TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#876: The hand has the blade to fall

In the desert the sunlight is violent, eyesight good visibly extremely far thing. 沙漠中日光猛烈,目力佳者可视极远之物。 Therefore, several powerhouses in long hair fort camp, have all seen clearly two people that the distant place has stood. 因此,长毛要塞阵营中的几位强者,全都已经看清了远处所站的二人。 They, one is Feng Bujue, another...... is Tu Aotian. 他们,一个是封不觉,另一个……是兔傲天 Stops!” Also after leading the way some distances, Colonel holds up a rearward to hint, and calls loudly. “停下!”又前行了些许距离后,上校举起一手向后方示意,并高声喊道。 After several seconds, the bike team stops slowly, Colonel also then said: You stay here entirely, before we decide the victory and defeat...... absolutely do not meddle.” 数秒后,机车队缓缓停住,上校又回头说道:“你们统统留在这里,在我们分出胜负之前……绝对不要插手。” His these words, naturally are say to the mixed soldiers of these long hair city stoppers. 他这句话,自然是对那些长毛城塞的杂兵们讲的。 Oh~ worthily is Colonel, is really reliable.” “哦哦~不愧是上校,真是可靠呢。” Hehe! Let the fellow who these act recklessly realize the frightened taste!” “嘿嘿!让那些不知死活的家伙体会一下恐惧的滋味儿吧!” Oh ~ six heavenly official are invincible!” “噢~六天官是无敌的!” After listened to the Colonel words, creates a clamor, the imposing manner surges upward ; It seems one group of crazy fans, but also no competition has waited to celebrate. 喽啰们听了上校的话以后,一阵鼓噪,气势高涨;就好似一群疯狂的球迷,还没比赛就已经等着要庆祝了。 Snort...... one group of idiots.” Colonel shakes the head, thought aloud that discussed in a soft voice, „, if not for keeps you also to have the use, who manages you......” “哼……一群蠢货。”上校摇了摇头,自言自语般轻声念道,“若不是留着你们还有用处,谁管你们死活……” Soon, is headed by Colonel, in addition Three Jade Raid, Reborn for the King, Transcends As King, Ma Mahu and Di Diwei total six powerhouses...... had arrived at Jue Bro gradually their front. 不多时,以上校为首,加上三玉强袭重生为王穿越为王马马虎迪迪威共计六名强者……已缓步来到了觉哥他们的面前。 „After has not consulted......” Colonel a present person of rabbit to size up one rapidly, opens the mouth to say. “还未请教……”上校将眼前的一人一兔迅速打量了一番后,开口言道。 Ha ~ Jue Bro with a lazy manner, has the yawn returns said that Feng Bujue.” “哈啊~”觉哥用一种慵懒的神态,边打哈欠边回道,“疯不觉。” Tu Aotian is maintaining the calm stance strongly, the sinking sound sent out the given name: Tu Aotian.” 兔傲天则是竭力保持着冷静的姿态,沉声报出了名讳:“兔傲天。” Ho ~ you are Feng Bujue.” Colonel is saying, turned the head to look at Corpse Blade that three people, immediately looked said again to Jue Bro, heard...... you were very strong.” “Ho~你就是疯不觉啊。”上校说着,转头看了看尸刀那三人,随即再看向觉哥说道,“听说……你很强啊。” ...... The cardinal principle strengths of various Hell Front members very obviously, Corpse Blade several people have known, or they who think them to inform long hair six heavenly official. 很显然,尸刀的几人已经将他们所知的、或者说他们所认为的……地狱前线各成员的大体实力告知了长毛天官 Hehe...... you were listen to that several fellows to say?” Feng Bujue also looked at Corpse Blade team members one crookedly excessively, „did one group hide behind the rabbit, knocks the medicine to dare to play the instigation person of game...... they you also to believe to the words that you delivered?” “呵呵……你是听那几个家伙说的吧?”封不觉也歪过头看了尸刀的队员们一眼,“一帮躲在兔子背后、磕了药才敢玩游戏的怂人……他们跟你讲的话你也能信么?” Right, he said...... him in the public live broadcast, spoke the Corpse Blade members to use the medicine to hit the matter of game very much explicitly...... 