TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#858: Secret weapon

„When good move of Azure Dragon Yan moon/month......” Shiva to fall to the ground, the wound of its shoulder has healed, Decays fog remnant clouds Also had been taken back Traveling Bag by him. “好一招青龙偃月……”湿婆落地之时,其肩部的伤口已然愈合,【朽雾残霄】也已被他收回了行囊 „When cuts...... is on the verge of death used True character Right......” Feng Bujue also falls from the space, then said, is a pity...... this move, although can stop the injury and returns to full health, but is unable to live fills a vacancy remnantly...... lets your cutting off limb rebirth.” “切……濒死之际用出了【根性】是吗……”封不觉也从天上降了下来,回头说道,“可惜啊……这招虽然可以止住伤势并回满血,但无法生残补缺……让你的断肢重生。” Snort......” Shiva sneers, returns said that „, since you lacked a leg also to hit, I lacked an arm also to hit.” “哼……”湿婆冷笑一声,回道,“既然你缺了一条腿还能打,那我缺了一条胳膊也能打。” „When speaking of my leg...... hehe......” Feng Bujue chuckle, the actinic phenomenon of his thigh has vanished, as if has recovered.” “说到我的腿……嘿嘿……”封不觉轻笑之余,其腿部的光化现象已消失,“似乎已复原了呢。” Shiva sees that the facial expression moves slightly: Originally that damage is only temporary......” 湿婆见状,神情微动:“原来那损伤只是暂时的吗……” Hehe...... this is not the damage.” Feng Bujue should say with a smile, this is only I uses Rewrite But the side effect.” “呵呵……这并不是什么损伤。”封不觉笑着应道,“这只是我使用【Rewrite】而产生的副作用。” Rewrite?” That word of Shiva in the opposite party mouth repeated, knits the brows to ask, that is...... your so-called second-order Soul Intent?” “Rewrite?”湿婆将对方口中那个词重复了一遍,皱眉问道,“那就是……你所谓的‘二阶魂意’吗?” Yes......” Feng Bujue meets saying that told a truth, this is really uses the difficulty extremely to be extremely high and dangerous ability, at least in this fight, I did not plan to use again.” “是啊……”封不觉接道,“不过说句实话,这真是个使用起来难度极高且极度危险的能力,至少在这场战斗中,我是不打算再用了。” Oh? you specifically said actually......” Shiva thinks the taking advantage of opportunity polite talk, „was this ability difficult to use? How is also a dangerous law?” 哦?你倒是具体说说……”湿婆想顺势套话,“这个能力怎么难用了?又是怎么个危险法?” I do not want to explain this to you.” How Feng Bujue easily will also say this core, he goes round the issue and taunts, „, so as to avoid you come under the too big attack to get angry delete Account Number(s).” “我可不想跟你解释这个。”封不觉又怎会把这种核心内容轻易道出,他绕开问题并嘲讽道,“免得你受到太大的打击而怒删账号。” Snort......” Shiva cold snort/hum, every time returned talks about the substantive information to make the primal chaos...... he also to smile with me, „......, but, even if you did not say, I still had speculated 70-80%......” his a half second, met saying that from the actual result, your first use Rewrite, relieved instantaneously Purge With Weightlessness contact To your influence, but also made your leg turn into one group of not controlled data light/only to flow, then, can I assume that......” he looked straight ahead the Feng Bujue's eyes, probed was saying, „the true colors of this ability were- to a certain extent reorganized your data ; For this reason, you can solve to fall that two origins, characteristics and duration all not same distinguished state one time. As for the condition of your leg...... should be because you have not been able proficiently to use this ability, causing that some data unable to arrange when the reorganization correctly.” “哼……”湿婆冷哼一声,“每回谈到了实质性的情报就跟我打太极吗……”他也笑了,“呵……不过,就算你不说,我也已经推测出了七八成……”他微顿半秒,接道,“从实际效果来看,你第一次使用‘Rewrite’,就瞬间就解除了【涤罪】和【失重接触】对你的影响,但同时也让你的腿变成了一组不受控的数据光流,那么,我能不能假定……”他直视封不觉的双眼,试探着说道,“这项能力的真面目就是-‘在一定程度上对你自身的数据进行重组’;正因如此,你才能一次性解掉那两种来源、特性和持续时间皆不相同的特异状态。