TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#880: The god of eternal life

Feng Bujue has not made his opponent and others too long. 封不觉并没有让他的对手等太久。 Like he had not previously let Reborn for the King bait plan evaporate...... 就像此前他没有让重生为王的“诱饵”计划落空一样…… So long as stand last a while opposite of game world inside, Feng Bujue can learn opposite all data outwardly through observation directly. Therefore...... so-called of Corpse Blade these team members plan, actually does not have to be unexpected in Jue Bro same. 只要在游戏世界里面对面的站上一会儿,封不觉就能直接通过“观察”来获知对面所有的明面数据。所以……尸刀这些队员们的所谓“计划”,其实没有一样是在觉哥意料之外的。 If Feng Bujue wants, he can definitely avoid going to that move Chaotic body to/clashes ; If he wants , can definitely in a short time decide the victory and defeat with Three Jade Raid, rather than the opposite party makes this type of crosscut saw...... 如果封不觉愿意,他完全可以避免去中那招【乱身冲】;如果他愿意,也完全可以在极短的时间内就和三玉强袭分出胜负,而不是和对方做这种拉锯…… But he followed the wish of opposite party to do as far as possible, and will fight to lead into at present this aspect. 但他还是尽量顺着对方的意愿去做了,并且将战斗带入了眼前这种局面。 But this...... is completely in the Jue Bro brain a part in that huge layout...... 而这……全部都是觉哥脑中那庞大布局中的一部分…… Too obvious turning on the water, will be seen through ; Easy Instant kill, will disclose the information...... only has this type situated in the two, as if put forth the fight of 78 strength, can play confuses others' function. 太明显的放水,会被看穿;轻而易举的秒杀,会透露情报……唯有这种介于二者之间的、仿佛是使出了七八分实力的战斗,才能起到迷惑别人的作用。 He must begin......”, when Feng Bujue corpse tiger gradually move back from Three Jade Raid, in the latter heart discussed, certainly is this...... first lets the corpse tiger far away from my side, then accelerates and cast off the Summon lifeform, thus attacks my main body.” “他要动手了……”当封不觉将尸虎渐渐从三玉强袭身边拉远的时候,后者心中念道,“一定是这样……先让尸虎远离我的身旁,然后加速、甩开召唤生物,从而攻击我的本体。” His inference not wrong, Feng Bujue plans. But such plan...... also center Three Jade Raid below bosom. 他的推断没有错,封不觉正是这么打算的。而这样的打算……也正中三玉强袭的下怀。 Because, the second Level S Summon lifeform of Three Jade Raid is...... 因为,三玉强袭的第二个S级召唤生物是…… Name: Summon technique- explodes armor beast 名称:召唤术-爆甲兽】 Skill Card Attribute: Active Skill, Permanent 技能卡属性:主动技能,永久掌握 Skill Category: Summon 技能类别:召唤 Effect: Summon can parasite in the exploding armor beast on own armor( not has time limit, after Death, since 24-hour cooling time, at the same time only may have one to explode armor beast)】 【效果:召唤一只可以寄生在自身护甲上的爆甲兽(无存在时间限制,死亡后进入长达24小时的冷却时间,同一时间只可存在一只爆甲兽)】 Consumption: Biggest Spirit Power 50% 【消耗:最大灵力值的50%】 Learning Prerequisite: Summon Specialization S 学习条件:召唤专精S】 Note: This is an invisible Summon lifeform, itself does not have the entity. After Summon, they parasite in the armor that the master puts on immediately( usually for torso section Defensive Equipment) above, making the defense performance of armor comprehensively promote 30%. The exploding armor beast after parasitic will enter the readiness for action, starts its ability to explode till the master returns.】 【备注:这是一种无形的召唤生物,本身并不具备实体。被召唤后,它们会立刻寄生于主人所穿的护甲(通常为躯干部防具)之上,使护甲的防御性能全面提升30%。寄生后的爆甲兽将进入待机状态,直到主人发动其能力“爆返”为止。】 Hyperlink- 超链接- Name: Explodes returns 名称:爆返】 Effect: Promotes by the defense capability of parasitic armor in ten seconds sharply, all close combat injuries of withstanding rebound according to 80%-100% random proportions, and might of enclosed explosion.】 