TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#888: Bets the sovereign room

Bets the sovereign room, initiated during the end of Qing. At first, it is only a small gambling work place that opens in the street. The name was not called to bet sovereign room, but called to bet room. 赌皇斋,创始于清朝末年。起初,它只是一间开在街边的小赌坊。名字也不叫“赌皇斋”,而叫“赌斋”。 Monk who it is said bets the boss in room is a return to secular life, does not know where he studied a superb gambling technique, after the return to secular life, made this to let the business that the person was with one's family broken up and decimated. 据说赌斋的老板是个还俗的和尚,也不知他从哪里学了一身出神入化的赌术,还俗后就做了这让人家破人亡的买卖。 Until now, the name of this monk boss was unable to research, everyone said that he for monk in any case in the past directly, now calls it bets monk or senior founder. 时至今日,这位和尚老板的名字已无从考证,反正当年大家就直接称他为“和尚”,如今则称其为“赌僧”或者“老祖师”。 Perhaps was the monk works as for a long time, bet the boss in room, even if made this to moisten the black job, had not forgotten buddhist monastic rule commandment that gave a ride a Buddhist. 或许是和尚当久了,赌斋的这位老板就算是做了这沾黑的营生,也没忘了捎上点儿出家人的清规戒条。 In gambling Fangli of monk, everything must achieve fairly absolutely, if who cheat in his gathering place, or about cooking swindles people out of their money, will be seen through by boss one eyes surely, and reveals in the presence of everyone ; Expels to bet the work place never to receive lightly, to hit half dead to throw the street heavily. 在和尚的赌坊里,凡事都要做到“绝对公平”,谁要是在他的场子里出千、或者合起伙儿来诈人钱财,必定会被老板一眼识破、并当众揭穿;轻则赶出赌坊永不接待、重则打个半死扔上街头。 The mentality of gamblers is very subtle, most of them, are actually cannot lose, but is actually not willing to acknowledge oneself cannot lose, will therefore lose many. 赌徒们的心理十分微妙,他们中的绝大多数人,其实都是输不起的,但却又不愿承认自己输不起,所以才会输得更多。 But bets the room...... to give they can lose is sincerely convinced the place. Person who comes out from there, even if loses penniless , can only blame the luck being unsatisfactory, is speechless. 而赌斋……给了他们一个能够“输得心服口服”的地方。从那里出来的人,哪怕是输得一贫如洗,也只能怪自己运气不佳,无话可说。 To the gambler, is not they who that enough...... as if lost, but is the God. 对赌徒来说,那就够了……仿佛输的也不是他们自己了,而是老天爷。 Gradually, that bets room the given name also passed on. 久而久之,那“赌斋”的名号也就传了开来。 Finally, bet the reputation of room to pass to the ear of some local official, this person was also the generation of being addicted to gambling, next day changed costume on the disguise, entered that gambling work place. 终于有一天,赌斋的名头传到了某位地方官员的耳中,此人也是嗜赌之辈,隔天就乔装改扮,进了那赌坊。 What a pity...... the gambling skill and luck of this Sir Liu all are unsatisfactory, then enters bet shortly after the room loses the penniless. 可惜……这位刘大人的赌艺和运气皆是不佳,进了赌斋后没多久便输得身无分文。 Properly speaking, his winning universal praise corrupt official, lost lost, plunders the flesh and blood of the people in any case, lost to leave and that's the end......, however, the gambler's character of this Sir Liu was also very bad, after he lost, showed the status unexpectedly immediately, and shouted in confusion loudly, said that was banker cheat cheats his wealth. 按理说,他这种有口皆碑的贪官,输了就输了呗,反正也是搜刮来了民脂民膏,输光走人就是了……然而,这位刘大人的赌品也是非常糟糕的,他输了之后竟然当即亮明身份,并大声吵嚷起来,说是庄家出千诈他钱财。 Therefore, attendants in shop then called the boss...... is also a monk. The monk listened to account, smiles with great confidence, proposed that must bet one game with Sir Liu again. 