TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#865: Si Mingxing

After ten minutes, desert stronghold Center, the tower of pile. 十分钟后,沙漠城寨中心,桩之塔。 This tower occupies a land area of approximately 5000 square meters, seven, are an entire city Cyprus , China firmest building. The main body and outer wall are built by the metal completely, moreover is that type looks at very high-quality metal, in these junks with the city stops up outer wall smelts the goods that the system becomes is not possible to place on a par. 高塔占地约五千平米,共有七层,是整座城塞中最为坚固的一栋建筑。其主体和外墙全部由金属打造,而且是那种一看就非常优质的金属,和城塞外墙上那些破铜烂铁冶制而成的货色不可相提并论。 Without a doubt...... the residence of this tower this place ruling class. 毫无疑问……这座塔正是此地统治阶级的居所。 But four people of Corpse Blade two teams, at this time already by sending under custody before this tower. 尸刀二番队的四人,此时已被一路“押送”到了这座塔前。 Naturally...... sending under custody also said that in fact they had not been subdued, they initiative surrender instructed by Reborn for the King, followed these rabbit alien(s) guards. 当然了……“押送”也只是说说而已,实际上他们并没有被制伏,他们只是在重生为王的授意下主动“投降”,跟着那些兔星人卫兵走了而已。 Squeak- buzz- 吱-嗡- With the sound of metal friction, the heavy/thick tower entrance was shoved open, the scene in tower took advantage of opportunity to appear in the front of four players. 伴随着金属摩擦之声,厚重的塔门被推开了,塔内的景象顺势出现在了四名玩家的面前。 After the gate, is a room of rectangle, light smell of blood fills, on the both sides metal walls also moistens the obvious bloodstain. 门后,是一个长方形的房间,一股淡淡的血腥味弥漫其中,两侧的金属墙壁上也都沾有明显的血迹。 Externally, this tower is the cylinder . Moreover the area is bigger than this space at present, therefore this should have other room. The person who however...... the Corpse Blade two teams must see, is waiting for them in this room at this moment. 从外部看,这座塔是圆柱形的,而且面积远比眼前这个空间要大,所以这层应该还有别的房间。不过……尸刀二番队要见的人,此刻就在这个房间里等着他们。 That is also build very tall and strong rabbit alien(s)( the Jiu Jiuqi king is also), the putting on clothes style is also grasping that end world rock and roll character. 那也是一个体型非常魁梧的兔星人(啾啾奇大王也是),穿衣风格也秉持着那种末世摇滚范儿 Only is looked his eyes...... then can feel him with the differences of these rabbit alien(s) mixed soldiers. 仅是看他一眼……便能感受到他和那些兔星人杂兵的不同。 In this world, as long as with killing a person, the body can have some unique makings. 在这世上,但凡久经杀阵之人,身上都会带着一些独特的气质。 The bloodiness that or can hardly be removed, or looks at the pale life and death the indifference, the faintly fearful vicious tendencies...... the different characters and experiences, will mold the different makings. But at present this rabbit alien(s), is cruel that type appears externally and not covers up aggressively obviously. 那或是挥之不去的血腥,或是看淡生死的冷漠,或是隐隐慑人的戾气……不同的性格和经历,会塑造不同的气质。而眼前这个兔星人,显然属于那种霸气外露、不加掩饰的暴戾型。 Division having good luck ever after person, the person brings.” Enters in the tower, that rabbit alien(s) mixed soldier of lead then reports to say to that tall and strong rabbit man (Han). “司命大人,人已经带到了。”一入塔内,领头的那个兔星人杂兵便向那名魁梧的兔汉汇报道。 Ok, you went out.” Is called division having good luck ever after person the robust man returned to one, and beckons with the hand toward these mixed soldiers at will. “行了,你们都出去吧。”被称为“司命大人”的壮汉回了一句,并随意地朝那些杂兵们摆了摆手。 