TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#867: Tu Aotian

About after ten minutes, that female rabbit alien(s) then asked for instructions elder the opinion, please enter in the Hell Front four people the village. 大约十分钟后,那名女性兔星人便请示完了“长老”的意见,将地狱前线的四人“请”进了村里。 But Jue Bro they also kept village entrance that two cross child very much confidently, entered the gorge with the villagers. 觉哥他们也很坦然地把那两辆跨子留在了村口,跟着村民们走进了山峡。 Although said that is please, but these villagers regarding the hostility of players obviously also. They have not put down weapon in hand, not to put down the alert in heart. 虽然说是“请”,但那些村民对于玩家们的敌意显然还在。他们既没有放下手中的武器、更没有放下心中的戒备。 Naturally, this is also the person( rabbit) the reason. To these life in end world, saw the lie and violence, and Death person( rabbit), readily believes that others...... likely mean died without the burial ground. 当然了,这也是人(兔)之常情。对这些生活在末世当中的、见惯了谎言、暴力、和死亡的人(兔)来说,轻信别人……很可能就意味着死无葬身之地。 Jue Bro, before you when that trigram that calculates, in this village at least should have strong NPC to exist......” walks in the village, Xiao Tan then lowers the sound to Feng Bujue saying that you said can be that elder?” 觉哥,根据你之前算的那一卦,这村子里至少应有一个超强的NPC存在吧……”在村中行走时,小叹便压低了声音对封不觉说道,“你说会不会就是那个长老?” Perhaps.” Feng Bujue also returns in a low voice said, is...... must see him to know.” “或许吧。”封不觉也是低声回道,“到底是不是……得见过他才知道。” „......” Xiao Tan remembered anything suddenly , said that right! Has such a possibility......” he to ask in a soft voice, for example...... in this village actually no specially strong fellow exists, is just the position of village happen to between us and destinations?” “哦……”小叹忽又想起了什么,又道,“对了!有没有这么一种可能……”他轻声问道,“比如……这个村子里其实没有什么特别强的家伙存在,只不过村庄的方位正好处于我们和目的地之间?” No.” Jue Bro denied the speculation of Xiao Tan, destination that here I survey.” His a half second, added that because of the terrain of this village, with trigram shape that I previously saw ‚’ completely consistent.” “不。”觉哥否定了小叹的推测,“这里正是我所测算到的目的地。”他微顿半秒,补充道,“因为这个村子的地形,与我此前看到的‘卦象’完全一致。” Ha?” Xiao Tan hears words coldly, you are said that you...... have words on the tip of the tongue when Ka Kalu, he remembered Feng Bujue divining according to the diagrams the scene, „...... that time......” “哈?”小叹闻言愣了一下,“你是说你在咔咔噜身上……”话到嘴边,他不禁就想起了封不觉“算卦”时的情景,“哦……那个时候……” Right.” Feng Bujue meets saying that „, although with throwing sand and so on method can also figure out direction this information, but if obtains a more precise information, is best to use complex a little thing.” He uses the gentle tone to start to tell some extremely fearful fact and experience, „, but the corpse, is a very good choice. Regardless of the fur/superficial knowledge, the muscle texture and blood stream, the internal organs...... can present various types uniquely, bright design. This far ratio draws a bamboo slip, to throw the trigram shape that several copper coin, or write to obtain to come richly.” “没错。”封不觉接道,“虽然用抛沙子之类的方法也可以算出‘方向’这种信息,但若要得到更精确的情报,最好使用复杂一点儿的东西。”他用平缓的语气开始讲述一些极为可怕的事实以及经验,“而尸体,就是一种很好的选择。无论皮毛、肌肉纹理、血流、还是内脏……都可以呈现出各种独特的、鲜明的的图案。这远比抽一根竹签、扔几个铜钱、或是写个字所能得到的卦象来得丰富。” Then......” Xiao Ling also heard their dialogue in side, at this time she interrupted to meet saying that „...... three possibilities?” “这么说来……”小灵也在旁边听到了他们的对话,此时她插嘴接道,“……三种可能?” These words listen quite baffling in others, but Jue Bro understands its meaning. 这句话在旁人听来没头没尾,但觉哥还是明白其含义的。 