TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#886: Warring States...... one team?

After one hour, wood and stone army headquarters. 一小时后,木石部队指挥部。 This what's the matter!” Ted is sweating profusely paces in the headquarters back and forth, „before why their combat plans, reaches an agreement complete different?” He is saying, while grasped a collar of signals operator, exclaimed loudly. “这到底是怎么回事!”泰德满头大汗地在指挥部中来回踱步,“为什么他们的作战计划和之前商量好的完全不一样?”他一边说着,一边抓起了一名通讯兵的衣领,大声吼道。 Long...... Senior Officer......” that signals operator is also unjust, this...... we do not know.” „The content that he, that side wiretap device transmitted...... you also heard with one's own ears, possibly was not we transmits contains errors.” “长……长官……”那名通讯兵也是冤枉,“这……我们也不知道啊。”他顿了顿,“窃听器那边传来的内容……您也亲耳听到了啊,又不可能是我们传达有误。” Wiretap device......” hears these three characters, Ted then seemed thought of anything, right! Is the wiretap device!” He showed the violent anger expression suddenly, right...... certainly is this! Was that group of bastards deceived me! What outsider? They clearly are the spies who advantage arrow that side sends!” “窃听器……”一听到这三个字,泰德便好似想到了什么,“对了!就是窃听器!”他忽然露出了暴怒的表情,“没错……一定是这样的!是那帮混蛋骗了我!什么‘异界旅客’?他们分明是‘利箭’那边派来的奸细!” ............ ………… At the same time, in jungle. 同一时刻,密林之中。 Team leader, I thought how long this group of NPC could not have supported, has not tightened while the encirclement ring of present enemy side, we removed...... to return to there the headquarters, perhaps hope of overturn.” Is hiding behind a bunker trades Imagawa Righteousness of bullet, is giving Toyotomi Peace to give advice with quite anxiety. “队长,我看这帮NPC已经撑不了多久了,趁现在敌方的包围圈还没收紧,咱们自己撤了吧……等回到指挥部那儿,说不定还有翻盘的希望。”正躲在一个掩体后方换子弹的今川义,怀着颇为焦急的心情在给身旁的丰臣平支招。 At this time, Warring States two teams of four team members just and troops of one team of wood and stones were stranded in the firepower network of enemy together, although the players have no life risk temporarily, but the sergeants of these wood and stones are the loss have basically decided. 此时,战国二队的四名队员正和一队木石的人马一起被困在了敌军的火力网中,虽然玩家们暂时还没有什么性命之虞,但那些木石的军士们基本是败势已定。 Strange...... this situation was not right......” the Toyotomi Peace stern-faced color, what in the heart has detected faintly, but is actually not able to determine, Imagawa...... you installed the wiretap device time, meets what unusuality?” “奇怪……这情况不对啊……”丰臣平一脸凝重之色,心中已隐隐察觉到了什么,但却又无法确定,“今川……你去装窃听器的时候,有没有遇到什么异常?” Ha?” Imagawa gawked, what unusuality? No, entire sneaks the process is very smooth, moreover a team member of my Community has not met.” “哈?”今川愣了一下,“什么异常?没有啊,整个潜入过程都很顺利,而且我连一个废柴联盟的队员都没遇上。” Un......” Toyotomi Peace knits the brows the ponder, this......” he thought of anything suddenly, look changing suddenly, „!” “嗯……”丰臣平皱眉沉思,“这……”他忽地想到了什么,神色陡变,“难道!” Bang- 砰- An explosive interrupts his train of thought. 一声爆响将他的思绪打断。 Originally was the giant lizard army of advantage arrow army already imminently to more than ten meters beyond, started to use the short distance rocket launcher to attack. 原来是利箭军的巨蜥部队已迫近到了十余米之外,开始使用短程火箭炮进行攻击。 The wood and stone army was used to interdict the light beam weapon force field probably unable to shoulder that thing, suddenly several flying shuttles were hit person face upwards Chefan. 