TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#877: Warring States two teams

Ha?” Feng Bujue listened to Ma Mahu that to compel the standard high opinion, actually shows the look that a face disdained, your excellency tone was actually big......” “哈?”封不觉听了马马虎那逼格甚高的言论,却是露出一脸不屑的神色,“阁下的口气倒是不小啊……” Snort......” Ma Mahu smiled, young people...... you thought...... my old man is taking advantage of own seniority and boast makes up wild stories?” He does not wait for Jue Bro to reply, then meets saying that hehe...... the fist fears young and strong, this I also agreed that but......” “哼……”马马虎笑了,“年轻人……你是觉得……我这个老头子在倚老卖老、夸口胡诌是吗?”他也不等觉哥回答,便自顾自地接道,“呵呵呵……拳怕少壮,这我也同意,不过……” During the speeches, the Ma Mahu both legs differential becomes the horse stance, the both arms slow raised, exhibited a stance. 说话间,马马虎双腿微分成马步,双臂缓扬,摆开了一个架势。 His speed is not fast, but that passing clouds and flowing water movement actually made the heavy severely disabled shadow in the eyes of others ; His Battle Qi is not strong, but that reserved deep bottom strength is to make his surrounding air unexpectedly heavy/thick. 他的速度并不算快,但那行云流水般的动作却是在旁人的眼中制造出了重重残影;他的斗气也不算强,但那内敛深沉的底力竟是让他周围的空气都变得厚重起来。 „The fight of Fist Arts, is not the pure physical strength spells to fight......” Ma Mahu then saying that „, even if the physical strength had passed the peak, the boundary of experience and fist skill that but fights...... even more will be deep under the precipitation of years.” “拳法家的战斗,并不是纯粹的体力拼斗……”马马虎接着说道,“即使体力已过了巅峰期,但战斗的经验、拳艺的境界……都会在岁月的沉淀下愈发深厚。” This......” close powerful enemy has made the fight stance, Feng Bujue actually still remained unmoved slightly, and returns with the tone of taunt said, that I also really asked for advice to lead...... Ah! words not to say well, Jue Bro seemed saw anything suddenly, in an instant, his then facial expression changing suddenly, lifted the arm to point at the side front desert to call out in alarm one, Bat Mobile!” “这样啊……”近在咫尺的强敌已摆好了战斗姿态,封不觉却仍是丝毫不为所动,并用嘲讽的语气回道,“那我还真得好好领教领……啊!”话未说完,觉哥好似忽然看到了什么,刹那间,他便神情陡变,举臂指着侧前方的沙漠惊呼一声,“蝙蝠车!” Perhaps is because his expression is extremely lifelike, perhaps is because he shouted shouts oneself hoarse...... 也许是因为他的表情太过逼真,也许是因为他喊得声嘶力竭…… In any case, presents everyone's rabbit alien(s), is the Corpse Blade three players...... is even excessive in this nictitation, looks following the direction that Jue Bro refers to...... 反正,在场所有人的兔星人、甚至是尸刀的三名玩家……全都在这一瞬转过头,顺着觉哥所指的方向看去…… Ah! “呃啊! In this electric light flint, Feng Bujue acts suddenly, a blade held the chest of Ma Mahu...... the latter to send out a pitiful yell immediately, and will transfer, you special planned me with a face!” The expression stared Jue Bro stubbornly. 就在这电光火石之间,封不觉骤然出手,一刀捅进了马马虎的胸口……后者当即发出一声惨叫,并将头转回来,用一脸“你特么算计我!”的表情死死瞪住了觉哥 But after hearing that pitiful yell , others that turns the head to look at( rabbit), after visible here condition, all dumb as a wooden chicken...... responded quickest also crossed for 56 seconds to understand had anything a moment ago. 而听到那声惨叫后又重新转头回看的其他人(兔),在看见这边的状况后,全都呆若木鸡……反应最快的也过了五六秒才明白刚才发生了什么。 