TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#869: Having more than enough to spare

Rabbit rabbit after this atomic warfare on-board, basically does not have any smooth path, therefore, will be longer than to the actual distance of another place the theory spacing from a place. 在这核战后的兔兔星上,基本已经不存在什么平坦的道路了,因此,从一个地点到另一个地点的实际距离会比理论间距更长一些。 However, only 30 kilometers, could not spend is too long. 不过,区区三十公里,也花不了太久。 About after a half hour, Water Show Raid and Transcends As King bring the army of long hair city stopper to arrive at the canyon Nakamura's entrance. 大约半个小时后,水示强袭穿越为王就已带着长毛城塞的军队来到了峡中村的入口。 Was needless saying that the villagers naturally sounded the warning fast, and arrange/cloth good line of defense...... 不用多说,村民们自然是快速地拉响了警报,并布好了防御阵线…… If Hell Front that four people look also not necessarily are what unprincipled person, how that this chapter of this team of troops saw that is attacks the village. 如果说地狱前线那四人看着还不一定是什么坏人的话,那这回这队人马怎么看都是来进攻村子的了。 Everyone...... please first wait here.” In from the village entrance also several hundred meters distances, Water Show Raid made the motorcade stop suddenly, and put out own ambush weapon from Traveling Bag , aimed at the direction of village. “各位……请先在这里等一等。”在距离村口还有数百米距离时,水示强袭忽然让车队停了下来,并从行囊中拿出了自己的狙击武器,对准了村子的方向。 Un?” Du Dumo looked with the gloomy vision to weapon in this Earth person hand, said that you took...... was the sniper's rifle?” “嗯?”嘟嘟莫用阴沉的目光看向了这个地球人手中的武器,并言道,“你拿的……是狙击枪吗?” Right.” Water Show Raid does not return should say. “没错。”水示强袭头也不回地应道。 I said that......” Xi Ximan to Water Show Raid said with the tone that one type disdained very much at this time, your boy should not want to kill the villagers with this gadget in the long-distance range?” His cold snort/hum, snort/hum...... do not tell me, like this Jiu Jiuqi is got rid of by you......” “我说……”嘻嘻满这时用一种很不屑的语气对水示强袭说道,“你小子该不会是想用这玩意儿在远距离上射杀村民吧?”他冷哼一声,“哼……你可别告诉我,啾啾奇就是这样被你们干掉的……” First, the Jiu Jiuqi cause of death is unimportant ; Next, I have no interest in killing these villagers......” Water Show Raid is responding to the words of opposite party, while penetrates the ambush mirror to wait and see the village entrance situation, I take the reason that the spear/gun comes out am......, just like we had previously told you, besides our four, a squad from Earth, but they treat now in this village......” he, as far as I know, in their teams also one causes the spear/gun, therefore I have to against.” “首先,啾啾奇的死法并不重要;其次,我也没兴趣去射杀那些村民……”水示强袭一边回应着对方的话语,一边透过狙击镜观望着村口的情况,“我拿枪出来的原因是……正如我们此前跟你们说过的,除了我们四个以外,还有一支来自地球的小队,而他们现在就待在这个村子里面……”他顿了顿,“据我所知,他们的队伍中也有一位是使枪的,所以我不得不防。” Un...... this actually terrible business.” After Du Dumo hears the word, discussed looking pensive, that several earthmen, if you said guard this village using the spear/gun, we must attack difficultly perhaps......” “嗯……这倒是件麻烦事啊。”嘟嘟莫闻言后,若有所思地念道,“如果你们所说的那几个地球人利用枪来把守这个村子,那我们要攻进去恐怕就困难了……” He said right......, in this armament level returns to the Melee Weapon time on the star, the firearms have thing of tactical significance without doubt. Although their long hair six heavenly official basically are the levels of invulnerability, but their subordinates are not...... 