没错,他说出来了……他在公开直播中,很明确地讲了尸刀的成员们使用药物打游戏的事情…… Gives the devil his due, looks like in these insiders, this boy simply is unscrupulous and bold...... 平心而论,在那些知情人看来,这小子简直就是肆无忌惮、胆大包天…… Even the big shot in these game circles, do not dare to discuss in public explicitly this matter, because said......, if you who like this must take responsibility cannot produce the evidence, that side Corpse Blade can definitely consider you to slander in turn. 即使是那些游戏圈内的大佬,也不敢在公开场合把这事儿非常明确地讲出来,因为这样讲是要负责任的……如果你拿不出证据,尸刀那边完全可以反过来告你诽谤。 Perhaps people might ask, that side Corpse Blade truly is applies drugs, how also dares to say goodbye to the person? They will not have a guilty conscience? 或许有人会问,尸刀那边确实是用了药的,怎么还敢去告别人?难道他们都不会做贼心虚的么? Yes, cannot...... 是的,不会…… Most times, occupying the principle is also useless. What others told you were the law...... the law is the tool, moreover was one imperfect, and never perfect tool. 在很多时候,占着理也是没用的。人家跟你讲的是法律……法律是工具,而且是一件不完美的、且永远也不会完美的工具。 Crime cost inexpensive, but the income very big example is everywhere. Most typical is various right infringement class cases, the victim of usually the outcome is that this case because of presenting evidence the difficulty and litigation expense is soaring and lawsuit cycle drags long and other reasons to let it go excessively. Even if wins finally, the punishment of this civil action is still superficial, many right infringement were to still refuse to apologize the attitude that after losing a lawsuit and refuse stubbornly to acknowledge and lose money. To them, the benefit of right infringement obtained has exceeded the crime cost, the effort of punishment is insufficient. “犯罪成本”低廉,但收益却很大的例子比比皆是。最典型的就是各种侵权类案例,这种案子的结果往往是被害人因举证困难、诉讼费用高昂和诉讼周期拖得过长等各种原因而不了了之。即使最终胜诉,这种民事诉讼的处罚也不痛不痒,很多侵权者在败诉后仍然是拒不道歉、死不承认、赔钱了事的态度。对他们来说,侵权的利益所得早已超过了犯罪成本,处罚的力度远远不足。 This result...... without doubt is very frightening. 这种结果……无疑是很让人心寒的。 Also such result, making many criminals secure. But the victim actually must, in asks to be beset with difficulties just and swallows an insult to let it go between makes the choice. 也正是这样的结果,让很多犯罪者有恃无恐。而被害人却要在“讨回公道困难重重”和“忍气吞声不了了之”之间做抉择。 Similar example also has, makes the food the enterprise to mix in the expired food, to produce the enterprise of school uniform in the processing process to join the toxic material......, even if these possibly create the case of serious harm, having is still fines. 类似的例子还有很多,生产食品的企业在加工过程中混入过期食品、生产校服的企业加入有毒材料……即使是这些可能造成严重危害的案例,有很多也不过就是罚款了事。 In brief...... sometimes, thief, not only will not be afraid, but also the thief will shout that righteously catches the thief. 简而言之……在有些时候,“贼”不但不会心虚,还会理直气壮地贼喊抓贼。 The recombination present example comes to see...... Corpse Blade naturally to have nothing to fear. First, their behaviors are not illegal, does not have any law stipulated that will play the game to cheat will sentence? 再结合眼前的例子来看……尸刀当然是没什么好怕的。首先,他们的行为并不违法,没有任何法律规定打游戏作弊会判刑吧? This matter really must investigate, is the user agreement in Game Company basis game investigated. But Game Company after all is not the law-enforcing departments, they are impossible to rush in others Studio to search on the spot, more impossible to grasp to be the urine test the player. 