TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#874: Ten moves of (Last Part)

Oh~ this does not get angry, is four that the whole neighborhoods win universal praise has the youth( to have money to have a face worthily to have industry)......” Feng Bujue to insert the branch to hit to wield said that „, but I suggested you quite hit the driving point to be good, forcing Brother Fa to put forth the defense style to be favorable for you.” “哦哦~这样都不发火啊,不愧是街坊四邻有口皆碑的四有青年(有钱有脸有品有业)啊……”封不觉插科打挥道,“但我个人还是建议你打得主动一点比较好,逼迫发哥使出防御型的招式对你更为有利啊。” Although the surface is cheerful and lively, but the Jue Bro psychology naturally does not hope that Xiao Tan was defeated here, therefore after his , half a word words have instructed the latter in the tactic. 虽然表面有说有笑,但觉哥心理自然是不希望小叹在这里被打败的,所以他这后半句话已是在战术上指导后者了。 Hehe...... Mr Feng said rational.” Brother Tu Fa also meets to say with a smile, in vain little brother...... by your ability, if earnest, will cope with me...... to fear me really to have the danger with killing intent ; But your will of the people are kindhearted, from beginning to end has not thought must harm my life. The way and strength of you attacking can see that...... you want to make me lose the ability to act, but......” his a half second, the look changes, holds this mentality to fight me...... instead is to my disrespect.” “呵呵……疯先生说得有理。”兔发哥也笑着接道,“枉小哥……以你的能耐,若是认真起来,怀着‘杀意’来对付我……恐怕我确实会有危险的;但你这人心性良善,从头至尾都没有想过要伤我性命。从你攻击的方式和力道就能看出……你只是想让我失去行动能力而已,但……”他微顿半秒,眼神一变,“抱着这种心态跟我打……反而是对我的不尊重。” At this point, Brother Tu Fa exhibited Beidou...... Oh...... the classical stance of short hair god fist, the both legs slightly tune, separates a step distance, rises single-handedly the sway to the chest front, tilts before the rib single-handedly. 说到此处,兔发哥摆出了北斗……呃…短毛神拳的经典架势,双腿微曲,前后分开一步的距离,一手上扬横摆至胸前,一手斜置于肋前。 Less than two seconds, astonishing Battle Qi then ignites, changes into an intermittent naked eye obvious, such as the smoke vast white line from its whole body. 两秒不到,惊人的斗气便从其周身燃起,化为一阵阵肉眼可见的、如烟渺般的白线。 -!” Then, Brother Tu Fa cried loud and long, the whole body muscle inflates suddenly, making the shirt of his upper body explode accordingly. “唔-喔!”接着,兔发哥长啸一声,全身肌肉骤然膨胀,使其上身的短衫应声爆裂。 I went...... to explode the garment...... the Feng Bujue vision brilliant to look at that rabbit alien(s) healthy figure unexpectedly, un...... good stature!” “我去……竟然爆衫了……”封不觉目光灼灼地看着那兔星人健美的身形,“嗯……好身材!” Praised Ah! Xiao Tan really unable to bear at this time, then looked at Jue Bro make complaints saying that you to this 1980s stem rigid?” “夸奖个屁啊!小叹这时实在忍不住了,回头望着觉哥吐槽道,“你对这种上世纪八十年代的梗到底有多执着啊?” make complaints I might as well have a look at the present condition......” the Feng Bujue next second to exchange a proper face to say. “有空吐槽我不如看看眼前的状况吧……”封不觉下一秒又换上一副正经脸说道。 Right, then before not resembles, was so polite!” Brother Tu Fa is saying, then seemed moves instantaneously appears in the Xiao Tan front generally, short hair god fist deep meaning- not thought the reincarnation!” “没错,接下来可不会像之前那么客气了!”兔发哥说着,便好似瞬间移动一般出现在了小叹的面前,“短毛神拳奥义-无想转生!” Ha?” Wang Tanzhi has also looked at «Fist of the North Star», therefore after he hears the style name of opposite party, immediately responds, adds BUFF is also a move?” “哈?”