TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#857: Spring and Autumn Period eight laws

Bason big move?” Shiva hears these characters time, thinks instantaneously, is in the legend ultra Death Bason gold double fist hammer?” 马孙的大招?”湿婆听到这几个字的时候,瞬间想到,“难道是传说中的‘超死亡马孙黄金双拳锤’?” He can send out this name, is not because he thoroughly understands various ACG knowledge, because he to Jue Bro skill and Equipment situation has done an investigation. Because Bason is a characteristics quite obvious Summon lifeform, must check its related information is also not difficult( briefly, made up to pass Spirit King to know). 他能报出这个名字,绝不是因为他本身就通晓各种ACG知识,只是因为他曾经对觉哥身上的技能和装备情况做过一番调查。由于“马孙”是一个特征比较明显的召唤生物,要查其相关资料也并不算困难(简单地说,补一下通灵王就知道了)。 However, in Feng Bujue mouth so-called big move, is actually not this...... 然而,封不觉口中所谓的“大招”,却并不是这个…… Perhaps everyone has forgotten, Jue Bro had long ago received one Character Quest, namely All Summon thing accumulation put forth skill 1000 times ; This Quest is Uses Summon is skill, and successfully calls Summon thing 50 times Following, but it completes the difficulty and lasts compared with previous Quest is much more arduous. 可能大家都已经忘记了,觉哥在很久以前有接到过一个“角色任务”,即【所有召唤物累积使出技能一千次】;这个任务是【使用召唤系技能,并成功唤出召唤物五十次】的后续,不过其完成难度和耗时比起前一个任务要艰巨得多。 Because Jue Bro, only then two Summon lifeform( Blood Corpse God does not calculate, he, but Musashi Koganei that is not summoned by Summon Specialization ) is nothing Active Skill. Therefore, these 1000 skills are all completed by Bason. But Bason does not have the opportunity to arrive in each Scenario, even if arrived,( had time in that limited six minutes is five minutes, has lengthened because of the Item addition) in can still put 35 skills generally. 因为觉哥只有两个召唤生物(血尸神不算,他并不是由召唤专精召出来的),而武藏小金井是没有任何主动技能的。因此,这一千个技能全都得由马孙来完成。而马孙也不是在每一个剧本都有机会登场的,即使是登场了,在那有限的六分多钟(原存在时间为五分钟,因物品加成有所延长)里一般也就能放个三五次技能而已。 In summary, Jue Bro passed through N to be long, just now completed this Character Quest, but the reward that he obtained was...... 综上所述,觉哥经过了N久,方才完成了这个角色任务,而他得到的奖励就是…… „When Azure Dragon Yan moon/month, the commanders-in-chief of hundred soldier......” next second, the Feng Bujue illness/quick stated the mnemonics, the word not completely, in the Bason hand has congealed impressively a shining big Guan's broadsword, Spring and Autumn Period eight laws, the blade visited supremely!” “青龙偃月,百兵之帅……”下一秒,封不觉疾述口诀,言未尽时,马孙手中已赫然凝成一把金光灿灿的大关刀,“春秋八法,刀诣至尊!” Nani?” At this moment, in the Shiva heart jumps is these two characters. 哪尼?”此刻,湿婆心中蹦出的就是这两个字。 His accident/surprise is also in the reason......, if Feng Bujue Summon comes out closes two masters, he shouted Spring and Autumn Period eight laws what is also very normal, but can Bason possibly this? 他的意外也是情理之中的……如果封不觉召唤出来的是关二爷,那他喊出春秋八法什么的也挺正常,但马孙怎么可能会这个? Hehe...... looked that your expression probably is very accidental/surprised......” Feng Bujue is smiling, while controls Bason to lift the blade to divide. “呵呵……看你的表情好像很意外啊……”封不觉一边笑着,一边操控着马孙举刀一劈。 This is Spring and Autumn Period eight law first- Withstands great pressure. 此乃春秋八法第一式-【泰山压顶】。 