TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#868: Powerful enemies to

„......” Facing the requirements of this military force resistance, Feng Bujue's responded that seems very light, he complied with one calm, and asked that I can ask why...... this was?” “哦……”面对这武力对抗的要求,封不觉的反应显得很平淡,他神情自若地应了一声,并问道,“我能问问……这是为什么吗?” That also with asking?” Tu Aotian returns with the natural tone said that camouflages prisoner polite talk the plan had been seen through by you, in this case, tests you through the language again has become does not have the significance, therefore...... I can only come to exchange with you with the fist.” “那还用问吗?”兔傲天用理所当然的语气回道,“‘伪装成囚犯套话’的计划已经被你们识破了,在这种情况下,再通过语言去试探你们已变得毫无意义,所以……我只能用拳头来跟你们交流了。” Sounds you also quite to have self-confidently to own strength.” Feng Bujue said. “听起来你对自己的实力也是颇有自信啊。”封不觉道。 „...... Tu Aotian returns to this saying when fortunately, has started the joint of activity neck and four limbs, prepares to begin evidently at any time, in any case fellow...... my even pair of three still no pressure like Ka Kalu.” “还好吧……”兔傲天回这话时,已经开始活动脖子和四肢的关节,看样子是随时准备动手,“反正像咔咔噜那样的家伙……我就算一对三也没什么压力。” so that's how it is......” Xiao Ling hears word, meets to say in side with a smile, looked like that Ka Kalu to covet your village is not 1-2 days?” 原来如此……”小灵闻言,在旁笑着接道,“看来那个咔咔噜觊觎你们的村子也不是1-2了吧?” Yes......” Feng Bujue meets to say worn out, resembles ‚a pair of three no pressure this words...... clearly will have have fought the experience to say.” “是啊……”封不觉有气无力地接道,“像‘一对三也没什么压力’这种话……显然是有过交手经验才会说出来的。” Snort......” Tu Aotian sneers, your brains truly transfer quickly......” him to meet to say frankly, right, Ka Kalu and his had once attacked our village more than once, but every was repelled by us one time.” “哼……”兔傲天冷笑一声,“你们的脑子转得确实很快……”他直言不讳地接道,“没错,咔咔噜和他的喽啰曾不止一次来进攻过我们的村子,但是每一次都被我们击退了。” Since you compared with his so many, why don't kill him?” Ruoyu raised a quite sharp issue. “既然你比他强那么多,为什么不杀了他呢?”若雨又抛出了一个颇为犀利的问题。 That is because...... now on this star, person( rabbit) like Ka Kalu many like rabbit hair.” Tu Aotian returns said, kills Ka Kalu is not difficult, but after he dies, perhaps two and three, 45( rabbit) will even brave to contest his domain with his same person.” He, met saying that keeps Ka Kalu, at least we also know that whom should guard against......” “那是因为……如今在这个星球上,像咔咔噜这样的人(兔)多如兔毛。”兔傲天回道,“杀一个咔咔噜不难,但他死后,说不定会有两个、三个、甚至四五个和他一样的人(兔)又冒出来争夺他的地盘。”他顿了顿,接道,“留着咔咔噜,至少我们还知道该去防备谁……” hey hey...... then did we get rid of Ka Kalu instead to bring the difficulty to you?” Xiao Tan somewhat meets to say awkwardly. 喂喂……这么说来我们干掉咔咔噜反而给你们带来困扰了吗?”小叹有些尴尬地接道。 „......” Tu Aotian does not return said, this cannot blame you, if your wraps self-defense excuse real, firmly also indisputable.” He is saying, has exhibited the stance, this is the world of law of the jungle, the powerhouse have no reason to apologize, the weak one does not have the qualifications complaint......” his a half second, facial expression ice, comes, actually making me have a look at...... you are which person......” “不……”兔傲天回道,“这并不能怪你们,如果你们那套‘自卫’的说辞是真的,确也无可厚非。”