TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#863: 13 / 20 unkind Battle Armor

Snort......” sees the opposite party to offer a sacrifice to killing move, Feng Bujue immediately cold snort/hum, does not hide does not dodge, returns incurs to stand sends, South Star Flying Dragon Fist!” “哼……”见对方祭出杀招,封不觉当即冷哼一声,不躲不闪,回招立发,“南斗飞龙拳!” In a twinkling, Battle Qi blasting open, the fist shadow interlocks. 霎时间,斗气炸裂,拳影交错。 The Shorthair Crack Fist attack of Ka Kalu aims at point, but Jue Bro South Star Flying Dragon Fist attacks is line. 咔咔噜短毛百裂拳攻击以“点”为目标,而觉哥南斗飞龙拳攻出的则是“线”。 Fist of both sides is if quickly the gust of wind, the vigor thunder, and line interweaves...... to collide the intense and stormy air/Qi whining noise in the midair. 双方的拳头皆是快若疾风,劲似雷霆,点与线在半空中交织……碰撞出激烈而密集的气鸣声。 Flip-flop...... 噼噼啪啪…… After an hysterical/frenzy sound, both sides respectively after jumps greatly one step, confronts to stand again. 一阵狂乱的响动后,双方各自朝后大跳一步,再度对峙而立。 „After your rabbit also really has real skill......” for two seconds, Feng Bujue opened the mouth saying that and took advantage of opportunity to cancel a bloodstain on oneself cheeks. “你这兔子还真有两下子啊……”两秒后,封不觉开口道了一句,并顺势抹去了自己脸颊上的一道血痕。 And you too.” Ka Kalu grins fiendishly the response saying that as the feeble earthman, you can have this skill rarely firmly.” “彼此彼此。”咔咔噜狞笑着回应道,“作为身体孱弱的地球人,你能有这份身手确也难得。” But......” “但是……” But......” “但是……” The next second, two people almost said simultaneously „, but, and with one voice with one: You have died!” 下一秒,两人几乎同时说了个“但是”,并异口同声地跟了一句:“你已经死了!” At this moment, Ruoyu, Xiao Ling and Xiao Tan keep quiet did not say, the audience who are watching the competition were also completely silent. They seem waiting for...... are waiting for in a that person of rabbit to have one to drop down. 这一刻,若雨小灵小叹缄口不言,正在观看比赛的观众们也是鸦雀无声。他们似乎都在等待着……等着那一人一兔中有一个倒下。 However...... ten seconds, on the past, their two no one had dropped down in an instant. 然而……十秒钟,转眼就过去了,他们两个谁都没倒下。 Saw this scene, Xiao Tan cannot bear whisper finally: Oh...... what situation?” 见此情景,小叹终于忍不住嘀咕了一句:“呃……什么情况?” Nothing but is two Chuunibyou was shouting style put together one move, later flattered mutually, then also spoke in the sentence as if by prior agreement two lines......” the Ruoyu surface , if frost, shakes the head to meet saying that „, however the result is actually nothing happened......” “无非就是两个中二病大喊着招式名拼了一招,随后互相吹捧了一番,接着又不约而同地讲了句中二台词……”若雨面若冰霜,摇头接道,“然而结果却是什么都没有发生……” You said that is not right......” at this time, Feng Bujue then looked that said to Ruoyu, was the fist is wet, shouted when fight style was also natural.” “你这么说就不对了……”这时,封不觉回头看向若雨道,“身为拳湿,在交手时喊出招式名也是理所当然的。” Ka Kalu also follows the Jue Bro words: I have not flattered with him mutually, I said the fact.” 咔咔噜也顺着觉哥的话道:“我也没有跟他互相吹捧,我只是说了事实。” Un.” The Feng Bujue nod agrees, then and said, had diedthis as foryou, I felt he must say probably, therefore coordinated him to say.” “嗯。”