于是,店里的伙计便叫来了老板……也就是和尚。和尚将事情的经过听了一遍,从容一笑,提出要和刘大人再赌一局。 This game, he with own complete net worth, bets a few words of Sir Liu. 这一局,他用自己的全部身家,去赌刘大人的一句话。 The monk lost, lost that great wealth the family property, Sir Liu lost, only lost a few words, but these words were- my Liu loses today is sincerely convinced. 和尚输了,就输那万贯的家财,刘大人输了,只输一句话,而这句话就是-“我刘某今日输得心服口服”。 Sir Liu complied with this gambling house, and is defeated with great speed. 刘大人答应了这个赌局,并火速败下阵来。 However...... he has not fulfilled the agreement, is only a big sleeve swayed and cold snort/hum one, then left bet the room. 但是……他没有履行约定,只是大袖一摆、冷哼一声,便离开了赌斋。 Where he can know that...... this walks, then lost own life. 他哪儿能知道……这一走,便断送了自己的性命。 The next day night, this Sir Liu dies a violent death to perish in own, the dead shape is pitiful, the cause of death is unknown. 第二天的夜里,这位刘大人在自己家中暴毙而亡,死状凄惨,死因不明。 Although dies the place high-ranking official, cannot say that was the small case......, but was Boxers made the most ominous period at that time exactly, in addition the royal government was corrupt, the internal disorder and foreign invasion, royal government where had the time to minutely examine this matter. In the local law enforcement agency investigates in the fruitless situation, this matter also let it go...... 虽说死个地方大员,也不能说是小案了……但当时恰是义和团闹得最凶的时期,加上朝政腐败,内忧外患,朝廷哪儿有工夫来细查此事。在当地执法机构调查无果的情况下,这事儿也就不了了之了…… ...... Authorities, although no one checks again, rumor of folk about this matter actually gets stronger and stronger. 只是……官面上虽没人再查,民间关于此事的流言却是愈演愈烈。 Less than a half year, bets the monk kills Liu Tan the story to pass on it is well known in the Jiangsu , Zhejiang two provinces . Moreover the edition of everyone will add inflammatory details, more said that is more mysterious. 半年不到,“赌僧杀刘贪”的故事就在江浙二省传得妇孺皆知,而且每个人的版本都会自行添油加醋,越说越玄乎。 Bets room the given name also one and spreads with the story, this causes to bet the business of room to develop rapidly, quick bets the big casino that the work place turns into since childhood. “赌斋”的名号也随着故事一并流传开,这使得赌斋的生意迅速发展,很快就从小赌坊变成的大赌场。 Shortly, then has many gambling altar/jar expert to come with admiration...... challenges that gambling monk, but no one can win that monk ; Moreover after these people lost, but also subdues by the gambling technique and bearing of that monk, or becomes the friend, or the pay respects to join hanger-on...... as for the story that these gambling fight, naturally also turns into the marketplace legend that the streets and lanes spread without exception. 不久后,便有许多赌坛高手纷纷慕名而来……向那赌僧挑战,但无人能胜那和尚;而且这些人输了以后,还都被那和尚的赌术与气度所折服,或结为知己、或拜入门下……至于这些赌斗的故事,自然也无一例外地变成了街头巷尾流传的市井传说。 Afterward, an accidental opportunity, let bet room future destiny to change...... 再后来,一次偶然的机遇,让“赌斋”今后的命运发生了改变…… That time, among the bosses in another two casinos had the conflict, wants to gamble high minute/share of , but they do not believe the manpower who the opposite party assigns, causing the gambling house is unable to start. Finally...... does not know who said that that might as well please bet the monk in room to come to you to manage. 那次,另外两家赌场的老板之间起了冲突,欲以赌博分个高下,但他们谁也不信对方所指定的人手,导致赌局无法开始。最终……也不知谁说了一句,“那不如请赌斋的和尚来给你们主持吧”。 The result...... they also really invited, the monk also. As a result of his absolutely fair the principle, the process of entire gambling house conducts is watertight. After the gambling house finished, the loser is the objections does not have, to hand over the ante, to leave...... 