TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#855: Second-order Soul Intent

But hears the fresh breeze to start, but sees the figure big change. 但闻劲风乍起,但见身形丕变。 Feng Bujue before welcoming the opposite party holds the wind checks, is kicks the foot empty to tread and jump unexpectedly advances vigorously, changed own march direction suddenly. 封不觉在迎上对方掌风前的一刹,竟是踢脚虚踏、腾身猛进,骤然改变了自己的行进方向。 What?” Shiva that rudely, potential strike in must a palm in vacating, cannot help but the form leans, in heart dark startled, „is this possible? Pure Land The duration at least also remains for more than 20 seconds, Weightlessness contact Not to mention...... under premise that in the skill and Equipment expire, how does he change the flight trajectory?” “什么?”湿婆那势大力沉、势在必中的一掌击在了空出,不由得体势一倾,心中暗惊,“这怎么可能?【净土】的持续时间至少还剩二十多秒,【失重接触】就更不必说了……在技能和装备失效的前提下,他是如何改变自身飞行轨迹的?” During two people form staggered one second, in the Shiva mind has flashed through many to speculate: Is the Item effect? But has not seen him takes what new thing to come out from Traveling Bag or the pocket......, but these can dress directly in Item are counted are Equipment, even if there is Special Effect unable to start is right ; Is it possible that...... does he accomplish by the pure body technique? Also to...... in the air empty does not tread in the gravity-free environment is meaningless, only if treads in some entity, otherwise the strength greatly is impossible to change the direction.” 两人身影交错的一秒之间,湿婆的脑海中已闪过了诸多推测:“又是物品效果吗?但没见他从行囊或口袋里取什么新东西出来啊……而那些能直接穿戴在身上的物品都算作是‘装备’,就算有特效也不能发动才对;莫非……他是靠纯粹的体术办到的?也不对……‘空中虚踏’在失重环境下是毫无意义的,除非是踏到到某种实体上,否则力量再大也不可能改变方向。” The fight experience of Shiva is rich, in he constantly makes the deduction and unceasingly in the self- negative process, he has closed right up against the instinct to adjust the form, and faced the enemy. 湿婆的战斗经验毕竟丰富,在他不断做出推论并不断自我否定的过程中,他已靠着本能调整好了体势,并重新面向了敌人。 However, when his line of sight locks Feng Bujue, actually saw incomparably strange one. 然而,当他的视线重新锁定封不觉时,却见到了无比诡异的一幕。 zi zi...... zi zi zi...... 嗞嗞……嗞嗞嗞…… Only hears...... an intermittent as clutter irritating strange sound to spread from Feng Bujue's on. 只听得……一阵阵似杂波般恼人的怪声自封不觉的身上传出。 Meanwhile, Jue Bro made a moment ago empty treads the right leg of movement already completely actinic, turned fuzzily by one group data light class/flow that non-stop glittering. 与此同时,觉哥刚才做出虚踏动作的右腿已经完全“光化”,变成了由一团模糊的、不停闪烁的数据光流。 Snort...... completion really is a little low......” Feng Bujue thinks, while in the in the air entire situation, stood firm the figure again, „...... can successfully make good, from zero to one this is most difficult, this step stepped, was a stretch of new world......” “哼……完成度着实有点低啊……”封不觉一边思索,一边在空中再整态势,稳住了身形,“不过……能成功使出来就好,‘从零到一’这步是最难的,这步迈出去了,便是一片新的天地……” Hah! next second, drank lightly then interrupted the Jue Bro mentality. When Shiva is surprised, the hands and feet has not stopped, him who receives a move of entire potential, in a flash has gotten to the rapid flight, another move meets. 喝!”下一秒,一声轻喝便打断了觉哥的思路。湿婆惊疑之余,手脚可没有停下,收招整势的他,转瞬间已是变向疾飞,又一招接来。 „...... Elects this fellow, when the opponent also really elected right......” before that pursuit that the potential continued again, Feng Bujue was actually beams into a smile, the heart said, persevered the basic principle and impregnable strategy, forcing me to take the lead to expose weaknesses ; Can grasp the fighter aircraft precisely, at the right moment the skill full decision-making ability, making me fall into passively. Finally...... with that powerful strength support,...... me hits with the continual pursuit that is relentless aggressively does not have the crack of respite, the disciple has the resistance.” Jue Bro gave Shiva to select a to praise in the heart, „, regardless of the strength, strategy and intuition...... were the extra-superior levels of deserving.” “呵……选这家伙当对手还真是选对了……”面对那前势再续的追击,封不觉却是欣然一笑,心道,“坚守基本原则、无懈可击的战略,迫使我率先露出了破绽;能够精确把握战机、适时将技能全开的决断力,让我陷入了被动。最后……在那份强悍的实力支持下,用紧锣密鼓、毫不留情的连续追击……把我打得全无喘息之隙,徒有招架之力。”觉哥不禁在心中给湿婆点了个赞,“无论战力、策略、直感……都是当之无愧的超一流水准。” Bang- bang- scolds- 嘭-嘭-叱- Although in Feng Bujue heart in the commendation opposite party, but in action also completely not polite. He had not caused twice Moon Steps with that by the actinic left leg promptly continually, spread out with the opposite party, later retaliated Rankyaku nonstop. 封不觉心中虽在称赞对方,但行动上也完全没客气。他及时地用那条没有被光化的左腿连使了两次月步,和对方拉开了距离,随后就是马不停蹄地回敬了一记岚脚 Feng Bujue...... you can always give me to be pleasantly surprised.” At this time, Shiva had restored calmly, he in in the air organized smoothly little, flashed through cutting of Rankyaku to strike, and sinking sound said, I do not know you used what method......, but seemed like...... you at least already restored use skill the ability.” His cold snort/hum, snort/hum...... I see to break for the first time Pure Land The person, really made me broaden the outlook.” 疯不觉……你总能给我惊喜。”这时,湿婆已经恢复了冷静,他在空中流畅地腾挪几许,闪过了岚脚的斩击,并沉声说道,“我不知道你用了什么方法……但看起来……你至少已经恢复了‘使用技能’的能力。”他冷哼一声,“哼……我还是第一次看到能破【净土】的人,真令我大开眼界啊。” My broken may incessantly be Pure Land.” Feng Bujue should say indifferently, that has not expired completely Purge With Weightlessness contact Also no longer played the role.” “我破的可不止是【净土】。”封不觉则是淡然应道,“那尚未完全失效的【涤罪】和【失重接触】也都已不再发挥作用了。” Oh? Shiva is probing asking, that I can ask what...... you use is what method?” He moves to the line of sight slightly, after a half second, meets saying that that method that other...... you use, that right leg that does shine is also having what connection with you?” 哦?湿婆试探着问道,“那我能不能问一下……你用的是什么法子呢?”他将视线稍移,微顿半秒后接道,“另外……你用的那个方法,和你正在发光的那条右腿又有何关联?” Actually Shiva also asks that casually, asks any case does not spend, he does not think the opposite party will answer this issue. 其实湿婆也只是随便问问而已,反正问问也不花钱,他可不认为对方会回答这个问题。 Method......”, Feng Bujue really replied, can explain with four characters- second-order Soul Intent.” His tone is very tranquil, does not seem like talking nonsense, „...... naturally first put forth the side effect that second-order Soul Intent had as for the unusual form of my leg.” “方法嘛……”没想到,封不觉真的回答了,“用四个字就能解释-‘二阶魂意’。”他的语气很平静,也不像是在胡扯,“至于我这条腿的异状……自然是初次使出二阶魂意产生的副作用了。” You said anything!” In this fight, Shiva first Sub-God sentiment changing suddenly, you said that second-order what meaning...... is?” “你说什么!”在这场战斗中,湿婆第一次神情陡变,“你说‘二阶’……是什么意思?” Hehe......” Feng Bujue smiles, „the meaning in wording.” He spreads out both hands, meets to say easely, mentioned also skillfully...... my first-order Soul Intent, exactly also in the process that in fought with you awakened, perhaps this was really a fate.” “呵呵……”封不觉笑了笑,“字面上的意思呗。”