TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#862: The fist is wet the contest

A. D. 299 X......】 【西元299X……】 【An atomic warfare, is destroyed in a moment the civilization on this star.】 【一场核战,将这个星球上的文明毁于一旦。】 After completing wrote down the flow, following naturally was the Scenario synopsis. 在完成了载入流程后,随之而来的自然就是剧本简介了。 However...... first two of this synopsis were full of various types to regard the feeling and trough point. 不过……这简介的头两句就充满了各种既视感和槽点。 Global population Death of 98% in this War, the remaining 2% survivors in flooding the ruins and desert of radiation pollution struggle to seek livehood.】 【全球人口的98%在这场战争死亡,剩下2%的幸存者则在充斥着辐射污染的废墟和沙漠之中挣扎求生。】 Food and fresh water, can rest calm and steady sleep/felt a shelter of...... these to be regarded as natural thing, becomes the luxury goods, becomes people every day in the object of competition.】 【食物、淡水、可以睡上一个安稳觉的栖身之所……这些原本被视为理所当然的东西,都成为了奢侈品,成为了人们每天都在争夺的对象。】 When aside speaking of here, the players present picture was still a jet black condition, only then the white captions raised slowly. 旁白说到这儿时,玩家们眼前的画面仍是一片漆黑的状态,只有白色的字幕缓缓升起。 Finally...... this by the world that the science and technology abandons, submitted to under the violence.】 【最终……这个被科技所遗弃的世界,臣服在了暴力之下。】 Finishes speaking, suddenly, BGM made a sound. 话音刚落,突然,BGM响了起来。 Ascends to ascend ~ ascends to ascend to ascend ~ ascends- ascends to ascend ~ ascends to ascend ~ ascends to ascend to ascend ~ ascends...... 登等登~登等登登登等登~登-登等登~登等登~登等登登登等登~登…… YOU_ARE_SHOCK!】 【YOU_ARE_SHOCK!】 WTF?” The first lyrics come out Feng Bujue was startled, Fist of the North Star?” But he also denies this deduction immediately, wasn't right...... the Fist of the North Star story background is not the late 20 th century? But this is 299 X......” 卧槽?”第一句歌词出来的时候封不觉就惊了,“北斗神拳?”但他立刻又自行否定了这个推论,“不对啊……北斗神拳的故事背景不是二十世纪末么?但这个是299X啊……” Quick, along with the intense background music, the aside will introduce to continue, and explained the doubts of Jue Bro...... 很快,伴随着激烈的背景音乐,旁白将简介继续说了下去,并解答了觉哥的疑惑…… On the land of this end world, the man in abundance present world of innumerably carrying the heaven shaking martial skill.】 【在这末世的土地上,无数身负惊天武技的男人纷纷现世。】 To compete for end the position of the world overlord, they on-board composed the epic poems of fierce struggles in this rabbit rabbit.】 【为了争夺末世霸主的地位,他们在这兔兔星上谱写了一幕幕激斗的史诗。】 Ha?” Feng Bujue gawked at that time, rabbit rabbit star?” After staring for two seconds, he also the heart said, what A. D. non- A. D. what the hell is not Earth Ah! that also pulls?” “哈?”封不觉当时就愣了,“兔兔星?”愣了两秒后,他又心道,“他喵的根本就不是地球啊!那还扯什么西元不西元的啊?” When he loud make complaints in heart, that BGM actually stops suddenly. The next second, Jue Bro only thinks that at present one bright, and won the control of body. 当他在心中大声吐槽的时候,那BGM却是戛然而止。下一秒,觉哥只觉眼前一亮,并获得了身体的控制权。 Main Quest has triggered 主线任务已触发】 Strikes kill „the Corpse Blade two teams four members.】 【击杀“尸刀二番队”的四名成员。】 Feng Bujue just wants to confirm condition, System Notification has then resounded. 封不觉刚想确认一下身边的状况,系统提示便已响起了。 However...... by actual situation all around, he also has nothing to confirm fortunately. 不过还好……以周遭的实际情况而言,他也没什么好确认的。 