王叹之也是看过《北斗神拳》的,所以他听到对方的招式名后,立刻反应道,“加个BUFF也算一招吗?” Fool! Other general idea/careless!” Feng Bujue sees Xiao Tan not to realize probably not thinks the fearfulness of reincarnation, therefore drinks this reminder to say greatly, will be massacred!” “笨蛋!别大意了!”封不觉小叹好像还没意识到无想转生的可怕,故而大喝这提醒道,“会被杀掉的!” However, his words are half beat behind. 然而,他的话语还是慢了半拍。 Brother Tu Fa next one strikes has acted, this is the first time that he had not shouted that in the fight style made one move- short hair Lohan strikes! 兔发哥的下一击已然出手,这也是他第一次在战斗中没有喊出招式名就打出了一招-【短毛罗汉击】! The fierce wicked might, does not have the shadow invisible speed, has no interest not to think the fist potential that. 猛恶的威力,无影无形的速度,无心无想的拳势。 If this fist, Xiao Tan must die without doubt. 这一拳若是中了,小叹必死无疑。 But this fist must, because Brother Tu Fa has started has not thought the reincarnation, by Hand-to-Hand combat, this is almost a close combat invincible condition. 而这一拳是不可能不中的,因为兔发哥已经发动了无想转生,以实打实的格斗而言,这几乎就是一种近战无敌的状态。 However...... in this flash. 然……就在这一刹那。 ............ ………… Good slow......” Wang Tanzhi present world, as if stagnated, what situation? Why can stop?” He wants to catch the eye to look at the opposite party, discovery all around have actually gotten a panoramic view, but own eyeball has not moved, Eh? this is......” “好慢……”王叹之眼前的世界,仿佛凝滞了,“什么情况?为什么要停下来?”他想抬眼去看对方,却发现周遭的一切已然尽收眼底,而自己的眼球根本就没动,“诶?这是……” This is a seemingly familiar feeling, in the finals of Struggle For Power to Summit S1, Root put forth the TENDRIL_BARRARE_DEVASTATOR instance, Xiao Tan had once experienced this condition. 这是一种似曾相识的感觉,在巅峰争霸S1的决赛中,鲁特使出TENDRIL_BARRARE_DEVASTATOR的瞬间,小叹就曾经历过这种状态。 Supposition...... the time dust entered in some powerful top organism, usually will have two responses...... its one, the dust was suppressed by that lifeform own strength, complete expiration ; The two...... dust seizes time the effect was suppressed, but awakens time the effect was gradually released.” “假设……时间粉尘进入了某种强大的高位生物体内,通常就会有两种反应……其一,粉尘被那个生物自身的力量所压制,完全失效;其二……粉尘‘夺走时间’的效果被压制,但‘唤醒时间’的效果逐渐被释放出来。” When Fierce Ghost Electricity Company, the words that Tallioum spoke...... also appears gradually in the Xiao Tan mind. 猛鬼电力公司时,塔利欧姆所说的话……也渐渐浮现在了小叹的脑海。 But...... is about not to have......” the Xiao Tan heart saying that I can feel...... these permeate my blood when sand...... these by strength that I absorb ‚’, or...... time, has almost consumed completely.” He felt with rapt attention, discussed that un...... this without doubt was a final point extra time, always also flowed the unclean several drops to remain like the yogurt box under. The evidence is the condition that...... my own body cannot move at this moment, only then the thought is still revolving.” “可是……已经快没有了……”小叹心道,“我可以感觉到……那些渗入我血液的‘时之沙’……那些被我所吸收的‘力量’,或者说……‘时间’,差不多已消耗殆尽。”他又凝神感觉了一下,念道,“嗯……这无疑是最后的一点‘额外的时间’了,就像酸奶盒子底下总也流不干净的几滴残留。证据就是……此刻我自己的身体也是不能动的状态,只有思维还在运转。” Thinks of here, he sighed in the heart: Oh...... looked like my is must hang, how even if gave me the time to consider to deal slowly......, but made me avoid this move in the physics is impossible.” 