【效果:在十秒内大幅提升被寄生护甲的防御能力,将此间所承受的所有近战伤害按照80%-100%的随机比例反弹回去,并附上爆炸的威力。】 Note: After exploding returns is used, explodes armor beast immediately Death, enters the Summon cooling time.】 【备注:爆返被使用后,爆甲兽将立即死亡,进入召唤冷却计时。】 Until till the preliminary contest ended, explodes existence of armor beast is not exposed by Three Jade Raid. 直至预赛结束为止,爆甲兽的存在都未曾被三玉强袭所暴露。 The reason is very simple, because he also has the corpse tiger...... at the level of preliminary contest stage, can attack not the dead Summon thing that can defend basically to handle with that competes completely ; No one can force him to put forth explodes returns to like this special style. 原因很简单,因为他还有尸虎……以预赛阶段的水准而言,用那个能攻能守的不死召唤物基本就能搞定全部的比赛了;根本没人能逼迫他使出“爆返”这样的特殊招式。 But at present this is semi-finals, strict...... this and finals have no difference. 但眼前这是复赛,严格来说……这和决赛也没什么区别。 Can enter the semi-finals team at least is also the first-class strong team, the athletic competition system is also so long as will lose one to be eliminated. 能进入复赛的队伍至少也是一流强队,赛制也是只要输一场就会被淘汰。 Furthermore what...... he at this moment to is famous Feng Bujue. 再者……他此刻对上的可是大名鼎鼎的疯不觉 This time, he has no reason to retain what thing again, everything can use, presses bottom the style and Item, this/should never stint uses...... 这种时刻,他已没有任何理由再去保留什么东西,凡是能用上的、压箱底的招式和物品,都该毫不吝惜地用出来…… As the team leader and as the last team member of who Corpse Blade two teams the Corpse Blade two teams only save at present, Three Jade Raid also was very clear...... this competition perhaps already the hope that has not won. After all that side Hell Front also three living the player adds Blood Corpse God, no matter Feng Bujue that attacks long hair city stopper the opinion is covering in nearby teammates for the ambush, really has its matter...... to Three Jade Raid, has no essential difference. 作为尸刀二番队的队长、作为尸刀二番队目前仅存的最后一名队员,三玉强袭也很清楚……这场比赛恐怕已经没有获胜的希望了。毕竟地狱前线那边还有三名活着的玩家加一个血尸神在,不管疯不觉那番“去突袭长毛城塞”的言论是在为埋伏于附近的队友们打掩护,还是确有其事……对三玉强袭来说,也没有什么本质上的区别。 Therefore, Three Jade Raid has abandoned wanting has won competition the thought now, but how will focus on winning Feng Bujue wholeheartedly on. 因此,三玉强袭现在已经摈弃了要“赢比赛”的念头,而是全心全意地将注意力放到了如何“赢疯不觉”上。 Even if lost still It does not matter...... 即使输了也无所谓…… So long as can defeat Feng Bujue, can recall some appraisals for Corpse Blade. 只要能打败疯不觉,就还能为尸刀挽回一些评价。 So long as can defeat Feng Bujue, can save some faces for the teammates. 只要能打败疯不觉,就还能为队友们挽回一些颜面。 So long as can defeat Feng Bujue, how to say again can also individual professional score add dark ink serious wound one to oneself. 只要能打败疯不觉,再怎么说也能给自己个人的职业战绩添上浓墨重彩一笔。 With such mentality, Three Jade Raid stakes everything on a single throw of the dice! 怀着这样的心态,三玉强袭孤注一掷! However...... 然…… This fellow must with exploding returns......” increases speed and bypasses corpse tiger Feng Bujue suddenly, in that short instantly, was still pondering easely, un...... to perform move effect, I should put forth at least have the style of certain intensity to attack him ; If my goes through all the complications, the probe attack and defense and acceleration to be circuitous, attack main body the program...... comes to an end consist mainly of a slap in the face, that entire play all pounded. But wants...... the too strong attack, what to do if shoots dead me......” “这家伙是要用爆返吧……”骤然提速、绕过尸虎身旁的封不觉,在那短暂的刹那,仍是悠然地思考着,“嗯……为了演出‘中招’的效果,我起码应该使出有一定强度的招式去攻击他;如果我这番‘费尽周折、试探攻防、加速迂回、攻击本体’的戏码……以一个耳光而告终,那整出戏就全砸了。