TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#871: The buried treasure of black beard

In Ruoyu prepares to slaughter, another side...... canyon Nakamura underground, in some tunnel. 就在若雨准备大开杀戒之时,另一边……峡中村地下,某隧道中。 Jue Bro, do we divide forces really? Sister Yu and Xiao Ling won't they have the matter?” Wang Tanzhi follows the Feng Bujue's step to go forward, while looks to worry that asked. 觉哥,我们分兵真的好吗?雨姐小灵她们不会有事吧?”王叹之一边跟随着封不觉的步伐前进,一边面露担忧地问道。 You are worried about Corpse Blade that fellows would rather.” Feng Bujue seems very relaxed, does not return should say, Ruoyu and Xiao Ling strength is strong, in addition has Blood Corpse God this card in hand......” he to shake the head, sends out a sigh of sympathy, oh...... I only expect now...... before we complete here exploration, Corpse Blade should not be rolled to extinguish was good.” “你倒不如担心一下尸刀的那帮家伙吧。”封不觉则显得很轻松,头也不回地应道,“若雨小灵本身的实力就已经非常强了,再加上有血尸神这张底牌……”他摇了摇头,发出一声同情的叹息,“唉……我现在只期望……在我们完成这里的探索前,尸刀不要被团灭了才好。” How many seconds un......” Xiao Tan pondered over slightly, Jue Bro...... they really as strong as this situation? How Corpse Blade said that is a professional strong team.” “嗯……”小叹稍微琢磨了几秒,“觉哥……她们俩真的已经强到这种地步了吗?尸刀怎么说都是一线的职业强队啊。” „...... Do you crack a joke?” During the Feng Bujue speeches, kicks out of the way the crushed stone that is in the way at present together, and traded a hand to grasp launcher, so many competitions and so many Scenario hit...... your strength to oneself partner not to have an accurate concept?” “呵……你开玩笑呢?”封不觉说话间,踢开了眼前一块挡路的碎石,并换了一只手来握弹射器,“这么多场比赛、这么多个剧本打下来……难道你对自己伙伴的实力都没有一个确切概念的吗?” Oh......” Xiao Tan meets saying that gives the devil his due...... Xiao Ling I quite to find, but Sister Yu...... I really am not clear about her strength limit.” He, feeling...... what kind of opponent, regardless of runs into, she is the appearance of accomplishing a task with ease.” 呃……”小叹接道,“平心而论……小灵我还是比较了解的,但雨姐……我真的不清楚她的实力极限。”他顿了顿,“感觉……无论遇到怎样的对手,她都是游刃有余的样子。” Right.” Feng Bujue meets saying that „your words hadn't summarized her strength?” “对啊。”封不觉接道,“你这句话不是已经概括了她的实力了吗?” Ha?” Xiao Tan hears word stares, which words?” “哈?”小叹闻言一愣,“哪句话?” Ruoyu she......” Feng Bujue returns said, is what kind of opponent, regardless of runs into, can accomplish a task with ease level.” 若雨她啊……”封不觉回道,“就是‘无论遇到怎样的对手,都可以游刃有余’的水平。” hey hey......” Xiao Tan empty focuses saying that says really...... the present, but live broadcast......” 喂喂……”小叹虚着眼道,“这么说出来真的好吗……现在可是直播呢……” It does not matter.” Feng Bujue meets to say indifferently, I said turn over to say, others are not necessarily able to believe.” He crooked, throws a look that toward Xiao Tan, if has referred, S2 latter half, besides outwardly on competition, is the intelligence warfare and psychological warfare secretly...... each team knows one performance in competition will be studied by the opponent, therefore...... each team may purposely disseminate some also really also false information in the competition, to disrupt the analysis of opponent, or as a trap......” 无所谓。”封不觉淡然接道,“我说归说,人家未必会信。”