TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#870: Misplaces the situation

At the same time, long hair city stopper, in the tower of pile. 同一时刻,长毛城塞,桩之塔内。 Team leader......” the Reborn for the King complexion has not changed, but in its flashed through unusual look that is difficult to cover, Vice Captain he......” “队长……”重生为王的脸色未变,但其眼中还是闪过了一丝难掩的异色,“副队长他……” „...... I saw.” Three Jade Raid knows that he must say anything, instantly meets saying that matter had not as if anticipated is so smooth......” “啊……我看到了。”三玉强袭知道他要说什么,即刻接道,“事情似乎没有预期中那么顺利啊……” They learned in the team column simultaneously news that the teammate died in battle. 他们两人同时在团队栏中获悉了队友阵亡的消息。 Un......” Reborn for the King should say, perhaps...... he by enemy converging attack......” “嗯……”重生为王应道,“恐怕……他是被敌方集中攻击了吧……” This is not strange.” Three Jade Raid lowered the voice, said quietly, Shooting Specialization that water shows is very strong, but relative...... other aspects were short. In group war, what the marksmanship player itself/Ben is the object of opposite party first attack...... adds on this little while again and he coordinates will be that two NPC...... he is struck to kill firmly is also in the reason.” “这也并不奇怪。”三玉强袭压低了嗓门儿,悄声说道,“水示的射击专精很强,但相对的……其他方面就有所欠缺。在团战中,射击玩家本就是对方优先攻击的对象……再加上这会儿和他配合的是那两个NPC……他会被击杀确也是情理之中。” Yes...... Xi Ximan and Du Dumo impossible to provide like us to he very good support,...... Reborn for the King shakes the head by a Transcends As King person of shield, immediately raised the sound, thread of conversation one revolution, „...... that two long hair heavenly official strength is without a doubt, according to my estimation, in them anyone...... should be able to solve another three Hell Front members besides Feng Bujue by enemy three places.” He is analyzing very much confidently, after all...... from the competition video recording, the Hell Front team mainly gains the victory by the Summon lifeform of that powerful, it is precisely for this reason, the data statistics in preliminary contest are very attractive, thus finished first ten high ranking.” He, „, but essentially...... first-class expert in this team perhaps only then Feng Bujue, that Wang Tanzhi also can only be the second-class level ; If my computation right......, although the water showed sacrificed, but...... Hell Front also paid certainly the suitable price at this moment, moreover they had Summon under the pressure had greatly possibly had that very much Blood Corpse God......” “是啊……嘻嘻满嘟嘟莫不可能像我们那样提供给他很好的支援,靠穿越为王一人的掩护……”重生为王摇了摇头,随即提高了声音,将话锋一转,“不过……那两个长毛天官的实力是毋庸置疑的,据我估计,他们中的任何一人……应该都可以以一敌三地解决掉除了封不觉之外的另外三名地狱前线成员。”他很有自信地分析着,“毕竟……从比赛录像来看,地狱前线队主要都是靠那个强力的召唤生物来取得胜利的,也正因如此,他们在预赛中的数据统计很漂亮、从而获得了前十的高排名。”他顿了顿,“但本质上来说……这支队伍里的一流高手恐怕只有封不觉一个罢了,那个王叹之也只能算二流水准;如果我的计算没错……虽然水示是牺牲了,但此刻……地狱前线也一定付出了相当的代价,而且他们有很大可能已经在压力之下召唤出了那个‘血尸神’……” Snort...... retains that trump card Summon lifeform not to use, possibly shows them to give to destroy completely by two NPC and water ; But used the words of Summon lifeform, when encounters our two with other long hair heavenly official......” Three Jade Raid has not spoken these words, but squeezes a self-satisfied smile on the face forcefully. “哼……保留那个王牌召唤生物不用,就可能被两名NPC和水示他们给灭掉;而用了召唤生物的话,等遭遇我们两个和其他长毛天官时……”三玉强袭没有把这句话说完,只是强行在脸上挤出一丝得意的笑容。 