TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#881: Misses the good opportunity

Seventh of tower of pile is the completely airtight condition, internal darkness. 桩之塔的第七层是完全密闭的状态,内部一片漆黑。 However Blood Corpse God by the influence of this environment, he once did not seem imprisoned many years in a jet black close environment after all, shouted the variation evolution ability by his descendants, night vision has naturally grasped. 不过血尸神似乎并不受这种环境的影响,毕竟他也曾经在一个漆黑封闭的环境里被囚禁了很多年,以他那胤呼异种的进化能力,“夜视”自然是早已掌握了的。 Then...... you are the god of eternal life?” After Blood Corpse God steps into the front door that silver casts, but swept one toward the front darkness , will then look in one person's shadow on, opens the mouth to ask. “那么……你就是永生之神吗?”血尸神踏入那银铸的大门后,只是朝前方的黑暗中扫了一眼,便将视线锁定在了一个“人影”上,开口问道。 The after silence of moment, a sound returns said: My...... Doma, the god of eternal life.” 片刻的沉默后,一个声音回道:“吾名……多玛,永生之神。” As a god, your appearance rather also cherished the people a point.” At this time, in the eye of Blood Corpse God, is that he sees has not truly put on rabbit rabbit alien(s) of clothes, in the entire room did not have any other things. “作为一个神,你的长相未免也太亲民了一点吧。”此时,在血尸神的眼中,他看到的确实就是一只没穿衣服的兔兔星人,整个房间里也没有其他任何的事物了。 Current body structure, but to adapt to the surrounding circumstances.” Doma returns said that „, if I want, can definitely the body changes other...... a more powerful condition.” “目前的身体结构,只是为了适应周围的环境。”多玛回道,“如果我愿意,完全可以将身体改变成别的……更具有战斗力的状态。” No, you lie.” Blood Corpse God almost denied the opposite party immediately categorically. “不,你说谎。”血尸神几乎立即就斩钉截铁地否定了对方。 Doma has not responded to these words, but is looking at entrance Blood Corpse God silently. 多玛没有回应这句话,只是默然地望着门口的血尸神 At least...... before I erase the seal on this sliding door......” Blood Corpse God lifts one, selected behind gate with the thumb, „...... your immediate evolution ability be at the condition that is unable to use.” He smiles, hehe...... even now, your condition is not very still good ; Message on it seems like that seal really...... you only had wisp of Divine Consciousness, in addition many years of seal, the strength nearly has dried up. Even if I give to let out you now, you also require lots of time to accumulate the strength, can restore in peak condition.” “至少……在我抹除这扇门上的封印之前……”血尸神抬起一手,用拇指点了点身后的门,“……你的‘即时进化’能力仍是处于无法使用的状态。”他笑了笑,“呵呵……即便是现在,你的状态依然很不好;看来那封印上的留言是真的……你本就只剩下了一缕神识,再加上多年的封印,力量已近乎枯竭。纵然我现在把你给放出去,你也需要大量的时间去累积力量,才能恢复到巅峰状态。” Doma hears word, fell into silent: You untie the seal, to say these to me?” 多玛闻言,又陷入了沉默:“你解开封印,就是为了跟我说这些吗?” I untie the seal am only out of curiosity.” Blood Corpse God said that „, but at this moment, I only think......” “我解开封印只是出于好奇。”血尸神道,“但此刻,我只想……” When the Blood Corpse God preparation said ate you these three characters, Hell Front last has not chosen the automatically move player also to spread Scenario. 就在血尸神准备说出“吃了你”这三个字的时候,地狱前线最后一名尚未选择传送的玩家也传出了剧本 Next second, but sees the white light to flash, Blood Corpse God also followed to be passed on. 下一秒,但见白光一闪,血尸神也跟着被传走了。 