结果……他们还真就去请了,和尚也真的去了。由于他那“绝对公平”的原则,整个赌局的过程进行得滴水不漏。赌局结束后,败方也是二话没有,交出赌金、走人…… As the matter stands, then opened bet the room for others managed gambling house the beginning...... 这样一来,便开了“赌斋为他人主持赌局”的先河…… From then on, looks to bet the room to make the fair gambling house to be getting more and more, monk is without doubt unbearably busy, therefore he knows these expert that and wins over then also to act in the name of bets room, goes out to manage the gambling house. 从那以后,来找赌斋做公正的赌局越来越多,和尚一人无疑是忙不过来的,于是他结识和收揽的那些高手们便也以“赌斋”的名义出面,出去主持赌局。 When 1920, the monk died in bed of old age/be exhausted, betting the room no longer is a casino, but became one to be the organization that the management gambling house, and extracted to deduct a percentage specially. 至1920年,和尚寿终正寝之时,赌斋已经不再是一个赌场了,而成了一个专门为人主持赌局、并从中抽取提成的组织。 Two generations of bosses will not have the defeat his entire life bets monk to present for the founder, and will bet the room to change name as bets sovereign room, represents the monk's for the gambling in sovereign. 二代老板将一生无败的“赌僧”奉为祖师爷,并将赌斋改名为“赌皇斋”,意指和尚为赌中之皇。 The time, by the 20 th century 30-40 ages, the S City foreign settlement had stood in great numbers in a hurry, the faction is in vogue. 时间匆匆而过,到了二十世纪30-40年代,S市租界林立,帮派盛行。 At this time, when bets the peak of sovereign room. Object who they serve, rarely had the third estate...... in that days, can welcome to bet sovereign room to manage the gambling house, at least was also the Jiang Hu big shot, public celebrities or the character of military administration important person that rank. 此时,正值赌皇斋的巅峰时期。他们所服务的对象,也鲜有平民阶级了……那段日子里,能请到“赌皇斋”来主持赌局的,最起码也得是江湖大佬、社会名流或军政要员那个级别的人物。 But the content of gambling house, usually is the large amount of property, or...... life. 而赌局的内容,通常都是巨额的财产,或者……命。 Gambling is what is all about, the chip that as a person loses is getting more and more heavy, the life will be getting more and more light in his weight/quantity. 赌博就是这么一回事,随着一个人输掉的筹码越来越重,生命在他心里的分量就会越来越轻。 At this time, credit and so on thing became very laughable. For example...... has faction big brothers and weaponless common people who lead more than ten brothers gamble...... the amount that so long as the latter wins to the quota that a former is unable to accept, that waits for his is breaks a promise and eliminates a potential informant inevitably. 这时候,“信用”之类的东西就变得很可笑了。就好比说……有一个带着十几个兄弟的帮派大哥和一个手无寸铁的老百姓赌博……只要后者赢到的金额到了一个前者无法接受的额度,那等待他的必然是毁约和灭口。 Bets existence of sovereign room, and avoids occurrence of this situation for the supervision. So long as there is a person testimony of gambling sovereign room, the person who that loses must pay the price that he bets......, no matter that price is anything. 赌皇斋的存在,就是为了监督和避免这种情况的发生。只要有赌皇斋的人见证,那输的人就必须付出他所赌上的代价……不管那代价是什么。 If the defeated breaks a promise, will then bet the person in sovereign room to be responsible for the winner going to gather the chip of opposite party. Money is also good, life, no matter that person is, lost anything...... to bet the sovereign room to have the means to make him pay, moreover did not have the exception of slip should pay certainly. 如果败者毁约,那么赌皇斋的人就会负责替赢家去“收取对方的筹码”。钱也好、命也罢,不管那人是谁、输了什么……赌皇斋都有办法让他把该付的付出来,而且绝无失手的例外。 This...... is also all knows that bets the person who sovereign room has, needs clear objective. 