他歪了下头,朝小叹投去一个若有所指的眼神,“S2的后半段,除了明面上的比赛之外,也是暗地里的情报战、心理战……每支队伍都知道自己在比赛中的表现会被对手研究,所以……每支队伍都有可能在比赛中有意识地散播一些亦真亦假的信息,以扰乱对手的分析,或是作为一种陷阱……” When Jue Bro spoke these words, has not deliberately reduced the volume, revealed each character clearly recorded audio system that from his mouth recorded, all was being looked the audience who live broadcast heard. 觉哥说这番话时,并没有刻意压低音量,从他口中吐露的每个字都清晰地被录像的音频系统记录了下来,也同时被所有正在看直播的观众们听见了。 Therefore......” Xiao Tan immediately on empty eye, with the make complaints tone, raised the sound to exclaim, you reminded everyone in the live broadcast like this really!” “所以说啊……”小叹随即就虚起眼,用吐槽的语气,提高了声音吼道,“你这样在直播中提醒大家真的好吗!” Does not understand......” Feng Bujue to return with the self-satisfied tone on the contrary said that because just I delivered this words clearly, we all words and deeds around this competition...... became are on the contrary difficult to distinguish the truth.” “不懂了吧……”封不觉反倒用得意的语气回道,“正因为我把这种话明明白白地讲了出来,我们在这场比赛前后的一切言行……反倒变得难辨真伪了。” Indeed, subtext of his these words is- even among you some really fools, I will not hug any team of people of leaving things to chance in you to regard the fool to process, therefore, I hope the person who the part thinks oneself clever...... do not think too simply us.” 的确,他这段话的潜台词就是-“就算你们当中真有一些傻瓜,我也不会抱着侥幸心理把你们中的任何一队人当成傻瓜处理的,所以,我希望部分自作聪明的人……也不要把我们想得太简单了。” If puts psychological gambling this S2 semi-finals in the level, then Feng Bujue is announcing the Hell Front team level to the world at this moment. 如果将这次S2的复赛放到心理博弈的层面上,那么封不觉此刻就是在向世人宣布地狱前线队所处的水平。 Good...... this psychological tactic you are an expert in any case......”, since Jue Bro said that Xiao Tan then also no longer and he pulled on this topic. “好吧……反正这种心理战术你在行……”既然觉哥都这么说了,小叹便也不再就这个话题和他扯下去了。 Two people hurry along again earnestly, sets out along the tunnel...... 两人重新埋头赶路,沿着隧道进发…… ............ ………… Here must explain...... the entrance of this tunnel, deep place situated in canyon Nakamura tomb ; But the canyon Nakamura's tomb, was that the Pi Pian elder said once dug has been to the cave of stele. 此处得说明一下……这条隧道的入口,位于峡中村墓穴的深处;而峡中村的墓穴,即是啤啤安长老所说的那个“曾经挖到过石碑的山洞”。 Because the hole potential of this cave low slanting steep, in relatively remote, when initially Jiancun, everyone plans to transform the lay-by to use here. However, in process of actual digging, people then discovered that the stone wall in this cavern is hard, the use manpower rebuilds to be beset with difficulties. By this/should cave existing scale and shape, regardless of treats as warehouse or the refuge shelter is inappropriate, therefore...... brings simply, when the tomb caused. The person in village( rabbit) are not in any case many . Moreover the deceased person( rabbit) occupies the place very much to be small( rabbit rabbit alien(s) to adopt cremation mostly, they burning the remaining ashes will make one type with special method corpse earth, imposition), this hole was also then enough. 由于这个山洞的洞势低斜陡峭,地处相对偏僻,所以当初建村时,大家就计划把这里改造成紧急避难所使用。然而,在实际开掘的过程中,人们便发现这个洞穴里的石壁非常坚硬,使用人力去改建困难重重。以该山洞现有的规模和形状,无论当做仓库还是避难所都不合适,于是……干脆就拿来当墓穴使了。反正村子里的人(兔)也不多,而且死人(兔)占得地方很小(兔兔星人多半采取火葬,他们会将烧剩下的灰烬用特殊的方法制成一种‘尸土’,然后安放),这个洞也就足够了。 