但要……太强的攻击,万一把我自己弹死怎么办呢……” His brain is fast, in a wee bit time, he can ponder many contents. 他的脑速惊人,一丁点的时间里,他就可以思考许许多多的内容。 „...... Was right, can use that......” quickly, Feng Bujue thought of a great idea. “啊……对了,可以用那个啊……”很快,封不觉就想到了一个好主意。 Suffers to death!” In the surface, Jue Bro wants the acrobatics making the foot, he also drank one in increasing speed greatly, later changes into together the red illness/quick shadow, the rush. “受死吧!”表面上,觉哥还是要把戏给做足的,他在提速的时候还大喝了一声,随后就化为一道赤色疾影,冲杀而来。 Three Jade Raid can also be able to calm down, fell into trap has not displayed any difference because of opponent, but makes running away as far as possible stance. He also understands, in the front of Feng Bujue this opponent, any minimum unnatural action may be seen the flaw, therefore...... before the attack of opponent falls, Three Jade Raid still developed according to the normal state. 三玉强袭也很能沉得住气,没有因为对手“中计”而表现出任何异样,只是尽量做出“逃遁”的姿态。他也明白,在疯不觉这种对手的面前,任何极小的不自然举动都有可能被看出破绽,所以……在对手的攻击落下之前,三玉强袭仍是照着常态来演。 ...... During one's lifetime, depends entirely on the performing skill. 正所谓……人生在世,全靠演技。 So-called performing skill, can regard as a method of deceit( here does not contain any derogatory meaning, please not excessively explanation). 所谓演技,也可以视为一种欺骗的手段(此处不含任何贬义,请勿过分解读)。 But the deceit, without doubt is the one of the tactical and strategy main foundations. 而欺骗,无疑是战术和谋略的主要基础之一。 Card sign to fighting, real-time strategy and round strategy, team athletics...... in these athletics classes game projects, performing skill this thing is absolutely indispensable, is strength important component. 无论是卡牌对战、即时战略、回合战略、还是团队竞技……在这些竞技类的游戏项目里,“演技”这种东西都是绝对不可或缺的,也是“实力”的重要组成部分。 At present, Three Jade Raid and Jue Bro in mutually wind performing skill. Just, Three Jade Raid develops to a Jue Bro person looks ; But the Jue Bro layout level was higher than incessantly a level him, therefore...... performance of Jue Bro from Scenario from the beginning ready. He not only need develop to Three Jade Raid looked, but must develop is watching, as well as looks in the person who the future will watch this competition. 眼下,三玉强袭觉哥就是在互飙演技。只不过,三玉强袭是演给觉哥一个人看的;而觉哥的布局层面比他高了不止一个层次,所以……觉哥的表演是从剧本一开始就已就绪的。他不但要演给三玉强袭看,还要演给所有正在观看、以及在未来将会观看这场比赛的人看。 From this, the difficulty that two people perform is unable to place on a par. 从这点上来讲,两人表演的难度根本无法相提并论。 You cannot escape! I put forth the limiting velocity, no one can be inescapable!” When Feng Bujue pursues to the Three Jade Raid side, he has not forgotten to shout that with the high volume such words came, seeming this was own quickest speed is really same, finished!” “你逃不掉的!我使出极限速度,没人能跑得了!”当封不觉追到三玉强袭身边时,他还不忘用较高的音量喊出了这么句话来,好似这真的就是自己的最快速度了一样,“结束了!” Finishes barely the words, the attack of Jue Bro has fallen. 话音未落,觉哥的攻击就已落下。 This flickers, Three Jade Raid started Explodes returns ; This flickers, that in Three Jade Raid heart excited and excited is unable to describe with the language simply. 这一瞬,三玉强袭发动了【爆返】;这一瞬,三玉强袭心中的那份激动和兴奋简直无法用语言来形容。 