封不觉点头表示同意,并接着道,“至于‘你已经死了’这句,我只是感觉他好像要说出来了,所以配合他说一下而已。” Haha Ha.....” Ka Kalu one hear of this saying, laugh to make noise, originally you spoke thoughtlessly, I also think that you are also grasping some type with my Fist Arts similar deep meaning ~ he, „, since were this, I might also as well told you, I did not speak thoughtlessly to say you already died these words...... our short hair god fist, Fist Arts aimed at Battle Qi direct attack human body interior. Do not look the appearance that in your present surface is all right probably, actually your internal organs had been hit at sixes and sevens by me!” “哈哈哈……”咔咔噜一听这话,大笑出声,“原来你只是随口说说而已,我还以为你也掌握着某种与我的拳法相似的奥义呢~”他顿了顿,“既然是这样,那我也不妨告诉你,我可不是随口说出‘你已经死了’这句话的……我们短毛神拳,是以斗气直接攻击人体内部为宗旨的拳法。别看你现在表面上好像没事的样子,其实你的内脏早就已经被我打得乱七八糟了!” Ha! Ha hahahaha Ha.....” Feng Bujue hears word, returns by one laughs wildly, I what, when you must say, this matter you think that I don't know?” He spreads out both hands, a secure appearance, in instantly, I who you make a move have seen through your Fist Arts the attack form( he has not deceived people, in data level can look through this firmly). Gives the devil his due...... on Battle Qi of your degree, I do not pay attention.” “哈!哈哈哈哈哈哈……”封不觉闻言,回以一阵狂笑,“我当你要说什么呢,这种事你以为我不知道么?”他摊开双手,一副有恃无恐的样子,“早在你出手的刹那,我就已经看穿你那拳法的攻击形式了(他没有骗人,数据层面上确可以看破这点)。平心而论……就你那种程度的斗气,我根本不放在眼里。” Snort! You obstinate argumentative were good!” Ka Kalu cold -ly snorted and said, most in ten seconds,...... five seconds, you will not bleed profusely from the head dead!” “哼!你就嘴硬好了!”咔咔噜冷哼道,“最多再过十秒,不……五秒,你就会七窍流血而死!” Right?” Feng Bujue stares the opposite party to ask. “是吗?”封不觉瞪着对方问道。 Is Ah! the tone of Ka Kalu reply very has self-confidently, but he a little has actually vacillated. “是啊!咔咔噜回答的语气是挺有自信的,但他心里却已经有点动摇了。 However...... in any event, these two goods confronted there silently the entire ten seconds, but the surrounding person, as well as is watching this audience, waited for their ten seconds. 不过……无论如何,这俩货又在那儿默然对峙了整整十秒,而周围的人,以及所有正在观看这一幕的观众,也都等了他们十秒。 Look, all right.” Feng Bujue is pinching the time precisely, ten. arrives, his both hands fork waist, looks up the opposite party to say very much rampantly. “瞧,没事儿。”封不觉精确地掐着时间,十秒一到,他就双手叉腰,很嚣张地抬头望着对方说道。 Cut......” Ka Kalu to stroke the long ear of top of the head, said indignantly, was I am certainly negligent for a while, calculates that your boy had good luck ever after!” “切……”咔咔噜则是捋了捋头顶的长耳朵,忿忿言道,“一定是我一时大意了,算你小子命大!” ............ ………… Actually, Ka Kalu does not have the general idea/careless...... 其实,咔咔噜并没有大意…… Feng Bujue will be all right, is not as a result of so-called having good luck ever after. He can is well, what depended is Equipment...... 封不觉会没事儿,也绝不是由于所谓的“命大”。他之所以能平安无事,靠的是身上的一件装备…… Name: 13 / 20 unkind Battle Armor 名称:13/20的刻薄战甲 Type: Defensive Equipment 【类型:防具 Quality: Perfect 【品质:完美】 Defensive power: Extremely strong 【防御力:极强】 Attribute: Isolation and cushion 【属性:隔绝、缓冲】 Special Effect: all injuries that the while equipped, player receives all reduce 15% ; The intensity determines as strongly the below long-distance attack is invalid ; This Equipment passable unkind fragment to upgrade 特效:装备时,玩家受到的所有伤害皆降低15%;强度判定为“强”以下的远程攻击无效;该装备可通过“刻薄碎片”进行升级】 Equipment condition: The male player, Fighting Proficiency A, Spirit Art Specialization B, after collecting, binds 装备条件:男性玩家,格斗专精A,灵术专精B,拾取后绑定】 Note: Before for a long time is very very long, legendary dwarf artisan Ao’er. All Must Die uses the lumber of tree of taunt as the raw material, assisted...... built notorious Artifact by the dragon blood, the monster bones and many gems- unkind Battle Armor. 