Reborn for the King also nods, the expression that a sinister plot works makes, is as deep as a well diligently. 重生为王也点点头,努力做出一副奸计得逞的、高深莫测的表情。 Although they are very satisfactory this self-confident mapping out strategic plans in an army tent program, but the audience who watched the competition is looking like...... the behaviors of these two goods in these already ashamed to the extreme. 虽说他们俩自己是很满意这番充满自信的“运筹帷幄”戏码,但在那些正在观看比赛的观众们看来……这俩货的行为已经羞耻到了极点。 Because...... in they said that in the process of these words, that side canyon Nakamura had happened to the Corpse Blade team very disadvantageous accident...... 因为……就在他们说这番话的过程中,峡中村那边已经发生了对尸刀队非常不利的变故…… ............ ………… Occupies...... looks at behind that place corpse in the flash on...... Xi Ximan unexpectedly, in the heart the lingering fear. “居……居然在一瞬间就……”嘻嘻满看着身后那一地死尸,心中后怕不已。 The response of Du Dumo and he is similar, he uses a look that looks at the monster looks at Ruoyu, in the mouth is also mumbling: Has not thought of...... among the earthman to have this grade of powerhouse......” 嘟嘟莫的反应和他差不多,他用一种看怪物的眼神望着若雨,口中还念念有词:“没想到……地球人当中会有这等强者……” But Transcends As King, this little while has exchanged a constipation expression. That type was suppressed the mood and Terror Value by the medicine, but the condition, because extremely anxious and excited, is really very uncomfortable. 穿越为王,这会儿已经换上了一副便秘般的表情。那种被药物压制住情绪和惊吓值、但又因极度的紧张而激动起来的状态,着实是很难受的。 „When now...... I can still two choices...... Ruoyu speak these words to you, just put Fontanel four steps cut, By Xuanyuan sword Prestige energy, in addition Bright Jade Power The seventh skill, making her then kill off opposite all mixed soldiers in this move, one, went back, in your side gave us another two earthmen of concealed, all may......” clearly, she know the present situations of Corpse Blade two teams, two...... died.” “现在……我依然可以给你们两种选择……”若雨说这句话时,刚刚放完【天门四步斩】,凭借【轩辕剑】的威能,加上【明玉功】第七层的功力,让她在这一招之间便杀尽了对面所有的杂兵,“一,回去,把藏在你们那边的另外两个地球人交给我们,死活皆可……”很明显,她已知道了尸刀二番队的现况,“二……还是死。” Snort...... the woman, you thinks that she is speaking to whom?” hears word, Xi Ximan grins fiendishly to make noise, its huge body erupts Battle Qi suddenly, this Sir, if this appearance went back, after that also what face has to base in the city?” “哼……女人,你以为自己在跟谁说话呢?”闻言,嘻嘻满狞笑出声,其庞然身躯骤然爆发出一阵斗气,“本大爷要是这个样子回去了,那以后还有什么脸面在城里立足?” Holds on a minute!” At this time, Du Dumo kept off before the body of Xi Ximan suddenly, said to Ruoyu, this miss...... enmity between your earthmen...... and we have not related.” He is saying, but also purposely shot a look at one toward Transcends As King on, in my opinion...... we might as well make a transaction......” “且慢!”这时,嘟嘟莫忽地挡在了嘻嘻满的身前,对若雨说道,“这位姑娘……你们地球人之间的过节……和我们没有关系。”他说着,还有意识地朝穿越为王身上瞥了一眼,“依我看……咱们不妨来做个交易……” Transcends As King one hear of this saying, stare Du Dumo with the vision of alert immediately, and half step withdrew from several meters, pulled open with that NPC distance. 穿越为王一听这话,立刻用戒备的目光瞪住了嘟嘟莫,并快步地退出了数米,拉开了与那名NPC的距离。 