TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#890: Bureau finally

Hid compartmented in the scene to make the brain of Jiang Daode enter the short vacuum period. 隐藏隔间里的景象让蒋道德的大脑进入了短暂的真空期。 Feng Bujue sits on a chair in compartmented, its front is also having the stage notebook. 封不觉就坐在隔间内的一张椅子上,其面前还摆着台笔记本电脑。 You...... you...... how......” the Jiang Daode mouth stutter is jumping outward word, actually does not talk clearly including a coherent speech. “你……你……怎么……”蒋道德的嘴里结结巴巴地往外蹦着词儿,却连一句整话都说不清楚。 Couple of days ago, I submerged the family/home of your several lover one by one.” Feng Bujue stood from the chair, close to Jiang Daode, originally wants to collect some of your DNA samples step by step, as revealing one of you status evidence, has not thought that...... in searching for the process of room, I had the unexpected benefit......” “前两天,我逐一潜入了你那几个情妇的家。”封不觉从椅子上站了起来,一步步靠近蒋道德,“本来只是想搜集一些你的DNA样本,作为揭穿你身份的证据之一,没想到……在搜屋的过程中,我有了意外收获……” While he said these words, Jiang Daode also withdrew from the room step by step backward, returned to the chairman room. 在他说这几句话的同时,蒋道德也是一步步向后退出了房间,回到了董事长室中。 But Feng Bujue with, walks while said: I discovered, you in the dwelling of each lover, established such a hidden compartmented......” he, hehe...... do not visit me with that expression, this not strange...... I, but is professionally-trained, is sensitive very to the construction structure, and paces off can see these darkrooms and so on place by the range estimate.” 封不觉则是跟了出去,边走边道:“我发现,你在每一名情妇的住处中,都设置了这样一个隐藏的隔间……”他顿了一下,“呵呵……别用那种表情看着我,这并不奇怪……我可是受过专业训练的,对建筑结构敏感得很,靠目测和步测就能看出那些暗室之类的地方。” During the speeches, Jue Bro has arrived in outside chairman room, respectively swept one toward Ouyang Jian and nine respectively, and raise hand hinted, is greets: At that time I understand......” he then words, said to Jiang Daode, you are person to your life not security sense......, even if you have used the Jiang Daode status to live for 20 years, you change the custom of a crafty person has several ways out difficultly.” 说话间,觉哥已走到了外面的董事长室中,分别朝欧阳笕和九条分别扫了一眼,并抬手示意了一下,算是打了招呼:“当时我就明白了……”他接着刚才的话,对蒋道德说道,“你是一个对自己的人生毫无安全感的人……纵然你已用蒋道德的身份活了二十年,你还是难改狡兔三窟的习惯。” Feng Bujue said that this, the convenience the telephone line on Jiang Daode desk pulling out, then met to say with smile on the face: However is familiar with...... to expose the much information. I can speculate that easily...... in your business location, has such a to be possible surely for the hiding darkroom.” He referred to nearby hidden room entrance with a smile, result...... as I expected.” 封不觉说完这句,顺手就把蒋道德办公桌上的电话线给拔了,然后面带微笑地接道:“而习惯……会暴露出很多信息。我很容易就能推测到……在你的办公地点,必定也有这样一个可供藏身的暗室。”他笑着指了指一旁的隐藏房间入口,“结果……不出我的所料。” Un...... opens the fingerprint and DNA that room needs from his lover family/home neighborhood to?” At this time, Ouyang Jian met one in side looking pensive. “嗯……开启那个房间所需的指纹和DNA是从他情妇家里弄到的吧?”这时,欧阳笕在旁若有所思地接了一句。 Right.” Feng Bujue meets saying that „these secret rooms of his lover family/home also with here same establishment.” “没错。”封不觉接道,“他情妇家的那些密室也都是和这里一样的设置。” Therefore...... you after this afternoon, leaves my office, submerged this building, and hid in that room to wait?” Ouyang Jian also said. “所以说……你是在今天下午、离开我的事务所后,潜入了这栋大楼,并躲进了那个房间里等着?”欧阳笕又道。 Right.” Feng Bujue complied with one, immediately looks to Jiang Daode, „, if Mr. Jiang you have the impression, should remember after...... you drink the coffee that one cup of secretary elder sisters delivered this afternoon, feels the abdomen to be ill, then went to the restroom to squat for a half hour.” “对。”