TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#884: Darkroom imaginary demon

After two hours, in some ordinary difficulty single Scenario. 两小时后,某普通难度单人剧本中。 Your here may not be really easy to look.” After Feng Bujue stepped into that jet black gloomy basement, opened the mouth then to the dark middle course such. “你们这里可真不好找啊。”封不觉踏入了那个漆黑阴暗的地下室后,开口便对黑暗中道了这么一句。 whistling...... 呼呼呼…… The next second, an intermittent wind sound/rumor passed over gently and swiftly, by the basement two rows of candles burnt. 下一秒,一阵阵风声掠过,地下室两侧的两排蜡烛自行燃了起来。 The candlelight lightened this slightly narrow space, illuminated three strange shadows. 烛光点亮了这个略显狭窄的空间,也照出了三道诡异的影子。 I have let jolt three and four meet you, but they became lost probably the appearance......” Samodeer meets to say. “我已经让颠三和倒四去接你了,但他们俩自己好像迷路了的样子……”萨摩迪尔接道。 Figure biggest he, can only sit in this space on the ground, if he stood, the horn will insert the ceiling. 身形最为高大的他,在这个空间里就只能坐在地上了,他要是站直了,犄角就会插到天花板。 Hehe...... worthily is Feng Bujue, does not need our people to guide...... can pass through that numerous difficult to arrive at this place in the same old way.” What next opens the mouth is Tallioum. “呵呵……不愧是疯不觉,不用我们的人带路……照样能穿越那重重的险阻来到此地。”下一个开口的是塔利欧姆 He is just the same as always, wears a black robe, is throwing over the magnificent cloak ; On his pale face, then to unique double pupil eye is always shooting a look at to regard others cunningly. 他还是老样子,身着一袭黑袍,披着华丽的披风;其苍白的脸上,那对独特的“双瞳眼”始终在狡黠地瞥视着别人。 Long time no see, Feng Bujue.” But the last opens the mouth responded to Jue Bro, was a giant spirit body Skeleton head Spirit Seizer, „, if I have not remembered incorrectly, when previous time we met, you borrowed from me selected thing, has not given back to me......” “好久不见了啊,疯不觉。”而最后一个开口回应觉哥的,是一个巨大的灵体骷髅头-夺灵,“如果我没记错,上次我们见面时,你向我借了点东西,至今还没有还给我……” Demon lost to view Spiritual Pivot Has not existed, even if I want to give back to you unable to take.” Feng Bujue shrugs saying that „...... I compare to stress the integrity, has taking advantage and not to borrow again difficultly, to compensate your loss, I delivered you value similar thing to be good.” He is saying, while took out item from Traveling Bag , put out a hand to hand the Spirit Seizer front. “【魔杳灵枢】已经不复存在了,就算我想还给你也拿不出来。”封不觉耸肩回道,“不过……我这个人还是比较讲诚信的,正所谓有借有还、再借不难,为了补偿你的损失,我就送你个价值差不多的东西好了。”他一边说着,一边从行囊里取出了一件道具,伸手递到了夺灵的面前。 This......” Spirit Seizer looked at one, „...... is in the legend I scratch the kind to make mushroom!” “这……”夺灵看了一眼,“……难道就是传说中的‘我擦类闹得住菇’!” Yes, before this gadget is very long, I obtain accidentally, but had not found the right use opportunity.” Jue Bro, I pondered over, uses this to compensate your Demon lost to view Spiritual Pivot Loss.” “是啊,这玩意儿是很久以前我偶然得到的,但至今都没有找到合适的使用机会。”觉哥顿了顿,“我琢磨了一下,就用这个来补偿你那【魔杳灵枢】的损失吧。” In the preamble had mentioned, Feng Bujue seeking novelty Scenario of ukiyoe style obtains in one I scratch kind to make mushroom, And explained this is mushroom that one type can relieve many negative conditions, but has not listed the specific explanation of this Item. 