Some time ago, after four people of Hell Front team arrived here, Feng Bujue immediately in stone wall of cave corner discovers the useful information, he made the explanation slightly, opened the entrance of this tunnel. 不久前,当地狱前线队的四人来到这里后,封不觉立刻就在山洞角落的石壁上发现了有用的信息,他稍作解读,就打开了这个隧道的入口。 Afterward, Jue Bro started one time Predicting Like A God, Surveyed an enemy team this time trend, then arranged strategy of dividing forces- goes to explore the tunnel by him and Xiao Tan together ; But Ruoyu and Xiao Ling are responsible for security village. 随后,觉哥又发动了一次【料事如神】,测算了一下敌方队伍此时的动向,然后就安排了分兵的策略-由他和小叹一同前往地下去探索隧道;而若雨小灵负责“保卫村庄”。 Naturally, this security village must put the quotation mark. Because the Feng Bujue's original intention actually borrows with the aid of the canyon Nakamura NPC strength and Corpse Blade two teams potential resists. Security village this excuse, to say to be of pleasant to hear without doubt, to win over Tu Aotian their people while convenient( rabbit) heart. 当然了,这个“保卫村庄”是必须打上引号的。因为封不觉的本意其实就是借助峡中村NPC们的力量与尸刀二番队所借到的“势”进行对抗。“保卫村庄”这种说辞,无疑是为了讲起来好听一些,顺便也是为了收揽兔傲天他们的人(兔)心。 But when...... to actual execution, Ruoyu and Xiao Ling these two three view quite positive team members actually stood wholeheartedly the villagers...... 但……到了实际执行时,若雨小灵这两位三观比较正的队员却是真心实意地站到了村民们这边…… ............ ………… Snort...... went to the place probably.” Also after good several minutes, Feng Bujue stops the footsteps suddenly, and showed the smile. “哼……好像到地方了呢。”又行了数分钟后,封不觉忽地停下脚步,并露出了微笑。 Where did Eh? arrive?” Xiao Tan crossed the shoulder of Jue Bro to face forward to look at one, doubted saying that this wasn't an impasse?” 诶?到什么地方了啊?”小叹越过觉哥的肩头朝前看了一眼,疑道,“这不是死胡同么?” He said right, at this time, the Feng Bujue's front is a bare stone wall, has not seen the slit or the mechanism/organization and so on thing. 他说得没错,此时,封不觉的前方是一堵光秃秃的石墙,也没瞅见有缝隙或机关之类的东西 You have a look again carefully.” Feng Bujue meets to say. “你再仔细看看。”封不觉接道。 Carefully looked that can see......” Xiao Tan just about to reports one with the natural tone, but he remembered anything suddenly, therefore has not said. “仔细看又能看出……”小叹刚要用理所当然的语气回上一句,但他忽又想起了什么,故而没有说下去。 The next second, Xiao Tan then opened not making a sound Hawkeye field of vision, In its shone the golden flowing light immediately. 下一秒,小叹便不声不响地开启了【鹰眼视界】,其眼中顿时亮起了金色的流光。 Through the help of this Level A Investigation skill, he then saw many complex designs and writing in the present stone wall quickly...... 通过这A级侦查技能的帮助,他很快便在眼前的石壁上看到了诸多纷繁复杂的图案和文字…… Un...... so that's how it is......” Xiao Tan feels the chin, exhibits appearance looking pensive. “嗯……原来如此啊……”小叹摸着下巴,摆出若有所思的样子。 „......” Feng Bujue smiled one, turns the head to look that said maliciously fully to Xiao Tan, „, although you said so that's how it is these four characters, on the face is also one so that's how it is expression, what should you be have not understood?” “呵……”封不觉笑了一声,恶意满满地转头看向小叹道,“虽然你说了‘原来如此’这四个字,脸上也是一副‘原来如此’的表情,但你应该是什么都没看懂吧?” Right, cannot understand completely.” Xiao Tan acknowledged very much honestly, and took advantage of opportunity the closure Hawkeye field of vision. “对,完全看不懂。”