Some things are such skillful, when Blood Corpse God finished eating Kellot, sees the seal, that side Feng Bujue happen to Three Jade Raid handles ; But Blood Corpse God cannot hear near the players ear that type „the System Notification sound, he does not know own rest of activity time were most are also only 180 seconds...... 有些事情就是这么巧,当血尸神吃完凯洛特、看见封印的时候,封不觉那边正好把三玉强袭搞定;而血尸神是听不到玩家们耳边那种“系统提示音”的,他可不知道自己剩余的活动时间最多也只有180秒了…… Therefore, had at present this quite awkward condition. 于是,就出现了眼前这种颇为尴尬的状况。 ............ ………… After two minutes, in Feng Bujue's Storage room. 两分钟后,封不觉的储藏室中。 Un? What situation is this?” Jue Bro when reorganizes thing, suddenly felt anything. “嗯?这是什么情况?”觉哥在整理东西的时候,忽然感觉到了什么。 He takes out from Traveling Bag instantly Blood Corpse God Tomoe, Discovered that is this gadget is really calling and is shining. 他即刻从行囊中取出了【血尸神的勾玉】,发现真的是这玩意儿正在鸣动并发着光。 Un......” Jue Bro hesitant two seconds, then tried to start this/should Item. “嗯……”觉哥犹豫了两秒,便试着发动了一下该物品 Finally, anything has not happened...... 结果,什么也没发生…… Naturally, this is normal. Under normal conditions, the Summon lifeform cannot appear outside Scenario in these spaces. Although also has( some Summon thing that few exceptions e.g. Wastewood obtained long before), but Blood Corpse God is not one of them obviously. 当然了,这是正常的。通常情况下,召唤生物是不可以出现在剧本外那些空间里的。虽然也有极少数的例外(比如废柴叔很早以前获得的某个召唤物),但血尸神显然不在此列。 However...... 然而…… Do not try, I cannot come out.” Suddenly, words passed from tomoe. “别试了,我出不来的。”忽然,一句话语从勾玉中传了出来。 Eh? Feng Bujue gawked, Blood Corpse God?” 诶?封不觉愣了一下,“血尸神?” Who can also?” Blood Corpse God returns said, I also found one group of people to open in my soul fragment send right?” “还能有谁?”血尸神回道,“难道我还找了一群人在自己的灵魂碎片里开派对吗?” WTF? Originally can you communicate with me through tomoe?” Jue Bro exploded a swearing and asking. 卧槽?原来你可以通过勾玉跟我交流的?”觉哥爆了个粗口并问道。 Yes......” Blood Corpse God replied worn out. “是啊……”血尸神有气无力地回答。 That......” Feng Bujue is saying, holds up tomoe high, my here scenery can you see?” “那……”封不觉说着,将勾玉高高举起,“我这边的景物你看得到吗?” I know that you have what idea......” Blood Corpse God to meet saying that you lose heart...... can interactive only has the sound.” “我知道你打得什么主意……”血尸神接道,“你还是死心吧……能交互的只有声音而已。” Che ~ Feng Bujue shrugged to spit one, originally could not see that......” is saying, he put down the arm. 切~封不觉耸肩啐了一声,“原来看不到啊……”说着,他就把胳膊放下了。 Actually, after Jue Bro that idea is...... , if meets the ancient writing that anything cannot understand, magic chart, the millennium ancient human bodies anything...... takes tomoe, making Blood Corpse God help the appraisal appraisal. What a pity, others said can only listening and says, without the picture, wanted to realize this matter is also difficult. 其实,觉哥的那个“主意”就是……以后要是遇到什么看不懂的古代文字啊、魔法图阵啊、千年古尸啊什么的……就把勾玉拿出来,让血尸神帮着鉴定鉴定。可惜,人家说了只能“听”和“说”,没有画面,想要实现这种事也就困难了。 Ok, do not pull these, my time initiative and you relate have the matter to tell you.” Blood Corpse God returns to the proper topic quickly. “好了,别扯那些了,我这次主动和你联系是有事要告诉你。”血尸神很快就言归正传。 