他说着,已摆开了架势,“这是个弱肉强食的世界,强者没有理由道歉,弱者也没有资格埋怨……”他微顿半秒,神情一凌,“来吧,让我看看……你们究竟是哪种人……” Understands......” next second, Feng Bujue then put down launcher in hand, and goes forward one step, prepares and an opposite party anus wave of upfront evidently, according to our strengths judged that credibility......” at this moment, his facial expression was nearly indifferent condition, „......, since you had this intention, I was impolite.” “明白了……”下一秒,封不觉便放下了手中的弹射器,并上前一步,看样子是准备和对方肛一波正面了,“根据我们的实力来判断可信度啊……”此刻,他的神情是近乎冷漠的状态,“……既然你有此意向,那我也就不客气了。” Finishes barely the words, this person of rabbit moved simultaneously. 话音未落,这一人一兔同时动了。 short hair tornado chain blows!” 短毛旋风连击!” South Star Flying Dragon Fist!” 南斗飞龙拳!” Also does not know that is who stipulated that probably the move in this Scenario did not shout style is not good. 也不知道是谁规定的,好像在这个剧本里出招不喊一下招式名就是不行。 Also is one round of four staggered and rapid such as the attack and defense of lightning. 又是一轮四手交错、迅如闪电的攻防。 The Tu Aotian strength above Ka Kalu, this point, Feng Bujue does not need to give a try and light/only firmly the data knows. 兔傲天的实力确在咔咔噜之上,这一点,封不觉不用试、光看数据就知道。 But...... Jue Bro strength not empty. The audience who perhaps these are watching the competition cannot see anything to distinguish, but is in Ruoyu of scene their three people to see when the Jue Bro this time making a move speed, effort and accurate...... all and previously that time used South Star Flying Dragon Fist different. 但……觉哥的实力也不是虚的。或许那些正在观看比赛的观众看不出什么区别来,但身在现场的若雨他们三人皆可以看出觉哥此时的出手速率、力度、精准度……全都和先前那次使用南斗飞龙拳时不同。 A same Hand-to-Hand combat skill, can conduct the extremely careful trimming according to player's consciousness, and takes and puts away...... this freely is Level S Fighting Proficiency has the ability that without doubt. 相同的一个格斗技能,可以根据玩家的意识进行极其细致的微调、且收放自如……这无疑是S级格斗专精者才有的能力。 Flip-flop...... 噼噼啪啪…… Battle Qi and fist surface collides the intermittent illness/quick sound, reverberates in this dim cavern again and again. 斗气和拳面碰撞出阵阵疾响,在这昏暗的洞穴中连连回荡。 The short ten seconds, these two had made over a hundred fists respectively. 短短十秒,这两人已各自打出了上百拳。 Finally, after attacks and sinks the heavy fist wind clash finally, Tu Aotian continually draws back several steps, ended this wave of confrontation. 终于,在最后一击沉重的拳风相击后,兔傲天连退数步,结束了这波交锋。 But Feng Bujue...... was stands in as stable as Mount Tai same place, flung the wrist/skill at a moderate pace, and said: Was OK?” 封不觉……则是稳如泰山地站在原地,不紧不慢地甩了甩手腕,并言道:“可以了吗?” The Tu Aotian complexion becomes quite ugly, because he can feel earnestly...... the present opponent also leaves leeway the ample force by far: Has not consulted your excellency your name in a big way......” 兔傲天的脸色变得相当难看,因为他可以切实地感觉到……眼前的对手还远远留有余力:“还未请教阁下尊姓大……” Feng Bujue.” Jue Bro has not waited for the opposite party saying that then meets to say. 疯不觉。”觉哥没等对方说完便接道。 