这……也是所有知道“赌皇斋”存在的人,所需要明白的宗旨。 ............ ………… A century later, S City, in the office of some well-known entrepreneur. 一个世纪后,S市,某知名企业家的办公室中。 You...... know unexpectedly bets the sovereign room?” The Jiang Daode sinking sound asked. “你……居然知道赌皇斋?”蒋道德沉声问道。 Meaning that he has not feigned ignorance, because he understands, the opposite party is impossible to send out that three characters to come baseless ; What Jiang Daode wants to understand is how...... the boy of video that head to know how many details did oneself and bet the sovereign room had the relation, knew? 他没有装蒜的意思,因为他明白,对方是不可能凭空报出那三个字来的;蒋道德想要了解的是……视频那头的小子是怎么知道自己和赌皇斋有联系的、又知道了多少细节? That naturally is because......” Feng Bujue said with a smile, I also bet the member in sovereign room.” “那当然是因为……”封不觉笑道,“我也是赌皇斋的会员。” What did you...... say......?” The shocking expression cannot help but appeared on the face of Jiang Daode. “你……说……什么?”震惊的表情不由自主地浮现在了蒋道德的脸上。 „Is this very strange?” Feng Bujue asked. “这很奇怪吗?”封不觉问道。 You?” Jiang Daode sneers immediately, snort/hum...... depends on you?” His a half second, you know bets sovereign room how much money estimate of a membership in black market is?” “你?”蒋道德随即冷笑,“哼……就凭你?”他微顿半秒,“你知道‘赌皇斋’的一个会员资格在黑市上的估价是多少钱吗?” Probably 30 million Renminbi about.” Feng Bujue returns calm said that „, however...... this estimate and has no egg to use, because their member numbers are saturated at present, no longer foreign sales. But the existing member cannot buy and sell or transfer own membership in private.” He stretches oneself in front of the lens lazy, natural...... you can in prison betting under situation on the scene, works as the gambling stake by own membership...... with others to the gambling, so long as prison betting approved this gambling house, possibly presents the transfer the situation.” “大概三千万人民币左右吧。”封不觉淡定地回道,“然而……这种估价并没有什么卵用,因为他们的会员数量目前已经饱和了,不再对外出售。而现有会员是不能私下买卖或转让自己的会员资格的。”他在镜头前慵懒地伸了个懒腰,“当然了……你可以在‘监赌者’在场的场合下,以自己的会员资格当赌注……跟别人对赌,只要监赌者认可了这一赌局,就可能出现转让的情况。” It seems like you to betting the custom of sovereign room also were really......” Jiang Daode, thought of anything at this point suddenly, he immediately being startled say/way, wait/etc...... you......” “看来你对赌皇斋的规矩还真是……”蒋道德说到这里,忽地想到了什么,他立即惊道,“等等……难道你……” Right, my membership is wins.” Feng Bujue spreads out both hands, meets saying that hehe...... said...... I thought is a little unfair to that to be claimed the qualifications fellow by me, because in these years I have not exercised the power of member one time.” “没错,我的会员资格是‘赢来的’。”封不觉摊开双手,接道,“呵呵……说起来……我觉得有点对不起那个被我夺走资格家伙,因为这些年里我一次都没行使过会员的权力。” Said that this, Feng Bujue stopped slightly for two seconds, said: „, Right, another issue in your heart, I can also tell you......” him to meet to say easely, you are certainly thinking, even if I really bet sovereign buddhist assembly, but between the member and member still not necessarily knew, how I know your status?” 说完这句,封不觉稍微停顿了两秒,又道:“哦,对了,你心中的另一个问题,我也可以告诉你……”他悠然接道,“你一定在想,即使我真的是赌皇斋会员,但会员与会员之间也未必认识,我又是怎么知道你的身份的呢?” Jiang Daode has not spoken, looks at the screen silently, is waiting for the Jue Bro answer, 蒋道德没说话,默默地看着屏幕,等待着觉哥的答案、 Hehe...... actually, that is also the unexpected benefit.” Feng Bujue said that „, when I to your private life and personal background investigate, discovers you accidentally and a 20 years ago missing case related......, therefore, I looked for several with the source who I am on very good terms( Bao Qing), the accent took some then materials, and inferred the long and short of the story...... he to tilt the head probably, referred to Jiang Daode by the display board, you at all were not Jiang Daode.” “呵呵……其实,那也是意外收获。”