TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#887: Gambling house

On November 8, 8 : 00 am. 十一月 8 日,早晨 8 点。 Feng Bujue finished the early morning running, took the pie cruller and soybean milk on the way, goes home. 封不觉结束了晨跑,顺路捎了点儿大饼油条和豆浆,回到了家中。 Eh? gets up.” When he enters the living room, discovered that Ruoyu is sitting in front of his computer, a face looks at anything earnestly. 诶?起啦。”他走进客厅时,发现若雨正坐在他的电脑前,一脸认真地看着什么。 After "Ah?...... ” saw Jue Bro, Ruoyu some hurry complied with one, the joining-up said, I had a look at the homepage casually......” “啊?啊……”见了觉哥后,若雨有些慌忙地应了一声,并接道,“我随便看看网页……” I also had not asked that you are looking at anything.” Feng Bujue moved a stool to sit down to Ruoyu side unemotionally, and placed on the breakfast the computer table, which type was your having a guilty conscience appearance to make?” “我又没问你正在看什么。”封不觉面无表情地搬了张凳子到若雨身旁坐下,并把早餐放在了电脑桌上,“你那副做贼心虚的样子是闹哪样啊?” Who......” Ruoyu said that the time sound of this first character is very high, but her short distance after on Jue Bro look, does not immediately have the energy, „...... was a thief......” “谁……”若雨说这第一字的时候声音还挺高的,但她近距离对上觉哥的眼神后,立刻就没了底气,“……做贼了……” „It is not peeps my retaining the draft, you that peeped to think that before several times I don't know?” Feng Bujue smiles is meeting saying that actually you must look favored, to be why stealthy.” “不就是偷看我的存稿吗,你之前那几次偷看以为我不知道么?”封不觉微笑着接道,“其实你要看就看好了,干嘛鬼鬼祟祟的。” How you...... you know before me, has looked?” Some Ruoyu doubts asked. “你……你怎么知道我之前也有看过?”若雨有些疑惑地问道。 Actually I do not know.” Feng Bujue shrugs saying that „those words cheated you a moment ago, but I know now.” “其实我不知道。”封不觉耸肩道,“刚才那句话只是诈你而已,不过现在我知道了。” Un......” Ruoyu empty eye, is staring at Feng Bujue with a ten points not happy look, but she cannot think that should say anything. “嗯……”若雨虚起眼,用一种十分不愉快的眼神凝视着封不觉,但她想不到该说什么。 „...... The line, has the breakfast.” Feng Bujue as if enjoys this type very much sexually harassing the Heroine Li process, but he also selects to stops, happen to can while eating thing time has a look at confrontation of next round.” “呵……行啦,吃早饭吧。”封不觉似乎很享受这种“调戏”黎女侠的过程,不过他也是点到即止,“正好可以趁着吃东西的时候看看下一轮的对阵情况。” He very natural tore the topic, and rapid received the mouse from the Ruoyu hand, selected the Dream Corporation official site. 他很自然地扯开了话题,并迅速从若雨手中接过鼠标,点开了梦公司的官网。 Although the speed of Jue Bro is good, the server that Dream Corporation uses is also very good, but turns on the Dream Corporation homepage at present this time, can a little card...... 虽然觉哥家的网速不错,梦公司用的服务器也很不错,但在眼下这个时间点去打开梦公司的网页,还是会有点卡…… S2 semi-finals projects on the current this stage, the other teams only then 64, can say competition almost that...... goes are two contends, the anticipation is full. S2的复赛打到当前这个阶段,余下的队伍就只有64支了,可以说……接下去的比赛几乎场场都是两强相争,看点十足。 Therefore, when 8 : 00 just passed, without doubt has the Internet users of capacity for alcohol „the third round of confrontation list that” pay attention is coming freshly. 因此,在八点刚过的时候,无疑有海量的网民正在关注着新鲜出炉的“第三轮对阵列表”。 In Oh~ remaining teams various ripe faces.” After more than ten seconds, the confrontation chart on homepage renovates, Feng Bujue swept one, said such a. “哦哦~剩下的队伍里各种熟面孔啊。”等了十几秒后,网页上的对阵图才刷新出来,封不觉只是扫了一眼,就说了这么一句。 