么一说,蒋道德又急了,“我不是那个意思……” Many people are this...... everything take for granted self-centered depend on the consideration issue, therefore has a blind self-confidence and misconception, but often...... they realized at the last moment oneself actually and have no forte, even an escape route could not find. 很多人都是这样……凡事都想当然地以自己为中心靠考虑问题,并因此产生一种盲目的自信和错觉,但往往事到临头……他们才意识到自己其实并没什么过人之处,甚至连条退路都找不到。 Un......” nine listened to the opposite party attitude to change, then transferred, met saying that „...... we listen to the gambling house content that Mr. Feng said.” “嗯……”九条听对方态度变了,便转回来,接道,“那么……我们来听听封先生所说的赌局内容吧。” „...... Very simple......” Feng Bujue of video that head should say at this time, bets...... me to appear in the Corpse Blade office building in five minutes, this so-called Jiang Daode first soy sauce...... how?” “啊……很简单……”视频那头的封不觉这时应道,“就赌……我能不能在五分钟内出现在尸刀的办公楼中,把这位所谓的‘蒋道德’先生抽一顿……如何?” After he spoke these words, Jiang Daode cannot help but withdrew several points, and frowns, is staring at Jue Bro in video: Snort...... absurd, can you also fly? Perhaps crawls inadequately from the screen?” 他说完这句话之后,蒋道德不由自主地退后了几分,并皱起眉头,凝视着视频中的觉哥:“哼……荒谬,难道你还能飞过来?或是从屏幕里爬出来不成?” Then...... did you accept?” Feng Bujue asked. “这么说来……你是接受了咯?”封不觉问道。 Holds on a minute!” The Jiang Daode vision hesitates erratically, „did you first tell me...... you to be where at this moment?” “且慢!”蒋道德目光犹疑不定,“你先告诉我……此刻你身在何处?” This I may be unable to accomplish.” Feng Bujue returns said that „the key of position this gambling house I place, that is just like my card in hand...... how can there be before opening bets the reason of shining?” “这我可办不到。”封不觉回道,“我身处的位置正是这场赌局的关键,那就好比是我的底牌……岂有在开赌之前就亮出来的理由?” At this moment, the brain fast turn-around of Jiang Daode, he also in a market many years of character, few divides the wisdom and boldness that vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered is impossible, thinks about after one minute, he meets saying: Good...... to bet this......” he, „, but...... before you started to take action, must to me ten minutes prepared.” 这一刻,蒋道德的大脑快速运转起来,他好歹也是在商场纵横多年的人物,没有几分智慧和魄力那是不可能的,想了将近一分钟后,他接道:“好……就赌这个……”他顿了顿,“但是……在你开始行动之前,必须给我十分钟的时间进行准备。” Five minutes.” Feng Bujue offers a very low price categorically, cannot be many.” “五分钟。”封不觉斩钉截铁地杀了个价,“不能再多了。” Good! Five minutes...... five minutes!” Jiang Daode meets to say. “好!五分钟……就五分钟!”蒋道德接道。 Then......” nine said in side at this time, from this second, I announced...... the gambling house formally starts.” He put out a pocket watch from the pocket of Chinese-style clothing, Mr. Jiang, the time has started, you have five minutes prepares. After five minutes, Mr. Feng can start to take action, before then, I will be responsible for supervising him every action and every movement in video.” “那么……”九条此时在旁说道,“从这一秒起,我宣布……赌局正式开始。”他从唐装的口袋里拿出了一个怀表,“蒋先生,计时已经开始,你有五分钟的时间做准备。五分钟后,封先生就可以开始行动了,在此之前,我会负责监督他在视频中的一举一动。” His words have not said, Jiang Daode has picked up the phone on chairman table, pressed a key fast, after the connection, then fast said in the quick language: Chief Wu? Is I, listened to...... you, I limited you in three minutes to be completely centralized all the manpower who was on duty to the top layer come, the entrance that half of people defended in the chairman room, cannot anybody enter, the other half was responsible for doing an inspection this all rooms and accesses, to have the bathroom and ventilating duct separately also to look......, so long as saw the new face that did not know, or has not brought the company pass, first grasped to say to me again!” 他的话还没说完,蒋道德就已经拿起了董事长桌上的电话,快速摁了一个键,接通后便用很快的语速说道:“吴队长吗?是我,对……你听好了,我限你三分钟内把所有正在值班的人手全部集中到顶层来,一半人守在董事长室的门口,不许任何人进入,另一半分头负责巡查这一层所有的房间、出入口、还有卫生间、通风管道也要看……只要看到不认识的生面孔、或是身上没带公司通行证的,先给我抓起来再说!” The person of telephone that head seemed was shocked, separated for several seconds to return to one, then Jiang Daode bellowed: Who joked with you? Do you also want to do? Does not want to do to dig up the uniform/subdue to leave immediately! Gives Vice Captain the telephone!” 