Un.” The Feng Bujue nod complied with one to agree, immediately also answered to Xiao Tan, Predicting Like A God The survey result should right, therefore, three possibilities...... its one, in this village lives in BOSS Level NPC at present ; Second, Corpse Blade two teams here ; The three...... are this village is hiding some secret, but this secret aimed at some extremely strong existence.” “嗯。”封不觉点头应了一声表示同意,随即又对小叹解释道,“【料事如神】的测算结果应该没错,所以,眼下有三种可能……其一,这个村子里住着一个BOSS级的NPC;其二,尸刀二番队就在这儿;其三嘛……就是这个村子隐藏着某种秘密,而这个秘密指向了某个极强的存在。” „......” Xiao Tan complied with one looking pensive. “哦……”小叹若有所思地应了一声。 During the speeches, their four people have also arrived at elder outside cave entrance of family/home. 说话间,他们四人也已走到了“长老”家的洞口外。 According to that female rabbit alien(s) lecture, this Pi Pian elder is the leader in this village, is equivalent to village head. However...... the day of this village head from the present actual situation a little passes is probably shabby, his main house gate( mountain cave entrance) is ruined compared with the families/home of side these common villagers, if not for the villager guides, it is estimated that no one can think that this is the residence of village head. 据那名女性兔星人讲,这位“啤啤安”长老是这个村子的领导者,相当于“村长”。不过从眼前的实际情况来看……这个村长的日子过得好像有点寒碜,他的家门(山洞口)比起旁边那些一般村民的家还要破败,若不是村里人带路,估计谁也想不到这是村长的住所。 You go , the elder said that must see you alone.” “你们自己进去吧,长老说要单独见你们。” When that guiding NPC said these words, Feng Bujue signals with the eyes toward the teammates immediately respectively, making them enhance vigilance. 当那名带路的NPC说出这句话时,封不觉立刻就朝队友们分别使了个眼色,让他们提高警惕。 But Ruoyu, Xiao Ling and Xiao Tan naturally also understand the meaning of Jue Bro. 若雨小灵小叹自然也都明白觉哥的意思。 It seems like...... waits for their, perhaps not necessarily is anything elder. 看起来……等待他们的,或许未必是什么“长老”。 Good, thanks to guide.” Feng Bujue has turned head, said to that NPC with the faint smile facial expression, took the lead in shoving open that door that was made later by the wood/blockhead and metal scrap, entered in the cave. “好的,谢谢带路。”封不觉回过头,用似笑非笑的神情对那NPC道了一句,随后就带头推开了那扇由木头和废旧金属制成的门,走进了山洞中。 After several seconds, Hell Front other members also file. 数秒后,地狱前线的其他成员也是鱼贯而入。 Then...... 然后…… Bang- 砰- They have not walked away, the gate was closed by outside rabbits. 他们都还没有走远,身后的门就被外面的兔子们关了起来。 ...... Transmits bang a dull thumping sound, sounds thing that...... has anything to sink probably very much to fall on out of the door. 紧接着……又传来“砰”一声闷响,听起来……好像有什么很沉的东西落在了门外。 What meaning feeds...... this?” Xiao Tan Terror Value came up at that time, his first response extends the hand to Traveling Bag in tries to find out the lighting attachment. “喂……这什么意思啊?”小叹惊吓值当时就上去了,他的第一反应就是把手伸到行囊里去摸索照明设备。 Meaning was...... you were also swindled......” next second, in the front darkness, then heard the low and deep speaking voice. “意思就是……你们也上当了呗……”下一秒,前方的黑暗中,便传来了低沉的说话声。 Who? What person?” Xiao Tan quickly looks following the sound, asked loudly. “谁?什么人?”小叹急忙循声而望,高声问道。 „......” Feng Bujue actually seems calm, on the side of him takes out from Traveling Bag Complex Type Anti Gravity Launch Device, Said to the source of that sound at the same time with a smile, makes me guess...... they also do make you come to here to see elder?” “呵……”封不觉倒是显得从容,他一边从行囊里取出【复合式反重力弹射器】,一边笑着对那声音的源头说道,“让我猜猜……他们也让你来这儿见‘长老’是吗?” Finishes barely the words, before the launcher searching lamp has shone, hole ** the scene also impressively presented in the players at present. 