至于你那条腿的状况……应该是由于你还不能熟练使用这种能力,导致了那部分数据在重组时没能正确排列。” Oh? Feng Bujue selects the eyebrow, is very great, speculated this situation under the information so limited premise.” 哦?封不觉一挑眉毛,“很了不起嘛,在信息如此有限的前提下推测到了这个地步。” You overpraised...... me have also done the schoolwork.” Shiva should say confidently, „the words that won me speaks before the Gotham city according to you, since as well as I...... I basically can determine to your research these days, your first-order Soul Intent was one type can in a short time make the favorable balance of trade to calculate and implement the appropriate countermeasure to the mass data precisely ability.” He, „, but acts according to you all sorts of performance in this fight, I can conclude that...... you can also observes Thriller Paradise from the data level the person.” “你过奖了……我也是做过功课的。”湿婆坦然应道,“根据你在高谭市打赢我之前所说的话,以及我这段时间以来对你的研究……我基本可以确定,你的一阶魂意是一种‘可以在非常短的时间内对大量数据做出超精密计算并实施相应对策的能力’。”他顿了顿,“而根据你在这场战斗中的种种表现,我又可以断定……你也是可以‘从数据层面观察惊悚乐园’的人。” Listens to your tone, probably you also?” Also heard this word, Feng Bujue made a probe. “听你的口气,好像你也是啊?”闻得此言,封不觉也做出了一次试探。 „...... I pour also think, what a pity I am not good.” Shiva smiles bitterly, I am since Heaven Swallowing Daring Devil In the mouth knew this ability, I believe...... he is not talking irresponsibly.” He directed the topic quickly, „, therefore......, when you said Rewrite When this word, in my brain the miraculous glow flashes immediately ; Related to your various known information and speculations unified instantaneously in one, turned into a complete puzzle...... until now to cover on you several riddles is then easily solved like this.” “呵……我倒也想,可惜我不行。”湿婆苦笑一声,“我是从【吞天鬼骁】的口中得知了这种能力的,我相信……他不是在信口开河。”他很快又将话题引了回来,“所以……当你说出【Rewrite】这个词时,我的脑中立刻灵光一闪;有关你的各种已知情报和推测瞬间就结合在了一起,变成了一块完整的拼图……一直以来笼罩在你身上的几个谜团便这样迎刃而解了。” Shiva is saying, held up the remaining right arms, extends two hands to point out: Your that Rewrite Two cornerstones, on you are aloof in two strange of person can...... the Ultra-high Speed computing power, and look through the data the ability. Without this two kinds thing, Rewrite Then is unable to mention......” him two fingers abreast, aimed at the Feng Bujue's leg, I, if has not guessed wrong, when you in controlling Bason fight with me, but also continuously in keeping one eye on rewrites the code on leg...... until a moment ago, completed the patch work.” 湿婆说着,举起了自己剩下的右臂,伸出两根手指道:“你那【Rewrite】的两项基石,正是你身上超然于人的两项奇能……超高速的计算能力、和看破数据的能力。没有这两样东西,【Rewrite】便无从说起……”他又将二指相并,指向了封不觉的腿,“我要是没猜错,你在操控马孙跟我战斗时,还一直在一心二用地重写腿上的代码……直到刚才,才堪堪完成了修补工作。” ...... 啪啪啪啪…… Feng Bujue is Shiva is applauding: Very good, very good ~ his tone joyfully, the expression under punches, exhibits a vice- teacher to praise the stance of student, has not thought that...... to esteem martial arts Shiva that is famous, is also out of the ordinary in the level of Chile.” 