TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#856: Decays the fog remnant clouds

Feng Bujue said when these words tone sounds very tranquil, even is it can be said that indifferent. 封不觉说这段话时的语气听上去很平静,甚至可以说是冷漠。 Listens in others, this seems only several commentaries, but spreads to the Shiva ear, is actually more like one type to announce. 在他人听来,这似乎只是几句评论,但传入湿婆耳中,却更像是一种“宣告”。 Although Shiva does not know how Feng Bujue eliminates the damage that Eye of Destruction causes, but Shiva understands, when Jue Bro said advancing recklessly calmly two characters, the victory and defeat balance has then started to change. 虽然湿婆并不知道封不觉是如何消除毁灭之眼所造成的损伤的,但湿婆明白,当觉哥从容地说出“冒进”二字之时,胜负的天秤便已开始变化了。 Scolding- 叱- Scolding- 叱- The next second, two broken wind advantages howl also resound. 下一秒,两声破风利啸同时响起。 Finger of Consonance- Right- Canine god vigor! 灵犀一指】-对-【尖牙神劲】! This is contests between two Level A skills, this is showdowns between two top players. 这是两个A级技能间的较量,这是两名顶尖玩家间的对决。 What a pity, the Shiva movement, eventually was slow the frontline. Because...... had such several seconds a moment ago, he thinks that oneself has won...... 可惜,湿婆的动作,终究是慢了一线。因为……刚才有那么几秒钟,他以为自己已经赢了…… His idea not wrong, this cannot calculate the miscalculation. 他的想法并没有错,这并不能算判断失误。 Properly speaking,...... is absolutely impossible to heal to the wound of puncture by the Eye of Destruction light beam. Or wound in move instantaneously already by an incomplete form completed healing the process. 按理说,被毁灭之眼的光束给击穿的伤口……是绝对不可能愈合的。或者说,伤口在中招的瞬间就已经以一种残缺的形式完成了“愈合”的过程。 The attack of Eye of Destruction is unable to defend and is extremely difficult avoid, will not create the bleeding effect of continuing, but is unable restores with item or the skill. Was passed through the four limbs by this attack, most is in one second accomplishes a stump residual limb, but will hit the words of internal organs...... to cause player rapid Death without doubt. 毁灭之眼的攻击无法防御、极难躲避,不会造成持续的流血效果,但也无法用道具或技能进行修复。被这种攻击贯穿四肢也就罢了,最多就是一秒内造就一条残肢,但击中脏腑的话……无疑会导致玩家迅速死亡 In brief, this Eye of Destruction ability, just like Feng Bujue said that- seems like that the sound is not big, ordinary, is extremely ominously is extremely actually wicked, unstoppable. 简而言之,这毁灭之眼的能力,正如封不觉所说-“看似动静不大,平淡无奇,实则是极凶极恶,锐不可挡”。 Therefore, after Shiva saw the Feng Bujue's chest cavity was pierced, his first response is...... the victory has decided. Therefore, he had the certain extent lax...... is also this several seconds lax, making him respond and movement at this moment came under the influence. 因此,当湿婆看到封不觉的胸腔被洞穿后,他的第一反应就是……胜局已定。于是,他产生了一定程度的松懈……也就是这短短几秒钟的松懈,让他此刻的反应和动作受到了影响。 Checks, the speed disparity of merely checking, then decided the result of this round of confrontation. 一刹,仅仅是一刹的速度差距,便决定了这轮交锋的结果。 Finger of Consonance Ratio Canine god vigor Quicker place to the body of opponent, but the position of its hit...... is a shoulder blade. 灵犀一指】比【尖牙神劲】更快地点到了对手的身上,而其命中的位置……是肩胛。 Perhaps this strikes cannot cause too big Health damage to Shiva, but this strikes actually successfully Canine god vigor Breaks cleanly. 也许这一击并不能对湿婆造成太大的生存值损伤,但这一击却成功地将【尖牙神劲】破得干干净净。 After the shoulder was struck, the arm of Shiva will naturally be affected, before his finger , the direction that to/clashes then cannot help but displaced the inch, but the strength that concentrates in the fingertip has also taken off most probably, and takes off/escapes in two seconds thoroughly completely. 