木石部队用来遮断光束武器的力场可扛不了那种东西,眨眼间又有数架飞梭被打得人仰车翻。 Team leader! Did not remove possibly remove!” Hojo Harmony sees that immediately urges one in side. “队长!再不撤可能就撤不掉了!”北条和见状,立刻在旁催了一句。 Yes, Team leader.” Tokugawa Loyalty also urged, here consumed to be no good to us, although we could not be victorious opposite these mechanized forces, but the population and firepower of opposite party cannot be underestimated and add on them more familiar with the terrain again...... really must pull open hitting, we must pay certain price inevitably.” “是啊,队长。”德川忠也劝道,“在这里耗下去对我们来说没有任何好处,虽然我们并不是打不过对面那些机械化部队,但对方的人数和火力都不容小觑、再加上他们对地形更为熟悉……真要拉开了打,我们必然也得付出一定的代价。” „............” Toyotomi Peace, although is the anxiety has not disappeared, but the situation does not allow him to consider at present too many, therefore he decided, „...... removes!” “嘁……也罢……”丰臣平虽是疑虑未消,但眼前形势已不容他考虑太多,所以他决定,“……撤!” ............ ………… The process that their four people evacuate has not experienced much hinders greatly, basically passed through the flank firepower network of enemy side easily. 他们四人撤离的过程并没有经历多大阻滞,基本上是轻而易举地就穿过了敌方的侧翼火力网。 This after all is one by the star that the technical end ability grows perceptibly, rather than rabbit rabbit star that type will emit the place that fist is wet comes to once for a while, by the individual operational capacity, the players has the overwhelming superiority. 这毕竟是一个以科技端能力见长的星球,而不是兔兔星那种时不时会冒出一个“拳湿”来的地方,以单兵作战能力而言,玩家们是有绝对优势的。 About after 20 minutes, Warring States two teams of four people returned to of wood and stone army. 大约二十分钟后,战国二队的四人就回到了木石部队的本部。 While they think when can recuperation, stage a comeback , greets their is actually...... 正当他们以为可以休整一番、卷土重来之时,没想到,迎接他们的却是…… Cannot move entirely!” “统统不许动!” Several bunches of major lights shine from the turrets in various base places, focused on Warring States two teams of four team members. 几束强光灯从基地各处的塔楼上照射过来,聚焦在了战国二队的四名队员身上。 The Ted sound also resounds from the loudspeaker: Snort...... your several do...... really have the courage to come back?” 泰德的声音也从广播喇叭中响起:“哼……你们几个……竟然还有胆子回来?” Ted Colonel......” the Toyotomi Peace startled anger happened simultaneously, but in the surface the pressure catches fire, the sinking sound said, what do you mean?” 泰德上校……”丰臣平惊怒交加,但表面上还是压着火,沉声说道,“你这是什么意思?” You also asked that what meaning I am?” Can hear, the Ted tone has a little gotten angry the feeling of extremely instead smiling, „, when the idiot plays must have a limit!” “你还问我是什么意思?”听得出来,泰德的语气已是有点怒极反笑的感觉了,“把人当白痴耍也要有个限度!” the sound along with his severity, the soldier who one crowd wears the light fight armor has been ready with the rifle firing four players encircles, several heavy firepower machine guns of high place have also used the laser to lock them. 伴随着他的厉喝声,一群身着轻型战斗装甲的士兵已端着枪将四名玩家团团围住,高处的几台重火力机枪也已用激光锁定了他们。 I must ask but actually in turn your several......” Ted has not waited for the opposite party to respond , to continue to ask through the broadcast, „...... goes out to ambush together the army that with you?” “我倒要反过来问问你们几个……”泰德还没等对方回应,就继续通过广播质问道,“……跟你们一起出去埋伏的部队呢?” This......” Toyotomi Peace hesitant a half second, returns said, „the enemy side changed the attack plan probably, causing us to encounter......” “这……”丰臣平犹豫半秒,回道,“敌方好像改变了攻击计划,导致我们遭到了……” „...... Instead ambushes right?” Ted simply had not planned that made him say the words, snatched to say directly, hehe...... that I asked your one again, since were instead hit an ambush, why my army died, your several did return safe and sound comes back?” “……反伏击对吗?”