TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#859: Preliminary contest result

In late September, the Struggle For Power to Summit S2 preliminary contest is held like a raging fire, the live broadcast of competition and records and broadcasts has also opened officially. 九月下旬,巅峰争霸S2的预赛进行得如火如荼,比赛的直播和录播也已正式开启。 Although Great Hero's Get Together has continued on October 25, but most teams decide finally points in first 36 days. Therefore......, if compares with a long-distance race this preliminary contest, then this little while should after the half range. 虽说“英杰聚首”会一直持续到十月25日,但绝大多数队伍都是在前三十六天就决定最终积分的。所以……如果将这次预赛比作一次长跑,那么这会儿就该进入后半程了。 At this time reviews the first half Month(s) competition schedule again, basically can describe with the calm. Except that Team One Corpse Blade and Order Team One that time engages in hand-to-hand combat beside, the situation of among the strong teams meeting did not have. Overall, most professional teams advance triumphantly, won with irresistible force. 此时再回顾一下之前半个月的赛程,基本可以用波澜不惊来形容。除了尸刀一番队秩序一队的那次短兵相接之外,强队之间相遇的情况就没有了。总体而言,大部分职业队都是一路高歌猛进,势如破竹地赢了下去。 Until this stage, situated in the in-game underlying bed, base number huge Casual Gamer as if taste...... the original points system is more brutal compared with the victory screening system of elimination series or S1. Under this athletic competition system, can enter the semi-finals team inevitably is the strength perfect strong teams, that type goes all out to practice the level to achieve the participating standard team before the game to have no opportunity reluctantly. 直到这个阶段,处于游戏中低层的、基数庞大的休闲玩家们似乎才回过味儿来……原来积分制度比起淘汰制或是S1的胜场筛选制更为残酷。在这种赛制下,能进复赛的队伍必然都是实力过硬的强队,那种在赛前拼命练级勉强达到参赛标准的队伍根本没有任何机会。 Thereupon, starting from mid September, at the forum gradually spread some discontented sounds. Such as „didn't the athletic competition system of Dream Corporation give Casual Gamer promotion opportunity and is not the professional team has no way to play the competition?”, And opposed was shakes foundation of game and so on...... obviously to bring the intense complaint post with the general population to brave. 于是乎,从九月中旬开始,论坛上就逐渐传出了一些不满的声音。诸如“梦公司的赛制根本不给休闲玩家晋级机会”、“不是职业队就没法儿玩比赛了?”、以及“与广大群众作对是动摇游戏的根基”之类的……明显带着强烈怨念的帖子纷纷冒了出来。 Regarding similar sound, the Dream Corporation official responded seems righteous. 对于类似的声音,梦公司的官方回应显得理直气壮。 The customer service department even flowed out such reply content- this kissing/betrothal, I use the basketball to give an example, if...... you look for 35 Buddies that likes the basketball, can obtain in basketball the result of being better than five professional basketball players, that is the athletic competition system has the issue.” 客服部门甚至流出了这样的回复内容-“这位亲,我用篮球举个例子吧,如果说……你找上三五个喜欢篮球的好友,就能在一场篮球赛事中取得了优于五名职业篮球运动员的成绩,那才是赛制有问题。” Yes, Dream Corporation is this attitude, they all along are also this attitude...... 是的,梦公司就是这种态度,他们一贯也就是这种态度…… ............ ………… Up to October 10 early morning, over 70% teams joined the formation in this time interval, conducted the own 36 th preliminary contest. But almost all professional corps, announced oneself preliminary contest final result before early morning of this day. 至十月 10 日的凌晨,70%以上的参赛队伍都在这个时段加入了队列,进行了自己的第三十六场预赛。而几乎所有的职业战队,都在这天的清晨以前公布了自己的预赛最终成绩。 