TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#873: Ten moves of (First Part)

„-” “啊-” During the startled anger happened simultaneously, Xi Ximan shouted angrily, Battle Qi blazing to burn. 惊怒交加之中,嘻嘻满怒喝一声,斗气炽燃。 When a person( rabbit) was compelled the hopeless situation, first seeks help, often is that strength that most rely upon. 当一个人(兔)被逼到绝境时,最先去求助的,往往是自己最为仰仗的那份力量。 The semblance, wisdom, luck and belief...... everyone has thing that oneself sincerely believe. 外表、智慧、运气、信仰……每个人都有自己笃信的东西 But in Xi Ximan this life...... without doubt is the violence that excels and trusts. 嘻嘻满这一生中最为擅长和信赖的……无疑是暴力。 long hair crane wing cuts rapidly!” 长毛鹤翼迅斩!” After drinks greatly, incurs extremely sends accordingly. 一声大喝之后,极招应声而发。 As BOSS Level NPC, the Xi Ximan style is the no small matter. Regardless of the speed, might and technicality...... may be called the level of Level S skill. 作为BOSS级的NPC,嘻嘻满的招式自是非同小可。无论速度、威力、技巧性……都堪称S级技能的水平。 Ruoyu does not have the general idea/careless, she puts forth immediately Limiting efficiency, Will mention from the body technique highest condition, and is coordinating Sensation initiative Sentenced in advance, started Bright Jade Power fourth Special Effect Rising Wind Treading Wave, steps shadow. 若雨也丝毫没有大意,她立刻使出了【极限效率】,将自身体术提到了最高状态,并配合着【感知先制】的预判,发动了明玉功第四层的特效凌风踏浪,移步成影】。 In close combat Hand-to-Hand combat, the wisest dodging method is not to the full far away from the attack of enemy, but lets attack invalid of opposite party by the smallest movement, and will adjust to deal with the stance of enemy next move of change in the shortest time. 在近战格斗中,最高明的闪避手段并不是最大限度地远离敌人的攻击,而是以最小的动作让对方的攻击无效化,并在最短的时间内将自己调整到可以应对敌方下一招变化的姿态。 Investigates its objective, been fastidious is quick and skillful, spirit these three characters. 究其宗旨,讲究的就是“快、巧、灵”这三字。 But Ruoyu in these dodges, has almost displayed the pinnacle this idea at this moment doing time. 若雨在此刻所做的这一次闪避,几乎已将这种理念发挥到了极致。 Dodges compared with the stance with Feng Bujue that posture strange limit, the Ruoyu movement seems incomparably relaxed, even it can be said that graceful...... 封不觉那种姿势怪异的极限闪避姿态相比,若雨的动作显得无比轻松,甚至可以说是优雅…… In others opinion, she with does not calculate the quick speed slightly moved to half, but in Xi Ximan looks like...... these half beside boundary, is insurmountable like the natural moat. 在旁人看来,她只是用并不算快的速度小移了半步而已,但在嘻嘻满看来……这半步之外的境界,就如天堑般不可逾越。 Is these half step, making the fighting spirit of Xi Ximan in be irrigated to extinguish in an instant. 就是这半步,让嘻嘻满的斗志在刹那间被浇灭。 Is these half step, lets Xi Ximan before incurring the potential completely left had fallen into desperately. 就是这半步,让嘻嘻满在招势尽出之前已陷入了绝望。 Is these half step, making Xi Ximan produce- can be killed by this grade of expert, perhaps was one type lucky, one type was honored...... the idea. 就是这半步,让嘻嘻满产生了-能被这等高手所杀,或许是一种幸运、一种荣幸……的想法。 Hiss- 嘶- After dodges, following backhands a sword. 闪避过后,随之而来的就是反手一剑。 Sword blade breeze, strokes on the neck of Xi Ximan lightly. 剑刃似一阵微风,在嘻嘻满的脖子上轻拂而过。 Then, that sprays, but the blood...... then sent out the wind to blow the wheat ear rustling sound. 接着,那喷洒而出的鲜血……便发出了风吹麦穗般的沙沙声。 This sword comes too quickly...... 这一剑来得太快…… Cannot feel the pain to the dead quickly. 快到死者未能感觉到疼痛。 Cannot realize Death to the dead quickly. 