封不觉湿婆鼓起掌来:“很好,非常好~”他语气欣然,表情欠揍,摆出一副老师在夸奖学生的姿态,“没想到……以尚武著称的湿婆,在‘智’的水平上也是非同凡响啊。” „...... Shiva coldly to say and you too, „your by deceitful changes the fellow, crazy measures to be famous not craftily...... actually in military the level dominates above many powerhouses...... that appalling......” “彼此彼此……”湿婆冷冷回道,“你这以狡诈诡变、疯狂莫测著称的家伙……却在‘武’的层面凌驾于诸多强者之上……那才令人毛骨悚然……” Two people, fell into at this point as if by prior agreement silent. 两人说到这里,不约而同地陷入了沉默。 Then, is the static posthumous name, confronts. 接着,便是静谥,是对峙。 They understand, decided the victory and defeat the time...... 他们都明白,分出胜负的时刻……到了。 Bang- 嘭- After refuses to compromise, killing intent steep presently. 僵持过后,杀意陡现。 Moon Steps is fierce, the scarlet shadow raids. 月步猛出,赤影袭来。 What Feng Bujue choice is the palace straight run, assaults first. The Bason Summon time completely, he within has not closed in the close combat attacked still has the absolute advantage. 封不觉选择的是中宫直进,抢攻在先。马孙召唤时间未尽,他在近战攻击的间合上仍然有着绝对的优势。 But Shiva, the disciple keeps the alone arm, was unable to use again freely Decays fog remnant clouds This type of long weapon, wanting the upfront to resist this wave of offensive, without doubt was very difficult. 湿婆这边,徒留独臂,已无法再自如地使用【朽雾残霄】这种长兵器了,想要正面去抵挡这波攻势,无疑是非常困难的。 However...... his has not actually drawn back, seems waiting for Feng Bujue's to be close. 然……他却一步未退,似乎就是在等待着封不觉的接近。 20...... 15...... ten...... 二十步……十五步……十步…… In that short two seconds, the Feng Bujue direct impact came at an exceptional pace, arrives at Shiva to feel distance that can start. 在那短短的两秒内,封不觉以惊人的速度直冲过来,来到了一个湿婆觉得可以下手的距离。 Scolding- 叱- At this moment, the Eye of Destruction light beam, spouts from the third eye in Shiva volume once again. Just like the previous time, the launch of this ray of light bunch does not have the indication, moreover flying speed surprisingly quick is incomparable. 这一刻,毁灭之眼的光束,又一次从湿婆额上的第三只眼中喷出。和上次一样,这道光束的发射毫无征兆,而且飞行速度奇快无比。 But this time result...... actually and previous difference. 但这次的结果……却和上次不一样。 What?” The Shiva dynamic vision is extremely good, but in instantly, the Feng Bujue's form that the light beam sends out actually disappears in his eyes suddenly, but Bason that golden light great shadow also without a trace. “什么?”湿婆的动态视力极佳,但在光束发出的刹那,封不觉的身影却在其眼中骤然消失,而马孙那金光巨影也随之无影无踪。 Shunted?” The first response of Shiva may be called amazingly quick, where?” The vision illness/quick moves, is seeking for the Feng Bujue's form in the surroundings. “躲开了?”湿婆的第一反应堪称神速,“在哪儿?”其目光疾动,在周围寻找着封不觉的身影。 But...... before he found the target, a kitchen knife, deeply had dug in his back of the body. 可是……在他找到目标之前,一把菜刀,已深深地扎入了他的后心。 Sorry, your intention...... already in my grasping.” The next second, the Feng Bujue's speaking voice then resounds from Shiva, I know that...... you spoke so many to me, nothing but in Eye of Destruction The second ray of light bunch is ready.” He smiles, „......, therefore I coordinate your, makes a best launching opportunity for you, then......” he is saying, proceeded to push several points the knife, „...... delivered you to start off.” “抱歉,你的意图……早已在我的掌握中了。”下一秒,封不觉的说话声便从湿婆背后响起,“我知道……你跟我讲了这么多,无非就是在等【毁灭之眼】的第二道光束就绪。”他笑了笑,“呵……所以我就配合你一下,为你制造一个最佳的发射时机,然后……”他说着,又将刀子往前推了几分,“……送你上路。” You......” the lines in Shiva heart are- you quite deep planning. “你……”湿婆心中的台词是-“你好深的算计”。 