In the top of the head, is hot sun in the sky ; Which direction in looks casually, is extends fluctuating, cannot see the white sand dune of boundary. But his three teammates, in his not far away. Four people establish separately the four directions, the distance is about about three meters. 头顶上,是当空的烈日;随便朝哪个方向望去,都是延绵起伏的、看不到边际的白色沙丘。而他的三名队友,就在他的身旁不远处。四人分立四方,相互间的距离大约都是三米左右。 Jue Bro...... is this Fist of the North Star world of some seeking novelty version?” After two seconds, Xiao Tan turns head, asked such a with the tone of knowing whether to laugh or cry. 觉哥……这算是某种猎奇版的北斗神拳世界吗?”两秒后,小叹回过头来,用哭笑不得的语气问了这么一句。 „......” Feng Bujue does not return looking pensive said, after two and a quarter seconds of ponder, I realized a matter......” “不……”封不觉若有所思地回道,“经过二又四分之一秒的思考,我意识到了一件事……” Oh? Xiao Ling have a relish interrupts, what is?” 哦?小灵饶有兴致地插了句嘴,“是什么呀?” Here is the main universe.” The Feng Bujue's answer and mentality are really very bracelets. “这里是主宇宙。”封不觉的答案和思路实在是很跳脱。 Such remarks, his three teammates all revealed some colors of doubts. 此言一出,他的三名队友全都露出了些许疑惑之色。 Incessantly is they, this moment all also felt puzzled in the audience who the live broadcast channel watched this competition. 不止是他们,此刻所有在直播频道收看这场比赛的观众也都感到了不解。 „After this......” moment, Ruoyu walked two steps toward Jue Bro, the sinking sound asked that „...... made one think so?” “这……”片刻后,若雨觉哥走了两步,沉声问道,“……何以见得呢?” This semi-finals Name is a very obvious prompt......” Feng Bujue returns said, so-called engages in fierce battle four, in the suggestion...... semi-finals all Scenario happened in the main universe.” “本次复赛名称就是一个很明显的提示……”封不觉回道,“所谓‘鏖战四界’,就是在暗示……复赛所有的剧本都是发生在主宇宙之中的。” "Ah?Xiao Tan stared in a big way the eye, was still an ignorant appearance, four...... wasn't the main universe...... word?” “啊?小叹瞪大了眼睛,仍是一副懵懵懂懂的样子,“四界……主宇宙……不是一个词儿吧?” „The Thriller Paradise main universe is roughly divided into four......” Feng Bujue to use very calm tone to answer immediately, has jurisdiction by Four Pillar Gods respectively......” 惊悚乐园的主宇宙大体分为四界……”封不觉随即就用很淡定的语气解释道,“分别由四柱神管辖……” Holds on a minute.” At this time, Xiao Ling broke Jue Bro suddenly, Captain...... we but now the live broadcast, the innumerable audience are listening to you to speak.” “且慢。”这时,小灵忽然打断了觉哥,“团长……咱们现在可是现场直播哦,无数观众都在听你说话呢。” Her prompt to stops, has not further brought to light the words, but subtext already very obvious- „do you go out this very valuable information casually publicly really?” 她的提示点到即止,并没有进一步把话挑明,但潜台词已经很明显了-“你把这种很有价值的情报随便公开出去真的好吗?” Actually might also as well......” Feng Bujue shrug saying that „...... you also said reasonable.” He smiles, in brief...... you, so long as believes that I was good, here definitely is the main universe, establishes anything's to fire off this me to relate in detail with you specifically again.” “其实也无妨啦……”封不觉耸肩回道,“不过……你说得也有道理。”他笑了笑,“总之……你们只要相信我就行了,这里肯定是主宇宙,具体设定什么的等打完这场我再跟你们细说吧。” Un...... the present was really not too says conveniently.” At this time, Xiao Tan empty eye, crosses the shoulder of Jue Bro to look out saying that as if has one group of unexpected visitors to come...... the speed also not slow appearance toward us.” “嗯……眼下确是不太方便说了。”