这种事真要追究,也是游戏公司根据游戏内的用户协议去追究。但游戏公司毕竟不是执法部门,他们不可能闯进人家工作室实地搜查,更不可能把玩家抓起来做尿检。 Game Company must screen the player whether cheats, can only come up the investigation from the data level. When the player registers the data exceptionally, why not Optical Brain has not scanned to assume the post gathers the stipulation the external connection equipment or the unusual procedure/program, that this matter manages on having no way. 游戏公司要甄别玩家是否作弊,只能从数据层面上去调查。只要玩家登录时的数据没有异常,光脑也没有扫描到任何不合规定的外接设备或异常程序,那这事儿就没法儿管。 Before...... others play the game, what in the final analysis ate, can you manage? 说到底……人家打游戏前吃了什么,你管得着么? However, if some quite influential individual or the organization says the matter that Corpse Blade cheated on some public occasions, moreover says the person of this saying could not produce any evidence...... that this person instead to be careful, because his words and deeds were obvious to all, was very easy to present evidence...... Corpse Blade Studio can definitely damage impersonal entity reputation/honorary for by filing the charge. 但是,如果某个比较有影响力的个人或组织在某个公开场合把尸刀作弊的事情讲出来了,而且讲这话的人是拿不出任何证据的……那么这个人自己反而得小心了,因为他的言行是有目共睹的,很容易举证的……尸刀工作室完全可以“诋毁法人单位名誉”为由提起诉讼。 In this case, if defendant is also a big company, that also on......, even if others legal departments rip to compel the failure, money that aspect at least can still repay ; But defendant , if individual, moreover does not have money not to have the ordinary citizen of potential, the result most likely will be very miserable. 这种情况下,如果被告的也是一个大公司,那也就罢了……就算人家的法务部门撕逼失败,钱那方面至少也赔得起;但被告的如果是“个人”,而且是个没钱没势的普通市民,结果八成会很惨。 Therefore...... Feng Bujue this dares to do to dare at this moment to say the action, although is to make the person in many game circle feel exciting, but they also worry for this lunatic in abundance...... 所以……封不觉此刻这敢做敢言之举,虽是让很多游戏圈内的人士感到大快人心,但他们也纷纷为这个疯子捏了把汗…… Feng Bujue! You were best to pay attention to after saying anything......” Three Jade Raid listened to that words, stared Jue Bro saying that I by individual standpoint, urged your one......” 疯不觉!你最好注意一下自己在说什么……”三玉强袭听了那话后,瞪着觉哥言道,“我以个人的立场出发,劝你一句……” Three Jade Raid these words, truly stemming from the good intention, his meaning probably are...... I are also in the person who Game Studio works, does not have the injustice not to have the enmity with you, even if Corpse Blade goes out of business my also It does not matter, at the worst I trade a unit. But your boy should not be too rampant, when the time comes was lost everything who unable to help you.” 三玉强袭的这句话,确实是出于好心,他的意思大概就是……“我也就是个在游戏工作室打工的人而已,跟你也无冤无仇,哪怕尸刀倒闭我也无所谓,大不了我换个单位。但你小子可不要太嚣张了,到时候被人告得倾家荡产谁也帮不了你。” Does not need.” Who knows, Feng Bujue did not appreciate kindness rendered completely, broke him simply, I can be responsible to each words that oneself spoke, your excellency good intention I declined with thanks.” Said this, he two seconds, looked that said to Colonel, rabbit, should not be deceived...... him to refer to Corpse Blade several people by these people, smiles, I...... appear compared with...... his face that on they described suddenly wiped smile evilly, „...... also wanted strong ten times!” “不必了。”