TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#885: In island War

Words weight head...... 话分两头…… When Feng Bujue orchestrates the plot with the Illusory Demon Church three giants in the main universe somewhere, Community and Warring States two teams of competitions had not ended. 封不觉幻魔教会的三巨头在主宇宙某处策划阴谋的时候,废柴联盟和战国二队的比赛尚未结束。 Although this competition was held for two hours, but the members of these two teams have not fought until now one time directly. 虽说这场比赛已经进行了两个多小时,但这两支队伍的成员到现在为止还一次都没有正面交过手。 At present, Toyotomi Peace Their group has joined the human camp on island, obtained the science and technology army of native to support. 眼下,丰臣平他们一行人已经加入了岛上的人类阵营,得到了当地人的科技化部队支持。 But another side...... four people of Community joined the marmot camp under the leadership of Honghu. 而另一边……废柴联盟的四人在鸿鹄的带领下加入了土拨鼠阵营。 Yes, on this star, one crowd about six feet high, personification, scientific and technological standard and human equally matched marmot. Moreover they are not alien, but is the life in this star underground world, locally born native lifeform. 是的,在这个星球上,有一群大约六英尺高、拟人化、科技水平与人类不相上下的土拨鼠。而且他们并不是“外星生物”,而是生活在这个星球地下世界的、土生土长的本土生物。 Because human initiates special fungus crisis, causing the ground water also to come under the influence, the homeland of marmots encountered the irretrievable heavy losses. Therefore, they arrived in the ground, declared war to human. 由于人类引发的“特种菌危机”,导致地下水源也受到了影响,土拨鼠们的家园遭到了难以挽回的重创。于是,他们来到了地面上,向人类宣战了。 Perhaps some people will feel strange how Honghu their line of four people do see are human, the marmot camp will admit their? 或许有人会奇怪,鸿鹄他们这一行四人怎么看都是人类,土拨鼠阵营怎么会接纳他们的? Actually this is not the issue, because human on this star have not reached the unification opinion...... before the marmots hit, the civil war of human has broken out. Therefore, after the residents in these bottom world kill, many human choices joined the camp of marmot. But in marmot camp, exists with the person who similar is in disagreement( mouse), they will also turn to these and their political view close human influence. 其实这不是什么问题,因为这个星球上的人类自己也没有达成统一意见……早在土拨鼠们打上来之前,人类的内战就已经爆发了。所以,当那些地底世界的居民们杀上来以后,有很多人类选择加入了土拨鼠的阵营。而土拨鼠阵营里,也存在一些跟同类们意见不合的人(鼠),他们也会去投靠那些与他们政见相近的人类势力。 Now, War has continued for more than five years. People of both sides( mouse) has infiltrated and been enrolled together mutually, in whose team has the enemy race soldier, this was the commonly seen matter. 如今,战争已持续了五年多。双方的人(鼠)员早已互相渗透、混编,谁的队伍里都有敌方种族的士兵,这是司空见惯的事情了。 ............ ………… After Scenario starts two hours 40 minutes, the curtain of night, arrived on the island...... 剧本开始后两小时40分钟,夜幕,降临在了岛上…… At this time, marmot army- advantage arrow in the command post of army. 此时,土拨鼠军-“利箭”部队的指挥室中。 With all due respect, as the head of this army, I do not have means believe, no matter what you.” Middle-aged marmot robust man who wears entire multiple high-tech Battle Armor before a 3 D simulation map said to Honghu, „, but, as the commander of this fight, I must acknowledge that...... your attack plan is very wise, cannot pick up any problem from the specialized perspective.” “恕我直言,作为这支部队的负责人,我没有办法去信任你。”