【备注:很久很久以前,传奇矮人工匠“奥尔.全得死”以嘲讽之树的木材为原料,佐以龙血、妖骨及诸多宝石……打造了一件臭名昭著的神器-刻薄战甲 After this work is born, immediately shows unequalled divine power as well as is hard the controlled crazy characteristics. All Must Die oneself am unable completely to control the Battle Armor strength, is unable to destroy it. 这件作品诞生之后,立刻展现出了无与伦比的神力以及难以被驾驭的疯狂特性。就连全得死本人都无法完全控制住战甲的力量,也无法将其摧毁。 Therefore, All Must Die was divided into 20 parts the Battle Armor strength with the special smelting system method, three will give the elf, seven gave to the dwarf, nine gave human. But he himself...... left behind the principal part of Battle Armor, hid its snow. 】 于是,全得死用特殊的冶制方法将战甲的力量分为了二十个部分,将其中三个送给了精灵,七个送给了矮人,九个送给了人类。而他自己……留下了战甲的主体部分,将其雪藏了起来。】 Preliminary contest prize that this Equipment, Feng Bujue was obtaining some time ago, namely and Level corresponding Perfect Level Equipment. It and Hug of Artemis After making a contrast, Jue Bro then alternated Defensive Equipment of torso decisively. 这件装备,正是封不觉在不久前得到的预赛奖品,即“与等级相应的完美级装备一件”。将它与【阿尔忒弥斯的拥抱】做了一番对比后,觉哥便果断地更迭了躯干的防具 Hug of Artemis After all is Jue Bro when 28 levels on starting thing, in this everywhere is in the stages of 50 levels of players, its intensity could not somewhat have followed obviously......, although Hug of Artemis Can let the player completely immunity marksmanship of conventional ammunition, and reduces the damages of various long-distance attacks in the enormous degree, but his defensive power and attribute are do not have, these two points are the mechanical damages. 阿尔忒弥斯的拥抱】毕竟是觉哥在28级时就入手的东西,在这遍地都是50级玩家的舞台上,其强度显然已有些跟不上了……虽然【阿尔忒弥斯的拥抱】可以让玩家完全“免疫”常规弹药的射击,并在极大程度上减少各种远程攻击的损伤,但其本身的防御力和属性都是“无”,这两点都是硬伤。 But 13 / 20 unkind Battle Armor Not only has with Hug of Artemis Similar long-distance reduces the characteristics, is extremely strong the Level defensive power and double defense attribute, as well as reduces 15% all injuries reliable Special Effect. Not to mention this gadget also has room for further growth, perhaps some day can promote legend Equipment of level. 而【13/20的刻薄战甲】非但有着与【阿尔忒弥斯的拥抱】相似的远程减免特性,还有“极强”等级的防御力、双防御属性、以及减免15%所有伤害的可靠特效。更不用说这玩意儿还有进一步的成长空间,没准有朝一日能升级成“传说”级的装备 Therefore, this change is also logical...... 因此,这次更替也是顺理成章…… Jue Bro exchanges Equipment this matter in any case is not most puzzled, because in his Storage room has Type Zero Magic Crusher In. These by, Superior Grade above Equipment that he replaces, after some circulation...... will be equal to returning to his body finally. 反正觉哥对换装备这种事是最不纠结的了,因为他的储藏室里有【零式魔导粉碎机】在。那些被他替换掉的、精良级以上的装备,经过某种循环后……最后等于还是会回到他的身上。 ............ ………… Hehe...... general idea/careless?” Feng Bujue raises, made please the hand signal single-handed, that I give you again an opportunity, acts.” “呵呵……‘大意’了是吧?”