封不觉应了一声,随即又看向蒋道德,“如果蒋先生你还有印象的话,应该记得……今天下午你喝了一杯秘书姐姐送进来的咖啡后,顿感腹部不适,然后就去厕所蹲了半个多小时。” You...... can you prescribe medicine in my coffee unexpectedly?” Jiang Daode startled say/way. “你……你竟能在我的咖啡里下药?”蒋道德惊道。 Hehe...... the easy as pie matter......” Feng Bujue returns relaxed said that I laxative under...... this secretarial office...... next door...... under that coffee grinder...... in cabinet...... in sugar lump box.” His a half second, „, if you must ask why...... I know you drink the approximate time of coffee, as well as can sweeten and add several sugar......” “呵呵……易如反掌的事情……”封不觉语气轻松地回道,“我把泻药下在了……本层秘书室的……隔壁的……那台咖啡研磨机下面的……柜子里的……方糖盒子里。”他微顿半秒,“如果你要问……我为什么会知道你喝咖啡的大致时间、以及会不会加糖、加几颗糖……” When investigated his lover family/home to infer.” Jiang Daode has not said that Ouyang Jian then interrupted. “在调查他情妇家的时候就推理出来了吧。”蒋道德还没接话,欧阳笕便插嘴道。 Jiang Daode hears word, turns the head to look suddenly to Ouyang Jian, is looking at the latter with the look that one type happened simultaneously surprisedly. 蒋道德闻言,猛然转头看向欧阳笕,用一种惊疑交加的眼神望着后者。 Hehe...... does not need is so surprised, Mr. Jiang.” Ouyang Jian said with a smile, „, since our Great Writer Feng has arrived at your dwelling to search for one...... he to sweep one toward Jue Bro carefully, „how , let alone was drank the coffee is used to...... your food to eat many vegetables/dishes, to clean the teeth the crowded medicinal ointment, to wash hair several hair, even is on a large size...... he all can know clear with several papers.” “呵呵……不必那么惊讶,蒋先生。”欧阳笕笑道,“既然咱们封大文豪已经到你的住处仔细地搜过一遍了……”他朝觉哥扫了一眼,“那别说是喝咖啡的习惯了……你一顿饭吃多少菜、刷牙怎么挤药膏、洗个头掉几根头发、甚至是上个大号用几张纸……他全都能知道得一清二楚。” Just like Ouyang Jian said after......” a half second, Feng Bujue continued fast, said to Jiang Daode, was such matter......” he went forward several steps, knocked on cigar boxes on two table with the finger lightly, other...... you should also understand now why I know in your cigar box is hiding a recording cigar?” “正如欧阳笕所说……”半秒后,封不觉快速接过话头,对蒋道德说道,“就是这么回事了……”他又上前几步,用手指轻叩了两下桌上的雪茄盒,“另外……你现在也该明白,我为什么会知道你的雪茄盒里藏着一支录音雪茄了吧?” You......” Jiang Daode after his such saying, somewhat lagged behind discussed that you while I went to the restroom the time......” “你……”蒋道德经他这么一说,才有些后知后觉地念道,“你趁我去厕所的时候……” Bingo ~ Jue Bro hit a sound to refer, then answered, according to my estimation...... looked like you such cautious person, certainly will keep such several. Therefore...... I after finding hidden compartmented entrance, does not have anxiously, but first inspected...... to provide against contingencies your office carefully.” He looked up another side of the chairman room wall surface, sure enough...... I behind that side that picture, found a camera.” “Bingo~”觉哥打了个响指,接着解释道,“据我估计……像你这么谨慎的人,一定会留那么几手。所以……我在找到了隐藏隔间的入口后,没有急着进去,而是先把你的办公室仔细地检查了一遍……以防万一。”他又抬头看了眼董事长室另一侧的墙面,“果不其然……我在那边的那幅画后面,找到了一个摄像头。” Jiang Daode has not responded, at this moment, Jue Bro said again any is related his secret, he will not feel strangely. 蒋道德没有回应,事到如今,觉哥再说出任何有关他的秘密,他都不会觉得奇怪了。 However the picture of that camera, is naturally said to...... Feng Bujue that side the security room goes to by automatically move, in fact, I also submerged in the control room of your security section to look at...... in this entire building firmly, except the public region outside, all work regions also installed the camera, but only had your chairman room is the exception......” his chuckle, where...... will the picture of that this camera be delivered goes? The answer obvious......” is saying, Jue Bro patted the computer on Jiang Daode table with the hand, Mr. Jiang...... you are really one do not have the person of security sense very much, but this...... happen to be used by me.” “而那个摄像头的画面,自然是不会被传送到保安室那边去的……”封不觉接着道,“事实上,我确也潜入你们安保部的监控室里看过了……这整栋大楼里,除去公共区域之外,所有的办公区域也都装了摄像头,但唯有你这个董事长室是例外……”他轻笑一声,“呵……那么这个摄像头的画面会被送到哪里去呢?