他说得没错……在这个军备水平回归冷兵器时代的星球上,枪械无疑是非常有战术意义的东西。虽然他们长毛天官基本已是刀枪不入的水平了,但他们的手下可不是…… Do not look that these life is inexpensive, must seize the village to probably have them. Safeguards the captive and guard crossroad, to return to the city notifies and transport the commodity and other trivial matters to need they to go entire......, if they were all extinguished by others with the long-distance strafe in village entrance, that following matter is really not easy to do. 别看那些喽啰命贱,要占领村庄可少不了他们。看管俘虏、把守路口、回城报信、搬运物资等诸多琐事都需要他们去整……要是他们在村口就被人家用远程扫射给全灭了,那接下来的事情还真不好办。 Naturally...... you do not need too to be worried......” Water Show Raid meets to say quickly, long-distance to monkey matter, I have much self-confidently......” he is still searching the form of enemy team player, and said to NPC, I think...... their moment affirmations have heard the warning that these villagers have sounded, and is catching up toward village entrance,......” his expression has not changed, but in the throat exudes one to sneer, „, so long as they come, I......” “当然了……你们也不必太担心了……”水示强袭很快又接道,“远程对狙这种事,我还是很有自信的……”他依然在搜索着敌队玩家的身影,并对身旁的NPC们言道,“我想……他们此刻肯定已经听到了那些村民发出的警报,并正在往村口赶,呵……”他的表情未变,但喉咙中还是发出一声冷笑,“只要他们一现身,我就……” Bang- 嘭- A gunshot, broke his words. 一声枪响,打断了他的话语。 Arrives with the sound of gunfire simultaneously, is a round of bullet...... 与枪声同时到来的,是一发子弹…… This round of bullet...... passed through in the Water Show Raid hand that the ambush mirror of sniper's rifle, hit the pupil of Water Show Raid, crushed his eyeball, passed through thoroughly his head, finally...... flew from his back of the head, and raised a blood splash that is doping the brain fluid. 这发子弹……穿过了水示强袭手中那把狙击枪的狙击镜,击中了水示强袭的瞳孔,击碎了他的眼球,贯透了他的头颅,最终……从他的后脑勺飞了出去,并掀出一片掺杂着脑浆的血花。 This flickers, the audience who everyone in motorcade, as well as each is watching the competition...... is all startled at the scene stares dumbfounded and looks at dumbly. 这一瞬,车队中的所有人,以及每一名在观看比赛的观众……皆是惊得瞠目结舌、呆立当场。 Falls face down quickly!” After two seconds, with responded for Transcends As King first of player, he loudly shouted immediately, and bent down to hide behind of cross child. “快趴下!”两秒后,还是同为玩家的穿越为王第一个反应过来,他当即大喝一声,并俯身躲到了一辆跨子的后面。 The mixed soldiers in these long hair city Cyprus , China have not basically understood exactly had anything a moment ago, they only know that a living person has exploded to perish suddenly...... in extreme the shock and fear, they illuminated the Transcends As King words to do without hesitation. 那些长毛城塞中的杂兵们基本都还没明白刚才到底发生了什么,他们只知道一个活生生的人在眨眼间就已爆头而亡……在极度的震惊和恐惧中,他们不假思索地就照着穿越为王的话去做了。 Only has Xi Ximan and Du Dumo these two has not paid attention to the Transcends As King words, they after all are BOSS Level NPC, even if were startled by this sudden scene jumped, but also is insufficient the hand and foot to lose presence of mind. 唯有嘻嘻满嘟嘟莫这两位没有理会穿越为王的话,他们俩毕竟是BOSS级的NPC,纵然被这突如其来的景象惊了一跳,但也不至于手足失措。 