TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#861: Hell Front VS Corpse Blade two teams

On November 5, zero point. 十一月 5 日,零点。 Struggle For Power to Summit S2 semi-finals- Engages in fierce battle four, Punctual opening. 巅峰争霸S2的复赛-【鏖战四界】,准时开启。 The athletic competition system of semi-finals with same- elimination series that Feng Bujue previously speculated . Moreover the monowheel eliminates. 复赛的赛制和封不觉此前推测的一样-淘汰赛,而且还是单轮淘汰。 Regardless of which team, so long as losing...... will say goodbye to this sports event directly. 无论哪个队,只要输上一场……就会直接告别本次赛事。 This athletic competition system, without doubt is very brutal. 这种赛制,无疑是非常残酷的。 In entering the semi-finals 256 teams, but the trailing 156 teams what prize has not attained. But in the semi-finals first round, 128 teams will be eliminated. 要知道,在进入复赛的256支队伍中,排名靠后的156支队伍可是什么奖品都没拿到。而在复赛的第一轮,就有128支队伍将被淘汰。 This means...... first after round, all eliminated, the teams of non- preliminary contest top 100, mediated these unable to be promoted the semi-finals team from the material reward to have no difference...... not to have a thing in the world. 这就意味着……第一轮过后,所有遭到淘汰的、非预赛百强的队伍,从物质奖励上来说和那些没能晋级复赛的队伍没有任何区别……都是一无所有。 But, this competes...... 但,这就是比赛…… ............ ………… Was a day zero point, the Hell Front team being ahead of time group had also ended the team, on time joined the competition formation. 是日零点,地狱前线队也已提前组完了队,按时加入了比赛队列。 According to the rule, semi-finals each round confrontation, is competing first 16 hours...... is the morning before 8 announcements. 根据规则,复赛每一轮的对阵情况,都是在比赛前十六个小时……即前一天的上午八点公布的。 But the Hell Front this first round of opponent is- Corpse Blade two teams. 地狱前线这第一轮的对手是-【尸刀二番队】。 Their this competitions, are one of the first round of focus wars, even it can be said that attention highest. 他们这场比赛,可是第一轮的焦点战事之一,甚至可以说是关注度最高的一场。 The primary cause has three...... 其主要原因有三…… First, occupation Studio or Casual Gamer, everyone wants more to understand the strength of Hell Front this mysterious master. 一,无论是职业工作室还是休闲玩家,所有人都想更多地了解地狱前线这支神秘之师的实力。 Second, this competition is semi-finals first round only one ten contends, namely preliminary contest direct dialog ranked the seventh and ninth. 二,这场比赛是复赛第一轮中唯一一场十强相争,即预赛排名第七位和第九位的直接对话。 Third, the Si Rui Group propaganda campaign had started some time ago, Feng Bujue the writer status was known by the increasing number of people, and becomes the hype focus...... it also to be reached the unprecedented altitude by attention. 三,思睿集团的宣传攻势不久前已经启动,“疯不觉”的作家身份被越来越多的人知晓,并且成为了炒作焦点……其受关注度也达到了前所未有的高度。 Summarizing is...... everyone wants to know, your group of people strong? Can win the professional strong team? What matter...... will that lunatic this time do in the competition? 总结一下就是……大家都想知道,你们这帮人到底有多强?能不能打赢职业强队?还有……那个疯子这次又会在比赛里干出点什么事情来? ............ ………… Feng Bujue, Level 50 疯不觉,等级50】 Wang Tanzhi, Level 50 枉叹之,等级50】 Like the Rain after Parting, Level 50 似雨若离,等级50】 Soulfully Sorrowful Smiling Skeleton, Level 50 悲灵笑骨,等级50】 On Stone Between Flowers, Level 50 石上花间,等级50】 Please select the game mode for your party.】 请选择队伍要加入的游戏模式。】 What you choose is Struggle For Power to Summit S2- engages in fierce battle four, please confirm.】 【您选择的是巅峰争霸S2-鏖战四界,请确认。】 Had confirmed, please choose observing in this fight.】 【已确认,请选择本次战斗中的观战者。】 