快到死者未能体会到死亡 This is a benevolence, is a cruelty. 这是一种仁慈,也是一种残忍。 Sand rustle...... 沙沙沙…… Blood, but also is floating. 血,还在飘洒。 The sword, has actually sheathed. 剑,却已入鞘。 In this speechless view, that the person of dying( rabbit) the mind...... flashed through the innumerable thoughts. 在这无言的景致中,那将死之人(兔)的脑海……闪过了无数念头。 He also has the regret, the lamentation, he reviews oneself life, discovered oneself cannot stick out chest saying that unexpectedly regretless not regrets. 他还有遗憾,还有悔恨,他回顾自己的一生,发现自己竟不能挺起胸膛说一声无悔无憾。 And enslaves the material that trades, to kill by mistreatment the position that the weak one obtains...... anything through plundering unable to fill, instead makes his life emptier, and is abominable. 通过掠夺和奴役换来的物质、虐杀弱者得到的地位……什么都没能填补,反而让他的人生变得更加空洞、且令人憎恶。 In the end, he is worth only proudly...... as a self-respect of Fist Arts, in this was repentant of changed into the tears, fell swiftly. 到头来,他唯一值得自傲的……身为一个拳法家的自尊,也在这份悔悟中化为了泪水,倏然落下。 - 噗- After a light sound, Si Mingxing long hair six heavenly official Xi Ximan fell on the sand. 一声轻响后,长毛天官之一的司命星君嘻嘻满就这么倒在了沙地上。 Without the last words, has not struggled, the huge body raised some sand dust finally, the dark red blood was contaminated slowly the desert under its. 没有遗言,没有挣扎,庞大的身躯最终只是扬起了一些沙尘,殷红的鲜血慢慢浸染了其身下的沙漠。 Hateful......” sees those images and scenes, has lost fights Transcends As King of intent to scold one in the heart immediately lowly, turns head then to run. “可恶……”见得此情此景,早已丧失战意的穿越为王当即在心中低骂一声,扭头便跑。 At this moment, he put forth the whole body potential, spells to go all-out, has no more to do with dash about wildly with the speed of far ultra bike maximum speed, goes in the direction of city stopper...... 这一刻,他使出了浑身的潜能,拼尽全力,用远超机车最高时速的速度拔腿狂奔,向着城塞的方向而去…… Although he also knows the probability of successfully running away is very uncertain, but that also ratio stays behind to meet the tough head-on with toughness strongly with the present opponent. 虽然他也知道成功逃走的几率十分渺茫,但那也比留下和眼前的对手硬碰硬来得强。 Snort......” looks at the back that the opposite party is going far away, Ruoyu cold snort/hum, simply has not gone to pay attention. “哼……”望着对方远去的背影,若雨冷哼一声,根本没去理会。 She was only turns around calm, turned back the village. 她只是淡定地转过身去,走回了村子。 Wants me to solve him?” When she to village entrance, hid Xiao Ling after ambush was still carrying the sniper's rifle in hand, is aiming at a sunspot in distant place desert. “要我解决他吗?”当她到村口时,躲在狙击点后的小灵仍然端着手中的狙击枪,瞄准着远处沙漠中的一个黑点。 Does not need.” Ruoyu returns said, defers to the meaning of Bujue to come as far as possible.” “不必了吧。”若雨回道,“还是尽量按照不觉的意思来吧。” Un......” Xiao Ling thinks several seconds, good......” she to be saying, implored the tone, shows a relaxing expression, and no longer adopts the stance of ambush. “嗯……”小灵想了几秒,“好吧……”她说着,吁了口气,露出一个放松的表情,且不再摆出狙击的姿态。 The decision of Ruoyu, naturally does not emerge for a while, because Feng Bujue has the instruction to similar situation beforehand...... the original words is „, if the opposite party smells there is something wrong the choice to escape, putting them goes back to be possible eliminating a potential informant is better.” 若雨的这个决定,自然不是一时兴起,而是因为封不觉事先就对类似的情况有过吩咐……原话是“如果对方见势不妙选择逃跑,放他们回去或许会比灭口更好。” ............ ………… Meanwhile, buried treasure cavern. 与此同时,宝藏洞窟。 