封不觉道,“当我对你的私生活以及个人历史做调查的时候,无意中发现你和二十年前的一桩失踪案有关……于是,我找了个几个和我交情不错的消息人士(包青),调取了当时的一些资料,并大概推理出了来龙去脉……”他歪着头,透过视频屏指了指蒋道德,“你根本不是蒋道德。” These words exit|to speak flickers, Jiang Daode seemed by a vat hot oil pouring in forehead, the whole person was startled to jump. 这句话出口的一瞬,蒋道德好似被一缸热油浇中了脑门儿,整个人都惊得跳了起来。 If I have not guessed that wrong......” Feng Bujue then said that in the past, true Jiang Daode and you bet one game, and lost own all.” “如果我没猜错的话……”封不觉接着说道,“当年,真正的蒋道德和你赌了一局,并输掉了自己的‘一切’。” You...... you......” this Jiang Daode this time had been surrounded by frightened completely, the tremendous pressure makes him speak becomes afraid to say a word. “你……你到底……”这个“蒋道德”此时已完全被恐惧所包围,巨大的心理压力让他说起话来变得吞吞吐吐。 „After gambling house finished, bet the sovereign room to process the Jiang Daode corpse, and arranged the cosmetic surgery of secret for you. A year later, they arranged a traffic accident, solved parents of Jiang Daode in South Korea. Then, you then obtained his status, school record, appearance and heritage...... in brief are the entire life.” Feng Bujue is still saying, „, but your oneself...... became one missing population, I said right? Feng......” “赌局结束后,赌皇斋处理掉了蒋道德的尸体,并为你安排了秘密的整容手术。一年后,他们又安排了一场车祸,解决掉了蒋道德远在韩国的父母。如此一来,你便得到了他的身份、学历、容貌、遗产……总之就是整个人生。”封不觉还在说着,“而你自己……则成了一个‘失踪人口’,我说的没错吧?冯……” Sufficed!” At present this Jiang Daode has not made Feng Bujue come out his original name report, he shouted hastily, you......” he stared Jue Bro one, immediately referred to Ouyang Jian, „...... also had you! You best make clear itself are having to do with whom!” “够了!”眼前这个“蒋道德”没让封不觉把他原先的名字报出来,他连忙喝道,“你……”他瞪了觉哥一眼,随即又指了指欧阳笕,“……还有你!你们最好搞清楚自己是在和谁打交道!” Snort...... is this meaningless threat? How? Do you also want to eliminate a potential informant inadequately me?” Feng Bujue said, with all due respect, I think you have not exercised the violent guts and ability personally, if you want to use other means that you although as one likes. I want to take a look...... to fight with me but actually, is you predeceases or I predeceases, Hehehehe......” this saying spoke of finally, on his face has revealed has let the smile that the person was afraid. “哼……又是这种毫无意义的恐吓吗?怎么着?你还想把我灭口不成?”封不觉道,“恕我直言,我想你并没有亲自行使暴力的胆量和能力,如果你想用别的办法,那你尽管自便。我倒想看看……跟我斗,到底是你先死还是我先死,呵呵呵呵……”这话说到最后,他的脸上已露出了让人不寒而栗的笑容。 You......” Jiang Daode sat on the boss chair, the whole body shivered is staring at the screen, asked that actually...... wants how?” “你……”蒋道德重新坐回了老板椅上,浑身颤抖着盯着屏幕,问道,“……究竟想怎么样?” I said...... is only and you plays a game.” Feng Bujue said, I had called prison betting, the person arrives at us to start.” “我说了……只是和你玩个游戏而已。”封不觉道,“我已经叫了‘监赌者’了,人一到我们就开始。” Thump thump thump- 咚咚咚- Really said that Cao Cao Cao Cao, finishes barely the words, the gate of chairman room was sounded exactly. 真是说曹操曹操就到,话音未落,董事长室的门恰好被敲响了。 I come.” Ouyang Jian is saying, while stands up from the chair, moved toward the entrance. “我来吧。”欧阳笕一边说着,一边从椅子上站起,走向了门口。 Jiang Daode this little while was not in no mood to go to manages these, a series of sudden spiritual attack made his thought stir one group of messes. 