Our opponents are......” Ruoyu in the chart is first searching them Hell Front the confrontation information, „......,...... she fixes the eyes on here looks, is...... Team One Corpse Blade......” “我们的对手是……”若雨则是在图中优先搜索着他们“地狱前线”的对阵信息,“……嗯,在这儿……”她定睛一看,“是……‘尸刀一番队’吗……” Ha.....” Feng Bujue rips open the cruller on hand, while said with a smile, we and Corpse Blade were really also predestined friends, three competitions met twice, moreover respectively was others two teams and one team.” 哈……”封不觉一边撕开手上的油条,一边笑道,“咱们和尸刀还真是有缘呢,三场比赛遇到两次,而且分别是人家的二队和一队。” Thanks to you can also exhibit this relaxed appearance to come......” Ruoyu to receive a section of cruller from Jue Bro, before forcing in the mouth, discussed, „...... you have not ended at the matter that first in round does make? Then good...... in the following 16 hours, that side Corpse Blade definitely the meeting wants completely all means exerts pressure on you and Qinqin, so long as can you take away even if a wee bit psychological influences...... they also calculated successfully.” “亏你还能摆出这副轻松的样子来……”若雨觉哥手上接过一截油条,塞进嘴里之前,念道,“……你在第一轮里闹出的事情还没完吧?这下好了……接下来的16个小时里,尸刀那边肯定会想尽一切办法对你和琴琴施压,只要能给你们带去哪怕一丁点心理上的影响……他们也算成功了。” However...... they are doomed to be defeated.” Feng Bujue meets saying that „, because this I plan to let the Eldest Miss An substitute, even if she by the opposite party exploding with rage, will not affect the competition.” He shrugs to say with a smile, „...... you understands as for me my.” “然而……他们注定会失败的。”封不觉接道,“因为这场我打算让安大小姐替补,就算她被对方给气炸了,也不会影响到比赛。”他耸肩笑道,“至于我呢……你了解我的。” Yes, even if others told you, tomorrow you will die, will not affect your today's competition condition was right?” Ruoyu meets to say. “是啊,就算人家告诉你,明天你就会死掉,也不会影响你今天的比赛状态对吧?”若雨接道。 That not necessarily......” Feng Bujue drank a soybean milk, shot a look at Ruoyu one, „, if I know that own tomorrow will die, I will not likely use the time at the competition.” “那倒未必……”封不觉喝了口豆浆,瞥了若雨一眼,“如果我知道自己明天会死,我很可能就不会把时间用在比赛上了。” Do not stare at me with the look that this color narrows the eyes.” Ruoyu looked that has not looked at Jue Bro, then coldly complains. “不要用这种色眯眯的眼神盯着我。”若雨看都没看觉哥,便冷冷地吐了个槽。 Good......” Jue Bro sipped the lip, turned away , the topic one and changed, „...... the work of research enemy side competition video recording was made by me according to the convention.” He, finish breakfast I registered the game( to look that in the game world records is more effective, moreover Jue Bro can use him in the ultra brain of data world fast observation and analysis), before words that eight times fast look at...... noon should be able to look their competitions most.” “好吧……”觉哥抿了下嘴唇,将视线移开了,也将话题一并转移了,“按照惯例……研究敌方比赛录像的工作还是由我来做。”他顿了顿,“吃完早饭我就登录游戏(在游戏世界看录像更有效率,而且觉哥可以用他在数据世界的超脑速去观察和分析),用八倍速看的话……中午以前应该就能把他们的比赛看完大半了。” Was laborious you......” Ruoyu saying that took up the plastic cup, drank soybean milk in the cup with the straw, immediately met saying that I am all right today, the lunch I did.” “辛苦你了……”若雨说着,拿起塑料杯子,用吸管喝了口杯中的豆浆,随即接道,“我今天没什么事,午饭我来做吧。” Ok ~ a Feng Bujue shifty eyes bead revolution, takes advantage of opportunity to meet saying that „after otherwise......, on the play day, prepares food by you.” “行啊~”封不觉贼眼珠子一转,顺势接道,“要不然……以后每逢比赛日,都由你来做饭吧。” Ok.” Ruoyu returns said that theoretically, except tomorrow's 0 : 00 that even if we kill the finals, many still five competitions. Besides these five food, this year completely how are the remaining days under the charge to you?” “可以啊。”