封不觉单手一扬,做了个“请”的手势,“那我就再给你一次机会,出手吧。” Did not need you to say me also to be able!” Ka Kalu drinks, bullies the body on, takes advantage of opportunity and makes one round to fiercely attack. “不用你说我也会的!”咔咔噜喝罢,欺身而上,顺势又打出一轮猛攻。 The Feng Bujue corners of the mouth curl upwards slightly, immediately the form illness/quick moves, launched the aggressive near body attack and defense with the opposite party. 封不觉嘴角微微一翘,随即身影疾动,与对方展开了紧锣密鼓的近身攻防。 Strange...... is Jue Bro doing......” looks at that side fighting, Xiao Tan discussed in a low voice, this degree of NPC, so long as with The Art Of The Soul Connects With The Body- changes Can instantaneous Instant kill?” “奇怪……觉哥在干什么呢……”看着那边的打斗,小叹低声念道,“这种程度的NPC,只要用一下【灵识聚身术-改】就可以瞬间秒杀的吧?” He is the later several rounds of competition layouts.” At this time, Ruoyu was excessive, met one with very light sound. “他在为之后的几轮比赛布局。”这时,若雨偏过头来,用很轻的声音接了一句。 Such remarks, the Xiao Ling almond eyes one is brightly and understanding immediately: Oh~ is this ~ 此言一出,小灵杏眼一亮、顿时会意:“哦~原来是这样~” Ha? How is?” Only then Xiao Tan has not understood. “哈?到底是怎样啊?”只有小叹还没明白过来。 Left Scenario to tell you again, do not ask.” Xiao Ling lowered the sound to return said, and signals with the eyes to Xiao Tan. “离开剧本了再跟你说,别多问。”小灵压低了声音回道,并冲小叹使了个眼色。 Xiao Tan sees that also shut up. 小叹见状,也就闭嘴了。 The Xiao Ling approach without doubt is very correct, even if they will speak intimate conversation is not given to hear by the audience, but some difficult insurance people, when looked that the competition will record to infer the content of dialogue through the lip language. Therefore, should better not to discuss in the competition information that some do not want to disclose, if has saying that said the fewer the better...... 小灵的做法无疑是很正确的,纵然她们讲悄悄话不会被观众给听见,但难保会有人在看比赛录像的时候通过唇语推断出对话的内容。因此,在比赛中最好不要讨论一些不想透露出去的情报,如果不得不说,那就说得越少越好…… Ha! short hair turns over the rupturing fist!” “哈!短毛翻车爆裂拳!” Visits me Shield square keeps off!” “看我【盾牌】格挡!” Another side, the Ka Kalu king and Feng Bujue's fight to recover the gel, two people frequent each other, was shouting respectively style spells mutually, fights very intensely. 另一边,咔咔噜大王和封不觉的战斗愈发胶着,两人你来我往,各自喊着招式名互拼,斗得十分激烈。 From ornamental, this fights is very splendid, many audience look with great interest. However...... many people saw some issues...... 单从观赏性上来说,这番打斗还挺精彩的,许多观众看得津津有味。然而……还是不少人看出了一些问题…… What's the matter? This Feng Bujue should not be very strong?” “怎么回事啊?这个疯不觉不应该是很强的吗?” „When this fellow...... S1 clearly is the extra-superior level, how to hit mini Boss so to be laborious now?” “这家伙……S1时分明是超一流水准,怎么现在打一个小BOSS都那么辛苦?” hey hey......, although that Ka Kalu king is very fierce, but I felt that also a matter, changed into my words...... for a long time also to handle.” 