TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#872: Seizes the valuable rule

Oh~ is Brother Fa, greeting on first meeting greeting on first meeting ~ Feng Bujue facing the person of this usually being well-known( rabbit), cannot the cool heart not jump in the same old way mentions greeting on first meeting two characters, actually does not know that what relations...... you( Bugs Bunny) do have with that Bugs_Bunny?” 哦~原来是发哥,久仰久仰~”封不觉面对这种素未闻名之人(兔),照样也能面不改色心不跳地讲出“久仰”二字,“却不知……您与那位Bugs_Bunny(兔八哥)有什么关系吗?” We are the distant relatives.” Brother Tu Fa returns said, quite far that......” he, said bright way, in fact, Bunny was not born in rabbit rabbit star, has also compared feel alienated with our here family relationships.” When he speaking of here, makes one to recall anything's expression, un...... heard after his high school graduates, joined a strange earthman organization, the leader seems like calls Ahua and Anaa ; Several years ago...... I heard that he and cousin Rabbit caused havoc Truth Court......” he to smile together, hehe...... in brief, I and he were not very actually ripe, because the name was a bit like, frequently was mistaken as the close relative by the bystander, but in fact that was only a naming coincidence.” “我们是远房亲戚。”兔发哥回道,“相当远的那种……”他顿了一下,说明道,“事实上,Bunny根本就不是出生在兔兔星本土的,和我们这边的家族关系也一直比较疏离。”他说到这儿时,做出一副正在回忆什么的表情,“嗯……听说他高中毕业后就加入了一个奇怪的地球人组织,首领似乎是叫阿华和阿纳吧;前几年……我又听说他和大表哥拉比特一起大闹了真理法庭……”他笑了笑,“呵呵……总之,我和他其实并不算很熟,只是由于名字有点像,经常被外人误认为是近亲,但实际上那只是个取名的巧合而已。” „After this setting also is really......” the Xiao Tan hear this, empty the eye talked over half a word. Because trough are too many, he does not know really from where spits. “这设定还真是……”小叹听完这段后,虚起眼来念叨了半句。由于槽点太多,他着实不知从何吐起。 „...... Brother Fa your family also is really the rabbit pours forth.” Feng Bujue actually very accepts the setting that the opposite party said calm, has not forgotten to flatter one, later meets saying that un...... was right, we also introduced oneself.” His a half second, said, such as you see, both of us are the earthmen, my name was Feng Bujue, he was my partner Wang Tanzhi, our times......” “哦……发哥你们家还真是兔才辈出呢。”封不觉却是挺淡定地接受了对方所说的设定,还不忘奉承一句,随后才接道,“嗯……对了,我们也自我介绍一下吧。”他微顿半秒,言道,“如你所见,我俩都是地球人,我的名字叫疯不觉,他是我的伙伴枉叹之,我们这次……” What!” The Jue Bro words saying half, Brother Tu Fa called out in alarm loudly, hit to block the way, „were you Feng Bujue?” He stared in a big way the eye, a face went forward excitedly several steps, stretched out the arms empty made a movement that held the watermelon, was that Feng Bujue?” “什么!”觉哥的话才说了一半,兔发哥就高声惊呼起来,打断道,“你就是疯不觉?”他瞪大了眼睛,一脸激动地上前几步,张开双臂虚做了一个捧西瓜的动作,“就是‘那个’~疯不觉?” Oh......” Because Brother Fa previously was the quite calm condition, at present this sudden, a startled for the first time response, was makes Jue Bro also stare, should............” 呃……”由于发哥此前一直是比较冷静的状态,眼前这突如其来的、一惊一乍的反应,却是让觉哥也愣了一下,“应该……是吧……” Oh! fortunate meeting fortunate meeting!” This, changed into Brother Tu Fa to be polite unexpectedly and tone of worship with one type goes to speak to Feng Bujue, I know that...... can find the person who this buried treasure came is not the ordinary person, before......” he arrived at the Jue Bro body quickly, gripped both hands of Jue Bro, made an effort to swing up and down several. 