小叹很老实地承认了,并顺势关闭了【鹰眼视界】。 Ha.....” Feng Bujue said with a smile, actually I could not understand.” “哈哈……”封不觉笑道,“其实我也看不懂。” Looks at your inexpensive type......” Xiao Tan to squint Jue Bro, no being out of sorts feeling mentioned this lines. “瞧你那个贱样……”小叹斜视着觉哥,毫无违和感地讲出了这句台词。 Moreover...... the system has not shielded unexpectedly these words. 而且……系统居然没把这句话屏蔽掉。 Hehe......” Jue Bro naturally is thinks little to this degree of reviling, its one, his facial skin is thick enough ; Second, his face thick-skinned enough to can acknowledge that the opposite party said right, in brief after...... he smiles not completely indifferently, then put out same thing from Traveling Bag . “呵呵……”觉哥对这种程度的唾骂自然是不以为意的,其一,他脸皮够厚;其二,他脸皮厚到可以承认对方说得没错,总之……他满不在乎地一笑后,便从行囊中拿出了一样东西 Eh? this is not......” Xiao Tan sees item in Jue Bro, then loudly startled say/way. 诶?这不是……”小叹一看到觉哥手里的道具,便高声惊道。 Right!” Feng Bujue has not waited for him saying that the words hits to block the way, speaks the truth...... I not to think, will use unexpectedly here.” “没错!”封不觉还没等他把话说完就打断道,“说实话……我也没想到,竟会在这里用上。” At this moment, in the Jue Bro hand takes is not the otherness, is 【The skull of black beard. 此刻,觉哥手中拿的不是他物,正是【黑胡子的头骨】。 This type is other, the quality is legend Item, has a very brief Special Effect description- opens the buried treasure of black beard. 这件类型为“其他”,品质为“传说”的物品,有着一条十分简短的特效描述-“开启黑胡子的宝藏”。 hey hey...... aren't you cannot understand?” Xiao Tan pursues immediately asks. 喂喂……你不是看不懂么?”小叹随即追问道。 „When I cannot understand the information that these designs and writing convey......” Feng Bujue speaking of this, lowered the sound, gathers the Xiao Tan ear bypath/side said, „, but I can understand the code.” “我看不懂这些图案和文字所传达的信息……”封不觉说到这句时,压低了声音,凑到小叹耳旁道,“但我可以看懂代码啊。” Oh~ Xiao Tan nods. 哦~小叹点点头。 A Jue Bro such saying, he understood. Even if unable to decode these information with knowledge, explains same as data angle of view can know the answer. 觉哥这么一说,他就明白了。即使无法用“知识”去破解这些信息,用“数据视角”去解读一样可以知道答案。 Ok, matter cannot be delayed.” After two seconds, Feng Bujue turns around, carries the skull saying that this is the business of Legend Level, we were a little...... Ruoyu they 2-3 killed off Corpse Blade that fellows with a sense of urgency by some chance, causing us not to plunder, that loss may be big.” “好了,事不宜迟。”两秒后,封不觉转过身去,端着头骨道,“这可是传说级的买卖,咱们还是抓紧一点儿……万一若雨她们2-3就把尸刀那帮家伙杀光了,导致我们这边还没搜刮完毕,那损失可就大了。” Finishes barely the words, he has lifted high the skull, extended several points toward stone wall there. 话音未落,他已将头骨举高,朝石壁那儿伸了几分。 Then hears one humming sound the sound of Rune surging transmits from stone wall. Same second, stone dust that seals in the stone wall surface disperses swiftly, stuck Jue Bro and Xiao Tan face. 紧接着,便听得一阵“嗡嗡”的符文涌动之声从石壁内传来。同一秒,一股封在石壁表面的石尘倏然散出,糊了觉哥小叹一脸一身。 Scolding- 叱- When they still choke the earth there , hears a sharp sound, later then had golden glow together to spurt from stone wall, according to two people could not open eyes. 当他俩还在那儿呛土的时候,又听得一声锐响,随后便有一道金芒从石壁上喷了出来,照得两人睁不开眼。 What did I go...... to cough............ this not to trigger...... assorted............ the trap?” Xiao Tan was choked again and again by the stone dust coughs, words saying that is not agile. “我去……呃咳……咳咳……这不会是触发了什……什么……咳咳……陷阱了吧?”小叹被石尘呛得连连咳嗽,话都说不利索了。 But Feng Bujue has not replied him, because...... Xiao Tan asked after that issue, is less than one second of time, they then already by automatically move. 封不觉也没有回答他,因为……小叹问完那个问题后不到一秒的工夫,他们两人便已被“传送”了。 At this moment, Feng Bujue With Wang Tanzhi The forms of these two players, disappeared from the live broadcast picture of competition unexpectedly ; The choice followed the audience who the angle of view watched them to act to be forced to switch over with the third person the condition of observing others, but where the competition video recording did not have under the record these two to go to the following some time...... 这一刻,【疯不觉】和【枉叹之】这两名玩家的身影,竟是从比赛的直播画面中消失了;选择以第三人称跟随视角观看他们行动的观众全都被强制切换到了观察其他人的状态,而事后的比赛录像也没有记录下这两人在接下来的一段时间内去了哪里…… ............ ………… This time...... is the earthman......” “这一次……是地球人吗……” When Jue Bro and Xiao Tan open eyes, they then heard such lines. 觉哥小叹重新睁眼时,他们便听到了这样一句台词。 At this time, two players have stood in a deck of pirate ship...... 此时,两名玩家已站在了一艘海盗船的甲板上…… This is one huge, sophisticated giant multi- mast sailing ship. She has black Ship's body and black great sail. On Ship's body finds at everywhere the human bones that nails tight, on the sail shows the dark bloodstain faintly. 这是一艘庞大的、结构复杂的巨型多桅帆船。她有着黑色的船体、黑色的巨帆。船体上随处可见钉死的人骨,帆身上隐隐透出暗色的血痕。 She is magnificent and beautiful, such as spreads to hire the giant beast in sea. She is a legend of vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered seven sea, once made the innumerable pirates be panic at the news. 她壮观、美丽,如一头驰聘在大海上的巨兽。她是一个纵横七海的传奇,曾让无数海盗闻风丧胆。 In any event...... welcome you to arrive at...... Queen Anne's Revenge.” That sound met one quickly. “无论如何……欢迎你们来到……安娜女王复仇号。”那个声音很快又接了一句。 Feng Bujue their heard the sound turned the head, saw rabbit rabbit alien(s). 封不觉他们闻声转头,看到了一个兔兔星人 Looks at the appearance, the opposite party should be a middle-aged person( rabbit). He wears a sailor shirt, overalls, on the neck also encircled a red turban. 看面相,对方应该算是个中年人(兔)。他穿着一件水手短衫,一条工装裤,脖子上还围了一条红巾。 I also think what the black beard raises is the parrot......” Feng Bujue spoke to the opposite party, while still in observing the surrounding environment, never expected that he also raised the rabbit......” “我还以为黑胡子养的是鹦鹉呢……”封不觉一边跟对方说话,一边还在观察周围的环境,“没想到他还养兔子啊……” Jue Bro...... compared with that rabbit brother, your Bujue the surrounding condition was worth paying attention to......” Xiao Tan also to look around at this time, what he was more was out of curiosity...... 觉哥……比起那位兔兄,你不觉得周围的状况更值得关注一下吗……”小叹这时也在东张西望,不过他更多的是出于好奇…… In brief, two people discovered almost at the same time...... their ship little while is not in the water. 总之,两人几乎在同时发现了……他们脚下的这艘船这会儿根本不在水里。 At this time, two player places, are one very general, tough caverns. The hole withstand/top is hanging upside down hundreds, takes the form of but actually the especially big stalactite of mountain, each stone is sending out quiet however, like moonlight ray. But the ground of cavern, then piled up with the wealth and treasure foreign matter that are hard to count...... 