TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#878: The chaotic body to/clashes

The hot sun has not fallen, the sandstorm continues. 烈日未落,风沙不止。 In the boundless boundless desert, will soon launch one by enemy four fierce combat. 无边无垠的沙漠中,即将展开一场以一敌四的激战。 But is paying attention to the player of this competition, is anticipating Feng Bujue performance. 而所有正在关注着这场比赛的玩家,也都在期待着-疯不觉的表现。 At this moment, people as if do not care about Jue Bro to win and die...... they to want very much to look that actually purely this fellow is competent what matter. 事到如今,人们似乎已不是很在意觉哥到底会赢、还是会死……他们只是单纯地想看这个家伙究竟还能干出什么样的事情来。 Brother Feng, do you really take a person to fight them?” After Tu Aotian listened to the Jue Bro crazy language, reveals to worry about the color in side, the sinking sound asks. 疯兄,你真的要一个人跟他们打吗?”兔傲天听了觉哥的狂语之后,在旁露出担忧之色,沉声问道。 „...... The rabbit brother you do not need to help me, so long as looks on the line.” Feng Bujue returns said. “啊……兔兄你不必帮我,只要看着就行了。”封不觉回道。 Un......” Tu Aotian gets hold of the double fist, under seeming decided some determination to be the same, discussed, I know...... compared with Brother Feng, my boundary bad were too many, perhaps I will intend to help become your burden on the contrary......, but...... this was related to the life or death in village, if I were only standing by......” “嗯……”兔傲天握紧双拳,好似下定了某种决心一般,念道,“我知道……与疯兄相比,我的境界差了太多,或许我出手帮忙反倒会成为你的累赘……但……这事关村子的存亡,我若只是袖手旁观的话……” You go tidying up that fellows.” Feng Bujue seemed had guessed correctly Tu Aotian will say, he heard after the word, convenient referred to the index beyond ten meters that helping the mixed soldier in long hair fort, this helped me be busy.” “那你去把那帮家伙给收拾掉吧。”封不觉好似早已猜到了兔傲天会这么说,他闻言后顺手就指了指数十米外那帮长毛要塞的杂兵,“这样就帮了我大忙了。” Brother Feng......” Tu Aotian thinks two seconds, nod toward Jue Bro with the firm look immediately, good! I understood!” 疯兄……”兔傲天想了两秒,随即用坚定的神色朝觉哥点点头,“好!我明白了!” Feng Bujue is a smart person, if he wants, he can also be gentle person, is with good intention. Therefore, at this moment he thinks quite appropriate, without hurting Tu Aotian self-respect...... minimizes the treatment method the risk. 封不觉是个聪明人,如果他愿意,他也可以是个温柔的、善解人意的人。所以,此刻他想到了一个较为妥当的、在不伤害兔傲天自尊的情况下……将风险降到最低的处理方法。 That Tu Aotian is also the person of bright affair( rabbit), after a moment ago and short confrontation of Colonel, he had realized that oneself strength and long hair six heavenly official also missed a rank ; He also knows that...... the Jue Bro action thinks through a matter ; Therefore, he will be in the grateful mood saying that understood. 兔傲天也是明事理的人(兔),经过刚才和上校的短暂交锋,他已体会到了自己的实力和长毛天官还差一个级别;他也知道……觉哥的举动用心良苦;因此,他才会怀着感激的心情说上那句“明白了”。 Snort...... the boy, you do not regret!” Di Diwei has not paid attention to Tu Aotian completely, when the latter bypasses he and Corpse Blade three people run to that group of mixed soldiers, he is still staring Feng Bujue, threatens to say wickedly, in my long hair waterfowl fist front, your ten seconds cannot support!” “哼……小子,你可别后悔了!”迪迪威完全没把兔傲天放在眼里,后者绕过他和尸刀的三人跑向那群杂兵时,他依然瞪着封不觉,恶狠狠地恐吓道,“在我的‘长毛水鸟拳’面前,你连十秒都撑不过去!” When he spoke these words, three people of Corpse Blade two teams have dispersed, surrounded Feng Bujue fast. Is counted positive/direct Di Diwei, their total four people( and rabbit) happen to stood in the Jue Bro four directions. 他说这句话时,尸刀二番队的三人已然散开,快速将封不觉包围了起来。算上正面的迪迪威,他们共计四人(和兔)正好站在了觉哥的四方。 „...... This.” Feng Bujue is actually calm, he listened to the opposite party to say to win the manifesto, met to say immediately, that...... ten, nine, eight, seven and six......” “哦……这样啊。”封不觉倒是淡定,他听对方讲完了必胜宣言,就立即接道,“那么……十、九、八、七、六……” Must by the skill of taunt, at present these fellows and Jue Bro not be a magnitude. 要论嘲讽的技巧,眼前这些家伙和觉哥根本就不是一个量级的。 The enemies...... to become him in each matter that in front of Feng Bujue said each few words that reveal each manner that does to control the enemy mood and essential factor of induction enemy side behavior. 敌人在封不觉面前说的每一句话、流露出的每一个神态、做下的每一件事……都有可能成为他控制敌方情绪、诱导敌方行为的要素。 For example at this moment, Jue Bro uses Di Diwei spoke thoughtlessly a moment ago say „for ten seconds two characters, but makes the reciprocal, compels the opposite party to go forward to attack ; Moreover, is unretentive attacks crazily...... , when Di Diwei that and stakes everything on a single throw of the dice starts to attack, Jue Bro has counted five. 比如此刻,觉哥就利用了迪迪威刚才随口所说的“十秒”二字,只是做一下倒数,就逼得对方不得不上前攻击;而且,还是毫无保留、孤注一掷的狂攻……因为当迪迪威开始进攻时,觉哥都已经数了五下了。 long hair waterfowl fist deep meaning. Soaring white beautiful!” But sees a Di Diwei both arms show/unfolds, the huge figure actually resembles the light swallow rapid flight, soars. 长毛水鸟拳奥义.飞翔白丽!”但见迪迪威双臂一展,庞大的身形却似轻燕疾飞,腾空而来。 Five, four and three......” facing that astonishing deep meaning, Feng Bujue calmly several numbers, while put out a hand to take out the precious pearl of thunder from Traveling Bag Move as fast as lightning, When in the attack, will start it. “五、四、三……”面对那惊人的奥义,封不觉一边从容地数着数,一边伸手从行囊里取出了雷之宝珠【动如雷霆】,并在攻击将至未至之时,将其发动。 The next second, white Battle Qi curls like the strong gale, rumbles such as a pair of great wing tearing trace in the desert. 下一秒,白色的斗气如烈风般卷来,在沙漠中轰出如一双巨翼般的撕裂痕迹。 However, Feng Bujue was actually returns safe and sound appears in another. 然,封不觉却是毫发未伤地出现在了另一处。 Scolding- 叱- The kitchen knife leaves, blood light present. 菜刀出,血光现。 What this blade holds is Reborn for the King, because Feng Bujue has observed through the data angle of view, these people( and rabbit) middle...... is him weakly. 这一刀捅的是重生为王,因为封不觉已通过数据视角观察过了,这几人(和兔)当中……就属他最弱。 Reborn for the King truly cannot avoid the attack of Jue Bro, after all he by the player who First Aid Healing and Spirit Art Specialization grows perceptibly, in front of five times of fast Jue Bro, he makes any response radically without enough time. 重生为王确实也没能躲开觉哥的攻击,毕竟他是以医疗灵术专精见长的玩家,在五倍速的觉哥面前,他根本来不及做出任何反应。 „......” Reborn for the King does not look that digs from own back of the body place, puts on the knife point that from the chest, exudes one stuffily, but he has turned the head immediately, with discussed finally, I guess right...... is really since I start...... hehe......” “唔……”重生为王看着从自己后心处扎入,从前胸穿出的刀尖,发出一声闷哼,不过他随即就转过头去,用最后一口气念道,“我猜的没错……果然是从我开始吗……呵呵……” When this changes into the white light vanishes being on the verge of death, he unexpectedly exudes one to sneer. 在这化为白光消失前的濒死之际,他竟是发出了一声冷笑。 Two and one......” Feng Bujue has not gone to manage him, several numbers, after number to zero, starts from one several, one, two, three and four......” “二、一……”封不觉则是没去理他,自顾自地数着数,在数到“零”以后,又开始从一数起,“一、二、三、四……” I know the words that...... and you engage in hand-to-hand combat...... feared no one to preserve me...... Reborn for the King are actually not continue by your Instant kill, „, therefore I have been ready, shouldered hardly your strikes......” his a half second, Feng Bujue, very sorry, when you arrived at my side, has been doomed you to be defeated in this fight......” “我知道……和你短兵相接的话……恐怕没人能保住我不被你秒杀……”重生为王却是继续说着,“所以我早已做好了准备,硬扛你这一击……”他微顿半秒,“疯不觉,很抱歉,当你来到我身边时,就已注定了你会在这场战斗中落败……” Finishes barely the words, his whole body blue glow flashes, an electric current ray wrapped Jue Bro suddenly. 