他摊开双手,悠然接道,“说来也巧……我的一阶魂意,恰好也是在与你交手的过程中觉醒的,或许这确是一种缘分吧。” This bad karma I preferred not to want......” Shiva then to put in order the look quickly, regained the condition of indifferent intently watch. “这段孽缘我情愿不要……”湿婆很快便整了整神色,恢复了冷眼逼视的状态。 Ok, I have answered your question, then......”, Feng Bujue then cancelled the finger toward the opposite party, idle talk little said that...... your first-order Soul Intent, I have not asked for advice, how causes to make Uncle this/Ben be happy?” “好了,我已经解答了你的疑问,那么……”紧接着,封不觉便朝对方勾了勾手指,“闲话少说……你那一阶魂意,我至今都还没有领教过呢,使出来让本大爷乐乐如何?” Since you such honest...... I cover-up again, as if could not a little be justified.” Shiva complied with one, along with even started own Soul Intent- Eye of Destruction. “既然你这么坦诚……我再这么藏着掖着,似乎就有点说不过去了啊。”湿婆应了一句,随即便发动了自己的魂意-【毁灭之眼】。 This Soul Intent, with Ruoyu Limiting efficiency Is similar, is the persistent technique that type needs to open on own initiative. The time is longer, player's spiritual burden is also bigger. 这一魂意,与若雨的【极限效率】相仿,属于那种需要主动开启的持续技。持续的时间越长,玩家的精神负担也就越大。 Shiva when opens Eye of Destruction, his forehead will split from the middle, exposes is standing erect, the red eye, but the effect of this eye is...... 湿婆在开启毁灭之眼的时候,他的额头会从中间裂开,展露出一只竖立着的、赤色的眼睛,而这只眼睛的效果是…… Chirp- 啾- Is opening the Eye of Destruction instance, has together the red light beam from jumps out, one vertical passes. 在张开毁灭之眼的瞬间,就有一道赤色的光束从其中窜出,一纵即逝。 This ray of light bunch is the flame attribute pure energy attack, no release indication, moreover...... the speed went far beyond the speed of sound. 道光束属于炎属性纯能量攻击,无任何释放征兆,而且……速度远远超过了音速。 When Feng Bujue hears that scarlet glow plunders the sound of emptying, his chest by that light beam piercing. 封不觉听到那赤芒掠空之声时,他的胸膛已然被那光束给洞穿了。 so that's how it is......” Feng Bujue looked down the hole of own chest, discovered that wound the edge had been roasted by high-temperature Ultra-high Speed, almost did not have the blood to seep out, but...... will therefore not heal again. 原来如此……”封不觉低头看了看自己胸口的窟窿,发现那伤口的边缘已被高温超高速地烤过一遍,几乎没有血液从中渗出,不过……也因此不会再愈合了。 But his bronchial tube, vertebra and lungs have the part to be evaporated, chest following limbs very natural passed out, his whole person also starts to drop toward the ground rapidly. 而他支气管、脊椎和肺部均已有部分被蒸发,胸部以下的肢体很自然的失去了知觉,他整个人也开始迅速地朝地面跌落。 Pitifully this move of launch all calibrates depending on the eyeball , there is nothing to do when with Shooting Specialization......” Shiva spoke this saying, but also toward Feng Bujue flew, otherwise I first will certainly practice Level A even Level S Shooting Specialization, to guarantee this move to be able the brain of hit target.” “可惜这一招的发动全凭眼球来校准,与射击专精无关……”湿婆说这话时,还朝着封不觉飞了过去,“要不然我一定会优先把射击专精练到A级甚至S级,以保证这招可以命中目标的大脑。” Worthily is Eye of Destruction...... seems like that the sound is not big, ordinary, is extremely ominously is extremely actually wicked, after unstoppable......” two seconds, had lost Feng Bujue of some chest cavities, actually spoke, is a pity...... this move unable in a short time the long-term usage, moreover...... to the self-confidence of its destructive power, making you advance recklessly.” “不愧为毁灭之眼……看似动静不大,平淡无奇,实则是极凶极恶,锐不可挡……”两秒后,已经失去了部分胸腔的封不觉,竟然说话了,“可惜……这招是无法在短时间内连续使用的,而且……对其破坏力的自信,让你冒进了。”
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