TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#852: New limit (First Part)

Hey! Jue Bro, has flash news Ah! today “嘿!觉哥,今天有大新闻啊! September 20 evening, when Feng Bujue registered the game, immediately receives the communication request of Wang Tanzhi ; The communication just established, Xiao Tan came such a very much excitedly. 九月20日的晚上,当封不觉登录游戏时,立刻就收到了王叹之的通讯请求;通讯刚一建立,小叹就很激动地来了这么一句。 „...... I know. From 23 rd, Great Hero's Get Together The surplus all competitions will broadcast live( to have the audience of nerve interconnection equipment to watch live broadcast only then, Dream Corporation have opened, watch live broadcast that support third-party hardware has registered specially server) and record and broadcast( support networks and other media users watch, the audience may in genuine platform selection and broadcast first-hand competition video recording).” Jue Bro very complied with one tranquilly, he has read the related news evidently. “啊……我知道。自二十三号起,【英杰聚首】剩余的所有比赛都将进行直播(拥有神经连接设备的观众方可观看直播,梦公司已开设了支持第三方硬件登录的、专门观看直播的服务器)和录播(支持网络及其他媒体用户观看,观众可在正版平台点播第一手的比赛录像)。”觉哥挺平静地应了一句,看样子他早就看过相关的新闻了。 Eh? did you know?” Xiao Tan slightly feels should say disappointedly. 诶?你又知道了咯?”小叹略感失望地应道。 This rubbish......” Feng Bujue chuckle, „the matter that this entire world knows do you also work as the exclusive report?” “这不废话么……”封不觉轻笑一声,“这种全世界都知道的事情你还当独家新闻啊?” He said right, although this news was released that this morning, but to that night, had become well-known historical anecdotes. 他说得没错,虽然这条消息是今天上午才公布的,但到了当天晚上,就已成了件路人皆知的旧闻了。 hey hey...... I not online time is basically catching up with manuscript this saying to be you says?” Xiao Tan meets saying that I also think you do not have the time to stroll the game forum.” 喂喂……‘我不在线的时候基本都在赶稿’这话是你说的吧?”小叹接道,“我还以为你没工夫去逛游戏论坛呢。” I have not strolled.” Jue Bro returns with the tone of showing neither approval nor disapproval said, I am holding the Dream Corporation official site and forum, renovates the homepage every several hours, sweeps one while convenient.” “我没逛啊。”觉哥用不置可否的语气回道,“我只是开着梦公司的官网和论坛,每隔几个小时刷新一下网页,顺便扫上一眼而已。” Hehe......” the Xiao Tan hollow laugh two, were disinclined to go to make complaints this goods again, that what...... I have been pondering over a matter...... he to take advantage of opportunity today changed the topic, asked that „after competing was retransmitted, can the strength of our team therefore expose?” “呵呵……”小叹干笑了两声,懒得再去吐槽这货,“那什么……我今天一直在琢磨一件事啊……”他顺势转移了话题,问道,“比赛被转播后,我们队伍的实力会不会因此而暴露啊?” Actually to us has no influence.” Feng Bujue returns said, „ the team of participate competition are thousands, like our types anonymous the team is nothing attention. Even if some people watched our some competition by chance, discovered us very strongly...... still no relations, because will have several thousand competition video recording to be produced every day, the viewer does not know that team words...... are unable to find our other competitions in the boundless many video recording. “其实对我们来说没什么影响。”封不觉回道,“参加比赛的队伍数以万计,像我们这种‘匿名’的队伍是没有什么关注度的。就算有人恰巧看了我们的某场比赛,发现了我们很强……也没什么关系,因为每天都会有几千场比赛录像被生成出来,观看者不知道队名的话……根本无法在茫茫多的录像中找到我们的其他比赛。 