Order Team One and two teams and four teams ; Deities one team and two teams and three teams ; The strong team that blade edge, world, Jiang Hu and stars...... these everyone is familiar was outstanding the score of total victory on this day in abundance. 秩序一队、二队、四队;诸神一队、二队、三队;刀锋、天地、江湖、星辰……这些大家耳熟能详的强队纷纷在这天秀出了全胜的战绩。 ......, because each Studio every day the scores of real-time update their affiliated teams in own official site, when to this final three points settle down, as if no big pleasant surprise. 只是……由于各个工作室每天都会在自己的官网上实时更新他们旗下各队的战绩,到这最后的三分尘埃落定时,似乎也没有多大的惊喜了。 However, time of childbirth curved photo Nine Provinces, several happy several worried. 不过,正所谓月子弯弯照九州,几家欢乐几家愁。 Has the team total victory, naturally has the team not to attain the total victory...... these, should be Team One Corpse Blade depressed. 有队伍全胜,自然就有队伍没拿到全胜……这其中,最为郁闷应该就是尸刀一番队了。 Properly speaking, their strength is less inferior than these total victory teams. What a pity...... they met one time with Order Team One, this directly caused them to enter the second echelon. Although took 105 points also to have very big probability to enter semi-finals, but that „a defeat, eventually was the shame of not being able to erase. 按理说,他们实力绝不比那些全胜队伍逊色。可惜……他们偏偏和秩序一队相遇了一次,这直接导致他们进入了第二梯队。虽说拿了105分也有很大几率能进复赛,但那“一败”,终究是抹不去的耻辱。 ............ ………… Said again our Hell Front teams, its result and Feng Bujue expect consistently- total victory ; Moreover this score under the premise that in Jue Bro holds a title without any obligations of office for a long time achieves. 再来说说我们的地狱前线队,其成绩和封不觉预料得一致-全胜;而且这个战绩还是在觉哥长期坐冷板凳的前提下达成的。 Naturally, because the official had not announced that after being promoted the points situations of lists and various teams( waits preliminary contest to finish one week just now announcement), so far, Hell Front was still an unknown team. 当然了,由于官方尚未公布晋级名单和各队的积分情况(待预赛全部结束后的一周方才公布),目前为止,地狱前线仍然是一支名不见经传的队伍。 What is worth mentioning is, starting from October 8, Dream Corporation on cancel the privacy protection option in competition, in other words, each team...... will at least have three video recording of competitions to preserve in the preliminary contest. 值得一提的是,从十月 8 日开始,梦公司取消了比赛中的隐私保护选项,也就是说,每支队伍……在预赛中至少会有三场比赛的录像会留存下来。 Facing this situation, Jue Bro also made very deceitfully deals...... instructed by his, the Hell Front final three rounds of preliminary contests, all take Blood Corpse God to conduct the fight as the main force, but Xiao Tan they hide the strength as far as possible. 面对这种情况,觉哥也做出了十分狡诈的应对……在他的授意下,地狱前线的最后三轮预赛,全都是以血尸神为主力去进行战斗的,而小叹他们则是尽可能地隐藏实力。 As the matter stands, even if to the semi-finals stage, the information of Hell Front these team members still became the riddle, even if the opponent studies their competition video recording, the conclusion that can draw still nothing but is- this/should team has the Summon lifeform that may be called goes against heaven's will, that is all. 这样一来,纵使到了复赛阶段,地狱前线这些队员们的情报依然成谜,就算对手去研究他们的比赛录像,所能得出的结论也无非就是-该队伍有一个堪称逆天的召唤生物,仅此而已。 ............ ………… In October/ten months, in a hurry in the past. 十月,匆匆过去。 In an instant, is late autumn. 转眼,已是深秋。 On October 25, Great Hero's Get Together then came to an end, but Dream Corporation has not immediately announced the result of preliminary contest, but on the grounds of statistics, pressed one week the result of preliminary contest fully. 