肩部受击后,湿婆的胳膊自然会受到影响,其手指前冲的方向便不由自主地偏移了寸许,而那股凝于指尖的力量也已脱去了大半,并在两秒内彻底脱尽。 Shiva also has to acknowledge, Feng Bujue's this strikes exquisitely peerless, this fellow has definitely calculated that before beginning the reaction speed of opponent and returned incurs the way, later launched the attack. 就连湿婆也不得不承认,封不觉的这一击精妙绝伦,这家伙肯定是在动手之前就已经算到了对手的反应速度和回招方式,随后才实施攻击的。 Snort...... admires!” The next second, Shiva then sneers, meets saying that was a pity...... this finger/refers of might is insufficient!” “哼……佩服!”下一秒,湿婆便冷笑一声,接道,“可惜……这一指的威力还不够!” Then, he in the midair rallying form, has retaliated one move with another arm instantly Picks moon/month of flame. 说罢,他已在半空重整体势,即刻用另一条胳膊回敬了一招【摘月之炎】。 This thinks that can discard this arm......” Feng Bujue to tread withdraws spatially, the illness/quick draws back half step, flashed through opposite party that preparation movement slightly slow style with ease, result is only this degree of damage......” his eye average light flashes continually, then analyzed the reason quickly, „...... I understood, depended Protects body ashes Supported......” “本以为能废掉这条胳膊呢……”封不觉踏空后撤,疾退半步,轻松闪过了对方那准备动作略慢的招式,“结果只是这种程度的损伤而已吗……”他的眼中流光连闪,很快便分析出了原因,“哦……我明白了,是靠【护体灰烬】堪堪撑住了吧……” You are familiar probably...... Shiva with my skill while Drives a horse spatially The duration has not ended, jumps to catch up again, thinks that before is challenges me, did many schoolworks.” “你好像对我的技能了如指掌啊……”湿婆趁着【驭空】的持续时间还没完,再度纵身追上,“想必是挑战我之前做了不少功课吧。” „...... Who knows that......” Feng Bujue returned to the sentence specious words with a smile, because he does not think and be also disinclined to the opposite party to explain oneself can look through the data the matter. “呵……谁知道呢……”封不觉笑着回了句似是而非的话,因为他不想、也懒得去跟对方解释自己能看破数据的事情。 You should also know, Special Effect of my remaining that two slates......” Shiva proposed again an exploratory issue, simultaneously sends Flying flame fist, Is preserving the momentum of suppressed opponent. “那你应该也知道,我剩下那两个石盘的特效了……”湿婆再次提出了一个试探性的问题,同时又发一记【飞焰拳】,保持着压制对手的势头。 But Feng Bujue, although only remains a leg active, but he uses adeptly The Art Of The Soul Connects With The Body- changes Flickering opened the skill to coordinate Moon Steps to evade the attack. 封不觉这边,虽只剩一条腿能动,但他还是娴熟地使用【灵识聚身术-改】的瞬开技巧配合着月步躲过了攻击。 Right, I know.” Jue Bro flashes while said that Special Effect of slate of day Sunglow...... Can for teammate enclosed besides oneself with Moon/Month corner Safety mask that the effect is similar. Obviously, this move is not meaningful in duel.” He, started a skill secretly, the joining-up said that „...... finally Special Effect of that slate- Annihilation, To me is really a difficult issue.” His tone changes, natural...... I think, before compels certainly the boundary of dying you, you will not use that move.” “对,我知道。”觉哥边闪边道,“日之石盘的特效【日冕】……可以替除了自己以外的一名队友附上一个与【月棱】效果相仿的防护罩。很显然,这招在单挑中没有任何意义。”他顿了一下,暗自发动了一个技能,并接道,“不过……最后那个石盘的特效-【湮灭】,对我来说确是个棘手的问题。”他的语气微变,“当然了……我想,在将你逼到绝死之境前,你是不会使用那招的。” Finishes barely the words, huge purple gold color Spiritual Energy has spurted from Jue Bro together thinly. 话音未落,一道庞然的紫金色的灵气已从觉哥背后喷薄而起。 Bason, comes! 