Un...... Brother Feng Fist Arts extremely high...... immeasurably deep......” the Tu Aotian cold sweat has followed the wool on face to infiltrate, my Tu Aotian candidly admits defeat.” “嗯……疯兄拳法高绝……深不可测……”兔傲天的冷汗已顺着脸上的毛渗了出来,“我兔傲天甘拜下风。” Rabbit brother was polite.” Feng Bujue said, does not know now...... you whether to believe our set of excuses?” “兔兄客气了。”封不觉道,“不知现在……你能否相信我们那套说辞了呢?” Brother Feng was laughed at......” Tu Aotian to return said, by everyone can...... strong march village plundering also be easy, does not absolutely need to deceive us...... not to mention...... everyone also to put out precious food and water purification the person of knowledge( rabbit)...... is the rabbit some does not know the immensity of heaven and earth without hesitation to my at that matter initially, had to offend.” 疯兄见笑了……”兔傲天回道,“以诸位之能……强行进村掠夺也是轻而易举,根本没必要在那种事上蒙骗我们……更不用说……各位还毫不犹豫地拿出了珍贵的食物和净水给我这个初识之人(兔)……是兔某不知天高地厚,多有得罪了。” Hears these words language, Xiao Tan to gather the Xiao Ling ear bank saying: „The style why this fellow spoke suddenly became genteel......” 听得这番话语,小叹不禁凑到小灵耳畔道:“为什么这家伙讲话的风格突然变得文绉绉的了……” Awkward time entrains the article...... to appear the comparison to have the training...... to be easy like this to leave office......” Xiao Ling to return quietly said. “尴尬的时候拽拽文……这样显得比较有修养……容易下台……”小灵悄声回道。 ............ ………… In any event, passed through this interlude, four people of Hell Front team won the canyon Nakamura villagers' trust finally. The villagers quickly put from that cave Tu Aotian and players. 无论如何,经过了这段插曲,地狱前线队的四人总算是取得了峡中村村民们的信任。村民们很快就把兔傲天和玩家们从那个山洞里放了出来。 When arrives at outside the hole, the players then also know...... this cave is actually trap. The villagers make into the appearance of general common people residence cave entrance intentionally, the portal also makes with the conventional material ; Once deceives into the goal the hole, they in exterior will start the mechanism/organization, seals outside the portal together the strobe that the rock and metal are made. 待重新来到洞外时,玩家们便也知道了……这个山洞其实就是个“陷阱”。村民们故意将洞口弄成一般民居的样子,洞门也用普通材料制造;而一旦把目标骗入洞中,他们就会在外部启动机关,在洞门外封上一道用岩石和金属制成的闸门。 Introduced after Tu Aotian, the players also knew main NPC in some villages, for example stop their joint defense teams leader in village entrance just now Tu Lisu...... 兔傲天介绍,玩家们还认识了一些村中的主要NPC,比如适才在村口阻拦他们的联防队长“兔丽苏”…… Tu Lisu is the elder Pi Pian daughter, is the Tu Aotian lover. 兔丽苏是长老啤啤安的女儿,也是兔傲天的恋人。 According to Tu Aotian...... he was a vagrant fist was once wet, some day when he passed by this village, happen to caught up with the slave trader to attack. Therefore he bravely steps forward, the hero rescues beautiful, rescues villagers who Tu Lisu and was taken prisoner, and expelled the slave trader. Afterward...... he stayed here. 兔傲天自己说……他曾是一名流浪的拳湿,某天他路过这个村子时,正好赶上奴隶贩子进攻。于是他就挺身而出,英雄救美,救下了兔丽苏和被掳走的村民们,并打跑了奴隶贩子。再后来……他就留在了这里。 Although the players are not interested in this dog blood story, but Tu Aotian led them to go to the long native place on the way was telling him vividly...... seemed this setting is very same important...... 虽然玩家们对这种狗血故事不是十分感兴趣,但兔傲天还是在带领他们前往长老家的途中绘声绘色地将其讲述了一遍……就好似这种设定很重要一样…… Finally, after dozen minutes, four people of Hell Front team in an undercutting valley that arrived at the gorge center-section. Here, has a quite covert cave entrance, this is the family/home of elder. 