What matter?” Feng Bujue takes tomoe single-handed, probably is using intercom, another starts to continue to reorganize Item. He are this, likes handling several things simultaneously, otherwise he will feel the own that multipurpose abilities were wasted wholeheartedly. “什么事啊?”封不觉单手拿着勾玉,像是在使用对讲机似的,另一手则开始继续整理物品。他这人就是这样儿,喜欢同时做好几件事情,否则他会感觉自己那一心多用的才能被浪费了。 Before your automatically move, I emitted a second-rate god from a seal room.” Blood Corpse God meets to say. “在你们传送之前,我从一个封印室里放出了一个次等神。”血尸神接道。 „......” Feng Bujue spoke thoughtlessly to comply with one, after one second, tastes, loudly startled say/way, „?” “哦……”封不觉随口应了一声,一秒后又回过味儿来,高声惊道,“哈?” It named Doma, is called ‚the god of eternal life.” Blood Corpse God said that is before very long, it was given to eliminate in some space and time, but it defended wisp of Divine Consciousness, before running into, that universe that we are. Then, when some powerhouse in that universe, while Doma was weak...... its seal in the tower of long hair city stopper pile most top level, was responsible for guarding by long hair six heavenly official....... Was natural, that six heavenly official are also only guarding, perhaps by their abilities, Doma is anything is not even able to understand......” “它名叫‘多玛’,被称为‘永生之神’。”血尸神道,“很久以前,它在某个时空中被人给消灭了,但它还是守住了一缕神识,逃入了之前我们所在的那个宇宙。然后,那个宇宙中的某个强者,趁着多玛虚弱之际……将其封印在了长毛城塞桩之塔的最顶层,由长毛天官负责看守。哦……当然了,那六天官也只是‘看守’而已,以他们的能力,或许连多玛是什么都无法理解……” „Did you understand?” Feng Bujue met one. “你理解?”封不觉接了一句。 I do not mean, second-rate god.” Blood Corpse God returns said. “我不是说了吗,次等神。”血尸神回道。 What meaning therefore...... that is?” Jue Bro also said. “所以……那是什么意思?”觉哥又道。 Said......, although I also boast of being the god, but essentially, I am also only one lifeform.” Blood Corpse God returns said, second-rate god again how bad, fundamentally is also god.” “这么说吧……虽然我也自诩为神,但本质上,我还只是一个‘生物’。”血尸神回道,“次等神再怎么不济,从根本上来讲也是‘神’。” „Do you put really not to relate that thing?” Feng Bujue said that „, moreover that star in main universe...... it will have with other Four Pillar Gods sooner or later interactive.” “你把那种东西放出来真的没关系吗?”封不觉道,“而且那个星球可是在主宇宙里的……它和其他四柱神早晚都会有交互的吧。” Actually, I originally also out of curiosity, what wants to have a look on the seal to say is real.” Blood Corpse God returns said that „after seeing Doma, I decide that immediately when it has not restored the strength, it gives to eat, thus absorbs its ability.” He, sighed, „, but...... when I prepare to begin, your group of fellow completely automatically move, but Ialso with left that world as ‚ the Summon lifeform together.” “其实,我本来也只是出于好奇,想看看封印上所说的是不是真的。”血尸神回道,“看到多玛以后,我就立刻决定趁它还没有恢复力量时,把它给吃掉,从而吸收它的能力。”他顿了顿,叹了口气,“但……就在我准备动手的时候,你们这帮家伙全部传送了,而我作为‘召唤生物’也就跟着一起离开了那个世界。” Words to here, a Blood Corpse God thread of conversation revolution: As for you said that puts to have relations......” he to smile that thing, hehe...... idle talk! Naturally has the relations...... I to contact you to do otherwise!” 话至此处,血尸神话锋一转:“至于你说的,‘把那种东西放出来有没有关系’……”他笑了笑,“呵呵……废话!当然有关系……要不然我联络你干嘛!”
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