TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#875: Meeting head-on

You said anything!” “你说什么!” Nearly after one hour, long hair city stopper, tower of pile. 近一个小时后,长毛城塞,桩之塔一层。 How is this possible?” Three Jade Raid listened to the report of Transcends As King, cannot believe own ear simply. “这怎么可能?”三玉强袭听了穿越为王的报告,简直不敢相信自己的耳朵。 Absolutely true!” Although Transcends As King cannot make too the rich expression to come, but he strongly with saying with certainty language gas welding say/way, not to mention that a sniper spear/gun that hides in the hidden place killing...... said that Vice Captain Like the Rain after Parting...... In I have seen in female player, only then Xu Huaishang Can place on a par with it, Du Dumo and Xi Ximan only crossed one move in her hand/subordinate! I choose to retreat decisively, these information of that even present could not bring!” “千真万确!”穿越为王虽然做不出太多丰富的表情来,但他还是竭力用言之凿凿的语气接道,“且不说那个躲在暗处的狙击手一枪就把副队长给干掉了……就说那个【似雨若离】……在我见过的女玩家里,只有【絮怀殇】能与其相提并论,嘟嘟莫嘻嘻满在她手下都只过了一招而已!要不是我果断地选择撤退,那连眼下的这些情报都带不回来了!” Three Jade Raid hears here, the frontal eminence has wisp of cold sweat to flow off slowly: If you said that is true...... that......” 三玉强袭听到这里,额角已有一缕冷汗缓缓流下:“如果你所说属实……那……” That means that...... we underestimated the strength of enemy team by far.” Nearby Reborn for the King continued team leader with the dignified tone, „...... should not say that is I, is not we...... this is I as the dereliction of duty of military strategist.” “那就意味着……我们远远低估了敌方队伍的实力。”一旁的重生为王用凝重的语气接过了队长的话头,“不……应该说是‘我’,不是‘我们’……这是我作为军师的失职。” At this moment said that this was also useless.” Three Jade Raid did not blame him, thinks had the means to retrieve from an inferior position......” his both hands to hold the chest, lowered the head to discuss, „the opposite party only depended on two people strengths, made us lose the words that the snipers in team, and NPC helpers of two powerful...... calculated like this, if the opposite party four people added Blood Corpse God on together......” “事到如今说这个也没用了。”三玉强袭也不责怪他,“还是想想有没有办法挽回劣势吧……”他双手抱胸,低头念道,“对方只靠两人的战力,就让我们损失了队中的狙击手、以及两名强力的NPC帮手……这样算的话,假如对方四个人加‘血尸神’一起上……” That makes them come.” At this time, the strange sounds conveyed suddenly. “那就让他们来吧。”这时,忽有一个陌生的声音传来。 Speaker position, in the corner of this room, but the players have not as if noticed his existence, until he said these words, the three talents of Corpse Blade two teams turn head suddenly, goes following the prestige. 说话者所处的位置,就在这个房间的一角,但玩家们似乎都没有注意到他的存在,直到他道出了这句话来,尸刀二番队的三人才猛然回头,循声望去。 You are......” Three Jade Raid look to the opposite party, is probing asking. “你是……”三玉强袭看向对方,试探着问道。 Hehe...... your three were to get rid of the Jiu Jiuqi earthman.” A that rabbit alien(s) green military uniform appearance, between two long ears is also clamping a red beret, he has not answered the Three Jade Raid issue, but said, Xi Ximan and Du Dumo matter...... I also heard a moment ago, seemed like them to meet the powerful enemy.” “呵呵……你们三个就是干掉啾啾奇的地球人了吧。”那个兔星人一身绿色的军装打扮,两个长耳之间还夹着个红色的贝雷帽,他没有回答三玉强袭的问题,只是自顾自地言道,“嘻嘻满嘟嘟莫的事情……我刚才也都听见了,看起来他们遇上了强敌啊。” Is it possible that is your excellency...... also one of the six heavenly official?” Heard this to the names of another two heavenly official, Reborn for the King to guess correctly several points, asked therefore. “阁下……莫非也是六天官之一?”