TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#864: Desert stronghold

After the competition starts, 40 minutes, in desert. 比赛开始后四十分钟,沙漠之中。 Jue Bro, before ten minutes, I want to ask......” Xiao Tan sits in the vice- position of Feng Bujue that cross child, wipes the sweat of forehead to ask, which is our goes? Why does not go forward in the direction that the Ka Kalu king they do come?” 觉哥,十分钟前我就想问了……”小叹坐在封不觉那辆跨子的副位上,抹着额头的汗水问道,“我们这是去哪儿啊?为什么不朝着咔咔噜大王他们来的方向前进呢?” I do not know that which this is, but according to Predicting Like A God The survey result, walks in present this direction, should be able to encounter on this star most to have the opportunity to kill our thing.” Feng Bujue returns said. “我也不知道这是哪儿,不过根据【料事如神】的测算结果,往现在这个方向走,应该可以遭遇这个星球上最有机会杀死我们的东西。”封不觉回道。 A moment ago what...... you calculated was...... Eh? Xiao Tan says to meet half, did not suddenly feel right, why can Hey! go in the most dangerous direction specially?” He calls loudly, why, since must be...... does not calculate ‚the members of enemy team where......, but calculates which direction in walks enemy who can run into strongly?” “哦……原来你刚才算的是……诶?小叹接话接了一半,顿觉不对,“喂!为什么要特意朝最危险的方向去啊?”他高声喊道,“既然要算……为什么不算‘敌方队伍的成员在哪里’……而是算‘往哪个方向走可以遇到最强的敌人’啊?” Fool, naturally is because the present algorithm can obtain many information.” Jue Bro had not answered, rode Xiao Ling on that bike behind the side first interrupts. “笨蛋,当然是因为现在的算法可以得到更多的信息呗。”觉哥还没回话,骑在侧后方那辆机车上的小灵就先插嘴了。 Right.” Feng Bujue complied with one, and turns the head to answer to Xiao Tan, where „, if I calculate ‚the members of enemy team, information that then I can obtain only then the position of enemy team member. However......, if calculates that which direction in walks enemy who can run into strongly, I can know that many other things......” he, said in detail, I watched the competition video recording of some Corpse Blade two teams yesterday, understood Specialization and fight of style their several members probably, but...... also that is all ; In preliminary contest they have not encountered what strong team, most competitions are the steamroll -type victories, briefly...... only depends on the video recording of preliminary contest, is unable to see this team limit.” “没错。”封不觉应了一句,并转头对小叹解释道,“如果我算‘敌方队伍的成员在哪里’,那么我能得到的信息就只有敌队成员的位置而已。但是……如果算‘往哪个方向走可以遇到最强的敌人’,我就可以知道许多别的事情……”他顿了顿,详细说道,“我昨天看了一些尸刀二番队的比赛录像,大概了解了他们几名成员的专精和战斗风格,但是……也仅此而已了;预赛中他们并没有遭遇过什么强队,大部分比赛都是碾压式的胜利,简单地说……仅凭预赛的录像,根本无法看出这支队伍的‘极限’。” Oh......, therefore......” Xiao Tan meets saying that thing that this and you calculated a moment ago does have the relations?” 呃……所以呢……”小叹接道,“这和你刚才算的东西有关系吗?” I must immediately speaking of there, no rush.” Feng Bujue continues saying that said again the situation in this Scenario...... I hit with Ka Kalu a moment ago was so long, actually has the reason. I do not leave intentionally full power, with its dogfight, for tests the Ka Kalu battle efficiency ; Through to this mixed soldier chieftain the observation, I roughly calculated this Scenario big BOSS fierce.” “我马上就要说到那儿了,别着急。”封不觉继续说道,“再来说说这个剧本里的情况……我刚才和咔咔噜打了那么久,其实是有原因的。我故意不出全力、与其缠斗,就是为了对咔咔噜的战斗力进行测试;通过对这个‘杂兵头目’的观察,我大致地推算了一下这个剧本的大BOSS有多厉害。” A Jue Bro such saying, Xiao Tan was more obscure, he nearly blurted out that asked: You cannot look through the data? It is necessary to confirm through the fight?” 觉哥这么一说,小叹就更费解了,他差点儿就脱口而出地问道:“你不是可以看破数据的吗?有必要通过战斗去确认吗?” ...... Xiao Tan has not said these words fortunately, because he realized anything promptly...... 还好……小叹并没有把这句话说出来,因为他及时地意识到了什么…… The next second, Wang Tanzhi looked that the Feng Bujue's look changed, but the latter is not easy to detect the slight expression that to conduct the response with one immediately. 