哦!幸会幸会!”这回,竟换成兔发哥用一种非常客气和崇拜的语气去跟封不觉讲话了,“我就知道……能找到这个宝藏来的人绝不是等闲之辈,没想到啊……”他快步走到觉哥身前,握住了觉哥的双手,用力地上下摇了几下。 Oh...... Brother Fa you were too polite. Is the unwarranted reputation...... the unwarranted reputation......” Feng Bujue after these seconds of ponders, guessed correctly the situation probably. Because here is the main universe, in addition his Feng Bujue and many unique data have had happening together, therefore...... these quite top NPC had heard his given name is not strange. 呃…发哥你太客气了。都是虚名而已……虚名……”封不觉经过这几秒的思考,大概也猜到了情况。因为这里是主宇宙,再加上他封不觉曾经和诸多的唯一性数据都有过交集,所以……这些比较高位的NPC听说过他的名号也不奇怪。 „...... Was not you are too modest.” Brother Tu Fa shakes the head again and again, „, as long as has mixed on who hasn't the person...... listened to your prestige?” He meets to say delightedly and familiar, you, but fights with the fists Truth Court and foot to kick Time Lord, seven to search the monster kingdom, three to play Illusory Demon Church, to sweep away Demon's Voice Island, to rush to the foundation, frightens to urinate Zhuan Jiezun and startled but actually King Ditch the man bravely, your deeds in the circle of our interstellar pirate............ should not say that in entire lord universe chaos camp, just like legend-like existence.” “不不不……是您太谦虚了。”兔发哥连连摇头,“但凡在道儿上混过的人……谁没听过您的威名啊?”他眉飞色舞、如数家珍地接道,“您可是‘拳打真理法庭、脚踢时间之主、七探怪物王国、三戏幻魔教会、横扫咀魔岛、勇闯基金会、吓尿篆颉尊、惊倒奠寉王’的男人,您的事迹在我们星际海盗的圈子里……哦不……应该说在整个主宇宙的混沌阵营中,都是犹如传说般的存在。” Un...... does not know why......” Xiao Tan inserted one in side at this time, „after why I listen to this description, has not felt the slight being out of sorts feeling......” “嗯……不知为何……”小叹这时在旁插了一句,“为什么我听完这段描述以后没有感到丝毫的违和感……” Good......” Feng Bujue is holds the volume to shake the head, sighs one, that I acknowledged that encouragingly considers as finished......” “好吧……”封不觉则是扶额摇头,叹息一声,“那我就勉为其难地承认算了……” Ah! you looked at me...... to visit to say what......” Brother Tu Fa remembered suddenly, very looks attentively Jue Bro and Xiao Tan said that I nearly forgot......” his look to sweep one toward the flank, two came this, for the valuables and money of black beard?” 啊!你们瞧我……光顾着自己说了……”兔发哥似是忽地想起了什么,十分殷勤地看着觉哥小叹道,“我都差点儿忘了……”他的眼神朝侧方扫了一眼,“二位来此,是为了黑胡子的财宝吧?” „...... Cannot say that but actually comes specially.” Feng Bujue returns said, we on-board discovered a place bottom tunnel of hidden in the rabbit rabbit by chance, therefore then thinks that finds out. When comes to the end, discovered that is the buried treasure entrance.” “啊……倒也不能说是特意前来。”封不觉回道,“我们只是碰巧在兔兔星上发现了一条隐藏的地底隧道,于是便想下来一探究竟。走到尽头时,才发现那是宝藏的入口。” Really is Mr Feng...... looks worthily casually can go to the place that many people thought of every means unable to go.” The Brother Tu Fa nod meets saying that „......, since you arrived here, we must according to the well-mannered office that the black beard captain establishes.” “真不愧是疯先生……随便找找就能来到许多人费尽心机都到不了的地方。”