此时,小叹虚起眼睛,越过觉哥的肩膀遥望道,“似乎有一群不速之客正朝我们这边过来……速度还不慢的样子。” In he spoke, Jue Bro, Ruoyu and Xiao Ling also turned the head to look in abundance in that direction ; Although three people of eyesight limits are slightly different, what they saw clearly the distant place to approach in three seconds was anything. 在他说话之间,觉哥若雨小灵也都纷纷转头朝那个方向望去;虽然三人的目力极限略有不同,但他们都在三秒内就看清了远处逼近过来的是什么。 Hou ~ population............ the rabbit number are not many.” Feng Bujue smiled immediately was talking over one. “嚯~人数……哦不……兔数还不少嘛。”封不觉当即微笑着念叨了一句。 „The setting of rabbit human also has nothing......, but is this Moss did the hairstyle a little too that anything......” Xiao Ling also whispered in side. “兔型人类的设定倒也没什么……可是这莫西干发型是不是有点太那啥了……”小灵也在旁嘀咕道。 Un...... is the hairstyle, clothing is also thick Fist of the North Star mixed soldier character...... Xiao Tan meets to say incessantly, various types huge, the metal accessories of belt/bring thorn ; Outsize shoulder pad, hand guard and kneepad ; Meaningless bandage and waistband ; Outside the bewildered underpants puts on, the reveal navel......” “嗯……不止是发型,服装方面也都是浓浓的北斗神拳杂兵范儿呢……”小叹接道,“各种巨大的、带刺儿的金属配饰;特大号儿的护肩、护手、护膝;毫无意义的绑带、腰带;莫名其妙的内裤外穿、露脐……” In that crowd of rabbit alien(s) open in the process that various types of strange bike winds are coming, Jue Bro their three people there continually make complaints NPC modeling, only then Ruoyu did not say a word, she put on the hand the waist side saber silently. 在那群兔星人开着各种奇怪的机车一路飙来的过程中,觉哥他们三人都在那儿连番吐槽NPC的造型,只有若雨一言不发,她只是默默地将手放到了腰侧的佩剑上。 yi- ha!” “咿-哈!” Ha haha Ha.....” “哈哈哈哈……” „......” “噜噜噜噜噜……” After moment, that flock of rabbits arrive at the vicinity finally, they exudes the crying out strangely sound, while surrounded the Hell Front four people. 片刻过后,那群兔子终于来到近处,他们一边发出怪叫声,一边将地狱前线的四人包围了起来。 Un...... this deciding type launches......” a Feng Bujue cheek to discuss sorely, „the present looks like is really slightly ashamed......” “嗯……这种定番式的展开……”封不觉一脸蛋疼地念道,“现在看来真是略羞耻啊……” But Xiao Ling several meters away drew the Xiao Tan lower hem corner, asked in a soft voice: Hey, my did not know about «Fist of the North Star» very much, how then can?” 而数米之外的小灵则是拉了拉小叹的衣角,轻声问道:“喂,我对《北斗神拳》不是很了解,接下来会怎么样啊?” Xiao Tan turns the head saying: Oh...... they will be opening bike probably, non-stop turning circle and raising the sand dust around us, simultaneously the ghost roar ghost called unceasingly, made various types to think very scary abnormal expression while convenient.” 小叹转头回道:“呃……他们大概会开着机车,绕着我们不停转圈并扬起沙尘,同时不断地鬼吼鬼叫,顺带做出各种自以为很吓人的变态表情。” Ha?” The corners of the mouth of Xiao Ling twitched, significance where?” “哈?”小灵的嘴角抽动了一下,“意义何在啊?” Un......” Xiao Tan also said, one is to contrast the atmosphere ; second, protracted time......” his a half second , added that „the repertoire that this fixed mixed soldier arrived likely, exploded the clothes and beautiful young girl to change the body, with the lead organic armor fit same...... the lengthy animation to result by these comes one to be good circuitously.” “嗯……”小叹又道,“一是烘托气氛,二是拖延时间吧……”他微顿半秒,又补充道,“像这种固定的杂兵登场的套路,就跟主角爆衣、美少女变身、还有机甲合体一样……长篇动画必须得靠这些来迂回一下才行。” In they talked in whispers, the surrounding that group of rabbits slowed down the speed of vehicle gradually, stopped one after another. 