若雨回道,“理论上来说,除去明天零点那场,就算我们一路杀进决赛,最多也还有五场比赛罢了。除了这五顿饭之外,今年剩下的日子里全部由你负责如何?” Listens to this meaning...... you at least to need , here lives by the end of the year......” donkey of Feng Bujue under taking advantage of the slope, the probe asked compare the issue that is interested. “听这意思……你至少要在我这儿住到年底啊……”封不觉借坡下驴,试探地问了个自己比较感兴趣的问题。 How long I love how long.” Ruoyu coldly to say. “我爱住多久就多久。”若雨冷冷回道。 hey hey...... this saying should...... Jue Bro by my master empty focus to say probably, „, although I also rent here......” 喂喂……这话好像应该由我这个主人来说吧……”觉哥虚着眼道,“虽然我也只是租住在这里罢了……” Since you also said...... that I am occupied by till you to purchase homes.” Ruoyu meets to say. “既然你也这么说了……那我就住到你买房为止吧。”若雨接道。 I purchase homes that house that you bring in me to buy again......” the Feng Bujue corners of the mouth to twitch was discussing. “我买了房你再搬进我买的那套房子是吧……”封不觉嘴角抽动着念道。 That must look at the situation.” Ruoyu said. “那得看情况了。”若雨道。 What situation?” Feng Bujue meets to say. “什么情况?”封不觉接道。 If you display, perhaps to you purchase homes...... me can consider that also writes about on my name your title to the house.” Ruoyu speaking of here , should not be excessive, such calculates, the house was not your, my half.” “如果你表现好,到你买房的时候……也许我可以考虑把我的名字也写到你的房产证上。”若雨说到这儿,也不知怎地别过了头去,“那样算来,房子就不是你一个人的了,还有我的一半。” Hou ~, however, Feng Bujue's responded that was actually...... stares in a big way the eye, said with the make complaints tone, was similar you to occupy I half of property rights to enjoy my face white/in vain?” “嚯~”然而,封不觉的反应却是……瞪大了眼睛,用吐槽的口吻道,“仿佛你白占我一半的产权还是赏我脸了哈?” Obviously, wise Jue Bro, in this crucial point, has not actually listened to Ruoyu this saying the overtones. 很显然,聪明一世的觉哥,在这个节骨眼上,却是没有听出若雨这话的弦外之音。 I ate to the full.” After two seconds, Ruoyu puts down the breakfast that leftovers, moved toward the room, I change clothes to go out to do grocery shopping, you as one likes.” “我吃饱了。”两秒后,若雨就搁下吃剩的早点,走向了房间,“我换套衣服出去买菜,你自便吧。” The words have not said, the person has entered the bedroom, the gate is also taken. 话没说完,人已进了卧室,门也被带上了。 Most of the time...... you appear very intelligent meow ~ at this time, Hazas several meters away with a helpless tone, turns away from Jue Bro saying that „, but sometimes, you are stupid make one want to pull out you.” “大多数时候……你都显得很聪明喵~”这时,数米外的阿萨斯用一种无奈的语气,背对着觉哥说道,“但有些时候,你蠢得让人想抽你。” Ha?” Feng Bujue said that I how?” “哈?”封不觉道,“我又怎么了?” Your oneself ponder over slowly meow.” Hazas is saying, jumps down from the sofa, gradually moved toward the bathroom, do not come to ask that I...... I must be quick by you anxiously **.” “你自己慢慢琢磨吧喵。”阿萨斯说着,从沙发上跳了下来,缓步走向了卫生间,“别来问我……我被你急得都快**了。” This cat treated in the Jue Bro family/home for a long time, the make complaints skill obviously grew perceptibly, she was saying this saying, ran in the bathroom, took the gate along the tail. 这猫在觉哥家里待久了,吐槽功力明显见长,她说着这话,就跑进了卫生间,顺尾带上了门。 