TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#851: Battle Demon, starting

In September, a subtle season. 九月,一个微妙的时节。 She looks like a graceful girl, is wanting to change named autumn clothes ; The midsummer residual heat is the last wisp of fine gauze of her waist department, but the haze of pressure and quarterly statement that begins school such as security trousers under that fine gauze. 她就像是一位身姿曼妙的女郎,正欲换上一件名为秋天的衣裳;盛夏的余温是她腰系的最后一缕轻纱,而开学的压力和季度报表的阴霾则如那轻纱下的一条安全裤。 Good, making us return to the proper topic...... 好吧,让我们言归正传…… 2055 in September, belongs to Thriller Paradise without doubt. After the Struggle For Power to Summit S2 preliminary contest starts, Dream Corporation took advantage of opportunity to start one set of corresponding propaganda business planning, cooked up noisily this competition. For several days the time, launches on all media with various it related news fully, the mainstream media that even does not spare a glance to the games industry made the report to this matter, its social attention is unmatched. 2055年的这个九月,无疑是属于惊悚乐园的。在巅峰争霸S2的预赛开始后,梦公司顺势启动了一套相应的宣传企划,将这次的比赛炒得沸沸扬扬。短短几天工夫,与之相关的各种新闻就在所有的媒体上铺天盖地般展开,甚至连很多对游戏行业不屑一顾的主流媒体都纷纷对此事做出了报导,其社会关注度可谓一时无两。 But in the game circle, this competition became the recent years most noticeable focus campaign. 而在游戏圈内,这场比赛更是成了近年来最引人瞩目的焦点战役。 Holds the clothing/taking five Month(s) the ranking way of form and points system of time point and team war...... is not difficult to see, this set of preliminary contest system faint some examine the Studio quality meaning. 开服五个月的时间点、团队战的形式、积分制的排名方式……不难看出,这套预赛制度隐隐有些“检验工作室成色”的意思。 If inobservable factor of final ranking of S1 in because of finals are too many, but is unable the convincing words, that this time S2...... at least in the preliminary contest stage, various teams not to give a pretext the homing. 如果说S1的最终排名因决赛中的不可测因素太多而无法令人信服的话,那这次的S2……至少在预赛阶段,各队都是毫无借口可寻的。 In fact, most Game Studio were really reached an Agreement Struggle For Power to Summit as if by prior agreement the S2 preliminary contest result, likely decided true strength ranking of each Studio in general player mind. 事实上,大部分游戏工作室确是不约而同地达成了一个共识-巅峰争霸S2的预赛结果,很可能决定了各个工作室在广大玩家心目中的真正实力排名。 Therefore, to these well-known Game Studio, from September 5 0 : 00 that moment, a 50-day dark war has then fired.. 因此,对那些知名的游戏工作室来说,从九月 5 日零点的那一刻起,一场为期50天的暗战便已然打响了。。 Every day, they in the points situation in own official site making public, was leads to the victory the important cornerstone. 每一天,他们在自己官网上公布的积分情况,都是通往胜利的重要基石。 But to these were presented as star professional players, this similarly is a prolonged trial. 而对那些被奉为“明星”的职业玩家们来说,这同样是一场旷日持久的试炼。 The process of result and each group war of each round of competition, even is each Health that in each showdown loses...... may have the influence on preliminary contest ranking of team. 每一轮比赛的结果、每一场团战的过程、甚至是每一次对决中所损失的每一点生存值……都有可能对队伍的预赛排名产生影响。 From the angle of casual team, 36 competitions are only 36 victories and defeats, theoretically, 108 points were the best results. 以休闲队伍的角度来看,三十六场比赛只是三十六场胜负罢了,理论上来说,108的积分就是最好的结果了。 But from the perspective of professional strong team...... 108 points of that is only qualified. Total victory that is must, as a team that wants to struggle the crown, the total victory in the great waves wash away the sand preliminary contest has not even attained, self-confidently what do you have win in elimination series among the roads of numerous strong competitors? 但从职业强队的角度来看……108分那只是“合格”而已。“全胜”那是必须的,身为一支想要争冠的队伍,在大浪淘沙的预赛中连全胜都没拿到,那你们又有什么自信在强手如云的淘汰赛中一路赢到底? But on the foundation of total victory, they must guarantee as far as possible every, the most effective way won the victory at the minimum price......, only then achieves the pinnacle team this, can be in the preliminary contest points list the apex. 而在全胜的基础之上,他们还要尽可能地保证每一场都以最小的代价、最有效率的方式去赢得胜利……只有将这点做到极致的队伍,才能登上预赛积分榜的顶点。 