十月25日,“英杰聚首”便宣告结束,可梦公司并没有立即公布预赛的结果,而是以“统计数据”为由,将预赛的结果整整压了一个礼拜。 In these seven days, Dream Corporation held the product release conference, to promote one economical game cabin ; Also made use to announce „the Crazy Thoughts 1.0 official editions have researched and developed are completed, after S2 finished news that got online officially ; Also did under the line of Halloween subject to move while convenient...... does not raise the S2 matter in brief. 在这七天的时间里,梦公司开了个产品发布会、推出了一款“经济型游戏舱”;又趁势宣告了“疯狂思维1.0正式版”已研发完成,将在S2结束后正式上线的消息;顺带还搞了个万圣节主题的线下活动……总之就是不提S2的事情。 These actions...... make the media that all players even are many outside world puzzled. Is lets hope the team of preliminary contest result must touch own ears and cheeks and sleep on pins and needles anxiously. 这些举动……让所有的玩家甚至很多外界的媒体都大惑不解。更是让许多期盼着预赛结果的队伍急得抓耳挠腮、寝食难安。 As the saying goes the hammering must before it's too late, but Dream Corporation actually counter- its magical skill it, between the S2 preliminary contest and semi-finals came entire one week half time time. This without a doubt...... is the Woody wicked idea. 常言道打铁要趁热,而梦公司却偏偏反其道行之,在S2的预赛和复赛之间来了整整一周的“中场休息”时间。这毫无疑问……又是伍迪的鬼点子。 Sometimes...... to maintain a heat degree of matter, the appropriate temperature decrease is also necessary, this called the relaxation to have. 有时候……为了维持一件事的热度,适当的降温也是必要的,这就叫张弛有度。 Really, by November 1, when the official site renewal of Dream Corporation announced that immediately started wave of S2 raging tide from all walks of life. 果然,到了十一月 1 日,当梦公司的官网更新公告时,立即又在各界掀起了一波S2的狂潮。 On the same day, Struggle For Power to Summit S2 Stage 2- Engages in fierce battle four The rule then takes advantage of opportunity to come. 当日,巅峰争霸S2第二阶段-【鏖战四界】的规则便顺势出炉。 But before that people being promoted list and points of ranking focus obviously preliminary contest. 但在那之前,人们所关注的焦点显然还是预赛的晋级名单和积分排名。 According to data that the system gives, through the 256 teams of preliminary contest , the team of most low score really also has 104 points smoothly. In other words...... in 36 games, achieves the 34 wins two draws, crushes into the semi-finals threshold. Has lost a team, only then the total victory in the surplus competitions can be promoted ; But has lost two, or has had the team of one loss and one draw, that bye-bye directly. 根据系统给出的数据,顺利通过预赛的256支队伍中,最低分的队伍竟然也有104分。也就是说……在36战中,达到34胜两平,也才堪堪挤进复赛的门槛。输过一场的队伍,只有在剩余的比赛中全胜才能晋级;而输过两场的、或有过一负一平的队伍,那就直接拜拜了。 What is quite unexpected, in more than 200 teams of being promoted, team also 70 of amateur player......, moreover these also eight teams advance 100. This data, made previously these shut up to the athletic competition system discontented fellow. Similarly is the non- professional player, others can hit the total victory, or only loses one, only to put down, but you are going against about 50% winning percentage, clamoring the athletic competition system is unfair, feels all right? 比较出人意料的是,在晋级的二百多支队伍中,非职业玩家的队伍也有七十来支……而且这其中还有八支队伍是进了前一百位的。这项数据,也让此前那些对赛制不满的家伙闭了嘴。同样是非职业玩家,人家能打全胜,或者只输一场、只平一场,而你们顶着50%左右的胜率,叫嚣着赛制不公,好意思么? Naturally, in the first hundred teams, the quantity of professional team has the overwhelming superiority. 当然,在前百名的队伍中,职业队的数量还是占据绝对优势的。 