马孙,现身! Oh? came out...... Shiva to catch the eye to look at that spirit this fellow Summon finally the great shadow, the facial expression will be moving, I have not guessed that the wrong words...... you were the plan expand your attacks to gather during this, and took advantage of opportunity to reverse the attack and defense of this fight was right?” Saying, him is then taking out a scroll( span to be called scroll in 180-210 cm Katana from Traveling Bag , is ancient weapon that in the middle period of the Edo period presented), „, but you should also be clear that...... must put together the words of long weapon, my Decays fog remnant clouds Will not compare witch weapon in your Summon thing hand to be inferior.” 哦?终于把这家伙召唤出来了吗……”湿婆抬眼瞧着那灵将的巨影,神情一动,“我没猜错的话……你是打算以此来扩大自己的攻击间合,并顺势逆转这场战斗的攻防对吧?”说着,他便从行囊中取出了一把长卷(全长在180-210cm的日本刀可称为“长卷”,是江户时代中期出现的古兵器),“但你也应该清楚……要拼长兵器的话,我这把【朽雾残霄】绝不会比你那召唤物手中的灵子武器逊色。” Name: Decays fog remnant clouds 名称:朽雾残霄】 Type: weapon 【类型:武器 Quality: Legend 【品质:传说】 Attack Power: Unknown 攻击力:未知】 Attribute: Poisonous 【属性:毒】 Special Effect: Decays the fog remnant clouds to cause the fixed poisonous attribute damage every second to his user, this/should injury is equivalent to user biggest Health 0.15% ; Decays the fog remnant clouds Attack Power to depend on the user current Health percentage, Health is lower, Attack Power is higher ; Decays every to cut to strike to be possible one time to delay invisible poison that the fog remnant clouds cut to cut together, the effective scope that the invisible poison cuts depends on the user continually poison time the length, the time is longer, the range is bigger ; Was decayed the fog remnant clouds direct hit or will be poisoned by the enemies who the invisible poison cuts the hit immediately, the toxic violent degree depends on the goal to be decayed fog remnant clouds hit, the foundation toxicity after first hit to lose 0.2% biggest Health every second, later each hit will turn time this effect.】 特效:朽雾残霄每秒都会对其使用者造成固定的毒属性伤害,该伤害相当于使用者最大生存值的0.15%;朽雾残霄的攻击力取决于使用者当前的生存值百分比,生存值越低,攻击力越高;朽雾残霄所斩出的每一次斩击皆可延展出一道“无形毒斩”,无形毒斩的作用范围取决于使用者持续中毒时间的长短,时间越长,范围越大;被朽雾残霄直接命中或被无形毒斩命中的敌人都将立即中毒,毒性猛烈程度取决于目标被朽雾残霄命中的次数,第一次命中后的基础毒性为每秒损失0.2%的最大生存值,之后每一次命中都会将此效果翻倍。】 Equipment condition: Fighting Proficiency S, opens Spirit Art Specialization , success Level cleared three Nightmare Difficulty Scenario, after having at least collected, binds 装备条件:格斗专精S,开启灵术专精,至少成功通关过三次噩梦难度剧本,拾取后绑定】 Note: Any Item or the skill are unable to relieve or slow down decay the poisonous attribute damage that the fog remnant clouds cause. So long as user Death or stops contacting this/should Item, all Special Effect response values by reset. In 12 minutes, maintains over one kilometer distance with this/should Item, similarly can break out of the toxic effect.】 【备注:任何物品或技能都无法解除或减缓朽雾残霄所造成的毒属性伤害。但只要使用者死亡或停止接触该物品,所有特效的反应值都将被重置。在12分钟的时间内,与该物品保持一公里以上的距离,同样可以摆脱毒性的影响。】 Above, was the Shiva that weapon attribute. 以上,就是湿婆那把武器的属性了。 But Feng Bujue...... is also clear to this weaponry characteristics. 封不觉……对这把兵刃的特性也是一清二楚的。 Jue Bro at this moment seemingly is calm and meets the enemy dignified, but in fact...... he is a right leg disabled person and chest is unsensible, and Health only remained 9% people. 此刻的觉哥看似处变不惊、泰然应敌,而实际上……他已经是一个右腿残废、胸口毫无知觉、且生存值仅剩9%的人了。 In remaining years of life condition like his type of wind, if quilt Decays fog remnant clouds Rubs...... the consequence can be imagined to one. 像他这种风中残烛般的状态,要是被【朽雾残霄】蹭到一下……后果可想而知。 Who will fight any long weapon you......” when Shiva kills the front, Feng Bujue mentioned the apex whole body Spiritual power, a Bason that golden body also shining, tastes the Bason big move!” “谁会跟你拼什么长兵器……”待湿婆杀到面前时,封不觉将全身灵力提到顶点,马孙那金身也随之一耀,“来尝尝马孙的大招吧!”
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