TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#882: Mail from Corpse Blade

According to Engages in fierce battle four The rule, the competition was held next day. 按照【鏖战四界】的规则,比赛都是隔天进行的。 In other words, after the November 5 0 : 00 competition ended, the second round of sports event must by November 7 conduct, but the second round of confrontation list will arrive November 6 , 8 : 00 am to be announced again. 也就是说,在11月5日零点的比赛结束后,第二轮赛事要到11月7日才会进行,而第二轮的对阵名单将到11月6日上午 8 点再公布。 Therefore, the 5 th whole day to 6 th morning, was one off-season day. 因此,五号的整个白天到六号上午,算是一个休赛日。 This all day time, besides letting enter the semi-finals players to rest to prepare, can make these be the general players of audience has the time to digest a next the day before combat report. 这一整天的时间,除了让杀入复赛的选手们休息备战之外,也可以让那些身为观众的广大玩家有时间去消化一下前一天的战报。 In the first round of competition, received the discussion and paid attention most naturally is of Hell Front to Corpse Blade two teams. 在第一轮的比赛中,受到讨论和关注最多的自然就是地狱前线尸刀二番队的那场了。 Regardless of the result or the process, this competition is unexpected. 无论从结果还是过程来看,这场比赛都是出人意料的。 Corpse Blade indeed used the contrary method, this point...... wants is a colleague, even if cannot 100% believe firmly, basically still knows something ; But also because of this, they are very clear...... Corpse Blade these players is not good to cope. 尸刀的确是用了违规手段,这一点……只要是圈内人士,就算不能百分之百确信,基本也略知一二;但也正因为如此,他们都很清楚……尸刀的那些玩家并不好对付。 From the data, the Corpse Blade player has the entire Studio resources outwardly, this was Casual Gamer cannot compare ; From the player personal ability, this applying drugs fellows all are that type certainly not collapse the type, the strength is also a level ; From the coordinate degree of team, the Corpse Blade 13 teams is screened matching by Optical Brain again entirely, character status of all team members all are reasonable supplementary. 从明面数据上来讲,尸刀的玩家坐拥整个工作室的资源,这是休闲玩家比不了的;从玩家个人能力来讲,这帮用了药的家伙全都属于那种“绝不会自我崩溃”的类型,战力也都是一线水准;再从队伍的配合程度来讲,尸刀的十三支队伍统统是由光脑筛选搭配,所有队员的角色属性全都是合理互补的。 However, is such a team, was sealed...... the power gap in actual fight big to by Hell Front relaxed zero finds it hard to believe. 然而,就是这样一支队伍,被地狱前线轻松零封……实际战斗中的实力差距大到让人觉得不可思议。 Makes to contrast with the competitions of other teams, this competition really plays not splendidly. 和其他队伍的比赛做一下对比,这场比赛打得真是一点都不“精彩”。 Feeling was...... the Hell Front four people brushed the team transcription, tidied up four team members of Corpse Blade two teams while convenient. 给人的感觉就是……地狱前线的四人去刷了个团队副本,顺便收拾了一下尸刀二番队的四名队员。 Such a match, unifies some words and deeds of Feng Bujue in competition, without doubt makes appraisals of Corpse Blade Studio in these common player communities drastically reduce...... 这样的一场对局,结合封不觉在比赛中的一些言行,无疑让尸刀工作室在那些一般玩家群体中的评价大幅降低…… If the network is an invisible devil, the information represented this devil to use not the charm. The latter seems like the cancer cell, once spreads, is almost unable to eradicate again completely. 如果说网络是一只无形的恶魔,信息就代表了这个恶魔用之不尽的魔力。后者很像是癌细胞,一旦扩散,几乎就无法再完全根除。 Many people after watching this competition goes to online to search Corpse Blade and cheating and contrary and banned drugs and so on keyword, then...... their passer-by transferred black. 