喂喂……虽然那咔咔噜大王挺厉害的,但我感觉也就那么回事儿啊,换成我的话……这么久也该搞定了吧。” Seeming like, this Feng Bujue is also mediocre......” “看起来,这个疯不觉也不过如此嘛……” I thought his peak in S1, now everyone Level places an upper limit on, the disparity of he and professional player pulled open.” “我看他的巅峰就是在S1了吧,现在大家等级都封顶了,他和职业玩家的差距就拉开了。” Shopping Center and live broadcast channel, Conference room and Login Space...... in each place, had the audience to make such sound. Their some are say directly, some are send the barrage in the video, or issues the commentary immediately...... 商城、直播频道、会议室登陆空间……在各个地方,都有观众发出了这样的声音。他们有些是直接说出来,有些是在视频里发弹幕,或者就是即时地发表评论…… In brief, so long as is slightly a little horizontal, or has experienced the S1 old player, all was disappointed about the performance of Jue Bro. 总之,只要是稍微有点水平的、或者是经历过S1的老玩家,全都对觉哥的表现感到了失望。 That takes to everyone in S1 many pleasantly surprised lunatics, now seems like only the level of two professional player, really speechless...... 那个在S1中带给大家诸多惊喜的疯子,如今看来好像只是个二线职业玩家的水平,着实令人无语…… Has the flaw!” “有破绽!” Finally, after three-minute fighting, Feng Bujue caught an advance of Ka Kalu to make a mistake, cut into under the rib of opposite party with an extremely good stance. 终于,在长达三分钟的打斗过后,封不觉抓到了咔咔噜的一次突进失误,以一个极佳的姿态切入了对方的肋下。 He bellows, two fingers abreast, struck the hole with a thorn of fingertip the torso of opposite party, and pierced the heart of Ka Kalu. 他大吼一声,二指相并,用一次指尖的刺击洞了对方的躯干,并捅破了咔咔噜的心脏。 After several seconds, that big rabbit alien(s) is going against a face pain expression, turned around to stare Jue Bro one, immediately dropped down loudly. 数秒后,那高大的兔星人顶着一脸痛苦的表情,转身瞪了觉哥一眼,随即轰然倒下。 That several, not yet the quilt that follows Ka Kalu to come Rankyaku "Amane Dachi" The rabbit that kills was all thrown into confusion climbed up bike, transferred the front then toward coming the direction hurricane escaped. 那几个跟随咔咔噜而来的、尚未被【岚脚-周断】所杀的兔子皆是手忙脚乱地爬上了身边的机车,调转车头便朝着来的方向狂飙而遁。 ...... has not thought that also very used energy.” Feng Bujue long implored the one breath, then looked that said to the teammates, embarrassed, making everyone wait for a long time.” “呼……没想到还挺费劲呢。”封不觉长吁一口气,然后看向队友们道,“不好意思,让各位久等了。” Hehe...... won well.” Xiao Tan very Jue Bro, should say with a smile, this NPC looks is difficult to deal with.” “呵呵……赢了就好。”小叹还是很挺觉哥的,笑着应道,“这NPC看着还是蛮难对付的嘛。” „......” Xiao Ling hears word, smiled one in side, but has not spoken. “呵……”小灵闻言,在旁笑了一声,但没有说话。 But Ruoyu is said to Jue Bro unemotionally: Since fired off, divines according to the diagrams conveniently.” 若雨则是面无表情地对觉哥道:“既然打完了,就顺手算一卦吧。” Un, I am having this intent.” Feng Bujue responded, while has turned round to move toward the Ka Kalu corpse. “嗯,我正有此意。”封不觉一边回应,一边已回身走向了咔咔噜的尸体。 Between present Jue Bro and Ruoyu have established very good tacit understanding, two worlds have achieved that speech saying that half, did not even speak the degree that can also exchange. Therefore, a Ruoyu saying divining according to the diagrams, Jue Bro acted. 如今的觉哥若雨之间已经建立了非常好的默契,两人间已达到那种说话说一半、甚至不说话也能交流的程度。所以,若雨一说“算一卦”,觉哥就行动了。 Made me take a look...... un...... squats on okay......” Feng Bujue in the Ka Kalu corpse thinks several seconds, then put out a hand, bare-handed tore off fur of opposite party chest. “让我瞧瞧……嗯……就这么着吧……”封不觉蹲在咔咔噜的尸体边想了几秒,便伸出手去,徒手扯掉了对方胸口的一块毛皮。 