兔发哥点头接道,“不过……既然您来到了这里,那咱们还是得照着黑胡子船长立下的规矩办。” What custom?” Feng Bujue asked. “什么规矩?”封不觉问道。 Very simple......” Brother Tu Fa said that „, so long as people in two...... can, in my subordinate crosses on ten moves not dead, then can take three types of thing from this buried treasure ‚’.” “很简单……”兔发哥道,“只要二位中的一人……能在我的手下过上十招而不死,便可以从这个宝藏里取走‘三样东西’。” „...... Then...... Brother Fa are you buried treasure watchman of black beard?” Feng Bujue asked with a smile. “呵……这么说来……发哥你是黑胡子的宝藏看守人咯?”封不觉笑着问道。 Is......” Brother Tu Fa returns said, black beard...... had the graciousness in me, therefore before him, I complied to guard the buried treasure 300 years for him just before the end. In these 300 years, any enter the life of this place through Item that has black beard incantation seal, I / it will challenge my opportunity to him / her one time...... the challenge upper dog, can after leaving behind the incantation prints Item, picks Item in three buried treasure to carry off ; But cannot endure my ten moves person......” words to here, his look changes, looked at the deck of under foot, its skeleton will turn into part of this ship.” “算是吧……”兔发哥回道,“黑胡子……生前有恩于我,所以在他临终前,我答应为他看守宝藏三百年。这三百年内,凡是通过‘带有黑胡子咒印的物品’进入此地之生灵,我都会给他/她/它一次挑战我的机会……挑战成功者,可以在留下咒印物品后,任取三件宝藏中的物品带走;而没能挨过我那‘十招’的人……”话至此处,他的眼神微变,看了看脚下的甲板,“其尸骨就会变成这艘船的一部分。” „...... Such rule......” Feng Bujue discussed, that I can ask......, if coming in many people, for example...... 100, what to do you should?” “哦……这样的规则吗……”封不觉念道,“那我能不能问问……如果一次进来很多人,比如……一百个,你该怎么办?” Custom is the same.” Brother Tu Fa said, comes in many people is not unimportant one time, more importantly they have several incantations to print Item, an incantation prints Item only to challenge my one time. 100 people of words...... make them choose strongest coming out to fight me.” “规矩是一样的。”兔发哥道,“一次进来多少人并不重要,重要的是他们持有几件咒印物品,一件咒印物品只能挑战我一次。一百人的话……就让他们自己选个最强的出来跟我打呗。” „...... Brother Fa, you did not misunderstand the meaning of Jue Bro.” Xiao Tan interrupted to meet saying that „the meaning of Jue Bro was......, if that 100 disregarded challenge personally ‚’, directly together what to do came up to besiege you?” “不不……发哥,你误会觉哥的意思了。”小叹插嘴接道,“觉哥的意思是……如果那一百个人无视‘挑战’,直接一起上来围攻你怎么办?” Oh~ that situation......” Brother Tu Fa mentioned this, smiled unexpectedly, had has...... the population not to have 100 so many actually generally. I remember that most one time is 15 people, several times...... 35 people thought that can level me, haha Ha.....” 哦~那种情况啊……”兔发哥说起这个,竟是笑了起来,“有倒是有过……不过人数一般没有一百个那么多。我记得最多的一次是十五人,还有几次……三五个人就觉得能摆平我,哈哈哈……” Oh......” Does Xiao Tan want to ask his one again result? But he looked that the opposite party also lives at this moment well, moreover smiles really regarding these matters happy, are not then many this one to ask, looks like...... Brother Fa you is very really strong......” 呃……”小叹本想再问他一句“结果呢”?