But he only said a character with enough time, had changed to the white light. 但他只来得及说出一个字,就已化作了白光。 Current Quest has completed, Main Quest has been completed 【当前任务已完成,主线任务已全部完成 You have completed this Scenario, after 60 seconds, automatic automatically move 您已完成该剧本,60秒后自动传送 System Notification resounds in the Feng Bujue's ear bank immediately, making him relax. 系统提示当即在封不觉的耳畔响起,让他松了口气。 ......” him to sit on the ground exhausted, received in the hand Must Break The Blade, „...... The danger...... is really the danger.” He thought aloud, perhaps, if not for sold the flaw that must die...... he not to use to him intentionally Eye of Destruction, But with Annihilation......” “呼……”他精疲力竭地坐在了地上,收起了手中的【必须破防之刃】,“……险啊……真是险啊。”他自言自语道,“若不是故意卖个必死的破绽给他……没准他就不用【毁灭之眼】,而用【湮灭】了吧……” In fact, when the Jue Bro first quilt Eye of Destruction When the light beam hits, he has planned this to kill the bureau. 事实上,当觉哥第一次被【毁灭之眼】的光束击中时,他就已经谋划好了这个杀局。 At that time...... Feng Bujue fast searched into Traveling Bag the hand in the process of whereabouts and starts It's slow such as forest Special Effect, this restored the wound of chest. But the cooling time of precious pearl of forest lasted 24 hours, moreover Jue Bro cannot guarantee where the second round of light beam of opposite party can project on...... by some chance the long jab head, that is at the scene the Death fate. 那个时候……封不觉在下落的过程中快速将手探入行囊并发动了【其徐如林】的特效,这才修复了胸口的创伤。但林之宝珠的冷却时间长达24小时,而且觉哥也不能保证对方的第二发光束会打到哪里……万一直击头部,那就是当场死亡的下场。 Even so, Feng Bujue bet the victory and defeat key boldly on the opposite party that second round of destruction light beam. 纵然如此,封不觉还是大胆地将胜负的关键赌在了对方那第二发毁灭光束上。 After several frequenting each other confrontation, Feng Bujue gave the opposite party intentionally one excellent, kills own opportunity sufficiently, and takes the enormous risk to move forward to meet somebody. 在几番你来我往的交锋过后,封不觉故意给了对方一个绝佳的、足以杀死自己的机会,并冒着极大的风险迎了上去。 The victory and defeat, all bets in that flash. 胜负,皆赌在那一瞬之间。 If the miscalculation of Feng Bujue to firing time, he is definitely killed violently at the scene ; If Shiva has not met the enemy with Eye of Destruction, but is the choice continues circuitously, and with extinguishing Special Effect of slate comes a minute/share of victory and defeat, that Feng Bujue most likely will also lose. 假如封不觉对发射时间的判断失误,那他肯定是当场毙命;假如湿婆没有用毁灭之眼去应敌,而是选择继续迂回,并用灭之石盘的特效来分胜负,那封不觉八成也会输。 Jue Bro must win, only then 1/10000 opportunities...... he must send out in the light beam that checks starts It's swift as the wind Special Effect, draws out own limiting velocity to make one time changes to the booklet leaps, meanwhile must dismiss Bason...... this to be able by own whereabouts to vanish in the line of sight of opposite party suddenly, thoroughly. 觉哥要赢,只有万分之一的机会……他必须在光束发出的那一刹发动【其疾如风特效,引出自己的极限速度做一次变向折跃,同时还得解散马孙……这样才能让自己的行踪突然地、彻底地消失在对方的视线中。 Only by doing so, he has the opportunity...... after the brain of Shiva makes in that short 12 seconds before response make to circle one time sneak attacks, a blade decides the victory and defeat. 只有这样,他才有机会……在湿婆的大脑做出反应前的那短短一两秒内做一次绕后偷袭,一刀分出胜负。 