想到这儿,他不禁在心中叹道:“唉……看来我这是要挂了啊,就算给我时间慢慢考虑如何应对……但让我在物理上躲开这招已经是不可能的了。” He said right, when time density current, even if he starts 【The dance of Death, Also has avoided the fist of Brother Fa without enough time. 他说得没错,当时间重流之时,即便他发动【死亡之舞】,也已来不及躲开发哥的拳头了。 Un? What is this felt?” Suddenly, Xiao Tan discovered what difference, what is this......?” “嗯?这是什么感觉?”忽然,小叹又发现了什么异样,“这是……什么?” When these strength of sand gradually sheds completely, as if had what thing to well up from Xiao Tan Divine Consciousness, seemed was washed finally cleanly the swimming pool, started the irrigation suddenly same...... 当那些时之沙的力量逐渐褪尽时,似乎有什么东西小叹神识中涌了出来,就好似一个终于被洗干净了的游泳池,猛然开始注水一样…… ............ ………… Bang! 嘭! The fist, Battle Qi explodes the powder, the blood fog ascends. 拳至,斗气爆散,血雾升腾。 Was sorry.” Brother Tu Fa turned head self-confidently, looks to Feng Bujue, looked like your partner...... also the insufficient crucial moment.” He shakes the head, a face regrets said, me is very earnest, he harbors the naive idea, takes one pile of every irons to come with me to socialize......” “抱歉了。”兔发哥自信回头,看向了封不觉,“看来你的这位伙伴……还不够火候。”他摇了摇头,一脸惋惜地说道,“我这边可是很认真的,他却怀着天真的想法,拿着一堆凡铁来跟我周旋……” „...... I understand, his is gets what one deserves.” Feng Bujue coldly saying that but his latter half a word words, are actually thread of conversation one revolution, „...... Brother Fa, the fight had not ended, you turn head, really?” “啊……我明白,他这是活该。”封不觉冷冷回道,但他的后半句话,却是话锋一转,“不过……发哥,战斗还没结束,你就这么回头,真的好吗?” The voice falls, Fist Sect is startled. 话音落,拳宗惊。 At this moment, on face of Brother Tu Fa first astonished color. 这一刻,兔发哥的脸上首先惊愕之色。 Nani?” After saying this classical defeated lines, he turned head suddenly, discovered the man who a that scarlet assassin installed...... still did not stand erect but actually. 哪尼?”道出这句经典的败者台词之后,他猛然回头,发现那个一身猩红刺客装的男人……仍然屹立未倒。 Always every iron every iron...... was tired of......” Xiao Tan is saying, while raise hand, at this moment, on his right wrist, had/left one set to conceal a sword in the sleeve slowly unexpectedly baseless( Altaïr's Touch Equipment on left wrist), moreover above this concealed a sword in the sleeve, but also is twining the black flame faintly, that I came to hit with you with this!” “总是凡铁凡铁的……烦死了……”小叹一边说着,一边缓缓抬手,此刻,他的右腕上,竟是凭空多出了一套袖剑(阿泰尔之触装备在左腕上),而且这袖剑之上,还隐隐缠绕着黑色的火焰,“那我就用这个来跟你打!” Name: Sighing 名称:叹】 Type: Spiritual Energy Armament 【类型:灵能武器 Quality: Excellent 【品质:精良】 Attack Power:???】 攻击力:???】 Attribute: Unknown 【属性:未知】 Special Effect one: The flame bites( black flame may swallow physical and various materials in non- physical level with the will of user)】 特效一:炎噬(黑炎可随着使用者的意志去吞噬物理和非物理层面上的各种物质)】 Special Effect two: Not plays( makes a radius two meters range enter silent domain , to continue technique, No Cooldown and no consumption)】 特效二:无奏(使自身半径两米的范围进入无声领域,持续技,无冷却时间、无消耗)】 Equipment condition: Wang Tanzhi 装备条件:王叹之 Note: Sighed the life to be variable, two sighed the friend to be difficult to ask......】 【备注:一叹人生无常,二叹知己难求……】 Ha.....” Feng Bujue after the data angle of view looked at showing of Equipment, says with a smile, unexpectedly put out Spiritual Energy Armament ......” “哈哈……”封不觉以数据视角看了看装备的说明后,笑道,“居然拿出灵能武器了啊……” This is Spiritual Energy Armament ......” Xiao Tan meets saying that casual...... I only the sleep/felt go well to hurt in any case now.” “这就是灵能武器啊……”小叹接道,“随便了……反正我现在只觉得手疼。” That must...... the ring finger did not have.” Jue Bro meets to say. “那必须的……无名指没了嘛。”