谁知,封不觉完全不领情,非常干脆地打断了他,“我可以对自己说的每句话负责,阁下的好意我心领了。”说完这句,他顿了两秒,又看向上校道,“兔子,你可不要被那些人骗了……”他指了指尸刀的几人,笑了笑,“我啊……比他们所描述的……”他的脸上忽地浮现了一抹邪笑,“……还要强十倍!” „...... Ha..... ha haha Ha.....” Colonel also smiled, from can't help laughing, to laughs loudly, he smiled entire a half minute to stop slowly, then said, hehe...... interesting, was very interesting!” He held the beret of top of the head, „can that I ask......, since you strong to this situation, or...... already self-confidently to this situation...... why you not single-handedly here we?” “呵……哈哈……哈哈哈哈……”上校也笑了,从忍俊不禁,到放声大笑,他笑了整整半分钟才慢慢停下,接着道,“呵呵……有意思,很有意思!”他扶了扶头顶的贝雷帽,“那我能不能问问……既然你已经强到了这个地步、或者说……已经自信到了这种地步……为何你不单枪匹马地在这里等我们呢?” Brother Feng...... is really planned a person comes this to meet head-on.” Jue Bro had not replied, his Tu Aotian first opened the mouth, is I...... is determined with him to come together.” 疯兄……原本确是打算一个人来此迎战。”觉哥还没回答,他身旁的兔傲天就先开口了,“是我……执意要跟他一起来的。” Oh? Colonel hears word, took advantage of opportunity the vision changed to the face of Tu Aotian. 哦?上校闻言,顺势将目光转到了兔傲天的脸上。 These two( rabbit) vision touch, then resembles the heavenly thunder to rouse the fire, among Fist Arts feels like old friends at the first meeting the base sentiment ray that and attracts each other to burst out. 这两人(兔)目光一触,便似天雷勾动地火,一种拳法家之间一见如故、惺惺相惜的基情光芒迸发而出。 „Related to the life or death in village......” Tu Aotian then saying that „the protector as village, how I can make Brother Feng their these outcomers help me defend the homeland, but do I hide in the village fear?” “事关村子的存亡……”兔傲天接着说道,“作为村子的守护者,我怎能让疯兄他们这些外来者帮我保卫家园,而我自己则躲在村里畏首不出?” His words are also reasonable, regardless of in emotion in reason, for the self-respect of Fist Arts, this fights him to arrive. 他的话也有道理,无论于情于理、还是为了拳法家的自尊,这一战他都必须到场。 „When snort/hum...... the protector......” Colonel cold snort/hum one, „is really extraordinary......” spoke this saying, he secretly had promoted oneself Battle Qi, young can mention such words to come...... hehe......” “哼……守护者吗……”上校冷哼一声,“真是了不起啊……”说这话时,他已暗暗地提升了自己的斗气,“年纪轻轻就能讲出这样的话来……呵呵……” At this time, Tu Aotian keeps silent, killing intent that cold eye of relative, the opposite party that wells up secretly, inspired his Battle Qi. 此时,兔傲天默不作声,冷目相对,对方那暗涌的杀意,也将他的斗气引动了起来。 However when like me the weak one......” Colonel below a few words arrives, its figure instantaneously has appeared in the Tu Aotian back, was doomed only to work as spoliator......” “而像我这样的弱者……”上校的下一句话来到时,其身形已瞬间出现在了兔傲天的背后,“注定只能当个‘掠夺者’了啊……” This flickers, Tu Aotian facial expression changing suddenly. His strength is not weak, really not weak......, therefore he can feel that Colonel had arrived at own back. 这一瞬,兔傲天神情陡变。他的实力不弱,真的不弱……所以他能感觉到上校已到了自己的背后。 But his strength truly also weak......, even if he had guessed correctly the opposite party will launch the surprise attack, but his body actually cannot keep up with the Colonel speed. 但他的实力确实还不够强……纵然他已猜到了对方会发动突袭,可他的身体却跟不上上校的速度。 Scolding- 叱- Colonel made the blade by the hand, the thorn to the Tu Aotian back of the body. 上校以手作刀,刺向了兔傲天的后心。 He not only the speed is astonishing, but when also making a move silent...... 