但他看对方此刻还活得好好的,而且谈起这些事来笑得甚欢,便也没有多此一问了,“看来……发哥你真的很强啊……” Thanks for the compliment ~ Brother Tu Fa said with a smile, was only these visit is too weak, if were existence of Four Pillar Gods that rank arrives at this place, I naturally also can only hand over the buried treasure. After all...... I am very young, loses the life is not here cost-effective.” “好说好说~”兔发哥笑道,“只是那些造访者太弱了而已,如果是四柱神那个级别的存在来到此地,我自然也只能将宝藏拱手相让了。毕竟……我还很年轻呢,把命丢在这里就太不划算了。” That......” Feng Bujue also asked at this time, does not know that after Brother Fa did facilitate explains again my how many matters......” he wants to collect some information, again acts, first...... so far, some people once were whether successful from here have taken the treasure? Next, how many years do you guard the 300 years of agreement of buried treasure also to remain? Moreover after was...... 300 years of deadline, how did you prepare to handle this buried treasure?” “那个……”封不觉此时又问道,“不知发哥方不方便再解答我几件事……”他还是想再多搜集一些情报后再行动,“首先……到目前为止,是否有人曾成功从这里取走过宝物?其次,你看守宝藏的三百年约定还剩多少年?另外就是……三百年的期限到了以后,你准备怎么处置这个宝藏呢?” „Before hehe...... these issues , the person who comes has also asked.” Brother Tu Fa returns with a smile said, black beard had also confessed...... I can reply, nothing is not convenient.” He stopped slightly for two seconds, meets saying that the person who first, takes the treasure definitely has, but are not truly many ; Next, I guarded buried treasure the age limit also 86 years nine Month(s) 4 days......” he to stroke the ear, „, right, this date according to the Earth time calculates that because the black beard was also came Earth......” supplemented after this, he also then said, its three...... this matter did not need me to worry, 300 years arrived, the black beard will return to this Queen Anne's Revenge on, the buried treasure...... he can one and takes over.” “呵呵……这些问题以前来的人也问过。”兔发哥笑着回道,“黑胡子也交代过……我可以回答,没有什么不方便的。”他略微停顿了两秒,接道,“首先,取走宝物的人肯定是有的,但确实不多;其次,我看守宝藏的年限还有八十六年九个月零四天……”他捋了捋耳朵,“哦,对了,这个日期是根据地球时间来算的,因为黑胡子也是出身地球的嘛……”补充完这句后,他又接着道,“其三嘛……这个事儿不用我操心,三百年一到,黑胡子就会回到这艘‘安娜女王复仇号’上,宝藏……他会一并接手。” hey hey...... Brother Fa.” Xiao Tan doubts saying that you did not say a moment ago the black beard has died?” His flexure scratched the head, that...... just before the end before your languages truly was at the point of death meaning?” 喂喂……发哥。”小叹疑道,“你刚才不是说黑胡子已经死了吗?”他挠了挠头,“那个……‘临终’在你们的语言里确实是‘临死前’的意思吧?” Yes, he died.” Brother Tu Fa spreads out both hands, returns with a natural tone said that „, but dying...... to a pirate, not necessarily is all end.” “是啊,他是死了啊。”兔发哥摊开双手,用一种理所当然的语气回道,“但‘死’……对一个海盗来说,未必就是一切的‘尽头’啊。” Ha.....” Feng Bujue smiled, I understood.” He is saying, then hand in 【The skull of black beard Gave Brother Tu Fa, meets to say again, right...... we can leave behind this thing, but does not challenge you, then leaves this place directly?” 哈……”封不觉笑了起来,“我明白了。”他说着,便将手中的【黑胡子的头骨】递给了兔发哥,再接道,“对了……我们能不能只是把这东西留下,但不去挑战你,然后直接离开此地?” Sure.” Brother Tu Fa said that I in guarding buried treasure, is not luring and killing searches treasure.” “当然可以。”兔发哥道,“我只是在看守宝藏,又不是在诱杀探宝者。” Eh? Xiao Tan hears word, turns the head to look that said to Feng Bujue, Jue Bro, the business of Legend Level, really does walk?” 诶?