Had confirmed, your team has entered the formation, is waiting for your opponent to be ready.】 【已确认,您的队伍已进入队列,正在等待您的对手就绪。】 Match is completed, syncing mind link connection, generating scenario......】 【匹配完成,正在协调神经连接,剧本生成中……】 Loading, please wait a moment.】 载入开始,请稍等。】 Beacon decided the blood initially still flourishing, engaged in fierce battle to begin the person not to need. various Xing gathers four, outside a heroic feelings dynasty highest heaven.” “烽烟初定血犹殷,鏖战再起人不待。诸星汇聚四界中,豪情一朝九霄外。” Loading is complete, Welcome to Struggle For Power to Summit S2- engages in fierce battle four.】 载入已完成,欢迎来到巅峰争霸S2-鏖战四界。】 This pattern provides the Scenario synopsis, and has the probability to present branch / Hidden Quest and special World Setting.】 【本模式提供剧本简介,并有几率出现支线/隐藏任务及特殊世界观。】 Scenario successfully rewards: Enters the semi-finals second round.】 剧本胜利奖励:晋级复赛第二轮。】 Will soon broadcast the Scenario synopsis, after the broadcast completes, competes starts instantly.】 【即将播放剧本简介,播放完成后比赛即刻开始。】 ............ Was not the prologue changed besides the self-introduction poem, the semi-finals load flow and preliminary contest were similar. 除了定场诗……哦不……是开场白改变了以外,复赛的载入流程和预赛大致相同。 Privacy protection option following several rounds did not exist at the preliminary contest, this also eliminated some steps. “隐私保护选项”在预赛后面几轮就不复存在了,这也省去了一些步骤。 Here must explain that was...... the reward of preliminary contest has sent on November 1 that day. Considering that various teams have obtains the follow-up reward( i.e. the prize of semi-finals and finals) the possibility, therefore physical prize in real world after when finals, unifies to provide ; As for new edition experience power this thing, has no way to use temporarily. 此处还得说明一下的就是……预赛的奖励已经在十一月 1 日那天发下来了。考虑到各队还有获得后续奖励(即复赛和决赛的奖品)的可能,所以现实世界中的实物奖品会等到决赛后统一发放;至于“新版本体验权”这东西,暂时也是没法儿用的。 However, other rewards, have all been in place on the same day that the points list announced...... 不过,其他的奖励,全都在积分榜公布的当天就已经到位了…… Therefore, Hell Front these five members, all had obtained Perfect Level Equipment * 1” and Superior Grade Equipment * 2”, Game coins 1000000 as well as goes straight up 50 levels the luxurious reward. 因此,地狱前线这五位成员,已全体获得了“完美级装备”、“精良级装备”,“游戏币1000000”以及“直升五十级”的豪华奖赏。 Naturally, goes straight up 50 levels this reward, is advantages are accompanied by disadvantages. To Ruoyu, Xiao Ling and Xiao Tan three people fortunately, because their three have practiced 49 levels in October ; But...... Level of before Flowers Between in going straight up Max Level only has 44 levels. Although went straight up omits her to practice the level time massively, but her Specialization , skill and Equipment and other dispositions will clearly have coming apart to a certain extent. 当然了,“直升五十级”这个奖励,也是有利有弊。对若雨小灵小叹三人来说还好,因为他们三个在十月份都已练到了49级;但……花间在直升满级前的等级只有44级而已。虽说直升省去了她大量的练级时间,但她的专精、技能和装备等配置显然都会有一定程度上的脱节。 In this case, Jue Bro naturally unrestrained/no trace of politeness welcome her to the bench on. 在这种情况下,觉哥自然是毫不客气地将她请到了替补席上。 According to the Jue Bro judgment...... at least in this first competition, sending Flowers Between to go on stage is quite disadvantageous. 根据觉哥判断……至少在这第一场比赛中,派花间上场是比较不利的。 ............ ………… Said Hell Front, comes to seize territory again greatly looks Corpse Blade two teams Here. 