Good! Who feared that whose Ah! Wang Tanzhi stared in a big way the eye, killed the pig roar to shout with one type, was not ten moves! I Fearless !-” “好!谁怕谁啊!王叹之瞪大了眼睛,用一种杀猪般的吼声喝道,“不就是十招吗!我才不怕呢!啊-” How I thought that you were about to cry......” to stand in nearby Feng Bujue are actually staring the dead fish eye, complains with a very lazy expression. “我怎么觉得你都快哭了啊……”站在一旁的封不觉却是瞪着死鱼眼,用一种十分慵懒的表情吐了个槽。 You are little wordy!” Xiao Tan turned the head to roar toward Jue Bro, I went crazy including myself feared!” “你少罗嗦!”小叹又转头朝觉哥吼了一声,“我发起疯来连自己都怕!” „Do you prepare to fall into some spiritual critical point thus awakening by yourself the personality?” Feng Bujue looked through the idea of Xiao Tan, empty focuses to discuss, I think...... with your character, does not suit the self- guidance approach of this sane faction, you act emotionally quite well......” “你这是准备让自己陷入某种精神上的临界点从而唤醒里人格么?”封不觉一眼就看破了小叹的想法,虚着眼念道,“我个人认为……以你的性格来说,不适合这种理智派的自我引导式做法,你还是跟着感觉走比较好……” Hehe...... this Wang Tanzhi little brother......” another side Brother Tu Fa also urged at this time with a smile, you do not use that anxiously, although I will not show mercy, but...... the starting point of this trial is not kills people in the final analysis, is only the pure strength test.” He is saying, starts the stubborn own finger, making the knuckle exude flip-flop the sound, black beard does not want to make these precious treasures fall into passenger's hand, will set this custom. I believe that...... was regarded as you of partner by Mr Feng is not the ordinary person, my these ten moves...... you deal certainly with come.” “呵呵……这位枉叹之小哥……”另一边的兔发哥这时也笑着劝道,“你也不用那么紧张,虽然我不会手下留情,但说到底……这种试炼的出发点并不是杀人,只是纯粹的实力测试而已。”他说着,就开始拗自己的手指,使指节发出噼啪的响声,“黑胡子是不想让那些珍贵的宝物落入无能者之手,才会立下这个规矩的。我相信……被疯先生视为伙伴的你绝不是等闲之辈,我这十招……你一定应付得来。” Ok! You were needless to say!” Xiao Tan is staying very exciting condition, comes quickly!” “行了!你不用说了!”小叹还是保持着很激动的状态,“快来吧!” Good.” Brother Tu Fa ended the finger stubborn, exhibits the stance, favored...... the first move!” “好的。”兔发哥拗完了手指,摆开架势,“看好了……第一招!” The voice falls, the form moves. 话音落,身影动。 The double fist of that rabbit alien(s) two ten, ten hundred, the fist shadow will then get up shortly layer on layer/heavily, Battle Qi falls torrentially. 那兔星人的双拳顷刻间便二化十,十化百,正所谓拳影重重起,斗气滔滔降。 A move Shorthair Crack Fist, suddenly then. 一招“短毛百裂拳”,眨眼便到。 The similar style, causes by Brother Tu Fa, actually when compared with that Ka Kalu king puts forth wants on ominous several times. 同样的招式,由兔发哥使出来,却是比那咔咔噜大王使出时要凶上数倍。 The player of agile route to Xiao Tan this type, this style cannot shoulder decisively hardly, he must hide...... 小叹这种走敏捷型路线的玩家来说,这种招式断然是不能硬扛的,他必须要躲…… Suddenly, the fist shadow vigorous like the lightning, the person's shadow passes the meteor quickly. 一时间,拳影疾如闪电,人影快逾流星。 Xiao Tan concentrates on, gives it all, goes through many places with own element technique obstinately organizes, returns safe and sound in this first move. 小叹全神贯注,放手一搏,愣是凭着自身的基本体术辗转腾挪,在这第一招中毫发未伤。 „...... This boy......” sees that in the Feng Bujue heart laughs in one's heart, even he himself has not discovered oneself strength fearfully...... he , if earnest, is really inconceivable......” “呵……这小子……”见状,封不觉心中暗笑,“连他自己都没发现自己的实力有多可怕吧……他要是认真起来的话,真是难以想象啊……” Ha! As expected!” Brother Tu Fa saw the response of Xiao Tan, immediately shows very exciting expression, and shouted one again, short hair just held the wave!” “哈!