小叹闻言,转头看向封不觉道,“觉哥,传说级的买卖啊,真走啊?” His response is very normal, because to their players, this challenge does not select does not select white/in vain ; Even the failure, was still killed Scenario by this NPC at the worst. 他的反应很正常,因为对他们玩家来说,这种挑战是不挑白不挑的;就算失败,大不了也就是被这NPC杀出剧本而已。 Hehe...... actually Mr Feng you really choose even do not challenge, I will not find it strange.” After Brother Tu Fa listened to this saying, has not displayed big surprised to come actually, by your strength, let alone got up ten to incur in my hand......, even if defeated me, to rob the entire buried treasure...... still possibly to have. If you do not challenge, that most likely were dislikes here thing is too bad...... unable to enter your discernment.” “呵呵……其实疯先生您就算真的选择‘不挑战’,我也不会觉得奇怪。”兔发哥听了这话后,倒是没表现出多大的惊讶来,“以您的实力,别说是在我手上过十招了……就算是打败我、抢走整个宝藏……也不是没有可能的。您要是不挑战,那八成就是嫌这里的东西太差……入不了您的法眼。” Who said that can walk?” Feng Bujue looked at a person of rabbit, I ask.” He feels the chin, pondered several seconds, open the mouth to say immediately, un...... the last issue......” he cast a complex vision toward Brother Fa, „, if regarded as ten your relative Rabbit battle efficiency ‚’, how many then you were?” “谁说要走了?”封不觉看了看身边的一人一兔,“我只是问问而已。”他摸着下巴,又思考了几秒,随即开口道,“嗯……最后一个问题……”他朝发哥投去了一道复杂的目光,“如果把你那位亲戚拉比特的战斗力视为‘十’,那么你是多少?” This...... I had many years not to see him, does not know that he is what degree...... Brother Tu Fa also feels the chin now, made one to ponder diligently the appearance, I toward many said......, so as to avoid had to play the role of the pig to eat the suspicion of tiger......” he saying that held up three fingers, 30.” “这个嘛……我有很多年没见他了,也不知道他现在是什么程度……”兔发哥也摸着下巴,做出一副努力思考着的样子,“我就往多了说吧……免得有扮猪吃虎的嫌疑……”他说着,举起了三根手指,“三十。” Oh~ Feng Bujue nods, a face so that's how it is facial expression. 哦~封不觉点点头,一脸“原来如此”的神情。 What kind of? Jue Bro.” Xiao Tan looks at Jue Bro to say hopefully, you can handle?” “怎么样?觉哥。”小叹满怀期待地看着觉哥道,“你搞得定吗?” I can certainly handle.” Feng Bujue lowered the sound to say to Xiao Tan, „since seeing his flickered, I know that he had many...... my last issue, but wants to try him to be honest......” “我当然搞得定。”封不觉压低了声音对小叹道,“从看到他的那一瞬起,我就知道他有多强了……我这最后一个问题,只是想试试他老不老实……” Then the conclusion was......” Xiao Tan probes was asking one. “那么结论是……”小叹试探着问了一句。 This is the sincere person...... or...... the sincere rabbit.” Feng Bujue returns said, he told our information should real, the attitude of showing was also very real. Naturally, this is because...... he is very indeed strong.” “这是个实诚人……或者说……实诚兔。”封不觉回道,“他告诉我们的信息应该都是真的,表现出的态度也很真实。当然了,这是因为……他的确很强。” „...... That you may probably be careful.” Xiao Tan meets to say. “哦……那你可要小心点儿啊。”小叹接道。 What am I careful?” Feng Bujue selects the eyebrow, reveals one unable the good intention smile. “我小心什么?”封不觉一挑眉毛,露出一个不会好意的笑容。 His latter half a word words have not exported, Wang Tanzhi then thinks a chill in the air from the sole board straight fleeing top of the head, immediately opens the mouth to shout: hey hey hey hey hey......” 