泰德根本没打算让他把话说完,直接抢道,“呵呵……那我再问你一句,既然是被反打了一次伏击,为什么我的部队都死完了,就你们几个毫发无伤地回来了?” Snort...... do you also want to make us give your army to be buried along with the dead?” At this time, Imagawa Righteousness could not bear finally, cold snort/hum was returning to one loudly. “哼……难道你还想让我们给你的部队陪葬吗?”这时,今川义终于是忍不住了,冷哼着大声回了一句。 Even if Toyotomi Peace wants to prevent his teammate to speak at a venture, still already late...... 即使丰臣平想要阻止他的队友乱说话,也已经晚了…… Naturally, things have gotten to this point, did Imagawa Righteousness speak these words, finally is the same. 当然了,事已至此,今川义说不说这句话,结果都是一样的。 Ha! Ha haha Ha.....” Ted laughs several, immediately the sudden revolutions smiles to scold, „your spies...... and advantage arrow that group of hybrids collaborate, acts in a play...... then to deceive to walk into a trap my subordinates before me.” He more said is more excited, finally became roaring, „, since you ask now, I told you...... the father to be you to give my army to be buried along with the dead!” Roars is roaring, he issued the instruction of attack, brothers! Executed them to me!” “哈!哈哈哈哈……”泰德大笑几声,随即又突然转笑为骂,“你们这几个奸细……和‘利箭’的那帮杂种联手,在我面前演戏……然后把我的手下们骗过去自投罗网。”他越说越激动,最后就成了咆哮,“既然你现在问了,那我就告诉你……老子就是要你们给我的部队陪葬!”吼着吼着,他就下达了进攻的指令,“弟兄们!给我毙了他们!” This Colonel does not conceal his warlord bandit conduct, behind that several lines are really full regards the feeling. 这位上校毫不掩饰他那种军阀土匪般的做派,后面那几句台词真是满满的既视感。 But in any event, the sergeants of wood and stone army eat this set very much. In addition spy this type of professional itself/Ben is the person sees the person to hate, therefore, the surrounding soldiers got down the extreme methods to Warring States two teams of four people without hesitation. 但无论如何,木石部队的军士们还是很吃这一套的。再加上“奸细”这种职业本就是人见人憎,于是,周围的士兵们毫不犹豫地就对战国二队的四人下了死手。 Pit-a-pat pit-a-pat- 突突突突- The sound of gunfire, the machine gun sound, crackle of gunfire and artillery sound...... various diverse and confused sounds were announcing had the innumerable strong firepower in a short time to start the general attack to that four players. 枪声、机枪声、炮声、火炮声……各种纷杂的响动宣告着有无数强劲的火力在很短的时间内对着那四名玩家发动了总攻击。 Even if the players has ability in every possible way, wants to move out from such besieging is not quite also realistic...... 纵然是玩家们有百般本领,想从这样的围攻下全身而退也是不太现实的…… ............ ………… After 40 minutes, near beach. 四十分钟后,海滩边。 Damn!” Breathed heavily Toyotomi Peace out of breath to sit falls on the sand beach, spat one wickedly. “该死!”喘得上气不接下气的丰臣平坐倒在了沙滩上,恶狠狠地啐了一声。 Escapes with him to here together, has injured Imagawa Righteousness, with had lost most Health Tokugawa Loyalty ; As for Hojo Harmony...... already very unfortunate hung in surrounding and capturing of these NPC, cannot successfully break through. 与他一同逃到此处来的,有受了轻伤的今川义,和已经损失了大半生存值德川忠;至于北条和……已然很不幸的在那些NPC的围捕中挂掉了,没能成功突围。 Team leader...... that Ted was Colonel the brain pulls out?” Imagawa Righteousness is also not happy discussed very, enemy army does change the tactics also to blame to our heads temporarily? The content that wiretap device that passes on is he himself hears, is not we make out of whole cloth, this can also say that is we and enemy sides is in cahoots, making us be a scapegoat?” “队长……那个泰德上校是脑抽了吧?”