Our goals...... are only front that village.” Du Dumo has not cared about the action of Transcends As King, he looks at Ruoyu, then just now words saying, we are not the companion...... he spread out both hands to say with that several named three jade and rebirth anything's fellow, reason that therefore...... between you and us...... cannot hit.” “我们的目标……只是前面那个村子而已。”嘟嘟莫并没有太在意穿越为王的行动,他只是看着若雨,接着方才的话道,“我们和那几个名叫三玉、重生什么的家伙并不是同伴……”他摊开双手道,“所以……你和我们之间……并没有非打不可的理由。” Hey! Du Dumo! Your this fellow......” then, even Xi Ximan also then stared to that Si Luxing, was heavenly official, because of fearing the military force of enemy negotiated...... Bujue to lose face?” 喂!嘟嘟莫!你这家伙……”这下,连嘻嘻满也回头瞪向了那位司禄星君,“身为天官,因惧怕敌人的武力而谈判……难道不觉得丢脸吗?” Fool!” Du Dumo is roaring to Xi Ximan, we by that several earthman uses! Haven't you looked?” “笨蛋!”嘟嘟莫对着嘻嘻满怒吼一声,“我们被那几个地球人利用了!你还没看出来吗?” Wha...... anything......” Xi Ximan gawked, after several seconds, he is suddenly enlighted, immediately also turned the head to look to Transcends As King, Ah! I understood...... your group of bastards!” “什……什么……”嘻嘻满愣了一下,几秒后,他恍然大悟,随即也转头看向了穿越为王,“啊!我明白了……你们这帮混蛋!” Ok!” Du Dumo drank to stop him, and on the first half step, continued to say to Ruoyu, miss, I had a proposition......” he to stop for a half second, met saying that „, so long as you and your companions are willing to hand over that village, we full power coordinated you...... to get rid of this named Transcends As King the fellows and his another two companions.” “好了!”嘟嘟莫喝止了他,并上前半步,继续对若雨道,“姑娘,我有个提议……”他停顿了半秒,接道,“只要你和你的同伴们愿意交出那个村子,那我们就全力配合你们……干掉这个叫‘穿越为王’的家伙和他的另外两名同伴。” Your this bi-】!” Du Dumo finishes barely the words, that side Transcends As King could not have borne shout abuse. “你这个【哔-】!”嘟嘟莫话音未落,穿越为王那边已忍不住破口大骂起来。 But Du Dumo still disregarded this goods, discussed the condition with Ruoyu by all means: What kind of? Everyone accords to his need...... walks various say/way and well water not interfering with river water later respectively.” Then, his also raise hand hinted a body of back that pile mixed soldier, „the death that...... as for this group of fellows, you definitely do not need to care, this type wants many to have many.” 嘟嘟莫仍是无视这货,只管和若雨谈条件:“怎么样?大家各取所需……随后就各走各道、井水不犯河水。”说罢,他还抬手示意了一下自己背后那堆杂兵的尸体,“哦……至于这群家伙的死,你完全不必放在心上,这种喽啰要多少有多少。” Has saying that...... this NPC named Du Dumo has high AI, although his person( rabbit) as if not much......, but in this end world environment, his approach firmly also irreproachable. 不得不说……这个名叫嘟嘟莫的NPC有着很高的AI,虽然他的人(兔)品似乎不咋地……但在这末世环境下,他的做法确也无可非议。 If at this moment is Feng Bujue here, perhaps reached the agreement with the opposite party directly...... 如果此刻是封不觉在这儿,说不定就直接和对方达成协议了…… What a pity...... 可惜…… However...... 但是…… However...... 然而…… so that's how it is......” Ruoyu looks at the opposite party, in the ice-cold look flashes through a dislike, I changed the idea......” on her sword, sword intent surged, the imposing manner that mountain rain wanted, making air all around also dignified, your three...... stayed behind......” 原来如此……”若雨看着对方,冰冷的眼神中闪过一丝厌恶,“我改主意了……”她的剑上,剑意涌动,一股山雨欲来的气势,让周遭的空气亦变得凝重起来,“你们三个……都留下吧……”
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