下一秒,王叹之封不觉的眼神就变了,而后者也立刻用一个不易察觉的细微表情进行了回应。 If tacit understanding between Jue Bro and Ruoyu is of one mind, tacit understanding between that Jue Bro and Xiao Tan was the heart has WIFI simply. 如果说觉哥若雨之间的默契是心有灵犀,那觉哥小叹之间的默契简直就是心有WIFI了。 Only needs the exchange of flash, they seem can communicate the innumerable matters. 只需一刹那的交流,他们好似就能沟通无数事。 At present, Xiao Tan understands instantaneously Jue Bro, is acting in a play, moreover...... needs his coordination. 眼下,小叹就瞬间明白了-觉哥,正在演戏,而且……需要他的配合。 „When conclusion is...... and officer and NPC of juror that rank is similar.” After a half second, Feng Bujue then just now words saying, in others opinion, slightly without the stagnation and difference, that...... we now again in that issue that returns to you to ask- why must calculate that most has the opportunity to kill our thing? Who because is...... us to act according to like this appears in our front enemies is, estimates the strengths of Corpse Blade two teams upper limit.” “结论是……和时官、陪审员那个级别的NPC差不多。”半秒后,封不觉就接着方才的话说了下去,在旁人看来,丝毫没有停滞和异样,“那么……我们现在再回到你提的那个问题上-为什么要去算‘最有机会杀死我们的东西’呢?因为这样做……我们就可以根据出现在咱们面前的敌人是谁,去推定尸刀二番队的战力‘上限’了。” Un......” Xiao Tan complied with one, is looking pensive typical, that...... we met Scenario BOSS by some chance, what to do was hit the scattered about even group to extinguish?” “嗯……”小叹应了一声,若有所思地道,“那万一……我们遇上了剧本BOSS,然后被打得七零八落甚至团灭咋办?” Ha!” Feng Bujue said with a smile, how was that possible?” He crooked, what if we encounter is NPC, can definitely try / it to negotiate with him / her, can borrow potential to it is naturally best, the incorrect words...... we escape full power, can have the big loss?” “哈!”封不觉笑道,“那怎么可能呢?”他歪了下头,“如果我们遭遇的是NPC,完全可以试着跟他/她/它交涉,能够向其借势自然最好,不行的话……我们就全力逃跑,能有多大损失?” At this time, nearby Xiao Ling continued: If however we passed the little while to meet four people of Corpse Blade two teams directly, that proved...... at least under the measurables of system, strongest NPC of their strengths on this star were fiercer.” 这时候,一旁的小灵接过话头道:“而假如我们过会儿直接遇上了尸刀二番队的四人,那就证明了……至少在系统的衡量标准下,他们的实力比这个星球上最强的NPC还要厉害。” Oh~ your such a explained that I understand......” Xiao Tan discussed pretentiously, meets the NPC words, we have the opportunity to borrow potential, even inadequately still no loss. But meets the words of enemy team...... from the result, where the members of enemy team is like survey.” He feels the chin, said self-effacingly, „, but any situation...... we can through most have the opportunity to kill us this condition, guesses the strength upper limits of Corpse Blade two teams.” 哦~你们这么一解释我就明白了……”小叹装模作样地念道,“遇上NPC的话,咱们就有机会借势,就算不成也没什么损失。而遇上敌方队伍的话……从结果上来看,和测算‘敌方队伍的成员在哪里’是一样的。”他摸着下巴,摇头晃脑地说道,“但无论是哪一种情况……我们都可以通过‘最有机会杀死我们’这个条件,去揣测一下尸刀二番队的实力上限。” Very good, is a promising young man.” Feng Bujue sets aside one, rubbed the hair of Xiao Tan. “很好,孺子可教也。”封不觉腾出一手,揉了揉小叹的头发。 Urges to go faster...... to do a bit less.” Xiao Tan shoved open the hand of Jue Bro, managed a hairstyle. “去去去……少来。”小叹推开了觉哥的手,重新理了一下发型。 „...... Gives the devil his due......” at this moment, Feng Bujue suddenly thread of conversation one revolution, what I want to meet is the Corpse Blade two teams, rather than what NPC......” “不过嘛……平心而论……”此刻,封不觉又忽将话锋一转,“我个人更希望遇上的是尸刀二番队,而不是什么NPC……” Oh? why?” Xiao Tan meets to say. 哦?为什么啊?”小叹接道。 Snort......” Feng Bujue sneers, I had not had the too big expectation...... he to lick the lip to the strength of Corpse Blade that fellows, present...... when the system determines their strength juror or the officers were inferior that...... that was also too senseless.” “哼……”封不觉冷笑一声,“我本来也没对尸刀那帮家伙的实力抱太大的期望……”他舔了舔嘴唇,“眼下……若是系统判定他们的实力连个陪审员或时官都不如……那也太无趣了。” Is...... he said. 