觉哥接道。 Ha?” Xiao Tan seems not to know this matter, he looked down the right hand, but his hand little while is completely being twined by the black flame, looked radically not distinctly, considered as finished...... It does not matter, my entire only hand had the ignition feeling in any case, where also Bujue must be very sore.” “哈?”小叹好像自己都不知道这事儿,他低头看了看右手,但他的手这会儿全然被黑炎缠绕着,根本看不分明,“算了……无所谓,反正我整只手都有灼烧感,也不觉得有哪里特别疼。” Feng Bujue said with a smile: It does not matter......” he is truly saying, turned the head to look to Brother Fa, Brother Fa, really thanked you very much...... with your comparing notes, became my partner to break through the turning point of some type of bottleneck.” 封不觉笑道:“确实无所谓……”他说着,转头看向了发哥,“发哥,真的很感谢你……与你的这场切磋,成了我这位伙伴突破某种瓶颈的契机。” Is honored.” Brother Tu Fa restored at this time calmly, his look is fixing the eyes on the right hand of Xiao Tan, Spiritual power that „when a moment ago...... was that spirit awakened erupts, counter-balanced my Battle Qi? Hehe......” he smiles, good! Then makes sense!” “荣幸之极。”兔发哥此时又恢复了冷静,他的眼神紧盯着小叹的右手,“刚才……是那件‘灵器’觉醒时所爆发的灵力,将我的斗气抵消了是吧?呵呵……”他笑了笑,“好!这才像话!” It seems like Brother Fa also entered the stimulated condition, Battle Qi that he had started to restrain promotes, to shout again: Favoring...... this is the second move from the bottom- day racing Lie!” 看来发哥也进入了亢奋状态,他原本已开始收敛的斗气再度提升,喝道:“看好了……这是倒数第二招-天将奔烈!” Double palm, Battle Qi comes. 双掌一出,斗气汹涌而来。 NPC of Brother Tu Fa this rank, was one sees Sighed This weapon the place of bad risk, therefore he abandoned the close combat unique skill, put forth own strongest long-distance deep meaning. 兔发哥这种级别的NPC,自是一眼就看出了【叹】这件武器的凶险之处,所以他弃用了近战绝招,使出了自己的最强远程奥义。 At first sight, the second move that this move and he puts forth short hair just held wave unable to miss many, but in fact...... this style principle is completely different, the might is to also differ several times. 乍看之下,这招和他使出的第二招“短毛刚掌波”差不了多少,但实际上……这招式的原理是完全不同的,威力也是相差数倍。 Ha!” This time, Xiao Tan does not hide does not dodge, but drinks one lightly, holds up the right arm, opens the five fingers to do to keep off. “哈!”这次,小叹不躲不闪,只是轻喝一声,举起右臂,张开五指作挡。 Suddenly, in his wrists black flame greatly hold, resembles a black vortex, changes the Battle Qi path that flowed rapidly to come, forms an energy turbulent flow of distortion before the body of Xiao Tan. 一时间,其腕间黑炎大盛,似一个黑色的漩涡般,改变了奔流而来的斗气轨迹,在小叹的身前形成一层扭曲的能量乱流。 -”, but after meeting incurs, Xiao Tan is still bowed to retrocede half step, in the mouth put out a big blood, the complexion also becomes very ugly, cuts...... cannot receive completely......” “噗-”但接招后,小叹仍是屈膝后退了半步,口中吐出一大口鲜血,脸色也变得十分难看,“切……没能完全接下吗……” Snort...... that is the inevitable result.” Feng Bujue uses to pour cold water the common language gas welding say/way in side, flame bites, although strong, but was impossible to exceed your ability upper limit......” he, „the words that must analogy...... it was just like an extremely powerful style, was need Inner Strength supports. When Inner Strength of opponent surpasses your many, even if the style were inferior that your exquisiteness, same can injure to you.” “哼……那是必然的结果。”