他不但速度惊人,而且出手时无声无息…… What did you say? Since silent, why will have scolding? 你说什么?既然无声无息,为什么会有“叱”一声? That naturally is because...... this sound is not the hand of Colonel sends out. 那自然是因为……这声音不是上校的手发出的。 You!” After one second, Colonel cannot help but startled makes noise. “你!”一秒后,上校不由得惊出声来。 Records the sound of broken wind along with that Feng Bujue's Finger of Consonance flickers however to kill, before gripped Colonel, accurate the hand blade suddenly, enabling the latter little advance. 伴随着那记破风之声,封不觉的灵犀一指瞬然杀到,准确无误地夹住了上校前突的手刀,让后者寸进不能。 But at this time, Tu Aotian also responded, toward side vigorous leapt, the complexion looked pale to not far away that two people. 而这时,兔傲天也反应过来,朝侧面疾疾一跃,脸色铁青地看向了不远处那二人。 „When you...... you actually......” spoke this saying expression and tone from Colonel, he first time is experienced this matter, can catch my long hair no word fist with two fingers unexpectedly ‚’!” “你……你竟然……”从上校说这话时的表情和语气来看,他是第一次遇到这种事,“竟能用两根手指接住我的‘长毛无音拳’!” Snort...... weak one the fist was caught, what having is quite strange?” Feng Bujue taunted opposite party one with the words of opposite party in turn, later then takes advantage of opportunity to send to incur. “哼……‘弱者’的拳被接住,有什么好奇怪的?”封不觉用对方的话反过来嘲讽了对方一句,随后便顺势发招。 One Little Devil Low Whip Leg Swept toward the Colonel below plate unexpectedly. 一记【熊孩子的下鞭腿】出其不意地朝着上校的下盘扫了过去。 To Fist Arts of long hair six heavenly official this ranks, under whip leg this style...... strict cannot be what style. Even does not go deliberately to avoid, so long as the next plate is steady enough, how shoulders hardly? 长毛天官这个级别的拳法家来说,“下鞭腿”这种招式……严格来说根本就不能算什么招式。就算不去刻意躲避,只要下盘够稳,硬扛一下又怎样? But Feng Bujue this takes down the whip leg, is not the common below whip leg, that is Little Devil Low Whip Leg...... disregards Specialization Level, 100% trip monster that all can drop down theoretically, and enrages the opposite party to attack you This Special Effect simply is law of causality weapon. 封不觉这记下鞭腿,可不是一般的下鞭腿,那是熊孩子的下鞭腿……【无视专精等级,100%绊倒一切从理论上来说可以倒下的怪物,并激怒对方来攻击你】这种特效简直就是因果律武器 So long as cannot avoid, the god also stumbles to you looks. 只要躲不开,神也绊给你看。 „--” “啊-呀-” Really, after Jue Bro has the foot, Colonel was then astonished. Because his hand was also being clamped, therefore has no way to withdraw, furthermore, he had not thought that was used the whip leg to kick to have the big damage. Therefore...... he tightened the thigh muscle, to shoulder hardly this. 果然,觉哥出脚之后,上校便惊愕了。由于他的手还被夹着,故而没法儿进行退避,再者,他也没觉得被人用下鞭腿踢一下能有多大损伤。所以……他绷紧腿部肌肉、硬扛了这一下。 This did not shoulder important, does not shoulder...... him to throw down. 这不扛不打紧,一扛……他就摔倒了。 The Corpse Blade three players, as well as Ma Mahu and Di Diwei these two with are heavenly official NPC...... with the incomparably shocking vision looks that Colonel that is similar to the slow motion general falling to the ground movement. 尸刀的三名玩家、以及马马虎迪迪威这两位同为天官的NPC……都用无比震惊的目光看着上校那如同慢镜头一般的倒地动作。 They are unable to understand why Colonel is kicked the leg movement that this child can cause to trip, moreover falls tasteful and that proper...... does false with falls. 他们无法理解,为什么上校会被这种小孩子都能使的踢腿动作绊倒,而且还摔得那么讲究、那么到位……搞得跟假摔似的。 