话音未落,弹射器前端的探灯已亮了起来,洞**的景象也赫然呈现在了玩家们的眼前。 The cave that very obviously, they place at all is not residence ; Here does not have the furniture, not to have the lighting, no elder...... here to have, is only the solid wall, wears the homespun cloth cape, to sit rabbit alien(s) in corner with one. 很显然,他们身处的这个山洞根本不是什么“住所”;这里没有家具、没有照明设施、更没有什么长老……这里有的,只是坚实的墙壁,和一个身披粗布斗篷、坐在角落里的兔星人 Oh?, when that rabbit alien(s) sees clearly Jue Bro their appearance, in its obviously flashed through one to be astonished, but he almost in restored instantaneously calmly, met saying that you were...... outside alien(s)?” 哦?”当那个兔星人看清觉哥他们长相的时候,其眼中明显闪过了一丝讶异,不过他几乎在瞬间就重新恢复了冷静,接道,“你们是……外星人吧?” Earthman.” Feng Bujue returns said. “地球人。”封不觉回道。 so that's how it is......” that rabbit alien(s) complied with one indifferently, has not then asked anything again. 原来如此……”那个兔星人淡然地应了一句,没有接着再问什么。 What situation this rabbit brother...... are you......?” Xiao Ling also put out the lighting attachment at this time, and said to that rabbit. “这位兔兄……你这是……什么情况?”小灵这时也拿出了照明设备,并对那兔子说道。 Situation......” that rabbit alien(s) thinks several seconds, hesitate saying that approximately...... five days ago, I discovered this in remote village. At that time my vehicle did not have the fuel quickly, therefore entered the village, wants to trade food and fuel with cargo with them. After a negotiation, they made me come to here to see elder......” he to shrug, „the following matter, you should also guess correctly...... my thing was snatched the light by them, but I was closed by them wait for death here.” “情况吗……”那兔星人想了几秒,沉吟道,“大约……在五天前吧,我无意间发现了这个地处偏僻的村子。当时我的车子快没燃料了,所以就进村来,想用身上的货物跟他们换点食物和燃料。经过了一番交涉后,他们就让我来这儿见‘长老’了……”他耸耸肩,“接下来的事情,你们也该猜到了……我的东西都被他们抢光,而我则被他们关在这里等死。” Oh...... this big brother you also are really miserable.” Xiao Tan hears word, heaves a deep sigh saying that „the person in this village was really excessive.” “唉……这位大哥你也真是惨啊。”小叹闻言,摇头叹息道,“这村里的人真是太过分了。” Opened the door a moment ago......” at this time, silent for a long time Ruoyu opens the mouth to say to that rabbit alien(s) suddenly, how you don't run outward?” “刚才开门的时候……”此时,沉默许久的若雨忽地开口对那兔星人道,“你怎么不往外跑?” „...... Meaningful?” The opposite party smile bitterly, my also Fearless you laugh at...... me Tu Aotian good and evil also to calculate Fist Arts. Five days ago I...... completely have can move out under besieging of these villagers self-confidently, otherwise I will not enter this strange village rashly.” He shakes the head, „, but the present...... I am hungry a strength not to have, even if raises a sound and you speaks feels strenuous...... under this condition, let alone, even if they open the portal to ask me to leave, I cannot get away.” “呵……有意义吗?”对方苦笑一声,“我也不怕你们笑话……我‘兔傲天’好歹也算个拳法家。五天前的我……完全有自信可以在那些村民的围攻下全身而退,要不然我也不会贸然进入这陌生的村庄。”他摇了摇头,“但现在……我已经饿得一点力气都没有了,即使是提高点声音和你们说话都觉得吃力……这种状况下,别说冲出去了,哪怕他们敞开洞门让我走,我也走不了。” Xiao Tan.” Feng Bujue hears here, turned the head to call Xiao Tan one without demur. 小叹。”封不觉听到这里,二话没说就转头叫了小叹一声。 Has.” Wang Tanzhi should also say fast. “有。”王叹之也是快速应道。 Jue Bro looks at Xiao Tan, hit a sound to refer, and took advantage of opportunity the index finger aims at Tu Aotian saying: Hey it.” 觉哥看着小叹,打了个响指,并顺势将食指指向兔傲天道:“喂之。” Understands clearly.” Xiao Tan returns said. “了然。”小叹回道。 