TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#866: Canyon Nakamura

Words weight head...... 话分两头…… After experiencing a quite long and monotonous desert travel, the front of Hell Front team...... also presented a population agglomeration finally. 在经历了一段颇为漫长和单调的沙漠旅行后,地狱前线队的前方……终于也出现了一个人口聚集地。 Compared with that scale like small-scale city desert stronghold, the place that Feng Bujue they went to can only be a small village probably. 比起那规模如同小型城市般的沙漠城寨,封不觉他们来到的地方大概只能算是个小村庄了。 This village is located in a gorge, the dike that the both sides stand tall and erect enables here people exempt from the windblown and sunburnt, can let the informer who the village evades many robbers. 该村庄位于一处山峡之中,两侧高耸的岩壁让这里的人们可以免受风吹日晒,也能让村子避过不少强盗的耳目。 With various shacks, rocky ledges and cavern terrain close union...... formed this place unique architectural style. 与地形紧密结合的各种窝棚、岩架、洞穴……形成了此地独特的建筑风格。 The life rabbit here seems like that quite law-abiding resident, they put on the homespun cloth clothes or the woven goods mostly, in the build also in the slave traders with these deserts has the obvious disparity. 生活在这里的兔子看上去就是那种比较安分的居民,他们多半都穿着粗布衣服或是编织品,体型上也和那些沙漠里的奴隶贩子有明显差距。 Said actually not these villagers and these bandit rabbits plant differently, because this group of people( rabbit) in ordinary day depends on the industrious work to have a full stomach reluctantly, therefore in the physique was naturally inferior that these depend on rob are sturdy on the clothes full food full fellow. 倒不是说这些村民和那些土匪兔种不同,只是由于这群人(兔)平日里靠着辛勤的劳动才能勉强果腹,所以体质上自然不如那些靠着抢劫就衣足饭饱的家伙壮实。 When ding-dong- 当当当当当- Slave trader comes! Everyone hides Ah! quickly “奴隶贩子来啦!大家快躲起来啊! When several people of Hell Front team when entrance that is riding bike close to that gorge, in the village resounds immediately sound that strikes the iron hardware, and can hear inside some people to shout propaganda clearly loudly, issues the warning to the villagers. 地狱前线队的几人骑着机车靠近那山峡的入口时,村庄中立刻响起了敲打铁器的声音,并且可以清楚地听到里面有人在大声喊话,对村民们发出警告。 Jue Bro...... we were misunderstood probably......” see that Xiao Tan then turns the head to say. 觉哥……咱们好像被误会了啊……”见状,小叹便转头言道。 Is because we are riding the bike reason.” Feng Bujue should say. “是因为我们骑着机车的缘故吧。”封不觉应道。 Also may be because the people of Corpse Blade two teams entered the front village compared with us early, and said anything to the villagers.” Xiao Ling added in side. “也有可能是因为尸刀二番队的人比我们更早进入了前面的村子,并跟村民们说了些什么。”小灵在旁补充道。 Eh? after her, as soon as reminded, Xiao Tan being startled say/way, that we can be ambushed immediately very much?” 诶?”经她一提醒,小叹立刻惊道,“那我们岂不是很有可能会遭到伏击?” Don't anxious......” Feng Bujue with very relaxed language gas welding say/way, even the Corpse Blade person has really come to this village, they most still said to the villagers about our malicious remarks. What ambushes obviously was you wants to be many......, only if the enemy side knows ahead of time we definitely will arrive at this village, otherwise did they ambush a ghost?” He, met saying that „...... supposed again on second thought they really know we will come, and planned to ambush us...... he to turn the head here” to hint a front with the look, how...... that we will see at present this alerting the enemy scene?” “别紧张……”封不觉用很轻松的语气接道,“就算尸刀的人真的来过这个村子,他们最多也只是对村民们说了些关于我们的坏话而已。埋伏什么的明显是你想多了……除非敌方提前就知道我们必然会来到这个村庄,否则他们埋伏个鬼啊?”