话音未落,他全身蓝芒一闪,一阵电流般的光芒猛然包裹住了觉哥 Then, Reborn for the King changed into the white light, announced Death...... 接着,重生为王就化为了白光,宣告死亡…… „Before 11, 12 and 13......” Feng Bujue this little while without doubt already opposite party at the point of death, some skill that emits, but he has not stopped counting, and has not forgotten to look at Di Diwei with the provocative look. “十一、十二、十三……”封不觉这会儿无疑已中了对方临死前放出的某个技能,但他还是没有停止数数,并且也没忘了用挑衅的眼神去看了看迪迪威 Scoundrel! Do not count again!” Di Diwei is in an uncontrollable rage, Feng Bujue always a several number, is to his taunt. “混账!别再数了!”迪迪威早已怒不可遏,封不觉每多数出一个数字来,就是对他的一次嘲讽。 Sometimes therefore...... the words cannot say fully, otherwise likely digs one's own grave. 所以说……有时候话不能说得太满,否则很可能自掘坟墓。 long hair waterfowl fist. The Vermillon Bird show/unfolds flies in circles!” Di Diwei has the move quickly again, kills vigorously from the distant place. 长毛水鸟拳.朱雀展翔!”迪迪威很快就再次出招,从远处疾疾杀来。 While the present! We on also!” Three Jade Raid also seizes the opportunity at this time, shouted one toward Transcends As King. “趁现在!我们也上!”三玉强袭此时也看准机会,朝穿越为王喊了一声。 A moment ago that about 20 seconds, enough Three Jade Raid own main force Summon lifeform- Corpse tiger Summon comes out, enough Transcends As King has prepared for the completely safe attack in side. 刚才那二十秒左右的时间,已足够三玉强袭将自己的主力召唤生物-【尸虎】召唤出来,也已足够穿越为王在旁做好万全的进攻准备了。 This flickers, they and Di Diwei kill respectively simultaneously from three directions, regardless of in the air, ground...... does not leave the dead angle. But the Feng Bujue's acceleration precious pearl has used, perhaps was impossible to get out of trouble with the speed advantage again...... 这一瞬,他们两人和迪迪威分别从三个方向同时杀来,无论空中、地面……都已不留死角。而封不觉的加速宝珠已经用去,恐怕是不可能再用速度优势来脱困了…… At this moment! 就在此刻! Oh...... victory and defeat already difference.” Suddenly, Feng Bujue stopped counting, after latter turns, stands upside down with ease, Rankyaku "Ran"!” “唉……胜负已分。”突然,封不觉停止了数数,朝后一个后翻,轻松地倒立起来,“岚脚-乱!” Actually sees its whole body blood glow to flash, Battle Qi transpiration, this is he opens in this Scenario for the first time The Art Of The Soul Connects With The Body- changes ; But Rankyaku In the most hysterical/frenzy move also in this condition suddenly and presently. In a flash, then has hundreds of cutting to strike toward disperses to go in all directions, is conducting the undifferentiated destruction. 却见其周身血芒一闪,斗气蒸腾,这是他在这个剧本中首次开启【灵识聚身术-改】;而【岚脚】之中最为狂乱的一招也在这一状态下乍然而现。弹指间,便有数以百计的斩击朝四面八方飞散而去,进行着无差别的破坏。 How possibly!” Three Jade Raid sees that to have a big shock, quickly controls the corpse tiger to receive the potential to resist the attack for oneself. “怎么可能!”三玉强袭见状大惊失色,急忙操控尸虎收势为自己抵挡攻击。 Why can this...... like this?” Transcends As King had not felt better, he complete attention and Battle Qi centralized in attack style, has not kept the strength to defend completely, has not stayed behind to oneself withdraws or the circuitous leeway, because...... he had recognized Feng Bujue is unable to revolt absolutely. “这……为什么会这样?”穿越为王就没那么好过了,他把全部的注意力和斗气都集中在了进攻招式上,完全没有留力去防御,也没有给自己留下后撤或迂回的余地,因为……他已认定了封不觉绝对无法反抗。 ............ ………… Before 30 minutes, long hair city area north of the Great Wall. 三十分钟前,长毛城塞外。 Team leader, passes through, how...... you to see about Feng Bujue?” Reborn for the King before embarking, asked his two teammate questions. “队长,穿越,关于疯不觉……你们怎么看?”重生为王在出发前,问了他的两名队友这个问题。 Seeming like...... him is the preparation makes some arrangement in the tactic. 看起来……他是准备在战术上做些布置。 Although does not want to acknowledge...... words that but the theory independent combat, perhaps we do not have one are his opponent.” Three Jade Raid returns said. “虽然不想承认……但论单打独斗的话,恐怕我们没有一个是他的对手。”三玉强袭回道。 I have no opinion......” Transcends As King also in the shadow that has not brought from Ruoyu to go out, „, if his strength is fiercer than their team that Like the Rain after Parting, I think that...... duel can win his person not many really......” “我已经没什么意见了……”穿越为王则还没从若雨带来的阴影中走出,“假如他的实力比他们队那个似雨若离还厉害,我想……单挑能赢他的人真的不多……” Un......” Reborn for the King nods, your viewpoint that I also basically agree with......” he turns the head to look in the distant place is several NPC that the bike team makes to fit out, that several heavenly official strength, although is fierce, but in the final analysis...... this is contests between our players, the opposite party may disregard these NPC very much, kills several of us directly. So long as they can all extinguish us fast, how the following matter is It does not matter after...... Main Quest completes in any case , even if died still might as well.” “嗯……”重生为王点点头,“我也基本同意的你们的观点……”他转头望了望正在远处为机车队做整备的几名NPC,“那几名天官的实力虽然厉害,但说到底……这是我们玩家之间的较量,对方很有可能无视这些NPC,直接来杀我们几个。只要他们能快速将我们全灭,后面的事情怎样都是无所谓的……反正主线任务完成后就算死了也无妨。” Your meaning was......” Three Jade Raid hints him then to say downward. “那你的意思是……”三玉强袭示意他接着往下说。 Makes me work as the bait.” Reborn for the King meets to say. “让我来当诱饵吧。”重生为王接道。 How did this words say?” Three Jade Raid has not revealed big surprised, but made the opposite party say the details. “此话怎讲?”三玉强袭没有表露出多大的惊讶,只是让对方说一下详情。 „Very simple.” Reborn for the King returns said, in the group war, strikes kills priority high definitely is Shooting Specialization or the assistance of enemy side is a player ; First, because this kind of player survives in the fight more for a long time more can play the role, two are because their Fighting Proficiency are not usually high, once were very been difficult to avoid or shoulder by the converging attack hardly.” He, naturally, one type priority a row of law, came minute/share...... to disregard Specialization according to the strong and weak, since seeming like weakest that kills.” He is saying, raise hand referred to itself, „, but any platoon law, the opposite parties have very high probability...... first to attack me.” “很简单。”重生为王回道,“在团战中,‘击杀优先级’较高的肯定是敌方的射击专精或辅助系玩家;一是因为这类玩家在战斗中存活越久就越能发挥作用,二就是因为他们的格斗专精通常都不高,一旦被集中攻击就很难躲避或硬扛。”他顿了顿,“当然了,还有一种‘优先级’排法,就是按照强弱来分……无视专精,从看上去最弱的那个杀起。”他说着,抬手指了指自己,“但无论是哪种排法,对方都有很高的几率……优先来攻击我。” However this...... also becomes you, when bait the turning point......” Three Jade Raid had guessed correctly the intention of military strategist indistinctly, therefore met one. “而这……也就成为了你当‘饵’的契机……”三玉强袭已隐约猜到了军师的意图,故而接了一句。 Right.” Reborn for the King lowered the sound to say, „my move Chaotic body to/clashes The value...... are you very also clear? If I can put the body of Feng Bujue this skill, even if I were executed...... that still value by him at the scene.” “没错。”