封不觉在旁用泼冷水一般的语气接道,“‘炎噬’虽强,但也不可能超越你个人的能力上限……”他顿了一下,“要比喻的话……它就好比是一个极为强力的‘招式’、是需要‘内力’去支持的。当对手的内力超过你许多时,即便招式不如你的精妙,一样可以伤到你。” Similar analysis I fired off reach an agreement again!” Xiao Tan erased the blood of corners of the mouth, bellows, the under foot treads, then attacked to Brother Tu Fa. “类似的分析等我打完再说好了!”小叹抹掉了嘴角的鲜血,大吼一声,脚下一踏,便攻向了兔发哥 Xiao Tan knows, these ten moves of tests, only had one move ; He had also felt that...... regardless the defense style, the attack style that Brother Fa uses is one move strong one move...... if as expected, if makes Brother Fa launch the attack again, he will then put forth one to rush to fiercely a stronger move compared with day. 小叹知道,这十招的考验,只剩下一招了;他也已经感觉到了……撇开防御型招式不谈,发哥所使用的攻击型招式都是一招强过一招的……不出意外的话,如果再让发哥来发动攻击,那他接下来就会使出一个比“天将奔烈”更强的招数。 Projects on at present this situation, Xiao Tan can live is being a little lucky, he does not think oneself can also have what means to resist the next attack of opposite party, therefore...... he decides to assault. 打到眼前这个地步,小叹能活着已经是有点侥幸了,他可不认为自己还能有什么办法去抵挡对方的下一次攻击,所以……他决定抢攻。 The general attack cannot inspire the style of opposite party, this Wang Tanzhi is very clear, he must put forth the might to be good in the certain intensity above skill. Otherwise...... was he loses. 一般的攻击不会引动对方的招式,这点王叹之很清楚,他必须使出威力在一定强度以上的技能才行。否则……就是他输了。 Do not die Ah! finally, in this fight, Xiao Tan put forth one to be called for the first time is the killing move skill, picked out bone Blade Technique!” “你可别死了啊!”终于,在这场战斗中,小叹第一次使出了一个可以称得上是杀招的技能,“剔骨刀法!” Picks out bone Blade Technique This skill, when Peerless Martial Fight Competition already in Xiao Tan Skill bar, this is one Time Constricted Active Skill, then surplus time also had 2532 minutes. Converting...... is about 42 hours. 【剔骨刀法】这个技能,早在无双武斗会时就已在小叹技能栏里了,这是一个“限时拥有”的主动技,当时的剩余时间还有“2532分钟”。换算一下……大约就是四十二个小时。 Naturally, this is the game time, moreover only in player places the Scenario world will start to calculate. 当然了,这个是游戏时间,而且只在“玩家身处剧本世界”时才会开始计算。 In afterward that days, Xiao Tan started several skills, 12 standard Skill bar filled, therefore, he was not every Scenario will go to bring this Blade Technique. Therefore the time of this time limit technique has not used up. 后来的那段日子里,小叹又入手了几个技能,十二格技能栏满了,于是,他就不是每个剧本都会去带这个刀法了。因此这个限时技的时间至今还没有用完。 At present, he after short considering, then chose this Level A Hand-to-Hand combat technique...... to force Brother Tu Fa to make the last move. 眼下,他经过短暂的斟酌,便挑选了这个A级格斗技……以迫使兔发哥打出最后一招。 Feng Bujue that observes in side understands, this truly was conforms to the optimization of Xiao Tan character......, because used Counter blade maneuver cuts Too weak, with Special Beam Cannon Also extremely...... only then this Picks out bone Blade Technique, Seeming like to compel the Brother Fa style, to be insufficient to endanger this NPC life. 在旁观战的封不觉明白,这确实是符合小叹性格的最佳选择了……因为用【逆刃回旋斩】太弱,用【魔贯光杀炮】又太过……只有这【剔骨刀法】,看上去能逼出发哥的招式、又不至于危及这个NPC的性命。 Scolds to click the tongue- 叱叱叱- Among that electric light flint, Xiao Tan has killed in front of Brother Fa, a pair conceals a sword in the sleeve like the strong winds chaotic dance. 那电光火石之间,小叹已杀到发哥面前,一对袖剑如狂风般乱舞。 