他顿了顿,接道,“再退一步讲……假设他们真的知道我们会来,并计划在这儿伏击我们……”他转头用眼神示意了一下前方,“……那我们又岂会看到眼前这幅‘打草惊蛇’的景象呢?” „......” Xiao Tan very comprehends is also quick, also right......” “哦……”小叹领会得也挺快,“也对啊……” During the speeches, they had arrived at the village entrance place, but the line of defense that the villagers form has also taken place. 说话间,他们已来到了村口处,而村民们结成的防御阵线也已就位。 One promiscuously comprised of the metal scrap, stone and plastic products activity wall was put, blocked the way of players. On that wall also has many bulge sharp objects, looks that also really looks like that a matter. 一堵由废旧金属、石头和塑料制品混杂组成的“活动墙”被放了下来,堵住了玩家们的去路。那墙上还带有许多凸起的尖锐物体,看着还真像那么回事儿。 After the wall, is one row fully-armed the villagers, the men and women have. weapon that they take is primarily the club and self-made lance( usually ties up in a peak of long stick rubs the spear head of sharp stone or metal system together), Defensive Equipment is various crude movement equipment maintenances and self-made shields( has trash bung, manhole cover, plastic film wait/etc, on some shield can also see obvious crack). The fellows who a few take the crossbow bolts should be this group of people( rabbits) middle most have the battle efficiency, but in front of the players insufficiently looks obviously. 墙体后,是一排“全副武装”的村民,男女都有。他们拿的武器以棒子和自制长矛(通常只是在一根长棍的顶端绑上一块磨尖的石头或金属制的枪头)为主,防具则是各种简陋的运动护具及自制盾牌(有垃圾桶盖、窨井盖、塑料板等等,有些盾上面还能看到明显的破洞)。少数几个拿着弩箭的家伙应该算是这帮人(兔)当中最有战斗力的了,但在玩家们面前显然都是不够看的。 Halts! Your this group of slave traders! Cannot approach our village!” The players stop the car(riage), then hears tender shout. “站住!你们这帮奴隶贩子!不许靠近我们的村子!”玩家们还没把车停稳,便听得一声娇咤。 Feng Bujue fixes the eyes on looked, what frontline propaganda is one grasps the crossbow bolt, resides in center defense line female rabbit alien(s). 封不觉定睛一看,喊话的是一只手持弩箭,居于防卫线正中的女性兔星人 „......” Jue Bro shows a faint smile, returns with the quite modest tone said, everyone do not misunderstand, we are not the slave traders.” He used to point at bike that referred to the crotch, this car(riage) was we snatches from one crowd of slave trader there.” “呵……”觉哥微微一笑,用比较温和的语气回道,“诸位不要误会,我们并不是什么奴隶贩子。”他用手指了指自己胯下的机车,“这车是我们从一群奴隶贩子那里抢来的。” Who knows, the opposite party followed close on was coming one: „Are you robbers?” 谁知,对方紧跟着就来了一句:“那你们就是强盗咯?” In some sense...... this logic also really right...... 某种意义上来说……这逻辑还真没错…… Not also ~ not also ~ Feng Bujue maintains that to be calm and genial, even if at daggers drawn were being stared with hostility rabbit alien(s) by dozens, he seems leisure ; But this calm and ease attitude...... is also he negotiates part of skill without doubt, our four...... accidental/surprised and arrive at the traveler on expensive/noble star because of one time. Because was attacked by slave trader some time ago, we have to conduct the resistance with the military force. Result these fellows are not our opponents, left behind bike to escape.” “非也~非也~”封不觉还是保持着那份冷静与和善,纵然是被几十个怀着敌意的兔星人剑拔弩张地瞪着,他还是显得慢条斯理;而这份从容、悠然的态度……无疑也是他交涉技巧的一部分,“我们四个……只是因一次意外而来到贵星球上的旅人而已。由于在不久前遭到了奴隶贩子的袭击,我们不得不用武力进行了反抗。结果那些家伙不是我们的对手,留下机车就逃跑了。” Your this words who can believe?” “你这种话谁会信?” Do not think that we quite deceive!” “别以为我们好骗!” Right! Goes! Do not approach our village!” “对!快滚回去!不要靠近我们的村子!” Obviously, depending on these words, but also being insufficient makes these NPC be convinced. 很显然,光凭这几句话,还不足以让这些NPC买账。 