是的……他说了。 He in the front of innumerable audience, with resounding sound and rampant facial expression...... unashamedly these words saying. 他在无数观众的面前,用响亮的声音、嚣张的神情……毫无顾忌地把这句话给说出来了。 No matter how Corpse Blade comments in industry in wind, in these to the occupation game circle understanding is not in very deep general population eye, Corpse Blade is given name very loud Game Studio. 不管尸刀在业内的风评如何,在那些对职业游戏圈了解不是很深的广大群众眼里,尸刀还是一个名号很响的游戏工作室 However, Feng Bujue, Casual Gamer, openly spoke such words with this tone unexpectedly, as if Corpse Blade and other Studio at all not in a level, moreover had not been paid attention to by him completely. 然而,封不觉,一个休闲玩家,竟公开地用这种口气说了这么句话,就仿佛尸刀和其他一线工作室根本不在一个水平上,而且完全没被他放在眼里。 This behavior...... makes most audience praise to the heavens without doubt. 这种行为……无疑让绝大多数观众都叹为观止。 hey hey...... this fellow also really dares to say......” 喂喂……这家伙还真敢说啊……” I have never seen the so conceited person......” “我从未见过如此狂妄自大之人……” I cut to look a moment ago, others team cleaned up the mixed soldier only to spend for a half minute less , he hit for quite a while also to feel all right to say......” “我刚才切过去看了一下,人家队伍清理杂兵可是只花了半分钟不到啊,他打了半天还好意思说……” He said that he is trying the NPC strength, can turn on the water intentionally?” “不过他说他是在试NPC的实力,会不会是故意放水呢?” I look at the possibility, do not forget, he is a person is hitting from beginning to end, three teammates have not helped, but the Corpse Blade that side is four people on together.” “我看有可能,你们别忘了,他从头到尾都是一个人在打,三名队友都没帮忙,而尸刀那边是四个人一起上的。” Right, the time that although he spends is quite long, but in the combat process has appeared the appearance that accomplishes a task with ease.” “对啊,虽然他花的时间比较长,但战斗过程中一直都显得游刃有余的样子。” „...... I thought him am pure acting cool, really must meet the Corpse Blade professional, will fall by the second most likely.” “得了吧……我看他就是单纯的装逼而已,真要遇上尸刀的职业选手,十有八九会被秒掉的。” Suddenly, the audience in each platform started the lively discussion to Jue Bro this controversial opinion, various viewpoints have wide divided opinions and are unable to agree. 一时间,各个平台上的观众们都对觉哥这极具争议性的言论展开了热烈的讨论,各种观点可谓众说纷纭、莫衷一是。 But all these...... perform during Feng Bujue's plans. 而这一切……尽在封不觉的算计之中。 People in do not know in Bujue, the focus that will have discussed placed above the crazy language of Jue Bro that no material meaning, but he...... is previously regarded the fact with that partial content that Xiao Tan and Xiao Ling they exchanged probably logically...... 人们在不知不觉中,已将讨论的焦点放在了觉哥那句没有什么实质意义的狂语之上,而他此前和小叹小灵他们交流的那部分内容……好像就这么顺理成章地被当成事实了…… ............ ………… Meanwhile, Corpse Blade two teams...... 与此同时,尸刀二番队这边…… Four Corpse Blade members ride bike that is snatching, goes forward in the direction that NPC present fast. After about 20 minutes, they then saw constructs stronghold in desert. 四位尸刀的成员骑着抢来的机车,朝着NPC们出现的方向快速前进。在大约二十分钟后,他们便看到了一座建于沙漠中的城寨。 This city stopper whole assumes the oval-shape, the area is quite huge, like a small-scale desert city. 这座城塞整体呈椭圆形,占地面积相当巨大,如同一座小型的沙漠城市。 The outer wall of city stopper by the stone, sand and metal blend composition, almost starting from that day of completion, never stopped patching...... looking from afar, can obviously see the color depth of wall surface varied, the attrition rates of each regions and various building materials were also different. 城塞的外墙由石块、沙子和金属混合组成,几乎从竣工的那天开始,就从未停止过修补……远远看去,可以明显地看出墙面的颜色深浅不一,各个区域、各种建筑材料的磨损程度也不一样。 This phenomenon...... is mainly each season uninterrupted acid precipitation creates. Naturally, there are to cheat on labor and materials, the external destruction the complex reasons in inside. 这种现象……主要是各个季节都不间断的“酸雨”所造成的。当然了,也有偷工减料、外来破坏等许多复杂的原因在里面。 