With the sound of sword edge broken wind, the blade glow flashes continually, the black flame scatters...... 伴随着剑锋破风之声,刃芒连闪,黑炎四溅…… This picks out bone Blade Technique attacks fast is much quicker, Brother Fa was unexpectedly unresponsive, but stands is coming under attack same place...... 这剔骨刀法的攻速快得惊人,发哥竟是对此毫无反应,只是站在原地挨打…… After several seconds, Xiao Tan sees the opposite party torso continuously blade, and has not made the circumvention movement completely......, therefore hurries to receive the hand, after jumps greatly one step. 数秒后,小叹见对方躯干连续中刀、且完全没有做出规避动作……故而赶紧收手,朝后大跳一步。 Hey...... Brother Fa......” this, a Xiao Tan face worried actually looked to that rabbit alien(s), „were you all right?” “喂……发哥……”这回,倒是小叹一脸担忧地看向了那兔星人,“你没事吧?” Ha..... ha haha Ha.....” Brother Tu Fa laughs to make noise, little brother, looked that your dresses up...... is an assassin?” 哈……哈哈哈哈……”兔发哥大笑出声,“小哥,看你的装扮……是个刺客吧?” Why does not know, he has not answered the Xiao Tan issue, but tore the topic. 不知为何,他没有回答小叹的问题,而是扯开了话题。 Oh.......” Xiao Tan somewhat returns wooden said. 呃……是啊。”小叹有些木然地回道。 I urged you to change professions.” Brother Tu Fa shakes the head saying that people like you, the fly cutter made the waste of too spear/gun likely.” “我劝你还是改行吧。”兔发哥摇头道,“像你这样的人,舞刀弄枪的太浪费了。” He spoke, will have fought intent to restrain completely, and hit a sound to refer. Only hears „”, on Brother Fa conjures probably appearance a brand-new sailor blouse. 他说话之间,已将战意完全收敛起来,并打了个响指。只听得“啪”的一声,发哥身上像是变戏法儿似的出现了一件崭新的水手衫。 Relax, he is doing the work of life-saving most of the time.” At this time, Feng Bujue also relaxes probably, with chatting the general attitude said to Brother Fa, worked as the assassin is only the interest.” “放心吧,他大多数时候都是在做救人的工作。”这时,封不觉好像也松了口气,用闲聊一般的态度对发哥道,“当刺客只是兴趣。” so that's how it is.” Brother Fa nods. 原来如此。”发哥点点头。 Hey? What's wrong?” Xiao Tan sees this scene, poured somewhat cannot feel the mind. “喂?怎么了啊?”小叹见此情景,倒有些摸不着头脑了。 Hehe...... little brother, you already through test.” Brother Tu Fa smiles was saying to Xiao Tan, „when just now you attack, has not intended...... my known this move to be difficult to keep off, therefore put forth in the short hair god fist ahead of time transfers dragon breath law to deal.” He shakes the head, hehe...... who knows...... you to look that I stand in same place have not moved, but also thinks that I am respond, hit half to receive a move of retreat.” “呵呵……小哥,你已经通过考验了。”兔发哥微笑着对小叹说道,“方才你攻过来时,还未出手……我已知此招难挡,故而提前使出了短毛神拳中的‘转龙呼吸法’来应对。”他摇了摇头,“呵呵……谁知……你看我站在原地未动,还以为我是反应不及,打了一半就收招后退了。” He is such......” Feng Bujue meets to say with a smile, the tone seems like the guardian to discuss own child in the personal servant director, said that is naive also good, silly...... this is his conscience, feared that was this whole life cannot change.” “他就是这样的……”封不觉笑着接道,语气像是家长在跟班主任谈论自家的小孩,“说是‘天真’也好,‘傻’也罢……这是他的‘本心’,怕是这辈子也改不了了。” hears word, in the eye of Brother Tu Fa flashed through a disappointed color, he seemed recalls anything, after short silence, changed topic: Oh...... was good, the test stops, two...... please choose the treasure that wants to carry off.” 闻言,兔发哥的眼中闪过了一丝怅然之色,他好似是回忆起了什么,在短暂的沉默后,转移了话题:“呃……好了,考验就到此为止,二位……请挑选想要带走的宝物吧。”
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