今川义也是十分不爽地念道,“敌方部队临时变阵也能怪到咱们头上来吗?窃听器那头传过来的内容是他自己听到的,又不是我们瞎编的,这也能说是我们和敌方串通,让我们背锅?” Fool!” Toyotomi Peace then shouted wickedly, wasn't clear? Our fell into trap!” “笨蛋!”丰臣平回头恶狠狠地喝道,“还不明白吗?咱们中计了!” Wha...... what?” Imagawa Righteousness was drunk by the team leader, is startled at the scene, but his a short time actually cannot think that was actually when the strategy. “什……什么?”今川义被队长一喝,当场怔住,但他一时半会儿的却也想不到究竟是何时中了计策。 You put the wiretap device time perhaps...... had been discovered.” At this time, nearby Tokugawa Loyalty sinking sound met to say. “你去放窃听器的时候……恐怕早就已经被发现了。”这时,一旁的德川忠沉声接道。 Nonsense!” Imagawa Righteousness cannot accept this is own responsibility, his high sound said, I am how possible......” “胡说八道!”今川义并不能接受这是自己的责任,他高声道,“我怎么可能……” How to be discovered possibly by us?” This flickers, a sound resounded from the distant place, joined their dialogue. “怎么可能会被我们发现?”这一瞬,一个声音自远处响起,加入了他们的对话。 Warring States two teams of remaining three people quickly set out, the alert looked following the sound. 战国二队剩下的三人急忙起身,戒备地循声而望。 Quick, they saw the person's shadow that four are riding the mechanical giant lizard left from jungle Bank of China one after another, arrived in the sand beach. 很快,他们就看到了四个骑着机械巨蜥的人影陆续从密林中行出,来到了沙滩上。 The future...... without doubt is four team members of Community. But that isn't that interrupted a moment ago who...... Honghu is? 来者……无疑就是废柴联盟的四名队员。而刚才插嘴的那位……不是鸿鹄又是何人? Chief Toyotomi, we met.” Honghu looks at Toyotomi Peace with smile on the face, opens the mouth to greet, remembers that previous time you had said...... the hope can have the opportunity to ask for advice in the competition actually below strategy, wants to come...... you to achieve wishes at present.” He is repeating the opposite party then words, meets to say with a smile, seems like...... me to be incessantly glib?” 丰臣队长,咱们又见面了。”鸿鹄面带微笑地看着丰臣平,开口打了个招呼,“记得上次你说过……希望能有机会在比赛中实际领教一下在下的智谋,想来……眼下你已如愿了。”他复述着对方当时的话语,笑着接道,“看起来……我不止是能说会道而已吧?” Snort......” Toyotomi Peace cold snort/hum one, your excellency strategy, Toyotomi was really asks for advice............” him to stand, looked angrily at Honghu saying that we have not lost!” “哼……”丰臣平冷哼一声,“阁下之谋略,丰臣确是领教到了……不过……”他站了起来,怒视鸿鹄道,“我们还没输呢!” „...... That is natural.” Honghu said that under when my arrange/cloth this game, guessed correctly wood and stone these people are impossible to extinguish you, can get rid of 1-2 to be good.” “啊……那是自然。”鸿鹄道,“我布下此局之时,就猜到了‘木石’那些人是不可能把你们全灭的,能干掉1-2就不错了。” You leave a layout, what did you do?” Imagawa Righteousness has not asked the question understands, therefore a little cannot keep up with the rhythm that these people talked. “你别一口一个布局的,你到底干了什么?”今川义还没把刚才的问题问明白,所以有点跟不上这几人谈话的节奏。 Hehe...... haven't I pour done.” Honghu smiles, raise hand aimed at oneself teammate, must say the merit, mainly his.” “呵呵……我倒也没干什么。”鸿鹄笑了笑,抬手指向了自己身旁的队友,“要说功劳,主要还是他的。” I also collected some information with the Summon lifeform.” Zhao Shadow King is met to say by Honghu is pointing at calm, these schemes and tricks are he think , there is nothing to do with me.” “我也只是用召唤生物收集了一些情报罢了。”