他的后半句话还没出口,王叹之便觉一股寒意从脚底板直窜头顶,当即开口喊道:“喂喂喂喂喂……” Did not use feeding.” Jue Bro said with a smile, I was that meaning......” he is saying, while turned the head to look to Brother Tu Fa, met saying that Brother Fa, thank you told us so many. Then...... asked for advice the good idea by my companion.” “不用‘喂’了。”觉哥笑道,“我就是那个意思……”他一边说着,一边转头看向兔发哥,接道,“发哥,谢谢你告诉我们这么多。接下来……就由我这位同伴来领教高招。” ............ ………… On the other hand, canyon Nakamura village entrance. 另一方面,峡中村村口 Oh......” After short fight, Du Dumo has then poured in the pool of blood, suffocated left behind the last words, „...... self-satisfied...... I should not be in six heavenly official weakest one! My brothers will revenge for me! Waits for...... him( to look at)...... Ah! “噗呃……”短暂的交手后,嘟嘟莫便已倒在血泊之中,奄奄一息地留下了遗言,“别……别得意……我是六天官中最弱的一个!我的兄弟们会为我报仇的!等着……其(瞧)……啊! In regards after the feeling very intense lines, his life marked the rests. 在一句既视感十分强烈的台词过后,他的生命画上了休止符。 Until at this moment, Xi Ximan and Transcends As King these two talents felt stern of circumstance truly. 直至此刻,嘻嘻满穿越为王这二位才真正地感受到了情势的严峻性。 This woman......” the Xi Ximan sweat Ru Shi the hair of whole body, Death of companion had made in his heart ascend a multi- year unprecedented mood- frightened, actually did she do what a moment ago...... is my vertigo? Her movement really compared with my eye also quick......” “这个女人……”嘻嘻满的汗水已茹湿了全身的毛发,同伴的死亡让他的心中升腾出了一种多年未有的情绪-恐惧,“她刚才究竟干了什么……是我眼花了吗?还是她的动作真的比我的眼睛还快……” To be honest, the Xi Ximan dynamic vision is not absolutely weak, only if Ruoyu uses Soul Intent, otherwise he can catch its trend. When...... Ruoyu struck to kill Du Dumo a moment ago used Butterflies Spirit God's Shadow, As a result of the function of skill, made the remnant shadow effect in the line of sight of Xi Ximan therefore...... 说实话,嘻嘻满的动态视力绝对不弱,除非若雨使用魂意,否则他还是能捕捉到其动向的。只不过……若雨刚才击杀嘟嘟莫时使用了【蝶灵神影】,由于技能的作用,故而在嘻嘻满的视线中制造出了残影效果…… Cracks a joke......”, but another combat Transcends As King on the scene, that was really shocked, how he said that was also the Level S Fighting Proficiency player, but he has not seen clearly the Ruoyu movement obstinately completely, how the strength of this female swordsman saw that not...... he shouted abuse in the heart under The Altar Of A Nightmare and Madness Shadow Sword, „was this damn Casual Gamer? cheat Hey! “开什么玩笑……”而在场的另一位参战者穿越为王,那是真的震惊了,他怎么说也是个S级格斗专精的玩家,但他愣是完全没看清若雨的动作,“这个女剑客的实力怎么看都不在梦惊禅狂踪剑影之下……”他在心中破口大骂,“这他妈的是休闲玩家开挂了吧喂! Even if Corpse Blade these players use „before new medicine can suppress the mood to fluctuate effectively, and further strengthens the reaction speed( in this medicine compared with improvement more effective), but Transcends As King by the Ruoyu strength shocking, even had the desperate mood. 纵然尸刀这些玩家所使用的“新药”可以更为有效地抑制情绪波动、并进一步强化反应速度(这点上比改良前的药物更有效),但穿越为王还是被若雨的实力给震慑住了,甚至产生了绝望的情绪。 At this moment, in the brain of Transcends As King has long gone what strategy and tactic, psychologically also no fighting spirit. Says on a few words that selects...... him to think popularly now- „can this game play?” 此时此刻,穿越为王的脑子里早已不存在什么战略、战术,心理上也没有什么斗志了。说得通俗点……他现在想的就一句话-“这游戏能玩?”
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