终于,在走了十几分钟后,地狱前线队的四人来到了山峡中段的一个下陷的山壑中。这里,有着一个颇为隐蔽的山洞入口,这才是长老的家。 Everyone please first wait here.” When arrives at the hole entrance, Tu Aotian said to the players, and is knocking two portal boosting doors to enter. “各位请先在这里等一等。”来到洞门口时,兔傲天对玩家们道了一句,并在敲了两下洞门后推门而入。 About after one minute, he turns back, opens the portal probe head say/way: everyone...... please enter.” 大约一分钟后,他又折返回来,打开洞门探头道:“诸位……请进吧。” Feng Bujue they have not said anything, but entered in the hole one after another. 封不觉他们也没说什么,只是陆续走进了洞中。 This, presented in their present natures is not that jet black prison...... 这一回,呈现在他们眼前的自然不是那种漆黑的囚牢了…… The obsolete furniture, the crude lighting and self-made daily thing...... chaotic pile up one on top of another orderly, in this does not calculate that in spacious space, drew scenery of the end world common people residence. Although in this hole the humble room looks not much, but the good and evil gives people one type family/home feeling. 老旧的家具、简陋的照明设施、自制的日常用品……乱中有序地堆叠在这个并不算宽敞的空间内,绘出了一幅末世民居之景。虽然这洞中陋室看着不咋地,但好歹给人一种“家”的感觉。 After the players enter the room, then in saw very old rabbit alien(s) from the portal far corner. But that old man also sits on easy chair that in puts together with the scrap copper and iron, is looking at these visitors from different world with the tranquil look. 玩家们进屋之后,便在距离洞门较远的角落里看到了一位很年长的兔星人。而那位老者也坐在一张用废铜烂铁拼成的安乐椅上,用平静的眼神望着这几位来自异世的访客。 Tu Aotian presented the elder for the players, Jue Bro they also greeted this horned owl alien(s) very much politely. 兔傲天为玩家们引见了长老,觉哥他们也很礼貌地问候了这位老兔星人 After one exchanged greetings, Feng Bujue took the lead to enter the subject. 一番寒暄过后,还是封不觉率先进入了正题。 Elder, had a matter...... I to consult your one......” Jue Bro saying that but also shot a look at Tu Aotian one unknowingly, what at present your canyon Zhongcunli...... is strongest was who?” “长老,有件事……我想请教您一下……”觉哥说着,还不经意地瞥了兔傲天一眼,“目前你们这峡中村里……最强的是谁啊?” Hehe......” Pi Pian returns gently with a smile said, that naturally was in front of you this Tu Aotian.” “呵呵……”啤啤安慈祥地笑着回道,“那当然就是你们面前这位兔傲天了。” Tu Aotian is actually shakes the head saying: No, the elder, falls far short compared with me with you.” 兔傲天却是摇头道:“不,长老,和您比我还差得远。” Hehe......” Pi Pian stroked head long ear, good child, you too modest......” to listen to elder rumor to know, he is also has real skill, as the saying goes...... the fist fears young and strong. When I am young cultivation base is high, to this age...... feared that was that Ka Kalu cannot even be victorious.” “呵呵呵……”啤啤安捋了捋头上的长耳,“好孩子,你太谦虚了……”听长老这口风就知道,他老人家也是有两下子的,“常言道……拳怕少壮。不管我年轻时的修为多高,到了这个年纪啊……怕是连那个咔咔噜都打不过了。” Feng Bujue also knows what this old man said is the truth, from the data angle of view observation, the Pi Pian battle efficiency truly compares general rabbit alien(s) to be high, without doubt is also Fist Arts, but must look that the data intensity...... Tu Aotian is fiercer. 封不觉也知道这老头儿说的是实话,从数据视角观察,啤啤安的战斗力确实比一般的兔星人要高,无疑也是个“拳法家”,但要看数据强度……还是兔傲天更厉害。 