被鸿鹄指着的曌影王淡定地接道,“那些阴谋诡计都是他想的,跟我无关。” „...... Your that time sneakingaction, had stared in briefby us at a time of the journey.” Honghu waited for two seconds, said to Imagawa Righteousness, why this is...... your action so will also be smooth, even the surface of several of us has not been seeing, had placed the wiretap device successfully.” “简而言之……你的那次‘潜入’行动,早在出行之际就已被我们盯上了。”鸿鹄等了两秒,又对今川义道,“这也是为什么……你的行动会如此顺利,连我们几个的面都没见着,就已成功安放了窃听器。” Imagawa Righteousness hears here, is just now suddenly enlighted. 今川义听到这里,方才恍然大悟。 Matter that later must handle, nothing but by wiretap device to lines.” Honghu then said that „, even if General Leef does not want to help, I alone use the voice change equipment to direct and perform can still complete.” He held the eyeglasses, is as expected, wood and stone that side commander believes these interception information, then fell into the trap ; When the matter develops in the bad direction, the Ted Colonel most important suspect inevitably is your several......, because your itself/Ben is the suspect who one crowd braves suddenly, not utmost believe ; Moreover...... the plan of entire wiretap device...... considers all the factors in words that is you proposes and implements, is not difficult to draw a conclusion- your four spy who is the advantage arrow sends out, performed in a good play in front of his Ted.” “之后要做的事情,无非就是在窃听器旁边对台词而已。”鸿鹄接着道,“就算里弗将军不想帮忙,我一个人用变声装置自导自演也可以完成。”他扶了扶眼镜,“不出所料,木石那边的指挥官相信了那些‘窃听所得的情报’,然后掉入了陷阱;而当事情朝着糟糕的方向发展时,泰德上校的首要怀疑对象必然就是你们几个……因为你们本就是一群忽然冒出来的可疑分子,不可尽信;而且……整个窃听器的计划都是你们主动提出并去实施的……综合考虑一下的话,不难得出一个结论-你们四个是利箭派出的间谍,在他泰德面前演了一场好戏。” Thwarts, stratagem of sowing discord, to murder with a borrowed knife......” Toyotomi Peace to stare at Honghu, at this moment, former's attitude instead returned to normal, good...... worthily is a resourceful general.” “将计就计、反间计、借刀杀人……”丰臣平凝望鸿鹄,这一刻,前者的态度反而恢复了平静,“好……不愧是智将。” Finishes barely the words, Toyotomi Peace puts out a hand empty to grasp, but sees the white light one presently, a long stick already presently in his hands. 话音未落,丰臣平伸手虚抓,但见白光一现,一根长棍已现于其手中。 Saw the team leader to complete the combat readiness, Tokugawa Loyalty and Imagawa Righteousness were also the respective sacrifice the weapon, prepared to spell with Community that four people. 见队长已做好了战斗准备,德川忠今川义亦是各自祭出兵器,准备和废柴联盟那四人拼了。 Actually does not know...... you besides the scheme, skill how.” Toyotomi Peace meets to say. “却是不知……你除了计谋之外,身手又如何。”丰臣平接道。 Hehe......” hears this word, opposite Wastewood smiled, you want to use method of goading somebody into action, lets Brother Honghu with your duel?” He shakes the head, do not regret, the military strategists of our team can also hit.” “呵呵……”闻得此言,对面的废柴叔笑了起来,“你是想用激将法,让鸿鹄老弟跟你单挑吗?”他摇了摇头,“你可别后悔啊,咱们队的军师也是很能打的。” Yes......” the Yet Weary Dreams nod meets saying that „, therefore I suggested that...... the present makes a Honghu and Honghu liangs person solve.” “是啊……”倦梦还点头接道,“所以我建议……眼下就让鸿鹄个人来解决吧。” Cuts...... looks down upon us?” Imagawa Righteousness exclaimed, in your four same places! We do not need your sympathies.” “切……看不起我们吗?”今川义吼道,“你们四个一起上好了!