不出所料!”兔发哥见了小叹的反应,当即就露出十分兴奋的表情,并再喊一声,“短毛刚掌波!” This time, he pushes single-handed, long-distance Qigong wave then resembles the crazy cow to leave the pen, howls loudly. 这次,他单手一推,一股远程的气功波便似狂牛出栏,轰然啸来。 But Xiao Tan facing experience of this kind of attack but actually also rich, he sees the opposite party to raise hand, then comes the matrix -type bends leg , after immediately supine movement, in that fluctuation raids stretched straight the upper part, is the horizontal position...... quite to evade this second move with the ground calmly. 小叹面对这类攻击的经验倒也丰富,他一见对方扬手,便立刻来了个黑客帝国式的屈腿后仰动作,堪堪在那波动袭来之时将上半身抻直、与地面呈水平状态……较为从容地避过了这第二招。 little brother, do not patronize are coming under attack......” Brother Tu Fa after all are school of Fist Sect, the manner( rabbit) broad and level, before hitting that third move, he has not forgotten to remind the opposite party, you can also counter-attack!” 小哥,你也别光顾着挨打……”兔发哥毕竟是一派拳宗,为人(兔)坦荡,在打那第三招前,他还不忘提醒对方,“你也可以反击的!” I......” Xiao Tan is impolite with the opposite party, the Brother Fa words saying half, he launched sleeve arrows with very covert movement toward the opposite party suddenly, „...... might as well obey orders respectfully!” “那我就……”小叹也不跟对方客气,发哥话说了一半,他就用非常隐蔽的动作冷不丁地朝对方发射了一支袖箭,“……恭敬不如从命了!” Hehe......”, when the Xiao Tan words spread to the Brother Tu Fa ear, the sleeve arrows have also flown latter's front, but sees Brother Fa to smile with great confidence, a raise hand clip, two fingers of vacuum!” “呵呵……”当小叹的话语传入兔发哥耳中时,袖箭也已经飞到了后者的面前,但见发哥从容一笑,抬手一夹,“二指真空把!” ...... Oh...... to...... does not take one of short hair god fist defensive unique skills as the Beidou god, two fingers of vacuums the principle is...... grips with two fingers accurately shoots at own throwing knife or the arrow high-speed, then through the method of revolving wrist/skill, making flight item transfer 180 degrees, along original path shoots towards releaser. 作为北斗神……呃……不对……作为短毛神拳的防守绝技之一,二指真空把的原理就是……用两根手指准确地夹住高速射向自己的飞刀或箭,然后通过旋转手腕的方法,让飞行道具调转一百八十度,沿着原有轨迹射向释放者。 Therefore...... the gadget of sleeve arrows hidden weapon class, is useless to Fist Arts of Brother Fa this rank. Changes into the average person to sneak attack him with this, will only court destruction. 所以说……袖箭这种暗器类的玩意儿,对发哥这个级别的拳法家来说根本就是无用的。换成一般人用这个偷袭他,只会自取灭亡。 Fortunately...... Xiao Tan is not an average person. Although he cannot grip the hidden weapon like the opponent, but at its reaction speed, the standard operates this returning sleeve arrows not to have the issue. 还好……小叹也不是一般人。虽然他不能像对手一样夹住暗器,但以其反应速度,格开这支返回的袖箭还是没问题的。 Ding- 叮- With clear sound, Assassin Edge on Xiao Tan wrist shot. 伴随着一声清脆的响声,小叹腕上的阿萨辛之锋弹了出来。 Same Equipment( Altaïr's Touch) on concealing a sword in the sleeve, keeps off the sleeve arrows that oneself sent like this, was received that „the third move. 同一件装备(阿泰尔之触)上的袖剑,就这样挡下了自身发出去的袖箭,算是接下了那“第三招”。 This was right! little brother.” Brother Tu Fa said with a smile, „, so long as you can compel me to put forth the defensive style, can reduce me to put forth attack style.” “这就对了!小哥。”