重生为王压低了声音应道,“我那招【乱身冲】的价值……你们也很清楚吧?如果我能把这个技能放到疯不觉的身上,就算我被他当场格杀……那也值了。” ............ ………… Name: The chaotic body to/clashes 名称:乱身冲】 Skill Card Attribute: Active Skill, Permanent 技能卡属性:主动技能,永久掌握 Skill Category: Spirit Art 技能类别:灵术 Effect: Makes the nervous system of goal has the confused effect of random nature( only to having the nervous system lifeform effective , to continue for ten minutes ; Each Scenario limits with one time, the freedom explores in the pattern the cooling time is 18 hours)】 【效果:使目标的神经系统产生随机性的错乱效应(仅对具备神经系统的“生物”有效,持续十分钟;每个剧本限用一次,自由探索模式中冷却时间为十八小时)】 Consumption: Does not have( Health below 30% only then uses)】 【消耗:无(生存值30%以下方可使用)】 Learning Prerequisite: Spirit Art Specialization A 学习条件:灵术专精A】 Note: The extremely top and complex enduring technique, use technique may Chakra within the body transform for the electron and makes the electric field, opposes the enemy the nervous system in human body to emit the electron, disrupts the enemy's by this control to the body.】 【备注:极其高位且复杂的忍术,施术者可将体内的查克拉转化为电子并制造电场,对敌人体内的神经系统放出电子,以此扰乱敌人对身体的控制。】 This move, is Reborn for the King breathes the true colors of beforehand release that electric light on Jue Bro. 这招,就是重生为王咽气之前释放在觉哥身上的那股电光的真面目。 Obviously, these of Corpse Blade two teams are to also come prepared, they in pre-war have drawn up one set to strike to kill the enemy trump card the strategy. 很显然,尸刀二番队的这几位也是有备而来的,他们早已在战前就拟定了一套击杀敌方王牌的策略。 If all goes well, Feng Bujue should be killed at this moment. 如果一切顺利,封不觉此刻应该已经被干掉了。 However...... 然而…… You certainly have doubts...... very much after the Rankyaku storm, Feng Bujue stands firm, the keeping a straight face air/Qi does not breathe heavily opens the mouth saying that „...... why I can also the action be free?” “你们一定很疑惑……”岚脚的风暴过后,封不觉重新站定,脸不变色气不喘地开口道,“……为什么我还能行动自如呢?” Transcends As King had been kicked, cannot respond to his issue. 穿越为王已经被踢死了,回应不了他这个问题。 However, Three Jade Raid is also living, the Summon lifeform helped him block most injuries, he also had many Health: You...... difficult...... can't the skill of rebirth successfully put?” 不过,三玉强袭还活着,召唤生物帮他挡住了绝大多数的伤害,他还剩下不少的生存值:“你……难……难道重生的技能没能成功放出来?” No, he succeeded, I indeed his move Chaotic body to/clashes.” Feng Bujue returns said, in fact, at this moment, I was still under the influence of this skill.” “不,他成功了,我的确中了他那招【乱身冲】。”封不觉回道,“事实上,此时此刻,我仍然处在这个技能的影响之下。” Nonsense!” Three Jade Raid said that this move......, let alone fought, even if the normal act cannot achieve...... only if has others......” “胡说八道!”三玉强袭道,“中了这招……别说是打斗了,就算正常行动都做不到……除非有旁人……” Only if there are others to help you...... relieves with the specific skill or Item Chaotic body to/clashes Effect, otherwise...... was been helpless by technique.” Feng Bujue broke the opposite party, discussed directly, right, usually is this, in nervous system chaotic situation, even if in my Traveling Bag has Item that can relieve this/should effect, I do not have the means to take...... as for fighting anything him, that was fantasy story.” “除非有旁人来帮你……用特定的技能或物品去解除【乱身冲】的效果,否则……受术者本人是无能为力的。”封不觉打断了对方,直接念道,“没错,通常来讲是这样儿的,在神经系统混乱的情况下,即便我行囊里有着可以解除该效果的物品,我也没有办法把他拿出来……至于战斗什么的,那更是天方夜谭了。” They said these words time, lies down in Di Diwei that on the sand suffocates also crassly ** anything, but another side, Tu Aotian has cleaned up similarly that group of mixed soldiers...... 