Therefore...... the fight of Fist Arts, after is not the pure physical strength spells to fight......” for several seconds, Feng Bujue happily is looking at being on the verge of death Ma Mahu, repeats the words joining-up of opposite party saying that IQ is also very important.” Then, he pulled out the kitchen knife suddenly. “所以说啊……拳法家的战斗,并不是纯粹的体力拼斗……”数秒后,封不觉得意地望着濒死的马马虎,重复着对方的话并接道,“智商也是很重要的。”说罢,他就猛然拔回了菜刀。 The blood on blade drops when the sand, Ma Mahu has also fallen to the ground face up, dies with injustice unredressed. 刀上的血滴落在沙上时,马马虎也已仰面栽倒在地,死不瞑目。 „...... Too was too mean!” “太……太卑鄙了吧!” Makes a mistake? Is this good?” “有没有搞错?这都行?” This fellow uses such weak method unexpectedly......” “这家伙竟然用这么幼稚的手段……” „...... Killed BOSS Level NPC......” “……又干掉了一个BOSS级的NPC……” I am return know that can play the game like this......” “我还是头回知道可以这样打游戏……” At this time, watched the live broadcast the audience thorough cooker. 此时,观看直播的观众们彻底炸锅了。 The Feng Bujue's act is nothing less than shameless, but in some sense...... makes one admire shameless. 封不觉的行径不可谓不无耻,但从某种意义上来说……无耻的让人佩服。 That that he played a moment ago, at first sight is nothing technique content, basically is damaging that the child fights can use to incur. But ponders over to discover that carefully...... he uses incomparably wisely. 他刚才玩儿的那一手,乍看之下是没什么技术含量的,基本属于小孩子打架才会用的损招。但仔细琢磨一下就会发现……他用得无比高明。 Because no one thinks that...... under such situation, he will use such method. 因为没有人会想到……在这样的情境下,他会使出这样的手段。 Considers, if changes into is Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuixue...... both sides is placed POSE when the duel, coldly talked several specious words, is preparing to begin, Ximen Chuixue actually exhibited an astonished face suddenly, pointed at the Ye Gucheng back sky to shout: Look! The pig flies in the space!” 试想一下,如果换成是叶孤城西门吹雪在决斗……双方摆好POSE,冷冷地交谈了几句似是而非的话语,正准备动手时,西门吹雪却突然摆出一张惊愕脸,指着叶孤城背后的天空大喊:“看!猪在天上飞!” If that matter really occurrence, then I think that...... Ye Gucheng he will then also certainly look. 假如那种事真的发生了,那么我想……叶孤城他也一定会回头看的。 In fact, this is almost the instinct of human. That person who so long as refer to and shouts performs is convincing, suffices naturally and also enough suddenly......, no matter what everybody will turn the head to have a liking for one without hesitation. 事实上,这几乎是人类的本能。只要连指带喊的那个人表演得有说服力,够自然、也够突然……任谁都会不假思索地转头看上一眼。 But Feng Bujue used this psychological blind spot, successfully completed Instant kill. 封不觉正是利用了这种心理盲点,成功地完成了一次秒杀 ............ ………… What? Can this also calculate so-called super expert? Was the tactic that causes too also low-end?” “什么呀?这也能算所谓的超级高手吗?使的战术也太低端了吧?” At this time, No. 6 live broadcast area( similar Shopping Center the overlapped space in game, has serial number respectively, in region has many large screens, which screen player can choose before freely stops to watch), four wear unifies the youth of uniform/subdue to stand, the tone that one of them uses to despise, the quite high volume looks that the live broadcast picture discussed. 此时,在游戏内的六号直播区(类似商城的重叠空间,各有编号,区域中有许多大屏幕,玩家可以自由选择到哪一个屏幕前驻足观看)中,四名身着统一制服的青年站在一起,其中一人用鄙夷的口吻、颇高的音量看着直播画面念道。 