就在他们窃窃私语之际,周围的那帮兔子渐渐放慢了车子的速度,陆续停了下来。 When the sand dust is slightly loose, one height two meters have( are not ear and capilli), physique exceptionally big and tall rabbit alien(s)( i.e. lean three rounds of motorcycles from a cross child, is named side three or „conduct the arm child) in the side position to crawl. 沙尘稍散之时,一个身高两米有余(不算耳朵和头毛)、体态异常魁伟的兔星人从一辆跨子(即侧三轮摩托车,俗称“边三”或“挎子”)的侧位上爬了出来。 On his face brings grinning fiendishly, stepped the serious footsteps to face forward several steps, walked, while also thought aloud that discussed: Hehe...... today's luck is really good, four earthmen...... can sell a good price in the market.” 他脸上带着狞笑,迈着沉重的脚步朝前走了几步,一边走,一边还自言自语般念道:“嘿嘿……今天运气真不错,四个地球人……可以在市场上卖个好价钱。” „After this rabbit brother......” one second, Feng Bujue took on the role of negotiator very much voluntarily, walked two steps toward that tall robust rabbit person, and raised the head saying that listened to your meaning, you seemed like the preparation to grasp several of us, when the commodity did sell out?” “这位兔兄……”一秒后,封不觉就很自觉地担当起了交涉者的角色,朝那高壮的兔人走了两步,并抬头言道,“听您这意思,您似乎是准备把我们几个抓起来当商品卖掉啊?” Un?” That rabbit person with occupying a commanding position the vision that despises looked to Jue Bro, immediately sneered saying that snort/hum......, since you looked, hasn't been without a fight obediently?” “嗯?”那兔人用居高临下的、蔑视的目光看向了觉哥,随即冷笑道,“哼……既然你都看出来了,还不乖乖束手就擒?” Hehe......” Feng Bujue revealed one warmly such as the smile of spring breeze, so that's how it is......” he licked the lip, right, does not know that your excellency honored name, how did call?” “呵呵……”封不觉露出了一个暖如春风的笑容,“原来如此……”他舔了舔嘴唇,“对了,不知阁下尊姓大名,如何称呼啊?” Snort......” rabbit person returns said that how? You stand on this Sir's domain, haven't I Ka Kalu the given name of king actually even listened?” “哼……”兔人回道,“怎么?你站在本大爷的地盘儿上,却连我‘咔咔噜’大王的名号都没听过吗?” The instance that he slightly moe the name that sends out oneself that Xiao Ling nearly smiles to make noise, Xiao Tan is also suppresses reddens all over the face. But the audience who are watching the competition( here refer to angle of view fixes in the Hell Front side audience) basically laughs at the scene. 他把自己那略萌的名字报出的瞬间,小灵差点儿就笑出了声来,小叹也是憋得满脸通红。而正在观看比赛的观众们(此处指将视角固定在地狱前线侧的观众)基本都是当场爆笑。 Ka Kalu king?” Feng Bujue is without turning a hair, the faint smile returns said that before you grasp me and sells out, I have a matter to you report.” 咔咔噜大王是吧?”封不觉则是面不改色,似笑非笑地回道,“在您把我抓起来并卖掉之前,我有件事必须向您汇报一下。” Oh? what matter?” In the hare's eye of Ka Kalu flashes through a curious color. 哦?什么事?”咔咔噜的兔眼中闪过一丝好奇之色。 The Feng Bujue expression changes, returns seriously said: I, was not the common earthman......” am saying, he had transferred to oneself waist the hand, I was one attend to the person......” 封不觉表情一变,一本正经地回道:“我,不是一般的地球人……”说着,他已将手移到了自己的腰间,“我是一名料理人……” Ha?” Ka Kalu gawked, then and looked at own companions. “哈?”咔咔噜愣了一下,并回头看了看自己的同伴们。 At this time, in the following rabbit group had one to look that very smart tall thin rabbit person made noise to remind one: King! He said that he is a chef!” 