TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#879: All war

long hair city stopper, the tower of pile, sixth. 长毛城塞,桩之塔,第六层。 Oh? also had the rabbit to stay here not to run......” Blood Corpse God just to step this from the stair, then saw wears the white T-shirt and plain-looking rabbit alien(s). 哦?原来还有兔子留在这儿没跑么……”血尸神刚从台阶踏上了这一层,便看到了一个身着白色T恤、相貌平平的兔星人 Although this rabbit alien(s) seems like with the mixed soldier is not different, even the modeling might as well mixed soldier is sharp, but he after seeing Blood Corpse God this intruder actually displays exceptionally calm: Un......” he is sizing up the present monster slowly, and asked that „...... the city stirred the earth-shaking person in...... is you?” 虽说这个兔星人看上去和杂兵没什么两样,甚至造型还不如杂兵犀利,但他在看到血尸神这个入侵者后却表现得异常淡定:“嗯……”他缓缓打量着眼前的怪物,并问道,“……把城里搅得天翻地覆的人……就是你吗?” The exchange of a few words, Blood Corpse God then sees the opposite party imposing manner extraordinarily, is not the common mixed soldier, he meets to say immediately with deep veneration: You may misunderstand, is cleaning up your in the city hand/subordinate...... is three earthmen. But I...... am only responsible for attacking the heart of this city stopper.” 只是一句话的交流,血尸神便看出对方气势非凡、绝非一般的杂兵,他当即肃然接道:“那你可就误会了,正在城里清理你那些手下的……是三名地球人。而我……只负责突袭这座城塞的心脏。” In other words...... you are my enemy.” That rabbit alien(s) also said. “也就是说……你是我的敌人。”那兔星人又道。 „...... Haha Ha.....” Blood Corpse God smiles incomparably ripples, in some significance is...... regarding food, the diner firmly was also the natural enemy.” “呵……哈哈哈……”血尸神笑得无比荡漾,“某种意义上算是吧……对于食物来说,食客确也算是天敌了。” „This very interesting analogy...... rabbit alien(s) also said actually, who actually does not know...... your me...... the eaten that side......” “这倒是个很有趣的比喻呢……”兔星人又道,“却是不知……你我……谁才是会被吃掉的那一方……” You know quickly...... un......” Blood Corpse God wants to call the opposite party, but discovered that has not asked others name, right, what did you call?” “你很快就会知道了……嗯……”血尸神想叫对方一声,但发现还没问人家姓名,“对了,你叫什么?” That rabbit alien(s) visual Blood Corpse God, coldly saying: I am...... the heads of long hair six heavenly official- on lives star Monarch Kellot.” 那兔星人目视血尸神,冷冷回道:“我乃是……长毛天官之首-上生星君凯洛特。” Kellot?” Blood Corpse God repeated the name of opposite party, immediately said with a smile, hehe...... good, Carrot Mr. ( carrot ), analyzed from your given name, you should be a fierce role ; But your words...... also indicated you, not only will not sit waiting for death, must change from guest to host.” His a half second, such being the case, I give you an opportunity......” he to stretch out the arms, meets to say rampantly,you will show your martial skill...... I to regard the cabaret to appreciate him heartily, like this I will eat your time will increase several points of flavor. 凯洛特?”血尸神将对方的名字重复了一遍,随即笑道,“呵呵……好吧,胡萝卜(carrot)先生,从你的名号判断,你应该是个厉害角色;而你刚才的话……也表明了你非但不会坐以待毙、还要反客为主。”他微顿半秒,“既然如此,我就给你个机会……”他张开双臂,嚣张地接道,“你就尽情地展现自己的武技吧……我会将其当成余兴节目去欣赏的,这样我吃你的时候就会更增几分风味。 Snort...... joke.” Although Kellot said the joke two characters, but he has not smiled, is only cold snort/hum one, should say, you experienced my ‚the long hair god fist strongest male secret art long hair after phoenix fist, you will know...... words and deeds at this moment laughable!” “哼……笑话。”