Yes!” Without the question, without the hesitant, after mixed soldier rabbits must make, turns head to walk, just before leaving has not forgotten to take the front door. “是!”没有质疑,没有犹豫,杂兵兔们得令后扭头就走,临走时还不忘带上了大门。 They do not seem to mind that stays here the earthman who that four have not been hobbled completely and Senior Officer is together...... this to make Reborn for the King feel a difference alone immediately. 他们好像丝毫不介意把那四个完全没有受到束缚的地球人留在这里和长官单独相处……这立刻让重生为王感到了一丝异样。 Listened, earthman.” After the moment, that tall and strong rabbit alien(s) spoke, I am one of the long hair Saint fist six heavenly official...... Si Mingxing Xi Ximan.” “听好了,地球人。”片刻后,那个魁梧的兔星人说话了,“我乃是长毛圣拳六天官之一……司命星君嘻嘻满。” Hears his self introduction, many were looking the audience who competition smiled. 听到他的自我介绍,许多正在看比赛的观众又笑了。 But...... four people of Corpse Blade two teams have not smiled. 但……尸刀二番队的四人并没有笑。 Even if not raise regardless the medicine factor, they cannot smile. Because...... incessantly is Reborn for the King, other three people in team, feels this NPC strength is very at present strong in varying degrees. 就算撇开药物因素不提,他们也笑不出来。因为……不止是重生为王,队伍中的其他三人,也都在不同程度上感受到了眼前这个NPC的实力很强。 I asked again seriously after your......” Xi Ximan completes introduced oneself, enters the subject, what kills Jiu Jiuqi is you?” “我再郑重地问你们一遍……”嘻嘻满做完了自我介绍后,就直入主题,“杀死啾啾奇的是不是你们?” Four people exchanged a meaningful glance, then, team leader Three Jade Raid goes forward one step, returns neither arrogant nor servile said: Right, is we do.” 四人交换了一下眼色,接着,队长三玉强袭上前一步,不卑不亢地回道:“没错,是我们做的。” Ha! Ha haha Ha.....” Xi Ximan turns hostile immediately, laughs to make noise, very good...... I to have looked that waste is not pleasing to the eyes.” “哈!哈哈哈哈……”嘻嘻满立马变脸,大笑出声,“很好……我早就看那个废物不顺眼了。” His response makes Corpse Blade several people relax, seems like this big shot probably and Jiu Jiuqi comparison splits, should not revenge for the latter anything. 他的回应让尸刀的几人松了口气,看起来这位大佬好像和啾啾奇比较交恶,应该不会为后者报仇什么的。 However...... the next second, the Xi Ximan smile transformed grinning fiendishly instantaneously, its thread of conversation was also the racing: But...... that waste good and evil is also our here roaming cavalry teams leader. Was short of him and his roaming cavalry team searches the resources and slave outside, our city stoppers lose big......” his look ice, tone one cold, regarding these losses, you can be how responsible?” 然……下一秒,嘻嘻满的笑容瞬间就转化成了狞笑,其话锋亦是急转:“但是……那个废物好歹也是我们这边的游骑队长。少了他和他的游骑队在外搜索资源和奴隶,我们的城塞损失不小啊……”他的眼神一凌,语气一冷,“对于那些损失,你们要怎么负责?” The similar negotiations, Corpse Blade these also saw a lot. Issue that the opposite party asked that was actually not true issue, did not need them to go to reply earnestly. 类似这样的谈判,尸刀这几位也见得多了。对方所提出的问题,其实也并不是什么真正的“问题”,更不需要他们去认真地回答。 Therefore, the response of Three Jade Raid is: How might as well said...... you to want?” 因此,三玉强袭的回应是:“不妨说说……你想怎么样呢?” Hehe......” Xi Ximan smiled, looks like you are the smart person.” He, that I also spoke frankly......” he to face forward several steps, arrived at the front of players, is looking at that four Human Dao with the condescending look, I gave you two choices......” saying that he then stretched out a finger, first, before I found replaced the Jiu Jiuqi person( rabbit), by your several is responsible for the work of roaming cavalry team ; If you give a good account of oneself, after repaying the loss of this city, I can not go into one's past, making you decide the staying or going.” Then, he stretches out the second finger, second...... I make into the disabled person you now immediately, then you work as slave for a lifetime.” “呵呵……”嘻嘻满笑了,“看来你们是聪明人。”