这时,后面的兔群中有一个看着挺机灵的高瘦兔人出声提醒了一句:“大王!他说他是个厨子!” Oh~ Ka Kalu hears word nods, immediately cast a disdaining vision toward Jue Bro, I, when you must say that what......” his cold snort/hum, snort/hum...... you think that you did have the professional skill to be distinguished to treat? Ha! Sorry...... our rabbit rabbit alien(s) only eats Carrot, moreover likes eating to live, the chef has no difference in our value and common coolie, even has also been inferior......” 哦~咔咔噜闻言点点头,随即朝觉哥投去了一道不屑的目光,“我当你要说什么呢……”他冷哼一声,“哼……你以为自己有一技之长就可以得到区别对待了吗?哈!真是抱歉了……我们兔兔星人只吃胡萝卜,而且喜欢吃生的,厨师在我们这里的价值和一般的苦力没有什么区别,甚至还有所不如……” I am not this meaning.” Feng Bujue is shaking the head to meet to say. “我不是这个意思。”封不觉摇着头接道。 What do you actually want to say?” Ka Kalu is a little impatient, his language fast speeds up, the sound also advanced several points. “那你到底想说什么?”咔咔噜有点不耐烦了,他的语速加快,声音也增高了几分。 I want to make you know that......” Feng Bujue is saying, then Bear daily knife Took out the scabbard, I am one can the man who the rabbit meat makes the chicken taste.” “我就是想让你知道一下……”封不觉说着,便将【贝尔的日常小刀】取出了刀鞘,“我是一个可以将兔肉做出鸡肉味的男人。” Over the following five seconds, except for the sound of sandstorm, no one speaks...... 接下来的五秒,除了风沙之声,没有人说话…… From now on silent this should be the cold joke can have...... 这应该是冷笑话过后才会有的沉默…… No matter the surrounding rabbits understand, Hell Front that three understood in any case, but they have not smiled. 不管周围的兔子们有没有听懂,反正地狱前线那三位都听懂了,只是他们也都没笑。 Un...... I understand after......” five seconds, the Ka Kalu complexion sinks, twists the mouth sidewise the corners of the mouth to smile, your boy dares to play me!” “嗯……我明白了……”五秒后,咔咔噜面色一沉,咧开嘴角一笑,“你小子敢耍我!” In a twinkling! 说时迟,那时快! As the Ka Kalu latter half a word words call out the exit|to speak, his fist also raised. 随着咔咔噜的后半句话暴喝出口,他的拳头也扬了起来。 That earthenware cooking pot big fist, the bang...... this fist was from top to bottom rudely to the Feng Bujue's head, the fist wind mistake, carries over whistling the wind sound/rumor. 那砂锅大的拳头,自上而下地轰向了封不觉的头部……此拳势大力沉,拳风过处,带出呼呼风声。 Bang! 嘭! One second passes by, the yellow sand explodes the powder. 一秒过去,黄沙爆散。 Although this fist has not hit Jue Bro, but after its dozen sand, was actually rumbles one a depth of one meter semicircle sand pit. 虽然这一拳没有击中觉哥,但其打中沙地之后,却是轰出了一个深达一米的半圆形沙坑。 What? Shunted?” When Ka Kalu receives the fist, in the heart is startled. “什么?躲开了?”咔咔噜收拳之时,心中一惊。 Very fierce.” The blown sand has not dispersed, the Feng Bujue's speaking voice has resounded again, looks like Brother Ka your Fist Arts?” “挺厉害的嘛。”飞沙未散,封不觉的说话声已再度响起,“看来咔兄你还是位拳法家咯?” Snort! Stupid earthman!” Ka Kalu had not answered, in the rabbit group has a rabbit to snatch saying that our Ka Kalu king is short hair god fist successor! Defeats in his expert, but is countless!” “哼!愚蠢的地球人!”咔咔噜还没回话,兔群中已有一兔抢道,“咱们咔咔噜大王乃是‘短毛神拳’的传人!败在他手下的高手可是不计其数!” Heard short hair god fist these four word-time, Xiao Tan and Xiao Ling could not bear finally, two people laughed loudly, the waist smiled curved. To guard against momentarily possibly attack of arrival, they really want to lie down to smile the little while. 听到“短毛神拳”这四个字时,小叹小灵终于忍不住了,两人捧腹大笑,腰都笑弯了。