Succeeded......” the teams leader of this Corpse Blade two teams, at this moment showed a smile unexpectedly, Feng Bujue of that being insufferably arrogant Feng Bujue and that divine strategy...... under my planning, became my defeated in the same old way!” “成功了……”这位尸刀二番队的队长,此刻竟是露出了一丝笑容,“那个不可一世的疯不觉、那个神机妙算的疯不觉……照样在我的算计之下,成了我的手下败将!” The thought of person is really very interesting thing, sometimes, in the extremely short flash, in our brains will flash through innumerable thing. 人的思维真是个很有趣的东西,有时,在极短的一刹那,我们的脑中就会闪过无数的东西 On for example now, Three Jade Raid as if has seen Feng Bujue suppresses an unwilling expression to change into the white light before oneself the scene, in its is also talking over: You...... have such plans unexpectedly!” 就比如现在,三玉强袭仿佛已经看到了疯不觉在自己面前憋着个不甘的表情化为白光的场面,其口中还念叨着:“你……竟有如此心机!” After he as if also saw next day, much reports on forum and media, the title mostly is Corpse Blade two team overall strengths is bad, is defeated low-spirited ; Three jade team leader strength cut Feng Bujue, glorious defeat.” And so on. 他仿佛还看到了隔天之后论坛和媒体上的大量报道,标题大多都是“尸刀二番队整体实力不济,黯然落败;三玉队长力斩疯不觉,虽败犹荣。”之类的。 He as if also foresaw himself to have a meteoric rise after that since Corpse Blade changed job, joined other Studio, advanced into the extra-superior Star Player ranks, finally got married white, rich and beautiful, to step onto the life peak...... 他似乎还预见到了自己此后一路平步青云,从尸刀跳槽,加入其它工作室,跻身超一流明星玩家的行列,最终迎娶白富美、走上人生巅峰…… The time that what a pity...... his good dream to continue was too short. 可惜……他这场好梦持续的时间太短了。 Eats my one move...... Shorthair Crack Fist!” In a twinkling, Feng Bujue bellows the style name, hit toward the opposite party right in the face. “吃我一招……短毛百裂拳!”说时迟那时快,封不觉大吼出招式名,朝对方劈头盖脸就打了过去。 But...... Feng Bujue not Shorthair Crack Fist This skill. 可是……封不觉并没有【短毛百裂拳】这个技能。 This point, stands in Tu Aotian of distant place is clearest, what although Feng Bujue shouted was Shorthair Crack Fist, the movement also looks like Shorthair Crack Fist, but he hit compelled certainly is not Shorthair Crack Fist...... this disciple has its shape, did not have fist intent and fighting method of core skill, to put it bluntly was tortoise fist of one set of Ultra-high Speed hits continually. 这一点,站在远处的兔傲天是最清楚的,虽然封不觉喊的是短毛百裂拳,动作也像短毛百裂拳,但他打出来的绝逼不是短毛百裂拳……这种徒具其形,不具拳意和核心技巧的打法,说白了就是一套超高速的王八拳连打。 But...... Three Jade Raid does not know this matter, was looking the audience who competition do not know. They are not the successors of short hair god fist, who understands the gadget of what fist intent and fist road? 但……三玉强袭不知道这事儿,在看比赛的观众们也不知道。他们又不是什么短毛神拳的传人,谁懂什么拳意、拳路的玩意儿? Therefore, Feng Bujue's this set of tortoise fist was regarded as some skill, moreover only from having fist effect, probably also non- ratio South Star Flying Dragon Fist Difference. 于是,封不觉的这套王八拳被视为了某种技能,而且仅从出拳效果来看,好像也不比【南斗飞龙拳】差。 Then, yes Explodes returns Time. 接下来,就是【爆返】时间了。 The injuries of Feng Bujue these fists, all immediately by enclosed blast effect, and affected on own body....... That might is very ordinary. 封不觉这些拳头的伤害,全都在第一时间就被附上了爆炸效果,并作用在了自己的身上。只是……那威力着实很一般。 Present Jue Bro has the defensive power to be extremely strong 13 / 20 unkind Battle Armor In the body, the accumulation and defensive powers of process N Scenario have reached the stage of perfection shameless Equipment- I WANNA BE A BELT, Undertakes this might the counter- wound...... that is really superficial. 如今的觉哥有防御力极强的【13/20的刻薄战甲】在身,还有经过N个剧本的累积、防御力已臻化境的无耻装备-【I_WANNA_BE_A_BELT】,承担这种威力的反伤……那真是不痛不痒。 ......”, but, Jue Bro looks the half a point pain and an astonishment, and after having the move is rapid withdraws a distance, stares Three Jade Raid saying that has not thought...... you have this type to be able the move of rebound injury!” “唔……”不过,觉哥还是面露半分痛苦、一丝惊异,并在出招后迅速后撤出一段距离,瞪着三玉强袭道,“没想到……你还有这种可以反弹伤害的招数!” This fellow „is very bad, some of his for fear that audience did not understand probably had anything a moment ago, has not forgotten to the matter that the opposite party can instead injure be clear about the place to come out. 这家伙真的“很坏”,他好像生怕有些观众不理解刚才发生了什么,还不忘要把对方能反伤的事情明确地点出来。 But on the other hand, the Three Jade Raid mood seems like playing the turbulent current to enter bravely- climbs the feeling to the peak slowly finally suffering a disastrous decline, making him cannot help but scold one in the heart: WTF?” 而另一方面,三玉强袭的心情就像是在玩激流勇进-缓缓爬升至顶端最终一落千丈的感觉,让他不由得在心中骂出一句:“卧槽?” Three Jade Raid sweeps Health that eye lost immediately -46%, said that was high, said was low, in large promoted in the situation of defensive power also to fall so many blood, also seem very reasonable, this indicated that the opposite party truly put forth one to hit itself compared with the Fairly Strong skill. 三玉强袭立刻扫了眼自己丢失的生存值,说高不高,说低不低,在“大幅”提升了防御力的情况下还掉这么多血,看起来也挺合理的,这表明对方确实是使出了一个比较强的技能来打自己。 But...... Feng Bujue had not died, this indicated...... regardless other did not say, sole view defense capability, defensive power of Feng Bujue under normal state unexpectedly with Three Jade Raid in Explodes returns Under condition against could not miss many. 可是……封不觉也没有死掉,这又表明……撇开别的不说,单论防御能力,封不觉在常态下的防御力竟然就和三玉强袭在【爆返】状态下的防差不了多少。 Hateful!” The Three Jade Raid fermentation such trap cannot make the opponent die in battle, when Feng Bujue exposes his skill effect there, Explodes returns The duration also ended, during this made Three Jade Raid fall into without doubt was extremely passive, I fought you!” “可恶!”三玉强袭酝酿如此之久的陷阱没能让对手阵亡,而且当封不觉在那儿曝光他技能效果的时候,【爆返】的持续时间也结束了,这无疑让三玉强袭陷入了极度的被动之中,“我跟你拼了!” He controls the corpse tiger to return fast, oneself also take out plain and simple blade to come, to prepare from Traveling Bag to put together the limit, wrestles by the loathsome appearance...... 他操控着尸虎快速杀回,自己也从行囊中取出一把朴刀来,准备拼上极限,以死相搏…… I looked...... do not need......” at this time, the Feng Bujue's expression suddenly changed, that abdomen black, the evil smile appeared on his face once again, „, because...... you have died.” “我看……不必了吧……”这时,封不觉的表情忽然一变,那种腹黑的、邪恶的笑容又一次出现在了他的脸上,“因为……你已经死了。” You said that assorted......” Three Jade Raid these words cannot say. “你说什……”三玉强袭的这句话没能说完。 Because of this moment, there are two Mark Type II grenade Exploded in his clothes pocket. 因为这一刻,有两枚【马克II型手榴弹】在他的衣服口袋里爆炸了。 Rumbling- 轰轰- Two bangs, explode almost at the same time. 两声巨响,几乎在同时爆起。 Including Three Jade Raid, completely no one discovered when Feng Bujue is admits former's coat pocket hand grenade...... 包括三玉强袭自己在内,完全没人发现封不觉是什么时候把手榴弹放进前者的外衣口袋的…… The audience who Tu Aotian and watches the live broadcast all were also scared, even if were hit the person to explode by Shorthair Crack Fist, but should not blow out this effect? Why can also see the metal shrapnel? 兔傲天和观看直播的观众们也全都傻眼了,就算被“短毛百裂拳”打中的人会爆炸,但应该也不会爆出这种效果吧?