兔发哥笑道,“只要你能逼我使出防守型的招式,就可以减少我使出攻击型招式的次数。” You may be careful......” Xiao Tan facial expression one cold, before arrow step rushing forward opponent body, the army puncture( thermal energy storage triangular army thorn) fist blade( meow the alien(s) anger) to combine, takes the Brother Fa double rib. “那你可小心了……”小叹神情一冷,箭步抢进对手身前,军刺(蓄能三棱军刺)拳刃(喵星人的愤怒)并出,直取发哥的双肋。 „...... My meeting.” Brother Tu Fa is responding as before calm, and put forth the fourth move, snort/hum...... short hair steel crack!” “啊……我会的。”兔发哥依旧是淡定地回应着,并使出了第四招,“哼……短毛钢裂把!” In a twinkling. Brother Fa both hands have the middle finger respectively( thumb, the index finger and middle finger),...... caught Xiao Tan two weaponry with one type with the chopsticks general hand signal respectively. 说时迟,那时快。发哥双手各出三指(拇指、食指和中指),用一种拿筷子一般的手势……分别接住了小叹的两把兵刃 Hehe...... was not I must say you, little brother......” Brother Tu Fa is saying, while toward referring to the thrust augmentation, by your ability, this and other irons, how to endure uses?” Then, he unexpectedly with that several fingers Xiao Tan two weapon grasping broken. “呵呵……不是我要说你啊,小哥……”兔发哥一边说着,一边往指上加力,“以你的能耐,这等凡铁,怎堪一用?”说罢,他竟是用那几根手指将小叹的两把武器给握碎了。 Hey-” the heart that then Xiao Tan may really want to cry had, these two good and evil are also Superior Grade weapon, unexpectedly was ruined in chatting by this NPC, Brother Fa! Is insincere! Hits hits, why to open my military......” “喂-”这下小叹可真是想哭的心都有了,这两把好歹也是精良级武器啊,居然被这NPC在谈笑之间就毁掉了,“发哥!太不厚道了吧!打就打,干嘛拆我武……” Brother Tu Fa has not made him say the words: Said was every iron, having anything was good to love dearly!” He drinks loudly, flings the metal fragment that switches hands, and begins one move, watch out! The short hair cross cuts!” 兔发哥却是没让他把话说完:“都说了是凡铁了,有什么好心疼的!”他高声一喝,甩掉手上的金属碎片,并再起一招,“看招短毛十字斩!” Although shouted cutting, but makes is actually the fist...... the continual fist of aiming torso cross attack. This move the fist frequency is not high, looks not quick, but in its fist potential actually compares the beforehand hundred crack fists more centralized and precipitous. 虽说是喊了“斩”,但打出的却是拳……瞄准躯干十字攻击的连续拳。这招的出拳频率不高,看上去不快,但其拳势上却比之前的百裂拳更为集中和险峻。 Hou ~ then the fifth move...... is the attack of this rank......” Feng Bujue looks in side, is Xiao Tan worries. “嚯~这才第五招……就已经是这个级别的攻击了吗……”封不觉在旁看着,也不禁为小叹捏了一把汗。 But Xiao Tan, rapid recovers from two weapon destroyed astonishments, reacted to the present dangerous situation...... 小叹这边,也迅速从两把武器被毁的惊愕中缓过劲儿来,对眼前的危情做出了反应…… Un...... this distance and form...... avoided depending on the pure body technique are very difficult......” his thoughts revolve like lightning, is seeking for the favorable turn with the keen fight sense of smell, „, but 【The dance of Death Uses here obviously is not cost-effective...... that......” “嗯……这个距离和体势……凭纯粹的体术躲开是很困难了……”他心思电转,凭着敏锐的战斗嗅觉寻找着转机,“但把【死亡之舞】用在这儿显然是不划算的……那么……” Since must hand over the skill, that must hand over is valuable. 既然一定要交技能,那就要交得有价值。 The next second, Xiao Tan does not draw back instead enters, by one move Devil Bat Shadow Ghost Flees to the opponent behind. Meanwhile, he also pays attention eye, in the leans forward body instantaneous one and started Wind is full of Dust, As a disturbance. 下一秒,小叹不退反进,以一招【恶魔蝙蝠鬼影】直窜至对手身后。同时,他还留了个心眼儿,在前倾身体的瞬间一并发动了【风住尘香花已尽】,作为一种干扰。 Really, when the fist of Brother Fa falls in the remnant shadow, its movement and facial expression obviously stagnate. 