This...... is losing what temper......” Feng Bujue to shrug, talked over one , to continue to look at his homepage...... “这一个个儿的……都在发什么神经……”封不觉耸耸肩,念叨了一句,继续看他的网页…… ............ ………… That night 10 : 00, Corpse Blade Studio, chairman room. 当夜十点,尸刀工作室,董事长室。 Is raising the suitcase, the man of suit and dress shoes, visited here in this at night...... 一个提着手提箱,西装革履的男人,在这个夜晚造访了这里…… But sits is waiting for him in the chairman room, naturally is Corpse Blade boss. 而坐在董事长室里等待着他的,自然就是尸刀的“老板”了。 Corpse Blade the chairman named Jiang Daode, 45 years old, S City native. At age 14 with the parents migrated to the overseas, latter graduated from Seoul National University ; After the graduation, he then returns to the domestic undertaking, had also been elected as the provincial-level ten big outstanding youth. 尸刀的这位董事长名叫蒋道德,四十五岁,S市本地人。14岁时随父母移居海外,后毕业于首尔大学;毕业后他便返回国内创业,曾经还当选过省级的十大杰出青年。 Present he, is the well-known entrepreneur, is one of the domestic games industry period of expansion that batch of trail blazers. 如今的他,是知名企业家,也算是国内游戏行业发展期的那批先驱者之一。 But who can think, such a personal history is attractive, ability is good, the net worth over hundred million, even name very patriotic men...... have an unknown special status. 但谁又能想到,这样一个履历光鲜、能力不俗、身家过亿、连名字都很爱国的男人……还有着一个不为人知的特殊身份。 Actually don't I know the significance of this meeting where? Mr. Ouyang.” Jiang Daode looks to sit in desk opposite Ouyang Jian, pulls a long face saying that I think my secretary has transmitted to you very much explicitly, about the dispute between trustee and Corpse Blade, you should communicate with the legal department of our company, even if you asked me...... unable to change anything.” “我不知道这次会面的意义究竟何在?欧阳先生。”蒋道德看着坐在办公桌对面的欧阳笕,绷着脸道,“我想我的秘书已经很明确地向你传达过了,关于你那名委托人和尸刀之间的纠纷,你应该跟我们公司的法务部门去沟通,即使你来找我……也改变不了什么。” Mr. Jiang, I thinks that you have misunderstood.” Although Ouyang Jian was younger than more than ten years old Jiang Daode, but that calm bearing is actually as good at present this middle-aged person, I today here, but was held by my trustee, takes thing to you.” He is saying, placing the suitcase on right hand rimland blanket took, suspended on the him and Jiang Daode table between. “蒋先生,我想您是有所误会了。”欧阳笕虽比蒋道德年轻了十几岁,但那份从容的气度却是丝毫不逊于眼前这名中年人,“我今天来这儿,只是受我那位委托人所托,捎一件东西给你。”他说着,就把放在右手边地毯上的手提箱拿了起来,摆到了他和蒋道德之间的桌上。 Jiang Daode sees that the look changes, but he has not displayed any to be flurried ; He also understands that...... this is not making the movie, the opposite party always not necessarily raises a bomb to see itself. 蒋道德见状,神色微变,不过他也没有表现出任何慌乱来;他心里也明白……这又不是在拍电影,对方总不见得提着个炸弹来见自己。 Quick, Ouyang Jian opened that suitcase, inside the box lid that and will turn on aimed at Jiang Daode. The latter catches the eye looks, then discovery box lid in-line display ; Moreover at this moment, on this display...... aplanatic a face of man. 很快,欧阳笕就打开了那个手提箱,并将开启的箱盖内侧对准了蒋道德。后者抬眼一看,便发现箱盖内嵌着个显示器;而且此刻,这显示器上……正映着一个男人的脸。 What is this?” Jiang Daode is asking, while took out a cigar from the cigar box on table, and places the tip of the nose to smell, who are you?” “这是什么意思?”蒋道德一边问着,一边从桌上的雪茄盒里取出了一支雪茄,并放在鼻尖闻了闻,“你是谁?” Who I am, you are very clear.” Feng Bujue on screen is tilting the head, looks at Jiang Daode to return with an expression of faint smile said. “我是谁,你很清楚。”屏幕上的封不觉歪着头,用一种似笑非笑的表情望着蒋道德回道。 