听见这位对另外两名天官的称呼,重生为王就猜到了几分,故而问道。 Right.” The opposite party then take advantage of opportunity to introduce oneself, I am long hair six heavenly official long life star Monarch Colonel.” “没错。”对方这才顺势自我介绍道,“我乃是长毛天官的延寿星君-上校。” Colonel?” Three Jade Raid listened to doubt saying that that was your name or the military rank?” 上校?”三玉强袭听了疑道,“那是你的名字还是军衔?” This is unimportant.” Colonel returns said, name, is only a code name. More importantly...... you must make the world know, your code name means anything.” “这并不重要。”上校回道,“名字,只是一个代号。重要的是……你要让世人知道,自己的代号意味着什么。” The Colonel words and deeds, all pass reveal a new arrival character unique compelling standard, but this also successfully fooled Corpse Blade several people. 上校的言行,无一不透露出一种新登场人物特有的逼格,而这也成功唬住了尸刀的几人。 Then...... Colonel.” Reborn for the King thinks after several seconds asked that how the matter of today...... do you prepare to handle?” “那么……上校。”重生为王想了几秒后问道,“今日之事……你准备如何处置呢?” Hehe......” Colonel sneers saying that you do want to encourage me to revenge for the companion?” He is saying, laughs, hahahaha Ha.....” The laughter completely, he has not been the figure moves, appears in the front of players. “呵呵……”上校冷笑道,“你是想鼓动我‘为同伴报仇’吗?”他说着,大笑起来,“哈哈哈哈哈……”笑声未尽,他已是身形一动,出现在了玩家们的面前。 The speed quick as gust of wind, is silent, is similar to moves instantaneously general. Corpse Blade three people all by his action one startled, the instinct retroceded two steps. 其速度快似疾风,却又无声无息,就如同瞬间移动一般。尸刀的三人皆是被他的举动一惊,本能地后退了两步。 In the final analysis...... is today's this matter the basket that beyond your alien(s) holds?” After standing firm, Colonel then stares them to discuss, said anything we know has the rich and populous village that was never robbed to pass over gently and swiftly to exist, and by stayed behind works as hostage as the insurance, Xi Ximan and Du Dumo deceiving......” his cold snort/hum one, snort/hum...... Xi Ximan was crudely proud and foolhardy, Du Dumo was shortsighted and thinks oneself clever...... must say that these two fellows had any common ground, that was they are also concerned only about profit and craves greatness and success. Therefore...... they at the meeting your working as, were given the use by you.” “说到底……今天这事情都是你们这几个外星人捅的篓子吧?”站定后,上校便瞪着他们念道,“说什么‘我们知道有一个从未被劫掠过的富庶村庄存在’,并以‘留下当人质’作为保险,就把嘻嘻满嘟嘟莫给骗过去了……”他冷哼一声,“哼……嘻嘻满鲁莽自傲、有勇无谋,嘟嘟莫鼠目寸光、自作聪明……要说这两个家伙有什么共同点,那就是他们同样都唯利是图、好大喜功。所以……他们才会上你们的当,被你们给利用。” His words, have almost all given to reveal the trick that Reborn for the King played at this point. Corpse Blade that three hear here, worries at heart, entered the defense readiness condition in abundance. 他的话说到这里,几乎已经把重生为王玩的把戏全都给揭穿了。尸刀那三位听到这里,心里也都捏了一把冷汗,纷纷进入了戒备状态。 What's wrong? Tightens the body to prepare with me to resort to violence?” Colonel has swept that three people with the gloomy and cold vision together, „should not be anxious, I have not planned to kill you. If I must begin...... your three at this moment am three corpses.” “怎么?绷紧身体是准备跟我动武吗?”上校用一道阴冷的目光扫过那三人,“别紧张,我没有打算杀你们。