These 100 teams, end the match by 108 points of perfect records completely, but the system is in the preamble had then mentioned to their sorting ways...... calculates various number of terms value losses and in the time needed and Skill Points each competition to gain wait/etc. 这一百支队伍,全部是以108分的全胜战绩完赛,而系统对他们的排序方式便是前文中提到过的……计算每一场比赛中的各项数值损失、所用时间、技巧值获取等等。 Finally, arranged at the first team...... is Deities one team. 最终,排在了第一名的队伍……是诸神一队。 This they may really feel proud and elated, forcing old opponent order, in a list that has the credibility occupied the head. 这回他们可真是扬眉吐气,力压了老对手秩序,在一张极具公信力的榜单上占了鳌头。 But Order Team One that five monsters, just like arrange in the second position...... this result, without doubt made the Order Studio high level very discontented, „the Thriller Paradise first person adding on Drunken Dreams four big expert did the dream combination, in such essential ranking unexpectedly by the sworn enemy surpassing, this pot some people carry? 秩序一队那五个怪物,俨然是排到了第二的位置上……这一结果,无疑让秩序工作室的高层十分不满,“惊悚乐园第一人”加上“醉生梦死四大高手”的梦幻组合,在这么关键的排名上居然被死对头给超过了,这个锅得有人来背一下吧? Therefore, as a team leader Wisdom of Death Stood on own initiative, made a profound review with the leaders of unit. 于是,身为队长的【悟死参玄】主动站了出来,跟单位的领导们做了一番深刻的检讨。 Is I handles matters disadvantageously, leadership with an improper method, such big competition, the preliminary contest only took second, when my team leader should shoulder the primary responsibility.” Lets the dialog that the person does not know whether to laugh or cry so forth, is the main contents that he reviews. “是我办事不利,领导无方,这么大的比赛,预赛只拿了个第二名,我这个当队长的应该承担主要责任。”诸如此类让人哭笑不得的对白,就是他检讨的主要内容。 Regardless the competition of that two established strong team, this list from third starts in the future, it may be said that to have the anticipation. 撇开那两支老牌强队的竞争,这次榜单从第三名开始往后,可谓颇具看点。 First, forms the third line, its team is called Community. Team name that this type has from the black tendency, obviously does not belong to any occupation Studio. But their competition video recording also only then three, this explained that the entire journey in the preliminary contest used the anonymous function, and after firing off 36 has not joined the formation again. 首先,排第三的队伍,其队名叫【废柴联盟】。这种带有自黑倾向的队名,显然不属于任何一个职业工作室。而他们的比赛录像也只有三场,这说明他们在预赛中全程使用了匿名功能,并且在打完三十六场后没有再加入队列。 Like this mysterious dark horse, naturally triggers the attention of considerable degree. However...... after reading the member list of this team, this mystery also vanished. Because of the five members of this team, four people enter individual race 50 strong expert in S1. 这样的神秘黑马,自然会引起相当程度的关注。不过……在看过了这支队伍的成员名单后,这种神秘感也就消失了。因为这支队伍的五名成员,有四人都是在S1中杀入个人赛五十强的高手 They respectively are: Wastewood, Honghu, Zhao Shadow King and Yet Weary Dreams. This first three, are the well-known individual professional player, was needless to say. But Yet Weary Dreams status, had been gossipped clear- the first Corpse Blade trump card and present also joined individual professional player. 他们分别就是:废柴叔鸿鹄曌影王倦梦还。这前三位,都已是知名的个人职业玩家了,不用多说。而倦梦还的身份,也早已被八卦得一清二楚-前尸刀王牌、现在也加入了个人职业玩家的行列。 Looks at points list following several again...... Jiang Hu, blade edge and Red Cherry one team and Hell Front, then...... Ice Emperor. Again then...... Corpse Blade two teams, order two teams, Deities two teams and world...... 