The chest of Ka Kalu is the flesh jumps presently, blood that the muscle of tearing and gushes out incarnadine big white place color rabbit hair. 紧接着,咔咔噜的胸口便是血肉迸现,撕裂的肌肉和涌出的鲜血染红了大片白色的兔毛。 Jue Bro...... is this does do?” Xiao Tan empty focuses to ask, can eat NPC?” 觉哥……这是干嘛呢?”小叹虚着眼问道,“又要吃NPC啊?” His „” the information content of character slightly is also big, the audience before screen instantaneously on association to not good picture. 他这个“又”字的信息量略大,荧幕前的观众们瞬间就联想到了很多不好的画面。 Stupid, said divined according to the diagrams.” Xiao Ling knocked a head of Xiao Tan gently, replied for Feng Bujue, Captain this was using Predicting Like A God Measures thing.” “笨啊,都说了是算一卦了。”小灵轻轻敲了一下小叹的脑袋,替封不觉答道,“团长这是在用【料事如神】测东西呢。” Un......” Xiao Tan has doubts saying that that did grasp the sand not on the line?” “嗯……”小叹又疑惑道,“那抓把沙子不就行了吗?” You know I calculate content what is?” Feng Bujue asked. “你知道我算的‘内容’是什么吗?”封不觉问道。 Does not know.” Xiao Tan shakes the head. “不知道。”小叹摇头。 That cannot.” Feng Bujue said, is not every divination can by grasping handles the sand.” Saying, he has flung the blood and rabbit hair that waved the arms about, and stood, ok, I consider as finished .” “那不就得了。”封不觉道,“不是每种占卜都能靠抓把沙子搞定的。”说着,他已甩了甩手上的血和兔毛,并站了起来,“好了,我算完了,出发吧。” When the voice falls, he has hit a sound to refer, and referred to toward nearby two cross child. 话音落时,他已打了个响指,并朝旁边的两辆跨子指了指。 ............ ………… On the other hand...... 另一方面…… From the automatically move 0.3 ten kilometers away place of Hell Front team, the people of Corpse Blade two teams...... was also experiencing a fight. 在距离地狱前线队的传送点三十公里远的地方,尸刀二番队的众人……也经历了一场战斗。 Obviously, the system gives the plots of two sides arrangements to be similar when the opening, both teams encountered the local underworld and evil forces immediately ; Stated differently what...... Hell Front is use short hair god fist Ka Kalu king, but what the Corpse Blade two teams they meet is use long hair god fist Jiu Jiuqi king. 很显然,系统在开局时给两边安排的剧情都差不多,两队都是在第一时间遭遇了当地的黑恶势力;不同的是……地狱前线这边遇到的是使用“短毛神拳”的咔咔噜大王,而尸刀二番队他们遇见的是使用“长毛神拳”的啾啾奇大王。 Unlike the Hell Front treatment method, the Corpse Blade two teams solve the NPC speed to be quick, after Jiu Jiuqi shows the status and purpose in coming, Corpse Blade that four only spent for ten seconds to kill wiped out to the last man surrounding all rabbit alien(s), starts to plunder the corpse later. 地狱前线的处理方法不同,尸刀二番队解决NPC的速度很快,在啾啾奇亮明身份和来意后,尸刀那四位只花了十秒钟就把周围的所有兔星人杀得片甲不留,随后就开始搜刮尸体。 Naturally...... on these NPC besides awkward the attire and a rabbit meat, and had nothing to have thing of value. 当然了……这些NPC身上除了令人尴尬的装束和一身兔肉外,并没有什么具备价值的东西 After about five minutes, careful searching, four people of Corpse Blade two teams fact that accepted having achieved nothing. 在大约五分钟的、细致的搜身后,尸刀二番队的四人接受了一无所获的事实。 Afterward, they rode the motor, in direction that flock of long hair rabbits presented. 随后,他们就纷纷骑上了摩托,向着那群长毛兔出现的方向出发了。 At this time, four people of Corpse Blade two teams do not know, they are approaching compared with Hell Front team more fearful fellows toward one crowd...... 此时,尸刀二番队的四人并不知道,他们正朝着一群比地狱前线队更可怕的家伙靠近……
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