凯洛特虽然说了笑话二字,可他并没有笑,只是冷哼一声,应道,“等你见识了我这‘长毛神拳最强之男’的绝学-长毛凤凰拳之后,你就会知道……自己此刻的言行有多可笑!” ............ ………… On the other hand, long hair city stopper, somewhere. 另一方面,长毛城塞,某处。 „...... Solved...... Wang Tanzhi to squat quickly in a crown of building, looks at the rabbit alien(s) corpse everywhere, thought aloud discussed that „, although Jue Bro said that made me try this gadget actual result......, but new Equipment Special Effect demonstrated like this in the live broadcast really......” “啊……这么快就解决完了呢……”王叹之蹲在一座建筑的顶部,看着满地的兔星人尸体,自言自语般念道,“虽然觉哥说让我‘试试这玩意儿的实际效果’……但在直播中这样把新装备特效展示出来真的好吗……” At this time, under the Xiao Tan assassin hood, had had a slip-on mask. This surface has a very clear middle line, the left half face is the orange, the right half face is the black ; Mask other what are not obvious the characteristics, has not made what detail for the nose, mouth and ear, but the parts of two eyes made the sense of reality of leather. 此时,小叹的刺客兜帽之下,已多出了一个套头式面具。这个面具有一条很清晰的中间线,左半脸呈橙色,右半脸呈黑色;面具没有其他什么明显特征,没有为鼻、口、耳做出什么细节,只是两只眼睛的部分做成了皮革的质感。 But in Xiao Tan mouth new Equipment, referred to naturally is this...... 小叹口中的“新装备”,指的自然就是这个…… Name: The shadow of death knell ( Deathstroke ) 名称:丧钟(Deathstroke)之影】 Type: Defensive Equipment 【类型:防具 Quality: Legend 【品质:传说】 Defensive power: Does not have 【防御力:无】 Attribute: Does not have 【属性:无】 Special Effect: while equipped, all Level A following Hand-to-Hand combat and Investigation are the skill determine Level to be regarded as Level A ; Is Level A Hand-to-Hand combat and Investigation is the skill will be regarded as Level S( skill consumption is invariable, might / effect increases)】 特效:装备时,所有A级以下的格斗侦查系技能判定等级将被视为A级;原为A级格斗侦查系技能将被视为S级(技能消耗不变,威力/效果增加)】 Equipment condition: Investigation Specialization A, Fighting Proficiency A 装备条件:侦查专精A,格斗专精A】 Note: This mask is skilled in various Fighting Technique and assassination skillful master tactician along with one goes on an expedition for many years, has almost become the symbol of Death and victory. Until one day, its master drops down before weaponry of enemy finally, making it catch the blood, spirit and soul that cold bloody battle soul...... from then on, „the shadow of death knell the legend then started.】 【备注:这个面具伴随着一名精通各种格斗术及暗杀技巧的战术大师征战多年,几乎已成为了死亡与胜利的象征。直到某一天,它的主人终于在敌人的兵刃前倒下,让它染上了那冷血战魂的血液、精神、魂魄……从那以后,“丧钟之影”的传说便开始了。】 Without a doubt, this mask was Xiao Tan three that attained from the buried treasure cavern of black beard treasure one...... 毫无疑问的,这个面具就是小叹从黑胡子的宝藏洞窟里拿到的三件“宝物”之一了…… Although showing of this Equipment is not complex like other Legend Level Item, but that simple easy to understand passive Special Effect also does right by absolutely Legend Level quality. 虽然这件装备的说明不像其他传说级物品那么复杂,但那简单易懂的被动特效也绝对对得起“传说级”的品质。 Said that...... Xiao Tan was actually supervising work to put one to slave of one group of long hair city stoppers a moment ago Counter blade maneuver cuts But this Level D skill was mentioned the Level A later might...... far exceeded Xiao Tan own imagination. 就说刚才吧……小叹其实只是对着一帮长毛城塞的奴隶监工放了一个【逆刃回旋斩】而已,但这D级技能被提到A级以后的威力……远远超出了小叹自己的想象。 These transfers, simply with one 30 seconds unparalleled almost, that effect being worthy of the reputation cuts grass...... 这一圈转下来,简直就跟开了一个三十秒的无双差不多,那效果是名副其实的割草…… ............ ………… long hair city stopper another end- slave market. 长毛城塞另一端-奴隶市场。 What you have other not to have the confession?” Xiao Ling asked when this issue, the Ultimax100 muzzle on hand is going against a rabbit alien(s) forehead. “你还有别的什么没交代的吗?”小灵问这个问题时,手上的Ultimax100枪口正顶着一个兔星人的额头。 But that rabbit alien(s) has frightened at this time scared shitless, kneels brings the weeping voice to say on the ground: „...... Really, I had not really known all told you! I really am only a manages matter, never has to kill people( rabbit)! Please believe me!” 而那个兔星人此时已吓得屁滚尿流,跪在地上带着哭腔道:“真……真的没有了,我知道的全都告诉你了!我真的只是一个管事儿的,从来没杀过人(兔)!请你相信我!” Snort......” Xiao Ling sneers to him, „do I believe you, unimportant......” she is saying, caught the eye to look at the surroundings, at this moment, their nearby besides the bodies of these long hair six heavenly official lackeys, but also gathered everybody who many, were scarred in rags, you have killed people have been also good and not kill also well, similarly unimportant......” she, sometimes, in the hand has not moistened the person of blood, instead will moisten the full health dirty person to be dirtier than...... this these both hands dirty not covers by the attractive semblance or the false expression, Because it had revealed clearly, in these were suffered by you live to might as well die in the eyes of person......” “哼……”小灵冲他冷笑一声,“我信不信你,并不重要……”她说着,抬眼看了看周围,此刻,他们的附近除了那些长毛天官爪牙的尸体之外,还聚集了许许多多衣衫褴褛、伤痕累累的男女老幼,“你杀过人也好、没杀过也好,同样不重要……”她顿了一下,“有时候,手上没有沾血的人,反而比那些双手沾满血污的人更肮脏……这份肮脏并不会被光鲜的外表或虚伪的措辞所掩盖,因为它已清晰地显露在了这些被你折磨得生不如死之人的双眼中……” The words to here, Xiao Ling received the spear/gun, turned around to depart. 话至此处,小灵收起了枪,转身离去。 When taking a step, her did not return left behind one: How to process this person...... to decide by you.” Her these words were said to slaves all around without doubt, „, right......, no matter you made anything to him, does not need to be worried about some people to investigate afterward, because today...... is the ends of these oppressors.” 在迈步之际,她头也不回地留下了一句:“怎么处理这个人……就由你们自己来决定吧。”她的这句话无疑是对周遭的奴隶们所说,“哦,对了……不管你们对他做了什么,都不用担心事后会有人追究,因为今天……就是这些压迫者们的末日。” ............ ………… long hair city stopper- barracks. 长毛城塞-兵营。 You...... your monster......” keeps lion thick long hair and whole body coat color to assume brown rabbit alien(s) to sit falls down, is looking at not far away together solitary and vertical form with the incomparably panic-stricken look, discussed tremblingly, „............ long hair five car(riage) starsgives us in the flash unexpectedly unexpectedly ‚......” “你……你这怪物……”一个留着狮子般浓密的长毛、全身毛色呈棕色的兔星人坐倒在地上,用无比惊恐的眼神望着不远处一道孑然而立的身影,颤颤巍巍地念道,“……竟……竟然在一瞬间就把我们‘长毛五车星’给……” Sorry.” Ruoyu broke the words of that fellow, I do not know that you are saying anything, when I began a moment ago, has not noticed here to have ‚five’ strength specially prominent person( rabbit) to exist.” She is saying, once again raised the Xuanyuan sword in hand, my time are not perhaps much, needs me to clean up with your same fellow, therefore......” “抱歉。”若雨打断了那家伙的话语,“我不知道你在说什么,我刚才动手时,也没有注意到这里有‘某五个’实力特别突出的人(兔)存在。”