These two goods do not know why opened the writings in classical style to come...... this not to affect their actions mutually. 这俩货也不知道为什么就互相开起文言文来了……不过这并不影响他们的行动。 Soon, the Xiao Tan then big stride arrives in front of Tu Aotian, handed over one package of between-meal snack and one bottle of water. 不多时,小叹便大跨步地来到兔傲天面前,递上了一包零食和一瓶水。 Originally aura of death heavy Tu Aotian immediately two one bright, he is impolite with them, received the thermo gurgle gurgle to drink, after half bottle of underwater stomach, he stops suddenly, and quite regretted the look that and was attached to deeply to look at one remaining half bottles with one type...... later, he ripped open between -meal snack packing, started toward mouth fierce stopper food. 原本死气沉沉的兔傲天顿时两眼一亮,他也不跟他们客气,一把接过水瓶就咕嘟咕嘟地喝了起来,半瓶水下肚后,他忽然停下,并用一种颇为惋惜和眷恋的神色深深望了一眼剩下的半瓶……随后,他就撕开了零食包装,开始往嘴里猛塞食物。 Four players are looking at him, waited for enough three minutes, looked that he finished eating these thing drinks up. 四名玩家就这么望着他,等了足足三分钟,看他把那些东西吃完喝完。 After three minutes, Feng Bujue goes forward several steps, squats in front of him, is smiling asking: Then...... now, you can lead us to see elder?” 三分钟后,封不觉上前几步,蹲到他面前,微笑着问道:“那么……现在,你可以带我们去见‘长老’了吗?” Such remarks, Tu Aotian facial expression changing suddenly: You......” his surprised continued for several seconds, immediately turned into the happy expression, „...... ha haha Ha.....” After he laughs several, stands up, when do you from start to suspect my?” He, is it possible that is because...... I was outside alien(s) ’ the response of this matter am peacefully pale toyou?” 此言一出,兔傲天神情陡变:“你……”他的惊讶持续了数秒,随即变成了笑意,“呵……哈哈哈哈……”他大笑几声后,站起身来,“你是从什么时候开始怀疑我的?”他顿了顿,“莫非是因为……我对‘你们是外星人’这件事的反应太平淡了?” No, performance...... but actually no issue about that part.” Feng Bujue also stood, and returns with a smile said, your flaw...... reveals from other aspect.” “不,关于那部分的表演……倒没有什么问题。”封不觉也站了起来,并笑着回道,“你的破绽……是从别的方面显露出来的。” Oh? Tu Aotian looks to doubt the color, hinted Jue Bro then to say with the look downward. 哦?兔傲天面露疑色,用眼神示意觉哥接着往下说。 First...... is the ray.” Feng Bujue is saying, held up launcher in hand to wield wielding, we came, in the hole was almost a jet black condition. Treated several days of people on one in this environment( rabbit), after contacting the ray should require long adaptation time. But you...... after I open this glare searches the lamp, quick can calmly look to us. This indicated that...... you enter this cave not is very actually long, but...... you then said oneself had been closed for five days.” “首先……是光线。”封不觉说着,举起手中的弹射器挥了挥,“我们进来的时候,洞里几乎是一片漆黑的状态。就一个在这种环境里待了好几天的人(兔)而言,在接触到光线后理应需要较长的适应时间。而你……在我打开这强光探灯后,很快就能若无其事地看向我们这边了。这就表明……你进入这个山洞其实并不很久,但……你接下来却说自己已经被关了五天。” Snort...... can detect that thanks to you thinks of that aspect parallel.” Tu Aotian cold -ly snorted and said, „, but...... only depends on this, but also cannot say that is the flaw?” He unexpectedly have a relish and Jue Bro discussed. “哼……亏你能察觉并联想到那个方面。”兔傲天冷哼道,“但……仅凭这点,还称不上是破绽吧?”他竟是饶有兴致地和觉哥探讨了起来。 Right.” Feng Bujue returns said, I have also thought...... can be when we enter the hole had some rays to leak, making you adapt to the brightness ahead of time. Is your fellow talent different reported, the eyesight is astonishing.” He discussed on and on, again toward deeply the physiological structures and our earthmen who said...... your rabbit rabbit alien(s) are different, perhaps you can adapt to the race that the ray changes instantaneously.” Word to here, his thread of conversation revolution, „, therefore, I to your suspicion, obviously other basis......” “没错。”