Team leader, rabbit in the lookout tower has discovered us probably.” When also has quite a distance from the city stopper, Vice Captain Water Show Raid Then opens the mouth to clash Three Jade Raid Said one. “队长,瞭望塔上的兔子好像已经发现我们了。”在距离城塞还有相当一段路程时,副队长水示强袭】便开口冲【三玉强袭】道了一句。 As one by the player who Shooting Specialization grows perceptibly, the Water Show Raid eyesight is not naturally bad. At this moment, his eyes saw in city stopper one side lookout tower has rabbit alien(s) raise hand to point at them, and is giving other rabbit to send the signal. 作为一名以射击专精见长的玩家,水示强袭的目力自然不差。此刻,他一眼就看到了城塞这一侧的瞭望塔上有一个兔星人抬手指着他们,并在给别的兔子发信号。 It does not matter, must be discovered in any case sooner or later.” Three Jade Raid returns said. 无所谓,反正迟早是要被发现的。”三玉强袭回道。 He also said is reasonable, in the outer wall of this city stopper has several lookout towers, in each tower has rabbit alien(s) to wait and see ; In the desert of does not have any bunker, wants to approach the city stopper quietly, when or acts...... either to dive under the sand to crawl in the evening again...... 他说得也有道理,这座城塞的外墙上有好几座瞭望塔,每座塔上都有一个兔星人在进行观望;在没有任何掩体的沙漠中,想要悄然靠近城塞,要么就等到晚上再行动……要么就潜到沙子底下爬过去…… At present, these two plans obviously not too realistic...... the time that because the former requires to wait for unknown( they do not know how long daytime of rabbit rabbit star will continue), latter's time-consuming is not short, will waste massive physical strengths( even if has not buried oneself in sand, their Stamina still have produced because of burning hot drained additionally), therefore...... might as well drives to consider as finished. 眼下,这两套方案显然都不太现实……因为前者需要等待的时间未知(他们不知道兔兔星的白天会持续多久),后者的耗时也不短,而且还会浪费大量的体力(就算没有把自己埋在沙子里,他们的体能也已经因炎热而产生额外流失了),因此……还不如就这么开车过去算了。 I estimated that......” Water Show Raid meets saying that to the city, waited for our most likely is a fight.” “我估计……”水示强袭接道,“到了城下,等待我们的八成又是一场战斗。” Was uncertain......” at this time, was responsible for supplying ideas Reborn for the King Said in side, according to end the world Scenario general rule, like the population agglomeration, is divided into two types...... its one, is refuge shelter, in this type of foothold has government generally similarly ‚’ the organization, and one team of local armed forces is responsible for maintaining the public security, to resist the foreign enemy.” He, its two, are imitation, this type was quite good to understand...... usually was ruled by one or several military force most tyrannical people, the people in city were not the goon was a slave.” Although he in analysis issue, but the tone is one Corpse Blade character, quite simple-hearted feeling, „, if the refuge shelter, their defense capacities may stop up us in the entrance, conducts a negotiation ; But if imitation, that is not no need to say Jiu Jiuqi one group that...... we got rid of a moment ago most likely are their troops, they certain have recognized bike that we have ridden, and prepared to clash to attack us.” “不一定吧……”这时,负责出谋划策的【重生为王】在旁言道,“按照末世剧本的一般规律,像这样的人口聚集地,大致分为两种类型……其一,是‘避难所’型,这种类型的据点里一般有着类似‘政府’的机构,并有一队本土武装力量负责维护治安、抵御外敌。”他顿了一下,“其二,就是‘山寨’型,这种就比较好理解了……通常由一个或几个武力最强横的人来统治,城里的人不是的打手就是奴隶。”虽然他是在分析问题,但语气还是一股“尸刀范儿”,颇为木讷的感觉,“假如是避难所,他们的防卫力量可能会把我们堵在门口,进行一番交涉;但假如是山寨,那就不必说了……我们刚才干掉的啾啾奇一伙八成就是他们的人马,他们一定已经认出了我们所骑的机车,并准备冲出来突击我们了。” How to see that is the second possibility is quite big.” Follows side Reborn for the King Transcends As King Turning the head to say, Jiu Jiuqi they appear from this direction, moreover explicitly expressed that is catches the slave.” “怎么看都是第二种可能性比较大吧。”