她说着,又一次提起了手中的轩辕剑,“我的时间恐怕已经不多了,还有很多和你一样的家伙需要我去清理,所以……” She has not said that „, therefore the following content, the sword in his hand has not fallen. Because...... that fellow of ground had received the sword cut a moment ago, is the condition of barely managing to maintain a feeble existence, at this time her such a was frightened...... the blood pressure on rise fiercely, the wound splits open, spat blood to perish suddenly. 她没有说出那个“所以”后面的内容,其手中的剑也没有落下。因为……地上的那个家伙刚才就已经受了剑伤,属于苟延残喘的状态,此时被她这么一吓……血压猛升,伤口迸裂,就这么突然吐血而亡了。 This in she opinion is nothing, the audience but who are watching the live broadcast look like...... is really very dazzles. 这一幕在她自己看来是没什么,但在观看直播的观众们看来……真是过于酷炫。 Everyone sees has killed NPC, but has not really seen has been able to give to scare to death NPC while still alive. Although that NPC has the wound firmly in the body, but that wound is not obviously fatal, its cause of death also is really scaring to death the ingredient is in the majority. 大家都见过打死NPC的,但还真没见过能把NPC活活给吓死的。虽然那个NPC确已有伤在身,但那伤口明显并不致命,其死因还真是“吓死”的成分居多。 „Does the performance of this Heroine dare again a wild and cool point......” “这位女侠的表现敢不敢再狂霸酷拽一点……” hey hey ~ husband ~ the lunatic team leader and this beautiful woman swordsman of their team are quite fierce, felt that can hit ten!” 喂喂~老公~他们队的疯子队长和这个美女剑客都好厉害啊,感觉都能一个打十个呢!” Like the Rain after Parting...... in the ranking has not seen her ID unexpectedly, what situation?” 似雨若离吗……排行榜上竟然没见过她的ID,什么情况?” Possibly is others is low-key, I measure to play from now, has not heard her, moreover when S1 has not seen any is related her information, but how this strength...... sees is the extra-superior level......” “可能是人家低调吧,我从内测玩到现在,从来没听说过她,而且S1时也没见过任何有关她的情报,但这实力……怎么看都是超一流水准啊……” I said that...... the overall strength of this Hell Front team was too exaggerating a point? With for preliminary contest first ten, the Corpse Blade two teams was exploded the wood to have by them?” “我说……这地狱前线队的整体战力是不是太夸张了一点?同为预赛前十名,尸刀二番队被他们完爆有木有?” Suddenly, commentary in each live broadcast platform also ushered a round of new upsurge. 一时间,各个直播平台上的评论又迎来了一轮新的热潮。 This competition projects on at present this stage, basically has no suspense, because victory and defeat already very obvious...... not to mention performance of Xiao Tan and Xiao Ling, displays the ability that on by Jue Bro and Ruoyu, hangs that feeling of dozen of enemy teams by one's effort. 这场比赛打到眼下这个阶段,基本上已经没有什么悬念了,因为胜负已经很明显了……且不说小叹小灵的表现,就以觉哥若雨展现出的能力来看,都是以一己之力吊打敌方全队的那种感觉。 Therefore, focus that the audience discussed...... also from competition changed to other matter. 于是,观众们讨论的焦点……也从比赛本身转移到了别的事情上。 On this day , a Hell Front war becomes famous, besides Flowers Between that has not entered the stage, Feng Bujue, Wang Tanzhi, Like the Rain after Parting and Soulfully Sorrowful Smiling Skeleton these four roles...... then had a group of fans and fan in one night. 这天过后,地狱前线一战成名,除了尚未出场的花间之外,疯不觉枉叹之似雨若离悲灵笑骨这四个角色……在一夜之间便有了一大群粉丝、拥趸。 But in the middle of their four people most popular...... without doubt is Xiao Tan. 而他们四人当中人气最高的……无疑是小叹 This type of whole body powder is in a daze to sprout/moe the person is very good to bully actually to show the strong strength by the makings, to the feeling and critical moment that weakly the Tall Rich Handsome small fresh meat, has almost the enormous lethality to each females of ages. Moreover...... wants to make the male player who he picks the soap not lack. 