说完地狱前线,再来大略地看一下【尸刀二番队】这边。 Four members who this, they arrive are as follows: Three Jade Raid, Water Show Raid, Reborn for the King With Transcends As King. 这一场,他们登场的四名成员分别是:【三玉强袭】、【水示强袭】、【重生为王】和【穿越为王】。 The ID aspect, these four are also grasping the Corpse Blade consistent attitude, various types think unclearly severe and is not unclearly severe. ID方面,这四位也是秉持着尸刀的一贯作风,各种不明觉厉和不明也不厉。 But appearance of four team members...... no many introductions, four hairstyles and clothing are also consistent, facial expression stereotypically and even figure similar man. 而四名队员的外貌方面……也没有什么好多介绍的,四个发型、服装一致、神情呆板、连身形都差不多的男人。 However, in game role ability, these four people, but widely divergent. After all the Corpse Blade lineup is the AI arrangement, cannot present the homogenization with the team members the phenomenon, this can be supplementary. 不过,在游戏角色的能力方面,这四人可是大相径庭。毕竟尸刀的阵容是AI编排的,同队成员之间不太会出现同质化的现象,这样才可以互补。 First, Team leader Three Jade Raid Is one by the player who Summon Specialization grows perceptibly. He simultaneously has the Summon lifeform of two Level S, Fighting Proficiency is also good. The strength resided in individual player strength list first 30( the present to have many first-line players not to choose outwardly display own name in this/should list, therefore some should have situation that ranking rose about 50 players), cannot be underestimated. 首先,队长【三玉强袭】是一名以召唤专精见长的玩家。他同时拥有两个S级召唤生物,本身的格斗专精也是不俗。明面实力居于个人玩家战力榜前三十位(如今已有很多一线玩家选择不在该榜单上显示自己的名字了,所以一些原本应该在五十名开外的玩家都有排名上升的情况),不容小觑。 Next, is Vice Captain Water Show Raid. This person is studies Shooting Specialization expert, Specialization practices quite leaning one ; The bonus is so...... he can also advance into individual strength list first 50, similarly is an able hand. 其次,是副队长水示强袭】。此人乃专攻射击专精高手,专精练得比较偏一;饶是如此……他也能跻身个人战力榜前五十位,同样是个硬手。 Then, is the military strategist of team Reborn for the King, Excels at First Aid Healing and Spirit Art Specialization support and wisdom role. Will take on the substitution in the preliminary contest occasionally, the performance opportunity in match is not a lot, but the basic function is quite explicit. 接着,是队伍的军师【重生为王】,擅长医疗灵术专精的支援型兼智慧型角色。在预赛中偶尔会担当替补,正赛中的表现机会也不是很多,但基本职能还是比较明确的。 Finally, then grows perceptibly by Fighting Proficiency Transcends As King. As the main force combatant of team, Level S Fighting Proficiency that is must. Individual strength list first 40 ranking can also support his ability. 最后,便是以格斗专精见长的【穿越为王】了。作为队伍的主力战斗员,S级格斗专精那是必须的。个人战力榜前四十位的排名也可以佐证他的能力。 Above, yes Corpse Blade two teams Basic survey. 以上,就是【尸刀二番队】的基本概况了。 Although two teams, but objective, their preliminary contest result arrange above of team. Moreover...... the Corpse Blade person, will not be even strong, where to will not go absolutely weakly. 虽说是二番队,但客观来讲,他们的预赛成绩可是排在一番队的上头。而且……尸刀的人,就算不会很强,也绝对不会弱到哪里去。 They ranking in strength list cannot utmost believe, because there is a use medicine this breaking the rules method, therefore their actual strengths can definitely count the data level is higher than difficult to deal with,...... 他们在战力榜上的排名也是不可以尽信的,因为有使用“药物”这种犯规的手段,所以他们的实际战力必然会比数据层面能统计到的更高、更难对付…… To Hell Front, this first competition, is a daunting challenge...... 地狱前线来说,这第一场比赛,已然就是一次严峻的挑战……
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