要不是为了防备随时可能到来的攻击,他们真想躺下笑会儿。 ......” the Feng Bujue deep breath one time, turned the head to the teammates, good, do not smile, I counted to three, came one round Rankyaku "Amane Dachi", You are hiding.” “呼……”封不觉深呼吸了一次,转头对队友们,“好了好了,别笑了,我数到三,来一发【岚脚-周断】,你们躲着点。” Understood.” “明白。” Receives.” “收到。” Oh. 哦。 Xiao Ling, Xiao Tan and Ruoyu complied with one respectively. 小灵小叹若雨各自应了一声。 Then, Jue Bro started to count: One...... two......” 接着,觉哥就开始数了:“一……二……” At this moment, the surrounding rabbits have not basically clarified this group of people to do, they do not understand in the Jue Bro mouth Rankyaku "Amane Dachi" is what meaning, therefore they have not all made any response. 这一刻,周围的兔子们基本都没有弄清楚这帮人到底要干嘛,他们也不明白觉哥口中的“岚脚-周断”是什么意思,所以他们全都没有做出任何反应。 But...... Ka Kalu seemed like detects anything. 但……咔咔噜似乎是察觉到了什么。 Three!” The Feng Bujue number ends that last, then the taking advantage of opportunity single-handed brace, stands upside down, turns on the both feet assumes a level character, and using the waist strength, such as the propeller of helicopter same transferred one week the both feet. “三!”封不觉数完那最后一声,便顺势单手撑地,倒立起来,将双脚打开呈水平一字,并运用腰力,将双脚如直升机的螺旋桨一样转了一周。 While he gathers incurs, lying that his three teammates are jumps jumping that lie, left in abundance with the Jue Bro both legs impartial that horizontal plane. 在他蓄招的同时,他的三名队友已是跳的跳、趴的趴,纷纷离开了与觉哥双腿持平的那个水平面。 Therefore, when that ring-like cutting strikes the proliferation , the Hell Front people had not been affected. 因此,当那环状的斩击扩散而出时,地狱前线的人都没有受到影响。 However...... the rabbits may be miserable. 不过……兔子们可就惨了。 After this wave of Rankyaku, surrounds the rabbit person mixed soldier of players almost to extinguish. They are not above the chest cut off and are encounter behead......, only then a few are long particularly diminutive, or happen to partly squats the acting cool fellow also to live...... 这一波岚脚过后,包围着玩家们的兔人杂兵几乎全灭。他们不是胸部以上被割断、就是遭到斩首……只有少数几个长得特别矮小的、或者正好半蹲着装逼的家伙还活着…… In surroundings all rabbit alien(s), only then, with oneself responded this strikes...... that person who avoids( rabbit) is the Ka Kalu king. 在周围所有的兔星人中,只有一个,是凭着自身反应将这一击躲开的……那个人(兔)就是咔咔噜大王。 „After cutting......” for two seconds, when Ka Kalu crawls from the ground, his complexion is white seeped is blue, originally you are also Fist Arts...... hateful!” “切……”两秒后,当咔咔噜从地上爬起来的时候,他的脸色已是白里透青,“原来你也是拳法家……可恶!” Fist Arts is not at all.” Feng Bujue stood, brushes off the sand dust on sleeves saying that what six types, the Evil King flame killed the fist likely, the Nandou Saint fist crane immortal class/flow and so on...... I have studied a fur/superficial knowledge, how dares to place on a par with the successor of your short hair god fist?” “拳法家不敢当。”封不觉重新站直,掸了掸衣袖上的沙尘道,“像什么六式啊、邪王炎杀拳啊、南斗圣拳鹤仙流啊之类的……我都只是学过一点皮毛而已,怎么敢与您这短毛神拳的传人相提并论呢?” You are short to me feign ignorance!” Ka Kalu can also listen to the opposite party this again stupidly is taunting itself, therefore...... he roared immediately, put forth killing move, suffered to death! Shorthair Crack Fist!” “你少给我装蒜!”咔咔噜再笨也能听出对方这是在嘲讽自己,于是……他当即咆哮一声,使出杀招,“受死吧!短毛百裂拳!”
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