电话那头的人好似愣住了,隔了几秒才回了一句,然后蒋道德就大吼起来:“谁跟你开玩笑了?你还想不想干了?不想干可以立刻扒了制服走人!把电话给副队长!” His such saying, the opposite also realized the gravity of matter obviously, therefore soon complied with several, hung up the telephone. 他这么一说,对面显然也意识到了事情的严重性,于是就很快就应了几声,挂断了电话。 Hehe......” Ouyang Jian smiled, Mr. Jiang, I must remind your one, this boy wicked idea may many...... perhaps your response, already in his planning......” “呵呵呵……”欧阳笕笑了起来,“蒋先生,我得提醒你一句,这小子鬼点子可多……也许你的这种反应,早已在他的算计之中了……” hey hey...... your fellow, I may listen to......” video another Feng Bujue make complaints to say immediately, whose you are help?” 喂喂……你这家伙,我可听着呢……”视频另一头的封不觉随即吐槽道,“你到底是帮谁的啊?” As the attorney, I the matter that requested me to handle had completed you, I now am only a seeing a play observer.” Ouyang Jian said with a smile, „did I the pivot incur...... you unable to manage to Mr. Jiang stemming from the interest?” “作为律师,我已经把你要求我办的事情办妥了,我现在只是个看戏的旁观者。”欧阳笕笑道,“我出于兴趣给蒋先生支点招……你管不着吧?” Snort...... that you refuel.” Feng Bujue shrugs smiles, seems does not care very much. “哼……那你加油吧。”封不觉耸肩一笑,好似也不是很在意。 Mr. Jiang......” Ouyang Jian is saying, looked at Jiang Daode, but the opposite party responded was actually together the doubt vision, „...... hehe, do not think so me, I have not planned to act in a play here, was good to coordinate him to mislead you...... to speak the truth, where I do not know Feng Bujue now. However I can tell you...... at 2 : 00 pm, was he raises this suitcase to come to my office, and confessed Quest that this delivered the box. Where later he went, I was unknown.” “蒋先生……”欧阳笕说着,将视线投向了蒋道德,而对方回应过来的却是一道狐疑的目光,“……呵呵,别这么看着我,我并没有打算在这里演戏,好配合他来误导你……说实话,我也不知道封不觉现在在哪儿。不过我可以告诉你……在今天下午二点,是他本人提着这个手提箱来到了我的办公室,并交代了这个送箱子的任务。之后他去了哪里,我就不得而知了。” Snort...... you think that I believe your words?” Jiang Daode cold -ly snorted and said. “哼……你以为我会相信你的话吗?”蒋道德冷哼道。 I also want to say that two own opinions......” Ouyang Jian conducted the back toward the sofa by depending, words that Mr. Jiang did not believe that when has not heard.” He licked the lip, then said, first, depending on me about Feng Bujue's knew...... by his strategy, had expected you can prepare this matter. If I am he, I will naturally use this......” “我也只是想说两句自己的意见……”欧阳笕往沙发背上靠了靠,“蒋先生不信的话,就当没听见好了。”他舔了舔嘴唇,接着说道,“首先,凭我对封不觉的了解来说……以他的智谋,想必早已预料到了你会‘做准备’这件事。如果我是他,我自然会去利用这点……” In the process of Ouyang Jian narration, the people have been able to hear on the corridor to hear the disorderly jogging sound, was the securities has arrived. 欧阳笕叙述的过程中,众人已经可以听到走廊上传来了凌乱的跑步声,想必是保安们已经到了。 For example, I can sneak your building...... Ouyang Jian also to say earlier today, prepares one to be used for the video the notebook or the plate, then looks for the broom closet or the restroom in horn corner hides, has waited till the evening.” He holds the chin, discussed looking pensive, „, when the gambling house formally starts, namely I can take action...... I to close the camera instantly, puts out prepared, or from the changing room along the security uniform/subdue exchanges to oneself, while mixes in your prepare in randomly the security defense line......” “比方说,我可以在今天早些时候就潜入你的大楼……”欧阳笕又道,“准备好一台可以用来视频的笔记本电脑或平板,然后找个犄角旮旯的杂物室或厕所躲起来,一直等到晚上。”他扶着下巴,若有所思地念道,“等到赌局正式开始,即我可以采取行动的刹那……我就关上摄像头,拿出事先准备好的、或是从更衣室顺来的保安制服给自己换上,趁乱混入你布置好的保安防线里……” Jiang Daode hears here, hits to block the way with the ice-cold tone unexpectedly: You must say these?” 蒋道德听到这里,竟是用冰冷的语气打断道:“你要说的就这些吗?” The ability that Oh? Ouyang Jian watches a person's every mood is very strong, this flickers, he in unexpectedly is the solemnness that on the Jiang Daode face sees has victory in the hand, „doesn't Mr. Jiang guard against?” 哦?