Snort...... hopes that you are not mysterious!” Shiva uses is also the long weapon, moreover he player as Fighting Proficiency Level S, his Hand-to-Hand combat ability impossible weak in a Summon lifeform, therefore he never imagined to hold up Decays fog remnant clouds Keeps off. “哼……希望你不是故弄玄虚!”湿婆用的也是长兵器,而且他身为格斗专精S级的玩家,其自身的格斗能力绝不可能弱于一个召唤生物,所以他想都没想就举起【朽雾残霄】一挡。 Duang ~ Duang~ Suddenly, weapon clash, whining noise air-splitting. 眨眼之间,兵器相击,鸣声破空。 This does not keep off is not important, under keeps off, Shiva nearly puts out an old blood. 这不挡还不打紧,一挡之下,湿婆险些吐出一口老血。 Absurd......” Shiva, although was keeps off this to strike, the form has not changed, but his whole person was shaken the vitality surges by that rudely strength, just like fell 12% Health, clearly was only a Level D Summon lifeform, the destructive power can promote to this situation unexpectedly......” “岂有此理……”湿婆虽是挡下了这一击,体势未变,但他整个人都被那股势大力沉的力道震得气血翻腾,俨然是掉了12%的生存值,“分明只是一个D级召唤生物,破坏力竟能提升到这种地步……” You had not been shaken unexpectedly fall......” another side, Feng Bujue said with a smile, „...... fierce!” “你居然没被震落……”另一边,封不觉则是笑道,“呵……厉害!” Although on the mouth praised opposite party one, but in the hand is not forgiving slightly. After twinkling, actually sees Bason to reverse blade edge, makes use cuts to the declivity, takes the enemy wrist/skill. 虽然嘴上夸了对方一句,但手上可是丝毫都不留情。瞬息过后,却见马孙扭转刀锋,趁势向下斜斩,直取敌方手腕。 This is Spring and Autumn Period eight law second- Flower month before last under. 此乃春秋八法第二式-【花前月下】。 „Not wonderful......” the Shiva fight intuition is especially keen, the style of opposite party has not come, he knows that...... this strikes, if chooses again resists hardly, own weapon will be shaken lets go. However, in this dangerous situation...... also contains the turning point of counter-attack. “不妙……”湿婆的战斗直觉格外灵敏,对方的招式还没过来,他就知道……这一击若是再选择硬抗,那自己的兵器就会被震得脱手。不过,这危情之中……同样蕴含着反击的契机。 Hah!, but heard that Shiva shouted angrily, twisted the illness/quick spin, the hand body transferred with the opposite party blade edge parallel angle, and borrows potential counter- one move Tyrant strikes crazily. 喝!”但闻湿婆怒喝一声,拧身疾旋,将手身体转为和对方的的刀锋平行的角度,并借势反出一招【暴君狂击】。 Comes well!” Feng Bujue has calculated that Shiva dealing method, he also directed Bason to change on the potential at this time. “来得好!”封不觉早已算到了湿婆的应对方法,他也在这时指挥马孙应势变招。 Among the electric light flint, that Guan's broadsword has spread horizontally the recycling fast, the tool face opposes the enemy, resists the chopped wave that the tyrant struck crazily exactly, making its displacement disperse. 电光火石之间,那关刀已快速横摆回收,刀面对敌,恰是抵住了暴君狂击的斩波,使其偏移飞散。 This is Spring and Autumn Period eight law third- Makes west luminary lean. 此乃春秋八法第三式-【引曜西倾】。 Means are really many......” Shiva to Jue Bro opens a move of ability also to have admiring fast, he understands that...... a moment ago the key of that round of attack and defense was Decays fog remnant clouds Whether Special Effect was triggered. In rhythm such quick attack war, Feng Bujue not only can resist the attack, but can also maintain his toxic is affected, is really tactical rules extremely high. “办法还真多啊……”湿婆觉哥的快速拆招能力也是心生钦佩,他明白……刚才那轮攻防的关键就在于【朽雾残霄】的特效是否被触发。