答案显而易见……”说着,觉哥就用手拍了拍蒋道德桌上的电脑,“蒋先生……你真的是一个很没有安全感的人,而这点……正好可以被我利用。” „When you...... also fudge...... Jiang Daode to meet this saying tone to the video recording are aura of death heavy. “你……对录像也动了手脚……”蒋道德接这话时的语气已是死气沉沉。 That must.” Feng Bujue said that „, since installed such a camera, that indicated that after...... you leave each time this office and returns, fast will inspect to record, to confirm during this, has the person to come in secretly.” He tilts the head smiles, said again, afternoon time, you are fierce because of the abdominal pain, therefore walks hurriedly, has not locked the screen promptly, when this then omits the work of my code-breaking...... I came , the screen of computer guarantees has not started, I can use casually.” “那必须的。”封不觉道,“既然都装了这样一个摄像头了,那就表明……你每次离开这个办公室并返回后,都会快速地检查一下录像,以确认这期间有没有人偷偷进来过。”他歪头笑了笑,再道,“下午的时候,你因腹痛剧烈,所以走得匆忙,并没有及时去锁屏,这便省去了我破译密码的工作……我进来时,电脑的屏保都没启动,我可以随便用。” Therefore you intercepted a monitoring picture, changes to the circulation broadcast, before having covered you enter compartmented that several seconds.” Ouyang Jian is following close on the Jue Bro mentality, joined one. “于是你就截取了一段监控画面,改为循环播放,一直覆盖到你进入隔间之前的那几秒。”欧阳笕紧跟着觉哥的思路,接上了一句。 YES ~ Jue Bro nods, looked to Jiang Daode, „, but our Mr. Jiang returned to the office, definitely immediately the point records likely, with the speed of quickly entering examined. However......, in no one has come under premise, picture itself/Ben static, even if slowed down carefully looked that was still not necessarily able to find the video the splicing point, like him looked that...... could not see the flaw without doubt.” “YES~”觉哥点点头,又看向了蒋道德,“而当我们的蒋先生回到办公室以后,肯定是立即点开录像、用快进的速度查看了一下。然而……在没人进来过的前提下,画面本就是静止的,就算放慢了仔细看也未必能找到视频的拼接点,像他那样看……无疑是看不出破绽来的。” It seems like...... Mr. Jiang has a dream has not expected......” Ouyang Jian to say with a smile, actually has a person...... before 56 hours, has submerged his hidden that is used to deal with the panic stations compartmented.” “看来……蒋先生做梦也没料到……”欧阳笕笑道,“其实有个人……早在五六个小时之前,就已经潜入了他那个用来应对紧急状况的隐藏隔间中。” The words to here, the people fell into several seconds of silence. 话至此处,众人陷入了数秒的沉默。 After several seconds, Jue Bro looks at Jiang Daode saying: Ok, will soon be Feng Mr. Mr. Jiang, this/should explanation...... I explained similarly.” He extends one, made please the movement, this gambling house...... can you lose are sincerely convinced?” 数秒后,觉哥看着蒋道德道:“好了,即将做回冯先生的蒋先生,该解释的……我都解释得差不多了。”他伸出一手,做了个“请”的动作,“这赌局……你可输得心服口服?” Loses?” Jiang Daode look ice, cold snort/hum, „did I lose?” He is saying, while the side moves several steps, and starts to solve own tie. “输?”蒋道德眼神一凌,冷哼一声,“我输了吗?”他一边说着,一边侧移几步,并开始解自己的领带。 Oh crap...... is your must do?” Feng Bujue is smiling ridiculing, transferred to the middle of the room on with the opposite party side the quite open rug. 啊呀呀……您这是要干什么?”封不觉戏谑地笑着,跟着对方侧移到了房间当中比较开阔的地毯上。 „Did you say?” About Jiang Daode moved a neck. “你说呢?”蒋道德左右活动了一下脖子。 