这种浑身散发着呆萌弱受气质、给人很好欺负的感觉、关键时刻却又能展现出强劲实力的高富帅小鲜肉,几乎对各个年龄段的女性都有着极大的杀伤力。另外……想让他捡肥皂的男玩家也是不缺的。 Naturally, these were something to be talked about later, the latter copy clerk said again. 当然了,那些都是后话了,后文书再说。 ............ ………… Let us return in the desert the line of sight...... 让我们将视线放回沙漠中…… That while the Hell Front three players and Blood Corpse God have it all the long hair city stopper, Feng Bujue here fight is also still continuing. 就在地狱前线的三名玩家和血尸神长毛城塞一锅端掉的同时,封不觉这边的战斗也还在继续着。 Your Summon lifeform is also pretty good......” Feng Bujue to move aside at the same time Corpse tiger Initiated fiercely attacking, at the same time to hiding said in Summon thing back control with the relaxed lazy tone, speaks the truth...... does not die this characteristics, but also is really exceptionally practical.” “你的召唤生物也不赖嘛……”封不觉一边躲闪着【尸虎】发起的猛攻,一边用轻松慵懒的口吻对躲在召唤物背后的操控者言道,“说实话……‘不死’这种特性,还真是异常实用呢。” Under the data angle of view, Feng Bujue has seen through Three Jade Raid all. With this Corpse tiger As Level S Summon Specialization one of the two most Summon beasts, its strength naturally is not weak ; Besides the grandiose build and powerful fighting hand-to-hand ability and extremely high thing attacks the thing against, the corpse tiger also has does not die the characteristics. Namely- after this/should Summon beast by Summon, only if the user dismisses it, or encounters over 50% destruction disappearing in the physical level, otherwise...... how, regardless to hit, it cannot Death. Most will fall into similar stupor condition......, but this type stupor the condition length, depends on its injured order of severity. 在数据视角之下,封不觉早已看穿了三玉强袭的一切。就拿这【尸虎】来说,作为一名S级召唤专精者的两只最召唤兽之一,其战力自然是不弱;除了壮硕的体型、强悍的肉搏能力以及极高的物攻物防之外,尸虎还具备“不死”的特点。即-该召唤兽被召唤后,除非使用者自行将其解散、或是在物理层面上遭到50%以上的泯灭性破坏,否则……无论怎么打,它都不会死亡。最多会陷入一种类似“昏迷”的状态……而这种“昏迷”状态的长短,取决于其受伤的严重程度。 For example, for example the head of corpse tiger was reduced, then the stupor time lasts till its bow heavy new is long......, if it is severed completely, then volume slightly big that side will become the new main body, and starts to live immediately fills a vacancy remnantly, but the stupor time also lasts to grow into a complete corpse tiger till it. 举例来说,比如尸虎的头被砍掉,那么昏迷的时间就持续到它的头重新长出来为止……如果它被一刀两断,那么体积略大的那一边就会成为新的主体,并立即开始生残补缺,而昏迷的时间也就持续到它重新长成一只完整的尸虎为止。 Saw that here people will definitely ask...... that if it were hewn 18? This are not related......, no matter hews many, the corpse tiger by the separated body fragment by the quickest speed that oneself can be toward some other separated advances, in the meantime, new main body is also conducting the self-recovery. If separated body when the self-recovery conducted to half of returned to by the main body, the main body will swallow...... this movement to be possible it suddenly the process that accelerated to heal. 看到这里肯定会有人问……那假如它被砍成十八段呢?这也没关系……不管砍成多少段,尸虎被分离后的身体碎片都会以自身所能达到的最快速度向着被分离的其他部分前进,同时,新的“主体”也在进行着自愈。如果被分离的身体在自愈进行到一半时回到了主体旁边,主体会将其吞噬……这个动作可急剧加速愈合的过程。 In brief, must kill the corpse tiger, the best way uses the intensity high energy impact, results in the dregs not to remain its 51% body bang...... 