The inference that elder......” basis previously made, Jue Bro basically had removed that three possibilities the first two types, therefore meets saying that what vestige entrance that...... in the village did have and ancient tomb and so on thing?” “长老……”根据此前作出的推理,觉哥基本已排除了那“三种可能”中的前两种,故而接道,“那……村子里有没有什么遗迹入口、古代墓穴之类的东西呢?” Un?” The elders listened to this saying, the complexion changes, „did you ask this doing?” “嗯?”长老听了这话,脸色微变,“你问这个干嘛?” Was open about the facts you saying that we will arrive at this village, had the reason......” Feng Bujue's flickered started, perhaps you very found it hard to believe, I...... inborn had a special perception capability, can in very far place induction to certain extremely powerful life existence. Today, after we Ka Kalu attacks, I suddenly induce surging of strength, therefore is tracking down the trail of that strength, just now arrived at this village.” “不瞒你们说,我们会来到这个村子,是有原因的……”封不觉的忽悠就这么开始了,“或许你们很难相信,我呢……天生就有一种特殊的感知能力,可以在很远的地方感应到某些‘极其强大的生灵’的存在。今天,我们被咔咔噜袭击后,我忽然感应到了一股力量的涌动,于是就一路追寻着那股力量的踪迹,方才来到了这个村子。” Un......” elder hears word, look at each other in blank dismay with Tu Aotian, two people( rabbit) is a face inexplicable facial expression. “嗯……”长老闻言,和兔傲天面面相觑,两人(兔)都是一脸莫名的神情。 They pour are not do not believe words that Feng Bujue spoke, because from the reason, Jue Bro have no reason to lie with them....... This topic really had surpassed their understanding and cognition. 他们倒也不是不相信封不觉所说的话,因为从情理上来讲,觉哥没理由跟他们撒谎。只是……这个话题确有些超出了他们的理解和认知。 Good...... I think that......” elder complied with one, immediately is lost in thought. “好吧……我想想……”长老应了一句,随即陷入了沉思。 After the moment, he says: Un...... remembered the past years, outside nuclear radiation was very serious, I discovered with other 35 survivors this canyon, and decided to treat as the camp here ; Gradually...... develops present this village.” He lifts the hand, caressed near a lower jaw length to, still remembers......, when dug the cave at first, we truly once dug in a cave have been to some strange thing...... to look seem like inscribe the graph the stele. But we have not cared, but same processed with the common crushed stone it.” He looks to Feng Bujue, today after your saying......, if here really had what ancient times vestige or the tomb...... that may be very related with past that cave.” 片刻后,他开口说道:“嗯……记得当年,外面的核辐射还很严重,我和其他三十五名幸存者一起发现了这个峡谷,并决定将这里当做营地;久而久之……就发展出了现在这个村庄。”他抬起手来,抚了一下嘴边的长须,“还记得……在最初开掘山洞的时候,我们确实曾在一个山洞里挖到过一些奇怪的东西……看着很像是刻有图形的石碑。但我们并没有在意,只是将其和一般的碎石一样处理掉了。”他看向封不觉,“今天经你一说……如果这里真有什么古代遗迹或者墓穴的话……那很可能和当年那个山洞有关。” Hears here, the players thought that this matter is possible, Feng Bujue asked immediately: That cave that elder, you said...... where?” 听到这里,玩家们都觉得这事儿有戏,封不觉随即就问道:“长老,您说的那个山洞……在哪儿?” ............ ………… At the same time, north canyon Nakamura, 30 kilometers. 同一时刻,峡中村以北,三十公里处。 In billowing yellow sand, pair of a troops toward the south that is riding bike expunges enormously and powerful. 滚滚黄沙之中,一对骑着机车的人马浩浩荡荡地朝南方开去。 