Does not use the razor blade and under the Blood Corpse God premise, is really a little difficult.” After the ground sat for more than ten seconds, Feng Bujue holds the volume single-handed, seemingly in the alleviation headache, uses the load and risk of Rewrite also imagines me is much bigger than......” he to smile bitterly, later is a sigh, oh...... I must become am better......” “不用剃须刀和血尸神的前提下,果然还是有点艰难啊。”在地上坐了十几秒后,封不觉单手扶额,貌似是在缓解头疼,“使用Rewrite的负荷和风险也比我想象中要大得多……”他苦笑一声,随后又是一声叹息,“唉……我还得变得更强才行啊……” ............ ………… After 15 minutes, in Deities high-level Conference room. 十五分钟后,诸神高层会议室中。 Eldest child? What kind of?” Brahma saw Shiva to ask one unbearably anxiously. “老大?怎么样了?”大梵天一见湿婆就急不可耐地问了一句。 „...... Looked that the expression knew and loses.” Vishnu said with a smile. “呵……看表情就知道又输了呗。”毗湿奴笑道。 Shiva is shaking the head, arrives at the board to sit down , four people of sinking sounds present said besides oneself: Right, I lost.” 湿婆摇着头,走到会议桌边坐下,对除了自己以外的、在座的四人沉声说道:“没错,我又输了。” „Is Feng Bujue...... so really strong?” Yama looks to Shiva, looks to doubt the color. 疯不觉……真的那么强?”阎摩看向湿婆,面露疑色道。 „Very strong.” Shiva returns said that at least from the present result, he compared with me...... not?” He said when these words tone also has some regret, obviously has not walked from the mood of being defeated. “很强。”湿婆回道,“至少从眼前的结果来看,他比我强……不是吗?”他说这句话时的语气还带着些许的懊悔,显然是还没从落败的情绪中走出来。 Eldest child, should you not be needed some clever trick plotting by him?” Brahma asked. “老大,你该不是被他用某种诡计给暗算了吧?”大梵天问道。 No.” Shiva returns said, he is only the application of tactics is appropriate, before I put forth all cards in hand ended the fight.” “不。”湿婆回道,“他只是战术运用得当,在我使出所有的底牌之前就结束了战斗。” Therefore...... the eldest child you compare Fairly Strong.” Brahma returns said. “所以说……还是老大你比较强嘛。”大梵天回道。 „A player actually some strong...... did not visit him to have what kind of Equipment, skill and ability......” at this time, sat the fifth person by board spoke, „, but looked he can win anyone.” His vision has swept the faces of others, today...... he defeated our Deities first expert, he is one compared with our Deities first stronger man. No matter how you saw that...... I think in any case.” “一名玩家究竟有多强……并不是看他拥有怎样的装备、技能、能力……”这时,坐在会议桌旁的第五人说话了,“而是看他能打赢什么人。”他的目光扫过了其他人的脸,“今天……他战胜了我们诸神的第一高手,那他就是一个比我们诸神第一更强的男人。不管你们怎么看……反正我是这么认为的。” This speaks obviously has the young fellows of two aura, game Nickname is- Asura. He is Deities Studio after the competition of S1 ended nova player who starts secret training. 这位说起话来明显带有中二气息的小伙儿,游戏昵称为-【阿修罗】。他乃是诸神工作室在S1的比赛结束后开始秘密培养的新星玩家。 From constructing number, Asura in the colleagues with Studio has only arranged the itself/Ben together, or simply is the single line. His ID was in Studio has reserved, but he relevant information in reality in the Deities official site has not publicized. 从建号时起,阿修罗就只和工作室内的同事们一起排过本,或者干脆就是单排。他的ID是工作室内早已预留好的,而他本人在现实中的相关信息从没有在诸神的官网上公开过。 Until this S2 preliminary contest starts, Asura this ID entered the line of sight of public, because...... his name appeared in impressively Deities one team In list. Naturally, so far, he for the seam protector, has never been having the interlude. His concrete strength how, only then Deities several high levels know. 直到这次S2的预赛开打,阿修罗这个ID才进入了公众的视线,因为……他的名字赫然出现在了【诸神一队】的名单上。当然了,目前为止,他一直都在替补位,从未出过场。