前文中曾经提到过,封不觉是在一个“浮世绘风格的猎奇剧本”中得到的【我擦类闹得住菇】,并说明了这是一种“可以解除多项负面状态的蘑菇”,但并没有列出这件物品的具体说明。 Here, makes known...... 此处,就来揭晓一下吧…… Name: I scratch the kind to make mushroom 名称:我擦类闹得住菇】 Type: Consumables 【类型:消耗品】 Quality:???】 【品质:???】 Special Effect one: The god of haiku is covering me!( When player swallows this mushroom, may relieve the negative conditions of all energetic departments)】 特效一:俳句之神在罩着我呢!(当玩家吞下这个蘑菇时,可解除所有精神系的负面状态)】 Special Effect two: Added the mushroom to you ~( changed NPC style permanently)】 特效二:给您添蘑菇了~(永久改变一个NPC的画风)】 Note: Riddle common mushroom of growth northeast some country.】 【备注:生长在某国东北的谜一般的蘑菇。】 Believes after everyone has looked at the explanation of this Item, understood...... the and Chuck Norris razor blade Same, this is one ultra limit Item. The quality is unable to define, should be because its two Special Effect values are completely different. 相信各位看过了这件物品的说明后就明白了……和【查克.诺里斯的剃须刀】一样,这是一件“超限界”的物品。其品质无法定义,应该是由于它的两个特效价值完全不同。 To the player, this mushroom most calculates excellent level, but regarding these NPC, this must be legend the divine object of level. 对玩家来说,这蘑菇最多算“精良”级,但对于那些NPC来说,这必须是“传说”级的神物。 Although I also feel...... not do unto other, does not do to others.” Feng Bujue pretentiously bothering shook shaking in front of Spirit Seizer, „, but...... some thing, have the different values in the different person eyes......” “虽然我也觉得……己所不欲,勿施于人。”封不觉装模作样地将蘑菇在夺灵面前晃了晃,“但是呢……有些东西,在不同的人眼里有着不同的价值……” Ok, Cut the crap.” Spirit Seizer shrewdness is significant, he has known that Feng Bujue went wants to say anything, therefore hit to block the way directly, everyone was a smart person, did not need to beat around the bush...... he to bring to light with me said that „, so long as you gave me the mushroom, the demon lost to view Spiritual Pivot matter wrote off, moreover...... I can also give you other thing as the exchange again.” “行了,别废话了。”夺灵城府非浅,他已经知道封不觉接下去想说什么了,于是直接打断道,“大家都是聪明人,不用跟我拐弯抹角……”他挑明了说道,“只要你把蘑菇给我,魔杳灵枢的事情就一笔勾销,而且……我还可以再给你一件别的东西作为交换。” We settled.” Jue Bro is saying, opened the palm. “那咱们就说定了。”觉哥说着,就张开了手掌。 Spirit Seizer received with Mind Power immediately I scratch kind to make mushroom, And it inhaled own reads space. 夺灵当即用念力接过了【我擦类闹得住菇】,并将其吸入了自身的“念空间”中。 After two seconds, he opens the mouth saying: Your Fearless did I take thing...... actually to fail to keep one's word?” 两秒后,他又开口道:“你就不怕我拿了东西……却言而无信吗?” „......” Feng Bujue returns with very relaxed manner said that cooperation, is based on mutual trust......, if you will be that type will break a promise for the petty profit in the goods of person, we did not need to continue to discuss.” “呵……”封不觉用很轻松的神态回道,“合作,是建立在相互信任的基础上的……如果你是那种会为了蝇头小利而失信于人的货色,那我们也不用继续谈下去了。” Ahem snort/hum......” nearby Tallioum smiled Yin sadly, your excellency is not only very intelligent...... will also speak very much......” “哼哼哼……”一旁的塔利欧姆阴恻恻地笑了,“阁下不但很聪明……还很会说话嘛……” Spirit Seizer is coldly should say: Illusory Demon Church whether works with you, but also cans be discussed...... but, I was also insufficient to break a promise in this minor matter in you firmly......” am saying, he took out Item from oneself reading space, controlled it to float in front of Jue Bro. 