Mr. Ouyang.” Jiang Daode is holding appreciatively the cigar in hand, and shot a look at Ouyang Jian one, this is your trustee?” He does not wait for Ouyang Jian to reply, sneers, meets saying that „...... he does want to come to ask favor to me through the form of video call?” “欧阳先生。”蒋道德把玩着手中的雪茄,并瞥了欧阳笕一眼,“这位就是你的委托人吧?”他也不等欧阳笕回答,就冷笑一声,接道,“呵……难道他是想通过视频通话的形式来向我求情吗?” Ouyang Jian hears word, smiles not to speak. 欧阳笕闻言,笑而不语。 I want to play a game with you.” After two seconds, Feng Bujue said that you can regard it are...... a gambling house.” “我只是想跟你玩个游戏而已。”两秒后,还是封不觉接话了,“你可以将其当成是……一场赌局。” Hears gambling house these two word-time, in the eye of Jiang Daode obviously flashes through different glow, but in his surface returns calmly said: Young people, I am very busy, my greater part of the night stays in the company not to go home, to not accompany you plays the game.” He uses an elder to lecture the later generation tone to discuss, I do not know you think this is doing, but I urged your one...... to cultivate the behavior am conscientious, was not everyone can accompany you to play these weak bored tricks.” 听到“赌局”这两个字时,蒋道德的眼中明显闪过一丝异芒,不过他表面上还是不动声色地回道:“年轻人,我很忙,我大半夜的留在公司不回家,可不是为了陪你玩游戏的。”他用一种长辈训导后辈般的语气念道,“我不知道你自以为这是在干什么,但我劝你一句……做人还是脚踏实地一点,不是人人都会来陪你玩那些幼稚无聊的把戏的。” Spoke these words, Jiang Daode planned that puts out a hand to close that suitcase. 说完这段话,蒋道德就打算伸手去关上那个手提箱。 But...... 但…… Mr. Jiang.” The Feng Bujue's corners of the mouth hung up smiled evilly, and met to say rapidly, as far as I know...... in recent years, you haven't gone home?” “蒋先生。”封不觉的嘴角挂上了邪笑,并迅速接道,“据我所知……最近几年,你都没怎么回过‘家’了吧?” The hand of Jiang Daode stiffened, the look also changed. 蒋道德的手僵住了,眼神也变了。 For example tonight, even if you have not stayed in the company, will not return so-called family/home goes to......” Feng Bujue to say with a smile, „, although your wife is old yet still graceful, to that several ages obviously the woman but who you can become the daughter favors......” “比如今晚,即使你没有留在公司,也不会回所谓的‘家’去吧……”封不觉笑道,“虽然尊夫人风韵犹存,但您显然对那几名年龄可以当自己女儿的女士更为青睐啊……” Feng Bujue!” Jiang Daode is staring the screen with the ice-cold manner, „do you also dislike oneself that mouth to stir up troublesome insufficiently? I told you...... to speak the best limelight discretion, people like me, if wanted to put in order you, with pinched an ant to be similar!” 封不觉!”蒋道德用冰冷的神态瞪着屏幕,“你还嫌自己那张嘴惹得麻烦不够多是吗?我告诉你……说话最好注意点分寸,像我这样的人,如果想要整你,就跟去捏死一只蚂蚁差不多!” You altogether have hotel in all directions in S City, a registration under your personal name, is your wife and father-in-law mother-in-law lives at present together.” Feng Bujue disregards the threat of opposite party, then said that „, but another three...... register respectively in the name of three young woman. Recently in these 67 years , as well as your son came back that days of visiting relatives besides meeting year enmity, you will not basically return your family/home passed the night.” “你在S市共有四处宅邸,其中一处登记在你本人名下的,目前是你老婆和岳父岳母一起住着。”封不觉无视对方的恐吓,接着说道,“而另外三处……分别登记在三名年轻女性的名下。