果然,当发哥的拳头落在残影上时,其动作和神情都明显一滞。 „...... Good.” Brother Tu Fa is really fierce, he almost depended on the instinct then to guess correctly Xiao Tan did anything...... “呵……不错。”兔发哥确是厉害,他几乎靠着本能便猜到了小叹干了什么…… Clatter!” This flickers, Brother Tu Fa sent out the first Bruce Lee type in this fight to shout, and returned on the potential with a movement of no being out of sorts feeling incurs, toward tread an extravagant leg to kick behind, handed over a broken fist!” “哇嗒!”这一瞬,兔发哥发出了本场战斗中的第一次“李小龙式”嘶吼,并用一个毫无违和感的动作应势回招,朝身后蹬出一记阔腿直踢,“交首破头拳!” This time , he although shouted fist, essentially what puts forth kicks the technique. However the name is unimportant, effective on line. 这一次,他虽然喊了“拳”,但本质上使出的是踢技。不过名字并不重要,管用就行。 However...... this strikes has not achieved Brother Fa expected the effect. 然而……这一击并没有达到发哥预期中的效果。 Because Xiao Tan had also guessed correctly the opposite party is completely capable of looking through own action, and uses the move that turns round instead to hit. Therefore...... before that foot comes, Xiao Tan has carried Titanium Alloy Jinhua Ham, Prepares to shoulder at any time this. 因为小叹也已经猜到了对方完全有能力看破自己的举动,并使出回身反打的招数。所以……在那一脚过来之前,小叹就已端好了【钛合金金华火腿】,随时准备扛这一下。 …… 紧接着, Then hears bang...... 便听得“砰”的一声…… The foot pedal shield, actually sends out the vehicles bumped into the dull thumping sound. 脚蹬盾牌,却是发出了车辆相撞般的闷响。 „After I go to......” collision, Wang Tanzhi whole body one tight, the vitality surges, grabbed the hand of shield cannot help but to loosen, but that Titanium Alloy Jinhua Ham Also after letting go to fall to the ground to collapse the fissure, becomes three broken. “我去……”碰撞后,王叹之全身一紧,气血翻腾,抓住盾牌的手不由自主就松开了,而那【钛合金金华火腿】也在脱手落地后崩出裂痕,碎成三块。 This is not good, little brother.” Brother Tu Fa receives the leg to fall to the ground, said vivaciously, these every irons that you use...... are collapse at the first blow in front of true Battle Qi.” “这可不行啊,小哥。”兔发哥收腿落地,蹦蹦跳跳地言道,“你用的这些凡铁……在真正的斗气面前是不堪一击的啊。” He spoke these words at the same time, Xiao Tan also because of a moment ago the ample force of that foot, but retrocedes successively, said until the opposite party, standing firm figure: Good...... you did not need to emphasize specially again with me, I had seen......” 他说这句话的同时,小叹还在因刚才那一脚的余力而节节后退,直到对方说完,才堪堪立稳身形:“行了……你不用特意再跟我强调一遍,我都已经看见了……” Ha haha Ha.....” Feng Bujue actually laughed in side at this time taking pleasure in others' misfortunes, do not love dearly ~ old does not go, new does not come.” “哈哈哈哈……”封不觉这时却是在旁幸灾乐祸地大笑,“别心疼~旧的不去,新的不来。” ......” Xiao Tan to shake the head, a face had no alternative shouted the tone. “呼……”小叹摇了摇头,一脸无可奈何地呼了口气。 At this moment, he also truly has nothing to love dearly. This is just like...... some day, your cell phone threw down and broke, you will be quite certainly depressed ; But if your cell phone, camera, notebook wait/etc thing were broken when this day, that arrives last thing falls broken, you are also quite calm...... 事到如今,他也确实没什么好心疼的了。这就好比……某天,你的手机摔碎了,你一定会相当郁闷;但要是你的手机、相机、笔记本电脑等等东西都在这一天里先后被砸碎了,那到最后一件东西碎掉时,你也就比较淡定了…… In brief......” Xiao Tan put in order the look, stares at Brother Tu Fa saying that „...... also has four moves, comes agily!” “总之……”小叹整了整神色,凝视兔发哥道,“……还有四招,利索地来吧!”
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