为什么还能看见金属弹片啊? Current Quest has completed, Main Quest has been completed 【当前任务已完成,主线任务已全部完成 You have completed this Scenario, after 180 seconds, automatic automatically move 您已完成该剧本,180秒后自动传送 Resounding of System Notification, announced the conclusion of this competition. 系统提示的响起,宣告了这场比赛的结束。 Actually, Feng Bujue also had other means. Three Jade Raid is the last member of Corpse Blade two teams, if Feng Bujue wants to develop is more proper, he can definitely open The Art Of The Soul Connects With The Body- changes, Comes one round of ten levels to the opposite party Wild Ball Fist, As the matter stands, two people are the result of perishing together, the result that Hell Front wins will not change surely. 其实,封不觉也不是没有别的办法了。三玉强袭尸刀二番队的最后一名成员,假如封不觉想演得再到位些,他完全可以开着【灵识聚身术-改】,给对方来一发十级的【野球拳】,这样一来,两人必定是同归于尽的结果,地狱前线获胜的结果不会改变。 But...... Jue Bro does not plan dead here. At least...... he does not want in the competition with Corpse Blade, to have any personnel loss by oneself team. 但……觉哥就是不打算死在这里。至少……他不想在与尸刀的比赛中,让自己的队伍有任何的人员损失。 Right, he truly very bad, but this type bad, divides the object. 没错,他确实很“坏”,但这种“坏”,也是分对象的。 When runs into individual who these use the unfair competition method or the team, Feng Bujue's this evil intention will then be enlarged infinitely, like him in «Me Is the matter that Writer» on handles. 每当遇到那些使用不正当竞争手段的个人或团队时,封不觉的这份“恶意”便会被无限放大,就像他在《我是写手》上所做的事情一样。 Perhaps is not everyone can see his intention, perhaps he will be misunderstood is even hostile, but he was himself to do, and will never regret. 也许不是每一个人都能看出他的用意,也许他会被误会甚至仇视,但他做了自己想做的,并且永远不会对此后悔。 ............ ………… Before two minutes, long hair fort, the tower of pile, sixth. 两分钟前,长毛要塞,樁之塔,第六层。 This...... this impossible......” Kellot to pour in the pool of blood, looks the color of shock, his King bearing, had turned into calling out in grief of defeated, I...... I am strongest Fist Arts! I am the emperor of this end world! Your this group of outcastes should kneel to bend down in my under foot! How does only ugly monster...... possibly defeat me?” “这……这不可能……”凯洛特倒在血泊之中,面露震惊之色,他的那份王者气度,已然变成了败者的悲鸣,“我……我是最强的拳法家!我是这个末世的帝王!你们这帮贱民都该跪伏于我的脚下!区区一个丑陋的怪物……怎么可能打败我?” Hehe...... you, if strongest Fist Arts, I were the god of Hand-to-Hand combat.” Blood Corpse God is overlooking the opposite party, sneers saying that you, if end the emperor of the world, I am the universe emperor.” He shakes the head to let go, this world is very big, I think oneself have been the universe to be strongest, but I discovered recently...... also has the fellow who I am fiercer , the universe also has innumerable, therefore...... I thought that you relax the mentality, treated as itself...... Oh...... the rabbit meat to be OK.” “呵呵……你要是最强的拳法家,我就是格斗之神了。”血尸神俯视着对方,冷笑道,“你要是末世的帝王,那我就是宇宙的帝王。”他摇头摊手,“这个世界是很大的,我本以为自己已经位列宇宙最强,但最近我发现……比我厉害的家伙还有很多,宇宙也有无数个,所以……我觉得你还是放宽心态,把自己当做一盘……呃……兔肉就可以了。” He is saying, then the squatting down body, started the feed...... 他说着,便蹲下身子,开始了进食…… Why you...... you must......” Kellot see Blood Corpse God towards oneself to stretch out the evil clutches, immediately in great surprise, not...... impossible...... you really must eat...... Ah! “你……你要干什么……”凯洛特血尸神朝自己伸出了魔爪,当即大惊,“不……不可能的……你难道真的要吃……啊! Blood Corpse God truly was hungry, therefore he ate to eat the bone Kellot not to remain...... also only spent two minutes. 血尸神确实是饿了,所以他吃把凯洛特吃到骨头都不剩……也只花了两分钟而已。 