This team, more than 40 people( and rabbit), including Vice Captain of Corpse Blade two teams Water Show Raid With the Hand-to-Hand combat combat general Transcends As King. 这支队伍,共有四十余人(和兔),其中包括了尸刀二番队的副队长水示强袭】和格斗战将【穿越为王】。 But their goals...... canyon Nakamura. 而他们的目标……正是峡中村。 Four people of Hell Front team still did not know, when they conduct the exploration in canyon Nakamura, four people of Corpse Blade two teams have completed borrowing potential, moreover strength that...... they borrow, is one of the entire rabbit rabbit on-board strongest several influences. 地狱前线队的四人尚不知晓,当他们在峡中村进行探索时,尸刀二番队的四人已然完成了“借势”,而且……他们借到的力量,乃是整个兔兔星上最强的几股势力之一。 Hasn't arrived?” Rides on cross child Xi Ximan is chewing Carrot, while said to Water Show Raid, you should not play me?” “还没到吗?”乘坐在一辆跨子上的嘻嘻满一边嚼着胡萝卜,一边对身旁的水示强袭说道,“你们该不会是在耍我吧?” Our companions were also detained in city Cery, how to possibly deceive you?” The Water Show Raid sinking sound returns said. “我们的同伴还被扣押在城塞里,怎么可能会骗你呢?”水示强袭沉声回道。 At this time, four people of Corpse Blade two teams have fanned out in two groups. 此时,尸刀二番队的四人已经兵分两路。 In Reborn for the King Under plan, they and NPC reached an agreement. By team leader Three Jade Raid and Reborn for the King two people as hostage, stay in a tower, received exchange for the trust of NPC by this. But Water Show Raid and Transcends As King are responsible for long hair six heavenly official coursing the enemy team two is. 在【重生为王】的谋划下,他们和NPC达成了一个协议。由队长三玉强袭重生为王二人作为“人质”,留在樁之塔内,以此换取NPC的信任。而水示强袭穿越为王则负责将两名“长毛天官”引向敌方队伍的所在。 Perhaps some people will feel strange, they will know the position of Hell Front team? 或许有人会奇怪,他们怎么会知道地狱前线队的位置呢? Actually is very simple...... Reborn for the King, has one survey title ability. Naturally, he cannot like Jue Bro want to be what even anything. His ability surveys the position of enemy. 其实很简单……重生为王,也有着一个“探测型”的称号能力。当然了,他并不能像觉哥那样想算什么就算什么。他的能力只是测算敌人的方位而已。 In the previous preliminary contest, Reborn for the King has not used this ability......, because his very clear this ability in the value of elimination series stage. 在此前的预赛中,重生为王从来没有使用过这个能力……因为他很清楚这个能力在淘汰赛阶段的价值。 Now, beforehand the significance of snow conceals this skill manifested. Even if Jue Bro has watched the competition video recording of Corpse Blade two teams, is unable to discover that the opposite party has such a...... 如今,事先雪藏这一技能的意义就体现出来了。即使觉哥看过尸刀二番队的比赛录像,也无法发现对方有这么一手…… Xi Ximan, is a little patient.” At this time, on another cross child in motorcade, stature skinny rabbit alien(s) also turns the head to say to Xi Ximan, these earthmen have no reason to lie to us, if they want to run...... will not propose that left behind two hostages in the city.” 嘻嘻满,有点儿耐心。”此时,车队中的另一辆跨子上,一个身材干瘦的兔星人也转头对嘻嘻满道,“这几个地球人没理由对我们说谎,如果他们只是想跑……就不会主动提出留下两个人质在城里了。” The of speech, is one of the long hair six heavenly official- Si Luxing Du Dumo. 说话的这位,也是长毛天官之一-司禄星君嘟嘟莫 Right.” Transcends As King hears word, then meets saying that two are patient...... that village, quick will appear in us at present.” “没错。”穿越为王闻言,也回头接道,“二位稍安勿躁……那个‘村庄’,很快就会出现在我们眼前的。”
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