Un...... is useless this combo to kill people...... Feng Bujue saw the opposite partytripping movement to become the fact for a long time ”, then loosened the finger immediately, took out from Traveling Bag Must Break The Blade, Is a blade gets down toward the neck of Colonel. “嗯……好久没用这个连招杀人了呢……”封不觉见对方的“绊倒”动作已成事实,便立即松开手指,从行囊中取出了【必须破防之刃】,朝着上校的脖子就是一刀下去。 The entire process...... arrives quickly eyes cannot take it all, in the wink of an eye, he is the hand has the blade to fall. 整个过程……快到目不暇接,瞬息之间,他已是手起刀落。 When the body of Colonel falls to the ground, his nape had cut off by the kitchen knife. Falls down...... just like a corpse. 上校的身体倒地之时,其后颈已然被菜刀斩断。倒在地上的……俨然已是一具尸体了。 „Not possibly feeds............ Colonel he...... that murder never uses second move of Colonel......” “喂……不可能的吧……上校他……那个杀人从不用第二招的上校……” Long life star Monarch Sir unexpectedly such easily......” “延寿星君大人竟这么轻易的……” Oh......-” 呃……啊-” Distant place during after seeing clearly here condition fell into immediately was scared, turned head to escape on the difference. 远处的喽啰们在看清楚这里的状况后立即陷入了恐慌之中,就差扭头逃跑了。 Three of Corpse Blade two teams person and another two heavenly official are also the look is at this time dignified, a chill in the air climbs in their hearts gradually...... 尸刀二番队的三人和另外两名天官此时也是神色凝重,一股寒意在他们心中渐渐爬升…… Ok, warmed up stops.” Feng Bujue holds up the kitchen knife, exhibits a face frantic manner, licked the blood on hilt, and grins fiendishly was looking that said to the remaining several opponents, „......, if this can also be warming up.” “好了,热身就到此为止吧。”封不觉举起菜刀,摆出一脸狂热的神态,舔了舔刀柄上的血,并狞笑着看对剩下的几名对手道,“……如果这也能算是热身的话。” „Is this fellow determination detective novelist? How to see the probably abnormal homicidal maniac......” “这家伙确定是推理小说家吗?怎么看着像是变态杀人狂啊……” „...... This should not be installs, disrupts the psychology of opponent with the crazed performance.” “不不不……这应该是装出来的,用丧心病狂的表现扰乱对手的心理。” Attire? Does not need...... his BOSS Level NPC to be able Instant kill, what psychological tactic does the necessity use?” “装的?没必要吧……他连那种BOSS级的NPC都可以秒杀,还有必要用什么心理战术吗?” Perhaps...... does he do this is stems from...... Oh...... the interest?” “也许……他这样做是出于……呃……兴趣?” At this moment, the audience who are watching the live broadcast enthusiastically are all discussing the Jue Bro behavior. These were also many some had finished the first round of semi-finals professional corps member, they are also paying attention to the war of this focus...... 这一刻,正在观看直播的观众们全都在热烈地讨论觉哥的行为。这其中也不乏一些已经结束了第一轮复赛的职业战队成员,他们也都在关注这场焦点之战…… „After oh......” silent moment, most aged rabbit alien(s) on the scene- profit calculates that star Monarch Ma Mahu heaved a deep sigh, and went forward saying that I think...... in this world can let the opponent who I was earnest, only then short hair god fist Fist Sect Brother Tu Fa in legend, as well as...... the heads of our six heavenly official...... on lived star Monarch Kellot......” he is saying, while is stepping the impractical footsteps, arrived at the Jue Bro front slowly, looks like...... in today's this list, wanted to be many a person.” “唉……”沉默片刻后,在场最为老迈兔星人-益算星君马马虎长叹一声,并上前说道,“我本以为……这世上能让我认真起来的对手,就只有传说中的短毛神拳拳宗兔发哥,以及……我们六天官之首的……上生星君凯洛特而已了……”他一边说着,一边迈着虚浮的脚步,慢慢悠悠地走到了觉哥的面前,“看来……今天这名单上,又要多出一人。”
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