Un...... considered that the hidden of sound-insulated effect and next door of your chairman room compartmented equally good, toward called for help loudly is not quite perhaps effective.” Feng Bujue is analyzing pretentiously, turns head to escape...... obviously is not a great idea. The distance between you and me, you, if turns around to open the door, feared that is the gate has not opened, the person took down......” “嗯……考虑到您这间董事长室的隔音效果和隔壁的隐藏隔间一样好,朝门外大声呼救恐怕是不太管用的。”封不觉装模作样地分析着,“而扭头逃跑……显然也不是个好主意。以你我之间的这个距离,你要是转过身去开门,怕是门还没打开,人就被放倒了……” Jue Bro licked the lip, knits the brows to discuss: Then...... your choice are really not many.” He sizes up up and down is moving Jiang Daode of four limbs joint, said with a smile, „...... looked that your excellency this solved the collar to solve the appearance of sleeve cuff, but also face murderous aura is making some meaningless warming-up exercise, is it possible that can fight me?” 觉哥舔了舔嘴唇,皱眉念道:“那么……你的选择还真就不多了。”他上下打量着正在活动四肢关节的蒋道德,笑道,“呵……看阁下这副又解领子又解袖口的样子,还一脸杀气地做着些毫无意义的热身运动,莫非是要跟我动手吗?” Do not pull out me?” Jiang Daode is saying, showed a stance decent, who I must have a look but actually am pull out who......” “你不是要抽我吗?”蒋道德说着,有模有样地摆出了一个架势,“我倒要看看到底是谁抽谁……” Mr. Jiang, I must remind your.” Feng Bujue said, my close investigation your...... I have known you are the Karate purple belt/bring, moreover after you obtain at present this status goes to study specially. I also in the gambling house that knowing the foundation of this matter...... proposed.” “蒋先生,我得提醒你一下。”封不觉道,“我可是详细调查过你的……我知道你是空手道紫带、而且是在你获得目前这个身份之后特意去学的。我也是在知道这件事的基础上……提出的赌局。” Snort...... blustered wastes your own time.” Jiang Daode looked fiercely, to raise several points of imposing manner on the contrary. This is relates to his next life after all the gambling house, even if puts up a last-ditch struggle still feels better to sit waiting for death. “哼……虚张声势只是浪费你自己的时间而已。”蒋道德面露狰狞,反倒是扬起了几分气势。这毕竟是关系到他今后人生的赌局,就算是垂死挣扎也好过坐以待毙。 Nine gentlemen.” Feng Bujue smiles impartially, turns the head to look to nine, how long is away from five minutes of time limit...... also?” “九条先生。”封不觉不置可否地笑笑,转头看向了九条,“距离五分钟的时限……还有多久?” Nine split visions are always staring at the pocket watch in hand, almost in Jue Bro asked has problems he meets to say instantly: Seven seconds...... six and five......” 九条的余光始终盯着手中的怀表,几乎在觉哥问出问题的刹那他就接道:“七秒……六、五……” When he said „for seven seconds these two characters, Jiang Daode felt oneself have won, what in less than seven seconds of time...... can do? Even you come KGB agent, is still not necessarily able in such a short time to level a mature man of Karate purple belt/bring rank? 当他说出“七秒”这两个字的时候,蒋道德感觉自己已经赢了,七秒不到的时间里……能干什么呢?就算你来个克格勃特工,也未必能在那么短的时间内将一个空手道紫带级别的壮年男子摆平吧? Also, Jue Bro said that but pulls out, rather than takes down in place or tramples several feet toward body dozen of several fists ; Therefore seven seconds, how want to be insufficient. 再说了,觉哥所说的可是“抽一顿”,而不是“放倒在地”或者“朝身上打几拳踹几脚”;所以七秒钟,怎么想都是不够了。 However...... 然而…… This flickers, actually saw the Feng Bujue figure in a flash, vanishes in the line of sight of Jiang Daode and Ouyang Jian directly. 这一瞬,却见封不觉身形一晃,直接消失在了蒋道德欧阳笕的视线中。 This flickers, nine looks change, but the expression actually was still ice-cold calm, the reciprocal in mouth has not stopped: Four and three......” 这一瞬,九条眼神微变,但表情却仍是冰冷沉着,口中的倒数也未停止:“四、三……” The body of Jiang Daode twists by an extremely strange posture, and kneels down slowly. 紧接着,蒋道德的身体以一种极其怪异的姿势扭曲起来,并缓慢地跪倒在地。 In this process, a shadow revolves the body of Jiang Daode to flash unceasingly, moreover latter's body also sends out as sincere as the meat dull thumping sound and joint unceasingly struck flip-flop sound...... 