Cut...... is talking big while is killed......” the Du Dumo complexion to be cloudier, he looks that the Water Show Raid corpse discussed that „was really pitiful......” “切……一边说着大话一边就被干掉了吗……”嘟嘟莫的面色更为阴沉了,他看着水示强袭的尸体念道,“真是可悲啊……” Haha Ha.....” Xi Ximan is laughs, then was really more and more interesting.” “哈哈哈……”嘻嘻满则是大笑起来,“这下确是越来越有意思了呢。” When two people( rabbit) speech, but sees...... together the person's shadow, turns out from the back wall in canyon Nakamura suddenly lithely, arrow step. 二人(兔)说话之际,但见……一道人影,忽从峡中村的护墙内轻盈翻出,箭步而来。 After more than ten seconds, that person then has stood their front. 十余秒后,那人便已站到了他们的面前。 Leaves behind that earthman, you can walk.” Li Ruoyu is looking at present that more than 40 NPC and a player with the ice-cold facial expression, set her request briefly. “留下那个地球人,你们就可以走了。”黎若雨用冰冷的神情望着眼前那四十余名NPC和一名玩家,简短地提出了她的要求。 „...... Is she another team of earthmen who you said ‚’ one?” Xi Ximan has not responded to Ruoyu, but turned the head to look to Transcends As King, asked with a smile. “呵……她就是你们所说的‘另一队地球人’之一吗?”嘻嘻满没有回应若雨,而是转头看向了穿越为王,笑着问道。 „When...... right,” Transcends As King answering, still alerts is waiting and seeing all around, guards is not knowing that bullet that shoots from where. “啊……没错,”穿越为王回话时,依然戒备地观望着四周,提防着不知会从何处射来的子弹。 But Du Dumo also asked a Li Ruoyu issue at this time: „Was that spear/gun you started a moment ago?” 嘟嘟莫此时还反问了黎若雨一个问题:“刚才那枪是你开的?” „It is not.” Ruoyu returns said that person who opens fire...... also in village.” The say/way ends this, she stopped for two seconds , added that besides me, who close to the village, she killed anyone.” “不是。”若雨回道,“开枪的人……还在村里。”道完这句,她停了两秒,又补充道,“除我以外,谁靠近村子,她就打死谁。” Hahahaha Ha.....” Xi Ximan smiled happier, will say seems us to fear you same......” “哈哈哈哈哈……”嘻嘻满笑得更欢了,“说得好像我们会怕你一样……” I must say said.” The Ruoyu word to here, the right hand has gripped the sword hilt of saber, you...... had two choices......” she directly to issue the ultimatum, one, left behind that earthman, then left.” After a half second, she also said, two...... die.” “我要说的都说了。”若雨言至此处,右手已握住了佩剑的剑柄,“你们……有两种选择……”她直接下达了最后通牒,“一,留下那个地球人,然后离开。”微顿半秒后,她又道,“二……死。” That dying character exit|to speak instantly , if has murderous aura of essence to be centered on Ruoyu to splits open in all directions. 那个“死”字出口的刹那,一股如有实质的杀气若雨为中心向四面八方绽开。 The next second, the smile on Xi Ximan face then disappeared, Du Dumo was jumps the cross child, to show the stance of fight....... They almost all retrocede, whole body to tremble driven by instinct as for that dozens mixed soldier again and again. 下一秒,嘻嘻满脸上的笑容便消失了,嘟嘟莫则是蹦出了跨子、摆出了战斗的架势。至于那几十名杂兵……他们几乎全都在本能的驱使下连连后退、浑身瑟瑟发抖。 Like the Rain after Parting......?” At this moment, Transcends As King walked after the bunker, visual Ruoyu said, I do not know actually your Casual Gamer where comes self-confident......” he is saying, has put out own weapon- similarly is a long sword, you really think that...... depending on your, can win me...... as well as here all NPC?” “【似雨若离】……是吧?”这一刻,穿越为王从掩体后走了出来,目视若雨道,“我不知道你一个休闲玩家究竟从哪里来的自信……”他说着,也已拿出了自己的兵器-同样是一把长剑,“难道你真的以为……凭你一人,可以打赢我……以及这里所有的NPC吗?” Hears this word, Ruoyu that ice-cold facial expression not slight change, she returned to four characters tranquilly: „More than enough to spare.” 闻得此言,若雨那冰冷的神情没有丝毫的变化,她平静地回了四个字:“绰绰有余。”
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