跟在重生为王侧面的【穿越为王】转头应道,“啾啾奇他们就是从这个方向出现的,而且明确表示是来抓奴隶的。” You said right, but...... cannot remove refuge shelter possibility.” Reborn for the King returns said, must know...... some refuge shelter the agglomeration of may also be competent and imitation same, and even a dirtier deal, their political systems are just more advanced.” He answered, you must understand...... ‚the social system of few ruling cliques and ‚the massively exploited general public, as well as a few most inferior slave three social classes comprised, consolidates a lot compared with the system that type overlord and goon and slave had.” “你说得对,但……也不能排除‘避难所’的可能。”重生为王回道,“要知道……有些‘避难所’型的聚集地也可能干着和‘山寨’相同、乃至更为肮脏的勾当,只不过他们的政治体系更为先进而已。”他解释道,“你要明白……一个由‘极少数的统治集团’、‘大量被剥削的一般民众’、以及‘少数最下等的奴隶’三个阶级组成的社会体系,远比那种只有‘霸主’、‘打手’和‘奴隶’存在的体系稳固得多。” Snort......” at this time, Three Jade Raid snort/hum, met saying that I hope actually we can meet imitation.” His sinking sound said, wants the fist to be big enough, the idiot can also delimit for the king......, but stable refuge shelter, then truly has the brain , the competent person to complete.” “哼……”这时,三玉强袭哼了一声,接道,“我倒是希望我们能遇上‘山寨’。”他沉声说道,“只要拳头够大,白痴也能划地为王……但一个稳定的‘避难所’,则是真正有脑子、也有实力的人才能建成的。” Reborn for the King deep is so to this saying, he takes advantage of opportunity to meet saying: Team leader said right, if Jiu Jiuqi is a imitation member, even is an eldest child, we can relax on the contrary. However......, if Jiu Jiuqi is only one brings to catch the disbanded soldiers who the slave received exchange for the reward hand/subordinate everywhere, that may not be wonderful......, because he and rules the big fish of this city stopper to compare, is only an insignificant role.” 重生为王对这话深以为然,他顺势接道:“队长说得对,假如啾啾奇是一个山寨的成员、甚至是老大,那我们反倒可以松口气了。但是……假如啾啾奇只是一个带着手下到处抓奴隶去换取报酬的散兵游勇,那可就不妙了……因为他和统治这座城塞的大鱼比起来,只是个微不足道的角色罢了。” Four people talked, while is analyzing the situation, does not know that Bujue had arrived under the outer wall of city stopper. 四人一边对话,一边分析着局势,不知不觉就已来到了城塞的外墙下。 Arrives at the near, they discover here wall surface highly unexpectedly over 15 meters...... 来到近前,他们才发现这里的墙面高度竟在十五米以上…… Like the construction of this constructing in desert belt, very easy to be all around unitary because of the scenery by despising, when pro- Lincheng next, people will often realize this building the actual size when the distant place measures with the eye is much bigger. 像这种建在荒芜地带的建筑,很容易因周遭景物过于单一而被“小看”,待亲临城下时,人们往往会意识到这种建筑的实际尺寸比在远处目测时要大得多。 Halts entirely! Cannot move!” “统统站住!不许动!” When Corpse Blade that several arrive at city wall, the wall finds out 56 rabbit heads along immediately, is responsible for shouting propaganda, several other grasped weapon of taking the form of crossbow bolt to aim at the four people under city wall. 尸刀那几位来到城墙脚下时,墙沿上立刻探出了五六个兔子脑袋,其中一个负责喊话,另外的几个则手持着形似弩箭的武器瞄准了城墙下的四人。 We are well-meant, please do not attack us.” The person who Corpse Blade, is responsible for negotiating is Reborn for the King, we are finding the person......” “我们没有恶意,请不要攻击我们。”尸刀这边,负责交涉的人是重生为王,“我们只是在找人……” Shut up! Earthmen!” Rabbit alien(s) in city wall interrupted the Reborn for the King words, and asked sternly, said where quickly...... your bike did make?” “住口!地球人!”城墙上的兔星人打断了重生为王的话,并厉声问道,“快说……你们的机车是从哪儿弄来的?” After short hesitation, Reborn for the King returns truthfully said: We...... received says is ‚the Jiu Jiuqi king the attack that rabbit alien(s)......” he is saying, has not forgotten then to look at one toward the teammates, making them prepare for accepting a challenge, provides against contingencies, „...... stemming from the self-defense, we defeated him and his subordinate, then rode their bike......” 短暂的犹豫后,重生为王如实回道:“我们……受到了一个自称是‘啾啾奇大王’的兔星人的袭击……”他说着,还不忘回头朝队友们看了一眼,让他们做好应战准备,以防万一,“……出于自卫,我们打败了他和他的手下,然后骑走了他们的机车……”
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