The man of this speech, ID is Imagawa Righteousness, Grew a thin face, a pair has the eyebrow of characteristics very much, looks that is draws general fiery. 这名说话的男子,ID为【今川义】,长了一张清瘦的脸,还有一对很有特点的眉毛,看着似是画上去的一般炯炯有神。 Yes...... also some people said that he and Heaven Swallowing Daring Devil, Shiva are the powerhouse of same rank......” Imagawa Righteousness ID are Tokugawa Loyalty, Slightly the somewhat short and stout man takes advantage of opportunity to meet to say. “是啊……还有人说他与吞天鬼骁湿婆属于同一级别的强者呢……”今川义身旁一名ID为【德川忠】的、略有些矮胖的男子顺势接道。 Hehe...... he records I truly to look at the competition of S1, but in my opinion, is mediocre......” and they stands, another ID is Hojo Harmony The man also said at this time, at about 30 levels levels, I may Bujue lose to him.” “呵呵……他在S1的比赛录像我确实看过,但在我看来,也不过如此嘛……”和他们站在一起的、另一名ID为【北条和】的男子这时也道,“以三十级左右的水准来讲,我可不觉得自己会输给他。” Snort...... this also and has nothing strangely.” Finally, in four people remaining ID are Toyotomi Peace “哼……这也并没什么奇怪的。”最后,四人中剩下的一位ID为【丰臣平 The red painted-face man sneers saying that „can only say the overall level of Chinese player was too low, must say they have anything are others and not on perhaps...... snort/hum...... also only had the population.” 的红脸男子冷笑道,“只能说中国玩家的整体水平太低了,要说他们有什么是别人及不上的……哼……恐怕也就只有人数了吧。” Hehe...... so-called person silly money how......” Imagawa Righteousness should say with a smile. “呵呵……所谓的人傻钱多么……”今川义笑着应道。 Also really made person not happy......” Tokugawa Loyalty also say at this moment, „, if Warring States Studio ’ the elite moved into this game like ussooner, then...... absolutely did not have these second-class goods performance opportunities when S1.” “不过还真是令人不爽呢……”德川忠此刻又道,“若是像我们‘战国工作室’这样的精英早些入驻这个游戏,那在S1时……根本就没那些二流货色的表现机会了吧。” Their several stand in a very conspicuous position, is speaking these words rampantly, and has not lowered the sound slightly the meaning. Heard the player who they talked obviously to reveal disgruntled, dislike or the angry color in side, but also no one came up with their theory. 他们几个就这么站在一个很显眼的位置,非常嚣张地说着这些话,而且丝毫没有压低声音的意思。很多在旁边听到他们谈话的玩家明显都露出了不悦、厌恶或是愤然之色,但也没人上去跟他们理论。 The primary cause...... naturally because in the game has the guard robot to manage, pulls out them is incorrect ; But another reason, is because on these uniforms/subdue embroidered „the Warring States the fellow of badge...... truly is the well-known strength player, was a domineering dark horse in this S2 competition. 其主要原因……自然还是因为游戏内有守卫机器人管着,上去抽他们是不行的;而另一个原因,则是因为这些制服上绣有“战国”徽章的家伙……确实是众所周知的实力玩家,同时也是这次S2比赛中的一匹强势黑马。 In fact...... shortly after S1 finished, this completely comprised of the Japanese professional players Warring States Studio had entered Thriller Paradise quietly, and in a short time appeared in the Society all-round strength list. 事实上……在S1结束后不久,这个全部由日本职业玩家组成的“战国工作室”就已悄然进驻了惊悚乐园,并在很短的时间内出现在了社团综合实力榜上。 In the competition of S2, Warring States Society sponsored two teams to go to participate, and two teams all entered semi-finals. But at present these four people...... Warring States two teams. 在S2的比赛中,战国社团共派了两支队伍去参加,且两支队伍全都进入了复赛。而眼前这四人……正是“战国二队”。 so that's how it is......” suddenly, a sound resounded after Warring States two teams of that four people, recently crest of wave abundant Warring States...... also nothing more than such as.” 