蒋道德这会儿也没心情去管这些了,一系列突如其来的精神打击让他的思维搅成了一团乱麻。 Bang- 嘭- After the rappers enter the room, Ouyang Jian waves the arms about to close. 敲门者进屋后,欧阳笕就甩手关上了门。 This future, is a man who wears the tinted Chinese-style clothing, he looks at 30 years old high and low, the short hair that the top of the head the gloss is sparkling, combs the long hair combed straight back, on the foot wears cloth shoes, not to have the sock. 这位来者,是一名身着浅色唐装的男人,他看着三十岁上下,头顶着油光闪闪的短发、梳成背头,脚上穿一双布鞋、没有袜子。 Mr. Jiang, hello/you good. We met.” Enters the room, before this arrives at the desk directly, greets with Jiang Daode. “蒋先生,你好。咱们又见面了。”一进屋,这位就径直走到办公桌前,跟“蒋道德”打了个招呼。 How you are......” Jiang Daode want to ask that a security of building saw how his modeling makes him come up, but words exit|to speak half a word, he thought that are many this one to ask, „...... considers as finished, when I have not said.” He, hello/you good, nine gentlemen......” “你是怎么……”蒋道德本想问一楼的保安看到他这个造型是怎么让他上来的,但话出口半句,他就觉得是多此一问,“……算了,当我没说吧。”他顿了顿,“你好,九条先生……” Obviously, this prison betting- nine, the first time is not the gambling house that manages this Jiang Daode mister to participate. 很显然,这位监赌者-九条,已不是第一次来主持有这位“蒋道德”先生所参与的赌局了。 I was honored...... nine to say really, looked at the suitcase on table, and is looking at the screen say/way, never member Mr. Feng that requested us to serve, today also contacts prison betting unexpectedly, moreover explicitly expressed that...... please choose one quite ripe prison betting to come with Mr. Jiang.” “我真是荣幸呢……”九条说着,将视线投向了桌上的手提箱,并望着屏幕道,“从来不要求我们服务的会员封先生,今天竟然也联络了监赌者,而且还明确表示……‘请选一个和蒋先生比较熟的监赌者’来。” hears word, Jiang Daode cannot help but looked at Jue Bro one, hangs the strange smile on this boy face is really more looks terrifyingly...... 闻言,蒋道德又不由自主地看了觉哥一眼,挂在这小子脸上的诡异笑容真是越看越恐怖…… I felt, looks prison betting that he knows to come is quite convenient, so as to avoid he suspected that I asked a friend to pretend to be to bet the person in sovereign room casually.” Feng Bujue complied with one, then meets saying that ok, nine gentlemen, my time were not many, since you arrived, how I did start to speak the rule?” “我只是觉得,找一个他认识的监赌者来比较省事,免得他怀疑我随便找了个朋友去冒充赌皇斋的人。”封不觉应了一句,便接道,“行了,九条先生,我时间不多,既然你到场了,我开始讲规则怎么样?” Slow!” Jiang Daode drinks immediately loudly, hits to block the way, you do not arrive, how to start the gambling house?” “慢着!”蒋道德立刻高声一喝,打断道,“你本人不到场,怎么开始赌局?” „...... This has anything not.” Feng Bujue shrugs to say with a smile, „, so long as I ‚not on the scene this matter and to betting in the content has not caused in the rule any to my advantageous factor, why not?” “呵……这有什么不可以的。”封不觉耸肩笑道,“只要我‘不在场’这件事在规则和对赌内容上并未导致任何对我有利的因素,有何不可?” He said right.” Nine meet saying that does not have the stipulation to gamble both sides to be able to start the gambling house face-to-face, long-distance we often meets to the situation of gambling, if in the rule has the loophole to make him drill, I will not make the gambling house start.” “他说得对。”九条接道,“没有规定赌博双方一定要面对面才能开始赌局,远程对赌的情况我们经常遇到,如果规则上有漏洞可以让他钻,我不会让赌局开始的。” Jiang Daode also hesitated for several seconds, immediately said: „One side good...... the rule first to put, you first said that what...... you do want to bet with me?” 蒋道德又犹豫了几秒,随即道:“好……规则先放一边,你先说……你想跟我赌什么?”
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