Belch ~ after” hit belch, Blood Corpse God stretches oneself, looked at one toward the staircase of room another end, un...... this tower also has seventh......, but, the Kellot that I eat should be final long hair six heavenly official, what then...... the uppermost can be?” “嗝儿~”打了个饱嗝儿后,血尸神伸了个懒腰,朝房间另一端的楼梯看了一眼,“嗯……这个塔还有第七层吗……不过,我吃掉的这个凯洛特应该是最后的一个‘长毛天官’了吧,那么……最上面会是什么呢?” He talked over, while the half step had walked. 他一边念叨,一边已快步走了过去。 Blood Corpse God also is very clear the activity time limited( Hell Front other member Summon the words in Scenario world is 15 minutes, by the Feng Bujue Summon words, because of Alchemy king's taunt effect, may exist for over 20 minutes), with its ponder, might as well first act said again. 血尸神也很清楚自己在剧本世界中的活动时间有限(地狱前线的其他成员召唤的话是十五分钟,由封不觉召唤的话,因为“炼金王的嘲讽”的效果,可存在二十分钟以上),与其思考,不如先行动再说。 Un?” When arrives at the staircase end, Blood Corpse God saw one leaf by the front door of pure silver casting, in the gate, but also drew one strange magic, this is......” “嗯?”来到楼梯尽头时,血尸神看到了一扇由纯银铸造的大门,门上,还画了一个古怪的魔法阵,“这是……” During this end world, can find the tableware that several pure silver make has been really not easy, the gate that this pure silver makes is inconceivable simply. Moreover...... magic this thing , the overall setting with this world seems to be incompatible......, therefore Blood Corpse God will also feel the doubts no wonder. 在这末世之中,能找到几副纯银做的餐具已实属不易,这纯银造的门简直是难以想象的。而且……魔法阵这种东西,似乎也和这个世界的总体设定格格不入……所以也难怪血尸神会感到疑惑了。 By „the god of eternal life that two mortals destroy, your final wisp of Divine Consciousness escaped into the space and time turbulent flow, and after being sent into exile arrived at this place, I pitied you, but I cannot make you run amuck in my universe. Therefore, long sleep in this, I will let on this star strongest military guards you, will not terminate until the end.】 【被那两名凡人所摧毁的“永生之神”啊,你那最后的一缕神识还是遁入了时空乱流之中,并在遭到放逐后来到了此地,我怜悯你,但我不能让你在我的宇宙中横行。所以,在此长眠吧,我会让这个星球上最强的“武”来看守你,直到末日也不会终止。】 The Blood Corpse God life span is extremely long, and has great learning, he explained the information in that magic unexpectedly completely, immediately discussed: „...... ‚The god of eternal life? Hehe...... another said that is a god. However disclosed from this law information that you had not only been defeated, but also by the seal, is wanted to come is also an enjoying an unwarranted reputation god......” reads and here, he smiles bitterly, snort/hum...... I?” 血尸神寿命极长,且学识渊博,他竟是完整地解读了那个魔法阵中的信息,随即念道:“哦……‘永生之神’是吗?呵呵……又一个自称是神的。然而从这法阵透露出的信息来看,你不仅被击败过,还被封印了起来,想来也是个虚有其名之神吧……”念及此处,他不禁苦笑一声,“哼……我自己又何尝不是呢?” Out of a very subtle mentality, Blood Corpse God put out a hand...... to erase that magic charm with own strength. 出于一种很微妙的心态,血尸神伸出手去……用自己的力量抹除了那个魔法阵的魔力。 The next second, he can obviously feel an demon to be able disappearing. This indicated that...... had some type of powerful seal to untie. 下一秒,他可以明显地感觉到一股魔能的散失。这表明……有某种强有力的封印被解开了。 Then...... made me come to be able you......” Blood Corpse God saying that has lifted the arm to shove open that sliding door, facing, the strength of that distortion after the gate gushing out, he was still without turning a hair, so-called ‚the god of eternal life......” “那么……让我来会会你吧……”血尸神说着,已然举臂推开了那扇门,面对从门后涌出的、那股扭曲的力量,他仍是面不改色,“所谓的‘永生之神’……”
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