这个过程中,一道黑影不断围绕着蒋道德的身体闪动着,而且后者的身上还不断地发出拳拳到肉的闷响和骨节受击的劈啪声…… Two and one...... time.” Nine counted the time. “二、一……时间到。”九条数完了时间。 The Feng Bujue's form also reappeared. 封不觉的身影也重新出现了。 Jiang Daode falls down black and blue, the body is twitching slightly, before the expression on his face...... is similar he one hour, picked a soap before several capable guys. 蒋道德鼻青脸肿地倒在地上,身体微微抽搐着,其脸上的表情……就仿佛他一小时前在几条精壮的大汉面前捡了块肥皂。 That shock, fear and pain, live not to have the manner that in addition may the love, making the face that his process tidies up largely twists extremely. 那种震惊、恐惧、痛苦、加上生无可恋的神态,让他那经过大幅整容的脸变得极为扭曲。 Mr. Feng.” From that moment on, nine to Jiang Daode the name changed, I think that did not need me to say you should also understand...... was you loses.” “冯先生。”从这一刻起,九条对“蒋道德”的称呼变了,“我想不用我说你也该明白……是你输了。” Ke...... ka............” the mouth of Mr. Feng sent out several syllables, but he cannot say the words to come, even if he can say that now...... does not know should say anything. “ke……ka……啊……”冯先生的嘴里发出了几个音节,但他没能说出话来,即使他现在能说……也不知道该说什么。 Kneels begs for mercy? That useless, Mr. Feng is clearest...... in front of betting sovereign room , asked favor with what way, is unable to prevent them to gather the gambling debt. Even if the winner proposed that no longer needs the loser to repay, bets the execution that the sovereign room will not terminate to collect debts. 跪地求饶?那没用,冯先生是最清楚的……在赌皇斋面前,无论是谁、用何种方式去求情,都无法阻止他们收取赌债。即使是胜方主动提出不再需要败方偿还,赌皇斋也不会终止收债的执行。 20 years ago, that true Jiang Daode when losing own life...... had also once begged for mercy, but he knocked to break, has not changed own result. 二十年前,那个真正的蒋道德在输掉自己的人生时……也曾求饶过,但他把头都磕破了,也没有改变自己的结局。 Before that Jiang Daode at the point of death pitiful condition, making Mr. Von not live in these twenty years steadfastly...... 正是那个蒋道德临死前的惨状,让冯先生在这二十年里始终活不踏实…… Because the heart always understands...... essentially that gangster little Feng, a professional gambler. 因为他内心深处始终明白……自己本质上还是那个“混混小冯”,一个职业的赌徒。 25-year-old he, all day long the swindling and abducting and pilferage, the difference house of detention is the potluck. Until some day...... he in some underground casino, met shopkeeper's children who come from South Korea. 25岁的他,终日坑蒙拐骗、小偷小摸,出入拘留所是家常便饭。直到某一天……他在某个地下赌场里,遇到了一个从韩国来的小开。 That late...... his life changed. 那一晚……他的人生改变了。 That second generation of rich Jiang Daode, bets the member in sovereign room unexpectedly. However...... his gambling technique actually not compared with average person many. After was won all money by little Feng, taking advantage of the liquor vigor, Jiang Daode proposed the independent gambling house, and called prison betting. 那个富二代蒋道德,竟是赌皇斋的会员。但是……他的赌术却并不比一般人强多少。在被小冯赢走了身上所有的钱后,借着酒劲儿,蒋道德提出了单独的赌局,并叫来了“监赌者”。 Therefore, an opportunity put little Feng's front...... . Moreover, he grasped it. 于是,一个机会摆到了小冯的面前……而且,他将其把握住了。 Gambling...... is such matter. After Jiang Daode lost own life, his becoming sober. He, to getting angry, arrives at frightened from the shock, to again weeping with grief...... in the human nature these distortions, hateful, pitiful and pitiful...... is displayed incisively by that dying person. 赌博……就是这么回事。当蒋道德输掉了自己的“人生”后,他的酒醒了。他从震惊、到发怒、再到恐惧、到悲泣……人性中那些扭曲、可憎、可悲、可怜……被那个垂死之人表现得淋漓尽致。 After that is late, gangster little Feng disappeared, after a half year, he then became present this Jiang Daode. 那晚以后,“混混小冯”就消失了,半年过后,他便成了现在这个“蒋道德”。 