如果我要动手……你们三个此刻已经是三具尸体了。” His words are not talk irresponsibly, before he makes noise just now on own initiative, Three Jade Raid, Reborn for the King and Transcends As King had not detected that its exists, if he stuck out suddenly at that time acts, might be able very much a Instant kill person. 他的话也不是信口开河的,适才他主动出声以前,三玉强袭重生为王穿越为王没有一个察觉到其存在,假如他在那时暴起出手,很有可能会秒杀一人。 That...... Colonel you came to say these with us, what meaning was also?” After Three Jade Raid considers for several seconds, should say neither arrogant nor servile. “那……上校你来跟我们说这些,又是什么意思呢?”三玉强袭斟酌数秒后,不卑不亢地应道。 I speak frankly...... Colonel to return with you said, first, I acknowledged you several strategies and strengths, therefore I also hope that...... do not regard the fool our remaining four long hair six heavenly official.” “我跟你们打开天窗说亮话吧……”上校回道,“首先,我承认你们几个的智谋和实力,所以我也希望你们……别把咱们剩下的四名长毛天官当成傻瓜。” Can......” Three Jade Raid return said that „, but before these things, we will not apologize......” “可以……”三玉强袭回道,“但之前的那些事情,我们也不会道歉的……” Apology? Ha!” Colonel said with a smile, you when facing the threat in force and unreasonable demand made correct dealing, why can apologize?” He is saying, turns around, after unashamedly uses, is turning away from that several people, then and said, „...... a person( rabbit) in this world wants anything, he must take the corresponding risk, the lost/carrying corresponding price, and has the corresponding strength......” he, Jiu Jiuqi, Xi Ximan and Du Dumo...... death no wonder anybody of these fellows. When looks like gambling meets others cheat same......, if you do not have the ability to see through the opposite party at the scene, that can only blame the idiot, could not complain about anybody. After waiting to lose, investigated that anything...... that defeats the dog behavior, was very ugly.” “道歉?哈!”上校笑道,“你们只是在面对武力威胁和无理要求时做出了正确的应对罢了,为什么要道歉?”他说着,转过身去,毫无顾忌地用后背对着那几人,并接着说道,“在这世上……一个人(兔)想要得到什么,那他就得冒相应的风险、负相应的代价、并拥有相应的实力……”他顿了顿,“啾啾奇嘻嘻满嘟嘟莫……这些家伙的死怪不得任何人。就像是赌博时遇到别人出千一样……如果你没有能力当场拆穿对方,那就只能怪自己白痴,怨不得任何人。等输了以后再去追究什么……那是败犬所为,难看得很。” Colonel is really reasonable.” Reborn for the King took advantage of opportunity to flatter NPC, the joining-up said, that we felt relieved.” 上校真是通情达理。”重生为王顺势讨好了一下NPC,并接道,“那我们就放心了。” Snort......” the Colonel side shot a look at Reborn for the King one excessively, immediately also said, ok, spoke of here about the passed matter, then quite actual......” he turned around to the players, I spoke in side hear of you also for sometime, according to my knowledge, the present situation is...... in that village that in you said that four very powerful earthmen , you wanted to kill the enemy whole staff with that four people for some reasons urgently.” “哼……”上校侧过头瞥了重生为王一眼,随即又道,“好了,关于已经过去的事情就说到这儿吧,接着来说比较实际的……”他又转身面向了玩家们,“我在旁边听你们讲话也有一段时间了,据我了解,眼前的情况是……在你们所说的那个村子里,有四名非常强大的地球人,出于某种原因,你们和那四人都迫切地想要杀死敌方全员。” Yes.” The Three Jade Raid nod complied with one , indicating that the opposite party said right. “是的。”三玉强袭点头应了一声,表示对方说得没错。 Said again we......” Colonel lifts one, raised up the index finger to refer to toward on, I...... and above that three, to the village that you said truly also interested.” He licked oneself harelip, shows a greedy happy expression, hehe...... nowadays, is very difficult to look like the village of that scale, once attacks and occupies it, means that the new water source and farmland, as well as lots of slaves......” his sinking sound meet saying that „, therefore, I can also tell you frankly, that village we exert its utmost.” “再来说说我们吧……”上校抬起一手,竖起食指朝上指了指,“我……和上面那三位,对你们所说的村子确实也有兴趣。”