他的具体战力如何,也只有诸神的几位高层才知晓。 However, many hearsay have been passing on...... this not yet grown talent player, Deities is to take the S2 champion training secret weapon. Absolutely does not have the mysterious role that the material may check as one, that competition based on intelligence warfare...... will play the role of surprise-attack forces in late in without doubt. 不过,已经有很多小道消息在传……这位尚未成年的天才选手,正是诸神为取S2冠军而培养的秘密武器。作为一个完全没有资料可查的神秘角色,在后期那种以情报战为基础的比赛中……无疑会起到奇兵的作用。 The present stage, other Game Studio have also stared at this boy firmly, they sprinkle the intelligence network in abundance, wants to find some and Asura has arranged this player together, inquires the basic information of this person. Perhaps...... Deities this secret was appropriately, how the exterior person inquires again is also busy at work white/in vain. 现阶段,其他的游戏工作室确也已经盯上了这小子,他们都纷纷洒出情报网,想找到一些和阿修罗一起排过本的玩家,打探一下此人的基本信息。只是……诸神这次的保密工作做得非常妥当,恐怕外部的人再怎么打探也是白忙活了。 Yeah ~ the eldest child, your nephew is really a little face did not keep Ha to you.” Brahma listened to the opinion of Asura, to/clashes Shiva to say unexpectedly with a smile like this. “哎~老大,你侄子还真是一点儿面子都不给你留哈。”大梵天听了阿修罗的言论,竟还笑着冲湿婆这样说道。 I reiterated again one......” Shiva holds the volume to shake the head, he is my younger male cousin...... I have not arrived this year 30 years old, often do not give my elder.” “我再重申一遍……”湿婆扶额摇头,“他是我表弟……我今年还没到三十岁呢,别动不动给我长辈儿。” All various professions ~ you forever 25.” Brahma shrugs to say carelessly. “行行~您永远二十五。”大梵天大大咧咧地耸肩应道。 „...... I said that the minor repair......” Shiva elongated the voice, looked that said to his younger male cousin, you this year also 17 years old, almost this/should two graduations...... that man and so on title......” “还有……我说小修啊……”湿婆拉长了嗓门儿,看向他的表弟道,“你今年也已经十七岁了,差不多该从中二毕业了吧……‘那个男人’之类的称谓……” Little wordy...... I spoke am this style.” The minor repair curls the lip, a face is not convinced returns said. “少罗嗦……我讲话就是这种风格。”小修撇了撇嘴,一脸不服气地回道。 This style was called two.” Yama turns the head, narrated and commented one briefly. “这种风格就叫中二。”阎摩转头,简短地评述了一句。 Eh? minor repair changed an embarrassed face instantaneously, had nothing to say in reply. 诶?”小修瞬间变了个囧脸,无言以对。 With female ** when class/flow will have barrier also to conform to two hypotheses...... Vishnu to insert a Asura blade in side very much maliciously. “和女**流时会有障碍这点也很符合中二的设定呢……”毗湿奴在旁恶意地插了阿修罗一刀。 Isn't only restricted in the young pretty female? What below ten years old over 50 years old have the dinosaur should not have the issue?” Yama meets to say seriously. “难道不是仅限于年轻貌美的女性而已吗?十岁以下五十岁以上还有恐龙什么的应该都没问题吧?”阎摩一本正经地接道。 You are toot one's own horn...... the Vishnu corners of the mouth to twitch toward yourself forcefully are meeting to say. “你这是强行往自己脸上贴金啊……”毗湿奴嘴角抽动着接道。 Why oh...... I open this actually to come......” Shiva to look that at present this table of people chat unscrupulously, mutters discussed, actually I should break them to start to elaborate the Feng Bujue form, participates in endless wrangling and in the personal attack following this type of atmosphere......” “唉……我开这会到底是想干嘛来着……”湿婆看着眼前这桌人肆无忌惮地闲扯了起来,不禁喃喃念道,“我究竟是该打断他们并开始阐述疯不觉的相关情况呢,还是顺着这种气氛参与到无尽的扯皮和人身攻击中去呢……”
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