Hehe......” the Jue Bro tone will not naturally leave, his guts color was full, facial skin to be thick, strength is also strong enough enough enough, is casual you saying that anything...... he did not walk in any case, everyone...... you have no reason to suspect my words.” He spreads out both hands, sets a very sincere appearance, you look at...... several of us are not rabbit rabbit alien(s). I said sentence not of pleasant to hear...... we did hold true by run up to one specially the desolated star being swindled robber?” “呵呵……”觉哥自然是不会就此调头离开的,他的胆色够足、脸皮够厚、实力也够强,随便你们说什么……反正他就是不走,“各位……你们并没有理由怀疑我的话啊。”他摊开双手,做出一副很诚恳的样子,“你们瞧……我们几个根本就不是兔兔星人。我说句不好听的……我们有什么理由特意跑到一个已经荒芜的星球上当强盗呢?” After these words exit|to speak, the clamoring sound of villagers was also lower, what because Feng Bujue said is the common sense......, even if these villagers have very deep prejudice to the outcomer, cannot deny this obvious fact. 这句话出口后,村民们的喧哗声也低了一些,因为封不觉说的是常理……就算那些村民对外来者带有很深的偏见,也不能否认这种显而易见的事实。 Everyone...... we have not really held what evil intention, but thinks that in your village falls a foot, to rest.” Feng Bujue sees the attitude of opposite party to relax slightly, then strikes while the iron is hot immediately meets saying that „, if you are worried that we must plunder your food and water sources, that can feel relieved......” he is saying, lowers the head signals with the eyes toward Xiao Tan. “各位……我们真的没有抱什么恶意,只是想到你们的村子里落个脚、休息一下而已。”封不觉见对方的态度稍有缓和,便立即趁热打铁地接道,“如果你们是担心我们要掠夺你们的食物和水源,那就更可以放心了……”他说着,低头朝小叹使了个眼色。 Xiao Tan is understanding immediately, takes advantage of opportunity put out several packages of between-meal snack from Traveling Bag : Right, our food were very sufficient......” he to remember anything probably suddenly, immediately put out big bottle of mineral water from Traveling Bag , lifted up high saying that looked ~ water we also had.” 小叹立刻会意,顺势就从行囊里拿出了几包零食:“对对,我们自己身上的食物很充足……”他好像忽然想起了什么,随即又从行囊里拿出了一大瓶矿泉水,高举起来言道,“瞧~水我们也有。” Sees that bottle of water on Xiao Tan, the eye of rabbit alien(s) was red. 一看到小叹手上的那瓶水,兔星人们的眼睛都红了。 They were very very for a long time long............ have not seen such clean transparent water...... 他们可是很久……很久……都没有见过这么干净透明的水了…… Water that the villagers usually use, 80% came from the well water of bottom deep place, these water more or less were polluted . Moreover the quantity are not many. Most parts obtain to be used to irrigate the crops, little partially can be used to drink. But surplus 20%...... are the processed circulation water used, everyone who how circulates specifically can imagine...... these water only to be used to wash thing in any case, drinking is not good. 村里人平日用的水,80%都是来自地底深处的井水,这些水或多或少都受到了污染,而且量也不多。大部分得用来灌溉农作物,少部分才能用来喝。而剩余的20%……都是处理过的循环用水,具体怎么循环的各位可以自己想象……反正这些水只能用来洗东西,喝都不行。 In brief...... to these life, in end world villagers, knows one's place, one bottle of clean water that are the luxury goods, comes compared with the gold precious. 总而言之……对这些生活在末世的、安分守己的村民来说,一瓶干净的水那就是奢侈品,远比金子来得贵重。 But Xiao Tan has not thought, the own action of having no interest, became them to enter the stepping-stone of village unexpectedly...... 小叹也没想到,自己的无心之举,竟成了他们进村的敲门砖…… „After such being the case...... you waits for......” that leading female rabbit alien(s) to stare for several seconds, swallows a saliva, the attitude had relaxed, I must first ask for instructions elder.” “既然如此……你们等着……”那带头女性兔星人愣了几秒后,吞了口唾沫,态度有所缓和了,“我要先去请示一下‘长老’。”
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