再看积分榜接下来的几名……江湖刀锋红樱一队、地狱前线、然后……冰帝。再然后……尸刀二番队、秩序二队、诸神二队、天地…… Right, Ice Emperor, is that by Young Master Ji Bu leadership Ice Emperor, obtained the total victory in the Struggle For Power to Summit S2 preliminary contest......, moreover from 36 overall data, but also arranged when Corpse Blade and order two teams of front, being next to Hell Front...... Feng Bujue saw this list was a little shocking...... 没错,冰帝,就是那个由迹部少爷领衔的冰帝,在巅峰争霸S2的预赛中取得了全胜……而且从三十六场的整体数据来看,还排在了尸刀和秩序二队的前面,仅次于地狱前线……就连封不觉看到这份名单时都有点儿震惊了…… However, in bystander opinion, the Ice Emperor good and evil is also a family background Game Studio team, let alone naming difficult three people of groups have been prestigious, this team cannot say that is what dark horse. 不过,在外人看来,冰帝好歹也是一支出身游戏工作室的队伍,何况“取名难三人组”早已是威名赫赫,这队伍也称不上是什么黑马。 After reading member list, in people eyes the true dark horse...... also only had Hell Front. 在看过了成员名单后,人们眼中真正的黑马……也就只剩下了“地狱前线”了。 Besides Feng Bujue and Wang Tanzhi, other three members in team all are the nameless players who the information does not have, including insane in vain two people, is not the professional player. 除了“疯不觉”和“枉叹之”外,队伍中的其他三名成员全都是情报全无的无名玩家,包括疯枉二人,也都不是什么职业玩家。 The team that they are not any Game Studio, entire Casual Gamer compose, moreover...... they also arranged first ten of preliminary contest points list. 他们是一支不属于任何游戏工作室的、全休闲玩家所组成的队伍,而且……他们还排进了预赛积分榜的前十位。 When lags behind...... Hell Front has become the home teams in most Casual Gamer minds probably, became the objects of major Studio key research...... 后知后觉时……地狱前线好像已经成了绝大多数休闲玩家们心目中的主队,也成了各大工作室重点研究的对象…… ............ ………… On November 2, zero point. 十一月 2 日,零点。 In the suburbs of S City somewhere. S市郊区某处。 ...... this twinkling is the late autumn......” a middle-aged man who wears the old header cap and black frame eyeglasses was long-drawn-out arrived under a road lightpost, shouted the tone upwards. “呼……这一眨眼都已是深秋了啊……”一个戴着老头帽和黑框眼镜的中年男人悠哉地走到了一根路灯杆下,朝天呼了口气。 I said...... Vice Division Head Qi.” Not far away, young people happen to walked, „is this greater part of the night, called this wilderness to come...... should me not to silence a witness of crime?” “我说……齐副科长啊。”不远处,一个年轻人正好走了过来,“这大半夜的,把我叫到这荒郊野外来……该不会是想杀人灭口吧?” Hehe......” Qi Zhi lifted the hat brim, looks with a smile to Jue Bro, I must kill you to eliminate a potential informant, but also needs to select the situation?” “呵呵……”齐治抬了抬帽檐,笑着看向觉哥,“我要杀你灭口,还需要挑场合吗?” This but actually is also.” Feng Bujue also smiles, according to my estimation...... did you look to me nine branch work?” “这倒也是。”封不觉也笑了笑,“据我推断……你这是给我找了个‘九科的活儿’?” No.” Qi Zhi denies immediately the Jue Bro inference, here really had nine branch work......” he to raise both hands to gesticulate a movement that hit the quotation mark, „, but did not give...... is I who you prepared must do.” “不。”齐治立刻否认了觉哥推断,“这里确实有个‘九科的活儿’……”他举起双手比划了一个打引号的动作,“但不是给你准备的……是我要做的。” „Does your deputy head come out to run personally this field personnel?” The Feng Bujue look changes, immediately all around starts to take a fast look around vigilantly, Vartan has alien(s) invaded Earth?” “你一个副科长亲自出来跑这个外勤?”