封不觉回道,“我也有想过……会不会是因为我们进洞时有些许光线漏了进来,让你提前适应了亮度。或者是你这家伙天赋异禀,目力惊人。”他娓娓念道,“再往深了说……你们兔兔星人的生理结构和我们地球人是不同的,说不定你们就是可以瞬间适应光线变化的种族。”言至此处,他话锋一转,“因此,我对你的怀疑,显然还有别的依据……” Please say.” Tu Aotian both hands hold the chest, visual Jue Bro, the sinking sound meets to say. “请说。”兔傲天双手抱胸,目视觉哥,沉声接道。 „After that if you said before enters the village, was imprisoned the story is true, then the issue came......” Feng Bujue to meet saying that „, since you now already hungrily to even if others opened the portal to make you escape, you cannot run away the situation, why didn't the villagers come to kill you simply? In you also living in the situation deceives us...... is is very obviously unreasonable, so long as you shouted a throat in hole, their plans didn't expose?” “如果你之前所说的那个‘入村后被囚禁’的故事属实,那么问题就来了……”封不觉接道,“既然你现在已经饿到‘即使别人敞开洞门让你逃,你也逃不了’的地步了,那村民们为何不干脆进来杀了你呢?在你还活着的情况下把我们骗过来……显然是很不合理的,只要你在洞里喊一嗓子,他们的计划不就败露了吗?” Does not kill me...... perhaps is because they feared that I do conduct to counter-attack in being on the verge of death condition?” Tu Aotian returns said, I did starve to death come to gather up dead bodies again am the safest safe method not?” “不来杀我……也许是因为他们怕我在濒死状态下进行反扑呢?”兔傲天回道,“等我自己饿死再进来收尸是最安全稳妥的方法不是吗?” They gather up dead bodies you lies on Fearless on the ground feigns death?” Feng Bujue also said. “那他们来收尸的时候就不怕你是趴在地上装死的吗?”封不觉又道。 This......” Tu Aotian is at a loss for words for a while. “这……”兔傲天一时语塞。 By the environment of this cave, wants to confirm that was closed the person in hole is dies lives, must take the lighting attachment to walk to be good.” Feng Bujue meets saying that „, but your body, has not worn any handcuff fetters completely and so on constrained apparatus. In other words...... comes in the risk that gives you gathering up dead bodies and comes in to kill you to take is not different ; If you are really a prisoner, they have no reason to make you live, when we come.” He finally with summary language gas channel/angrily said, „, therefore...... the conclusion is, the villagers know from the beginning, before our whole staff shut in this cave, you will not issue any warning to us. Even if your performing skill is good, and does not forget, when makes up the story to add on ‚, even if raises a sound and you speaks thought that strenuous this excuse, is unable to cover this obvious flaw.” “以这个山洞的环境而言,想要确认被关在洞里的人是死是活,必须得拿着照明设备走进来才行。”封不觉接道,“而你的身上,完全没有戴任何手铐脚镣之类的拘束用具。也就是说……进来给你‘收尸’和进来‘杀你’所要冒的风险并没有什么两样;如果你真的是一个囚犯,那他们根本没有任何理由让你活着等到我们过来。”他最后用总结般的语气道,“所以……结论就是,村民们从一开始就知道,在我们全员被关进这个山洞之前,你是不会向我们发出任何警告的。纵然你的演技不错,且不忘在编故事的时候加上‘即使是提高点声音和你们说话都觉得吃力’这种说辞,也无法掩盖掉这明显的破绽。” „......” Tu Aotian smiled, you said right, I should ask the person to tie up me, what a pity...... time limited......” “呵……”兔傲天笑了,“你说得对,我应该找人把我绑上的,可惜啊……时间有限……” Useless.” Feng Bujue hits to block the way, „, no matter the metal product or the rope leather belt...... tied up for five days with tie up several minutes of difference to be obvious. You must really make one tie up you, that also adds something superfluous and ruins the effect.” “没用的。”封不觉打断道,“不管是金属制品还是绳索皮带……被绑了五天和被绑了几分钟的区别显而易见。