Briefly, the team that the pursue preliminary contest ranks, in the entire 36 effective points matches, each, each seriously treats and makes no mistake. They are impossible the attitude to hit like Casual Gamer such held was winning in any case finally well on, they were doomed compared with the common player to pay, because...... could be called is occupation. 简单地说,追求预赛排名的队伍,在整整三十六场有效积分赛中,每一场、每一刻都得认真对待、不容有失。他们是不可能像休闲玩家那样抱着“反正最后赢了就好”的态度去打的,他们注定要比一般的玩家付出更多,因为……这样才称得上是“职业”。 Has the wages to play game, is not always in the wording looks that with ease ; Gives the devil his due, this having the wages is doing the pressure that other anything must sustain to be bigger. Even if the time is progressing, but the mechanical prejudice in people heart still had...... some people not saying that the football player is has the wages to play soccer, some people will not say that the swimming athlete is takes wages playing with water, but professional player this line, is actually worn the colored spectacles to appraise. “拿着工资玩游戏”,从来都不是字面上看着那么轻松的;平心而论,这比拿着工资干点儿别的什么事情要承担的压力更大。纵然时代在进步,但人们心中的刻板偏见仍然存在……不会有人说足球运动员是“拿着工资玩足球”,也不会有人说游泳运动员是“拿着工资玩水”,但“职业玩家”这行,却总是被人戴着有色眼镜进行品评。 Actually, the professional player and free agent have no essential difference, the two also need the talent, diligently and little luck, similarly has the experience, technology, the resistant to compression ability and professional accomplishment. Among them the biggest difference nothing but is a side takes athletics tool with the appliance or the location of entity, but the other side takes athletics carrier with the virtual electronic program. Is because latter an entertainment tendency of carrier is bigger than to the participant the exercise tendency of physical body or mental ability, regards with a special fondness about his pursuer, this obviously is unfair. 其实,职业玩家和职业运动员并没有什么本质上的区别,二者同样需要天赋、努力和一点点运气,同样具备着经验、技术、抗压能力和职业素养。他们之间最大的区别无非是一方用实体的器具或场地作为竞技工具,而另一方则用虚拟的电子程序作为竞技载体。仅仅是由于后一种载体的娱乐倾向大于对参与者肉体或脑力的锻炼倾向,就对其从事者另眼相看,这显然是不公平的。 This Dream Corporation when propagandizes Struggle For Power to Summit S2 to the general public beyond game circle, notices this point very much. One of their advertisement languages is does not understand why some people can by playing the game support themselves? Actually that comes to see them to have what forte.” 这次梦公司在向游戏圈外的一般民众宣传巅峰争霸S2的时候,就很注意这一点。他们的广告语之一就是“不明白为什么有人能靠打游戏养活自己?那就来看看他们究竟有什么过人之处吧。” Such slogan, let alone had the browsed player community to the game, even if knew nothing about the games industry, or has not contacted the Thriller Paradise person, still Struggle For Power to Summit had the interest in this. 这样的标语一出,别说是对游戏有所涉猎的玩家群体了,就算是对游戏行业一无所知、或是从来没接触过惊悚乐园的人,也都对这场“巅峰争霸”产生了兴趣。 But after all these...... all are Dream Corporation are the preliminary contests, half range ground that live live broadcast prepares. 而这一切……全都是梦公司为预赛后半程的“实况直播”所做的铺垫。 To late September, when this type hears Qixun, does not only see its shadow after the hungry marketing the curiosity of people all transfers, Dream Corporation takes advantage of opportunity issued a news- three days later, after the preliminary contest the live broadcast power of half range conducts the public bid.” 至九月下旬,当这种“只闻其讯,不见其影”的饥饿营销把人们的好奇心全都调动起来以后,梦公司顺势就发布了一条消息-“三天后,对预赛后半程的直播权进行公开招标。” This, not only made them recoup previously all propaganda costs, but also fished a ticket ruthlessly...... 这一手,非但让他们收回了此前所有的宣传成本,还狠狠地捞了一票…… Naturally, these are something to be talked about later, at least before September 20, but also no one knows that the preliminary contest late competition by the matter that the live broadcast will go out. At present, most players the focuses of also centralized how , to play at own competition. 当然了,这些都是后话,至少在九月20日之前,还没人知道预赛后期的比赛会被直播出去的事情。眼下,大部分玩家的关注的焦点还集中在如何打好自己的比赛上。 Few notices...... when this 50-day preliminary contest cycle starts, the Ragnarök prologue...... the reality had opened quietly. 几乎没有人注意到……在这长达50天的预赛周期开始之时,诸神黄昏的序幕……实已悄然揭开。 ............ ………… Main universe, the boundary of chaos scorched earth. 主宇宙,混沌焦土之边界。 In this void reason, calmly is standing and waiting for a long time a giant door- the gate of nihility. 