原来如此……”忽然,一个声音在战国二队那四人身后响起,“近来风头正盛的‘战国’……也不外如是啊。” Nani?” Hears this word, Imagawa, Tokugawa and Hojo Harmony Toyotomi four simultaneously turns head, stared suddenly to the speaker. 哪尼?”闻得此言,今川德川北条和丰臣四位齐齐回头,猛然瞪向了说话者。 You are......” Toyotomi Peace look at opposite party head display ID, immediately the facial expression changes, Community team Honghu?” “你是……”丰臣平看着对方头上显示的ID,立刻神情一变,“‘废柴联盟’队的【鸿鹄】?” „Below.” Honghu held the eyeglasses on bridge of the nose, smiles is returning said. “正是在下。”鸿鹄扶了扶鼻梁上的眼镜,微笑着回道。 Snort...... I said that is who......” Imagawa Righteousness cold -ly snorted and said, is the fellow who Studio does not receive, but also made remarks to our such elites there boast shamelessly...... said that anything nothing more than such as was......” “哼……我道是谁……”今川义冷哼道,“不过就是个连工作室都不收的家伙,还在那儿大言不惭地对我们这样的精英评头论足……说什么‘不外如是’……” Hehe......, I am also the level very common ordinary player. However...... regarding the matter that Feng Bujue handled a moment ago, I actually looked compared with everyone elite......” Honghu said that two characters time, the tone obviously brought to satirize intent, „...... wanted to be thorough.” “呵呵……是啊,我也就是个水平很一般的普通玩家罢了。不过……对于疯不觉刚才所做的事情,我却看得比各位‘精英’……”鸿鹄说那两个字的时候,语气明显带着讽意,“……要透彻一些。” What do you mean?” The Hojo Harmony hear in his words has the words, therefore the sinking sound asked. “你是什么意思?”北条和听出他话里有话,故而沉声问道。 What do you mean......” the Honghu peak under the shoulder, returned pretentiously said, I thought...... something, with its said explicitly, might as well raise 0.1, making others ponder. Hehe......” he smiles, presents the mathematics problems on the idolatry elementary student, if you repay the case to give him directly, that trades a problem to come up, he cannot ; But if you teach his problem solving the mentality......” “什么意思呢……”鸿鹄耸了下肩,装模作样地回道,“我觉得吧……有些事,与其明确地说出来,不如提点一番,让别人自己去思考。呵呵……”他笑了笑,“就像教小学生做数学题,你若是直接报答案给他,那换一道题上来,他还是不会;但你要是教会他解题的思路……” You said that who is an elementary student?” Tokugawa Loyalty is stirred up by the spoken language that Honghu that harms others, immediately is excited, goes forward immediately one step...... seems must begin to hit the appearance of person. “你说谁是小学生?”德川忠鸿鹄那损人的言语一激,顿时激动起来,立马上前一步……好似要动手打人的样子。 Do not impulse......” the Toyotomi Peace cross arm to block, signals with the eyes to the teammate, easily should not be instigated.” “别冲动……”丰臣平横臂一拦,冲队友使了个眼色,“不要那么轻易就受人挑拨。” Yes, here has the guard robot, violent anything is not good.” Honghu returns securely said that when everyone spoke best pay attention to a point...... not to mean, the surrounding person has not come up to pull out you, perhaps was approves you...... others to endure you.” He spreads out both hands to shake the head, person who loathful had not known obviously, not only repugnant...... but was stupid.” “是啊,这里可是有守卫机器人的,暴力什么的可不行啊。”鸿鹄有恃无恐地回道,“所以大家说话时最好都注意一点……并不是说,周围的人没有上来抽你,就是认同你了……也许别人只是在忍受你而已。”他摊开双手摇了摇头,“明明惹人厌了还不自知的人,就不只是讨厌……而是愚蠢了。” He said these words time, the facial expression of applause nearby many player shows, in the crowd some the indistinct also laughter transmit. Basically, everyone is using the look or the action to Honghu was saying that- does well. 