一个身着全覆式高科技战甲的中年土拨鼠壮汉正在一张3D模拟地图前对鸿鹄说道,“但是,作为这场战斗的指挥官,我必须承认……你的进攻计划很高明,从专业角度来说挑不出任何毛病。” You overpraised, General Leef.” Honghu held the eyeglasses, the corners of the mouth hung up a self-satisfied smile, I tried my utmost, provided basically some plan......” him, is unable to trust our matters...... I definitely to understand as for you.” He walked slowly and aimlessly several steps, with language gas welding say/way of showing neither approval nor disapproval, after all several of us are outsider, to achieve our goals, we almost do not have the principle and loyal. Conversion is I, impossible believe, no matter what such a group of people.” “您过奖了,里弗将军。”鸿鹄扶了扶眼镜,嘴角挂上了一丝得意的微笑,“我只是尽我所能,提供一些基本的谋划……”他顿了顿,“至于您无法信任我们这件事儿……我完全可以理解。”他踱了几步,用不置可否的语气接道,“毕竟我们几个是‘异界旅客’,为了达成我们自己的目的,我们几乎是毫无原则和忠诚可言的。换成是我,也不可能去信任这样的一群人。” Un......” General Leef hesitates saying that you can understand well.” “嗯……”里弗将军沉吟道,“你能理解最好。” „......” A Honghu thread of conversation revolution, looked that said to Leef, you will do according to my plan?” “不过……”鸿鹄话锋一转,看向里弗道,“你还是会按照我的计划去做的吧?” The Leef silent moment, returns said: Un...... regarding your attack plan, I have not suspected and nitpicking reason......” he meets saying that you provide according to me to the plan that your, the limited information...... finds out in a short time immediately. Moreover this plan also made up for some loopholes and defects in my original plan......” he looked at eye map looking pensive, spoke the truth the battlefield commander who...... your ability made my have fought many battles to feel a frustration.” 里弗沉默片刻,回道:“嗯……对于你的进攻计划本身,我并没有怀疑和挑剔的理由……”他接道,“你是根据我提供给你的、有限的信息……在短时间内即时想出的这套方案。而且这套方案还弥补了我那原方案中的一些漏洞和缺失……”他若有所思地望了眼身旁的地图,“说实话……你的能力让我这身经百战的战场指挥官感受到了一种挫败感。” „...... This saying spoke discreetly.” Honghu immediately changed topic, in brief......, so long as you are willing to accept my plan on the line.” He is saying, then withdrew two steps, „...... my goes to meet with my several companions, prepares to attack.” “呵……这话就言重了。”鸿鹄立即转移了话题,“总之……只要您肯采纳我的计划就行了。”他说着,便退后了两步,“那么……我这就去和我的几名同伴会合,准备进攻。” Then, he toward Leef good advantage arrow army unique military salute, then withdrew from the command post. 说罢,他朝里弗行了个“利箭”部队特有的军礼,便退出了指挥室。 ............ ………… Meanwhile, in island human army- wood and stone one side of this. 与此同时,岛上人类军-“木石”这一侧。 Haha Ha..... you do really attractively, Mr. Toyotomi.” The human army here commander of named Ted, is a man of bald one-eyed, the age approximately when about 50 years old, he wears one set of camouflage military uniform, on his both hands and necks of revealing, have obviously, was tortured the scabs of leaving, that help/gang the bastard that eats the mud cannot think, own attack plan had been heard by us completely, ha haha Ha.....” “哈哈哈……你们干得真漂亮,丰臣先生。”人类军这边的指挥官名叫泰德,是一名光头独眼的男子,年纪约在五十岁左右,他身着一套迷彩军装,其露出的双手和脖子上,都有着很明显的、被拷打时留下的伤疤,“那帮吃泥巴的杂种怎么也想不到,自己的进攻计划已经全部都被我们听到了,哈哈哈哈……” He will smile happy, naturally has the reason...... approximately before one hour, Warring States two teams of Investigation Specialization players Imagawa Righteousness Has searched advantage arrow the supreme headquarters of army ; Is relying on excellent sneaking and camouflage skill, he is shocking but not dangerous sneaks the hostile camp, and looked for a time, settled a wiretap device in the headquarters of enemy side. 