他舔了舔自己的兔唇,露出一丝贪婪的笑意,“呵呵……现如今,像那种规模的村庄已经很难找了,一旦将其攻占,就意味着新的水源、农田、以及大量的奴隶……”他沉声接道,“所以,我也可以直言不讳地告诉你们,那个村子我们是势在必得。” That just right Ah! we can definitely cooperate!” Transcends As King was very excited at this time( may on face no expression change) interrupt, and our hostile that four earthmen stand that side the villagers, so long as they will live...... will not be making you attack the village! In other words......” “那正好啊!我们双方完全可以合作!”穿越为王这时很激动(可脸上还是没什么表情变化)地插嘴道,“和我们敌对的那四个地球人都是站在村民们那边的,只要他们活着……就不会让你们进攻村庄!也就是说……” „...... In other words, although our goals are different, but has the common enemy.” Reborn for the King with the quite calm tone, then the words of teammate, conducted a summary. “……也就是说,虽然我们双方的目的不同,但有着共同的敌人。”重生为王用比较冷静的口吻,接着队友的话,进行了一句总结。 I know, therefore I will come to discuss that with you......” Colonel returns said that „...... cooperation.” “我知道,所以我才会来跟你们谈……”上校回道,“……合作。” ............ ………… Meanwhile, canyon Nakamura, outside tomb. 与此同时,峡中村,墓穴外。 Hey ~ we come back ~ jumps after that shiny black cave, Xiao Tan sees to wait for their Xiao Ling and Ruoyu, immediately waves to shout toward them. “嘿~我们回来啦~”从那黑黝黝的山洞里跳出来后,小叹一眼就看见了正在等候他们的小灵若雨,当即就朝她们挥手喊道。 Looks at your dog same stance, harvests big?” Xiao Ling looks at Xiao Tan to say. “瞧你这狗一样的姿态,收获不小咯?”小灵看着小叹说道。 What feeding...... is the dog same stance?” Xiao Tan empty focuses to ask. “喂……什么叫狗一样的姿态啊?”小叹虚着眼问道。 Is a face is laughing foolishly the lively stance of jumping for joy.” Xiao Ling is laughing and playing is returning said. “就是一脸傻笑着欢蹦乱跳的活泼姿态啊。”小灵嬉笑着回道。 ~ described really appropriately.” Followed Jue Bro of not far away also to walk from the hole in Xiao Tan behind quickly. “啊~形容得真贴切呢。”跟在小叹身后不远处的觉哥很快也从洞里走了出来。 Looks at your cat same stance, should return empty-handed.” Stood also said one in Xiao Ling Ruoyu to Jue Bro. “看你这猫一样的姿态,应该是空手而归了吧。”站在小灵身旁的若雨也对觉哥道了一句。 Hehe......” the Feng Bujue smile said, what that I also by the way...... the cat same stance is?” “呵呵……”封不觉微笑道,“那我也顺便问一下……猫一样的姿态又是什么呢?” „A face loathsome appearance, listless under punches the stance.” Ruoyu returns icily said. “一脸死相、无精打采的欠揍姿态呗。”若雨冷冰冰地回道。 Not far away, Tu Aotian and Tu Lisu are also waiting for the returns of these two players, saw them to live, Tu Aotian then went forward saying: Brother Feng, Brother Wang, you in that tunnel( Tu Aotian are look they turn on the hidden tunnel in tomb) what in found?” 不远处,兔傲天兔丽苏也在等着这两名玩家的归来,见他们活着上来了,兔傲天便上前说道:“疯兄,枉兄,你们在那隧道(兔傲天是看着他们开启墓穴中的隐藏隧道的)里找到什么了吗?” Impasse.” Feng Bujue does not want is too many with the opposite party explanation, moreover explained also useless, in the hand of this group of rabbit alien(s) also does not have the incantation of black beard to print Item, even went unable to find anything to the end of that tunnel, on the wall of terminal carved some writing, probably before recording was very long , the entire life story of some interstellar pirate, what we studied for quite a while not to put in order positive result there.” “死胡同。”