在节奏如此之快的对攻战中,封不觉不但能抵住攻击,还能保持其自身不受到毒性的影响,着实是战法高绝 That ~ five types!” Feng Bujue said, organizes the figure, the Bason great shadow also moves. “那是啊~还有五式呢!”封不觉说罢,腾挪身形,马孙的巨影也随之而动。 Finishes barely the words, the blade glow gets up, the blade edge stroke in Bason hand the arc of racing, takes under the Shiva rib together the dead angle. 话音未落,刀芒又起,马孙手中的刀锋划出一道急转的弧线,直取湿婆肋下死角。 This is Spring and Autumn Period eight law fourth- Under stopper Autumn Wind. 此乃春秋八法第四式-【塞下秋风】。 Snort...... do not let success go to the head......” Shiva to sneer, raises the blade then to cut. “哼……你也别得意忘形了……”湿婆冷笑一声,扬刀便斩。 This time, he by cutting to cutting, does not make the standard to keep off. 这次,他是以斩对斩,不作格挡。 After a half second, the double knife-edge the enemy, unexpectedly was Bason that gigantic blade edge by the counter- standard. 半秒后,双刃相敌,竟是马孙那硕大的刀锋被反格了回去。 Worthily is Legend Level weapon......” the Feng Bujue's tone seems very relaxed, Health clearly also remains over 60%, injury addition already that high......, if projects on the remnant blood you, you can conveniently the levelling off hilltops crack sea?” “不愧是传说级武器……”封不觉的语气还是显得很轻松,“生存值分明还剩60%以上,伤害加成就已经那么高了……若是把你打到残血,你岂不是随手就能劈山裂海?” First......” the Shiva steps fly, in the hand the scroll leaves again, you must project on the remnant blood to be good me.” “首先……”湿婆踏步飞上,手中长卷再出,“你得把我打到残血才行。” Does not have the issue.” Feng Bujue met one, increases speed suddenly, including having three types- Bright, Galaxy wants to transfer, Is utterly isolated. “没问题。”封不觉接了一句,陡然提速,连出三式-【穆穆煌煌】、【星河欲转】、【四面楚歌】。 In a twinkling, more Battle Qi such as the smoke gets up, the endless blade shadow rosy cloud rises. 霎时间,弥弥斗气如烟起,漫漫刀影似霞升。 In the Bason hand that broadsword dance results in the world to change color, its Blade Technique quick and dense, vigor and danger...... sole view style, may be called impregnable. 马孙手中那大刀舞得天地变色,其刀法快、密、劲、险……单论招式而言,堪称无懈可击。 However...... Shiva is not the fuel-efficient lamp, Decays fog remnant clouds The fierce place of this ominous soldier, lies in fiercer the more one fights. With the passage of fight time, this...... can achieve the astonishing situation weapon Attack Power and attack range. 不过……湿婆也不是省油的灯,【朽雾残霄】这凶兵的厉害之处,就在于越战越勇。随着战斗时间的推移,这把武器攻击力、攻击范围……都可以达到惊人的地步。 Scolds to click the tongue...... 叱叱叱…… The blade gas phase fights, front sound again and again. 刀气相斗,锋声连连。 During several seconds, Shiva has sent out more than ten to cut with the quickest speed continually, the strength shakes Spring and Autumn Period eight law that five, six and seven. 数秒间,湿婆已用自己最快的速度发出了十余道连斩,力撼春秋八法那五、六、七式。 After paying 30% Health, he has broken cleanly the Bason blade dance, and kept the fallow land starting to the Feng Bujue's main body attacked continually. 在付出了30%的生存值后,他已将马孙的刀舞破得干干净净,并且毫不停歇地对封不觉的本体发动了连攻。 Is now!” This flickers, what Shiva and in the Feng Bujue two people of hearts flashes through is the same thought. “就是现在!”这一瞬,湿婆封不觉二人的心中闪过的是同一个念头。 Shiva, Drives a horse spatially The duration will soon end, this blade, decides the victory and defeat by the air fight the last chance, if the error, is very likely to fall into passively in the fight of going. 湿婆而言,【驭空】的持续时间即将结束,这一刀,是以空战分出胜负的最后机会,如若错失,极有可能在接下去的战斗中陷入被动。 