最近这六七年里,除了逢年过节、以及你儿子回来探亲的那段日子之外,你基本上都不会回自己的‘家’去过夜。” I warned that you......” Jiang Daode does not respond the Jue Bro words, he uses the finger to point at the screen, glowers saying that „...... do not think what public figure you wrote a third-class novel are, can I make you take to the streets to beg for food to believe in six months?” “我警告你……”蒋道德也不搭理觉哥的话,他用手指指着屏幕,怒目而视道,“……别以为你写个三流小说就是什么公众人物了,我能让你半年之内上街要饭信不信?” „......” The Feng Bujue happy expression, continues to disregard the opposite party, meets saying that naturally, now this way of the world...... entrepreneur like you, ** 234 anything, that was also the matter of being unalarmed by strange sights ; Transaction that the law...... this your sentiment I hope, being insufficient makes you be involved in a lawsuit.” The words to here, his tone change, un......, but I heard that...... Mr. Jiang you were considering recently probably takes part in government......, if side you in campaigning for such and such to represent, in the processes of such and such committee member...... to expose that to plant flowers the news, affecting is not quite good?” “呵……”封不觉笑意更甚,继续无视对方,接道,“当然了,如今这世道……像你这样的企业家,**个二三四房什么的,那也是见怪不怪的事情了;法律上来说……这种你情我愿的交易,也不至于让你吃官司。”话至此处,他语气一变,“嗯……但我听说……蒋先生你最近好像正考虑去从政啊……假如你在竞选某某代表、某某委员的过程中……曝出那种花边新闻来,影响就不太好了吧?” Mr. Ouyang!” The Jiang Daode stand, looked to Ouyang Jian, „did you hear? Your trustee what is this? Extorts?” “欧阳先生!”蒋道德站了起来,看向欧阳笕,“你都听到了吧?你的委托人这是什么意思?敲诈勒索?” Hehe......” Ouyang Jian chuckle two, a moment ago, if he said is also extorts, then Mr. Jiang your torments to death you is the attempted murder, but that six months made you beg for food to threaten.” “呵呵……”欧阳笕轻笑两声,“如果他刚才所说的也算是敲诈勒索,那么蒋先生你那句‘整死你’就是谋杀未遂、而那句‘半年内让你要饭’则是恐吓了。” Jiang Daode was said by Ouyang Jian a few words has nothing to say in reply, facing this disputes at present stick and video another lunatic, he wants can be in the upper hand by the logic and language in the negotiation obviously to be impossible...... 蒋道德欧阳笕一句话就说得无言以对,面对眼前这个讼棍和视频另一头的疯子,他想靠逻辑和语言在交涉中占得上风显然是不可能的…… Ok, Mr. Jiang, making us speak frankly.” At this time, Feng Bujue opened the mouth once again, first, in that cigar sound recording installment your hand closed/pass......” “好了,蒋先生,让我们打开天窗说亮话吧。”这时,封不觉又一次开口了,“首先,把你手上那个雪茄型的录音装置关了吧……” Such remarks, Jiang Daode is startled immediately. 此言一出,蒋道德当即一怔。 Only if...... you want to make us the talk content reveal to the public a moment ago, or is you really planned that puts the mouth to tic to look that gadget......” Feng Bujue meets to say with a smile. “除非……你想让我们刚才的谈话内容公之于众,或者是你真打算把那玩意儿搁进嘴里抽抽看……”封不觉笑着接道。 Snort......” Jiang Daode cold snort/hum, although he does not know how Jue Bro sees through this to record cigar, but since has exposed, he also can only break off discarding this gadget angrily. “哼……”蒋道德冷哼一声,虽然他并不知道觉哥是如何看穿这“录音雪茄”的,但既然已经暴露了,他也只能愤然地将这玩意儿折断了扔掉。 Very good, then...... allows us to enter the subject.” Jue Bro put in order the look, meets to say with deep veneration, my time are not much, before 12 points, I also want login to play to play the competition, therefore...... listened...... to bet sovereign room member- Mr. Jiang Daode,...... between you and me, will then have an official gambling house.” “很好,那么……让我们进入正题吧。”觉哥整了整神色,肃然接道,“我的时间不多,十二点以前我还要登陆游戏去打比赛,所以……听好了……‘赌皇斋’会员-蒋道德先生,接下来……你我之间,将会有一场正式的赌局。”
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