封不觉不想跟对方解释太多,而且解释了也没用,这帮兔星人的手上又没有黑胡子的咒印物品,即使去到那个隧道的尽头也找不到什么,“末端的墙上刻了一些文字,好像记录了很久以前某个星际海盗的生平故事,我们在那儿研究了半天也没整出什么名堂来。” He stopped for two seconds, added: „, Right......” he looked to Tu Aotian, „, although this tunnel has no thing, but its length is very long . Moreover the structure is very stable. A while I told you opening and method of closure tunnel access, later when your village came across what crisis, can treat as the refuge shelter to use this tunnel.” 他停顿了两秒,又补充道:“哦,对了……”他看向兔傲天,“虽然这个隧道一路到底都没什么东西,但其长度很长,而且结构很稳固。一会儿我把开启和关闭隧道入口的方法告诉你们,以后你们村遇到什么危机时,就可以将这隧道当做避难所使用了。” That was good! Really too thanked you!” Tu Aotian looked at each other one with Tu Lisu with a smile, immediately they cast a grateful vision to Jue Bro. “那太好了!真是太感谢你们了!”兔傲天笑着和身旁的兔丽苏对视了一眼,随即对觉哥他们投去了一个感激的目光。 Actually, when Feng Bujue said when that tunnel is impasse, Tu Aotian is a little half believing and half doubting ; Was good made up following that segment words because of Jue Bro quick-wittedly, gave up the anxiety of opposite party...... this truth to be very simple, since opposite party agrees said the opening method of tunnel, that explained that they had nothing to conceal, if you did not believe that can go to the tunnel end to find out. 其实,当封不觉说那隧道是“死胡同”时,兔傲天还是有点将信将疑的;好在觉哥机智地补了后面那段话,打消了对方的疑虑……这道理很简单,既然对方肯说出隧道的开启方法,那就说明他们没什么好隐瞒的,如果你们不信,可以自己去隧道尽头一探究竟。 Made a long story short, after the people chatted several, then dispersed temporarily acts. 长话短说,众人聊了几句之后,便暂时分散行动了。 Hell Front four selected a pure place to start to exchange the information, but Tu Aotian and Tu Lisu ran to process various damage control measures...... 地狱前线的四位挑了个清净的地方开始交换情报,而兔傲天兔丽苏则跑去处理各种善后事宜…… But their two busy rabbit, the daily production and defense work in village are they were staring, elder Pi Pian to put it bluntly is a mascot...... 他们两位可是大忙兔,村中的日常生产和防卫工作本来就都是他们在盯着,长老啤啤安说白了就是个吉祥物…… Today, village entrance had/left so many bike( building material), corpse( organic chemical fertilizer) and clothing, they may have are busy at work. 今天,村口多出了那么多机车(建筑材料)、尸体(有机化肥)和衣物,他们俩可有的忙活了。 Moreover...... some time ago that attack, making the canyon Nakamura's villagers rabbit heart fearful. Since that helped the person of long hair city stopper( rabbit) come one time, that indicated that the Coordinate of village has exposed, although Ruoyu they used the overwhelming strength almost to kill the opposite party extinguished, but this does not mean that these hoodlums will give up this village since then. 另外……不久前的那次进攻,让峡中村的村民们兔心惶惶。既然那帮长毛城塞的人(兔)来了一次,那就表明村子的坐标已经暴露,虽然若雨她们用压倒性的实力将对方杀得几乎全灭了,但这并不意味着那些暴徒就会从此放弃这个村庄。 Therefore, the person in this moment village was being covered...... under this condition by an anxious mood, Tu Aotian and some Tu Lisu also many ideological work must be done without doubt. Even if they are also sustaining very tremendous pressure, but they lead and comfort a these smaller and weaker person. Because...... this is the path that they choose. 因此,此刻全村的人都被一种不安的情绪所笼罩着……这种状况下,兔傲天兔丽苏无疑还有很多思想工作要去做。纵然他们自己也承担着很大的心理压力,但他们还是得去领导和安抚那些更为弱小的人。因为……这就是他们选择的道路。 