欧阳笕察言观色的能力很强,这一瞬,他在蒋道德脸上看到的竟是一份胜券在握的冷峻,“蒋先生就不防备一下吗?” Does not need.” Jiang Daode said that possibility that you said that before I inform the security...... I have thought.” “不需要。”蒋道德道,“你说的可能,在我通知保安以前……我就已经想到了。” Ho ~ you also very fierce.” Feng Bujue in video meets to say with a smile. “ho~你还挺厉害的嘛。”视频里的封不觉笑着接道。 I very clear...... you can infer me to look for the security inevitably to defend this matter. But I must call the security, words that because I do not do this, you can be close to here method being more.” Jiang Daode is saying, held up three fingers, „, but in I called in the situation of security, you should three...... its one close to my methods, be that type that Attorney Ouyang said a moment ago ; The words that second, Attorney Ouyang spoke in fact to exert pressure on me, making me have a tentative plan, that is- after and other videos interrupted, immediately leaves this room, coming to escape. If I really did, you will instead have the opportunity is not missed ; Third, although possibility not big......, but you at this moment, there is a possibility to be on airplane in a navigation, prepares to jump by the upper air parachuting at any time to my building glass outside, then enters with Equipment rapid broken window of one set of agent rank.” “我很清楚……你必然能推断到‘我会找保安来守备’这件事。但我还是得把保安叫来,因为我不这样做的话,你能接近这里的方法就更多。”蒋道德说着,也举起了三根手指,“而在我叫来保安的情况下,你应该还是有三种接近我的手段……其一,就是刚才欧阳律师所说的那一种;其二,欧阳律师所说的话实际上是为了给我施压,让我产生一个设想,那就是-等视频中断后,立刻离开这个房间,来个金蝉脱壳。假如我真那么做了,你反而会有可趁之机;其三,虽然可能性不大……但此刻的你,也有可能正待在一架航行中的飞机上,随时准备以高空跳伞跳到我的大楼玻璃外面,然后用一套特工级别的装备迅速破窗而入。” Ha haha Ha.....” Feng Bujue laughs to make noise, fierce, is really fierce!” He is applauding for the opposite party, no wonder you can win Tall Rich Handsome in the past ‚the entire life, I a little underestimated you probably.” His laughter stops gradually, that...... can I ask, even if you can avoid the second method...... that I if close to you with first or the third method, you what to do?” “哈哈哈哈……”封不觉大笑出声,“厉害,真厉害!”他不禁为对方鼓起掌来,“难怪你当年可以赢走一个高富帅的‘整个人生’,我好像有点小看你了。”他的笑声渐止,“那么……我能不能问一下,即使你可以避免第二种方法……那我要是用第一或第三种方法接近你,你怎么办?” Which method It does not matter you use.” Jiang Daode is saying, has stood up, and looked at nine one, nine gentlemen, how long from the time that Feng Bujue can act also?” “你用哪种方法都无所谓。”蒋道德说着,已站起身来,并看了九条一眼,“九条先生,距离封不觉可以行动的时间还有多久?” 15 seconds.” Nine return said. “十五秒。”九条回道。 Good.” Jiang Daode should say, while moved toward near the wall, is sorry...... Feng Bujue very much. You...... leak from the beginning consider as finished a matter.” Saying, he put in the hand a wall vase, pressed a button. “好的。”蒋道德一边应道,一边走向了墙边,“很抱歉……封不觉。你从一开始……就漏算了一件事。”说着,他就把手伸进了墙边的一个花瓶里,摁下了一个按钮。 After two seconds, on his front wall opened a region of 50 centimeters square, revealed an operation screen. 两秒后,他前方的墙壁上打开了一块五十厘米见方的区域,露出了一面操作屏。 At this moment, told you also to might as well.” Jiang Daode then said, in my office...... has such compartmented of hidden, what in the gate provides is the fingerprint and DNA dual recognition systems, only then I can open.” He smoked a cigar, then looked at Jue Bro in video easely, „, so long as I entered this room, even if you drive the armed helicopter to come is still useless.” “事到如今,告诉你也无妨了。”蒋道德接着道,“我这间办公室里……有这样一个隐藏的隔间,门上配备的是指纹和DNA双重识别系统,只有我才能打开。”他抽了口雪茄,悠然地回头望了眼视频中的觉哥,“只要我进了这个房间,就算你开武装直升机来也没用。” Finishes barely the words, he has stretched out five fingers, opened the front door of room through the scanning. 话音未落,他已伸出五根手指,通过扫描打开了房间的大门。 Was you lost, Feng Bujue.” Jiang Daode leaves behind these words natural, then turned around to walk into the hidden compartmented. “是你输了,封不觉。”蒋道德潇洒地留下这句话,便转身走入了隐藏隔间中。 However...... 然…… „...... You came, the time was just good.” When he walks into that room, in the room has a person to sit there unexpectedly is waiting for him. “哦……你来了啊,时间刚刚好。”当他走入那个房间的时候,屋里竟已有一个人坐在那儿等着他了。
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