很多人在看过这场比赛后就去网上搜索了“尸刀”、“作弊”、“违规”、“禁药”之类的关键词,然后……他们就路人转黑了。 Actually, various negative news about Corpse Blade on the swayed there, did not have the too tremendous impact on them, because other Studio same will be been black, actually these negative appraisals are really false, the outsider in any case does not know...... the Internet users watch the fun, the huge matter will also be diluted by the time, let alone is the small matter that this kind of goose bumps, have no immediate concern to oneself. 其实,关于尸刀的各种负面消息本来就摆在那儿,对他们也没有太大的影响,因为其他的工作室一样会被人黑,那些负面的评价究竟是真是假,反正局外人是不知道的……网民们只是看个热闹罢了,天大的事儿也会被时间冲淡,何况是这类鸡毛蒜皮、事不关己的小事情。 Furthermore, now this age, among the competitors of same industry through the matter of network sailors run is performing mutually every day, said that is the normal state is not overrated. Except for the fools of few part, people have long been used to and completely understood this pattern. Therefore...... Corpse Blade originally also and Fearless others said their anything. 再者,如今这年代,同一行业的竞争对手之间通过网络水军互相挤兑的事情每天都在上演,说是常态也不为过。除了少部分的傻瓜,人们早已习惯并看透了这种模式。所以说……尸刀本来也并不怕别人说他们什么。 But...... Feng Bujue this time dry/does matter in competition, truly had certain impact. Because he is not anonymous ID Passerby Armor, not in what forum post and so on place said this and that...... he to Corpse Blade as well-known player, in attention extremely high, in the focus sports event of most popular game, at present explicitly how openly, speaks Corpse Blade. 可是……封不觉这次在比赛里干的事情,确实是产生了一定的影响的。因为他不是什么匿名ID路人甲,也不是在什么论坛贴吧之类的地方对尸刀说三道四……他是以一个知名玩家的身份,在一场关注度极高的、时下最热门游戏的焦点赛事中,公开地、明确地讲尸刀如何如何。 Toward deeply said again, his Feng Bujue also is not only well-known player, now under the Si Rui Group propaganda campaign, he at least was also a known writer, said that was the public figures is not overrated. 再往深了说,他封不觉还不仅仅是个“知名玩家”,如今在思睿集团的宣传攻势下,他至少也算是个小有名气的作家了,说是公众人物也不为过。 Such a looks at...... Corpse Blade Studio , if not make the point to respond to anything, own illegal activities was like default in bystander opinion. 这么一看……尸刀工作室要是不作出点回应什么的,在外人看来就跟“默认”了自己的违规行为一样。 ............ ………… On November 5, 2 : 00 pm. 十一月 5 日,下午 2 点。 Thump thump thump- thump thump. 咚咚咚-咚咚。 Some people knocked the Feng Bujue's door. 有人敲响了封不觉的家门。 Jue Bro gets to the entrance, without looked from the cat eye outward, opened the door ; Without looking straight at takes a liking to one toward out of the door, turns around to discuss: In shoes box has the overshoe, you as one likes.” 觉哥走到门口,都没从猫眼往外看,就打开了门;都没正眼朝门外瞧上一眼,就转过身去念道:“鞋箱里有鞋套,你自便。” What's wrong? Now entered your family to wrap/sets the overshoe?” Although Ouyang Jian is asking, but complied. “怎么?现在进你家要套鞋套了?”欧阳笕虽是这么问着,但还是照做了。 This floor......” Feng Bujue elongated the voice to return said, Ruoyu just swept in the morning has towed, if you trod out a land for building foot wear impression, next year today I affirmed that your grave mound burnt incense, but also an own folded sheet on which a subordinate reports to a superior box of tinfoil silver piece burnt to you.” “这地板呢……”封不觉拉长了嗓门儿回道,“若雨上午刚刚扫过拖过,你要是踩出一地皮鞋印的话,明年的今天我肯定来你坟头上香,还亲手折一箱锡箔元宝烧给你。” „...... Can understand.” Ouyang Jian is saying, has worn the overshoe, had me to work overtime late going home, my wife just the kitchen sweep trace, kept the dinner to me in the microwave oven ; But I do not know, I went to the refrigerator to take selected thing to do ate, but also the kitchen made that in a complete mess......” he, on the face flashed through some painful expressions, „, therefore the next day...... my family added a new car.” “啊……可以理解。”