Feng Bujue, own Health had been compelled the limit, the escape route does not have ; He is also very clear, this blade poured into Shiva to branch out the determination of victory and defeat, wanted to find the flaw on the opponent of this rank, and breaks through at one fell swoop, only had to use this time...... 封不觉而言,自己的生存值已被逼到极限,退路全无;他也很清楚,这一刀倾注了湿婆分出胜负的决心,想要在这种级别的对手身上找到破绽、并一举攻破,也唯有利用这种时刻…… In a twinkling! 说时迟,那时快! But sees, Shiva climbs several feet anxiously, instead secludes the potential, the wrist/skill shakes a pressure, chops the blade air/Qi huge invisible poison to cut together. 但见,湿婆急攀数丈,反踞上势,手腕一抖一压,劈下一道刀气庞然的无形毒斩。 This is not ordinary cutting strikes, in poisonous cutting, Shiva also enclosed skill Broken develops to strike spirit ; This skill to pure physical target( e.g. mechanical divine creative force) the injury is extremely weak, but to attaching the goal effect of Spiritual power or soul is remarkable, in other words...... to on present spirit Bason, this move can display the biggest effect. 这可不是普通的斩击,在毒斩之中,湿婆还附上了技能【破灵拓击】;该技能对纯物理目标(如机械造物)的伤害极弱,但是对附有灵力或灵魂的目标效果非常显著,也就是说……对上眼前的灵将马孙,这招可以发挥最大的功效。 My blade strength and within gathered has instead surpassed him now, the skill was to also restrain the Summon lifeform...... added on me to arrive at the high place back light again the position, can depend upon the sunlight to disturb the opposite party......” Shiva when having the blade, in the heart discussed that „, no matter his remaining that moves Spring and Autumn Period eight laws were anything, the considering everything could not counter-balance me to strike...... is I wins!” “我的刀力和间合现在都已反超了他,技能也是克制召唤生物的……再加上我来到高处背光的位置,可以依靠阳光来干扰对方……”湿婆在出刀之时,心中念道,“不管他剩下的那一招‘春秋八法’是什么,满打满算也抵消不了我的这一击……是我赢了!” Observes Feng Bujue...... he to fall to oneself to the leeward place and caring again, on the contrary, he and others is the opposite party flies the above instance! 再观封不觉这边……他对自己落到下风处并不在意,相反,他等得就是对方飞到上方的瞬间! Hehe...... I am still thinking how should lure you to come up, never expected that your oneself chose the upside attack......” at this moment, Jue Bro showed the incomparably evil smile. “呵呵……我还在想该怎么诱使你上去呢,没想到你自己选了上段攻击……”这一刻,觉哥露出了无比邪恶的笑容。 Shiva sees that is afraid, but it incurs extremely already, is the horse enters the wynd, was difficult to turn head. 湿婆见状,不寒而栗,但其极招已出,便是马入狭巷,再难回头了。 Today makes me tell you, what is......” the Feng Bujue single leg empty treads, pinches behind Bason to fly upwards on, „...... the world martial arts leaves rises the dragon!” “今天就让我告诉告诉你,什么叫……”封不觉单腿虚踏,挟着身后的马孙飞升而上,“……天下武功出升龙!” Roar- 吼- dragon cry, howls loudly. 一声龙吟,轰然啸来。 The Guan's broadsword selects, the ghost crying god is howling. 关刀一挑,鬼哭神嚎。 Two forms make a mistake, blood fog explodes the powder. 两道身影相错,一片血雾爆散。 After two seconds, a shadow is revolving falling from the sky, but that...... Shiva was cut an arm that falls. 两秒后,一条黑影自天空中旋转着落下,而那……正是湿婆被斩落的一条胳膊。 But Bason is receives the blade to stand, wielded the blood light of knife point natural. 马孙则是收刀一立,潇洒地挥去了刀尖的血光。 This is the Spring and Autumn Period eight law final types- Azure Dragon Yan moon/month. 此乃春秋八法最终式-【青龙偃月】。
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