你要真让人把你绑起来,那也是画蛇添足。” Un......” Tu Aotian nods, seemed like believed that but after he thought for several seconds, met one, also had other?” “嗯……”兔傲天点点头,似乎是信服了,不过他想了几秒后,又接了一句,“还有别的吗?” Truly also a little.” Feng Bujue is saying, what past events resembled remembered, showed a quite strange smile, I think how...... you never had for five days, not to see over five days the person to eat thing hungrily hungrily?” “确实还有一点。”封不觉说着,似是想起了什么往事,露出了一个颇为怪异的笑容,“我想……你从来没有饿过五天、也没有见过饿了五天以上的人是怎么吃东西的吧?” This......” the Tu Aotian expression changes, „your such saying...... I have not really experienced.” “这……”兔傲天的表情微变,“你这么一说……我还真没经历过。” „The stomach of your rabbit alien(s) I also saw( him truly amseeing), at least in my opinion, with our earthmen was no different. ” Feng Bujue said that several years ago I for certain reasons( writing), once made the experiment material with myself, studies by the physiological condition of captivity......” “你们兔星人的胃我也见过(他确实是“见”过了),至少在我看来,和我们地球人的没什么不同。”封不觉道,“几年前我为了某些原因(写作),曾用自己做实验素材,研究被囚禁者的生理状态……” This I can testify...... he at that time also who my medical school has not graduated to help......” Xiao Tan at the right moment in side with one. “这我可以作证……他当时还让我这个医学院尚未毕业的人来帮忙了……”小叹适时在旁跟了一句。 Feng Bujue smiles to Xiao Tan, then said: Regarding hungry experiment this part, my impression is quite deep...... stomach organ, will be according to the situation ballooning or the contraction. If you for a long time do not eat thing very much, it will shrink, when eats again, the stomach will be filled up quickly.” He, met saying that many people have the erroneous zone to hungry this concept, thinks the person who for a long time does not eat food sees thing to be wolfing down......, but this is actually completely mistaken. Cites the most typical example is...... some people will suppress several not to eat meal, then challenged anything in how much time to finish eating did not need to give money the competitive eating challenge, but they do not know, under this condition instead was fast full.” He crooked, looks to Tu Aotian, therefore...... I make the companion give you food not to have the significance, is not the sympathy......, but is a probe. Said honestly, depended on your table manners, I can also conclude that you are lying.” 封不觉小叹笑了笑,接着说道:“对于‘饥饿实验’这部分,我的印象还是颇深的……胃这个器官啊,是会根据情况鼓胀或收缩的。如果你很久都不吃东西,它就会缩起来,等到再去吃的时候,胃部很快就会被填满。”他顿了一下,接道,“很多人都对‘饿’这个概念存在误区,认为长时间不进食的人看见东西就该是狼吞虎咽的……但这其实是大错特错。举个最典型的例子就是……有些人会憋着几顿不吃饭,然后去挑战什么‘多少时间内吃完不用给钱’的大胃王挑战,但他们不知道,这种状态下反而饱得飞快。”他歪了下头,看向兔傲天,“所以说……我让同伴给你食物并不是没有意义的,更不是出于同情……而是一种试探。坦白说,就凭你刚才的吃相,我也能断定你在说谎。” Tu Aotian hears word, gawked for several seconds, then, on his face appeared the smile: Good...... to admire.” He really wants to applaud to Jue Bro, does to the rabbit to applaud not loud, looks like your firmly non- ordinary person, can get rid of Ka Kalu...... is also reasonable.” 兔傲天闻言,愣了数秒,接着,他的脸上浮现了微笑:“好……佩服。”他真想给觉哥鼓掌,奈何兔子鼓掌不响,“看来你们确非等闲之辈,能干掉咔咔噜……也在情理之中。” Oh? the Feng Bujue vision moves slightly, we had not disclosed with you...... bikethere snatches fromKa Kalu.” 哦?封不觉目光微动,“我们可从来没跟你们透露过……机车是从‘咔咔噜’那里抢来的啊。” Right, they only said slave trader...... 没错,他们只说了“奴隶贩子”而已…… Snort......” Tu Aotian sneers, this matter I explained later to you, but...... he is saying before then, untied threw over the homespun cloth cape on shoulder, I...... want to try the everyone skill again......” “哼……”兔傲天冷笑一声,“这事儿我稍后再跟你们解释好了,不过在此之前……”他说着,解开了披在肩上的粗布斗篷,“我……想再试试诸位的身手……”
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