他们说这几句话的时候,躺在沙地上奄奄一息的迪迪威还在骂骂咧咧地**着什么,而另一边,兔傲天已经把那群杂兵清理得差不多了…… Hence , the situation that this fights has reversed thoroughly, turned into Feng Bujue and Tu Aotian two pairs of aspects on the contrary. 至此为止,这一战的形势已经彻底逆转,反倒变成了封不觉兔傲天二对一的局面。 From your words I can listen, you had also once personally experienced Chaotic body to/clashes Effect.” Feng Bujue stopped for several seconds, said to Three Jade Raid again, „, therefore I can try to explain that to you......” at this time he has received the kitchen knife on hand, both hands held the chest to discuss, un...... actually must break this move is not difficult, so long as adaptation were good.” “从你的话里我可以听出,你也曾亲身体验过【乱身冲】的效果。”封不觉停了几秒,再对三玉强袭说道,“所以我可以试着跟你解释一下……”此时他已经收起了手上的菜刀,双手抱胸念道,“嗯……其实要破这招也不难,只要‘适应’就好了。” Adaptation?” Three Jade Raid is very puzzled to this saying, what adapts to?” “适应?”三玉强袭对这话十分不解,“适应什么?” Adapts to the insanity condition.” Feng Bujue spreads out both hands, said with a smile. “适应神经错乱的状态呗。”封不觉摊开双手,笑着说道。 Why does not know, sees this person in front of the lens, thought that this words saying from his mouth...... have an inexplicable persuasive power. 不知为何,在镜头前看到这一幕的人,都觉得此话从他的嘴里说出来……有一种莫名的说服力。 This move of effect nothing but transmits brain to the instruction of body disrupts and wrong builds again.” Feng Bujue also said, for example...... you want to move the thumb of right hand, but actually winked a left eye, you want to lift the right foot, made the left hand raise up the middle finger ; So forth......, although this set handles the system of building each time is random, but continuing during skill, only has one set of rule. So long as knew this set of rule, and transforms the corresponding pattern the thought that can adapt to and uses the body......” he lick the lip, said was straightforwarder is...... I spent for about four seconds, adapted wants to move the right hand and „ to lift the right foot on winking left eye to set upright middle finger such custom. ” “这招的效果无非就是把‘大脑发送给身体的指令’打乱、再错搭一下。”封不觉又道,“比如……你想动右手的拇指,但却眨了一下左眼,你想抬起右脚,却让左手竖起了中指;诸如此类……虽然这套措搭的体系每次都是随机的,但一次技能的持续期间,只存在一套规律。只要掌握了这套规律,并将思维转换成相应的模式,就能重新适应和使用身体了……”他舔了舔嘴唇,“说得再直白一些就是……我花了大约四秒的时间,适应了‘想动右手就眨左眼’、“想抬右脚就竖中指”这样的习惯。” Cracks a joke......” Three Jade Raid not to believe this saying, you think that you are a god?” “开什么玩笑……”三玉强袭可不相信这话,“你以为你是神吗?” 99.99% the audience does not believe this saying...... 99.99%的观众也不相信这话…… But knows that Feng Bujue has Zero Time Error Calculus The person of ability, as well as these with he has fought a big god actually understands that...... this goods said not empty. 而知道封不觉具备【零时差演算】能力的人、以及那些与他交手过的一线大神却都明白……这货所言非虚。 Hehe...... speaking of the god......” at this time, Feng Bujue changed the topic, said with a smile suddenly, „should you also know Blood Corpse God?” “呵呵……说到神……”此时,封不觉忽然转移了话题,笑道,“你们应该也知道‘血尸神’吧?” Snort......” Three Jade Raid cold snort/hum, you think that a Summon monster does ensure the victory?” “哼……”三玉强袭冷哼一声,“你想召唤个怪物来奠定胜局是吗?” „......” Feng Bujue is not shaking the head, shot a look at Di Diwei that lies down on the ground, „, if my computation right...... at this moment, my teammates most likely had arrived in your long hair city stopper, and come out...... he to raise the head the deep sigh to Summon Blood Corpse God, I think that...... this time he can eat one greatly......” “不不不……”封不觉摇着头,瞥了一眼躺在地上的迪迪威,“假如我的计算没错……此刻,我的队友们八成已经抵达了你们那个长毛城塞、并将血尸神召唤出来了……”他抬头长叹,“我想……这次他可以大吃一顿了吧……”
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