In this law of the jungle end in the world, the powerhouse, becomes the spoliator either, either becomes the protector...... this is as the choice that the powerhouse must face. 在这弱肉强食的末世中,强者,要么就成为掠夺者,要么就成为守护者……这是作为强者必须面对的抉择。 ............ ………… Another hour passes by, in long hair city the desert between stops up and in canyon Nakamura, another bike brigade appeared. 又一个小时过去,在长毛城塞和峡中村之间的沙漠中,又一支机车大队出现了。 In sand dust that everywhere raises high, is hoodlum of one crowd of devils. 漫天高扬的沙尘中,是一群凶神恶煞的暴徒。 But these, but also included the three team members of Corpse Blade two teams, as well as...... three long hair six heavenly official members. 而这其中,还包括了尸刀二番队的三名队员,以及……三名长毛天官的成员。 That three people respectively are...... 那三人分别是…… Long life star Monarch Colonel. 延寿星君-上校 The profit calculates star Monarch Ma Mahu. 益算星君-马马虎 Ecuadoran star Monarch Di Diwei. 度厄星君-迪迪威 Obviously, the Corpse Blade players had formed the union with long hair god fist that six heavenly official. 很显然,尸刀的玩家们已经和长毛神拳那六位天官结成了同盟。 This time...... they do not have the attitude of slightly having a low opinion of the enemy certainly, but has the same goal, killed to the Hell Front team was. 这一次……他们绝无丝毫轻敌的态度,只是怀着相同的目标,杀向了地狱前线队的所在。 Crossed for ten minutes to be able again to arrive at that village entrance.” Transcends As King that is responsible for guiding sits in a forefront cross child, at this time he then and that three NPC shouts to the teammates, ten million/countless sniper who must be careful the opposite party, perhaps this time she before we will be close to village entrance will begin, will have the general idea/careless possibly to lose the life slightly!” “再过十分钟应该就能到达那个村口了。”负责带路的穿越为王坐在最前面的一辆跨子里,此时他回头对队友们和那三名NPC喊道,“千万要小心对方的狙击手,说不定这次她会在我们接近村口之前就动手,稍有大意可能就会丢掉性命!” Snort...... compared with using the fellow of spear/gun, I want to contend with that female swordsman who you said actually.” Said that Di Diwei of this saying is also a great man (Han), looked that the figure also wants on the strong several points compared with Xi Ximan unexpectedly. “哼……比起用枪的家伙,我倒是更想和你们说的那个女剑客一较高下。”说这话的迪迪威也是一条巨汉,看身形竟是比嘻嘻满还要壮上几分。 Do not make a mistake...... we not to come with others to compare notes the skill in Wushu.” Meets his words Ma Mahu is an old rabbit, its figure is slim, under the rabbit mouth also has goat beard, if possible, I hope actually a Colonel person will go to assassinate...... such to omit entirely many opposite party troublesome.” “你可别搞错了……我们不是来跟别人切磋武艺的。”接他话的马马虎则是一只老兔子,其身材瘦弱伛偻,兔嘴下还留着一把山羊胡子,“如果可能的话,我倒是希望上校一个人进去将对方统统暗杀掉……那样会省去很多麻烦。” Hehe......” Colonel smiles, turns the head( he and Ma Mahu is riding on same cross child, is responsible for driving by him), senior, you also thought highly of me......” “呵呵……”上校笑了笑,转头回道(他和马马虎乘着在同一辆跨子上,由他负责驾车),“前辈,你也太看得起我了……” At a time of their several dialogues, suddenly, frontline motorcade calls loudly ; Looks quickly! Front has the person!” 就在他们几个对话之际,忽然,车队最前方的一名喽啰高声喊道;“快看!前面有人!” Such remarks, the Corpse Blade team members and that three heavenly official are all startled slightly, look far into the distance. 此言一出,尸刀队员们和那三天官皆是微微一怔,举目远眺。 But sees...... in the front desert, is really is standing and waiting for a long time two person's shadows. 但见……前方的沙漠中,确是伫立着两道人影。
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