夺灵则是冷冷应道:“幻魔教会是否跟你合作,还有待商榷……不过,我确也不至于在这种小事上失信于你……”说着,他又从自己的念空间里取出了一件物品,操控其浮到了觉哥面前。 Feng Bujue received it, opens Game Menu to look...... 封不觉将其接过,打开游戏菜单一看…… Name: Chuck Norris autobiography 名称:查克.诺里斯的自传】 Type: Other 【类型:其他】 Quality: Legend 【品质:传说】 Special Effect: Here has all that you want to know 特效:这里有你想知道的一切】 Can it be taken out of the scenario: Yes 是否可带出该剧本:是】 Note: CN in series Item, records one of the Chuck Norris 100 well-known facts, after collecting, binds. 【备注:“CN”系列物品中的一件,记录着查克.诺里斯100个广为人知的事实之一,拾取后绑定。 Chuck Norris is not really writing a book, but these words, because the fear organized the full text. 】 查克.诺里斯并不是真的在写书,只是那些单词因为恐惧自行组织成了全文。】 „When you Spirit Lotus curse seal unties, had once found similar thing?” After Spirit Seizer that book gives Feng Bujue, then said, that believes you should also know this kind of Item had the big value to your outsider.” “你把‘芙灵’身上的诅咒封印解开时,也曾找到过一件类似的东西吧?”夺灵把那本书交给封不觉后,接着说道,“那相信你也该知道这类物品对你们异界旅客有多大的价值了。” Oh? you also know Spirit Lotus matter?” Feng Bujue asked hypocritically. 哦?你也知道‘芙灵’的事情吗?”封不觉假惺惺地问道。 Snort......” Spirit Seizer sneers, „do you feign ignorance with me?” When he spoke this saying tone to be cold gradually, by your ability and wisdom, had speculated...... she turned into that welldoing, is I creates single-handedly.” “哼……”夺灵冷笑,“你跟我装什么蒜呢?”他说这话时的语气渐冷,“以你的才智,想必早已推测出了……她变成那副德行,都是我一手造成的。” „...... Good, these matters we pass the little while to chat again.” Feng Bujue is saying, integrated Traveling Bag the books in hand, we said the finals of this Struggle For Power to Summit...... are also Ragnarök this bureau.” “呵……好吧,那些事我们过会儿再聊。”封不觉说着,就把手里的书本纳入了行囊,“咱还是来说说这次巅峰争霸的决赛……也就是‘诸神黄昏’这个‘局’吧。” Before then......” Samodeer opened the mouth to say at this time, you, as soon as enters the basement I to ask...... at this moment, you and your companions should not on some star( because engages in fierce battle four all competitions also to start, moreover happened in the Thriller Paradise main universe completely, this had many teams in the possibility in the same world meeting ; In order to avoid occurrence of this situation, various teams will usually be distinguished automatically move to the different stars on) to conduct the competition?” “在此之前……”萨摩迪尔这时开口道,“你一进地下室我就想问来着……此刻,你和你的同伴们不是应该在某个星球上(由于鏖战四界的所有比赛都是同时开始,而且全部都发生在惊悚乐园的主宇宙中,这样就有了多支队伍在同一世界中相遇的可能;为了避免这种情况的发生,各队通常会被分别传送到不同的星球上)进行比赛的吗?” „...... That......” Feng Bujue said that „before that competition two hours( game time), started, after 30 minutes, our team won, therefore......” he spread out both hands, the following content was obvious. “哦……那个啊……”封不觉道,“那场比赛两个小时(游戏时间)前就开始了,三十分钟后我们队就胜出了,所以……”他摊开双手,后面的内容不言自明。
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