简而言之,要杀死尸虎,最好的办法就用强度较高的能量冲击,将其51%的身体轰得渣都不剩…… Naturally, a situation, can let it next cannot move at the body not disappeared premise for a long time. That is uses high one time Attack Power very very......” hits hard to hit its. For example a volume compared with corpse tiger also big more than ten times of giant Saiyan, gave it to come a round of tortoise fist...... that basis „injured wickedly the more serious stupor time was longer the principle, its possibly therefore lying down ten days of half moon/month. 当然了,还有一种情况,可以让它在身体未被泯灭的前提下长时间不能动弹。那就是用一次“攻击力非常非常非常非常……高”的重击去打它一下。比方说一个体积比尸虎还大十几倍的巨型赛亚人,恶狠狠地给它来了一发王八拳……那根据“受伤越严重昏迷时间就越长”的原则,它可能会因此躺上个十天半拉月的。 Finally, a point that but also needs to raise is...... the duration of this Summon lifeform is infinite. However, after the user on own initiative it dismisses, will enter the skill cooling time. 最后,还需要提的一点就是……这个召唤生物的持续时间是无限的。不过,使用者主动将其解散之后,还是会进入技能冷却时间。 In summary, everyone was not ugly came out, by the Feng Bujue's ability, must level this corpse tiger, the best method without doubt was Energy Blast. But this skill has certain probability to cause user at the scene Death, Jue Bro does not want to take this risk in this aspect. 综上所述,各位就不难看出来了,以封不觉的能力而言,要摆平这头尸虎,最好的方法无疑是【气功炮】了。但这个技能是有一定概率导致使用者当场死亡的,觉哥可不想在这种局面下去冒这个风险。 Next, with YiDa Perhaps launches a powerful the ammunition also to be able Instant kill this Summon thing, but neighbor does not have that thing to take temporarily. Also...... YiDa round the ammunition effect is random, even if hits with the unclear sleep/felt severe gadget, is still not necessarily able to leave disappears the effect. 其次,用【燚龘】发射一枚强力的弹药也许也能秒杀召唤物,可附近暂时也没有那种东西可拿。再说……燚龘发出去的弹药效果是随机的,就算拿个不明觉厉的玩意儿打出去,也未必会出泯灭效果。 Third, with Rankyaku Cuts the multi-stage the corpse tiger, keeping it in a short time from entering the war...... as if is also a good way. What a pity...... from previously that round Rankyaku "Ran" The result, this gadget against is very high, skin coarse meat to be thick, is not necessarily able to cut ; Moreover...... corpse tiger these cut open the body fragments in this open desert does not have the impediment, even cut open, they at very quick speed will still link. 其三,用【岚脚】把尸虎切割成多段,使其在短时间内无法参战……似乎也是个好办法。可惜……从此前那发【岚脚-乱】的结果来看,这玩意儿物防很高、皮糙肉厚,未必能切得开;而且在这开阔的沙漠中……尸虎那些被切开后的身体碎片之间毫无阻隔,即使切开了,它们也会以非常快的速度重新结合在一起。 Therefore, when the Three Jade Raid control corpse tiger defends full power, after the defensive fighting method and Jue Bro launch the battle of attrition, Jue Bro has then had no achievements. 因此,当三玉强袭操控尸虎全力防御、以防守打法和觉哥展开消耗战后,觉哥便一直没有什么建树了。 Nearly ten minutes, after similar......” a that person of strange dogfight had conducted for a long time, Three Jade Raid ponders to say secretly, my survival, Stamina and Spirit Power may almost not have the condition of consumption, but his Stamina and Health by certain speed is losing ; Person who this fellow not that type can sit waiting for death, he not whatever this aspect develops...... after he thinks has found out me and corpse tiger the action pattern, will definitely change, and found an opportunity to attack my main body. But at that time...... he was finished!” “已经快十分钟了,差不多了吧……”那一人一怪的缠斗进行了许久后,三玉强袭暗忖道,“我的生存、体能灵力值可都是几乎无消耗的状态,而他的体能生存值都在以一定的速率损耗着;这家伙绝不是那种会坐以待毙的人,他不会任由这种局面发展下去的……当他认为已经摸清了我和尸虎的行动模式后,肯定会变招、并找到一个机会来攻击我的本体。而那时……他就完蛋了!”
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