封不觉眼神微变,当即开始警惕地扫视四周,“难道巴尔坦星人已经入侵地球了?” Good good ~ generally the event, do not make much ado about nothing.” Qi Zhi throws a shutting out look toward Jue Bro, couple of days ago wasn't Halloween? Outside accumulates the next many broken matters, therefore in the bureau the manpower a little became serious for these days, I also can only come out to run.” “行了行了~一般事件而已,别大惊小怪的。”齐治觉哥投去个嫌弃的眼神,“前两天不是万圣节吗?外面攒下好多破事儿,所以这几天局里人手有点吃紧,我也只能多出来跑跑了。” Oh~ Feng Bujue said, that you do ask me to come are...... call to start you?” 哦~封不觉道,“那你找我来是……给你打个下手?” No, I have other matter to look for you.” Qi Zhi returns said, is only I have the work unable to get out of the way here, therefore can only make you run one.” “不,我是有别的事找你。”齐治回道,“只是我在这儿有活儿走不开,所以只能让你来跑一趟了。” That what matter?” Feng Bujue also asked. “那到底什么事儿啊?”封不觉又问道。 I give you that ten years of skill, almost should take carry back.” Qi Zhi meets to say. “我给你那十年功力,差不多该拿回来了。”齐治接道。 Ha?” The Feng Bujue startled say/way, originally must also?” Finishes barely the words, he instinct withdraws two steps, „were wait/etc...... difficult to be inadequate also wants the interest?” “哈?”封不觉惊道,“原来要还的啊?”话音未落,他又本能地退后两步,“等等……难不成还要利息?” Your boy, when I am the usury?” Qi Zhi shrugged one, immediately answered, took back the skill is because you do not need it.” “你小子当我是高利贷呢?”齐治耸肩回了一句,随即解释道,“收回功力是因为你已经不需要它了。” Makes one think so?” Feng Bujue doubts to say. “何以见得?”封不觉疑道。 „When me Month(s) comes to see you, discovered that that strength of your within the body had been diluted similarly.” Qi Zhi returns said that „, but...... that strength has not blended with my Spiritual power in the same place, but after using my Spiritual power, rejected it beyond its source, to guarantee own pure nature.” “我上个月来看你时,就发现你体内的那股力量已经被稀释得差不多了。”齐治回道,“但是……那股力量并没有和我的灵力融汇在一起,而是在利用完我的灵力后,将其剔除在了其本源之外,以保证自身的纯粹性。” Hou ~ my strength also very has the moral integrity......” Feng Bujue should understand the meaning of opposite party, therefore takes advantage of opportunity to complain. “嚯~我的力量还挺有节操的嘛……”封不觉应该是理解了对方的意思,所以顺势吐了个槽。 Has the moral integrity to have nothing to do with me.” Qi Zhi meets saying that in brief, I must say at present again Spiritual power of your within the body, will otherwise instead become your burden.” He, sized up Jue Bro several with the quite strange vision at this point up and down, thinks that after...... Spiritual power of your within the body was rejected is clean, that strength that you awakens...... will also appear the true colors to come.” “有没有节操跟我无关。”齐治接道,“总之,眼下我得把你体内的灵力再提出来,否则反而又会成为你的负担。”他说到此处,用颇为怪异的目光上下打量了觉哥几眼,“想必……等你体内的灵力被剔除干净后,你自身所觉醒的那股力量……也将现出真面目来。” „......, therefore called this place me......” Feng Bujue probably detected that from the spoken language and expression of opposite party what, looked light/only to say with a smile evilly, hehe...... the true colors of my strength is what destroyed by some chance day of the strength of Demon Lord extinguished the place, did you manage me in these four unmanned places directly?” “哦……所以才把我叫到这种地方来啊……”封不觉好像从对方的言语和表情中察觉到了什么,面露邪光地笑道,“呵呵……万一我那股力量的真面目是什么毁天灭地的魔王之力,你就在这四下无人之地直接把我办了是吧?” Yes.” At this moment, on the Qi Zhi face the happy expression does not have, facial expression ice-cold, his reply...... is also brief and to the point, forceful. “是。”这一刻,齐治脸上笑意全无,神情冰冷,他的回答……也是言简意赅,铿锵有力。
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