在这虚空之缘,静静地伫立着一座巨大的门扉-虚无之门。 In the past...... a god demon war, heaven shaking moved. Finally, Supervisory God uses divine power, by a life body that has the god and demon double gradings takes the seal hub, crosses the threshold Battle Demon. 当年……神魔一战,惊天动地。最终,督神倾尽神力,以一个具备神与魔双重特性的生命体作为封印枢纽,将斗魔封入了门中。 After passing through the innumerable years,...... that antiquity defended the air/Qi of Battle Demon in the demon dependence absorption gate seeped out, successfully escaped from the seal, and did not know the trace. 经过了无数的岁月后……那名上古守魔依靠吸取门中渗出的斗魔之气,成功逃出了封印,且不知所踪。 Is good is indestructible because of the seal of Supervisory God, even if in losing wedge in situation, still insisted a quite long period of time. 好在督神之印坚不可摧,纵然在失去了“楔”的情况下,依然坚持了相当长的一段时日。 However...... this day, today also to the end. 然……这种日子,今天也到头了。 Kara Kara...... 喀拉喀拉…… After sound of the depressed disintegration, that jet black door broke to pieces the residual. 在一阵沉闷的崩碎之声过后,那漆黑的门扉碎成了残渣。 In a twinkling, a density high sweeps across from the gate to unbelievable investigation Devil Qi extremely. 霎时间,一股密度高到难以置信的究极魔气从门中席卷而出。 Afterward, heard the heavy sound of footsteps from the gate...... 随后,从门中传来了沉重的脚步声…… Bang, bang, bang...... 砰,砰,砰…… A huge great shadow is walking from the gate at a moderate pace outward, it treads every time one step, the entire land will tremble. 一个庞然的巨影从门内不紧不慢地朝外走着,它每踏出一步,整个大地都会为之一颤。 But...... in its line to the entrance, only misses one step can step, it actually stops. 但……就在它行到门口,只差一步便可跨出来的时候,它却停住了。 Un?” It thought aloud said, was I in does not have in too for a long time waits...... this universe to have what mutation......” “嗯?”它自言自语地说道,“是我在‘无’里待得太久了吗……还是这个宇宙发生了什么异变……” During the speeches, before it has lifted a hand(, claw), extended out of the door it. The result...... less than two seconds, its hand exploded from the interior. 说话间,它已抬起一只手(前爪),将其伸到了门外。结果……才两秒不到,它的那只手就从内部爆开了。 The jet black demon blood flows, sent out unexpectedly like the aged wine mellow, violent and distant smell. 漆黑的魔血流淌而下,竟散发出了如陈酒般香醇、猛烈又悠远的气味。 This...... is most perfect symptom that demon has. From the data perspective, each one breath that on it each drop of blood, it exhales, is the highly concise energy. Sends out the fishy smell wicked air/Qi compared with these within the body outside the body every thing, simply is the far apart as heaven and earth. 这……才是最极致的“魔”所具备的体征。从数据角度来看,它身上的每一滴血、它呼出的每一口气,全都是高度凝练的能量。和那些体内体外散发出腥恶之气的凡物相比,简直就是天渊之别。 This was that universe that I was once at ‚’ why...... pressure so will be really small......” Battle Demon to take back the hand, many black textile fiber materials restored its stump residual limb at the visible speed, looked like me to need to spend some time to adapt to this new circumstances.” “这真的是我曾经所在的‘那个宇宙’吗……为什么‘压力’会这么小……”斗魔收回了手,诸多黑色的纤维物质以肉眼可见的速度修复了它的残肢,“看来我需要花些时间才能适应这个新的环境了。” It is saying, while has transported the demon energy secretly, started to the revision of body. 它一边说着,一边已暗运魔能,开始了对身体的修正。 Under the Devil Qi package, its figure starts swiftly to reduce, and...... became the human form gradually. 魔气的包裹下,它的身形开始迅速缩小,并渐渐地……成了人形。 Finally, after about three minutes, it turned into him. 终于,在大约三分钟后,“它”变成了“他”。 This time Battle Demon, had changed into a stark naked human man. The height in one meter about nine, the build is symmetrical, the appearance is gloomy. He has chilly white Rushuang skin, black hair that nature curls up. Looks over body that he reveals, cannot see any and average man different place. 此时的斗魔,已化为了一个一丝不挂的人类男子。其身高在一米九左右,体型匀称,容貌阴沉。他有着一身凄白如霜的皮肤,一头自然卷起的黑发。纵观他露出的身体,看不出任何与常人相异之处。 „After shouting......” distorted smoothly, the Battle Demon deep breath one time, then, he then stepped forward that leaf to be stranded his trillion years incessantly( in did not have to the feeling of time can become infinite long) the front door, stepped into the Thriller Paradise main universe officially. “呼……”顺利变形后,斗魔深呼吸了一次,接着,他便跨出了那扇已困了他亿万年都不止(在“无”之中对时间的感觉会变得无限长)的大门,正式踏入了惊悚乐园的主宇宙之中。
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