他会笑得那么欢,自然是有原因的……大约在一个小时前,战国二队的侦查专精玩家【今川义】就已经去探过“利箭”部队的大本营了;凭借着出色的潜行和伪装技巧,他有惊无险地潜入敌营,并找了个时机,在敌方的指挥部里面安了个窃听器。 Thereupon, Honghu and General Leef's talk, as well as advantage arrow in command post other dialogues and communications reported that and other contents...... all here listened to a purity by wood and stone. 于是乎,鸿鹄和里弗将军的谈话,以及“利箭”指挥室里其他对话、通讯报告等内容……全都被“木石”这边听了个一清二楚。 Slight effort.” Toyotomi Peace also displays is but actually calm, his sinking sound meets saying that „...... Colonel, you best should not be negligent, in that several outsider to square formation ‚’ is also the fierce role, we have to guard.” “举手之劳罢了。”丰臣平表现得倒还算冷静,他沉声接道,“不过……上校,您最好还是不要大意,对方阵中的那几名‘异界旅客’也都是厉害角色,我们不得不防。” Oh? Ted hears word, asked quite acute issue, „are they fiercer than you?” 哦?泰德闻言,问了个比较尖锐的问题,“难道他们比你们还厉害吗?” „......” Toyotomi Peace chuckle, that is insufficient but actually, but...... Colonel you also saw, we outsider, everyone some unique abilities......” “呵……”丰臣平轻笑一声,“那倒不至于,只是……上校你也看到了,我们‘异界旅客’,每个人都有一些独特的能力……” Right ~ the Ted Colonel individuality quite poor, likes interrupting, I look at...... a everyone stature to have a unique skill.” “对对对~”泰德上校的个性比较贫、爱插嘴,“我瞧着……诸位个个儿都身怀绝技。” Un, yes.” Toyotomi Peace following the meaning of opposite party, continued , to continue saying that I want to remind Colonel your...... must guard against opposite that four fellows unique skill.” “嗯,是的。”丰臣平顺着对方的意思,接过话头,继续道,“我就是想提醒上校您一下……要提防对面那四个家伙的‘绝技’啊。” ............ ………… After 30 minutes, the night, is deep. 三十分钟后,夜,已深。 Benefit arrow the sergeants have been ready and waiting, a long-premeditated night assault is being worthy of the reputation point of no return. “利箭”的军士们已然整装待发,一场蓄谋已久的夜袭已是名副其实的“箭在弦上”。 The transportation vehicle of marmot army is a mechanical giant lizard, is the mimicry robot, the contour similar Comodo giant lizard, conducts the back rides with saddle and control panel. 土拨鼠军队的交通工具是一种机械巨蜥,属于拟态机器人,外形类似科莫多巨蜥,背上有骑乘用的“鞍”和操作盘。 This mechanical mount controls to be convenient, one study, the team members of Community team only will study for five minutes then completely to master the operating procedure. 这种机械坐骑操控起来非常方便,一学就会,废柴联盟队的队员们只学了五分钟便完全掌握了操作方法。 Unlike the human army that side float flying shuttle, the mechanical giant lizard of marmots can fill various variation plants( because water source encounters reason of pollution, the entire ecosystem on this/should star had mutation) to go through peacefully and fast, will not exude very big noise. 与人类军那边的“悬浮飞梭”不同,土拨鼠们的机械巨蜥可以在充满各种变异植物(由于水源遭到污染的缘故,该星球上的整个生态系统都发生了异变)中安静、快速地穿行,不会发出很大的噪声。 Ok, listened!” General Leef rides the giant lizard to arrive in front of the sergeants, holds up the electricity pile arms in hand, exclaimed, soldiers...... flushed with me!” “好了,都听好了!”里弗将军骑着巨蜥来到军士们面前,举起手中的电叉枪,吼道,“士兵们……跟我冲!”
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