我们不需要你们的同情。” Sympathy?” Yet Weary Dreams casts together the sharp vision toward Imagawa Righteousness, the cold cold joint said, this...... is Imagawa Righteousness......” he has also done the schoolwork before the game without doubt, knows something regarding enemy team member the look, ability and other situations, hopes that do not misunderstand, we do not have sympathy or looking down upon meaning, does not have turning on the water plan.” He, I just according to the present situation, made the corresponding suggestion, for the later competition considered, we do not need excessively to expose the strength of team here.” “同情?”倦梦还今川义投去一道锐利的目光,冷冷接道,“这位……是今川义吧……”他在赛前无疑也是做过功课的,对于敌队成员的相貌、能力等情况都略知一二,“希望你不要误会了,我们丝毫没有‘同情’或‘看不起’的意思,更没有‘放水’的打算。”他顿了顿,“我只不过是根据眼前的局势,做出相应的建议而已,为了之后的比赛考虑,我们没必要在这里过多地暴露本队的战力。” Said right, but...... you to the estimate of situation are insufficiently accurate.” At this time, Zhao Shadow King said that while has ridden the mechanical giant lizard to move slowly toward Warring States two teams of three people, here...... can complete by me.” “说得对,不过……你对形势的估计还是不够准确。”此时,曌影王一边接话,一边已骑着机械巨蜥朝战国二队的三人缓缓挪去,“这里……由我一个人就能办妥。” ............ ………… Was day 4 : 00 am. 是日凌晨 4 点。 Game world, in Warring States Society Conference room. 游戏世界,战国社团会议室中。 Really lost......” speech Akechi Integrity Keeps in the grey to send, wears yellow light armor, the tone seems quite calm, this thinks that they at least have an opportunity many sets of information to come out......” “果然是输了吗……”说话的【明智信】留着灰色中发,身着黄色轻甲,语气显得颇为沉稳,“本以为他们至少有机会多套点情报出来的……” Although is the expected result......, but the process somewhat is rather ugly.” Takeda Knowledge The white long hair, the mail-armor and helmet under Society cloak is the pink, the voice of speech a sweet lively feeling, might as well deduct the light their Month(s) bonuses......” “虽然是意料之中的结果……但过程未免有些难看啊。”【武田智】有一头白色长发,社团披风下的甲胄为粉红色,说话的声音给人一种清甜活泼的感觉,“不如把他们这个月的奖金扣光吧……” I felt...... deducts money anything does not need......” Uesugi Benevolence When black long straight, blue armor white garment, speech gives people a straightforward feeling, that several fellows , since entering «Thriller Paradise», has considered oneself as the attitude of high, being supercilious. This failure...... happen to can give on them a class.” Her a half second, looked to the board seat of honor a beautiful young girl of that red long hair, Oda, did you think?” “我觉得……扣钱什么的就不必了吧……”【上杉仁】一头黑长直,蓝甲白衫,说话时给人一种耿直的感觉,“那几个家伙自从进入《惊悚乐园》后就一直是自视过高、目中无人的态度。这次的失败……正好能给他们上一课。”她微顿半秒,看向了会议桌主座上那个一头红色长发的美少女,“织田,你认为呢?” "Ah?others, when spoke seriously, Oda Love Actually plays the small game that on the board brings on the desktop, what? Can offline have breakfast?” “啊?”人家在一本正经地讲话的时候,【织田爱】却在桌面上玩会议桌上自带的小游戏,“什么?可以下线吃早点了吗?” You is a fool!” Takeda Knowledge is opening the mouth to scold to the team first battle efficiency, two teams of men have lost! Your also a little crisis awareness Ah! “你是笨蛋吗!”武田智对着队伍的第一战斗力开口就骂,“二队的男人们已经输了!你也有点儿危机意识啊! ~ the men unreliable......” Oda Love were having the yawn, returns worn out said, can be regarded as the opponent by me, only then Heaven Swallowing Daring Devil...... Others...... who came...... our one team to enter the finals same, two teams of defeats will no one also care not?” “啊~男人们本来就靠不住嘛……”织田爱打着哈欠,有气无力地回道,“能被我视作对手的只有【吞天鬼骁】……其他人……谁来都一样……等我们一队进了决赛,二队的败绩也就没人会去在意了不是吗?”
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