他顿了顿,“那我也就直说了……”他朝前走了几步,来到了玩家们的面前,用居高临下的眼神望着那四人道,“我给你两个选择……”说着,他便伸出了一根手指,“第一,在我找到代替啾啾奇的人(兔)之前,由你们几个来负责游骑队的工作;如果你们表现得好,那么在偿还了本城的损失后,我可以既往不咎,让你们自行决定去留。”接着,他又伸出第二根手指,“第二……我现在立刻把你们打成残废,然后你们去当一辈子的奴隶。” This is providing the choice, rather is the pure threat...... 与其说这是在提供选择,不如说是单纯的恐吓…… But Corpse Blade these people is a calm appearance, the expression do not have the really sweeping change, this made Xi Ximan a little unable to feel the mind actually. 尸刀的这几人却都是一副处变不惊的样子,表情无甚大变化,这倒是让嘻嘻满也有点摸不着头脑了。 We need to discuss.” After two seconds, Three Jade Raid considers slightly, such as is returns said. “我们需要商量一下。”两秒后,三玉强袭略加斟酌,如是回道。 Ok.” Xi Ximan said, do not make me and others too long.” Then, he turns around, walked toward the distant place hypocritically several steps, and raised up own rabbit ear...... “可以。”嘻嘻满道,“别让我等太久了。”说罢,他转过身去,假惺惺地往远处走了几步,并竖起了自己的兔子耳朵…… Rebirth, how do you see?” What Three Jade Raid first consulting is the brain truster in team. “重生,你怎么看?”三玉强袭第一个请教的还是队里的智囊。 Un...... here situation imagines compared with me wants the bad risk...... Reborn for the King to say much, „after entering a city, these guards who we see, regardless of weapon Equipment and discipline accomplishment, the basic physique...... compares that help/gang roaming cavalry team stronger ; Also, at present this long hair Saint fist six heavenly official...... without doubt are the BOSS Level roles. If this inside the tower still five exist with NPC of Xi Ximan same rank, perhaps we cannot take any advantage in the military force. Even if we can get rid of present Xi Ximan rapidly, afterward impossible to move out from this city Cyprus , China......” “嗯……这里的情况比我想象中要凶险得多……”重生为王道,“进城以后我们看到的那些卫兵,无论武器装备、纪律素养、还是基本体格……都比那帮‘游骑队’的喽啰要强;还有,眼前这‘长毛圣拳六天官’……无疑是BOSS级的角色。假如这座塔里还有五个和嘻嘻满同一级别的NPC存在,恐怕在武力上我们是占不到任何便宜的。就算我们能迅速干掉眼前的嘻嘻满,事后也不可能从这城塞中全身而退……” Yes...... I have the same feeling.” Three Jade Raid nods to say, speaks the truth, after encountering Jiu Jiuqi, I blindly am somewhat optimistic. I think that looks following the direction that he presents, may find similar imitation foothold. Then so long as we smash one compared with the Jiu Jiuqi slightly strong imitation eldest child, can take advantage of opportunity to be like a robber and borrow potential, but......” he shakes the head, „the present looks like...... in this Scenario potential is not really easy to control......” “是啊……我也有同感。”三玉强袭点头应道,“说实话,遭遇啾啾奇之后,我有些盲目乐观了。我本以为顺着他出现的方向找,可能会找到一个类似‘山寨’的据点。接着我们只要端掉一个比啾啾奇略强的山寨老大,就可以顺势占山为王、借势而为了……”他摇了摇头,“如今看来……这剧本里的‘势’真不是那么容易掌控的……” Snort...... is strong potential, is naturally more difficult to control.” Reborn for the King snort/hum, met to say at this time, team leader, I have an idea...... a while to come with Xi Ximan to negotiate by me......” “哼……越是强的‘势’,自然越难掌控。”重生为王这时哼了一声,接道,“队长,我有一计……一会儿就由我来跟嘻嘻满交涉……”
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