欧阳笕说着,已经穿好了鞋套,“有一回我加班晚了回到家,我老婆刚把厨房收拾干净,在微波炉里给我留了晚饭;但我不知道,自己去冰箱里拿了点东西做了吃了,还把厨房弄得一塌糊涂……”他顿了一下,脸上闪过些许痛苦的表情,“于是第二天……我家就添了一辆新车。” Really is a good story.” Feng Bujue said that „the outcome that therefore...... we discussed was must respect others' fruit of labor, forever don't offend your woman?” “真是个好故事。”封不觉道,“所以……我们讨论的究竟是‘要尊重别人的劳动成果’,还是‘永远别得罪你的女人’呢?” During the speeches, he has sat down exhausted easely on the sofa. 说话间,他已悠然地瘫坐在了沙发上。 Perhaps un...... is respects others' fruit of labor.” Ouyang Jian follows, opposite sits with Jue Bro. “嗯……也许是‘尊重别人的劳动成果吧’。”欧阳笕紧随其后,与觉哥对面而坐。 This word is backward, two people silent several seconds, then...... they almost at the same time, erupted one to smile suddenly insanely. 此言落后,两人沉默了数秒,接着……他们几乎在同时,突然地爆发出了一阵癫笑。 Sees the so impudent and shameless two people, make complaints of nearby Hazas in the heart said silently: „After these two goods die , if not go to hell...... my name henceforth on but actually writing.” 看到如此厚颜无耻的二人,一旁的阿萨斯在心中默默吐槽道:“这俩货死后要是不下地狱……我的名字从此就倒着写。” Right, today is anything, unexpectedly started ‚’( is his knocking on a door method that accident plan actually accident referred, this was one between of he and Feng Bujue ciphers).” Ouyang Jian first stopped the happy expression, approached the right track the topic belt/bring. “对了,今天又是什么事儿啊,居然启动了‘三长两短’方案(其实三长两短指的就是他刚才的敲门方法,这是他和封不觉之间的暗号之一)。”还是欧阳笕先止住了笑意,将话题带向了正轨 „Does Oh? enter the subject today quickly?” Feng Bujue said, I think now meets, first through taunted to probe each other verbal battle level grew what boundary the stage mutually.” 哦?今天这么快就进入正题了吗?”封不觉道,“我以为现在还是‘见面后先通过互相挖苦来试探一下彼此的舌战水平成长到了什么境界’的阶段呢。” Hehe......” the Ouyang Jian smile said, I reminded your again, the father I collected fees according to the time, do not think that our friendship was good, I will provide your free legal consultation.” He rests one's chin in one's hands single-handed, meets saying that wants to ask the man to chat, you can find the psychiatrist, or the cowherd boy......” “呵呵呵……”欧阳笕微笑道,“我再次提醒你一下,老子我可是按时间收费的,不要以为咱俩交情还不错,我就会提供你免费的法律咨询。”他单手托腮,接道,“想要找男人聊天,你可以找心理医生、或者牛郎……” Good, that said that the matter......” Feng Bujue talked over one, gave a Ouyang Jian plate, probably is...... has named Corpse Blade Game Studio, the ministry of law of their company related Si Rui Group, indicating to look for my trouble......” he to use to point at referred to the dull picture, this was the Eldest Miss An repeater gives my mail, above attached the original text of opposite party.” “好吧,那就说事儿吧……”封不觉念叨了一句,递给了欧阳笕一个平板,“大概就是……有个叫‘尸刀’的游戏工作室,他们公司的法务部联系到了思睿集团,指明要找我的麻烦……”他用手指了指平板的画面,“这个是安大小姐转发给我的邮件,上面附有对方的原文。” The words to here, Jue Bro thought of anything probably suddenly: ~ was right, the psychiatrist and cowherd boy are not the flat rate subscriptions?” 话至此处,觉哥好像忽然想到了什么:“诶~对了,心理医生和牛郎不也是按时收费的吗?”
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