此时,两名玩家所处的地方,是一个非常广大的、地形复杂的洞窟。洞顶上倒悬着数以百计的、形似倒山的特大钟乳石,每一块石头都在发出幽然的、如同月光般的光芒。而洞窟的地上,则堆满了难以计数的金银财宝、奇珍异物…… The gold coin, pearl, diamond and agate...... these things here simply are equally ordinary on and sandy soil ; The white jade elephant and resembles sofa of that big coral gem, as well as massive the mineral in earthman cognition and treasure...... did not fill up this giant cavern compared with the coffin also big natural amethyst 1 : 1 size. 金币、珍珠、钻石、玛瑙……这些物件在这里简直就跟沙土一样平凡;一比一尺寸的白玉大象、像沙发那么大的珊瑚宝石、比棺材还大的天然紫水晶、以及大量根本不在地球人认知中的矿物、珍宝……填满了这个巨大的洞窟。 But this Queen Anne's Revenge, put in the entire buried treasure the center, floating in the middle of the sea of this gold and silver. 而这安娜女王复仇号,则被置于整个宝藏的中心,“浮”在了这金银之海当中。 Edward. Ditchy's pirate profession compared with wants long......” that rabbit alien(s) that in your human history records also to take a look at two players at the same time, an edge joint say/way, before „the skulls on your hand...... are only he leaves Earth, leaves a similar souvenir, can say that...... is one invitation.” “爱德华.蒂奇的海盗生涯远比你们人类历史上记录的要长……”那兔星人也是一边打量着两名玩家,一边接道,“你们手上的头骨……只是他离开地球以前,留给同类的一件纪念品,也可以说……是一封‘邀请函’。” Then......” Feng Bujue took up the skull on hand to shake shaking, „wasn't his skull?” “这么说来……”封不觉拿起手上的头骨晃了晃,“这不是他的头骨?” Physiology, definitely is not.” That rabbit alien(s) returns said that he truly with own blood in this skull high and low incantation, otherwise you are impossible to depend on it to come here.” “生理上来说,肯定不是。”那兔星人回道,“不过他确实用自己的血在这头骨上下了咒,否则你们也不可能靠着它来到这里。” Speaking of here......” Xiao Tan is a little worried about Xiao Ling they, therefore urgently asked that „should we now in the rabbit rabbit on-board?” “说到‘这里’……”小叹还是有点担心小灵她们,故而急切地问道,“咱们现在应该还是在兔兔星上吧?” Is......” that rabbit alien(s) returns said, „...... is not.” “是……”那兔星人回道,“……也不是。” This said was equal to reply that has not said that Feng Bujue actually understood instantaneously: „...... The spatial technology plays very smooth......” 这说了等于没说的回答,封不觉却是瞬间听懂了:“呵……空间技术玩儿得很溜啊……” That is must......” rabbit alien(s) meets saying that before you, but an entire universe biggest ill-gotten wealth, any measure is not overrated.” He raised the head, referred to the cave wall, this space can shield all external surveys, enters here several entrances also to disperse in the universe most covert the corner, is...... , if no incantation seal of black beard, is absolutely impossible to enter this place.” “那是必须的……”兔星人接道,“在你们面前的可是全宇宙最大的一笔不义之财,任何防范措施都不为过。”他抬起头来,指了指山洞的墙壁,“这个空间可以屏蔽一切外来的探测,进入这里的数个入口也都分散在宇宙中最隐蔽的角落,还有就是……如果没有黑胡子的咒印,绝无可能进入此地。” Good.” Feng Bujue complied with one, takes advantage of opportunity and asks, has not consulted......” “好吧。”封不觉应了一句,顺势又问道,“还未请教……” „...... That rabbit alien(s) returns below” with deep veneration said that „...... short hair god fist Fist Sect, Brother Tu Fa.” “在下……”那兔星人肃然回道,“……短毛神拳拳宗,兔发哥。”
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