他说这段话的时候,附近的很多玩家都纷纷露出的赞许的神情,人群中隐约还有些许笑声传来。基本上,大家都在用眼神或行动在对鸿鹄说-“干得好”。 What do you...... actually want to say?” Toyotomi Peace was Warring States two teams of teams leader, the character is after all steadier compared with that several teammates, he restrained by force the anger, asked again. “你……到底想说什么?”丰臣平毕竟是战国二队的队长,性格较之那几名队友还是更稳一些,他强压住怒火,再度问道。 Very simple...... I think the good intention reminded, you underestimated by far when Feng Bujue this person......” Honghu speaking of here, look ice, the tone quenching, this fellow...... may imagine you are much more dangerous.” “很简单……我只是想好意提醒各位一下,你们远远低估了疯不觉这个人……”鸿鹄说到这儿时,眼神一凌,语气骤冷,“这家伙……可比你们想象中危险得多。” He two seconds, met to say again: Since you said that his tactic low-end and no more than so...... that I want to ask everyone to ponder several issues......” the line of sight of Honghu has swept that four people of face, what tactic is high-end?” 他顿了两秒,再接道:“既然你们说他战术低端、不过如此……那么我想请各位思考几个问题……”鸿鹄的视线扫过那四人的脸,“什么样的战术才是高端呢?” Warring States two teams of four people were not the strategy player, had Honghu of name of resourceful general to ask them like this, they were not naturally good to say rashly. 战国二队的四人都不是什么智谋型玩家,有智将之称的鸿鹄这样去问他们,他们自然也不好贸然接话。 So-called tactic, in the final analysis...... is only the method in order to reach the goal.” Honghu sees them not to speak , to continue saying that wanting effective, simple explicit tactic why not?” He, swept the large screen of distant place, said from the tactical level, the Feng Bujue's approach was unexpectedly, next is result is extremely first good, everyone engaged in introspection...... changes into you, can under that condition think immediately such tactic, and successfully did implement?” He uses very honest language gas welding say/way, in any case...... I am incorrect. To be honest, even if I really think such idea, I am still not necessarily able to make NPC turn the head, even if I really made that NPC turn the head...... I not to be able by a sneak attack to fall the life of opposite party on the result self-confidently. This story is like Columbus sets up egg, no matter how the observers disdain to the result afterward, before seeing this result......, let alone made you do, you broke through the thought format unable to achieve......” “所谓战术,说到底……只是为了达到目的的手段而已。”鸿鹄见他们都没说话,就继续说道,“只要‘有效’,简单明确的战术有何不可?”他又顿了顿,扫了眼远处的大屏幕,“从战术层面上讲,封不觉的做法首先是‘出其不意’、其次是‘收效极佳’,诸位扪心自问……换成你们,能不能在那种境况下立刻想到这样的战术、并成功地实施?”他用很坦诚的语气接道,“反正……我是不行的。说句实话,就算我真的想到了那样的点子,我也未必能让NPC转头,就算我真的让那个NPC转头了……我也没有自信能凭借一记偷袭就结果掉对方的性命。这就跟‘哥伦布立鸡蛋’的故事一样,不管旁观者们事后对结果如何不屑,在看到这结果之前……别说让你们去做了,你们连突破思维定式都做不到……” The words to here, Warring States that four people true have had nothing to say in reply. 话至此处,战国那四人确已是无言以对。 Snort...... worthily is resourceful general Honghu.” After several seconds, Toyotomi Peace cold snort/hum, I and others listened to reason......” he saying that turns the head to say to the teammates, we walk......” “哼……不愧是‘智将’鸿鹄。”数秒后,丰臣平冷哼一声,“我等受教了……”他说着,转头对队友们道,“我们走……” This little while, the surrounding passer-by players uses one type to surround the acting cool loser the stance have visited them, they could not treat without doubt. 