In the following 20 years, he uses others 's wealth, school record and appearance...... and his own ability and wisdom, as well as some not that honored method, set the record of an enterprise. He obtained all in dream...... the money, woman and social position, he even thinks must bribe the political arena. 此后的20年里,他用他人的财富、学历、样貌……和他自己的才智、以及一些不那么光彩的手段,创下了一番事业。他得到了梦想中的一切……金钱、女人、社会地位,他甚至想到了要染指政坛。 What a pity...... all these eventually are dream, should be others' dream. 可惜……这一切终究还是个“梦”,一个本该属于别人的梦。 That moment when the dream awakes, he reviews these twenty years, in the heart wells up is one rejoiced unexpectedly......, because this dream is long and is also happy enough enough. Even after waking up, what must face is Death, he no longer still had regretted. 当梦醒的那一刻,他回顾这二十年,心中涌上的竟是一丝庆幸……因为这场梦已足够长、也足够美好了。即使醒来后要面对的是死亡,他也已经不再遗憾。 „Do you want to walk?” After the moment, nine looked that said to Feng Bujue. “你要走了吗?”片刻后,九条看向封不觉道。 Yes, I have the matter.” Feng Bujue said that Jiang Daode life, I for the time being checking that side betting sovereign room, Ok?” “是啊,我还有事儿呢。”封不觉道,“‘蒋道德’的人生,我就暂且‘寄存’在赌皇斋那边了,可以吧?” Ok, when wants to use, contacts us.” Nine return said. “可以,什么时候想用,就联络我们。”九条回道。 „...... Jue Bro shot a look at Mr. Feng of ground as for this person, how do you prepare to process?” “至于这个人……”觉哥瞥了眼地上的冯先生,“你们准备怎么处理?” Makes him restore the status is not difficult.” Nine return said, detail...... Mr. Feng does not need to take the trouble.” “让他恢复身份并不难。”九条回道,“细节方面……封先生就不必费心了。” Hehe...... I can also guess correctly a point probably and that's the end.” Jue Bro complied with one with a smile, immediately said to Ouyang Jian, „is also staring doing? To stay behind has a night-time snack?” “呵呵……我大概也能猜到一点就是了。”觉哥笑着应了一声,随即对欧阳笕道,“还愣着干嘛?想留下吃夜宵啊?” I went to......” Ouyang Jian as if not to taste from that a moment ago, „did you also really have the superpower?” “我去……”欧阳笕似乎还没从刚才那一幕中回过味儿来,“你还真有超能力啊?” „Do you think?” Jue Bro asked. “那你以为呢?”觉哥反问道。 I think certainly that you like ordinary with I talked nonsense......” Ouyang Jian more said the sound was louder, because he more wants more to think that this matter was somewhat odd, I also pondered over...... you to want a moment ago mysterious, then pulled out the hot pepper atomization or electric shock and so on thing came...... the result you to perform to flicker the prison to kill directly......” “我当然以为你只是像平常那样跟我扯淡的而已啊……”欧阳笕越说声音越大,因为他越想越觉得这事情有些离谱了,“刚才我还琢磨着……你是不是要故弄玄虚一番,然后掏出辣椒喷雾或者电击器之类的东西来呢……结果你直接表演个瞬狱杀啊……” Hehe...... good, returned to the way I to tell again in detail you.” Feng Bujue smiles embarrasedly, he will rarely see Ouyang to have this not calm make complaints performance actually. “呵呵……好吧,回去路上我再跟你详细说说。”封不觉只是讪讪一笑,他倒是很少会看到欧阳有这种不淡定的吐槽表现。 Two people are saying, walks toward the entrance. 两人说着,就朝门口走去。 Before they must go out, nine open the mouth to say suddenly: „Before Mr. Feng...... walks, I want to remind your one by my status......” 就在他们要出去之前,九条忽地开口道:“封先生……走之前,我想以我个人的身份提醒你一句……” Oh? Jue Bro looks to say excessively, nine gentlemen, what do have to advise?” 哦?觉哥偏过头回望道,“九条先生,有什么指教?” ’ The person ”...... nine coldly to say likeus,but is actually not cannot make a move to the average person, but before...... begins, best think that clear...... should, be worth.” “像‘我们’这样的人……”九条冷冷回道,“倒也不是不能对普通人出手,只是……动手前,最好想想清楚……应不应该、值不值得。” Feng Bujue hears word, silent several seconds, returns with deep veneration said: Many thanks nine gentlemen reminded, to seal/confer...... certainly sincerely in heart.” 封不觉闻言,沉默了几秒,肃然回道:“多谢九条先生提醒,封某……一定谨记于心。”
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