Naturally...... really must check, has the means. First, must the consecutively N days, all S2 competition video recording all input computers. Then, takes the benchmark by some competition of our team, us various image digitizations in Scenario, and generalization. Then, making Optical Brain screen through certain pattern, discovers each performance similar team at the binary angle of view. As the matter stands, the range were many on the reduction ; But considering the base number of team is huge, in addition the birth defect of fuzzy search...... the final distinctive work needs to be completed artificially, and is not necessarily able to guarantee 100% accurate. ” 当然了……真要查,也是有办法的。首先,得把连续N天的、所有的S2比赛录像全都输入计算机。然后,以我们队的某一场比赛作为基准,将我们在剧本中的各种影像数字化、并概念化。接着,让光脑通过一定的模式进行筛选,以二进制视角去找出每一支表现相似的队伍。这样一来,范围就缩小很多了;但考虑到参赛队伍的基数庞大,加上模糊搜索的先天缺陷……最后的甄别工作还是需要人工来完成,且未必能保证100%的准确。” „It can be said that is straightforwarder......” Xiao Tan unable to understand, but he knows that...... the back of Jue Bro each set of lengthy speech, often has another set of more direct edition. The former, is used to explain to explain that with the average person and acting cool uses, but the latter...... embodied the Jue Bro wisdom, to say specially to the fine binding boards that the smart person or the idiot listened. “能说直白一些么……”小叹倒也不是听不懂,只是他知道……觉哥每一套长篇大论的背后,往往都有着另一套更为直接的版本。前者,是用来跟普通人进行解释说明兼装逼用的,而后者……则是凝聚了觉哥的智慧、专门讲给聪明人或者大笨蛋听的精简版。 In brief.” Feng Bujue smiles, meets saying that besides resources full large-scale Game Studio, or the programmer and player group of fever level, some impossible people from so many teams anonymousstrong team one ‚ recognizing.” “简而言之。”封不觉笑了笑,接道,“除了资源充分的大型游戏工作室,或者发烧级的程序员兼玩家团体之外,不可能有人从如此多的队伍中将某一支‘匿名’强队给辨识出来。” You said from the beginning did not end......” Xiao Tan to say. “你一开始就这么说不就完了嘛……”小叹应道。 You , to understand the matter by oneself from the beginning, do not come to ask me, that was best.” Jue Bro returns said. “你要是一开始就靠自己把事情想明白,别来问我,那就最好了。”觉哥回道。 Cuts......” Xiao Tan to know that compared with make complaints do not have the odds of success, he also said immediately, good, did not pull this.” He, „...... was right, today Xiao Ling goes home a evening, does not get online, a while row did not use she.” “切……”小叹知道比吐槽自己是没胜算的了,他当即又道,“好啦,不扯这个了。”他顿了顿,“哦……对了,今天小灵回家住一晚,不上线了,一会儿排本就不用等她了。” Because Hell Front hits the custom of preliminary contest two even/including Pai around the midnight, therefore the 20 th competition has been completed in that early morning, on this day late gets online might also as well. 由于地狱前线打预赛的习惯是在午夜前后两场连排,所以二十号的比赛在当天凌晨就已经完成了,这天晚上不上线也无妨。 Words said that...... Eldest Miss An now probably in in-game......” Feng Bujue and opposite party spoke, while had confirmed in the social column, she recently truly very diligently......” speaking of here, he stopped for one second, said with slightly discontented mouth kiss bonding, „the Ruoyu words...... should also the little while to get online. Un...... tonight has her the television program that likes watching, but she must go against the advertisement to look at the live broadcast version.” “话说……安大小姐现在好像正在‘游戏中’呢……”封不觉一边和对方说话,一边已在社交栏中确认了一下,“她最近确实挺努力的啊……”说到这儿,他停顿了一秒,用略微不满的口吻接道,“若雨的话……应该也要过会儿才会上线。嗯……今晚有她喜欢看的电视节目,而她非要顶着广告看直播版。” Or...... do we first go to the platoon?” Xiao Tan meets to say. “那要不……咱俩先去排?”小叹接道。 „, I make one...... the Feng Bujue decline to say tonight, when I spoke these words to you, he got online.” He licked the lip, the facial expression changes, I handled this matter...... I to contact you on hand again.” “不了,我今晚约了人……”封不觉回绝道,“就在我跟你说这句话的时候,他上线了。”他舔了舔嘴唇,神情微变,“等我搞定了手头这事儿……我再联络你。” ............ ………… After 20 minutes, in some Scenario. 二十分钟后,某剧本中。 This place, is a plain , without the rock, no sand and earth are firm, place is solid. 此地,是一片平原,无岩、无沙、土坚、地实。 At this time, is a high noon , without the fog, no rain and cloud Dan, wind are light. 此时,是一个正午,无雾、无雨、云淡、风轻。 Under the gentle sunlight, two person's shadows, walk from two different directions. 温婉的阳光下,两道人影,从两个不同的方向走来。 They, are two players, two reached agreement in 1 V 1 Slaughter Game A player of war. 他们,是两名玩家,两名相约在【1V1杀戮游戏】中一战的玩家。 To be honest, I am very surprised.” When arrives at opposite party front about five meters, Shiva Stopped the footsteps, takes the lead to open the mouth saying that even at this moment, you have stood in my front, I still found it hard to believe.” “说实话,我很意外。”来到对方面前五米开外时,【湿婆】停下了脚步,率先开口道,“即使是此时此刻,你已站在了我的面前,我仍然觉得不可思议。” Why?” Feng Bujue is smiling asking, „, because I don't seem like that type to challenge others' person on own initiative?” “为什么?”封不觉微笑着问道,“因为我不像是那种会主动去挑战别人的人?” „It is not not like, basic is not.” Shiva returns said. “不是‘不像’,根本‘不是’。”湿婆回道。 Hehe......” the Feng Bujue happy expression is more abundant, „can only say that you too did not understand me......” “呵呵……”封不觉笑意更盛,“只能说你太不了解我了……” Oh? Shiva doubts saying that makes one think so?” 哦?湿婆疑道,“何以见得?” Does not have what resembles like, or isn't the issue......” Feng Bujue a half second, meets saying that I can be any person......” he spread out both hands, shows an evil smile, because of my not anyone.” “并不存在什么像不像、或者是不是的问题……”封不觉微顿半秒,接道,“我可以是任何一种人……”他摊开双手,露出一个邪恶的笑容,“因为我并不是任何一种人。” This......” Shiva is also shakes the head to say with a smile, good...... the discussion of related philosophy stops.” During the speeches, he has offered a sacrifice to oneself Spiritual Energy Armament - Tianwu Hourglass, Which person, no matter you are, or are the person...... so long as you seek battle, I from, when accompanies.” “这样啊……”湿婆也是摇头笑道,“好吧……有关哲学的讨论就到此为止吧。”说话间,他已祭出了自己的灵能武器-【天舞沙漏】,“不管你是哪种人、或者是不是人……只要你求战,我自当奉陪到底。” „......” Jue Bro also took out not making a sound Death Poker, Looked that your excellency this stimulated condition...... thinks regarding this fought expects for a long time.” “呵……”觉哥也不声不响地取出了【死亡扑克】,“看阁下这亢奋的状态……想必对此战是期待已久了啊。” With the teammate practice that know well, the enhancement that can obtain is eventually limited.” Shiva meets saying that this...... you should very be also clear.” “和自己熟识的队友练习,所能获得的提高终究是有限的。”湿婆接道,“这点……你应该也很清楚。” Yes.” Feng Bujue nods to say, „, since you are also a sensible person, I brought to light spoke......” his facial expression one austere, Shiva, you were very strong. I will ask you to hit this, to compel own limit, and breaks this boundary.” “是啊。”封不觉点头应道,“既然你也是明白人,那我就挑明了讲吧……”他神情一肃,“湿婆,你很强。我会找你打这一场,就是为了逼出自己的极限,并突破这一界限。” Snort......” Shiva sneers, and you too.” “哼……”湿婆冷笑,“彼此彼此。” Very good, then......” Feng Bujue said after this , when half a word words, the form flashes, „...... starts!” “很好,那么……”封不觉说这后半句话时,身影即闪,“……开始吧!”
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