这会儿,周围的路人玩家们都已用一种“围观装逼失败者”的姿态看着他们,他们无疑是待不下去了。 Hope...... can have the opportunity to ask for advice your excellency strategy in the competition actually......”, but before departure, Toyotomi Peace does not forget to Honghu keep an aggressive statement, after all...... in this world the glib person are many, but not necessarily really has the skill.” “希望……能有机会在比赛中实际领教一下阁下的智谋……”但在离开之前,丰臣平也不忘要给鸿鹄留句狠话,“毕竟……这世上能说会道的人很多,但未必都是真有本事的。” „......” Honghu returns with a smile said, that asked everyone...... to anticipate well.” “呵……”鸿鹄笑着回道,“那就请各位……好好期待着吧。” ............ ………… On the other hand, in desert. 另一方面,沙漠之中。 Your this despicable bastard! Dared Colonel and Ma Mahu......” Di Diwei after experiencing the Feng Bujue's actions, got angry thoroughly, he was mad results in the words not to say agily, half a word half a word jumping word, I...... I must rip the fragment you outward personally!” “你这卑鄙的混蛋!竟敢把上校马马虎……”迪迪威在见识了封不觉的所作所为后,彻底地怒了,他气得话都说不利索,半句半句往外蹦词儿,“我……我要亲手把你撕成碎片!” Waits!” At this time, Three Jade Raid drank one lightly, leading two teammates to go forward several, said, Mr. heavenly official, we had reminded you...... this Feng Bujue to be very strong before, moreover was very sly, but Colonel and Ma Mahu negligent......” he shot a look at one toward Jue Bro, at present is not being swayed by personal feelings time...... his also three companions disappeared without a trace, perhaps hid in the hidden place where prepared to ambush we, like this calculates that...... in the population we did not take what advantage.” “等一等!”这时,三玉强袭轻喝一声,带着两名队友上前几步,说道,“天官先生,我们之前已经提醒过你们了……这个疯不觉很强,而且十分狡猾,但上校马马虎还是大意了……”他朝觉哥瞥了一眼,“眼下不是意气用事的时候……他还有三名同伴不知去向,说不定就躲在暗处的什么地方准备埋伏我们,这样算来……人数上我们并不占什么便宜。” Yes......” Reborn for the King also meets saying that „, therefore...... I suggested, in order to we are discrete, four people on together!” “是啊……”重生为王也接道,“所以……我建议,咱们还是谨慎起见,四个人一起上吧!” Ha! Ha haha Ha.....” Feng Bujue listened to their opinion, immediately sends out laughing of super taunt, does? Do six big schools besiege Guangmingding?” He is saying, while jumps horizontally half step, pinches a monkey-like appearance own face with the hand, is sharp the throat to discuss, do not speak what Jiang Hu morality and justice with this demon outlet! Everyone on together!” “哈!哈哈哈哈……”封不觉听了他们的言论,立即发出超级嘲讽的大笑,“干什么呀?六大门派围攻光明顶啊?”他一边说着,一边横跳半步,用手把自己的脸捏成一副尖嘴猴腮的样子,尖着嗓子念道,“跟这种邪魔外道不要讲什么江湖道义!大家一起上!” Then, he stand will also be same place, one second turns hostile, sighed with deep veneration: Oh...... speaks the truth, I have not prevented you on together. But is you comes up, thinks can handle me.” 说罢,他又站会原地,一秒变脸,肃然叹道:“唉……说实话,我也从来没阻止过你们一起上。只不过是你们自己一个一个上来,自以为可以搞定我而已。” The next second, Jue Bro spreads out both hands, the arrogance clamour crazily high sound said: Was short there by villain's heart this Sir's guts! I said a person handles you, is a person. Who manages you to besiege...... fast goes forward to suffer to death is!” 下一秒,觉哥摊开双手,气焰嚣狂地高声道:“少在那里以小人之心度本大爷之胆了!我说了一个人搞定你们,就是一个人。谁管你们是不是围攻……速速上前受死便是!”
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